Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Saph's Mediterranean: Mare Nostrum (TSL)
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Saph's Mediterranean: Mare Nostrum (TSL)

Trong 3 bộ sưu tập tạo bởi Skylar Saphyr
Saph's Maps
52 vật phẩm
Saph's Mediterranean: Complete (All custom civs + city states)
175 vật phẩm
Saph's Maps with Fresh Water Navigable Rivers
12 vật phẩm
Mô tả
A TSL map of the Mediterranean (All sizes!)

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Saph's Mediterranean: Mare Nostrum (TSL)
Can you build a civilization that brings peace and prosperity to rival the historic Pax Romana?

Design Features
  • Conquer the Mediterranean:
    This map covers Western/Southern/Eastern Europe, West Asia (Anatolia, the Levant, Mesopotamia, northern Arabia, Egypt) and coastal North Africa.

  • Larger playable area:
    To maintain a balance between realism and fun gameplay, this map is designed to increase playable tiles: no more massive oceans taking up valuable map space, no more vast areas of the map dominated by the Sahara, no more massive Eastern Europe with only one or two civs.

  • More balanced proportions:
    The proportions of various regions have been adjusted to bring balance to TSL: bigger areas such as Benelux and Greece where many civs start, and smaller Iberia, Anatolia and Eastern parts of the map where fewer civs start.

  • Toggleable navigable rivers:
    Each of the rivers Rhine, Elbe, Danube, Nile, and Tigris-Euphrates can be turned from normal rivers to coastal tiles during set-up, allowing naval units to traverse deep into land while creating obstacles for land units.

  • Choke points:
    In addition to the presence of navigable rivers, choke points are also created by careful placement of mountain tiles on land, and island tiles at sea. Plan your tactical maneuvers carefully!

  • Accurate rivers:
    Hundreds of rivers and tributaries are placed according to their real life locations (as accurately as it can be done on a hex grid).

  • Accurate terrains:
    Mountains and hills are placed based on real elevation data[], and grass/plains/desert are placed based on USDA soil quality data[].

  • True Starting Locations:
    25 official civs, 15 city states and 8 natural wonders are placed at their real world locations.

  • Custom civs & city states:
    TSL are included for 80 custom civs/leaders and 68 custom city states.

  • Map generated floodplains:
    This YnAMP-based map has map-generated river floodplains, so dam construction and flooding events are possible.

Map size: Full map is 112 x 62 (Huge). See all map sections[].

Required Mod: Gedemon's Yet (not) Another Maps Pack

Recommended Mods:
  • Religion Expanded: This adds enough beliefs to vanilla's 20 so that you won't get locked if you are playing with more than 20 civs but haven't chosen a belief.
  • Prismatic - Color and Jersey Overhaul: This adds enough jersey colors so that you can play with more than 20 civs in one game. Otherwise some civs will get transparent colors.

Official civs with TSL

  • Arabia (starts at Cairo, or Medina if Egypt is present)
  • Babylon
  • Byzantium
  • Egypt: Cleopatra AND Ramses (starts at Thebes)*
  • England: Victoria/Elizabeth AND Eleanor (starts at Poitiers)*
  • France: Catherine AND Eleanor (starts at Poitiers)*
  • Gaul
  • Georgia
  • Germany: Barbarossa (starts at Aachen, or Berlin if Gaul is present) AND Ludwig (starts at Munich)*
  • Greece: Gorgo AND Pericles *
  • Hungary
  • Macedon
  • Netherlands
  • Ottoman (starts at Istanbul, or Bursa if Byzantium is present)
  • Persia (starts at Susa, or Ecbatana if Sumer is present)
  • Phoenicia (starts at Tyre, or Carthage on map sections without Tyre)
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Rome
  • Scotland
  • Scythia
  • Spain
  • Sumer

* Note: Turning off "No Duplicate Civilizations" during set-up will allow you to have different leaders of the same civ on the map at the same time.

Official city states with TSL
Amsterdam (if without R&F), Venice, Brussels, Carthage (if without GS), Geneva, Hattusa (X Merrick's Hittites / Gedemo Hittites), Jerusalem (X Kingdom of Jerusalem), Preslav (X Merrick's Bulgaria), Valletta, Yerevan, Armagh, Granada, Akkad (X CIVITAS Akkad), Bologna, Cardiff, Fez, Vatican City (X Rome)

Note: City states with (X civ/leader) will not spawn if the civ/leader specified is present

Custom Civs & City States
80 custom civs/leaders and 68 custom city states have TSL on this map. See the complete collection.

