Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

62 vurderinger
懒人二次元少女地牢合集 -R!8
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难度会很高 但是游戏性很强

Better Boss Rewards - SUNWARD ISLES
这个模组开始 到
Koala's Creature Collection


游戏开始时在左边会有提示 按Esc跳过即可
第一次加载可能会有点久 需要多等一会



删除了Arena Bosses模组
Arena Bosses会造成原版地牢不刷新等问题
Genstande (139)
Shrimp Ball Chinese Font (Support TC&SC)
Skabt af rainturtle
Install Shrimp Ball TC to get the best experience. Can also resolve the missing font in official Chinese Credit: Google Noto Font Sarasa-Gothic 方正隶书 王汉宗中隶体...
Skabt af foxical
請把本MOD放到所有的大型汉化的最上方,避免覆盖 可选择安装以下mod,不必全部安装。 以下人物mod选择性安装 本汉化介绍 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 【MOD人物篇】 王之刃基亚兰 完全汉化(对话部分完全汉化) 王之盾(魂二王大锤) 少许对话未...
Skabt af Blaink
DLC完整汉化已经完成,有任何问题留言。 关于“糠秕”,引用dnqbob的原话: 收获简单来说就是,杀死这些体内有晶体的生物获得星晶 这也是,“只有通过辛勤的劳动,才能把麦粒和糠秕分开来”麦粒,就是星晶 糠秕,就是被寄生的劳苦大众,水晶怪甚至星彩神 只要能获得星晶,就用尽一切手段 20210917 V1.61-V1.65 修复翻译错误 20200823 V1.60 因为官方更新问题,修复空白词条。其他词条有空白的请留言。 20200811 V1.59 修复某个词条 伤害增加 改为 受到的伤害增加 20200...
Mod 简体中文化
Skabt af 小凯先生
暗黑地牢是个好游戏,创意工坊上的mod也为游戏增加了更多的乐趣! 本人接触汉化不久,尝试着翻译了一些个人喜欢的mod,翻译质量如果有bug或者不合理的地方,希望大家在评论区指出,我会尽力完善。 本mod的汉化过程借鉴了创意工坊里其他大神的的汉化成果,在此表示感谢,如果侵犯了各位的著作权,请通知我,我会删去此mod。 以下支援汉化的mod部分原作者已经停更,不建议全部安装,避免出现bug。 01、腥红庭院加强 Courtyard+ (Beta) 02、无限宝石 The Infinity Stones 03、小...
自用汉化 个人风格向“修正”
Skabt af 恶夜深眠
这个mod是做什么的? 这是一个对各种职业汉化的mod,它对一些无汉化的职业做了或多或少的汉化(能力 精力有限) 以及对有些已有汉化的职业做一些自己喜欢的汉化修改(个人向),或者是更为“专业”的汉化(黑魂限定,使有些汉化内容更贴近原著) 有了更完整的汉化可以取消订阅或把其放在这个mod之上 它包括: 暗影太阳葛温德林 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=971313538&searchtext=acolyte 龙狩者翁斯坦 https...
DD MOD Schinese Fix
Skabt af ETO灬XL
注意: 本MOD是结合DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn一起用的,请在订阅以后将其放在DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn的上方。 假如你订阅了多个本地化MOD且出现文本闪烁的情况时 请尝试将此MOD放在所有本地化MOD的最上方 有一定概率能解决问题 MOD用处: 1.解决一系列的文本闪烁问题 2.缓解作者排查问题的难度,加强作者效率。 3.给作者保留宝贵的头发。【雾】 4.让作者心态保持冷静。【雾】 ...
DD MOD Schinese Localization Reborn Ver0.26.0
Skabt af ETO灬XL
PS:在Reborn版本尚未超过1.0之前 不少原本包含文本的为了兼容官汉或者各种各样的原因会暂时下架,讨论中详细不一定能及时更新,所以可能会出现详细中包含,但实际并没有汉化的情况,尽请谅解。 目前的工作重点是在于把曾经有过的MOD相关补全 包括但不限于 MOD新添加文本的汉化/MOD官汉新增加但尚未翻译的文本/需要大修或者推倒重来的文本 写了一个汉化MOD且上传相关的教程 有兴趣自行汉化的人可以去看看 DD MOD 汉化教程 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...
Skabt af CaptainSnafu
Just chinese translation for some mods: 只是一些自己翻译的简体中文汉化。 右边那堆必要mod只是方便你们订阅各个想要的原mod,不用全部订阅。 本mod要在启动游戏时将其排到最前顺序(所有汉化mod都是) 饰品mod: '70 NEW TRINKETS!' Mod Clair's Collection of Curiosities Bits Pieces:A Monster Trinket Mod The Advent of the Ghost 怪物mod: Abys...
+50% Combat Speed
Skabt af o'night
Increases game speed during battles, also affects animations. This mod works differently than most similar mods - instead of manually changing all files it simply enables speedhack in battles. This makes it much more stable and compatible with everything. ...
4 Trinkets+24 slot inventory
Skabt af 小凯先生
4 Trinkets+24 slot inventory...
Level Restrictions Removal
Skabt af Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS The restrictions imposed on high-level heroes is an oft debated topic. Some desire that it be removed, and that's precisely what this mod does! Feel free to send any hero anywhere you choose!...
