Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (6)
Player-Led Peace Conferences
Created by Neutrino
This mod gives players full and direct control of peace conference proceedings in wars they are involved in. Wars without player involvement conclude as normal. Currently supports patch 1.14 and above. If you're playing on version 1.10 or 1.11, please use ...
State Transfer Tool MP
Created by Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Info This mod is a Multiplayer version of State Transfer Tool. A mod based on newly added scripted GUIs mechanic. It has been balanced specially for multiplayer letting you transfer only your own states or the states owned by...
Additional Japanese map fonts
Created by uberded
Fix basical font (ex. Katakana) lacking 基本的なフォントが欠けていた問題を修正...
Japanese Language mod
Created by flowlanss
本ModはVer1.11.13で更新を停止しています。 ver1.12以降はこちらをご利用ください。 Ironman Compatible(実績解除可能) このModは、Hearts of Iron IVを日本語化するModです。 すべてのDLCにも対応しています。 日本語化の内容について、センシティブな表現がある場合がありますが、ゲーム内のフレーバー的表現を尊重しているにすぎず、特定の民族等を貶める意図は一切ありません。 使い方 (ゲーム初回起動の場合)ランチャーからプレイをクリックし、ゲーム本体を起動後...
Free Division Editing
Created by LLAL
UPDATED TO 1.11 The Free Division Editing mod eliminates the army experience cost for editing division templates, equipment variants, and ship classes. No need to actually wage war in order to change the functions of your divisions, it's now free. NOTE: Ma...
Better Supply
Created by toliner
The Barbarossa update(1.11.x) has made supply super weak, so we will strengthen it as much as we can to keep it balanced. Policy - Keep the importance of rail supply. - Eliminate the situation where infantry is deployed on the border and then cause lack of...