Left 4 Dead 2
30 valoraciones
Artículos (752)
星空鉄道とシロの旅 Loading Background
Creada por 花の韵❄
星空鉄道とシロの旅 Loading Background: 11 sheets cg: 1440 Partial Adjustment Transparent Scoresheet Hide loading icons, etc Prohibit private dissProhibit uploading Transparent scoreboard process ↘ 1.The workshop searches for two 20huds, and one of them enters at ra...
Creada por 超过4特打不过
显示25% 50% 75%的完成度,不会因为灭了多少次都不知道自己准备通关没 输入:!p 或!P 可以查看当前进度(感叹号需要大写 英文大小写都可以) 仅在使用该MOD的服务器生效,进入他人服务器不会生效 三方图同样适用,部分三方图原地来回绕路可能会提示错误 在服务器上使用只需把本MOD放到服务端的addons文件夹即可 此MOD通过:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2314785668 修改而来 ...
【原神】 QBZ95-芭芭拉(替换SCAR)\ [Genshin Impact] QBZ95-芭芭拉
Creada por 洛兮
替换三连发SCAR(replace the SCAR) 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2105661848 芭芭拉冲鸭! L4D2MOD制作交流群:1016787637 L4D2开黑群:721355486 我的B站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/247187251 做的不好,还请见谅,希望你们喜欢!...
【明日方舟】M590—艾雅法拉(pump shotgun) \ 【Arknights】M590—Eyjafjalla(pump shotgun)
Creada por 洛兮
替换木喷 ,replace pump shotgun 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=393334999 origin model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=393334999 渲染图...
【明日方舟/动态】水月胆汁瓶(替换胆汁瓶)/【Arknights/GIF】Mizuki Boomer Bile
Creada por Aslier
“Please send my kid love.”——Namie ============================= Replaced texture and sound ====================== GIF from《明日方舟》EP - Y1K 侵权删除 ==================================== 使用前提示: 该物品有夜光,但在夜光起作用的时候会看到动图有一定的重影只要不介意反倒感觉更酷炫了一点? 本来是从EP里找到一段循环的部分,但有127帧,而...
[Under the Star Wheel] MWR M21 (Enable Night Glow)
Creada por 祈禱
MWR M21 (Enable Night Glow) Replace the Hunting Rifle Original author URL: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2589720661 Modified items: Make an alpha channel map and enable the glow command Reason for modification: Night light is great...
Creada por fever钟
<Girl Cafe Gun> Concert Series replace Bus car...
【碧蓝航线】独角兽手枪(Azur lane Unicorn pistol)
Creada por FAW075
简介 替换了手枪(replace pistol) 拥有部分夜光(Has some luminous ) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) Pid=83064048 更新说明 21/7/15增加细节(Add details ) 家里的电脑出问题了,出来上网顺便做个mod 这么敬业的作者不应该来个赞吗(笑)...
【赛马娘】曼城茶座 マンハッタンカフェ RE8 Village Beretta 92FS Custom "Samurai Edge" [AW Model-01] (Magnum)
说明 · 【赛马娘】曼城茶座 マンハッタンカフェ Manhattan Cafe RE8 Village Beretta 92FS Custom "Samurai Edge" (Magnum) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:8sianDude · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://s...
【赛马娘】醒目飞鹰 スマートファルコン Smart Falcon Replaces Rochelle
说明 · 【赛马娘】醒目飞鹰 スマートファルコン Smart Falcon Replaces Rochelle · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:㘜䘈䚖䜚䟐䠪䀌䆐䉵䎚 · Compile:【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1844787679328028186/173B183A61B1841220CBAB28E...
Creada por 超过4特打不过
修改了铁喷木喷的音效 包括换弹,上膛,开火音效,新加了开火后抛壳的音效 个人感觉手感好不好完全看音效 ...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
【RNG】CS:GO M4A1-S 雷姆&拉姆 / 【RNG】 M4A1-S Rem&Ram
Creada por 洛兮
替换M16A2,replace rifle M16A2 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1799730357745060773/1EB1BCA398421FD9FD57A828DE7245747C86A557/ 游戏内: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1799730357745057191/6A3A427CE6...
Creada por Chocoo
替换了原版燃烧瓶皮肤; 增加了夜光; 替换了抛出动作; 将原版的 “永恒之火”燃烧瓶, 替换成了用打火机点燃的燃烧瓶。 注意:因为修改了模型和动作,本mod与部分mod有冲突,订阅后请注意冲突。 ...
乌丸千岁 表情包替换小电视动画 - Karasuma Chitose TV animation
Creada por 这把一定过
使用了乌丸千岁的表情包替换了游戏内小电视的花屏 烏丸 千歳(からすま ちとせ) 渡航原作、QP:flapper插画的轻小说企划《少女编号》的主人公之一,女主角。大学一年级女学生,其颜值高、外表可爱、性格人渣腹黑,所属No.1 Produce旗下的新人声优。曾是声优训练班里的第一名。自认为业界门槛很高,如果没人知道“乌丸千岁”这个声优的话,那么那不就和“乌丸千岁”这个声优根本不存在是一个意思了。虽然很容易得意忘形,但内心却十分强大,甚至被做成表情包 喜欢的话,不妨点赞订阅加收藏?...
亚达(讨厌)替换推的声音 hentai离我远点 yada Substitution push
Creada por 真·勇者
亚达(讨厌)替换推的声音 hentai离我远点 yada Substitution push 试听地址 http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=248733 Audition address http://www.missevan.com/sound/player?id=248733...
低亮度的樱花弹道和弹痕(Sakura trajectory and bullet marks with low brightness)
Creada por FAW075
简介 注意:我调低了在黑暗地方的亮度,亮的场景效果也跟着降低,这个我就不是很懂为什么了 基于原版的效果上降低了亮度(Reduced brightness based on the effect of the original version ) 黑图不刺眼(Not glaring in dark places ) 原版的樱花弹道和弹痕 原版的真几把亮,眼睛要瞎了...
低配特效包V2:蓝色版 (Low effects Pack V2: Blue edition)
Creada por 韦子能
创造: 著作权归 黑暗肥鸟、麻辣香锅 所有 改动: 蓝色血液、蓝色火焰、蓝色枪火、蓝外线 Create: Copyright belongs to fat bird, mala xiangpan all Changes: Blue blood, blue flame, blue gun fire,Blue outside...
全景瞄准镜 Full screen Sniper Scope
Creada por sadako
求生之路2全屏狙击镜瞄准镜MOD,取消原来瞄准镜视野的限制,全景狙击神器,更容易发现目标,手感更好,没错就是老E那个绝版开镜MOD,找了好久才找到的。视野999ft/yds,用久了让你欲罢不能,配合精细准星mod使用更佳,或者可以在控制台调整准星大小,相关指令cl_crosshair_thickness 1,准星粗细,默认是2。cl_crosshair_dynamic 0 ,固定准星,默认是1。一次修改,永久有效 使用前(before)↓ http://imglf4.nosdn.127.net/img/VH...
Creada por lm
初音miku消音冲-Js9 替换消音冲锋枪mac-10 我自己已经用了非常久了,闲的无聊上传了。 原mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2111896058&searchtext=js9 miku's JS9-elfail Replace mac-10 I have used it for a long time for myself, idle boring upload. If have some problems, I ...
Creada por 花の韵❄
共142帧 ...
Creada por Kurisu
使用卢本伟语音替换了Jockey的全部语音 v2版本更新调整了部分语音、音量,净化音源 出场:卢本伟准备就绪!、卢本伟牛逼听见没有! 骑人:卢本伟牛逼xN、得得得得得—— 闲置:我TM要上天变TM太极金仙! ——等等语音,等你订阅 视频预览:www.bilibili.com/video/bv1AK4y1Y7tb 与本小姐制作的其他语音包配合使用更有乐趣(滑稽) 经测试无爆音无BUG,如发现问题可以回复反馈,谢谢支持!...
Creada por 花の韵❄
真的玄 到底是帧多还是帧少才流畅 图网上找的 在pr上了点RGB和旋转效果 想多搞点但考虑到可能会紫黑格.. 2个月没搞mod好多都忘了 也没什么很想做的 如果有时间和兴趣就整个老本行(过关加载图)吧 ...
嘉然/diana 替换 hunter
Creada por Hikari
基于 另一个mod 修改而来 灵感从BV1R44y1W78而来,但他没有上传工作坊于是我自己动手了,时间仓促大概会有很多BUG 没有对粉红色侏儒不敬的意思...
可莉加特林音效 Klee's Minigun Sound Effect
介绍/Introduction: 这个是原神相关的MOD,用于求生之路2的UI整合,素材来源于米哈游出品的原神IP系列作品 This is the MOD of Genshin Impact, materials used here are from the IP of Genshin Impact produced by MIHOYO 用可莉的声音替换了加特林的声音 Replace Minigun Gatling Sound Effect with Klee's voice b站视频链接 (2:33 - ...
孙笑川Charger语音 v2
Creada por Kurisu
使用游戏主播孙笑川的语音替换了Charger的语音 v2版替换了一部分语音 出场:你好小可爱!要吃饭的嘛~ 攻击:#$@%#!%!(天皇母语) 闲置:你的态度能不能好一点噢!你吼辣么大声干什么嘛? 死亡:哎哎!!赶尽杀绝是吧?!干什么呀! ——等等语音 与本小姐制作的其他语音包配合使用更有乐趣(滑稽) 经测试无爆音BUG,如发现问题可以回复反馈,谢谢大家的支持!...
少女前线 AR-15(异构体)替换M16 / (Girls' Frontline AR-15)replace M16 (夜光和HUD)
Creada por 杰罗尼莫
特别感谢大佬“M82A1闇冥”提供的技术支持. "我明白了。好吧,我们现在投降。" AR-15 替换 m16(带音效和夜光) 大佬们多点赞啊,点赞越多越多人能看见. 原版mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2559728044 原作者:Raizen and PYgame.D.Cthulhu original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?i...
Creada por Lost my pieces
新科娘唱歌真好听 Model:破损的心...
Arknights - NIghtingale's Cage (replace pipebomb) 明日方舟 - 夜莺·挽歌 转瞬即逝的幻影(替换土制炸弹)
Creada por SHArknight
你必须攻击那个具有嘲讽技能的随从 -------------------------------------- 鸟笼和土制炸弹(或者胆汁瓶)真是太搭了(滑稽) 替换模型和动作 replace model and animation https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1809887417883085967/CB71D1E12B154E3B5CD336648F4EC52E08C47535/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....
Creada por mmi开心
格林笔记爱丽丝 替换 Coach
Creada por Hm
格林笔记爱丽丝 替换 Coach ...
格林笔记爱丽丝 替换 Rochelle
Creada por Hm
格林笔记爱丽丝 替换 Rochelle 修复了人物动作和手臂 替换coach:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2378163921...
泠鸢yousa 替换 路易斯Louis
◆泠鸢yousa◇ 公式服 替换 路易斯 yousa replaces louis -------------------------- 此mod包括: · zoey的动作 · 头发与裙子的物理模拟效果 · 表情 · 飘动骨骼 ·MMD渲染效果 -------------------------- This mod includes : · Zoey's animation · Physical simulation of hair and skirt · Expression ·Jiggle Bone ·...
Creada por 花の韵❄
替换爆炸子弹和燃烧子弹的显示效果 就是摸了爆炸/燃烧子弹箱然后打出去的效果 另外一个...
物述有栖 冬装 替换 教练Alice replaces Coach
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ ♠ ♦物述有栖❤♣ 冬装 替换 教练 Mononobe Alice replaces Coach -------------------------- 此mod包括: · zoey的动作 · 头发与裙子的物理模拟效果 · 表情 · 飘动骨骼 -------------------------- Thi...
猫宫日向SVCh|NekomiyaHinata VCh Replace military sniper(Military Sniper)
Creada por Nekomiya6
猫宫日向 猫老大 NekomiyaHinata Replace military sniper SVCh 'Chukavin' 仅替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 拥有质感 Have texture https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1750192709721300951/63AE545CBA746D00C70431B55A0F73496761DBE2/ https://s...
神楽七奈Ammo Cans
Creada por mmi开心
神楽七奈Laser Sights
Creada por mmi开心
花丸晴硫Hanamaru Hareru skin for Arby26(replace)autoshotgun动态贴图夜光
Hanamaru Hareru skin for Arby26(replace)autoshotgun动态贴图夜光 花寄女子寮 vtuber:花丸はれる 主题一代连喷 动态贴图,arby26动作 Texture - Dynamic texture Animation - Arby26 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 图片来源于花丸推特@hanamaruhareru Picture comes from Twitter@hanamaruhareru 感谢你的订阅和赞 Th...
花丸晴硫Hanamaru Hareru skin for milk (Pain pills)
Hanamaru Hareru skin for milk (Pain pills) 花寄女子寮 vtuber:花丸はれる 主题牛奶 仅替换了贴图 Texture - Replaced Animation - Default Sound - Default https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1021699036692375961/DC54953D780C5A8597647A6CA98D6A4F76FEC1B7/ https://steamuserimage...
荧光的动态的初音的木喷|Light moving miku pump shotgun
Creada por VioIet
我第一次做mod Making MOD for the first time 感觉还是不错的 I feel that it is good 在黑的地方会发光 It will glow in dark places 枪上的初音会动 Miku on the gun will move 做这把枪真的很不容易 It’s really not easy to do this gun. 遇到了许多技术问题 Encountered many technical problems 导致我重做了好多遍 Caused me t...
Creada por 凤九歌
前段时间忙着和“懒癌”做对抗呢,最新的3.0版本如下:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3023528018&tscn=1692604144 此MOD内容为: 1.基础选项:一些常用的指令。 2.SOS:一些活跃气氛的指令。 3.✔✔✔✘:一个人发语音太孤单?那就让队友一起加入你,如果队友没回应,那就去队友身边,然后多按几下! 4.佐伊solo:佐伊的九条个人语音,你问我为什么会有九条之多? 我低头沉思了一会儿,也许,这就是爱吧。 ...
透明门transparent door(援交打折限定版)
Creada por ひなたのゆめ
因为全透明会撞上去所以加了个图片,门板是全透,图片半透 因为搞不懂贴图所以会有一些bug,但那又怎样,摸着网线来打我啊,打不着吧哈哈哈哈嗝 自认为实用性很高,其实也没什么卵用 ※图片的呈现会因环境光线效果而改变,从暗处看很亮的地方就看不见图片了,如果门后是地图外(全黑)图片会变成实体 ※门框是bug,能不能接受看你们自己,本人很菜,完全调不来,希望有dalao指点怎么整改...
Creada por Yuni Senpai
当主视角操控角色死亡后,左上角会显示飞鹰子动态图标以及“寄”字样。 飞鹰子俯卧撑动态贴图搬运自此处 (此mod可能与一些HUD相关mod有冲突。)...
镜音铃Kagamine Rin 替换 Rochelle
Creada por 凯茜帕鲁格
因为之前的Mod镜音铃和镜音连都是替换的Ellis,许多人都希望能看见镜音双子同时上镜,所以这次将镜音铃改为了替换Rochelle 因为Ellis的Mod是使用Rochelle的骨骼所制作的,所以两个Mod中使用的文件是一模一样的,只是修改了一些代码,也就是说bug也是一模一样的,用过之前的Mod的人应该都知道脸部所存在的bug了,所以还请大家使用此Mod的时候不要特地用手电筒去照人物的脸部...
镜音铃Kagamine Rin 替换 Ellis
Creada por 凯茜帕鲁格
如图所示,用镜音铃替换了游戏中的二代人物Ellis 飘动骨骼是有的,不过头发不会飘动,因为是短发 和上一个mod一样,没有倒地UI 模型作者:Sour暄 已更新:修复了裙子穿模的bug 已更新:增加了表情 镜音连:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1884880452 As shown in the figure, Ellis was replaced by Kagamine Rin. Model author:Sour暄 Upda...
霓虹色彩_Miss Diana 嘉然主题夜光小帮手替换马格南手枪 嘉然小姐的小帮手2.0
我这次连着原作者模型一起打包了,不用订阅前置mod了 the link of this model‘s author : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1918328413 小帮手原作者模型: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1918328413 侵删 加入了夜光效果,让你的武器成为夜空中最亮的星,嘉然小帮手1.0中反光严重的现象也修复了,旨在给每个嘉...
ARCAEA Loading Background
Creada por 花の韵❄
-ARCAEA- https://i.ibb.co/m9hs51P/ec9cef2c-c6f3-4014-a986-fc631d589554.png ownership:Lowiro Background: Official Chapter|Saferoom10+6 Simplified path statistical table Hide unimportant|Load/settlement music https://i.ibb.co/HHTCZtC/2941296241-preview-like....
魔法未来麦克风magic mircophone 替换 吉他[guitar]
magic miku 2016 microphone replaces guitar 魔法未来2016麦克风 替换 吉他 此mod包含: ·吉他原动作和音效 ·专属粒子特效 MOD include : ·Original Anmation ·Exclusive particle effects https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1764818006310221048/437768B1D0CB0260D3FFDDE23B73333B9D39D1B1/ htt...
(Silenced SMG + Uzi) SMG Reanimated
Creada por Elias
Reanimation of the SMG and Uzi. Completing the duo of the pump shotgun and the SMG, like you might have expected before the AK. This time around I wanted to try and focus on not having the same "stiffness" that I've seen mentioned and starting noticing mys...
82年的初音未来燃烧瓶|Miku Molotov
Creada por Nekomiya6
——订阅必须物品会改变燃烧瓶的第一人称动作,如果不选择订阅则默认官方的动作。 ——Subscription of mandatory items will change the first person action of the burner. If subscription is not selected, the official animation will be defaulted.(Machine Translation) 替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 拥有质感 Have te...
?A-Soul?????Eills Miss Diana replaces Eills
?????????mod???????????@????? DANIAO ?????????mod?????? ??Eills????...
>>> Blue Fire (no screen + no weapon conflict)
Creada por wx
as you wished. since the other one is conflicting with your adrenaline add-on. this will be no problem. Blue Fire - no screen conflict + no weapon conflict Blue Colored Fire replaces most of the default Fire color, expect Weapon Flame effect and Burning ef...
[Destiny2] Ace of Spades
Replace - Magnum(Desert Eagle) and sound and icon this weapon is from <Destiny/Destiny2> Model - <Bungie> Motivation By <桃乐丝>...
acheron [spiral knights] [baseball bat]
Creada por mahou shoujo XzDash
coolest than original? hope so change sound to katana if you feel confused why the katana will set like this will just go to play spiral knights and why for baseball bat because in spiral knights this weapon will swing three time to reset for katana https://...
Admin Menu JianTiZhongWen
Creada por QuoDB
Admin System
Creada por Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
Alternative MAC-10 Sounds
Creada por мяFunreal
This are alternative sounds for the MAC-10. I have no idea where the sounds came from. I found them on the internet without credits. Contains normal fire and incendiary fire sounds. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the ...
Alternative Sound - Hunting Rifle
Creada por TheKissingZombie™
Replaces the default sound of the Hunting Rifle, including the incendiary fire sound....
Always in my heart - Yamadatamaru Credits Music
Creada por Felicia
This replaces the Credits Music with 'What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?(WorldEnd/SukaSuka) IN "Always in my heart". -------------------------------------------- BGM:Always in my heart Creator:加藤達也 The time of us:ALL --...
Ammobox - military
Creada por TOG | K1CHWA
new look for the ammo boxes. texture/ref please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME MODS ANIMATED GLOWING MODS....
Apex Legends - Death Hammer (Shovel)
Creada por Twilight Sparkle
Well bringing you the same thing but this time being sort off different?, anyways so as i said on previous mod, this is the Death Hammer from Season 6, Caustic's signature weapon, and this time it will replace the ("Shovel") and it comes with its original ...
Apex Legends - Shock Sticks
Creada por Twilight Sparkle
Continuing wit the new melee weapon from the heirloom, i bring you Lifeline's Shock Sticks, they are not really that "shocking" but you get the idea, anyways this will replace the Night Stick or Tonfa or whatever its called and it comes with its original a...
Arknights - Amiya | FreshFastener (Ellis)
Creada por Leepc12XD
Replace Ellis Cover PixivID=87073778 Model author authorization has been obtained....
Arknights - Lappland Refined Horrormare - Coach
Creada por NanaNana
Feature  特征 Polished Materials          高亮的贴图 Jigglebones             飘动骨骼 Fully Facial Expressions       丰富的面部表情 First Person Arms          第一人称手臂 Boomer Bile Texture         胆汁贴图 Intro / Animations fixed        开场动画动作修复 Corresponding Coach's Attachments ...
Astronomia & Fubuki - Death Music
Creada por NanaNana
12th Replace the music played after player's death. Audio Author: SNKS_Project...
Axe Purple Phoenix
Creada por Yuun
Don't ask me why i did this. I really don't know. I was just having fun with Luna's Husband Color Program, and i wanted to check how the Golden/Glorious Phoenix Axe of Litchi would be on Purple. Well, it's looks very nice so i just uploaded it on the Works...
Azur Lane 4K Miko Saferoom Loading Background
Creada por NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- 4K Miko Saferoom Loading Background -碧蓝航线- 4K 巫女 安全室读图背景 1080 Ver/1080 版:steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2205900056...
Bang Sound
Creada por Loli Sovietica
Loli Bang Sound (DESERT)...