No Negative Quirk On Quest Success
Skabt af BIZ
Works w/ CC & CoM Characters no longer aquire negative quirks when they SUCCESSFULLY complete a quest. They can still start with negative quirks, get them from interacting with curios, from stress relief activities, and from abandoning a quest. This does n...
No Camera Zoom
Skabt af o'night
Disables camera zoom Melee skills move character closer to targets. Crits have slight camera tilt. Targets become color tinted for a brief moment (red for enemies, cyan for allies). Partially compatible with Slight Haste - Sublte Animation Increase Mod - j...
Fully Lit Darkness
Skabt af Maester Silvio
WORKS WITH CRIMSON COURT WORKS WITH COLOR OF MADNESS Many players love experiencing the challenge and excitement of full darkness, but the monochromatic tinting of the dungeons can be tiresome at times for both normal players and streamers/content creators...
7 Quirks, 7 Lockable
Skabt af Whisper The Wolf
Just like the good old days... You too can now experience the times when characters could have 7 Good and 7 Bad quirks! This makes it so you can now have 7 of both quirk types on your characters, as well as lock up to 7 of them (Decision brought out as to ...
Community Dialogue Project
Skabt af Bit.jester
Ever get just a little tired of seeing the heroes say the same lines over and over? This mod adds nearly sixteen thousand hero lines to the game, but it will always be a work in progress. If you want to contribute your own lines to the mod, go to: https://...
Reduced Crimson Curse Chance
Skabt af [...]
Reduces the chance of your heroes being infected by the Crimson Curse. - Chance of getting infected by a weak monster dropped from 31% to 10% - Chance of getting infected by a strong monster dropped from 45% to 25% - Chance of getting infected by a boss dr...
Marvin Seo Mods: Shared Assets
Skabt af Marvin Seo
Introduction Welcome! If you don't know me, I'm Marvin Seo. I've helped balance Darkest Dungeon for Color of Madness' release and strive to create high quality mods that feel as if they belong in the base game. What does this Mod do? This mod is a collecti...
Curio Hints New Update(Include CC)V1.5 互动提示
Skabt af Blaink
Curio Hints New Update (Include CC) This mod can help novice understand the interactive props needed for interactive scenes more better. I'm going to reset all the pictures so that the interactive cue more clearer. This mod Include the results of Curio Hin...
Districts String Fix
Skabt af o'night
Fixes missing string for districts when you have too many heroes (more than 8) assigned to one. ...
Inventory Unlimited Stacks
Skabt af Supak
COMPATIBLE WITH "CRIMSON COURT" Update to patch 21142 Implemented the item of the Shieldbreaker "Aegis Scale" and full refund on sold provisions reverted to the default (by topics that I do not get to see if it works or not and not to make the game so easy...
Stacking Gem Icons
Skabt af Moon/Void Slime
An aesthetic change that makes gems icons change with stacks like gold. Thank you to O'nightmare for helping me figure out what I needed to do to get the icons to change. Lucci cleaned up the onxy gems. If you would like to support me in development for mo...
no unnessisary waste
Skabt af K'Braid
items purchased for expadition are refunded in its entirety after missions, reducing money grind slightly....
1=1 Heirloom Exchange +Shards Exchange
Skabt af Cenarkh
This mod Changes the Amount and Exchange with every Heirloom to 1: 1x Bust = 1x Deed/ Portrait/ Crest/Shard 1x Deed = 1x Bust/ Portrait/ Crest/Shard 1x Portrait = 1x Bust/ Deed/ Crest/Shard 1x Crest = 1x Bust/ Deed/ Portrait/Shard 1x Shard = 1x Bust/ Deed/...
Skeleton Key Start
Skabt af Zolderkruiper
Start the game with 1 Skeleton Key to always open the chest on the end for trinkets. Updated for The Crimson Court DLC. Updated for The Color of Madness DLC. This mod needs to be on the top if you are using other map or tutorial changing mods....
Better Nomad Wagon (Sunward Isles + CC)
Skabt af o'night
Improves Nomad Wagon by increasing amount of trinkets and chances of rare trinkets appearance. Version with Crimson Court trinkets Version WITHOUT Crimson Court trinkets Detailed info: Better Nomad Wagon Number of Trinkets: 3 trinkets 6 trinkets 9 trinkets...
Affliction Chance: Equilibrium
Skabt af Wyvandron
Do you think the base game affliction chance is too high? Do you think most affliction chance mods make the virtue chance too high? Do you wish they were more balanced, like all things in life should be? Then this is the mod you are looking for. What Does ...
Faster Scouting
Skabt af Rin
Should speed up the annoyingly slow scouting reveal animations....
Skabt af Ego
这个mod增加了马车升级时增加的英雄名册上限,为打了很多职业mod的选手准备,但又不至于在前期就开放几乎用不完的营房位置而丧失对英雄选择性招募的决策。而在等级升级到最高时,营房数量将提升到129。 此外,增加了熟手招募的等级上限,当你把熟手招募升级到最高级之后马车将会刷出等级5、拥有更多正面怪癖和更少负面怪癖的英雄,方便刷英雄特质。 最后这个mod还修改了饰品商店,增加了每周商品数量的同时提高了高稀有度饰品出现的机会,并将出售隐藏饰品。 其实原本是自用的不过封面都画了不发出来说不过去() This mod ...