Game Set-up
To play with advanced YnAMP settings, you need to
  1. Have this mod and Yet (not) Another Map Pack installed and enabled ingame
  2. Single Player --> Create Game --> Load Database (next to the BACK button) and wait for the game to load
  3. Once loaded, you will be back to the main menu
  4. Single Player --> Create Game (You should see a tick next to CREATE GAME at the top.) --> Choose Map Type --> Saph's Mediterranean: Mare Nostrum --> Advanced Setup

Recommended Settings
  1. Turn on Only Civilizations/City States with TSL (or Turn off if you want to play with custom city states)
  2. Adjust the number of civs, city states & religions in the game to your liking.
  3. Manually pick the civs to play as/against or leave them random.
  4. Select Natural Wonders: Leave it at Everything / Uncheck the ones that you don't want to appear
  5. Coastal Lowland: Choose Map Generator for random placement / Matching flatlands for more dramatic flooding / Empty for no lowlands
  6. Rivers Flooding: Choose Map Generator / Empty for no floodplains & flooding (and hence no dams)
  7. Resource Quantity: Your own preference (Resources are map-generated; this map does not contain pre-placed resources.)
  8. Civilization Placement: Choose True Starting Locations for accurate historical placement / Map Generator for random placement
  9. Enforce TSL: AI if you don't want the AI to stray from their TSLs
  10. Use Leaders TSL when available & Use Alternative TSL if required and available: On
  11. Allow random placement for civs without TSL: Off (You can turn it on if you want random placement for civs not in the list above)
  12. Desert floodplains along the Nile: Enable to turn the grass/plains tiles along the Niles river valley into desert floodplains (up to Aswan).
  13. Start Phoenicia at Carthage: Enable to get Dido to start in North Africa
  14. Navigable Rivers: Check the rivers that you want to turn into coastal tiles for naval units.
  15. Real City Naming: On (This is only for the capitals for several civs which do not start at their actual real life capitals e.g. Arabia at Medina & Germany at Berlin)
  16. No Duplicate Civilizations: Off, if you want to have, for example both Gorgo and Pericles, at the same time.

Special Thanks
This map is made possible by Gedemon's YnAMP & Zobtzler's YnABMC.
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5 Thg05, 2022 @ 8:10am
ĐÁNH DẤU: TSL for custom civs & city states
Skylar Saphyr
253 bình luận
legokolegotoja 9 Thg01 @ 7:10am 
I love this map. And I love hard to move terrain on it:) It is great example of how important it is to have a fleet and an harbor in the first place. And how to use religious units as "spies/diplomats".

I play it with 24 civs (double Germany and France, banned Babylon obv because Hammurabi is broken archetype) so no more idiotic city-state and/or great people snowballing you-have-everything-game. And no more free real estate to settle. Instead you need to focus and fight for land and you will lag behind on deity. And that is exactly what I like. Nice challenge.

You just have to accept this is not a map for fast gaming. If you're looking for fast, enjoyable conquest you just better pick something else;)
Bboy 18 Thg12, 2024 @ 6:57pm 
Have been trying this map out and generally like it. Although I do agree that the current set up makes it so it takes forever to move units around. That might be realistic, but like others have said if there were around 25 to 50% less hills and stuff it would be funner.
Montu 7 Thg11, 2024 @ 9:29am 
Just a quick minor suggestion. Where Constantinople/Istanbul is, I don't think should be a flood plain when navigable Bosphorus is turned off. Also it should also be a plains hill, instead of flat grassland. This is mostly for realism, where Constantinople was built was on a dry hill. Also because Constantinople is at a disadvantage as a capital because the tiles nearby aren't that great.

Also I agree that there are too many hills in the map in general. If hills and mountains were reduced by about 25% that would make a big difference while having strategic gameplay and being realistic
Cruor 2 Thg10, 2024 @ 3:53pm 
Just trying to leave some honest feedback. I like that you made a huge Medi map, but there are WAY too many mountains/hills. can barely move, even with a mod that adds movement. I edited the map and removed about 50% of the mountains/hill, made more flat land. Made it much more playable, realistic or not. The AI sucks and can not handle choke points, so if you are Rome for example behind the Alps, the AL is just too dumb do get to you. I wided the gaps in the alps and made a bit more flat land in the area, for example. Good gameplay > real mountain placement.
Basil 18 Thg08, 2024 @ 2:12pm 
Game keeps crashing once I get into the first big war. Any ideas what might be going on?
Reverse Flash 20 Thg07, 2024 @ 12:38am 
The navigable River nile is a really cool idea, but it makes Egypt so much weaker. Is there any way to make it still count as a fresh water river so that it actually works with their bonus production ability and sphinxes?
Agateberry 27 Thg06, 2024 @ 8:17pm 
How do you connect the Rhine and Danube?
Seif El Tabbakh 30 Thg05, 2024 @ 5:11am 
m having problems with playing multiplayer. We put the same mods and everything, but it says "loading please wait" does anyone have a solution? This is my favorite map and I really want to play it online. @skylar saphyr
Skylar Saphyr  [tác giả] 4 Thg05, 2024 @ 6:35am 
@Belisarios: I can do that, but it'll take an insane amount of time.
Belisarios 2 Thg05, 2024 @ 9:02am 
Ahh so I misunderstood the option in the setup.
I remember in some mods of civ 5 that they had real city naming for many spots and thought it‘s the same.