BF1 QF-1 Pompom Gun
Creada por Azhe
Battlefield 1 QF 1 pounder https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747940658856274515/34CBC07D7ED73B6282B3F7AF2E3D47BB462BF9B1/ If you like, please give a positive rating. I'll be happy to see it, which can motivate me to do better. I'm just an amateur...
Blue Fade to Purple Spitter Particles
Creada por ৡLuciferFlashঌ
Changes the Spitter's particles to something, is more like a futuristic effect. Hope you guys like it ! :D...
BO3 Nunchucks [Crowbar]
Creada por scream
https://i.imgur.com/MDCbxCP.png Replaces Crowbar with a Nunchucks (or Nunchaku) from Call of Duty Black Ops III (COD IW animations) The nunchuks are traditional Okinawan martial arts weapon consisting of two sticks connected at one end by a short chain or ...
Brighter Alarm Cars
Creada por Jarey_
"Don't shoot that car!" Created for a partially colorblind friend who had trouble seeing the alarm cars at night, worse still trying to see them in the daylight. If you still have trouble seeing cars in the daylight. Aside from firing your gun you can also...
Burger Tank meals at Burger Tank locations
Creada por FallFox
Adds the legendary BBQ bacon burger, large order of fries and orange soda to the Burger Tank tables! (Hard Rain and No Mercy) Small bugs: Replaces "table_cafeteria.mdl" so you may see the food at locations that you shouldn't. (Can't fix this) Ellie fixed i...
CF 修罗沙鹰—cfs2017 DesertEagle_BornBeast_cfs2017(magnum)
Creada por 凡白毁神造世
This DesertEagle_BornBeast_cfs2017 replaces magnum,and used animations by Original Crossfire,Replaced some sounds,Made deploy and push special effects,and if you like , enjoy it models:Tencent animations:Smile Gate texture/edit:Tencent/fanbai sound/edit:Te...
CF 凤凰之息 WideGrenade_GoldPhoenix(pipebomb)
Creada por 凡白毁神造世
This WideGrenade_GoldPhoenix replaces pipebomb, and used animations by Original Crossfire, The material dynamic Spontaneous light,Replaced the sound,and if you like , enjoy it models:Tencent animations:Smile Gate texture/edit:Tencent/fanbai compiler:fanbai...
CF 双持沙鹰天神 dual_deserteagle_dorado(pistol)
Creada por 凡白毁神造世
This dual_deserteagle_dorado replaces pistol,and used animations by Original Crossfire,The material dynamic Spontaneous light,Replaced deploy and reload sounds,Made deploy and push special effects,There will be sparks when changing bullets,and if you like ...
CF 擎天 Shovel_BornBeast(BAT)
Creada por 凡白毁神造世
This Shovel_BornBeast replaces bat,and used animations by Original Crossfire ,The material dynamic Spontaneous light,Replaced deploy and attack sounds,Made attack and push special effects,and if you like , enjoy it Suggested fov:60~70 "cl_viewmodelfovsurvi...
CF 沙鹰天神 deserteagle_dorado(magnum)
Creada por 凡白毁神造世
This deserteagle_dorado replaces magnum,and used animations by Original Crossfire,The material dynamic Spontaneous light,Replaced deploy and reload sounds,Made deploy and push special effects,There will be sparks when changing bullets,and if you like , enj...
CF AK12--天启 AK12_K_IronSpider(AK47)
Creada por 凡白毁神造世
This AK12_K_IRONSPIDER replaces AK47, and used animations by Original Crossfire, I tried to restore the special effects,It turns red when you change bullets,When you push it, it turns purple,The material dynamic Spontaneous light,Replaced some sounds,and i...
Creada por 凡白毁神造世
This BARRETT_GLORIOUSPHOENIX replaces hunting_rifle, and used animations by Original Crossfire, Added special effects,The material dynamic Spontaneous light,Replaced the sound,and if you like , enjoy it models:Tencent animations:Smile Gate texture/edit:Ten...
CF 斩神刀 Dragon_Blade(fireaxe)
Creada por 凡白毁神造世
This Dragon_Blade replaces fireaxe,used cf animations,Made a dynamic fire eyes,Made the attack special effects,Attack sounds have also been replaced,and if you like , enjoy it models:Tencent animations:Smile Gate texture/edit:Tencent/fanbai sound/edit:Tenc...
CF AN94超新星 AN94_spaceship(AK47)
Creada por 凡白毁神造世
This AN94_spaceship replaces AK47,and used animations by Original Crossfire,Replaced deploy,shoot and reload sounds,Made push special effects,There are some special effects on the gun,and if you like , enjoy it Suggested fov:60~70 "cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor ...
charlotte Sl8 HK(hunting rifle)
Creada por 多乐美
replace the hunting rifle with charlotte original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1749955878...
Charger's rainbow
Creada por fox.57005
Charger rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For hunter...
Creada por Lnemmo
发光箭头 与 安全屋向导,新人路盲开荒必备。 易碎墙提示,让你不会在危险的角落蹲守! 原本一直使用根号大佬的路盲指示 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=934602353 ,但是觉得那个易碎墙太显现碍眼了。搜了工坊发现就只有2个相关的mod,于是自己试试换个材质。这不搞不知道,一搞起还是大有学问,所以真的佩服根号大佬,是第一个搞懂这个游戏的人。易碎墙本来是特感才看到,根号大佬取巧地让人类都能看到,另外箭头也是加了参数才滚动,当然我也...
Christmastime - Barriers
A bunch of xmas related (mostly traffic) barriers. Replaces A-frame barriers, traffic barrels, traffic cones, concrete blocks, pylons, etc with wooden reindeer, snowmen, Christmas trees, snow fort walls, nutcrackers, and other holiday stuff. Yup. ...
Christmastime - Gingerbread Food Carts
More gingerbread to get Dark Carnival in the Christmas spirit: Gingerbread trailers selling gingerbread. Yum. Murr Crimbus. This is an edit of the model found HERE Note: are not required for this mod to work. If you don't have that mod, the signs will just...
Christmastime - Gingerbread Tents
A little more holiday sprinkles for Dark Carnival. This time it's in the form of gingerbread houses. Murr Crimbus. Note: are not required for this mod to work. If you don't have that mod, the signs will just display the default Dark Carni ads....
claw but is frying pan(frying pan)
Creada por mahou shoujo XzDash
normal claw sound no more frying pan is katana maybe sad and is normal claw...
Clean and Reflective Water
Creada por Meraru
Combines the tweaks made by this and this mod so you can get both cleaner water and better reflections. YES, THIS STILL HAS THE BUGS ENHANCED WATER REFLECTIONS HAD, USE THIS ADDON TAKING THAT INTO CONSIDERATION, THANKS. Explanation of the bug by Blue: "The...
Coloured Outro/Ending Titles for all Campaigns
Creada por Big Boss
Changes all the campaign titles that play in the ending credits to these coloured ones, example images above. The Last Stand and Cold Stream not included, since those campaigns already have a coloured outro title. 23.6.2023 MAJOR OVERHAUL: All the titles h...
Creada por Omixsat
“Adding the competitive spirit to the apocalypse” CLICK HERE FOR THE NEW L4D BCL PLUGIN CLICK HERE FOR THE L4D1 VERSION! Target Players: EVERYONE These bots are capable of escorting players effectively in easy, normal and advanced difficulties... As for ex...
Complete Extended Population
Creada por Sir Alfred
ENGLISH: Basically its Complete Population Mod for Extended Common Infected Read base complete population mod to check new improvements, complete extended population add new kind of infected from the mod extended common infected but in a realistic way too!...
Creada por 洛兮
替换狙击步枪AWP,replace the Sniper rifle AWP 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1729927067468573315/5122F9C77417506198A61F51A26D16DCAE43A473/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&imp...
CS:GO | Knife = Butterfly Knife (w/ "Butterfly" Deploy Sound) - axe_break 发光蝴蝶刀=小刀-蝴蝶刀拿出声
Creada por wx
Butterfly Knife replaces "Knife" (Glow in Dark) > Butterfly Deploy sound - axe_break w/ Animation (shove/push) w/ Sound w/ Butterfly Knife Deploy Sound w/ Glowing Knife part w/ Light Reflective Handle part >>> All Other Options Machete = BK w/ Butterfly De...
C酱です Replaces louis
Creada por 悠闲
C酱です Replaces louis 模型版权归属:C酱です ...
Dying star (G3)
Creada por 多乐美
replacing the sniper_military ...
Christmastime - Dark Carnival Christmas Lights
A quick splash of red and green on the original mod for some holiday flair. I'll put up some pictures later. I'm a tired, grumpy old lady right now. ...
Christmastime - Dark Carnival Food Signs
Festive fair food signs for Dark Carni. This does NOT include the blinking Christmas lights. Grab the lights separately if you'd like. I should be asleep. I'll add pictures later. Maybe. ...
DDR Arrow Hit Indicator
Creada por NeoXepherDragon
Shows the DDR arrow when hit....
Defibrillator - animated glowing black
Creada por TOG | K1CHWA 2nd
black, animated, glowing defibrillator. wave patterns are like those of a lifepak defib. button anims have more frames for smoother effect. glow is a bit more subtle. GOLD DEFIBRILLATOR GREY DEFIBRILLATOR ORANGE DEFIBRILLATOR RED DEFIBRILLATOR please dont ...
Deltarune(三角符文) "A Cyber's World" groundmusic(大厅音乐)
Creada por †祈月†
replaces groundmusic(大厅音乐) and hopes you like that! dt第三章gkd!!!...
Demonic Tank Particles ⁶₆⁶
Creada por index
EDITS TANK_FX.PCF Adds pentagrams / skulls particles to some of the actions related to the tank such as: -rock trial -rock break -survivor incap -props hit by the tank ORIGINAL ADDON: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1910677185 MODIFI...
DOOG chainsaw sounds
Creada por Plastic Shitlord
First attempt at modding the game, i'm a little surprised there is no Korone related chainsaw sounds. If there's something not working properly, let me know...
Creada por Yuni Senpai
Replaces the In-Game Tips that you can see at the bottom of the screen between maps by 53 new ones, made by Ellie (in Simplified Chinese,translated and changed something by Ebina Nana). 更改读图加载界面左下角的提示,多达 53 个不同的提示哦。 基于 Ellie 制作的英文版 MOD 汉化而来,但也有部分内容由我进行了修改,...
Energy Sword & Shield [katana]
Creada por Ramm.asmiette
Don't forget to : https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/967595538033262398/0B5B8E1EADB09BA6CFAEF341B791A0EEB15AAD41/ => This mod requires a custom melee script to be held and attached to the survivors' hands and backs properly. So any addons or campa...
Enhanced Audio: Doors
Creada por frawzy
Improves door sounds. Go to Collection ...
Enhanced Audio: Electricity
Creada por frawzy
Imrpoves electricity sounds. http://puu.sh/kChy3/f9db266944.png...
Enhanced Audio: Footsteps
Creada por frawzy
Improves footstep sounds for survivors, common infected, and special infected. Go to Collection ...
Enhanced Audio: Water
Creada por frawzy
Improves water sounds. Go to Collection ...
Enhanced Audio: Wind
Creada por frawzy
Improves wind sounds. Go to Collection ...
Fairy Fencer Lola replace Rochelle
Creada por Hikari Fatalis
She loves money more than tank . Credit: --- Model: picked from this site: https://www.deviantart.com/raffine52/journal/Fairy-Fencer-F-Characters-and-Gold-Third-Models-740013513 --- Original character design and artwork from Idea Factory and Compile Heart ...
Fairy Fencer Tiara Swimwear replace Francis
Creada por Hikari Fatalis
Stay healthy :) Credit: --- Model: picked from this site: https://www.deviantart.com/raffine52/journal/Fairy-Fencer-F-Characters-and-Gold-Third-Models-740013513 --- Original character design and artwork from Idea Factory and Compile Heart . --- Me: doing e...
Enhanced Audio: Weather
Creada por frawzy
Improves weather sounds. Go to Collection ...
Fairy Fencer Tiara replace Francis
Creada por Hikari Fatalis
... I'm well aware that there's already a mod for her. I think she could have some improvement so i make her to wipe out zombie with elegance once more. Credit: --- Model: picked from this site: https://www.deviantart.com/raffine52/journal/Fairy-Fencer-F-C...
Fire Axe - Golden Phoenix [V2]
Creada por Yuun
Fire Axe Golden Phoenix / Glorious Phoenix V2 After the release of the Marie Rose Battlesuit Golden Phoenix reskin, we decided to improved the first FireAxe Golden Phoenix for she can get her own melee weapons for fight zombies! Also, this new Axe is Glowi...
Fireworks Pack 1
Creada por Methadone Kitty
Changes the colours of the stage fireworks on the Concert map and the boxed fireworks explosives on any map. The individual mods (Will conflict if you install both seperately) : Concert Fireworks only Bluey Greeny Fireworks only http://i.imgur.com/T7YGOxf....
fire neptunia jerry can/diesel can
Creada por Saeru
this is just a retextured addon that i made to have both cans with this rng neptune textures also the texture is not mine, go and suscribe to original version to play with both cans and give it a favorite...
FKG Setaria [Green Bristlegrass] (Rochelle)
Creada por 8sianDude
Setaria, also known as Green Bristlegrass, is a character from a JRPG game called Flower Knight Girl (FKG). Evident by her given name she is based off a plant called Setaria viridis, a type of foxtail plant used by some pet owners to play with their cats. ...
FKG Setaria [Green Bristlegrass] (Zoey)
Creada por 8sianDude
Setaria, also known as Green Bristlegrass, is a character from a JRPG game called Flower Knight Girl (FKG). Evident by her given name she is based off a plant called Setaria viridis, a type of foxtail plant used by some pet owners to play with their cats. ...
Flandre Scarlet Vending Machine - 芙兰朵露 自动贩卖机
Creada por NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Flandre Scarlet HD Vending Machines (Animated) Replaces vending machines The pictures replaced about every 30 seconds -东方- 芙兰朵露 高清自动贩卖机/售货机/汽水机/饮料机/可乐机/... 图片约30秒替换一次 图片全部使用同一画师的图片,试过三种亮度,然后使用了中间的那个亮度 (Vampire,Kouma Kan,Devil,anime,二小姐,吸血鬼,恶魔,红魔馆,...
Gaming PC Props
Creada por Zaeryn
This 16:9 widescreen monitor replaces the two default LCD ones (not the old CRT ones). It's self-illuminated with specularity and has several auto-changing screens from boomer games. Also includes a CoolerMaster tower case and glowy Roccat gaymur keyboard....
Fate/Grand Order Elevator
Fate/Grand Order Elevator Replace the elevator`s picture.......
Energy powered SPAS - sounds
Creada por Ramm.asmiette
Custom sounds for my Energy powered spas shotgun...
Global Radar 2.0 (Core)
Creada por Ellie
❗️ If you want to use the Global Radar and the SYS HUD mods, download this special addon that includes both and do not subscribe to the SYS Hud or this Global Radar Core Mod https://i.imgur.com/CWe5RMk.png https://i.imgur.com/DqRd5HW.png https://i.imgur.co...
Creada por 雪々エスト
Hakurei Reimu Advertisements - 博丽灵梦 广告
Creada por NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Advertisements Replaces Almost all advertisements in Left 4 Dead & Left 4 Dead 2 Maps (Please set the HD world texture after this MOD,Or don't two MOD together) -东方- 博丽灵梦 广告 替换了求生之路地图里大多数广告 (注意!使用了高清纹理MOD的朋友请将其至于此MOD之后,或者不要一起使用,否则可能无...
Hakurei Reimu Posters Collection - 博丽灵梦 海报合集
Creada por NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Posters Replaces Death Center Billboards,Grocery,Mall and Jimmy Gibbs Poster 12 Images of Large Poster - Replaces every 32s (Please set the HD world texture after this MOD,Or don't two MOD together) -东方- 博丽灵梦 死亡中心 海报合集 替换了地图中路边广告板,杂货...
Date A Live Concert Posters Collection
Creada por NPCsnake
-Date A Live- Dark Carnival Posters 12 Images Animated Stage Background With Self luminous - Replaces every 30s 5 Tunnel Paintings Each Has 4 Images Animated & Self luminous - Replaces every 16s Add Self luminous To the Consoles, Changed The Location Of To...
Date A Live Posters Collection
Creada por NPCsnake
-Date A Live- Posters Collection (12 Images Animated Large Poster - Replaces every 36s) With poster I , A minor modification Replaces Death Center billboards,Mall and Jimmy Gibbs Poster Date A Live Concert Poster / 约会大作战演唱会海报 -约会大作战- 死亡中心 海报合集 (12张大海报自动变换,...
Hakurei Reimu Billboards - 博丽灵梦 户外广告牌
Creada por NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Billboards Replaces Burger Tank,Gas Station,and some other Billboards (Please set the HD world texture after this MOD,Or don't two MOD together) -东方- 博丽灵梦 广告牌 替换了Burger Tank,加油站及其它大型广告牌 (注意!使用了高清纹理MOD的朋友请将其至于此MOD之后,或者不要一起使用,否则可能无法正常显...
Hakurei Reimu Vending Machine - 博丽灵梦 自动贩卖机
Creada por NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Vending Machines Replaces vending machines The images replaces every 25 seconds -东方- 博丽灵梦 自动贩卖机/售货机/汽水机/饮料机/可乐机/... 图片每25秒替换一次...
Halo 3 Main Menu music for L4d2 menu
Creada por Taikashi
This addon replaces the l4d2 menu music with the halo 3 main menu music...
Hanamaru Hareru skin for Fireaxe花丸晴硫夜光
Hanamaru Hareru skin for Fireaxe 花丸天下第一!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will glow in drak places. Picture comes from Twitter@hanamaruhareru...
Ham Radio [HD]
Creada por Funneh
The Ham Radio (known as a amateur radio) is the use of designated radio frequency spectra for purposes of private recreation, wireless experimentation, self-training, and emergency communication. One of the Ham Radio's can be found at the Rooftop Finale in...
Hatsune Miku Helicopter Pilot
Creada por мяFunreal
Hatsune miku found herself a helicopter. Includes corpse models. She will, once in a while scratch her right arm, look at the dashboard, look out the window and move her feet. Credits: Mamama - model, textures Dewobedil - rigging, port to gmod MrFunreal - ...
Hatsune Miku Tunnel of Love
Creada por Ellie
Hi everyone and hi especially to people who like Hatsune Miku. First of all, yes this is an "Anime / Vocaloid" themed mod, but I guess there's room for this in the Workshop since a lot of people do like Anime, and that this mod is, I guess, nicely done. I ...
Hatsune Miku [M60]
Creada por 千の夜
This gun is my present for memorializing cosmo,mod changed the picture of m60 to the song Lyrics(Hatsune Miku no shoushitsu). ...
Hearthstone cards {Replace AWP}
Cant afford the Mega Bundle,hope Blizzard takes care of we poor people! 我真的想买莫言全集啊,只要488战网点亦可! Replaces AWP. 替换武器 AWP. Models and textures:Blizzard Entertainment Animations:Grsomiprs 槐音 Publish:Me Changeable cards|可自定义图片 ClearSkyC 晴空大佬 ReTicentl 沉默大佬 Half ...
Hunter FX blue-pink fire
Creada por Urik
A particle trail effect mod for hunter. This mod is made for fun and visual entertainment. I don't encourage or force anyone to use it in competitive modes....
Hunter's rainbow
Creada por fox.57005
Hanter rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For charger...
I hate laugh
Creada por 徒手开根号
All laughter weakened one hundred times.I think the sounds of laughter, very ugly.I hate being laughed at:(...
Identity V: Mechanic: Red Riding Hood
Creada por 上官芷
It took half a month from the time I never used 3ds Max to the first time I completed the production of the model. The process has gone through various difficulties, I can't remember how many times I've redone it, but thanks to contributors tonykencw's ass...
Identity V: Enchantress: Fate
Creada por 上官芷
The character is Enchantress of Identity V: Fate, replacing Rochelle. It is forbidden to reprint this model to a website other than steam! Other related: Mechanic, Perfumer....
Identity V: Perfumer: Ce soir ou jamais
Creada por 上官芷
The character is Perfumer of Identity V: Ce soir ou jamais, replacing Nick. It is forbidden to reprint this model to a website other than steam! Other related: Mechanic, Enchantress....
infected damage display
Creada por 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
Informal Skyboxes v2 w/o Color Correction (The Last Stand) (Brightness Fixed)
Creada por ֆʊռ
Added Skybox in The Last Stand Only and I fix the brightness in skybox because some of the last stand skybox is too much bright (as seen in the picture I screenshot) Important Note: 📌YOU MUST SUBSCRIBE INFORMAL SKYBOXES V2 W/O COLOR CORRECTION (in the requ...
Informal Skyboxes v2 [ 4k / Full HD ] w/o Color Correction
Creada por Szalik
This will work fine with any color correction, choose your favourite one! Make sure you check out my Collection, it reworks the entire game and works best together Description: Genuine Informal Skyboxes are cool, but the double moons and many unrealistic a...
K-ON! Posters mod
Creada por Why So Serious?
"This addon replaces standard posters the loading" created by Tenma. - http://www.gamemaps.com/details/5128...
Kagura Nana's Healing sound effects
Creada por 十年公交男
Kagura Nana's Healing sound effects Included: Sound effects. Description: Mom! Mom is here. Statement: Sound from :Kagura Nana Make:十年公交男 At last: AWSL https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627042377028/D75ECC1501834F02BEF94E023B6AFEB88C757D02/...
