Half-Life: Alyx

Half-Life: Alyx

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TTK Rebalance
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17 Mar, 2022 @ 7:28pm
4 Sep, 2022 @ 11:58am
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TTK Rebalance

A cfg set that's low-key kinda based on COD: Modern Warfare 2019's veteran campaign difficulty.

Lowered TTK across the board (AKA everyone dies much, much quicker), with other changes depending on the chosen difficulty level.
Default combine can be killed with one pistol headshot, while armored variants take a fair few more rounds.
Zombies can usually be killed with three pistol headshots (though I suggest "Merciless" by Cuser, more on that later).

Ammunition capacity is drastically reduced to both balance damage and (somewhat) realistically represent what one could easily store in their pockets (or fumble out of a small backpack) and if you try and store more than that the game will eat it (unfortunate limitation). Normal is one pistol mag and three shotgun shells, easy is three and seven, and hard is whatever can fit in your gun.
Enemy behavior is slightly altered in some areas, such as the deliberate miss chance for headcrab attacks (which varies by difficulty, normal being "0.1").
All of this varies by difficulty level, but the default is normal.

I suggest combining this with the "Merciless" addon by Cuser, which makes enemies smarter and more deadly. As good as HL:A is, its AI doesn't seem all that smart with quick decisions, and sometimes combine just stare into your eyes while you slowly drag your iron sights onto their head. Merciless solves these problems with TTK, and balances out a few things that don't have a compromise that I know the half of how to implement, but it may be difficult to combine the two.
At the moment, I think maybe just installing and/or enabling this addon after merciless may properly combine the two without much hassle, but if you know how to unpack and repack a .vpk, you can just rip the cfg section out of Merciless and it'll work fine.
Silver  [author] 19 Oct, 2023 @ 9:54am 
This is... not a map
indyjones1023 19 Oct, 2023 @ 7:50am 
After I enable this addon and go to start the map, it's not on the list of available addons to play. How can I fix this?
Silver  [author] 29 Aug, 2023 @ 10:06am 
No problem, and good job figuring it out
-CherryGoth- 28 Aug, 2023 @ 9:44pm 
Did it, works well. Thx for helping me out dude!
-CherryGoth- 28 Aug, 2023 @ 9:39pm 
I'll give it a shot, I dabble into some L4D2 modding so I have GCFScape and VTFEdit already installed. Should be easy.
Silver  [author] 28 Aug, 2023 @ 9:48am 
It might sound like rocket science, but believe me, I'm not particularly knowledgeable about any of this, and I have no coding experience beyond "take chunks out of circle."
Silver  [author] 28 Aug, 2023 @ 9:46am 
It would make the game easier than without the mod, which is not my intent in making it. It would also take me a few hours, and I would have to make a new, conflicting version of the mod. So no. However, all you have to do to edit the mod yourself is to find it in your mod folder in steamapps and edit the skill.cfg in the .vpk. I believe the mod is in the file labeled 278063, and you would need to download gfscape to open the vpk iirc. I think it will take you less than an hour to complete; it's less complicated than it sounds, since the skill.cfg itself you just open with notepad and change numbers just like an options menu. You can also just edit the default skill.cfg in HLA's files, which is easy to find and alter, and still allows you to change all health and damage of everything.
-CherryGoth- 24 Aug, 2023 @ 12:26pm 
Is there any chance that you will make a version without the mag limits?
Silver  [author] 13 Aug, 2023 @ 7:32am 
I don't remember the exact numbers, and I'm honestly not sure why they aren't in this description lol. What I do remember is that enemies go down mostly with one headshot or a couple body shots, and that you can only take a few hits too, especially with melee enemies since they turn into sort of glass cannons. Emphasizes cover and quick aim a lot
Ark. 12 Aug, 2023 @ 2:37pm 
what would the hp be for players on normal diff without mod vs with mod?