Altered Rarity
Skabt af Iris Heart
DISCLAIMER: This mod is purely cosmetic. It doesn't affect anything gameplay related, only rarity names and colours. It always rubbed me in the wrong way that Darkest Dungeon has two different common rarities (both of which called "Common" in-game, but the...
Buy A Map
Skabt af aTom
1/21 update: supporting french now(thx for the help of _Methusiel_) fixed that it will show the proper percentage of each map 9/19 update: Detailed Map's scount rate nerfed to 25% from 35% ------------------------------------------------------------- Mod d...
25% Faster Fair Experience UP
Skabt af Blustrum
This mod reduces the required points for the heroes to rise by 25%. The number of points required for level 6 has been reduced by 12. It does not break the progression system of the game, and also does not feel like a cheat. It does not change the number o...
Quest Map Collection of New Dungeons
Skabt af 十三号侯爵
*This mod contains ONLY the background image of global quest map, NOT the contents of the new areas. The new areas shown in preview images are made by some famous mods on Steam Workshop which are listed below. Load Order: since this mod only contains map i...
Better Boss Rewards - BASE GAME
Skabt af Anonymous_Koala
This mod makes all of the boss quests in the game(including the first Ruins quest and Darkest Dungeon quests) drop 3 trinkets as mission loot instead of just 1. These 3 are of different rarities. BOSS QUESTS AND DARKEST DUNGEON QUESTS: very rare, rare, unc...
Better Boss Rewards - CRIMSON COURT
Skabt af Anonymous_Koala
Like better boss rewards, but for Crimson Court. ALL CC QUESTS: 3 CC trinkets This mod is incompatible with Virulent Overhaul and Courtyard+, though the latter has a compatiblity patch. Check out my monster collection here! https://imgur.com/xvvd74u.png...
Better Boss Rewards - COLOR OF MADNESS
Skabt af Anonymous_Koala
Like better boss rewards, but for CoM. FIRST COM QUEST: rare, uncommon, common SECOND COM QUEST: Comet rarity, very rare, rare Check out my monster collection here! https://imgur.com/xvvd74u.png...
Better Boss Rewards - SUNWARD ISLES
Skabt af Anonymous_Koala
Like better boss rewards, but for the Sunward Isles mod. Load this above Sunward Isles! ALL PLOT QUESTS: 3 Sunward trinkets. UMIBOZU: 2 Sunward trinkets, since originally his quest offers none. Check out my monster collection here! https://imgur.com/xvvd74...
Sunward Expansion: The Night Parade
Skabt af Seal
_____________________________________________ IMPORTANT PLEASE SEE _______________________________________________ This mod has to be loaded above base SI and have high priority in the load order. It has the potential to break your save if it is not. https...
The Raiju: A Sunward Addon
Skabt af Seal
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
The Sunward Isles (New Dungeon)
Skabt af Seal
The Sunward Isles is a new dungeon that's modeled after Japanese history and culture. Fight new Yokai type enemies, explore the depths of the archipelago, and put an end to some of the ancient horrors of the Isles. =========================================...
The Banshee by Marvin Seo and Clair de Lune
Skabt af Marvin Seo
Currently Localized for Brazilian(Portuguese), Chinese(Simplified), Czech, English, French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish Want to fight the Banshee as soon as possible? Download the Banshee Boss Missions mod below! https://i.imgur.com/QHhTj...
Banshee Boss Missions
Skabt af Marvin Seo
This mod is an extension to the Banshee Miniboss Mod, which can be found here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1655294502 This mod adds unique missions to the Weald that allow you to immediately fight the Banshee. The mission will be...
The Incandescent Whisperer
Skabt af Miraclebutt
"All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by S-Purple unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by S-Purple and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in...
Pets 2 (Trinket + Monster Mod)
Skabt af dem22
Phase 2.9.3 https://i.imgur.com/zzwuEO2.jpg *2021: New French! *Recent: Banner Bearer, Banished Hunter, Oceanborn, Eternal, Librarian, Rescuer, Paracausalist *Live: Pet Store Patch Pets in the Hamlet! You can now bring a Pet adventuring! Pets help manage t...
Pet Store (Patch)
Skabt af dem22
v1.0 https://i.imgur.com/KXe7rb9.jpg A New Haven for Pets The Nomad Wagon is expanding and adding a small Pet Store! The Nomad, who loves all creatures, sadly, can't continue to take care of all these poor animals that townsfolk abandon or who just happen ...
Pet Cemetery (Dungeon Mod)
Skabt af dem22
v1.3.9 *New Sacred Armaments *Languages: English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Russian https://i.imgur.com/VLL9xc1.png Something Wicked Stirs ... Just outside the hamlet, unholy creatures stir in the local Pet Cemetery. This burial ground is home to m...
Town wars rework (2020)
Skabt af zxcqwe
Town wars rework (2020) I reworked this mod. more smaller but you can compatible latest mods now. Actually I can't support this mod anymore. So maybe this is my last update. This mod just open source. welcome custom rework or modify development. - What's a...
Dimensional Havoc
Skabt af Chogex
Swirling masses of rubble float above the buildings in the Hamlet, slowly circling what seems to be a chasm in the fabric of reality itself. From the depths of the chasm's darkness emerge dozens of familiar monsters, all surrounded by a mysterious red glow...
The Mountain - Updated Version
Skabt af Grim_Reaper
The Mountain This is an updated version of an old mod called 'The Mountain' made by Oks, with his permission I am taking over/updating Warning: Do NOT use this mod and the original Mountain mod together, this is an updated version with many conflicting fil...