Kagura Nana's pick upsound effects
Creada por 十年公交男
Kagura Nana's pick upsound effects Included: Sound effects. Description: キラッ☆. Statement: Sound from :Kagura Nana Make:十年公交男 At last: AWSL https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627042377028/D75ECC1501834F02BEF94E023B6AFEB88C757D02/ Label # 标签:K...
Kaito Vocaloid Catering Truck
Creada por Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal both sides same pics n words Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy ...
KF2 AA12 - Victorian
Creada por The Law
Replacing the Spas-12, AA12 from Killing Floor 2 with the Victorian reskin by Trunks252. *Removed shooting and reloading sounds (so you can use your favorites) *This mod will be removed if the original author requests so Credits: Tripwire Interactive - Ori...
Killfeed frame Change
Creada por Felicia
Only replaced the killfeed frame It can coexist with Killfeed Colour Series MODs ...
CSOL2 tomahawk (machete) (Reanimated) replace machete
前排感谢大佬 尼克leon 的授权 Thanks for 尼克leon s authorizatio CSOL2 tomahawk replace for the machete. 蛋拐兔双s手斧替代砍刀,CSOL2动作。 Include(包含): V&Wmodel, anims,Glowing,5 skins,Rng sounds action V W model 皮肤 夜光 5个皮肤 rng切换 音效 动作 每一关可能都是不同的皮肤 常用的有4个皮肤 以及一个出现可能性很小的纯黑色斧头皮肤,这个皮肤没有...
Korone Bonk - Bat
Creada por Rurika
Replaces bat bonk sounds with Korone's bonk sound. #Hololive #Inugami Korone #BONK...
L4D2's winter is coming~
Creada por 徒手开根号
It's so cold! This MOD only contains the snow ground, and the rest of the MOD in the collection Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. L4D2's winter is co...
L4D1 Common Infected Overhaul
Creada por Skessler
CHECK THE CHANGE NOTES REGULARLY TO SEE A LIST OF UPDATES This is a project that aims to restore the colorization of the L4D1 common infected with the new L4D2 shader system. In L4D1, the colorization was handled with the alpha channel, but now, a new shad...
Laffey replace rochelle
Creada por Lost my pieces
Mobile game Azur Lane...
LingYuan Yousa - Zoey
Creada por NanaNana
Replace zoey Features: - Polished Materials - Jigglebones (hairs, skirts, ribbon) - Facial Animations - ValveBiped Rigging - Procedural bones (skirts, wrist) - First arms Model from MikuMikuDance 泠鳶Yousa@石英世界...
Loading Spinner
Creada por not available
This Spinner will replace default L4D2 spinning load animation....
Love Live Tunnel of Love
Creada por Hawkiepaisen
based on miku tunnel of love by ellie Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
【Blue Archive】Shirasu Azusa M4A1 replaces M16A1
Creada por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
Machete First Person Animations Remade
Creada por Paysus
Please don't redistribute / port these animations without permission...
Meiko Vocaloid Airort Fuel Truck
Creada por Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal both sides same pics n words Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy ...
Megurine Luka Delivery Van
Creada por Hawkiepaisen
model n uv fix by funreal both sides same pics n words Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy...
【Blue Archive】Waraku Chise MGL Replaces Grenade Launcher
Creada por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
miku cola(glow)夜光
Creada por Adobe
miku cola...
Miku GIF Replace Saferoom Loading Screen
Creada por 聖園未花
A dynamic graph replace saferoom loading background. BGM on video: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2098953191 Low resolution, sorry for the lack of ability....
MIKU jukebox Rainbow Transparent
Creada por 徒手开根号
Rainbow Transparent jukebox,The disc is replaced with Miku's CD This MOD does not contain music, you can customize your favorite music MOD The jukebox body is transparent Like the white crystal beauty,and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effec...
KSG Miku (Fix Sound Settings, Resolve Conflicts)
Creada por 祈禱
KSG Miku (fixed sound settings, resolved conflicts) Replace the Chrome Shotgun The sound configuration is abnormal so that Chrome Shotgun uses the Pump shotgun sound file So the sound file will conflict with the Pump shotgun that contains the replacement s...
miku poker(awp)
Creada por 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD modifies the awp,Its CARDS are lovely MIKU,I hope you can like it,Welcome to my workshop,thank you. Of course,If you don't like the pattern, you can modify it yourself.but,If you want to post, please get my consent,And attach the source action add...
Creada por lm
Replace pain pills by a milk....
miku smg
Creada por Lcmi Kuyh
smg Make mod for the first time Thanks for your support. Pictures are basically from pixiv mac-10...
Miku Police Cars
Creada por Hawkiepaisen
by me replaces both l4d1 n l4d2 both have slightly different tex watch out miku popo gonna handcuff u Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Miku_The widowmaker(spas) .beta
Creada por 蒜蓉炒面
替换了二代连喷(spas 12) 注意,这还是个测试版, 枪声,【和平守护】,贴图已经有了动态效果,但是法线贴图的bug还未解决,没有法线贴图整个模型就像亚克力材质。 等大佬指点江山 520,,,,,今天表白日呢。。。。。(拿起名单),金木研,艾伦,三笠,初音未来,阿米驴,gay骆驼,希里,爱丽莎,希欧,芬,黑洞娘,篮球,藤原拓海,藤原千花,殇不患,凛雪鸦,樱蝎洛,decade,桐生战兔。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。我爱你们呐~~~...
Marcado como incompatible ]  Milk DMG Core【牛奶DMG特效】 Beta 1.0
Creada por 仓鼠箘
Milk DMG Core MOD, In short, this is Realistic Damage] made by @Eille, but changed the blood into milk for Restriction level. Damn Zombies, splash the milk on my whole body! some guy told me that milk like cu* to remove the milk, no need the shower, only a...
Minecraft TNT for pipebomb on insurgency animation
Creada por 苦黄瓜
事实上我一个月之前就做了这个mod,我一直是自己在用 In fect I made the mod 1 mouth ago,I used to use for myself 模型来自KabeN和Splinks的Deathcraft II战役,动作为Lt.Rocky的叛乱投掷物动作 The model is from Deathcraft II made by KabeN and Splinks,and the animation was made by Lt.Rocky,,I just bound skel...
Military Sniper Reanimation
Creada por Hex To Max
Based on Arima's Military Sniper Reanimated Bash and reload animation is partly from Cele's DSA SA-58 (Hunting Rifle) Sound mod(optional) Credits Cele/Arima - Animation...
Mirai's Parasol [replaces AK47]
Creada por -JoyRider-
Mirai's Parasol - replaces weapons AK47 未来的阳伞 - 替换枪械AK47 https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 此模组包含: - 第一&第三人称模型 - 新的动作动画 - 替换原始音频 All rights go to Tamsoft, XSEED Games and Marvelous USA, Inc. My production experience is limited, I hope the user can provide som...
Clean Infected View
Creada por ₩ɨƶ
Makes the Special infected view clean When playing Vs as the Specials Removes the ghost and blue screen Making a better more clearer view Now you can see much better!...
Moon | Neptune
Creada por Sawapine
Mod replaces default moon for Neptune from Hyperdimension Neptunia....
Creada por Darth-Buldge
The 'Morgenstern' Flail replaces the Baseball Bat. (Made by Lt. Rocky, I Exported it from loony park, hex editing by Recycle Bin) Animations in online may be iffy...
Mobile toilet
Mobile toilet...
【Blue Archive】Renkawa Cherino Nagant Replaces Desert Eagle
Creada por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
Nekopara - Chocola & Vanilla Flashlight (Sleeping)
Creada por Ruby
Someone asked me to make a Chocola & Vanilla flashlight, but after making 2 versions I couldn't choose wich one to upload. So here's another one.~ Credit goes to NEKO WORKs for creating the original image that was used for this mod. The other one can be fo...
Nekopara bed
Creada por Jake-Habert
Nekopara bed 我觉得不需要多说了 原版本地址,如有冒犯联系我删除 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1300903668&searchtext=bed...
Nepgear Car
Creada por Violet Nya
Change the race car skin with Nepgear from Hyperdimension Neptunia...
Neptune doll (Texture Remake)
Replaces the Gnome I did not own the mod, I just remake the texture let it better look. Original 512x512 zoom into 2048x2048 and remake with photoshop. author site http://www.gamemaps.com/details/8201 If inadvertently violate your copyright, please let me ...
Neptunia Bus
Creada por Hawkiepaisen
Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Neptunia Fire Gas Can - RNG Colors
Creada por Hano
Hyperdimension Neptunia Gascan with glowing skins. ( This is my first addons, i have more to upload ) Credit from : https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198026564362 Also Checkout the Original version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetail...
New 少女前线 AR15 替换 G3 / (Girls' Frontline) AR15 replace G3
Creada por 杰罗尼莫
特别感谢大佬“M82A1闇冥”提供的技术支持. "指挥官……这是梦吗? 我之前的迷茫……到底是为了什么呢? 请让我一直看着您吧,因为一闭上眼睛……我就担心自己会醒来……" AR15 替换 G3(带音效和夜光) 原版mod链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981058753 原作者:Denny凯妈 , zmg and DragonOfJustice original mod: https://steamcommunity.co...
Oxygen Tank - RNG Colors
Creada por Null Signal
Replaces with new and glowing skins. Enjoy! Check other versions: Gas Cans: Yellow: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1227080506 Green: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1227081749 Blue Cyan: http://steamcommunity.co...
Painkiller Chainsaw
Creada por Nexus
So I found only 3 mods that represent the Painkiller chainsaw from Loony Park Campaign https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=578030460. The first one is broken https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=869564582&searchtext=Painki...
Creada por 槐音Grsomiprs
Video presentation\视频演示: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av19400706/ include:materials models sound It changed the pan,I think you should know what he is ?XD. This could be my bad taste.Download it if you like.Besides the color in the picture,there are six ...
Peach Wood Sword 桃木剑 (machete)
Creada por 槐音Grsomiprs
Video presentation\视频演示https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ZV411h7JE PS:Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.Revision of the release is subject to my approval. 未经许可严禁转载,修改发布需经过我的同意 如有另需 得加钱 _(:3 」∠)_ thank:文明提供模型 This weapons is from game S...
Pink Killfeed
Creada por gixim
I changed killfeed colour to pink....
Pinky Pink Color Correction Pack
Creada por moemeo
This will change all campaigns (included The Last Stand, Crash Course, Cold Stream, and safe room) color correction into pinkish ones. For anyone who got bored of blue pack. XD The screenshoots have some mods inside but vanilla skyboxes! Not many pictures ...
Pink Progress Bar
Creada por GhostOfGnome
Turns the progress bar pink...
Pneumatic air shotgun [spas]
Creada por Ramm.asmiette
Custom mashup of metro exodus crossbow parts and some of my own. Pneumatic air shotgun shooting high velocity marbles. Viewmodel Worldmodel Custom sounds anim by LTrocky There is a lot of guides on "how to edit vpk \ change weapon sounds"....
Portal Grenade Launcher Effect
Creada por ᴿᴱᴻᴱ™
A mix of Aperture Science technology and the most satisfying sound of Star Wars. This mod will replace the grenade launcher´s smoke trail, explosion effect and the fire/explosion sound. Works purfect with RocketDude mutation. Ahem ;D ( This mod will collid...
Powerful Katana Sound 充满力量的武士刀音效
Creada por 诚宝
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png ✔ 仅修改武士刀的音效 充满力量的武士刀音效(拔刀斩攻击音效) 适合与只修改武士刀外形的MOD一起使用(当然单独使用也没问题) 鸣谢 & 音源取自(拔刀斩):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=693771070 (由于上面这个链接的拔刀Mod攻速缓慢,以至于不能在本地联机中正常使用,且作者也停止了更新,于是我提取了音效,因为真的很赞) PS:手感是动作和外形以及音效一同决...
Pocket mirror concert music
Creada por Sakurajima Sakuta
Songs list 1. Chimerical Presence (First video) 2. Evening Stroll (Second video) 3. Midnight Circus(Third video) 4. Midnight Stricken Clock ~ Glass Slippero(Fourth video) Mod test:Fifth video...
Project Neural Cloud perisicaria handgun replace m16
2022.03.22 NOW .this mod use cf ‘s sound have fun every one The model includes V-mode w-mode self-made action luminous UI funny Mod The creativity comes from CF's handgun, so it's a pity to try it. I should have experience next time Unfortunately, there is...
Propane Tank - RNG Colors
Creada por Null Signal
Replaces with new and glowing skins. Enjoy! Check other versions: Gas Cans: Yellow: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1227080506 Green: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1227081749 Blue Cyan: http://steamcommunity.co...
Purple Pink Health Simple Remake
Creada por GhostOfGnome
I remade my first Left 4 Dead 2 mod with a simple and cleaner look....
Random Map Selector
Creada por Cuba
Born from the age old problem of "What map next guys?" The crew awakens in a strange forest bunker, with the only way out being the button in the center. Lets you randomly select a campaign to play, thats it. Press the button in the middle to get warped to...
Princess Connect!Re:Dive Neneka Dynamic skin-PumpShotgun
Creada por ハルル
replace the PumpShotgun Dynamic skin and night glow...
rainbow star particle magic stick [m60]
Creada por kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's just a regular stick but with some cool special effects it replace m60 in game. 喜欢我的mod就加群鸭 945760874 这次是研究粒子效果顺便做出来的东西233 用了樱喵大佬的粒子效果.如果 进入游戏没有效果请检查是不是有别的粒子效果mod与我的mod冲突 喜...
Real life 3d scan brick [machete]
Creada por Ramm.asmiette
Real life 3d scan brick for machete Some immersion mod, find your own brick and hit them hard ! ( yes the worldmodel position is weird, but it depends on the survivor qc stuff) HD real textures + blood edit by me Brick sounds included Credit : map tumtara,...
Reisen Tank
Creada por 科比
Add a dress to tank. Although this is the first work. But I hope you enjoy the work. If you have any good ideas or suggestions for this mod. Welcome to your comments and suggestions on the message board. If you like this piece of work.Welcome to subscribe!...
Remove Explosion Flash
Creada por Rainy
Remove the flash of explosives. This mod removes the screen flash of all explosives. All explosives in l4d2 have a red flash on the screen when they explode. It obscure the screen momentarily, so it interferes. Therefore, this mod removes it to provide a c...
RNG 3 waifu Medical Package
Creada por 十年公交男
RNG 3 waifu Medical Package https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627046647669/1ADFDDE86C150FAE3DA54707F3F4B032AFFD02DA/ Included:       V mode, W mode, Glow,RNG. Description:        FBI!OPEN THE DOOR! Statement:       Model from : scream      ...
Samurai Axe Sound
Creada por Kusshie
This mod changes the sounds of Axe like Chanbara(Samurai battle)....
【Blue Archive】Kasuga Tsubaki Scorpion Replaces UZI
Creada por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
【Blue Archive】Sunaookami Shiroko SG553 Replaces SG552
Creada por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
Shimotsuki Potofu (Ellis)
Creada por dewobedil
Shimotsuki Potofu http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon, Skirt, Tail) ● More than 100 Bones ● Game shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zoey animation ● Boomer Bile Texture ● Lobb...
Shimotsuki Potofu (Bill)
Creada por dewobedil
Shimotsuki Potofu http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon, Skirt, Tail) ● More than 100 Bones ● Game shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zoey animation ● Boomer Bile Texture ● The ...
Shimotsuki Potofu (Zoey)
Creada por dewobedil
Shimotsuki Potofu http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon, Skirt, Tail) ● More than 100 Bones ● Game shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zoey animation ● Boomer Bile Texture ● Lobb...
Silence m16 & sound
Creada por 徒手开根号
Only for M16, according to the preferences to add CS:GO M4A1-S Masterpiece : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=653097230...
Shimotsuki Potofu (Rochelle)
Creada por dewobedil
Shimotsuki Potofu http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Ribbon, Skirt, Tail) ● More than 100 Bones ● Game shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zoey animation ● Boomer Bile Texture ● Lobb...
Silly Zombie Punches!
Creada por binary
Fun for the whole family! Make the apocalypse a whole lot funnier with this mod! You can take as many punches as you want and still feel no pain anywhere other than your stomach from laughin' so much! *Not responsible for any pain(s), injuries, or death(s)...
Simple Bunnyhop Detect
Creada por mt2
Bunny-hop detect script The bunnyhop message output condition is over 3 bunnyhop and velocity over 350 You can change the conditions with ver1.4 update Open "ems\simple_bunnyhop_detect\bhop_detect_condition.txt" adjust the < count,speed > and save For exam...
Slightly louder tank's idle sound
Creada por | ° ° |
Increase loudness of growling and idle sound of the Tank. You will hear a Tank hiding behind a wall or in a room....
Slightly quieter bullet sound effect
Creada por | ° ° |
1. Slightly quieter nearmiss sounds 2. Slightly quieter bullet impact sound on things...
Creada por DITOP
SMG Silencd [CSGO anim]
Creada por [ΖмBя.™] Dusty
English: A while ago I was developing a skin for Mac-10 (CSGO) to be used on L4D2. But in the end I given up on finishing this mod. However, as animations were ready, I decided to publish this SMG Silenced mod with similar animations of the Mac-10 used in ...
Winter Wasteland - Snowy Tunnel of Love
Adds a bit of winter flair to the Tunnel of Love...
sounds adjustment for tank and common infected
Creada por | ° ° |
1. Quieter tank's pain sounds. 2. mute sounds that tank and common infected make when they are on fire...
Sour Magic Mirai Miku 2017 Replace Rochelle (Sour式 魔法未来2017 替换 Rochelle)
Creada por Shirasu Azusa
简介 Sour式魔法未来2017 替换 Rochelle Replace Rochelle 关于 -models- Sour暄/PrincessExelia/SuperACG/PriChama/xaxkkx/ミコト/Joshu0a926__c/ayu Edit BY ayu -cover- マジカルミライ 2017 Pixiv ID: 68052919 Member: Pingo 包含 替换模型 飘动骨骼 佐伊动画 裙摆受大腿一定物理飘动效果 最后,本人技术有限,有什么问题一定要留言 喜欢的就点个赞吧 ...
Song of Ice and Fire Barbara 【冰火之歌 芭芭拉】RNG
Creada por 仓鼠箘
Ice and Fire RNG replace for Coach Barbara:" Oh f**k off let me kill them!" Credits: Original L4D2 MOD: Spicy Hot Fire Skin: BiliBili:观海子 I changed light warp texture so that makes her more likely in Genshin. 冰属性和火属性二合一芭芭拉替换黑胖 芭芭拉:“学医救不了蒙德!” 出品: 原求生MOD:麻辣香...
Sour Type Miku [RNG]
Creada por Vaz0w
This addon replaces Francis. --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; VGUI; Zoey Animation; Facial expressions; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod is ...
special infected bacteria (muisc)
Creada por 徒手开根号
The rebirth of special infected, there will be a unique music that will appear what kind of special sense. Replace the use of voice, can know more clearly what is going to have special infected attacks...
Steam Fireworks Box
Creada por ₩ɨƶ
Fireworks has Steam and Valve logos You can call it the new Steam box Or it could be Gabens brief case If you love or hate them both Now you can watch it burn up With money signs to the sparks Sorry no refunds, screw your money!...
SukaSuka the Zombie hordes music
Creada por Felicia
This Mod used "What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?"(SukaSuka) IN music replace the Zombie hordes music (also called Your own funeral Horde) -------------------------------------------- BGM:高潔な志 Creator:加藤達也 The time of u...
[xdR] Spitter - Fixed Animations
Creada por xdshot
Fixes and Improvements for original animations Changes are: Added Idlenoise, added as layer on some sequences. Jump has last frame prolonged, long enough to be switched to airwalk. Added idlenoise to Jump. Improved ladder dismounting, it's layered sequence...
[xdR] Cursed tank anims
Creada por xdshot
slot 10. Do not award. ...
[xdR] cod zombies
Creada por xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Occupies each Common Infected Slots 5 of reanimations. Original motion data by Treyarch...
[xdR] Hunter Pouncer
Creada por xdshot
"again... low quality mod gets so much attention." - SashaDudeRUS Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. "WE CALL THIS A DIFFICULTY TWEAK" Occupies Character Slot 34 of reanimations....
[xdR] Charger - Attack Hit Delay Animation Fix
Creada por xdshot
Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Changes Charger melee animation so it matches actual hit. Occupies Character Slot 34 of reanimations. ...
[WTF] ←←← (m60)
Creada por LE37
replace m60 and sounds...
[Tonfa]Aqours 2nd 应援棒替换警棍(Beta2.0)
Creada por 高海千帕
Aqours 2nd LoveLive! HAPPY PARTY TRAIN TOUR光棒替换警棍 这是测试版,先发出来给大家用 完整版会更新的功能: 光棒可以变色 添加挂绳 新的动作 其他细节 如果怕错过更新,不妨点个订阅,谢谢你的支持! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 小更一波,详情见更新日志 关于夜光太亮闪瞎眼的问题,我通宵了一晚上也没找到合适的方法解决,为此我已经在vmt文件中将自发光...
SukaSuka IN&IMA replace the Credits music
Creada por Felicia
This replaces the Credits Music with 'What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?'(SukaSuka) IN"Always in my heart" & IMA "Scarborough Fair". "Scarborough Fair" replaces l4d1 "Always in my heart" replaces l4d2 **Slightly increas...
