The Signal State

The Signal State

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Full Level Completion + Achievements
Por Deiru
An image guide for completing all puzzles and achievements in the game. This guide can be used for a completely new player and does not require prior completion, as all puzzles are done without optional modules, except for achievements that require these and are revisited at the end.

These solutions may not be optimal in terms of any tracked metric such as modules, cables or time-taken, and were done in a way that a player with zero knowledge of the mechanics can follow and complete the achievements in the game. If you wish, you can rearrange the modules and these solutions should still work - They were only laid out like this to try and make a compact image for the guide, with as few "ambiguous" cables as possible.
+ favoritos
Nos favoritos
- favoritos
1 - Diagnostics Test
2 - Power Generator
3 - Circuit Breaker
4 - Farmhouse Lights
5 - VCA Test
6 - Barn Lights
7 - Firmware Programmer
8 - Power Regulator
9 - Logic Test
10 - Min Max Test
11 - Irrigation System
12 - Irrigation Distribution Circuit
13 - Irrigation Controller
14 - Radio Broadcast System
15O - Radio Amplification Circuit
16O - Min and Max Redesign
17 - Radio Clocking System
18 - Radio Memory Buffer
19 - Tractor Security System
20O - Tractor Music Player
21O - Tractor Gear System
22 - Drone Pathfinder
23 - Drone Processor

This solution should also unlock the JIT Compilation achievement.
24 - Radar System
25O - Drone Accumulator Optimization
26O - Signal Delay Implementation
27O - Drone Clock Generator

This was updated from a previous solution due to an update in the game that changed which modules are available on this level.
28O - Motor Frequency Regulator
29O - Farm Gate
30 - Sequential Switch
31 - Reversed Sequential Switch
32 - Signal Repeater
33O - Optimised Signal Repeater

This solution should also unlock the Extreme Efficiency achievement.
34 - Crops Sorter
35 - Electric Fence
36O - Electric Fence Optimization
37 - Sampler
38 - Auto Targeting System
39 - Reloading Mechanism
40O - Target Identification System
41 - Auto Targeting Spotlight

This is the final level of the game and after completing it, you should now have access to optional modules on previous levels that you have completed. This means we can now revisit previous levels to get the miscellaneous achievements we are missing.
Turing Complete
This achievement is for creating an infinite loop and can be done on any level that has access to a NOT module - which is now any level you have already completed. Simply wire up a module like this and click play and the achievement should pop.

Open Source
This is simply for using the "Record GIF" feature in-game. It can be done any level, and is found on the bottom right:

Will This Short Circuit?
This needs to be done on the Power Regulator level.

Does Not Compute
This needs to be done on the Logic Test level.

"Conditional Logic is overrated anyway"
This needs to be done on the Radio Amplification Circuit level.

That's Just Lazy
This needs to be done on the Min and Max Redesign level.

Hofstadtler's Law
This needs to be done on the Drone Pathfinder level.

That's Just Lazy 2
This needs to be done on the Signal Delay Implementation level.

13 comentário(s)
Deiru  [autor(a)] 13/nov./2023 às 9:11 
You do need to finish the game first
Smock 13/nov./2023 às 6:27 
For 'Does Not Compute' on the Logic Test level, I don't have any of those modules available. I only have the Logic modules, and the split/sum modules.
Am I doing something wrong ?? Do you have to complete the game to make more modules available for that level or something??
discuss 16/jul./2023 às 3:25 
For 360 first I tried doing an infinite loop of subtractions that stops when it gets to 0, and I think that'd work, but you'd need a memory module of some kind to stop the loop once we get to a number less than 0, and we don't have that.
Since that didn't work I did it by dividing the src1 by 5 (and 2) and adding them back together, and seeing if I got the number back. Takes a lot of modules but it works.

I don't get what's going on in this solution either.
Unneurotic Frog 4/jul./2023 às 18:49 
Is it just taking advantage of the cumulative rounding of the -30% attenuator?
Unneurotic Frog 4/jul./2023 às 18:33 
Can somebody explain the solution to 360 - Electric Fence?
That was the only one I had to look up to complete, and even looking at the solution, I'm not really sure how anyone came up with that. Is there some math trick going on there that I'm not aware of?
I'm wondering if that's even the solution the devs had in mind for that one.
cakefoxy 22/fev./2023 às 2:50 
fun fact about 'short circuit', a person can get the achievement before beating the game by utilizing two 50% attenuators (one each for src 2 and src 3), summing them, subtracting 50 with a bias, doubling the value with a split feeding a sum by itself to then VCA src 1; it always ends up VCA'ing by either 100, 0, or -100 (which functionally is a 0 of course)
Welsh_Hitman 4/out./2022 às 14:10 
oh, wow.. that is very interesting.. thanks
Deiru  [autor(a)] 4/out./2022 às 12:20 
The specific requirements for the level are for it to receive 100 volts - Using an OR gate in this manner means that if it is passed any positive value, it'll output 100 volts - Bypassing it means it'll only receive the input voltage, which isn't enough to meet the requirements.
Welsh_Hitman 3/out./2022 às 22:37 
why does 13-Irrigation Controller require that Or gate?
It seems to do nothing (just automatic bypass as it has only 1 input) but i tried making the machine without it and it didn't work
Josh_kerr 20/mar./2022 às 21:14 
Thanks Deiru, now works and finally i have all achievents.

Thanks to you for making this guide, it has saved me many times from spending 3 hours or more in front of my pc:steamthis: