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Requiem for a Killer Achievement Tips
Por I Built That
A guide giving my personal tips on how to get the achievement Requiem for a Killer Achievement for the Iceberg Lounge AR challenge.
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Hello! This guide's purpose is to provide a few tips to help you get the achievement Requiem for a Killer on the Iceberg Lounge endless AR challenge. It's also my first guide ever (hooray, I think). Keep in mind that you might still need to practice a few times to get this, as this achievement is based off of your punching skills. Practice makes perfect!

A few things to note:

1. If you get frustrated, step away. Frustration will lead to you playing worse which will lead to you getting more frustrated. If you find yourself frustrated, just take a deep breath and walk away for a bit.

2. You need the critical hits upgrades. Both of them. This will make this achievement so much more do-able. I believe there is a V2 critical strikes upgrade that grants you three points per critical hit.

3. This achievement isn't based off of how many guys you knock out, it's point based. So try to avoid take-downs and focus on critical hits.

With that out of the way, let's discuss tactics!
Tips and the Tricks
As previously stated, this achievement is point-based, so focus less on actual take-downs (i.e. bat-claw slams, combo take-downs, environmental take-downs) and more on just getting critical hits. However if someone is charging at you, go ahead and throw a batarang their way.

Another thing to note is the medics. It might be instinct to try and take down the medics as fast as possible, but I wouldn't. Just treat them like a regular enemy. Firstly they revive other people, meaning more of a possibility for points. Secondly, they're gonna end up popping up left and right, so trying to keep up with them will be difficult and just isn't worth it. However keep an eye out for electrified enemies, whom can be un-zapped with the bat-claw.

Next is the combo special move thingy (the bar that fills up and becomes yellow when you're able to do a special move). Throughout the whole endeavor, I used the seek-and-destroy move, the one that breaks the enemies' weapons. I try and aim this at enemies with stun-sticks and shields, but I know the targeting system can be a little odd sometimes, so you might break a dagger instead which is okay. This makes the fight much more bearable so you're able to just keep punching without having to do crazy moves that might trip you up (like aerial attacks or evade strikes), and it gives you points for destroying weapons.

Speaking of daggers and knifes...I try not to disarm them, but rather use the knife dodge take-down (which is also an upgrade). The reason being is because I think the take-down is rather consistent once you practice it and it also grants a pretty nice point bonus (x100!).

I know this might sound a bit ridiculous, but try and keep it all in one combo! If you get smacked once right in the beginning you might be okay, but keeping your combo is essential to getting enough points for Croc to show his reptilian face. Otherwise you might have to face the brutes, which has and always will be a game-ender for me. I believe you need at least 1,000,000 (1 million) points for Croc to show up.
The Battle Against the Lizard
Time to fight the guy that's a reptile. And yes, you must take down Croc to get the achievement.

Also you do not need to keep a consistent combo anymore. Focus all effort on taking Croc down! Though I still used seek-and-destory just to get the annoying weapons out of the way. Just keep your eyes on the enemy counters and the big lizard.

If you played through the Most Wanted DLC, the Croc fight is pretty much the same as that one, only I think the Lounge is a little bit tougher.

So Croc will jump in and so will Nightwing. Doesn't really matter which one you play as, I guess whichever one you prefer. The way to defeat Croc is by filling up the circle until it becomes yellow and has a bat symbol in it, then you can do a team take-down on Killer Croc. I would personally avoid Croc as much as possible and just focus on the humans until your gauge is filled, then use the take-down.

After 3 take-downs the format will change. Now when using a take-down you'll have to punch Croc a bunch and dodge his attacks, similar to a mini-gunner from predator missions. Play it safe! Try not to push the timing too far or else you'll get hit. Just watch for the blue indicatior above his head, give a few strikes, then dodge. You'll have to do this a few times. I think it took me either 3 or 4 take-downs.

And after taking down Killer Croc the game will continue endlessly, but you have also gotten the achievement. Congrats! You can either continue for a big score or die and submit the score you have. Either way you have done it.

I hope this guide has helped! Again, practicing those critical strikes is important to getting a high combo, and a big score.

Down below is my video of me doing the achievement to give a little more help. Let me know if you have any suggestions, questions, or writing improvements I could make. Thanks for reading, and take care!
Video of me Fighting the Lizard
6 comentários
salix 20 de abr. às 16:57 
im two years late but this is impossible
I Built That  [autor] 14 jul. 2023 às 19:52 
Glad I could help, Boccolotto. And haha doomedSniper, yeah.
Boccolotto! 14 jul. 2023 às 16:36 
Thanks! help me to avoid a mental breakdown
doomedSniper 2 abr. 2022 às 0:45 
Very nice, although,
In my experience :
Achieve raquiem for a killer for 5 times, get your achievement.:steamlaughcry::steamlaughcry:
I Built That  [autor] 30 mar. 2022 às 10:32 
@Vengeance The people who get charged up by the medics, you have to use the bat-claw on them. So just quick-fire the bat-claw on the electrified person and the electricity will go away.
John Pork 29 mar. 2022 às 15:35 
How do i kill the people who get that purple electricity thing