Tanks Playground
Creada por obez
Version 3.0 Campaign My tribute to the Tank Fever series by Lain. Survive the tanks for 10 minutes until rescue arrives! 13 to 15 tanks at most in Normal, Advanced and Expert modes (all are beatable). Less tanks in Easy. 3 possible rescue points. A player ...
Tank Rock Alarm
Creada por Fantazilite
Tired of being surprised by tank rocks flying at your face? Well no longer! This addon adds a loud-as-balls siren noise to the tank's rock throw sound; now you're SURE to see those suckers coming! (NOTE: the sound can be interrupted by the tank getting hur...
TDA 洛天依 Hair Recipe 露肩连衣裙 replace louis
惯列先要感谢牛肉大佬。 牛肉大佬的mmd配布地址http://space.bilibili.com/503908/ 封面来自:https://www.jijidown.com/Video/Av5775767 这一次! 是一个里程碑! 终于,将表情加入了mod! 这一次! 注入了灵魂! 这mod拥有四个表情 说话会张嘴。 会眨眼。 黑枪会皱眉 会咬牙。 太可爱了! 不过建议搭配语音包使用。 不然留下心里阴影不要怪我(笑) 其他的该有了都有了 裙子的物理效果终于不用绑在腿上! 手腕也不会再有bug。 头发和衣服...
[TDA] Wedding Dress Bouquet (Fix Bugs)
Creada por 祈禱
Wedding Dress Bouquet (Fix Bugs) Replace the Frying Pan Fix texture paths in .vmt files The original author's .vmt file texture path is wrong, and you will see purple squares when entering the game Original author URL Declaration: I am not the creator, I o...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Creada por мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
Third Person Shotgun Sound Fix (Last Stand Update)
Creada por MadMaxLiS
https://i.imgur.com/EFERX9f.gif https://i.ibb.co/Qd4Jr6j/Untitled-4-copy.png Fix for missing shotguns sounds when player is in 3rd person For working online you will need disable "RestrictAddons" Simply go to Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\cfg and find file call...
ThirdPerson Flashlight Fix [V3] (LOCAL SERVERS ONLY)
Creada por H.U.N.K
////////// READ THIS BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// Flashlight FIX for (ThirdPerson) This ONLY works on "Local Servers" YOU MUST BE THE HOST!!! - This is a combination of CVAR Commands and simple particle edit - Credits: Better Script Compatibility: Nines M...
Thor Sniper scope(CSOL)
Creada por 徒手开根号
Thor sniper scope is dynamic Bik format video, and the color is very low, L4D2 sniper mirror is a static picture. So the effect is likely to do it in general, I hope you like Point like, please Maybe you like this too.....(red xhair)→ http://steamcommunity...
Tibetan Fox borgar food bag (Replace Dog/Pet Food bag)(HD)
Creada por ____
B O R G A R T I M E This replace the Dog/Pet Food bags into Cute Tibetan Fox food bags that she always love borgar! (With HD) Also known as "The reason why i wanted Dog/Pet Food bag" mod Dog food HD version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetai...
The winter of the plants is coming
Creada por 徒手开根号
It's so cold! Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. L4D2's winter is coming~ http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=672794530 车辆 http://st...
Titanfall 2 - Bolo Sword
Creada por Twilight Sparkle
Finishing with most of the "weapons" stuff from TF2, i bring you the last one? at least for now, anyways, this is the Bolo Sword, a melee weapon type that was cut from the game due to limitations but the files were still there, except for a few things, yes...
Transparent miku theme color Machete
Creada por Ribonsan
Transparent miku theme Machete skin The resolution of mapping material is adjusted to 1024 * 4096 (original 512 * 2048) Subscribe if you need. If you don't, please leave quietly Thanks...
【Blue Archive】Kuda Izuna Type100 Replaces Silenced SMG
Creada por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
Creada por Cheshire.Cat
关键字:碧蓝航线、Azur lane、拉菲、HD、自发光、vending machine、饮料 This mod will randomly change image on vending machine. 拉菲动态画面自动售货机。...
Versus Single With Bots
Creada por Chlorororororo
This is my first mod that I publish to workshop This addon will provide you a mutation which you can play versus without strangers and your friends The script of the game is based Versus Single by def075 Features: -Bots can activate obstacles -Bots can do ...
Virtual Youtuber - Serena Meme - Jockey
Creada por NanaNana
This mod has five random expressions, it can change every time after the map is loaded, idea from this by Twentydoge. Feature Polished Materials Jigglebones RNG First Person Arms 4k texture Ability icon Good ragdoll physic when dead Credits Original author...
Virtual Youtuber - Sirakami fubuki V2 - Francis
Creada por NanaNana
V2 Francis Replacement Feature Polished Materials Jigglebones Facial Animations First Person Arms, sleeve jigglebones Boomer Bile Texture Corresponding Francis's Attachments A few model edit 4k texture Ears that move with expression Credits Original charac...
Virtual Youtuber - Sirakami fubuki V2 - Coach
Creada por NanaNana
V2 Coach Replacement Feature Polished Materials Jigglebones Facial Animations First Person Arms, sleeve jigglebones Boomer Bile Texture Corresponding Coach's Attachments A few model edit 4k texture Credits Original character design: Nagishiro Mito Original...
Vtuber 戌亥床/戌亥とこ Replaces louis
Creada por 悠闲
Vtuber 戌亥床/戌亥とこ Replaces louis 模型:こんにゃく ...
Vtuber 润羽露西娅/Uruha rushia replace rochelle
Creada por Hm
Vtuber 润羽露西娅/Uruha rushia replace rochelle 技术有限,可能有许多问题,欢迎指出...
Vtuber 花園セレナ/花园Serena replace Nick
Creada por Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 啾啾猫猫~ 替换二代Nick 手模弄了一下午最后还是不理想,干脆就换了这个,还是挺好看的 预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oK411H7Zw 素材来源: model:@Cloudceil 封面:@Apple_A_Caramel 欢迎进群闲聊:697196002 制作不易,喜欢的话就点个赞吧 其他幸存者版本均在群文件 需要定制MOD请联系QQ ...
Vtuber 猫又おかゆ/Nekomata Okayu replace Zoey
Creada por Natsume
Nekomata Okayu replace Zoey 小粥替换一代人物佐伊 replace content Third-person model | 第三人称模型 Frist-person arms | 第一人称手臂 HUD Icon | 角色UI图标 Jiggle bones | 飘动骨骼 新人第一次做mod,许多不足之处,请多包涵~ 最后特别感谢b站up:伊藤ナオキPYgame 大佬制作的教学视频和对提问的解答。...
Vtuber Robocosan replaces Nick
Feature: - FPS arms - HUD icons - Jigglebones - Zoey's animations - Eye blink animation and Basic face flexes It's my first mod, so it might be a little unpolished Original Model - ロボ子さん-Roboco Ch. Please use responsibly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...
Watagi Michelle Replace Rochelle V1.03
Creada por -JoyRider-
Battle Girl Highschool - Watagi Michelle replaces Rochelle MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/104123 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridojo My production experience is limited...
Winter Blue Water
Creada por Colonel Vanek
Changes the color of water on all campaigns to a frosty shade of blue suitable for the winter season. UPDATE: Added support for Cold Stream campaign. Recommended to be used together with the Winter Wonderland Mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
Windows Error Remix Tank Music
Creada por arq1hexe
This mod replaces tank music....
xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base
Creada por xdshot
Base dependency for 3-rd person re-animations mods for survivors and infected Features: Provides basic system of adding replacements for animations. Slot system that allows combining multiple re-animations mods. Up to 48 different slots per each character....
Yazawa Nico Love Live Ambulance
Creada por Hawkiepaisen
nico nico nii~ since there r bus n van but no ambulance i decided to create one this time with nurse niko to fit the theme. Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Your Screen (computers)
Creada por Max
This mod replaces the Computer Screens by your screen. Yeah, that's right, your own screen while playing the game. This mod intends to break the 4th wall. ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (AWP)
Creada por TrueKringe
This is reskin of Miku poker cards mod from some Chinese dude (I don't know how to spell his name) Original: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1088401036 Yea, This mod just replaces AWP rifle into Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, I used Raigeki/Thunder...
YYB式初音交响乐 替换 Ellis
YYB式◆初音未来◇ 未来交响乐 替换 埃利斯 Hatsune Miku Symphony replaces Ellis -------------------------- 此mod包括: · zoey的动作 · 头发与裙子的物理模拟效果 · 表情 · 飘动骨骼 ·MMD渲染效果 ·夜光纹路效果 -------------------------- This mod includes : · Zoey's animation · Physical simulation of hair and skirt ...
[無職転生] 洛琪希 - P90
Creada por Cheese菠蘿包
洛琪希·米格路迪亚·格雷拉特 P90 洛琪希 洛琪希 我的洛琪希! CSGO-P90 替换 UZI 模型原贴 CS:GO P90 图源P站 ID 87429571 贴图部分荧光 感谢各位的赞和订阅 thank you for your subscription and praise https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1750182419319370115/ED7C484CFA3588DC9E5771E08BD8DE8A593F2FF5/ https://s...
Yuzuki Yukari Replaces Ellis 结月缘替换Ellis
Creada por PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Yuzuki Yukari Replaces Ellis 结月缘替换Ellis This model has: w model&v model Zoey's animations jigglebones proportions basewarptexture VGUI https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/835832470171427098/B73A4E5904CBE325F455FDED02A003FE5B899E19/ 请尊重模型原作者,不要直接公开随意...
[Arknights] Pinecone theme Milkor MGL replace Grenade Launcher
Creada por 假的蛋糕蛋糕
Pinecone theme Milkor MGL replace Grenade Launcher Pinecone Number One! Pinecone Waifu! I have made a Pinecone theme Grenade Launcher Used RE3 Remake Milkor MGL (Grenade Launcher) made by 8sianDude The texture is made by myself SOOOO~ If you like it please...
[Azur Lane]Yukikaze Vending Machine(RNG)
Creada por QiuDxf
Azur Lane Yukikaze Vending Machine(RNG)...
[Bat]Computer Keyboard
Creada por 超级热土人
Keyboard of your computer:)...
[CINDERELLA GIRLS] Takagaki Kaede a.k.a The Pun M@ster
Creada por nameless
Takagaki Kaede a.k.a The Pun M@ster Replacement Eliss...
Creada por 高海千帕
千歌です 曜です ルビィです 三人合わせて、We are CYaRon! I love CYaRon! よろしくね! 拿起这把电锯,元气全开地割草吧! Love live/Lovelive Sunshine/Aqours ...
[Deresute] Abe Nana - Dress-Up☆Usamin [Ellis]
Creada por 徐子平
安部菜々 ( Abe Nana ) - ドレスアップ☆ウサミン ( Dress-Up☆Usamin ) replaces Ellis - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ...
Creada por MxDlZnB
80,000 faces 156 bones Cool special effects Hard core action All you want is here...
[Deresute] Domyoji Karin - Knotted Fate [Rochelle]
Creada por 徐子平
道明寺歌鈴 ( Domyoji Karin ) - えにしの結び手 ( Knotted Fate ) replaces Rochelle - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ...
[Deresute] Hisakawa Hayate - トキメキ☆ホーダイ [Nick]
Creada por 徐子平
久川颯 ( Hisakawa Hayate ) - トキメキ☆ホーダイ replaces Nick - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ...
[Deresute] Imai Kana - Memorial Days [Rochelle]
Creada por 徐子平
今井加奈 ( Imai Kana ) - メモリアルデイズ ( Memorial Days ) replaces Rochelle - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression Kana-chan kawaii~ All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainmen...
[Improved] Active Talker
Creada por MANACAT
This add-on changes survivor characters to actively speak their lines. - When another survivor is caught by a special infected, that person's name is called. - When someone hits by the Boomer's vomit, Other survivors call that person's name. - If everyone ...
[RNG]PioneerZ1Z's work for Chrome Shotgun替换铁喷
PioneerZ1Z's work for Chrome Shotgun 我个人单喷作品的集合,替换铁喷 My personal collection of shotgun works, replacing Chrome Shotgun 一关更换一次皮肤,重启章节不更换。 总共有7个皮肤,一款隐藏的mana皮肤 There are 7 skins in total, a hidden mana skin 夜光效果 It will glowing in dark place https://steamuser...
[Re0] 蕾姆 Spas-12
Creada por Cheese菠蘿包
Re:从零开始的异世界生活 蕾姆 部分贴图荧光 仅替换贴图 图源P站 ID 82519270 感谢各位的赞和订阅 thank you for your subscription and praise https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1749057282360732276/F85BB22E3EC7BDE6966726E41276DA2218C88306/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolo...
[Project Sekai] Saki Tenma [Leo/NEED]
Creada por BatagorMan
Saki was born with a weak body. Because of her weak body, she could not attend middle school. Her older brother, Tsukasa, took care of her during that time. However, she became healthy enough to attend high school. Saki was childhood friends with Ichika Ho...
[Princess Connect] Kyouka theme S890 replace XM1014 (auto shotgun)
Creada por 假的蛋糕蛋糕
Kyouka theme S890 replace XM1014 (auto shotgun) I decided to make a Kyouka theme XM1014 Used S890 (m1014 replacer) made by HK G41 The texture is made by myself SOOOO~ If you like it please leave a good comment which will help me improve Original Model:http...
[Deresute] Kobayakawa Sae - Flower-Falling Banquet [Louis]
Creada por 徐子平
小早川紗枝 ( Kobayakawa Sae ) - 華ほころびる宴 ( Flower-Falling Banquet ) replaces Louis - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ...
[Deresute] Ninomiya Asuka -Incandescent Rebellion-
Creada por LiuP
*I'm so happy to see people love my work. I wish scamco too...* Intense and brooding, Asuka is a 14-year-old searching for her own identity. Described as a subcultural, cool type chuunibyou, she speaks in an overly obscure fashion. Asuka has an intricate a...
[Deresute] Ogata Chieri - Merry Merry White [Ellis]
Creada por 徐子平
緒方智絵里( Ogata Chieri ) - Merry Merry White replaces Ellis - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression Thank 志希トワレ and 芙蕾保护协会会长 for their guidance. All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI ...
[Deresute] Koshimizu Sachiko -Self Proclaimed Magical Girl-
Creada por LiuP
*happy birthday sacchi, cutest girl in the world (25/11)* Sachiko is a girl beaming with astounding confidence, priding herself in being the cutest. She loves to act cute and adorable, especially for her fans but friends and coworkers frequently see her mo...
[Deresute] Ohtsuki Yui - Love Wonder
Creada por LiuP
♪♫You are listening to radio happy Itsumo soba ni iru yo Nemui asa mo yuuutsu na yoru mo Na-na-na-na-na, listen and sing-along now Utaou yo odorou yo stay tune Kimi ni mo dekiru yo SAY HOO! Hibikidashita saikou no music Na-na-na-na-na, listen and sing-alon...
[Deresute] Saionji Kotoka - Lovely Blossom [Rochelle]
Creada por 徐子平
西園寺琴歌 ( Saionji Kotoka ) - うるわしブロッサム ( Lovely Blossom ) replaces Rochelle - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ...
[Deresute] Sato Shin - Luxury Heart [Bill]
Creada por 徐子平
佐藤心 ( Sato Shin ) - ラグジュアリィ・はぁと ( Luxury Heart ) replaces Bill - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression Happy Valentine's Day! No death pose. All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI N...
[Deresute] Shimamura Uzuki - Heart Illumination [Louis]
Creada por 徐子平
島村卯月 ( Shimamura Uzuki ) - ココロ・イルミネーション ( Heart Illumination ) replaces Louis - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc....
[Deresute] Shimamura Uzuki -Smile and Treat-
Creada por LiuP
*Hasshi looks chubby. Chubby is healthy :3* Uzuki is a girl who always has an amazing smile on her face. She’s always bright and positive and the dedication she has towards becoming an idol can’t be beaten. Though she seems like an average ordinary girl, h...
[Deresute] Sakurai Momoka - Black Roses Blooming In The Evening [Ellis]
Creada por 徐子平
櫻井桃華 ( Sakurai Momoka ) - 黒薔薇は小夜に咲く ( Black Roses Blooming In The Evening ) replaces Ellis - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression awsl All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO ...
[Deresute] Shiragiku Hotaru - Praying For A New Dawn [Nick]
Creada por 徐子平
白菊ほたる ( Shiragiku Hotaru ) - 黎明に願って ( Praying For A New Dawn ) replaces Nick - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression https://s3.bmp.ovh/imgs/2022/01/4b514c41649a7faf.png All ...
[Deresute] Takafuji Kako - The Night When Stars Meet [Coach]
Creada por 徐子平
鷹富士茄子 ( Takafuji Kako ) - 星逢う夜に ( The Night When Stars Meet ) replaces Coach - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ...
[Deresute] Yorita Yoshino - はるべと咲くや [Ellis]
Creada por 徐子平
依田芳乃 ( Yorita Yoshino ) - はるべと咲くや replaces Ellis - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ...
[Deresute] Yusa Kozue - Wish Upon A Star [Coach]
Creada por 徐子平
遊佐こずえ ( Yusa Kozue ) - ほしにねがいを ( Wish Upon A Star ) replaces Coach - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ...
[Deresute] Tachibana Arisu - Admire Bride [Rochelle]
Creada por 徐子平
橘ありす ( Tachibana Arisu ) - アドマイヤ・ブライド ( Admire Bride ) replaces Rochelle - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression 感觉特训前更好看,就放了封面,实际模型是特训后 时隔一年半,好久没做基本都忘完了,摸索了两天才做完 主要是没什么动力,所以...
[Global Radar] Charger (Default)
Creada por Max
https://i.imgur.com/CWe5RMk.png This mod activates the Global Radar for the default Charger. It is not compatible with new models/animations, but works with retextures. If you want new models that are compatible with the Global Radar, you can check all my ...
[Global Radar] Hunter (Default)
Creada por Max
https://i.imgur.com/CWe5RMk.png This mod activates the Global Radar for the default Hunter. It is not compatible with new models/animations, but works with retextures. If you want new models that are compatible with the Global Radar, you can check all my o...
[Global Radar] Boomer (Default)
Creada por Max
https://i.imgur.com/CWe5RMk.png This mod activates the Global Radar for the default Boomer (&Boomette) . It is not compatible with new models/animations, but works with retextures. If you want new models that are compatible with the Global Radar, you can c...
[Global Radar] Jockey (Default)
Creada por Max
https://i.imgur.com/CWe5RMk.png This mod activates the Global Radar for the default Jockey. It is not compatible with new models/animations, but works with retextures. If you want new models that are compatible with the Global Radar, you can check all my o...
[Global Radar] Spitter (Default)
Creada por Max
https://i.imgur.com/CWe5RMk.png This mod activates the Global Radar for the default Spitter. It is not compatible with new models/animations, but works with retextures. If you want new models that are compatible with the Global Radar, you can check all my ...
[Global Radar] Tank (Default)
Creada por Max
https://i.imgur.com/CWe5RMk.png This mod activates the Global Radar for the default Tank. It is not compatible with new models/animations, but works with retextures. It also includes a fire radar that tells you if the Tank is on fire, and a health radar, t...
[Hanazono Serena] theme Glow Berries milk replace pills
Creada por 假的蛋糕蛋糕
theme Glow Berries milk replace pills I decided to make a Hanazono Serena theme pills Used Pain Pills - Milk made by Joe The texture is made by myself SOOOO~ If you like it please leave a good comment which will help me improve Original Model:https://steam...
[Global Radar] Smoker (Default)
Creada por Max
https://i.imgur.com/CWe5RMk.png This mod activates the Global Radar for the default Smoker. It is not compatible with new models/animations, but works with retextures. If you want new models that are compatible with the Global Radar, you can check all my o...
[Global Radar] Witch (Default)
Creada por Max
https://i.imgur.com/CWe5RMk.png This mod activates the Global Radar for the default Witch. It is not compatible with new models/animations, but works with retextures. It also includes a Crown hint : when you are in position to kill the Witch in one shot wi...
[Hanazono Serena] theme Pump Shotgun Mossberg500
Creada por 假的蛋糕蛋糕
theme Pump Shotgun Mossberg500 I decided to make a Hanazono Serena theme Pump Shotgun Used Overly Cool Animation Mossberg500 made by IIopn The texture is made by myself It’s the first time to make the texture, it feels a little strange Original Model: http...
[Hanazono Serena] theme Umbrella Medical Injector replace Adrenaline
Creada por 假的蛋糕蛋糕
theme Umbrella Medical Injector replace Adrenaline I decided to make a Hanazono Serena Adrenaline Used RE8 Village Umbrella Medical Injector (Adrenaline) made by 8sianDude The texture is made by myself SOOOO~ If you like it please leave a good comment whic...
[Honkai 3rd]Hastala vista(Kallen's Ultimate) replaces minigun
Creada por 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】原罪猎人必杀机枪替换加特林 Replace minigun with Kallen's ultimate weapon Hastala vista in Honkai Impact 3. Sorry that I can only attach muzzle flash to one barrel, and I can't make it roll because the rotation center is fixed to the center of the view. But this ...
[Honkai 3rd]M134 Vulcan Minigun replaces minigun
Creada por 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】M134火神机枪替换加特林机枪 Replace minigun with M134 Vulcan Minigun in Honkai Impact 3....
[Kemono Friends] Bear's-paw -> Frying pan
Creada por 夕月
(ˉ▽ˉ;)...我也不知道简介应该些什么好了 拿着看上去不违和就行 td29501...