Unleashing of the Kraken - New Enemy for the Cove
Skabt af ActionJack
Unleashing of the Kraken - New Enemy for the Cove Monstrous Tales from the Forbidden Dark - Chapter III “The damp carven is filled with corruption. You wonder how any wholesome marine life could exit in this foul place. Just as you are getting use to the s...
House Full of Piggies - New Enemeies for the Warren
Skabt af ActionJack
House Full of Piggies - New Enemy for the Warrens Monstrous Tales from the Forbidden Dark - Chapter II “The hallway echoes with the squeals of pigs. More foul than the smells are the sight. Unknown meats of all kind hang in dead hall, and behind them, the ...
Cultist Incursion - New Monster Additions
Skabt af ActionJack
Cultist Incursion - New Enemies Wackiness Comes This Way - Episodes I The unearthing of the unholy relics draws more and more ranks of cultist into the Estate. They seek to summon, control, and ultimately, become, the unspeakable evil that plague the land....
Beyond Mortality by Golden Yak
Skabt af Golden Yak
Energy and persistence conquer all things... The veil of the world frays, and creatures of some other, hideous realm have begun to manifest in the Estate... Introduction Beyond Mortality unleashes eldritch horror from realms beyond the veil of death itself...
Skabt af Mhnlo
DIE DIE!! --------------- OVERALL DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is Nerub, a Ruin only mini boss you can find in the sewers. You access the sewers in any level of difficulty and fight some rats, but Neru...
The Rotting King
Skabt af Seal
All rights reserved. The contents of all materials available on this page are copyrighted by Team Reliquary unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by Team Reliquary, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or tr...
Koala's Creature Collection
Skabt af Anonymous_Koala
V.1.4 "You answered the letter... Now like me, you are a part of this place." After 2 years of development, Koala's Creature Collection is finally out! It contains 17 new monsters(among them a challenging new miniboss!), new trinkets, new diseases, new qui...
Heroes Unchained 2019: All-in-One
Skabt af arfunzals
(From the comments) - Hey all, just letting everyone know that there probably won't be any updates to this mod. I learned how to mod Darkest Dungeon specifically just to update Loklin's mods because they were my favorite class mods and weren't updated for ...
Hunters Treasure Comet Trinkets
Skabt af Kaze*
This mod have Full English Translation, Just no introduction picture in English, Have Fun :) Thanks for @ShallowIris @LAmumu providing Korean Translation Thanks for @mysticl hat providing Russian Translation Announcement -----------------------------------...
Minstrel Class trinkets pack
Skabt af anaertailin
Skadi Extra Trinket
Skabt af ayaya
为斯卡蒂额外追加6件专属、1件通用饰品 2022/04/20.更新内容 海歌之杖属性、描述调整 2022/02/03.更新内容 在这祝大家春节快乐 蒂蒂的模组更新了这也跟着更新饰品: 潮湿的剑袋(爬爬先祖) 2022/01/09.更新内容 冬季更新2件冬泳饰品: 沙滩帽(水晶商店) 虎鲸抱枕(收藏家&密门) 2021/12/16.更新内容 为阿戈尔饰品追加共鸣效果 使用潮汐之剑攻击有小概率获得怪癖“浅海轻唱” 怪癖“浅海轻唱”会为阿戈尔饰品追加额外的效果 稀有度掉落相关 月光大剑(星空怪) 潮湿的剑袋(爬爬...
贞德专属饰品 Need Ruler Class Mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1596685165&searchtext= Equipment Attributes Method Of Obtaining Champion Copy Task Reward Method Of Obtaining Buy from nomad wagon Comment: If there is an error in the t...
Atalanta trinkets阿塔兰忒饰品
Skabt af yilin
英雄MOD阿塔兰忒重制版的饰品 Atalanta trinkets 一共有6件 6 trinkets 修正 诉求的箭书 buff 说明 characters or less here!...
「特效饰品 丛雨丸」Senren*Banka Trinket
Skabt af Kaze*
(Sorry,My English is very bad,so this is Machine Translate,True English Introduction coming soon) Introduction ------------------------------------------ A new special effects Trinkets "Murasame Maru" will produce knife light effect and Murasame follow eff...
Lucia Class trinkets pack
Skabt af Kamo Master
露西亚的意识体小伙伴们,被仿制后以星晶首饰的形态出现在这个世界上 Lucia's companions,the minds.After being imitated, they appears in the form of CoM trinkets in this world 黎明酱专用首饰,已增加至六件,全部为水晶农场首饰,都会给黎明酱的游玩机制带来较大影响。 Lucia special trinkets, has been increased to six, all CoM trinkets.It wi...
Lucia Trinkets
露西亚专属饰品 需要前置lucia class mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149017929 饰品属性 获取方式 5级地图任务奖励 战斗结束搜尸体小概率获取...
Overlord Skin Remake
This is a skin mod usable by any version of "Overlord" on Steam workshop ( Vanilla / Enhanced). Load Order: this mod MUST be put ABOVE Overlord class mod, otherwise it won't work properly. Remake Details: Idle / Walk / Combat animations - slicing & skeleto...