[Love Live] Kanata Konoe [Dreamlike Teatime]
Creada por BatagorMan
From All Stars: A third-year who just enrolled into Nijigasaki High School. Though passionate about cooking and doting on her younger sister Haruka, Kanata battles against sleep when it comes to anything else. She also knows all the best spots to take a se...
[Love Live] Osaka Shizuku [Exciting Animal]
Creada por BatagorMan
From All Stars: A recent addition to Nijigasaki's High School and first-year. A straight-laced star student, Shizuku is part of the theater club. She's athletic, but poor at ball sports. She wants to grow up to be an actress, and she seeks to use her schoo...
[Love Live] Yoshiko Tsushima [Devil Rocker]
Creada por BatagorMan
A first-year student who likes the "little devil" look and calls herself "the fallen angel Yohane". Born in the urban side of Numazu City, she's bright, self-assured, smart, and thoughtful. She's also cursed by extremely bad luck, running into all kinds of...
[LoveLive] Hanayo Koizumi [ZOEY]
Creada por BatagorMan
From All Stars: A first-year high school student, Hanayo struggles more than others to stand out in class due to her meek personality. She lacks any traces of self-confidence and tends to give up on everything she attempts. She adores ?'s, so she decides t...
Simplicity LoadingBar
Creada por 可児澪です
Replace loadingbar...
Pink Default Crouching Icon
This changes the default crouching icon to White to Pink. This only changes for the survivors, not Infected. ...
Creada por 冰茶
↑上方合集 期期经典↑ 合集可下载 【每关随机换喷漆脚本】 和 【vtf喷漆文件】         ↓ ↓ 5张视距喷漆 ↓ ↓ 实用系/恶搞系 · D1-LJFX https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1838035412342325641/3996A90A659F65A0C898F0E107419246BA6C1324/ 《冷静分析→前方死路》 恶搞或三方带新。 实用系 · D2-GO https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....
TANK Sights 坦克瞄具 替换狙击镜
Creada por Echo·Iris
我还没活 开学了哇 将狙击镜替换为封面那种带密位的坦克瞄具...
Anime "WOW!" Sound Effect [Weapon Upgrade Pickup]
Creada por 0 n i
Plays whenever the player picks up a weapon upgrade (Laser sights, incendiary / explosive ammo, ect.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯...
Distinct Ammo Upgrades
Creada por ihcorochris
A simple texture change by Urik which makes the Ammo Upgrades more distinct from one another. This also contains my own custom normal maps and VMT edits made to make it more metallic. CREDITS Urik: Explosive/Incendiary Ammo Reskin ihcorochris: Normal maps ...
[Hard-Mode] Random Car Alarm Controller
Creada por MANACAT
This add-on increases the difficulty of the game. Are you bored of doing the same thing every day in L4D? Then let's try a new challenge. This addon turns on/off alarms for cars on the map. You'd better forget about the familiar location of the alarm car. ...
[Improved] Random Object Spawner (RNG)(BETA)
Creada por MANACAT
This addon randomly places additional objects in the official campaign. You play the same official map all the time, don't you want something new every now and then? Wouldn't it be possible to change gaming experience, just by slightly changing the placeme...
Crosshair 17
Creada por Quiet Monarch
You need to have hud that is compatible with custom crosshairs ...
iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: U149 Survivor 8-Pack
Creada por Scasma the Seal-Ion
This add-on reskins all 8 L4D2 survivors to characters from the franchise THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls, specifically from the manga spin-off THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: U149, as follows: Nick - Tachibana Arisu Rochelle - Ichihara Nina Coach - Ryuza...
【Blue Archive】Izayoi Nonomi Serious Sam 3 XM214-A Minigun Replaces M60
Creada por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
【Blue Archive】Takanashi Hoshino M3SUPER90 Replaces Pumpshotgun
Creada por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
Pink Survivor Takeover Labels
This replaces the original colors of the text labels when entering the game and as you are starting off as a survivor. White to Pink! As for the "Joining the survivors team", you won't be able to see this text to the top of your screen, but only "Press pla...
[LXHDJ] QianKunDao-Fire type
Creada por LE37
replace katana and sounds Fire type = powerful...
[WTF] Dual Katana
Creada por LE37
replace katana...
【Blue Archive】阿洛娜 官方 Loading Icon
Creada por Yuki ICE
青春×奇迹×武器! 何気ない日常で、ほんの少しの奇跡を見つける物語。 在无心的日常中,发现少许奇迹的故事。 素材来源介绍 蔚蓝档案(日文:ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-,韩文:블루 아카이브,英文:Blue Archive,简称:ブルアカ,原称:Project MX)又称碧蓝档案、蓝色档案,是由韩国Nexon旗下子公司NAT Games开发、Yostar代理发行的一款角色收集RPG游戏。 《ブルーアーカイブ-Blue Archive-》是以高技术力自豪的NAT GAMES正在开发的第四部作品。...
[CSO] knife_female (machete)
Creada por LE37
replace machete and sounds...
Pink Scoreboard
Changes the scoreboard and the color of the selected player of you to Pink. As well as the ping labels! Here's my addon if you would like to also change your ping icons to Pink. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2711812629 I decided th...
Pink Icon Pings
This changes the ping icons from Green, Orange and Red to Pink. note: If this doesn't work, in game you might have to change your display settings resolution. ...
Pink Voting Text Panel
This changes the color of the text on the voting panel to White & Red to Pink. This also includes the Pink yes & no icons. (Passed or Failed) ...
Pink Message Feeds
This changes both of the messages feed from its default color to Pink. i know there is another one like this, but this one changes both the assistance and kill feed. For example: Coach healed Nick. hope you like it!...
Pink Chat Box
This changes the color of the chat box to Gray to Pink....
Pink Background Progress Bar
This changes the background of the progress bar color to Pink....
[CSO] crossbowEX (SG552)
Creada por LE37
replace SG552 and sounds...
Creada por Nagasaki Soyorin
用专业配音员替换tank的石头飞行和击中的声音 飞行 thrown missile loop:hiu—————— 击中 hit:BOOM! 演示视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ob4y1W7Lo...
Fairy Fencer Ethel (1st skin) replace Nick
Creada por Hikari Fatalis
殺す! Credit: --- Model: picked from this site: https://www.deviantart.com/raffine52/journal/Fairy-Fencer-F-Characters-and-Gold-Third-Models-740013513 --- Original character design and artwork from Idea Factory and Compile Heart --- Me: doing everything else...
Fairy Fencer Ethel (2nd skin) replace Nick
Creada por Hikari Fatalis
Kill ! Credit: --- Model: picked from this site: https://www.deviantart.com/raffine52/journal/Fairy-Fencer-F-Characters-and-Gold-Third-Models-740013513 --- Original character design and artwork from Idea Factory and Compile Heart --- Me: doing everything e...
海绵宝宝船长替换船笛声 / Sponcgebob captain boat horn
Creada por Nagasaki Soyorin
用海绵宝宝op开头船长的OOOOOOOOOOO~声替换了船笛的声音 演示视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hS4y1u7hX Are you ready kids I can't hear you OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~(船笛声) ...
【Arknights】AURORA SKIN for UZI
Creada por Yuki ICE
内含 贴图。声音。 声音链接:https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=1744520821 描述 重装干员极光,总会在你需要的时候伴你左右。 风雪越大,她的手就越温暖。 喂,你别吃我零食了,一次吃一周的量这谁受的了啊! 对止痛药和医疗包应该不会感兴趣......的吧 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1823401442743796194/3DBE1768B6A5878A2892072...
【原神/Genshin】希娜 Xina Replaces Francis(非官方)
Creada por ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) · 注:该模型为非官方模型,是使用官方模型拼凑缝合的二创作品 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 林槿(移植到MMD) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Cover(封面): 仓鼠箘 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Jiggle Bones(飘动骨骼) ...
「物品拾取音效」 咪啪~
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
《寒蝉》里 古手梨花 平时说话时的 : "咪啪~" 替换了拾取物品时的音效 卡哇伊~ o(*°▽°*)o~ ...
Pink Medical Cabinet
Creada por glamvicious
Pink Glass Medical Cabinet Add a bit of cuteness, even to your medical cabinets ♡ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a retexture of shq765611's glass medical cabinet, all credits to them for creating the origina...
Sailor Jupiter Medkit
Sailor Jupiter Medkit, with green glitter and pink gem on zippers. Enjoy!...
Sailor Venus Medkit
Sailor Venus medkit, with orange glitter and yellow gem on zippers. Enjoy!...
Sailor Mars Medkit
Sailor Mars medkit, with red glitter and gem on zippers. Enjoy ;)...
Sailor Mercury Medkit
Sailor Mercury Medkit, with blue glitter and blue gem on zippers. Enjoy!...
skull-2 pistol
Creada por 多乐美
replacing the pistol ...
[xdR] Stagger Roll - Mixamo
Creada por ChapCanai
Replaces each Survivors' stagger/shoved animations with Rolling animations from Mixamo. Requires: xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Uses Slot 038 Problems: Chainsaw not holding properly even though I copy pasted the grip animation from vanilla. Credits: Mixamo.com Mr F...
K&P Loading Background
Creada por 花の韵❄
Loading Background 30 backgrounds 31 frames dynamic landscape ownership:K&P Statistical table status needs reference20HUDcfg workshop » addons = Better experience https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif...
Nachoneko/Bus Stop
Creada por 花の韵❄
甘城なつき 公交站/巴士站/汽车站 15张每16秒换一张 15 images replaces every 16s ...
Nachoneko/Vending Machine
Creada por 花の韵❄
甘城なつき 自动贩卖机/售货机/汽水机/ 15张20秒变一次...
Genshin Impact ganyu Small collection
Happy Spring Festival in the year of the tiger. This will be a gift Coconut sheep dance GIF alternative load Icon + Four color background pictures are used as the background of the safety door 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) https://steamuseri...
Left zhuangbi dead
Creada por PX
Nachoneko/Posters Collection
Creada por 花の韵❄
甘城なつき Replaces C1,C4,C5,C6 Billboards,Grocery,Mall and Posters 20 Images of Large Poster Replaces every 32s 替换了C1,C4,C5广告牌;C1广告牌,杂货店和购物中心海报;C6酒吧海报 20张大海报12张小海报(部分) 32秒换一次 ...
Nachoneko/Concert Posters
Creada por 花の韵❄
甘城なつき 黑色狂欢节广告牌及海报 9张舞台背景与小海报每20秒替换一次 5个隧道画板各3张背景,每16秒替换一次 9 Images of Stage Replaces every 20s 3 Images of 5 Tunnel Paintings Replaces every 16s Without Music ...
「Never Gonna Give You Up」 替换 倒地时的背景音乐
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「Never Gonna Give You Up」永远不会放弃你 不用等 自己倒地直接Give UP ...
「タユタマ2 -you're the only one-」主题痛车 替换 救护车
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
《タユタマ2 -you're the only one-》 Replaced the ambulance 很早就有自己DIY模型贴图的念头了,这也算初次尝试吧。 或许未来也会有制作痛枪的那一天吧 呐呐呐 ...
Creada por 超过4特打不过
第一次做这么复杂的皮肤,学习了这么久也算有点收获了,虽然还是很拉胯 后续慢慢把我自己用的枪全部做一遍 替换木狙,发光不刺眼,直接从模型上删除了瞄准镜,修改了持枪视角,删除了无用的贴图减少MOD文件大小 不知道叫啥名字,随便了无所谓 图片来源P站 http://acg17.com/76542.html 原版MOD https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=687854296...
【Witch Spring】MW2019 MP7
Creada por Yuki ICE
嘿嘿嘿,露娜,你说那个最亮的星应该叫什么名字呢? 夜空中最亮的星? 哈哈哈,我觉得那颗星应该叫露娜和艾露迪。 如果真的可以变成那颗最亮的星星的话。 什么跟什么啊!你们两个不要再说这种胡话了真的是! 借物表 Original MOD:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636145235 贴图素材来源于 魔女之泉同人作品大赛获奖作品 注意 此MOD需要订阅附加物品的所有物品才会生效。如果出现材质丢失(比如紫黑格子)请务必订阅完全并确保...
「Plants vs Zombies」 传送带音乐 替换 尸潮持续出现的音效
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
《植物大战僵尸》前几个大章的每一个最后一关也就是 传送带关卡 的背景音乐替换尸潮持续出现的声音 因文件分散,故只取前奏,不会过于违和 ...
[Deresute] Hisakawa Nagi - Nagi And Her Delightful Friends [Coach]
Creada por 徐子平
久川凪 ( Hisakawa Nagi ) - 凪とゆかいな仲間たち ( Nagi And Her Delightful Friends ) replaces Coach - Third person model - First person arm - Character UI icon - Jiggle bone - Zoey animation - blink mouth angry expression All Content by CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainm...
「Plants vs Zombies」 疯狂戴夫/Crazy Dave 替换 boomer音效
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
《植物大战僵尸》疯狂戴夫全语音 替换 Boomer 全语音 含Boomer语音 : 警觉,进攻,死亡爆炸,空闲,痛苦 警告,跌倒,呕吐,愤怒 ,燃烧 歪比歪比? 歪比巴卜~ Sound- Crazy Dave Replace the Boomer ...
Creada por 哲学家天梦
My congyu is very beautiful(¯﹃¯)...
CODOL虎头刀 tiger head knife
Creada por 3456 ACZ
模型:使命召唤OL CODOL虎头刀,替换武士刀,原版游戏动画(动画太难了我不会做) CODOL tiger head sword, replace the samurai sword, the original game animation...
[Asoul] 向晚Ava Dual SMG
Replace - Silenced SMG...
Mazik Axe [Fire Axe]
Replaces Fire Axe on Valve anim. Original model by sujirour on Sketchfab Has custom magical particle trail if you're subbed to my +Ultra Particle effect (Or the Weapon Fx particle)...
+Ultra Particle: Weapon effects
You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Custom Melee Trail: (add to your weapon's attack anim in the .qc) weapon_melee_bluesticksmall - Blue energy trail weapon_melee_bluesticksmall2 - Blue energy trail weapon_melee_bluestickbig -...
+Ultra Particle: Texture files
Selective subscription version. This pack contain all custom textures used by the particle effect listed. Subscribe to this and any particle file you'd like to use. New vfx are optimized so it wont tank lots of fps compare to vanilla effect (except for a f...
+Ultra Particle: Bullet Impact
You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Contain bullet impact effects (impact_fx.pcf) Features: - Rock-type surface bullet impact create extra smoke and debris with smoke trailing. - Hard surface create extra light flare and spark...
+Ultra Particle: Gore
You must subscribe to the texture file for this to work correctly Contain gore-related particles (blood_fx.pcf) Features: 'Procedurally generated' blood splatter on ground More infected bleeding Exaggerated headshot fx Reworked all gore effect with new par...
Mazik Sword [Baseball Bat]
Wolf's Gravestone sword from Genshin Original model port by 20doge I upscaled the texture and gave it realistic shader. The glowing area has flowing effect. Has magic trail if you're subscribed to my weapon particle mod. Come with custom sword hitting soun...
Smol Ame [Jockey]
Replaces Jockey with the announcer from Paladin, Hololive EN Amelia Watson Features: - Optimized model - Authentic gremlin voice - Versus items (arms, hud) - Ame Original model by Seafoamboi, based on 2d art by Walfie As you can see I can't rig for shit so...
Sailor Saturn Medkit
Sailor Saturn medkit, with red wine glitter and crystal gem on zippers. Enjoy!...
Sailor Uranus Medkit
Sailor Uranus medkit, with golden glitter and blue gem on zippers. Enjoy!...
Sailor Neptune Medkit
Sailor Neptune medkit, wtih blue glitter and green gem on zippers. Enjoy!...
Sailor Pluto Medkit
Sailor Pluto medkit, with green glitter and red gem on zippers. Enjoy!...
Sailor Chibi Moon Medkit
Sailor Chibi Moon/Chibiusa medkit, with pink glitter and gem on zippers Enjoy!...
Sailor Moon Medkit
"In the name of the moon, I'll heal you!" Sailor Moon Theme Medkit, with glitter and crystals on zippers. Enjoy ;)...
Kemono Friends common infected
Creada por imelman
Replaces common and uncommon infected with various Kemono Friends characters. Common infected - Red/Ezo/Silver fox CEDA - Oinara-Sama Clown - Raccoon Mudmen - Shoebill Construction worker/baggage handler - Alpaca Suri Riot - Gray Wolf Fallen survivor/parac...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
萌新的第13个mod,人物来自手游世界计划多彩舞台的草薙宁宁,替换rochelle (这个模型比较怪,处理的时候花了不少功夫,尽管如此,在一些细节的地方可能还是挺微妙的,目前就这样了) 借物表: Model: SEGA/CraftEgg/LessP Copyright :CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA, INC Model edit by 鸽子 image:SEGA / CraftEgg 今后我应该还会继续产出pjsk的人物mod,为mod点赞可以成为支持我做下去的动力 ...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
萌新的第12个mod,人物来自手游世界计划多彩舞台的桃井愛莉,替换louis 借物表:Model: Aichi CH / SEGA / Craft Egg Files: pjsek.ai Bone/Morph Renamer : josuemmd13 /Sunny Ripped : Aichi CH Retexture: Aichi CH Eye Morph ; Harry image:SEGA / Craft Egg 之后我应该还会继续产出pjsk人物mod,为此mod点赞可以成为支持我继续做下去的动力 ...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
萌新制作的第11个mod,人物来自手游世界计划多彩舞台。替换bill 总是很开朗,总是保持笑容的气氛制造者。Leo/need乐队的键盘手——天馬咲希 嘿嘿嘿,saki,嘿嘿嘿 借物表:Model: Aichi CH / SEGA / Craft Egg Files: pjsek.ai Bone/Morph Renamer : josuemmd13 /Sunny Ripped : Aichi CH Retexture: Aichi CH Eye Morph ; Harry image:SEGA / Craft...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
萌新的第10个mod,人物是手游世界计划多彩舞台的凤笑梦,替换nick。 我绝对不是有意将emu和mfy放一块的,只是因为emu可爱捏 (mfy:真开心呢,凤同学) 借物表:Model: Aichi CH / SEGA / Craft Egg Files: pjsek.ai Bone/Morph Renamer : josuemmd13 /Sunny Ripped : Aichi CH Retexture: Aichi CH Eye Morph ; Harry image:SEGA / Craft Egg ...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
萌新的第8个mod,人物是世界计划多彩舞台的花里实乃里,替换bill。 这样一来,我总算是一代二代都做了个人物了。之后应该会缓一缓,对以前制作上不成熟的人物mod进行改良, 另外找到的模型太少,pjsk的20个人物里还有杏、类、穗波、志步的模型找不到。 Model - / SEGA / CraftEgg / JosueMMD13 Copyright :CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA, INC Model edit by Azuki冬&树莓 image: SEGA / CraftEgg 今后我应该还...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
3.30 略微缩小了模型 修复了权重 修改了飘动骨骼 增加了新表情 新人做的第4个mod,人物是世界计划多彩舞台的东云绘名,替换Rochelle。 本来想做无限灰或隐者系列的,但能找到的pjsk模型实在太少了,我也想用一些其他的模型啊 Model - / SEGA / CraftEgg / JosueMMD13 Copyright :CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA, INC Model edit by Azuki冬 image:SEGA / CraftEgg 做完一轮二代的人物了,下次就是一代的人...
pjsk_東雲 彰人_51期混活(coach)
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
新人的第3个mod,世界计划多彩舞台的東雲彰人,替换coach。 这应该是我目前完成度比较高的一个mod,并且拥有表情。嘿嘿嘿 借物表 Model: Aichi CH / SEGA / Craft Egg Files: pjsek.ai Bone/Morph Renamer : josuemmd13 /Sunny ⌕ : Ripped : Aichi CH Retexture: Aichi CH Eye Morph ; Harry image:SEGA / Craft Egg 今后我应该还会继续产出pjsk...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
新人的第一个mod,人物是世界计划多彩舞台�?5时人偶服miku,替换nick�?虽然还有些瑕疵而且没表情,等到什么时候会做表情了再重做一次。特别感谢b站up残剑斩龙和MLUIdgb发的人物mod教学视频。自己摸索了一个多星期才勉强到了觉得可以发出来的程度。 借物表:Model - / SEGA / CraftEgg / JosueMMD13 Copyright :CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA, INC Model edit by Azuki冬&树莓 之后我应该还会继续产出pjsk系列的人物mo...
Creada por MapleRainfall
洛天依V4萌“爬”替换推人音效“ LuoTianyi V4 meng"pa(crawl away)" replace push sound ...
星尘 替换 Francis
Creada por MapleRainfall
spa式星尘 替换 Francis 借物表:spa式星尘 by Spazadura/深海 鸣谢:【一夜回到解放前】https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198202236737/大佬供的教程 包含眨眼、张嘴表情 包含第一人称手臂(能力有限,可能存在bug) ...
乐正龙牙 替换 Bill
Creada por MapleRainfall
乐正龙牙V4公式服 替换 Bill 借物表:椛暗式-乐正龙牙V4 ver1.0 鸣谢:【一夜回到解放前】https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198202236737/大佬供的教程 包含眨眼、张嘴表情 包含第一人称手臂(能力有限,手指存在bug,会找时间修复) ...
洛天依 替换 Rochelle
Creada por MapleRainfall
HC式洛天依 替换 Rochelle 借物表:HC式洛天依V3公式服 v1.03 鸣谢:【一夜回到解放前】https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198202236737/大佬供的教程 包含眨眼、张嘴表情 由于能力问题,第一人称手臂借用了该mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=654593690&searchtext=%E6%B4%9B%E5%A4%A9%E4%BE%9D 手臂制作者:...
心华 替换 Zoey
Creada por MapleRainfall
NIT式心华 替换 Zoey 借物表:NIT式心华 鸣谢:【一夜回到解放前】https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198202236737/大佬供的教程 包含眨眼、张嘴表情 包含第一人称手臂(能力有限,可能存在bug) ...
Omgot's Surprise Boomer
This addon was originally created by {ōmgōt} Your Welcome ® and will turn the Boomer into a real party!...
[CSO] SFsword
Creada por LE37
replace katana...
Hololive - Inugami Korone (Replace Nick)
※IMPORTANT: This mod has been abandoned, and all problems generated in this mod will not be repaired, and will not make any changes. If you want to make it better, please leave a message for me. Hololive - Inugami Korone Replace Nick Model by ホロライブ運営...
「 粉色系列 」number.4 - 消音冲锋枪 | 柔和夜光 / 「 Pink series 」SMG | Luminous Skin
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.4 | 替换消音冲锋枪 | replace the SMG 自带柔和夜光 ,附带星星闪烁效果 可搭配其他枪械动作/声音mod使用 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.4 | Luminous dynamic I love pink - Thank you for your use ...
「 粉色系列 」number.3 - 棒球棒 | 炫彩动态版 / 「 Pink series 」 Baseball Bat | Colorful dynamic
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.3 | 近战武器第一作 | 替换了棒球棒,(replace the Baseball Bat) 自带柔和炫光,球棒的整体颜色会在粉蓝之间不断渐变 手绘添加了两颗小星星,并制作了动态特效,会动的小星星很可爱呢~ 我很喜欢哟 最后祝你们使用愉快 (^U^)ノ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.3 | Colo...
「 粉色系列 」number.2 - AWP / 「 Pink series 」 AWP | skin
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」number.2 | 替换了AWP,(replace the AWP) 和No.1一样 , 自带柔和夜光,黑暗处并不会感到刺眼 继第一次尝试之后,第二次就娴熟了很多,这次还尝试了制作夜光动态,手绘了一个小爱心。 亮处可能没啥感觉,暗处就能清楚看到了,会动的小爱心哟 (^U^)ノ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No...
「 粉色系列 」15发木狙 / 「 Pink series 」hunting rifle -skin
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」第一作 | 替换15发木狙 / replace the hunting rifle 自带柔和夜光,黑暗处并不会感到刺眼 , 可自行搭配工坊的动作/声音mod来使用 新人武器第一作,算是稍微练个手找找制作经验啦,略有瑕疵还请见谅呢 Its my first handicraft of "pink series" Thank you for your use ...
Hololive - Nekomata Okayu (Replace Ellis)
※IMPORTANT: This mod has been abandoned, and all problems generated in this mod will not be repaired, and will not make any changes. If you want to make it better, please leave a message for me. Hololive - Nekomata Okayu Replace Ellis Model by ホロライブ運営...
Realistic Firework Sound
Replace Concert finale's firework with more realistic explode sound (ripped from youtube) and less ear-rapey Firework crate's also received an extended version that match the burn duration...
「タユタマ2 -you're the only one-」主题痛机 替换 救援直升机
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
《タユタマ2 -you're the only one-》 Replaced the Rescue helicopter 粉白主题痛车第二作 下一作预计会是救援跑车吧 I really like pink its so cute ...
Springtime Potted Plants
Spring is here. Dead Air was looking a little... dead. This mod brings the greenhouse's flowers back to life. Additional tags: spring, Easter, flowers, floral, springtime, pastel ...
Springtime Materials
This mod does NOTHING on its own. Other mods require this one as a source for textures. Using the mods that require this mod WITHOUT using this mod will result in a difficult and ugly time. Mods that require this one for its textures: Insect Particles Pott...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
萌新的第15个mod,人物来自手游世界计划多彩舞台的青柳冬弥,替换nick 正好找到了新模型,闲的时候慢慢磨,终于做完了。而且还是Period of NOCTURNE活动的服装,真的很不错 借物表: SEGA/CraftEgg/茶叶味香皂 (顺便宣传一下自己管理的qq群:605143525 主要用于各种游戏的交流以及开黑,希望大家来群里凑凑热闹) 今后有机会还会继续做pjsk的人物mod的,喜欢的话就为此mod点赞吧 ...
「 粉色系列 」number.8 - 消防斧&花语 | 夜光纹理 / 「 Pink series 」 fire axe | Flower-Luminous texture
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.8 | 替换了消防斧,(replace the fire axe) 《花语主题》自制纹理并添加夜光,黑夜里也能看的清呢 ~祝你使用愉快 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.8 | 《Flower》-Luminous texture | I love pink Thank you for your use ...
「 粉色系列 」number.6 - Scout | 夜光动态 / 「 Pink series 」Scout | Luminous dynamic
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.6 | 替换了隐藏狙击枪Scout,(replace the Scout) 枪身柔和夜光,含动态装饰物-粉粉的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.6 | Luminous dynamic | I love pink Thank you for your use ...
[WTF] Pistol
Creada por LE37
replace pistol and sounds...
Creada por Lost my pieces
高性能战斗萝卜子 黑枪的话就会给你一个组合鱼雷拳( 喜欢的话就给个赞和收藏吧 Model:コイカツ!【恋活】 请勿反编译 source出处 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1834663171675657219/1776CFBB4C1BE2EE4430D5CE7B373D265E920966/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
萌新的第16个mod,大哥替换francis。服装来自手游世界计划多彩舞台的七大罪联动剧情 正好有模型,我也带大哥玩 (ps:第一人称部分动作下手臂和袖口会穿模,不过问题不大) 借物表: SEGA/CraftEgg/茶叶味香皂 (顺便宣传一下自己管理的qq群:605143525 主要用于各种游戏的交流以及开黑,希望大家来群里凑凑热闹) 今后有机会还会继续做pjsk的人物mod的,喜欢的话就为此mod点赞吧 ...
「 粉色系列 」number.10 - 一代连喷 / 「 Pink series 」 Auto Shotgun | Luminous dynamic
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.10 | 替换了一代连喷,(replace the Auto Shotgun) 枪身主体淡粉,部分枪身添加了夜光花纹以及动态立绘 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.10 | Colorful dynamic | I love pink Thank you for your use ...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
萌新的第17个mod,rin替换zoey。服装来自手游世界计划多彩舞台的七大罪联动剧情 找到了双子的模型还是很开心的,一鼓作气就都做好了 借物表: SEGA/CraftEgg/茶叶味香皂 (顺便宣传一下自己管理的qq群:605143525 主要用于各种游戏的交流以及开黑,希望大家来群里凑凑热闹) 今后有机会还会继续做pjsk的人物mod的,喜欢的话就为此mod点赞吧 ...
Creada por Bilibili阿鲁
听我说谢谢你,因为有你,温暖了四季 与医疗包模型不冲突,给队友打包也有音效,全球变暖的原因找到了,属实功德无量 Listen thank you for replacing the medkit sound ...
Creada por 流歌Ruka
这个mod我是在♦Hori Kyouko♦以及♦Miyamura Izumi♦两位大佬原mod的基础上 根据哔哩哔哩的教程自己修改的 原mod链接原mod 使用过程中感觉还可以的话请不要忘记去原mod给两位大佬点个赞支持一下 我个人苦于创意工坊很少有我自己比较喜欢的佐伊动作替换黑胖的mod 所以将其替换成了黑胖 目前在我本地以及朋友的服务器里面试了一下基本没什么大问题 由于是第一次做 所以可能会有不足的地方 还请大佬们能留言让我知道怎么改进 转换教程 ...
Doki Doki Literature Club! - Natsuki (Francis)
Creada por enid.
DESCRIPTION For those who want Natsuki to be replaced as Francis. Here you go. Replaces Francis NICK VERSION FEATURES First Person Arms Zoey Animation Jigglebones (Hair & Skirt) Animations work online Her eyes can blink. Facial Expression Reworked HUD Icon...
Doki Doki Literature Club! - Sayori (Louis)
Creada por enid.
DESCRIPTION I know the original creator already made Sayori that replaces Louis but the difference is that I only remake the VGUI icons to make it more... special. Also, I fixed her animations. Replaces Louis ELLIS VERSION ROCHELLE VERSION FEATURES First P...
Cry of Fear Switchblade | CS:S knife
Creada por BongoRaccoon32
I DID NOT MAKE THE MODEL. I JUST PORTED IT TO L4D2, CREATOR OF THE MODEL CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=862401005 "As a fan huge fan of Cry of Fear I alway's liked to play with Simon Henriksson survivor mod's but ...
QBZ95-Tomori Nao theme Charlotteシャーロットの友利奈緒 Replace AK47
Creada por 梦想硕硕
Replace the AK47 I will always love Nao Just changed the texture Original mod author: Lynx Eichel This is the original mod ...
Girls Frontline - UMP45 as Pistols
Creada por Pacagma
A replacement for the dual Pistols using UMP as... UMP There's a replacement for the one pistol too, but it's missing the world model for now. CREDITS: Twilight Sparkle for converting it from CSGO to L4D2 Me for getting the permission to upload this to wor...
【超次元游戏】诺瓦露R700替换鸟狙(夜光) 【Hyperdimension Neptunia】 Noire R700 Replace Scout (Glow)
Creada por Chocoo
诺瓦露R700替换鸟狙 Noire Remington 700 Replace Scout. 更换了武器模型,音效,增加了夜光 Replaced weapon model,sound effect,Glow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 模型作者:8sianDude Model:8sianDude 原版链接:https://stea...
KeMoMiMi酱(绿衣服小狐狸)加载图标 KeMoMiMi Loading Icon
Creada por Chocoo
旋转吧!KeMoMiMi酱! 替换界面加载图标 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KeMoMiMi Replace Loading Icon ...
Creada por 黄金熟栗子
瞎做,自用,斧柄为动态渐变。 出自:FAVORITE《星空のメモリア-Wish upon a shooting star-》 TEST...
Tayutama 2/Loading Background
Creada por 花の韵❄
タユタマ2 -you're the only one- 19张CG(2560) 调整字体图标参数 统计表背景 隐藏字样&图标 信息图标位置 官网/所权:Lump of Sugar 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading 部分HUD冲突(修改相同文件)无紫黑格可无视 统计表参考20hud的cfg写入转addons(求求收藏) ...
Gawr Gura Saferoom Signs And Blue Animated Glow Arrow
Creada por koikoko
Inspiration from : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2382541963 Replace saferoom signs and arrows (Some custom campaigns with signs and arrows didn't work). The animation arrow material comes from the Internet....
将手电筒改为了正太放尿的样子 MP5和猎枪这两把枪会导致手电筒旋转90°,其他的枪械不会有此类问题 ...
Doki Doki Literature Club! - Natsuki (Nick)
Creada por enid.
DESCRIPTION Natsuki is here and she's ready to kill some dummies especially, for those who called her "cute". Replaces Nick FRANCIS VERSION FEATURES First Person Arms Zoey Animation Jigglebones (Hair & Skirt) Animations work online Her eyes can blink. Faci...
Yunomi Concert Yonomi音乐会Kawaii Bass
Creada por 雪楼林素
替换了黑色狂欢节的海报,高速路广告牌,以及舞台背景,还有音乐会音乐。所有图片均来自Yunomi老师的专辑封面以及同人绘制的插画.Replaces Dark Carnival's poster,bill borad,and stage background,Concert music.All picture all comes from Yunomi's album cover and community picture. 替换的音乐: Replaces Music: 1. Part of Yunomix V...
Gawr Gura Chrome Shotgun
Creada por mmi开心
Gawr Gura替换(2代的单发散弹枪)发光不刺眼版本...
Date A Live Concert Props
Creada por Saeru
the original addon made by NPCsnake is a full modeled concert, including this and billboards replacements but without music. this is just the concert props like the beat boxes and vaults in the stage to combine it with other addons that just replace the bi...
100+ Neptunia billboard signs
Creada por ElTitoDan
This mod replaces the signs on all billboards in the game (and some other noticeably big signs) with a randomly selected image from Tsunako's official art for the Hyperdimension Neptunia series. Each sign has its own pool and, when combined, there are more...
Hibiki chrome shotgun
Because the job so do mod time becomes less please forgive (因为上班的原因做mod时间变少了请原谅) 还是老样子: 415261323加qq群啊2333...
Nanoka Loading Background
Creada por 花の韵❄
+Nanoka+ 过关加载背景: 17张插图:2560 部分调整 透明计分板 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading 透明计分板流程: 1.工坊搜:20hud 随便进个 看描述的cfg写入教程 完成之后 vpk从workshop移到addons 重启 取消订阅 防止再次下载 ★ 2.游戏内切换比例(订阅试用); 16:9➜16:10➜16:9(反之10➜9) 偏移需来回切换一次 每次重启游戏都需要切换 确定久用推荐第一种方法 部分HUD冲突(修改相同文件)无紫黑格可无视 字体消失等问题请自行调整...
Springtime Benches
Replaces the green benches with cute white swinging benches. These stand out against the aggressive green a bit better. This model is from the set Qweek by littleicelander. ...
Princess Connect!Re:Dive Kokoro MAC-10
Creada por ハルル
I don't understand English at all. The following is machine translation Replace silencing SMG and add night light. If you think it's good, please praise it ~ thank you. ...
Creada por 超过4特打不过
使用方法: 订阅后选择战役模式即可,最好是放到addons文件夹,防止冲突不生效 在服务器上使用放在服务端的addons文件夹即可 最好检查下是不是有冲突的文件,MOD内有大量脚本文件 武器属性看你个人需不需要,喜欢打原版属性的可以直接跳过 难度推荐:普通 这个版本使用了更强力的特感AI,ANNE太难,原版的又感觉有点弱。于是又突发奇想做新的牢房。。。 特感设置: 每波特感组合完全随机,出现4只牛也不要觉得奇怪 特感最低3特最高16特,可以用指令修改 特感固定15秒复活 每关固定刷一只坦克,三方图如果自带坦...
【武器皮肤】 - APEX 阿夸 CAR
我不是皮肤作者 我不是皮肤作者 我只是负责移植 作者人家也同意了将皮肤移植到求生里的 ...
「 粉色系列 」number.14 - M16步枪 | 夜光版 / 「 Pink series 」M4A1-S | Luminous
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.14 | 替换M16步枪,(replace the M4A1) 枪身淡粉,柔和夜光,些许立绘动态效果 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.14 | Luminous | I love pink Original Mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filed...
Hololive - Fubuki [Zoey]
--Features-- - Survivor itself - Viewmodel arms - Custom VGUI - Blinking animation - Facial animations - Passing intro sequence - Jigglebones - Hitboxes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Genshin Impact yae Small collection(loading icon+saferoom)
The little fox GIF on Genshin PV replaces the loading icon + Five color maps with 4K resolution not very color are used as the background of the safety door https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1811020040248197202/C152DC4597B85BE699D7482384A5D0238B2A...
Yuudachi-Blue Oath replaces ellis
Creada por 76561198123332927
May or may not be a reupload, i was unable to find the original upload but maybe i didnt search hard enough anyway not the original author, if the author of the original wants it removed i will do it Creddits to idk (i dont know the original author/compile...
Creada por flys
该mod替换了(全部生还者)治疗队友的动作。 This mod replaces the action of healing teammates (all survivors). 必须搭配前置模组才能使用,否则无法正常使用。 It can only be used with the xdRianinsbase(l4d2), otherwise it cannot be used normally. 治疗队友✘/诱惑队友✔ 占用每个角色的第四槽位 occupies slot 4 of every surviv...
Honkai Impact Kiana Queen The Spirit Of Spring Replaces Francis 崩坏3 女王 泉之精灵 替换 弗朗西斯
Creada por ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Kiana Queen The Spirit Of Spring.it replaces Francis in game. 崩坏3女王泉之精灵替换游戏内弗朗西斯 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Francis. 替换 弗朗西斯 ----------------------------Then/补充...
Creada por Despair
Replaces Zoey with Padoru comes with -jigglesbones -facial flexes -passing model This mod was commissioned by GamerAntyBraixen ...
Histoire with book - Hyperdimension
Creada por Despair
So, basically it's Histoire, but she's still on her book, replaces Coach. Mod comes with the usual, full HUD and first person arms, which I have now made a little bit smaller, should be more or less good enough hopefully, however if you still find them obs...
Histoire - Hyperdimension
Creada por Despair
This mod replaces Coach with Histoire from Hyperdimension. Mod comes with full HUD and first person arms There are jiggle bones in her hair and also in her wings (which doesn't look great tbh) She is also scaled and retains her original size and it's one t...
[PSO2es]Jene for Francis
Creada por Raitoningu
Ummmmmm....... Feature: -FPS arms -HUD Icons -Jigglebones -MMD Shader(VMT Parameter By dewobedil) -Zoey's Animations -Boomed texture -Light model Original Model - pfy...
Neptune Nightwear
Creada por Adult Neptune
Hi everyone how are you? Today i bring you..........TADA!!! Neptune in nightwear outfit defending planeptune even at night, hope you guys like it ;) Credits: - Making model for l4d2 (Princess Frey´a) - making textures (Big Nepsy) - Model by Compile Heart -...
Neptune Neptunia Van
Creada por Hawkiepaisen
Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Neptune Rebirth 3 (Ellis)
Creada por Adult Neptune
A new version of the Neptune victory model, Replace ellis instead of bill as allways, Have fun ;) Credits: Blanec NepPH - Replaced Ellis - HD Texture from Re;Birth 3 - No name and Face animation Version 2.1 - Add Jigglebone Version 2.2 - Add some missing. ...
【超次元游戏】尼普缇努维克托双持版(RNG)【Hyperdimension】Neptune kriss vector Both hands Armed(RNG)
Creada por Chocoo
【超次元游戏】尼普缇努维克托双持版(RNG) 将UZI替换为两把尼普缇努维克托短剑(双持) 更换了武器模型,枪械音效 武器有两种贴图,随机加载 【Hyperdimension】Neptune kriss vector Both hands Armed(RNG) Purple heart Neptune - kriss vector Replace UZI.(Both hands Armed) Replaced weapon model, sound effect. Weapons have two type...
Rom Nightwear VII
Creada por Adult Neptune
Hi again folks, today we bring to you Rom in her cute nightwear, replace Louis have fun with it ;) Credits: - Making model for l4d2 (Princess Frey´a) - making textures (Big Nepsy) - Model by Compile Heart - Ripped by PriChama http://i.imgur.com/ACFDI8b.png...
Hyperdimension Neptunia- Broccoli Footstep Sounds (Infected)
Creada por Xilu
This mod makes the footsteps of the survivors sound tike Broccoli's, nyu. The falls of the infected make a nyu sound when they hit the ground a little hard, nyu. There is some problem with sound making a strange screeching sound on occasion when multiple s...
Hyperdimension Neptunia- Broccoli Footstep Sounds (Survivors)
Creada por Xilu
This mod makes the footsteps of the survivors sound tike Broccoli's, nyu. The falls of the survivors make a nyu sound when they hit the ground alittle hard, nyu. There is some problem with sound making a strange screeching sound on occasion when multiple s...
Compa's Test Potion replace Chainsaw
Creada por Yuni
Compa's Test Potion replace Chainsaw. remove smoke Note : that's still not perfect because -sound chainsaw, I think it is Incongruous. -wierd when holding on the backpack. -Left hand in V_model wierd. Source: - RandomTBush - Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2...
Rom and Ram's Mic β frying pan
Creada por Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the frying pan with Rom and Ram's shared β DLC weapon, Rom's Heart Mic Stick β/Ram's Palpitation Mic Rod β, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -256px Texture -Blood Splatter -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model ...
Neptune Swimwear VII
Creada por Adult Neptune
Hi there folks the end of summer it´s near but still we bring you today.......TADA!!!! Neptune in her new swimwear replacing Ellis, have fun ;) Credits: - Making model for l4d2 (Princess Frey´a) - making textures (Big Nepsy) - Model by Compile Heart - Ripp...
Blanc Lowee Elementary (Nick)
Creada por Adult Neptune
Happy New Year Everyone I´ll bring you today a new Hexing work, hope you enjoy it - Replaced Nick - HD Texture - Boomer Effect - Add Jigglebone (Hair only) Credits: Blanec Me Have fun ;) http://i.imgur.com/ACFDI8b.png...
Blanc Rebirth 3
Creada por Adult Neptune
A better re-texture of the "blanc victory" Replace Nick instead of zoey as the original does, enjoy ;) Credits: Blanec NepPH - Replaced Nick - Added HUD Icon - Enhanced HD Texture Version 2.1 - Fix new FPS arms - Add Jigglebone on Kanagu for both arm Versi...
Plutia (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
Creada por Mastodonmk2
Blanec - White Heart, I'm back to new release today which is Plutia, Plutie have join the Left 4 Dead 2 battlefield against Blanec's Lowee Zombies. http://i.imgur.com/sBVUCTC.png http://i.imgur.com/gUSBIWx.png - Replaced Francis - Rochelle Animation - HD T...
Nepgear pills
Creada por Hard luck!!!
Nepgear pills...
Pink Outfit Nepgear
Creada por Capella
Replace Zoey, pink Nepgear is adorable, isn't it?...