Skadi Riding the waves skin
Skabt af stratus
这次制作的是A大的作品斯卡蒂独立职业的泳装皮肤!作为骨灰级蒂厨,当初我入坑暗黑地牢就是因为地牢里有蒂蒂!(✪▽✪) 所以一直非常感谢A大,让蒂蒂有机会在地牢里大杀四方,为了表达我对蒂蒂的厨力,这次也是特意花了不少功夫画了蒂蒂的泳装皮肤,身着泳装的蒂蒂更多了几分假日的清爽和悠闲呢,太可爱了,不愧是蒂蒂!(*´∀`)不过由于泳装皮肤覆盖了蒂蒂的黑眼形象,所以可能会对部分订阅者产生不便,在此表示歉意(≧ω≦) 另外非常感谢kaze大佬帮我制作了泳装蒂蒂的封面,并在上传过程中帮了大忙!同时也非常感谢A大同意我将这个...
Suzuran Skin for The Kitsune Miko
Skabt af 柚子可乐
!!! Please place this mod on top of the original mod !!! Description ------------------------------------------ The Kitsune Miko Skin in the character of Suzuran from ArksKnight https://i.postimg.cc/Xv5vwsh8/char-358-lisa-1.png Note: This mod allows to swi...
Minstrel Class mod
Skabt af anaertailin
暴躁老姐登场 饰品(trinkets)https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2122578706 感谢小狼(ad_kege)帮忙写代码,完成了一大堆奇怪的想法 死弟母好友已经满了,有需要请通过下面方式联系 Steam friends are full, please contact us by the following way If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to su...
Ruler Class Mod
Skabt af maximize
这是“Ruler”新职业MOD,原型来自Fate中的Ruler贞德。现在支持英文和简体中文语言。自带首个英雄登场事件。 美术资源使用了 @anaertailin 的十字军贞德皮肤,目前已升级至2.0版本外观,并优化了技能设计使战斗更为流畅。 This is "Ruler" new class mod, from Fate. Now support English and S.Chinese. Included first hero Event. The art source of this mod used...
The Warrior of Sunlight
Skabt af CarnifeX
"Long may the Sun shine !" Mod Features Achieve Skill Mastery on Level 5 Skills 10 Trinkets: 6 class+ 2 Crimson Court + 1 CoM + 1 Head Start each run with Emberflask wich regenerates HP Early hero Town event included Interactions with the Order of Sunlight...
Lilith class
Skabt af Deovolente
Including languages: English: full translation 中文:完整 한국어 번역이 완료되었습니다 Español: completo русский язык 日本語翻訳 My other works https://i.imgur.com/ewVkJru.pngRed Lotus https://i.imgur.com/rmeFQWi.pngEnid Houndmaster Skin https://i.imgur.com/FfTkMpD.pngShambler C...
skadi class mod
“A hunter walking slowly from the tide” The main creative ideas of this mod it is From mobile games character skadi in 《Arknights》,part of the character design refers to 《Bloodborne》. in our train of thought and skills already installed in mod,deep-sea hun...
Blazing Lord Class
Skabt af snorlaxxo
"Despite the strange, menacing aura surrounding her, the new traveling visitor explains she means no harm and swears her loyalty to you, her only wish is the conquest of these cursed lands. While her words seem sincere, you can clearly sense she's hiding s...
Hepvier class mod
Skabt af 爱德华
This mod will add Hepvier-Nygat in your game,she is the second princess of Nygat-Kaper Empire,she's the most powerful Combat Enchanter ,she doesn't like Sharpshooter or Earth Enchanter,she is a mean BXXXX ,she will slain her enemy,sometime also her partner...
The Stars Class Mod
Skabt af Kaze*
The StarMoonNight Sponsor Trinkets have been moved to the accessory pack "Kaze*的星夜饰品包" English Version Will be proofread and launched in nearly a week Link: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2424241079 Announcement --------------------...
Overlord - Class Mod
Skabt af Hinak
THE OVERLORD CLASS MOD Supports Color of Madness: Yes Supports Crimson Court: Yes Mod Version: 1.8 Language: English, Russian. RECOMMENDATION To get him from 1st week, subcribe to this mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1427472630 ...
lucia class mod
Skabt af Kamo Master
专用首饰包 \ Trinkets pack:: 露西亚的意识体小伙伴们,被仿制后以星晶首饰的形态出现在这个世界上 Lucia's companion,the minds.After being imitated, they appears in the form of CoM trinkets in this world https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149018540 --- 英雄MOD露西亚·黎明 露西亚·黎明拥有数个连击...
「妖狐巫女」The Kitsune Miko
Skabt af Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation. Thank you for trying this mod!Have Fun :) Seems there's some issue with Russian translation. Try use the other one on the link below, or use other supported language for now... Special Thanks --------------------...
New hero class:A Elf liquor pedlar come from afar
Skabt af CA6DB20000000
A Elf liquor pedlar come from afar: Mod has finished. >>>>She's 100 year old or more,not child.and the "milk" in which her said is means "cure" . >>>>I won't update any new.Just fix some bug.(if it can be fix).And I won't limit the source. you also can rel...
Rebalanced spirit lancer
Skabt af Alpha
Original mod : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1748208573 This mode is separate from the above mode. Do not apply at the same time WARNING - THIS MOD CONTAINS MILD SEXUAL CONTENT ### -spirit lancer rework -Added camping skills. -Adde...
Abigail Class Mod
Skabt af ashcarrier
warning!!! nude content included!!! warning!!! nude content included!!! warning!!! nude content included!!! Hello guys, I am a new modder and this is my first mod this is Abigail from Metal Slug Attack... I know the one from fgo is more famous, sry this is...
Magician Class mod
Skabt af Alpha
Contents - 1 hero class - 7 trinkets - 1 summon monster Hero Info 아군을 지원하거나 적을 약화시키는데 특화된 공격적인 서포터 클래스입니다. "기절" 과 관련되어 특화되어 있습니다. An offensive supporter class specialized in supporting allies or weakening enemies. - CRT BUFF 1. self: debuff chance +15% (ne...
Arch-Devil - Class Mod
Skabt af Hinak
THE ARCH-DEVIL CLASS MOD Supports Color of Madness: (in progress...) Supports Crimson Court: (in progress...) Mod Version: 1.0 Language: English, Russian. RECOMMENDATION Overlord Class Mod: CLASS INTRODUCTION Arch-Devil Class Mod based upon Demiurge, a cha...
Skabt af Kaze*
The early test version of the English translation is here Special Thank for ᑭᑌᗰᑭKᕮᖇIᑎO https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539275240 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:Fonsion 程序:Kaze* 原画:anaertailin 特效:Kaze* 文案:Fonsion...
Task force class mod
Skabt af Kamo Master
Source of material: Arknights https://ak.hypergryph.com/index A combat team of two can start defending or healing by changing formations, and with some trinkets, even more reinforcements can be recruited Incidentally ~ they infiltrated Hamlet in order to c...
「邵」Xiao Class Mod
Skabt af Kaze*
https://i.imgur.com/zGf07Sm.png Greetings, I'm just a mod creator driven by interest. This mod is just made by personal hobby, and it is not an official content released by RedHook. Since this is a single-player game, not a competitive online-game, every p...
阎罗王/The Yama Class Mod
Skabt af Sterile Water
At present, the mod have English and Chinese version in the game. bug反馈群号:695427981(看到就修,最好带图) 开发者名单(Mod developers) ------------------------------------------ 画师(Painter):天堂克洛迪娜!; 技能设计( Skill Designer):sunshine(主要),Sterile Water; 动画制作(Animator):Sterile Wa...
「缪」The Rabbit Protocol
Skabt af Kaze*
The early test version of the English translation is here Special Thank for ᑭᑌᗰᑭKᕮᖇIᑎO https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519382016 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢Aprotinin赞助我开发此角色 其次,感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ...
浊心斯卡蒂--Skadi the corrupting heart
Skabt af 慢驼螺
Skadi the corrupting heart The following English introduction is translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Introduction This is a character mod, but also includes additional content such as monsters, accessories and events, and will be update...
Storm Enchanter Cauntha Class
Skabt af 爱德华
Storm Enchanter-Cauntha, Catyieun - Eaz-Caresher(East-Canira-people) - Fiden - Amoniaza-Fer-Winiein(Storm Enchanter) Cauntha is the former admiral of the Hirntes Empire ,at least, she was, since the uprising,she lost her job , and the “Alliance Of The Eaz-...
The Miko By The Necromancer
Skabt af The Necromancer
Girls are stressing out.... The Miko, as you'll come to find, is primarily a forward support class. Using prayer and the tools of a seasoned Youkai hunter to restore the faith of the party and undermine the opposition. Stunning, healing and debuffing, all ...
Grey hawk Class
Skabt af Kamo Master
New class the rigid warrior Grey hawk ~Crush the dungeon with her inch by inch This mod includes 7 new trinkets ~ one of which summons Grey hawk 's Grand Banner Bearer ~ to strengthen Grey hawk or other team members' combat power Art: anaertailin Code: me ...
The Rugal Class Mod
Skabt af 爱德华
编程:首席汉化师爱德华 画师:anaertailin 头像背景:十三号侯爵 老板:Berserk Rugal(暗天狼) 人物名称:指挥官卢卡尔(Rugal) 上传协助:爱德华 唯有力量才是真理 说明:在这无尽的次元中,唯有战争是永恒不变。Rugal并不是一个合格的领袖,在他眼中只有忠诚的奴仆值得他的关注,但人们信赖与依靠他。从黑色诺亚到休伯利安,从战争堡垒到超级要塞,从神圣泰拉到亚顿之矛。为了生存,所有人只能在这场永无止尽的杀戮旋涡中,不断前行。 介绍:卢卡尔只相信力量和他的女仆长。(和平和你?笑话!我不会...
「帕梅莉&帕梅菈风格破盾重置」Pameli & Pamela Shieldbreaker Rework
Skabt af Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) Special Thanks to @mingmingaruns for English translation. 注意:预览图为早期皮肤测试截图所以可携带多个,该角色获得了一些加强所以现在仅可单独携带 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助我与画师w_s...
「天满 赏金猎人重置」Tenma Bounty Hunter Rework
Skabt af Kaze*
生死界限动画已修复 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze* 原画:w_s_l 骨骼动画:GhastRiv 介绍 ---------------------------------...
「WO 弩手重置」WO Arbalest Remake
Skabt af Kaze*
致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze* 原画:aneartailin 介绍 ------------------------------------------ 这是官方角色“弩...
「a大火枪重置」Musketeer Remake
Skabt af Kaze*
致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 程序:Kaze*、Abyss Watcher 原画:anaertailin 骨骼动画:anaertailin、長門ちゃん 介绍 --------------...