Original Outfit Nepgear
Creada por Capella
Replace Zoey, and I've fixed some bug...
Nepgear Magic Broom replace Crowbar
Creada por Yuni
Nepgear Magic Broom replace Crowbar for Good Nepgear player only Credits: - Model by Compile Heart - Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online...
「 粉色系列 」number.18 - P90/UZI | 夜光版 /「 Pink series 」UZI | Luminous
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.18 | P90替换UZI,(replace the UZI) 枪体淡粉 , 纹理夜光,含部分动态 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.18 | Luminous | I love pink Original Mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedet...
Titanfall2 R201 Dark Matter Animated Skin
Creada por HK560
Readme Titanfall2 R201 Dark Matter Animated Skin Need to subscribe “Titanfall 2 - R-201 Carbine” Replace M16 comment if you have any question 皮肤定制可以通过b站私信联系我 Bilibili preview video 关于转载或使用 禁止CSGO社区服移植使用该皮肤 (除EXG社区) 其他移植转载请先联系我 皮肤作者SkinAuther HK560 原作品Credi...
Titanfall 2 - R-201 Carbine
Creada por Twilight Sparkle
So, to celebrate the release of Apex Legends on steam, thought of why not bring something from a previous sequel, so why not doing that with Titanfall 2 cuz why not?, anyways so this is the R-201 Carbine, and it will replace the ("Assault Rifle") or "M16" ...
desperado (AK47)
Creada por 多乐美
Replace the ak47 ...
Arcaea Medkit
Creada por 花の韵❄
韵律源点 RNG 23 医疗包 23种 禁止贩卖/Prohibit profit 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading 立绘所权:616 Model from:scream ...
【你好世界】 一行琉璃铬制霰弹枪 // 【Hello World 】Ichigyou Ruri Chrome Shotgun
Creada por FAW075
特别鸣谢: 物业 米修 简介 替换了铬制散弹枪铁喷(replace Chrome shotgun ) 拥有夜光(With full night light) 拥有外壳动态发光效果(Has a shell dynamic glow effect) 包含动作模型,用的是旧版的铬制霰弹枪动作(Contains animation, using the old chrome shotgun action) Pid=91045417 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net...
「 粉色系列 」number.20 - 电锯 | 夜光版/「 Pink series 」Chainsaw | Luminous dynamic
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.20 | 替换电锯,(replace the Chainsaw) 淡粉色电锯,部分锯身作夜光处理,含锯齿、立绘动态 已做锯身血液去除处理 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.20 | Luminous dynamic | I love pink Thank you for your use ...
「 粉色系列 」number.21 - 平底锅 | 夜光版/「 Pink series 」Frying Pan | Luminous dynamic
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.21 | 替换平底锅,(replace the Frying Pan) 这是一把粉蓝色的平底锅,已做血液消除处理并稍微修了点细节 整体微弱夜光效果,含人物动态立绘 555~粉粉可爱我好喜欢 φ(≧ω≦*)♪ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「 pink series 」 No.21 | Luminous dynamic | I love pi...
CSO:Laser Gun (尘埃之光)
Creada por 熊熊子
This is a weapon from CSOL.It uses an optical particle attack Credits: Counter-Strike Online - Model/texture 可乐熊 - Animations, texture modifications, compile replace for the SG552. CSOL的尘埃之光 枪身部分透明和自发光,希望大家喜欢...
「 粉色系列 」number.26 - 少女魔法警棍 | 夜光版 / 「 Pink series 」 Tonfa | Luminous dynamic
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.26 | 仙女魔法棒 | Magic wand 替换了警棍,(replace the Tonfa) 【 其实很早就有在自学模型制作,都是自己在瞎摸索,严格意义上这应该算是第一个还算满意的成品 】 【以后如果还能继续出作品的话,还是以粉蓝色调为主的可爱系列】 内容/content ● V模 ● W模 ● 武器HUD ● 挥动音效 | 不含打击音效 ● 夜光动态 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829036352645256673/E...
Azur Lane Kaga (Francis)
Creada por Takina
"I shall conquer all, no matter who stands against me." This mod features Azur Lane's white fox Kaga replacing Francis. Once again, this is a reupload of another Azur Lane survivor mod. It was uploaded by a different user named 无の坠 who deleted his Steam ac...
Azur Lane Akagi (Bill)
Creada por Takina
"Ahahaha! I'm getting excited!" This mod features Azur Lane's crazy fox Akagi replacing Bill. Once again, this is a reupload of another Azur Lane survivor mod. It was uploaded by a different user named 无の坠 who deleted his Steam account. All credits go to h...
Azur Lane Nagato (Louis)
Creada por Takina
"I am called Nagato...Nagato of the Sakura Empire!" This mod features Azur Lane's Sakura Empire leader, Nagato replacing Louis. Once again, this is a reupload of another Azur Lane survivor mod. It was uploaded by a different user named 无の坠 who deleted his ...
[Genshin 原神]千铃SR/QianLingSR replace Coach
Creada por ERROR
自制模组,替换二代生存者教练 请注意:这个角色并不是来源于原神,是 @幻想口袋喵w 于模之屋配布的原神风格角色 千铃SR: https://space.bilibili.com/1484324 模型和贴图:模之屋@幻想口袋喵w 编译:ERROR(我) Bilibili预览视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17F41177NM 本模组包含以下内容: 第三人称模型 第一人称手臂 VGUI 飘动骨骼 VRD骨骼 面部表情 由于达到了骨骼使用上限,因此大量的穿模不可避免 A ...
异世界狐娘/Isekai fox girl replace Nick
Creada por ERROR
自制模组,替换二代生存者尼克 重大更新 V2.0 完全重置了第三人称模型,优化了模型面数和平滑度,修复了部分权重,第一人称模型的修复可能在稍后发布 制作这个模组纯属个人XP 她好色,流汗红豆 模型和贴图: 模之屋@shuiling 编译:ERROR(我) 本模组包含以下内容: 第三人称模型 第一人称手臂 VGUI 飘动骨骼 VRD骨骼 面部表情 乳摇 哔哩哔哩预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1NZ4y1871Z A Mod made by me,replace L...
[Hololive]兔田佩可拉/兎田ぺこら/Usada Pekora replace Bill
Creada por ERROR
自制模组,替换一代生存者比尔 容易感到寂寞的兔耳女孩子。非常喜爱胡萝卜,为了随时可以吃到而随身携带着。 寂しがり屋なうさ耳の女の子。にんじんをこよなく愛し、いつでも食べられるように持ち歩いている。 模型和贴图:がけっぷち Twitter@gake_mmd 编译:ERROR(我) 感谢 Bilibili@MLUIdgb 老师的协助 哔哩哔哩预览视频: BV1pv4y1K72C (Steam一直删我链接只能放BV号了) 本模组包含以下内容: 第三人称模型 第一人称手臂 VGUI 飘动骨骼 VRD骨骼 面部表情 ...
Vtuber 兎田 ぺこら 囚人衣装 Usada Pekora Prisoner for Zoey (Reupload)
Creada por Nath
Replace Zoey for Pekora in her prisoner outfit. Comes with Zoey Animations First Person Arms Original Addoninfo Facial Animations and barefoot Works Online The Passing Light Model Credits: 20doge or TwentyDoge, no longer active on mod community. Me - For s...
Creada por 流歌Ruka
模型来源:x社区 佐伊动作 light模型 玩ze的时候就很想要这个皮 论坛发帖想收没人出(深深的怨念) 去茶会贴吧都找不到链接只能去社区摸一个了 手上还有个花嫁澪的 但是从blender导入3dmax里没材质 改路径也没用给我心态整崩了 tip: 模型在部分情况下:治疗,拿砍刀,小刀(目前只发现了这些)会出现模型拉伸的情况,是因为是佐伊的动作绑定弗朗西斯的骨架导致的,我尝试去修复了但以失败告终,目前的技术力还是太差了,所以请谨慎订阅,如果你很介意这种情况,请留言,我会视情况将这个mod改成弗朗西斯的骨架和...
nekomiya hinata (ellis)
Creada por Seiyacchi
Reprint Vtuber model The character that disappeared suddenly has been revived! I picked it up from GAMEMAPS. Credits: skin - 絶対中立の百鬼あやめ,Salmon skin edit - l4dkk * Basically, I don't know how to create a character, so please understand that I can't create i...
nekomiya hinata (coach)
Creada por Seiyacchi
Reprint Vtuber model The character that disappeared suddenly has been revived! I picked it up from GAMEMAPS. Credits: skin - 絶対中立の百鬼あやめ,Salmon skin edit - l4dkk * Basically, I don't know how to create a character, so please understand that I can't create i...
nekomiya hinata (rochelle)
Creada por Seiyacchi
Reprint Vtuber model The character that disappeared suddenly has been revived! I picked it up from GAMEMAPS. Credits: skin - 絶対中立の百鬼あやめ,Salmon skin edit - l4dkk * Basically, I don't know how to create a character, so please understand that I can't create i...
nekomiya hinata (nick)
Creada por Seiyacchi
Reprint Vtuber model The character that disappeared suddenly has been revived! I picked it up from GAMEMAPS. Credits: skin - 絶対中立の百鬼あやめ,Salmon skin edit - l4dkk * Basically, I don't know how to create a character, so please understand that I can't create i...
SMG (MAC-10) 猫羽雫 重置版(发光)replace smg(MAC-10)glow
这个订阅比uzi少就很离谱,难道是预览图拍难看了?重拍一下 贴图立绘来自: 立绘1立绘2立绘3 预览视频 演示视频里smg持枪动作来自:Silenced SMG - L4D1 SMG Animations 强烈推荐smg动作:mac-10 on arby26 Animations 【动作重置】 渲染图如下: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1897723398551527430/33E8F950AE6B238765800147677510DB6953B3...
Arknights - Mudrock's hammer(replace golfclub) 明日方舟 - 泥岩·黑曜石 锤 替换 高尔夫球棍
Creada por SHArknight
沃土磐石,站起来吧。 -------------------------------------- 替换模型,动作,音效 是泥岩新皮的锤子,为啥不做原皮的锤? 我会告诉你是因为3D萌新不会做飘带吗?(理直气壮) 下图的泥岩角色mod:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787182300 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1813273200190585292/76764E6A8D...
[R18]CSGO Desert Eagle -plasma(动态+夜光)[透明版]
Creada por 老瑞瑞
透明版 CSGO Desert Eagle -plasma(透明版)替换马格南 普通版:>>CSGO Desert Eagle -plasma(动态+夜光)Click here<< 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/14/fRmeCb1h73ax5vK.png 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/14/ukOmSn47TzbhEt6.png 灵感来源:>>时柒雾大佬<< 总结:本次算是一个小小的尝试,为下个mod的探索。还是十分感谢群里的大佬不厌烦的...
[R18]CSGO Desert Eagle -plasma(动态+夜光)毛玉牛乳
Creada por 老瑞瑞
CSGO Desert Eagle -plasma替换马格南 著名毛玉笔下人物,我不知道名字对不对,找了半天。人物涩疯了,即神圣又涩气简直了!!!! 透明版:>>>点这里(Click here)<<< 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/04/kUnaZg4wvGye7FY.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/04/mKChoiOZ6fSTYVc.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/04/fbe2gJkamnvP9EK.pn...
CSO Katana
Creada por Costxav
Replaces the katana with a Katana from CSO Sound fix of this https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618213920...
CS:GO UMP-45 甘城なつき(夜光)
Creada por 老瑞瑞
CS:GO UMP-45替换MP5 猫猫真的太可爱了,怎么会有这么可爱的猫猫,清纯中透露着色情,社保!!! 甘城猫猫永远我老婆!!!!! 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/01/AaoJNzx6bYFfgZQ.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/01/oiM8IuJQ6c1aj4b.png 夜光:已修改夜光,降低亮度(5.5) https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/01/27aDsWVdiholFyz.png 原mod:Stupid...
CPU candidates Cosplay Pack
Creada por Iochi Mari
My gift for Halloween: Cosplay Pack for CPU candidates Uni: Bill Nepgear: Zoey Ram: Francis Rom: Louis Happy Halloween!!! >0< No flex animation, jigglebones...
泠鸢yousa replace Coach
Creada por Ohana
Credits Model:@石英世界 Compile:me Includes flex animation vrd jiggle bones zoey anims Thanks for MLUI, 一夜回到解放前's teaching video and confeito's guidance! 泠鸢yousa : https://space.bilibili.com/282994...
Creada por Nekomiya6
必须订阅两个必要品!不然模组不会生效! You must subscribe to two necessities! Otherwise, the module will not take effect 原MOD:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2793164408&searchtext=MP5 图片来自作者/Picture author:https://www.pixiv.net/users/9296777 https://st...
M20 PDW (MP5)
Creada por Adorabirb!
"Developed as a response to the Insurrection and the Covenant, the weapon is issued to UNSC vehicle and aircraft crews, security personnel, and Spartans who expect close-quarters combat, and has been adopted by a number of UEG security forces. The M20 is v...
Gravemind: Shared Materials
Creada por Adorabirb!
https://i.imgur.com/TwtxVrt.png This mod contains shared textures and materials to free up memory space from mods that use similar textures and materials. https://i.imgur.com/iOYU0Nj.png To my patrons at patreon and my supporters at Ko-fi. https://i.imgur....
「 粉色系列 」number.28 - 吉他 | 夜光版 / 「 Pink series 」 Guitar | Luminous dynamic
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.28 | 粉色死神镰刀 | Pink Reaper's Scythe 替换了吉他,(replace the Guitar) 内容/content ● V模 ● W模 ● 武器HUD ● 打击音效-2种 ● 夜光 ● 动态镰刃 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829036352662686863/AE80DB31B9E9E4EF0548CAC59E3D0C43ACF686E1/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&i...
Activate the magic card, dead Susheng!
sound MOD https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2470807748 Activate the magic card, dead Susheng! You can't ignore Su Sheng's restrictions and summoning restrictions. You can only target characters who complete the summoning conditions and...
Vtuber 博衣こより Hakui Koyori (Zoey)
Creada por 呃呃
Vtuber 博衣小夜璃 替换佐伊 Vtuber Hakui Koyori replaces the zoey 模型/Model: たららたらこ 编译/Compile: Twentydoge 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) Hope you enjoy. If you like it,don't forget rate up :) ...
「 粉色系列 」number.27 - 超级棒棒糖 [ 高尔夫球棍 ] | 夜光版 / 「 Pink series 」 Golfclub | Luminous
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
06.23更新: 修复二次元人物使用棒棒糖时手部穿模的问题 「 粉色系列 」No.27 | 超级棒棒糖 | Super lollipop 替换了高尔夫球棍,(replace the Golfclub) 一共包含4种口味:草莓、青苹果、柠檬、蓝莓 【 我这一棒棒糖下去,你可能会死 .jpg 】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829036352654092386/B96D2C0195D9D714275BC0CC62E28B357F2C1611/?imw=...
「 粉色系列 」number.29-兔兔锤 - [ 板球棒 ] | 夜光版 /「 Pink series 」Cricket bat | Luminous
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
「 粉色系列 」No.29 - 板球棒 | Cricket bat 自制模组NO.4 - 粉色兔兔锤 / Rabbit hammer 这应该是目前做的模型里面咱最喜欢的一个,希望你会喜欢 好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱,好可爱 φ(≧ω≦*)♪ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829036352671239790/C42DA9B39D68D5D54C64B52B405BC182CCBF0BDF/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima...
东雪莲/東雪蓮/Seren Azuma replace Ellis
Creada por ERROR
東雪蓮Official: https://space.bilibili.com/1437582453 自制模组,替换二代生存者埃里斯 军统是什么? 骂谁♥♥,骂谁♥♥! 皮是好皮,人更是好人 模型和贴图:Bilibili@東雪蓮Official 编译:ERROR(我) 本模组包含以下内容: 第三人称模型 第一人称手臂 VGUI 飘动骨骼 VRD骨骼 面部表情 A Mod made by me,replace L4D2 survivor Ellis. Cute Japanese girl,very rare,...
Omaru Polka 5th gen hololive - Replaces Coach
Creada por 76561198123332927
Reuploaded for archive purposes...
Rushia Trail for Hunter
Creada por Nia
Decided to "complete" the Rushia mod trio by adding a trail that fits her design. This changes the color and adds some butterflies. Version without butterflies: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2811197999 Bless Rushia...
Retro Rushia Hunter Infected Icon
Creada por 79561199002325830
Rushia Infected Icon for the Rushia Hunter addon...
[Hololive] Uruha Rushia replaces Hunter Sounds
Creada por Neko
Just something I made because I thought it'd be funny, Rushia's banshee screaming over the hunter's sound files. Replaces nearly all the hunter's sound files, minus a few that go unused anyways. Check out the Rushia / hunter model replacer by Will here: ht...
(RNG+夜光)Mac-10消音版 猫羽雫
Creada por 老瑞瑞
介绍: 本次Mod为【RNG+夜光】皮肤,有四个皮肤,游戏中每一个小关都会随机切换一个皮肤,四倍的猫猫,这还能不快乐吗??? 大佬们做的皮肤都非常好看,感觉充满了艺术感~ 皮肤展示:点击图片可跳转对应原mod 我做的: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/23/n3Maphbkyuv9rdP.png 红酒炖鱼丸大佬做的: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/23/3Mm418dYbWij7J6.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/23/M8...
M14 Improved-甘城なつき(动态+夜光)
Creada por 老瑞瑞
M14 Improved 替换 15发木狙 又是一期甘城猫猫,没想到吧。都怪猫猫太可爱了!!! 本次尝试加入动态,以及甘城猫猫的声音,好好享受!!! 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/19/mc5dUGKv1wjFfup.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/19/Wt2UnGaOcuTSmK6.png 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/19/bsupqFyWYdik6t4.png 本次的mod是最心累的一次,各种出问题,...
[R18]MW2019: Holger-26天宮こころ(夜光)
Creada por 老瑞瑞
MW2019: Holger-26 替换 M60 因为白丝认识的她,别的了解的不是特别多,一切都是因为那个鼠标垫!!!白丝yyds 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/09/Rl347uUKTcWtsAp.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/09/rqInObzUM7toYAV.png 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/09/P9LQiel2E8axuIU.png 这是我做的最大,也是最累的,更是最细心的一个mod,本来想...
[R18]RE2 mac-11 Gawr Gura (夜光)
Creada por 老瑞瑞
mac-11替换uzi 可爱的小鲨鱼马上要吃掉你咯!! https://s2.loli.net/2022/04/28/2CePxUoVAt6Enid.gif 明明是冲国人特攻,真的是太涩了,让我认识到这么可爱的鲨鱼,真的太感谢甘城猫猫了,都是俺滴老婆(错乱)!! 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/04/29/3GqP6dDoSpjZure.png 夜光:已修改夜光,降低整体亮度,以下对比(5.5) 现在(now): https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/05/1Fy...
【吃我一拳】拳头替换平底锅/Fist replacement pans
Creada por 老瑞瑞
一天闲无聊刷B站,无意间在https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1VT4y1v7tz 视频的第22秒,发现了这个mod,感觉非常酷炫,可惜在工坊怎么也没找到一样的,只找到一个指虎版本! 原版:>>Alex_D #NoWar<< 区别:把原版本的指虎透明了,只能看到拳头,直接向胃猛冲(不知道为什么作者没上传) 现在:>>月悠红茶<< 注:因为指虎透明了,这个武器很难找到 ...
R:WW2 German Knuckleduster (for Frying Pan)
Creada por Alex_D #NoWar
A pair of brass knuckles from Raid: World War II The brass knuckles or knuckle dusters are pieces of metal (like brass) that wraps around the (ab)user's knuckles to amplify the harmful effects of their punches. It has no applications but malevolence, and a...
[R18]Mac-10 hiiro Csgo(夜光)
Creada por 老瑞瑞
CSGO mac-10 替换 UZI hiiro目前算是我比较喜欢的vtuber,不过她的图片可太难找了,更别说涩图。hiiro旗袍真的好看yyds 不涩涩,负人生 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/04/27/7X2yVKHY4RDos6G.png https://s2.loli.net/2022/05/04/qHlc9oNFzOkZeAv.png 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/04/27/flAdOwVmzU56vnP.png 这是萌新的第一个亲手做的...
[Princess Connect]Yuni Shingyouji Scar replace Scar(glow)
Creada por _LvZ1
这就是,青春啊! 这次做了仙贝,嘿嘿我的仙贝。 原mod是杀地板2的scar The original mod is scar from kf2 原mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=552740523&searchtext=scar Original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=552740523&searchtext=scar 素...
Date A Live Tobiichi Origami Satan(Put water into the well cover)
Creada por mmi开心
-Date A Live- Tobiichi Origami-Satan--replace -(Put water into the well cover) 《约会大作战》 鸢一折纸-救世魔王- 替换 (下水到井盖)...
Date A Live Tobiichi Origami Methratton(Put water into the well cover)
Creada por mmi开心
Date A Live- Tobiichi Origami-Methratton--replace -(Put water into the well cover) 《约会大作战》 鸢一折纸-绝灭天使- 替换 (下水到井盖)...
Crosshair 0
Creada por Quiet Monarch
You need to have hud that is compatible with custom crosshairs ...
(Uzi Only) SMG Reanimated
Creada por Elias
Reanimation of only the Uzi. Completing the duo of the pump shotgun and the SMG, like you might have expected before the AK. This time around I wanted to try and focus on not having the same "stiffness" that I've seen mentioned and starting noticing myself...