「米拉库尔 神秘学者重置」Miracle Occultist Rework
Skabt af Kaze*
This mod have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此重置技能版本 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催:瑞秋•克劳狄乌斯 玩法与技能设计:瑞秋•克劳狄...
「伊妮德 训犬师重置」Enid Houndmaster Rework
Skabt af Kaze*
The early test version of the English translation is here Special Thank for ᑭᑌᗰᑭKᕮᖇIᑎO https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2529818577 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助开发此角色 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 -...
「艾丽希斯 苦修重置」Elesis Flagellant Remake
Skabt af Kaze*
This mod Now have Full English Translation, Just no English Description, Have Fun :) 致谢 ------------------------------------------ 特别感谢 瑞秋·克劳狄乌斯 赞助我与画师ZIMIK开发此角色 特别感谢 玺文 提供英文翻译 特别感谢所有赞助我和帮我测试技能并反馈bug的朋友们! 开发者名单 ------------------------------------------ 主催...
Atalanta Class Mod Rework
Skabt af Kamo Master
英雄MOD阿塔兰忒重制版 不能与旧版共存,但可继承使用了 旧版阿塔兰忒mod 的存档,建议在城镇内保存后,更换新旧版MOD 在地牢探索中更换可能会出现技能模式的混乱 专属首饰包地址 The Atalante class mod has been remade,Cannot co-exist with the old mod ,but can inherit save files with the old mod It is recommended to replace the old mod with th...
man_at_arms Overseer skin
Skabt af anaertailin
看起来头有点小,,,有机会重新做个动作吧 If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertailin@163.com 以及https://www.patreon.com...
weeb flagellant Skin
Skabt af anaertailin
I don't know why I made this mod.But it's easy to do it If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/anaertailin and alipay anaertailin@163.com 如果你喜欢我的作品,并希望资助我的话,这是我的微信和支付宝:anaertaili...
Crusader Profaned Knight skin
Skabt af anaertailin
****************Warning, nudity*********************** 使用了新骨骼动画,会和其他皮肤冲突 New skeleton animation is used, which will clash with other skins If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. patreon.com/anaertailin ...
Blazing Lord Classic - Hellion Skin
Skabt af ✦{Icarus}✦
"As the moon rises, a famed fire naginata warrior travels from far away into this land, with the only intention of tearing everything in her path in conquest of glory and battle!" An early design of mine, later redesigned to be the Blazing Lord, now availa...
arbalest replacement skin
Skabt af Kamo Master
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!! !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! 会替换原版动作文件,其他弩手皮肤也会失效,并且不兼容其他弩手皮肤mod。 It will disable other skin,and not compatible with other arbalest skin mod. 本mod添加两款弩手的魔物娘皮肤,SFW版与正义版。 This mod adds two types of arbalest monster girl skin,SFW an...
Leper Skin Nami
Skabt af 桜上水ナミ
antiquarian foxdemon SFW skin
Skabt af stratus
A大的作品恶魔狐狸的SFW版,因为这个皮肤真的太戳我xp了,但原版用着又怕社死,所以自作主张画了SFW版 只是稍微做了点修改,非常感谢A大同意我将这个SFW版上传到创意工坊!上传过程中给A大添了不少麻烦,真是抱歉了!(つд⊂) 附A大的作品原址:https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198047713904/myworkshopfiles/ 以及A大的赞助网站: patreon.com/anaertailin afdian.net/@anaertailin ...
LW- Town Event beautify part 1 城镇事件1
Skabt af JEF
Parts 1-3 have been created as a compilation pack (41 town events have been changed in total) If you want to subscribe to all the town event changes at once you can try this link! Address: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2785314050 1...
LW- Town Event beautify part 2 城镇事件2
Skabt af JEF
Parts 1-3 have been created as a compilation pack (41 town events have been changed in total) If you want to subscribe to all the town event changes at once you can try this link! Address: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2785314050 1...
Town event NPC [skin]
No eye version: Steam - steamapps - workshop - content - 262060 - 2010863929 - no eye...
Abbey NPC [skin]
No eye version: Steam - steamapps - workshop - content - 262060 - 2010890387 - no eye...
Camping trainer NPC [skin]
No eye version: Steam - steamapps - workshop - content - 262060 - 2010892299 - no eye...
SFW Nomad Wagon NPC skin
Skabt af chuc
I made a SFW ver for the original nomad wagon skin by anaertailin https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2693355089 Does not compatible with the orginal one Update: Disable glow...
Sanitarium NPC [skin]
No eye version: Steam - steamapps - workshop - content - 262060 - 2012408580 - no eye...
SFW Stage Coach NPC skin
Skabt af chuc
I made a SFW ver for the original stage coach skin by anaertailin https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2693355089 Does not compatible with the orginal one...
SFW Graveyard NPC skin
Skabt af chuc
I made a SFW ver for the original graveyard skin by anaertailin https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2635120406 Does not compatible with the orginal one...
LW- skeleton sign sexy skin 侧边栏
Skabt af JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. This is the replacement of the skull under the left and right of the interface Comes with some optional versions, you can refer to the following instr...
Monsters Girl-fishman
Skabt af Perianist
这里是新人mod作者面包机 这个mod替换了鱼人剑圣,将其变成了人鱼剑圣。 还在适应DD的画风中 有生之年可能把海窟F4全部做完 如果你喜欢我的mod的话,那就喜欢吧,该咕还是要咕的。 第一次做DD的mod,如果出现bug请留言让我修复 Hello,I'm perianist,a green hand. This mod will replace fishman_harpoon I'm getting used to DD's painting style I may finish all fishman ...
skeleton monster girl
Skabt af w_s_l
This mod is not suitable for all ages, please subscribe it according to your demand. Because of the report a few days ago, some part of the latest version of this mod will be cut. Nevertheless, the version without any cut will be added in 'steamapps/worksh...
Cult of Depravit(教徒美化)
Skabt af 十三号侯爵
Well,I can not draw at all,this mod are made by others picture Thanks for Hair and skin(literal meaning) from:special mod modder:yakou 。I’ve got permission Body:modder:JEF /jefuty(eveningheart)。I’ve got permission Face:《Last Origin》 translate:首席汉化师 爱德华(爱德华...
大史莱姆美化monster girl ectoplasm large
Skabt af Samui
这次mod鸽了很久才做出来,更换了原版的大史莱姆,为了防止举报,我将上传sfw版本,如果需要nsfw可以前往我的爱发电下载。 最近时间很紧张,质量略低,十分抱歉,同时感谢⑨幻对我的大力支持 Replacement of the SFW art for Giant Slimes, this time the time was short and the quality wasn't very good, this time I did open up the NSFW version on Patreon a...
monster girl unclean_giant
Skabt af Samui
感谢selldavid的支持,这次上传的正确的版本请放心使用 本mod拥有白色皮肤版本,可以在我的个人主页下载,为了避免举报,R18版本可以在我的爱发电上下载 我的爱发电:https://afdian.net/@Samui patreon:https://www.patreon.com/Samui1145...
monster girl Rabid Dog魔物娘美化野狗
Skabt af Samui
R18预警!! 第一次做MOD,感谢星魂作者孜孜不倦的教导我,我会在评论区选取下一个美化的怪物,如果有什么好的建议请留下你的评论 成为爱发电上的魔物娘投喂者,你将获得不同于创意工坊的作品与个人定制内容:https://afdian.net/@Samui This is my first time doing a MOD, thanks to the star soul writers for their tireless teaching, I will choose the next beautified...
LW- Cute Slime Girl 0.91 史莱姆
Skabt af JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. Changed the game's original small ectoplasm into a girl-like Slime. About the design of this monster. My conception is that a Slime accidentally devou...
monster girl brigand part1
Skabt af anaertailin
!!!!注意有裸露内容!!!!修改了3个野怪强盗,patreon中有独特内容 !!!!! Warning! Naked content.Warning!!! Unique content on patreon,Turn three brigands into succubus. If my artwork adds joy to your game and you want to support me in money, this is my patreon. https://www.patreon.com...
EC Dungeon backgrounds
Skabt af eclipsezr
Adds new rooms to increase variations in each region of the game 16 new rooms for the following Crypt: 7 Cove: 2 Warrens:2 Weald: 5 FAQ Compatible with other map mods? Yes, this is standalone How you make these? Here's quick tutorial video i made, it's eas...
Additional Room Backgrounds
Skabt af Da Erkka
Adds four new backgrounds to each of the regions in the game. I've tried my best to remain faithful to vanilla games' atmosphere and vibes. 4 new backgrounds for Weald, Warrens, Ruins and Cove If you want to manually add the backgrounds into you dungeons f...
LW- blacksmith build add details -铁匠铺细节添加 -ver 0.6
Skabt af JEF
New mod~ This time I tried to adjust the town buildings. Added a girl to the front of the blacksmith's shop. A weapon rack, a booth and a cat. Girls would stand guarding the booth, but occasionally they would sell something from the booth. And go back to t...
LW- guild sexy skin 工会 (说明已更新)
Skabt af JEF
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content Description. Character replacement for unions ...... Comes with some optional versions, you can refer to the following instructions for replacement https://i.imgur...
Shieldbreaker JK-Mika-chan Skins
Skabt af Destroyer MK.V
Replace Shieldbreaker's skin into the JK Mika-chan. Attention! Using diffient animation flies from original Shieldbreaker. Which means you are unable to use other skins for Shieldbreaker at the same time. Don't forget to activate this mod in the menu! Mika...
Crystalline (apprentice)
Skabt af Hestrir
Replaces all apprentice level Color of Madness monsters with monster girls. Like what you see? Support me on patreon.com/Hestrir for voting and esrly access! ...
Slithering ~Shieldbreaker's snakes replacer~
Skabt af Hestrir
Replaces shieldbreaker's snakes with monster girls! Support my work at parteon *dot* com/Hestrir! This is a smaller mod than my other ones, so it doesn't have alternate versions. What you see is what you get....
Bloodstained Decadence
Skabt af Hestrir
!Extra versions are found on: - this mod's Nexus page ( nexusmods dot com/darkestdungeon/mods/1242/ ) - my patreon .--*^FoR FrEe^*-- ( patreon dot com/Hestrir ) Welcome one, welcome all! The luxurious replacer made all the way from inside the horny jail is...
Myconidae plus
Skabt af Hestrir
x--->> ADDITIONAL VERSION INSTRUCTIONS <<---x-------------------------------------------- 1) download the extra version of your choice here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42638353 or here: https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1093 2) extract its a...