可食用の弹药堆/「 lovely series 」Ammo pile - Edible | Luminous
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
可食用の弹药堆 | 替换一代、二代弹药堆,(replace the Ammo pile ) | Luminous 晚上打求求 打着打着就饿了,突然就寻思着整点甜点吃,于是就有了这个可食用系列 内容/content ● Model:Egret♥白鹭鹭 ● Materials:Egret♥白鹭鹭 ● Luminous https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1827911076763542689/70DDDDB8388649CBF41F5B6F85AC26D273A...
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚MW1911替换沙鹰(replace deagle)[animated skin]
Creada por M82A1闇冥
【BEATLESS】没有心跳的少女-蕾西亚MW1911替换沙鹰 Credits: Infinity Ward - Models,Texture,sound PYgame.D.Cthulhu -Animations M82A1闇冥 - Materials,compile 4.0 压缩了体积 Compressed size...
Apex Wingman Animated Skin
Creada por HK560
Readme Apex Legends - Wingman Animated Skin Need to subscribe “Apex Legends - Wingman” Replace Deagle comment if you have any question 皮肤定制请查看此链接 Bilibili preview video 关于转载或使用 禁止CSGO社区服移植使用该皮肤 (除EXG社区) 移植转载请先联系我 皮肤作者SkinAuther HK560 原作品Credits: Assets Ext...
Apex Legends - Wingman
Creada por Twilight Sparkle
So continuing with the Apex weapons, i bring you now the Wingman, this one will replace the Desert Eagle ( (Aka Deagle or whatever), and it comes with its orignal animations and sounds, so yeah not much to easy other than i hope you guys like it or not and...
[xdR] Cut Nick Grenade Animations Restored
Creada por Cuba
Never before seen animations now back from the cutting room floor. Every L4D2 survivor has their own animations for the grenades/items, except Nick. Turns out they planned to give him some but they got cut like most of the character specific mocap animatio...
【Chrono box】黑蝶沼 志依SP-R 208
Creada por FAW075
简介 黑蝶沼 志依,chrono box登场人物,在游戏中属于虚拟人物(类似精神状态的拟人化?) 也是我相当喜欢的角色 Chrono box包含了H(这不用说了)、暴力、猎奇、恐怖,可谓是拔作也是屑作(个人而言) 黑蝶沼算是gift呢?还是算主人格呢?(我也不清楚毕竟黑蝶沼线本片没有汉化补丁,主线也没有过多的介绍) 游戏后期确实震撼到我了(过于高能这里就不说了),想玩的官网就有下,汉化要另寻渠道了 心理不好的慎入 原MOD 替换了鸟狙(replace Scout) 拥有夜光(With full night ...
【崩坏3/Honkai Impact3】Pardofelis Reverist Calico 帕朵菲莉丝 魅夜幽痕 Replaces Francis
Creada por ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo 神帝宇(移植到MMD) · Compile(移植): 麻辣香锅 · Thumbnail (封面): 神帝宇 模型信息 / Details · Weapon Boens for TLS update(临死一搏新添加的武器骨骼) · Jiggle Bones(飘动骨骼) · Flex animation(面部表情) · ...
Chrome Shotgun 猫宫日向 香草v2.0(发光)replace chrome shotgun (glow)
Creada por 薄雪中意晚莲
简单修复了一下乱糟糟的猫宫铁喷,一个比较简洁的条纹版,上手感觉不错 只用小号发一下 高画质下的反光效果还行 猫宫铁喷初版 预览图如下: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1825659545175232427/95974B3F5903F6C040FF2D3429416EE4AB491DFC/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false http...
Zhong Lanzhu Ram-7(Tavor21)
ram7 钟岚珠 Zhong Lanzhu 在mod群里潜伏,终于心血来潮第一次做mod 偷偷安利一下岚珠的视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Nr4y1p7uufrom=search&seid=723352956203526396&spm_id_from=333.337.0.0 原mod地址: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2810712717&searchtext= Original M...
Creada por 狂三
你的眼里全是柚叽! 贴图:我 人物:柚叽 画师: (留空) (留空) 献给你们的礼物 没改动作,可以改但是没想好改什么,至少现阶段mod基本不改() 有bug可以反馈!...
BO1 MAC11 sound pack for Uzi
Creada por Alex_D #NoWar
Replaces the firing and reloading sounds of the Submachine Gun to those of the MAC-11 from CoD: Black Ops. Model replacement by yours truly: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1740680681...
[WTF] Dual machete
Creada por LE37
replace machete ...
Vtuber 壱百満天原サロメ Hyakumantenbara Salome (Rochelle)
Creada por 呃呃
Vtuber 壱百満天原サロメ ですわ~ 替换黑妹 Vtuber Hyakumantenbara Salome replaces the rochelle 模型/Model ですわ~:りぼん 编译/Compile ですわ~:Twentydoge 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) Hope you enjoy. If you like it,don't forget rate up :) ...
樱花武士刀 // Sakura Katana
Creada por FAW075
简介 替换了武士刀(replace Katana) 拥有夜光(With full night light) 拥有动态外壳发光效果(Has a shell dynamic glow effect) 原MOD 渲染图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1885332607281902779/20A5640E18A368DDBF9D8BE82B1832405190DB36/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox...
主播女孩重度依赖 超天酱安全屋图标和动态箭头/NEEDY GIRI OVERDOSE Angelkawaii safe house arrow(动态)
Creada por Nagasaki Soyorin
这是一股照亮混沌的令和时代互联网的一道光 (指会自发光) 给在电子的海洋里冲浪的阿宅们带来笑容 (思迈路思迈路) 未来的和平我向你保证 (我又鸽啦) 躁动不安但放心交给我 (背后黑枪) 互联网天使 降临于此(god 1) ✟ 升天 ✟ (3.21 打算加 Internet yamero的立绘 箭头想办法重置下 可能会很慢 还是等哪位好心人能发素材再做罢,自己实在抠不动了) 我又回来做超天酱啦,勉强搞懂了动图的制作原理,说不定以后会做个动态枪 (做好力) 原本是想弄两个立绘的,但MV里有全身的也只有跳舞的时候...
P90/UZI Kou-Glow
Creada por 花の韵❄
替换uzi 带夜光 立绘:lowiro 实在是对不住 试了好几个枪都挺有难度的 打算至少5个立绘但手上没有合适的背景 ...
[CSO] m1887_xmas
Creada por LE37
replace pumpshot and sounds...
Kokuri Ruru - Nick
Creada por NanaNana
Bill Version Credit: Character design: 凪白みと(@lemon_mito) 3D modeling: キツネツキ(@_kitsune_tsuki_) Copyright: ツクルノモリ株式会社 Purchaser: Provence Porting: NanaNana http://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/3290957...
Date A Live Vending Machine - Proportional Fix
Creada por NPCsnake
-Date A Live- Animated Vending Machine 10 images replaces every 20s -约会大作战- 动态自动贩卖机/售货机/汽水机/... 10张图片每20秒替换一次 之前的机器面板是错位的,这一次将多数按键位置修复了 此模板同时修复了一下几款机器 / Also fixed the following vending machine : 碧蓝航线 / Azur Lane 鲨鱼 / Gawr Gura 润羽露西娅/Uruha Rushia ...
Date A Live Extra Posters
Creada por NPCsnake
-Date A Live- Extra Posters Replaces C1,C2,C4,C5,C6 Billboards,Grocery,Mall and Gas Station -约会大作战- 补充海报 替换了C1,C2,C4,C5,C6广告牌,杂货店,加油站等 基本补充了二代地图的海报,需要和之前的海报一起使用 Date A Live Poster / 约会大作战海报 Date A Live Concert Poster / 约会大作战演唱会海报 ...
Date A Live Bus Stop
Creada por NPCsnake
-Date A Live- Animated Bus Stop 12 images replaces every 25s -约会大作战- 工口 公交站/巴士站/汽车站 12张图片每25秒替换一次...
SR-25 Kou-Glow
Creada por 花の韵❄
替换30发连狙 部分夜光 立绘红-正觉醒反初始 根据SR-25 仙狐小姐(发光)作为模板 https://i.ibb.co/7zb86zN/2u.png 11/6 修正主体颜色 简化夜光方式 隐藏手电筒... 声明 - Original SR-25 model: Firearm: Source Team - AN/PEQ-15:Odeca - 7.62mm NATO bullet: Kali - Scope lens: New World Interactive - Animations: Arima, I...
Fairy Fencer Apollonius replace Bill
Creada por Artillery Rain
Definitely protagonist if Fang weren't born . Credit: --- Model: picked from this site: https://www.deviantart.com/raffine52/journal/Fairy-Fencer-F-Characters-and-Gold-Third-Models-740013513 --- Original character design and artwork from Idea Factory and C...
flying sword 御剑(machete)
Creada por 槐音Grsomiprs
Video presentation\视频演示:https://www.bilibili.com/video/bv11T411V7KE PS:Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.Revision of the release is subject to my approval. 未经许可严禁转载,修改发布需经过我的同意 突发奇想的玩意,但感觉想法很美好,做出来有出入,还是太菜了啊。 如有另需 得加钱 _(:3 」∠)_ it modi...
M4A1 Kou-Glow
Creada por 花の韵❄
替换M16 带夜光 立绘:lowiro 模板:M4A1 Silenced ○✿○ Chia ○✿○ Textures&Edit:Me. Model from CSGO:Twilight Sparkle ...
AWP Kou-Glow
Creada por 花の韵❄
替换AWP 枪械名就这个 带夜光 立绘:lowiro 模板:AWP ○✿○ Chia ○✿○ 稍微复杂点我就不行了😂 ...
【BEATLESS】雷电刃替换武士刀(replace Katana)[animated skin]
Creada por M82A1闇冥
使用ClearSkyC的拔刀斩动作,修复在本地游戏攻速慢的debuff 演示视频 拔刀!!一闪! Credits: Killing Floor 2 - Model; Textures; Audio InsanitySorrow's Celtic Katana Skyrim Mod - Sword Sheath Lt. Rocky - Unreal Engine rip; Port; Materials ClearSkyC - Animations; Compile M82A1闇冥 - materials ...
Honkai: Star Rail Black tower hammer replace guitar
Honkai: Star Rail Black tower hammer replace guitar Because I have no test qualification, I don't know the name of the specific weapon. Just call the hammer first. If you know anything, you can leave a message. Thank you. animation mod: https://steamcommun...
Azur Lane Crosswave - Shimakaze / Replace Ellis [CM]
Commissioned by Kureizy <O> Original GMOD port by Clamcy https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2007660073 Had to rescale the model and redone the proportion anim as the original were very smol (new version is about 20% bigger) There are st...
Fire Extinguisher (Propane Tank)
Creada por мяFunreal
I made this for my CS_Office survival map, but I put too much effort into it to just leave it for one single map. Basically, I took Cs:go's fire extinguisher but was not happy with various parts of it. So I modified the model and made textures from scratch...
Fairy Fencer Ethel (1st skin) replace Coach
Creada por Artillery Rain
殺す! * This addon replace Coach instead . Credit: --- Model: picked from this site: https://www.deviantart.com/raffine52/journal/Fairy-Fencer-F-Characters-and-Gold-Third-Models-740013513 --- Original character design and artwork from Idea Factory and Compil...
Creada por 老瑞瑞
描述:替换木喷的皮肤-明日方舟W的动态+夜光 展示:>>B站视频展示(点击)<< https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/07/47fVe81WvM3aKZU.gif 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/07/Cp87LuzFdJjGXTt.gif https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/07/m4T1gsVAoJynGrZ.gif mod的制作过程,参考过>>桃乐丝啊大大<<和>>十年公交男大大<<的mod,感谢他们!! 挣扎了好几天,终于摸出来...
Creada por Ghost Snake
-碧蓝航线- 独角兽 工口海报 替换了死亡中心大多数广告版和海报 -Azur lane- Unicorn R-18 Posters...
XzDash`s little knife but is 2.0(machete)
Creada por mahou shoujo XzDash
first version https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2512790188 basically animation is not big different but little smooth i guess little rework and model more long and looking good and sound this time i put my headphone to listen and make ...
粉色系 - 心之蝶刃
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
【 粉色系列 】 - 番外篇01 替换 武士刀 replace katana ● Model:Egret♥白鹭鹭 ● Materials:Egret♥白鹭鹭 ● Luminous 之前太无聊的时候自己捏的一个实验品,捏了一半本来打算扔掉去休息的, 但看上去意外还行,就干脆做完再去休息的,有点小瑕疵也懒得去修了, 就先这样吧,后续再说。 【 自娱自乐模型,切勿当真。】 Extra - No. 01 「 Pink series 」 | Luminous | I love pink ...
Oreo cookies | Riot shield - 奥利奥夹心饼干/防暴盾牌 -两种口味 | Luminous
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
Oreo cookies replace the Riot shield - Edible | Luminous 奥利奥夹心饼干 | 替换了 防暴盾牌 | 夜光 一共两种口味 : 经典原味,樱花草莓味 PS : 使用防爆盾需要一些任务文件里包含防爆盾文件的一些地图上你才能见到防爆盾 PS : Requires a map with riotshield in the mission file. You can see Riot shield. 内容/content https://steamuserimag...
粉色系 - 30发连狙-消音
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
【 粉色系列 】 - 番外篇02 替换 30发连狙 (消音) replace Military Sniper ● 原版Mod: 8sianDude 原版瞄准镜做了隐藏处理,防止遮挡视线 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1852682583755359299/12CFC560850A477BEA268AEF75540BDC63827914/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%2300...
Toilet plug / thunderbolt dynamic transformation replace pitchfork
Toilet plug / thunderbolt dynamic transformation replace pitchfork Change the color periodically for about 30s Sometimes it's stinger, sometimes it's toilet plug Super long toilet plug / stingray must be good for zombies The mod includes a luminous map mod...
粉色系 - 15发木狙
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
【 粉色系列 】 - 番外篇03 替换 15发连狙 replace Hunting rifle ● 原版Mod: lowtiergod 原版瞄准镜做了隐藏处理,防止遮挡视线 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1852682864751313185/4120C0B66BFED574DF80F8DD0843F9DA2EA21153/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&l...
pjsk_白石杏_ 純白に身を包んで(rochelle)
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
3.14 突然发现之前表情忘做了,这回加上 白石杏,人物来自手游世界计划多彩舞台,替换rochelle 本来是不想这么快就做第二个an的mod的,但奈何实在太好看了。(好看吗,6w石头换的) -Credits: Model: AichiCH / Sega Craft egg Base bone: JosueMMD Bone renamer: JosueMMD Eye Morph : Harry Morph renamer: Sunny Files: Project Sekai Ai Spa / Toon: ...
[RNG]Princess Connect! Grand Masters Animated stickers replaces loading spinner
Creada por Yuni Senpai
36 Animated stickers from Princess Connect! Grand Masters. They will change your loading spinner to make it look much cuter. ...
Creada por 老瑞瑞
描述:替换小手枪的皮肤-崩坏三Δ德尔塔的动态+夜光 注:必需品是更换手枪的动作,详情观看展示视频!不用必需品,就是原始手枪 展示:>B站视频展示<< https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/14/EV82RbBYqpOShmC.gif 夜光: https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/14/lujkfoRXvUPsB7y.gif 人物素材来源:>>烻-ZL<< 已经不知道说啥了,求赞x3! ...
[COMPILE] B2L4D2 Pistol + Cele's M9's Animations
Creada por dante_02
Took Arima's B2L4D2 Pistol and added Cele's dual pistol animations to it, so that I could get the best from both worlds. Original addons: >>>B2L4D2 Pistol: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1591407550 >>>Cele's Dual Animations: https://...
[NEKOPARA]Cinnamon替换路易斯(Cinnamon Replace Louis)
Creada por ch0058_spr
Cinnamon替换louis幸存者模型 Cinnamon,来自NEKOWORKs社团GALGAME作品。 Cinnamon replace Louis a model based from nekopara vol.3 -she is expressionless -her eyes can't blink -anime icon -no additional anim other characters from Nekopara azuki replace Nick https://steamcommu...
[NEKOPARA]Azuki For Nick
Creada por Raitoningu
红豆,来自NEKOWORKs社团GALGAME作品。 Feature: -FPS arms -HUD Icons -Jigglebones -Anime Shader -Zoey's Animations -Boomed texture NEKO 4 PARA 2 For L4D2 Survivors. -Coconut For Coach -Vanilla For Rochelle By Peakness Yang -Chocola For Ellis By Peakness Yang...
[NEKOPARA]Maple替换佐伊(Maple Replace Zoey)
Creada por ch0058_spr
Maple替换佐伊幸存者模型 Maple,来自NEKOWORKs社团GALGAME作品。 Maple replace Zoey a model based from nekopara vol.3 -she is expressionless -her eyes can't blink -no additional anim -anime icon other characters from Nekopara azuki replace Nick https://steamproxy.net/shar...
【Honkai Impact 3/崩坏3rd】德丽莎阿波卡利斯Theresa Apocalypse替换ellis
Creada por 流歌Ruka
模型来源:模之屋 脸部素材by:pl筱米 模型编辑:神帝宇 绑骨:流歌Ruka 飘动骨骼、vrd编写:流歌Ruka 表情制作:流歌Ruka 贴图优化:流歌Ruka 模型部分版权所属miHoYo 转载请附上这个mod的链接、借物表以及我的id 预览视频 目前没有写vrd 也莫得表情 有机会吧 反正 也许哪一天突然更新 不得不说官方模型游戏里看着挺好求生里就拉了 手里还有个mmd的模型 如果觉得不太行我找个机会做个mmd版本 22.6.10 21:36 修复了裙子飘动方向错误的问题 悲报:vrd尝试写了但是寄了...
[XDR]orange justice
Creada por flys
replace self healing Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. occupies slot 3 of every survivor's animations. credits: Fortnite Thanks for MLUI guidance the map name is Day Break,i can't leave the message in the comment area...
星月 -(moonstats)
修复了飘动骨骼 0000 替换: Zoey 表情有时间在弄 Cat feather-- Replace: Zoey ...
星月 (moonstats)
修复了飘动骨�?替换�?Zoey 表情有时间在�?Cat feather-- Replace: Zoey 评论不了的去https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2818512946 能不能别搞事 ...
[LXHDJ] BiShou-fire_type
Creada por LE37
replace machete and sounds...
BO1 Python (for Pistols)
Creada por Alex_D #NoWar
Colt Python from CoD: Black Ops Elegant and expensive, this heavy American revolver in .357 Magnum is a worthy piece of anyone's collection. Variants with different barrel lengths are produced, with different finishes. Replaces the pistols (model and reloa...
csol 神鬼开天 双持战斧 替换 消防斧fireaxe
Creada por SG-Cary
csol原版神鬼开天移植,保留双持动作,与求生的帧率保持一致 为什么突然有手了? 因为加入手臂发现骨骼数量刚刚好所以就加了,用csol的手臂替代(尽管求生的我还是不会) 做了多久了?忘了,反正是做出来了 其实之前已经做出来过但是效果很差,这次是经过了这么长时间的各种微调最终达到一个比较满意的效果,起码我自己比较满意 贴图方面不再那么亮瞎眼,不过在黑暗中还是清晰可见(参考大佬的圣帝AK的高亮) 模型也用的是第一人称的模型,如果觉得模型较糊请调高分辨率和模型纹理细节,页池改高 TIP:推荐视野为120拉满,手臂...
RTX3070 Fireworks
Creada por 海风OwQ
Creada por The doctrinaire
天宫心李恩菲尔德替换鸟狙 Kokoro amamiya Lee-Enfield replaces the Scout 原模型链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611139083 model from: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611139083 好久不做MOD,这次做的是阿喵喵的李恩菲尔德步枪替换鸟狙 阿喵喵可爱捏 依旧是珠光和少量的印花...
重置 {原力} csol 凤舞九天 替换 砍刀machete
Creada por SG-Cary
替换砍刀,移植csol动作和声音。 为什么没有手臂? 因为我不会 为什么高光没有调好? 因为我眼瞎 为什么材质建模这么烂? 多少年前的游戏了还要求什么呢 为什么……哪来那么多为什么,焯。 感谢工坊大佬支持…… 已知新问题:官服推的动作有bug直接跳到互动前的动作(已修复) 模型:nexon 音效:nexon TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam L...
印花集风格转换者冲锋枪 APEX Alternator - printstream
Creada por SLEEP
替换MP5 这是我第一次尝试做mod,心血来潮了属于是,希望大家能喜欢(ノ ̄▽ ̄) 原模型与动作移植:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1900579495 贴图与灵感来源:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2782958110 ...
30连 SVCH-仙狐さん 发光 Replace military sniper (glow)
Creada por 薄雪中意晚莲
这次是妹抖狐,没有人能拒绝这样的大尾巴! 喜欢毛茸茸的东西,想做的事就是——薅尾巴 模型来自:HK G41 持枪视角来自:Beau 包含材质贴图、法线贴图、夜光贴图及枪声(自制) 预览视频 预览图如下: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1825659711709931122/81C6F5224C2F6DF1CC0B74A476E791542BB5F826/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imco...
Ak47 CSO 仙狐小姐 发光 Replace Ak47 (glow)
Creada por 薄雪中意晚莲
早期的作品之一,模型来自CSO,虽然不是很精致,但是手感枪感很棒 包含:材质贴图、法线贴图、枪声 最近没空玩了,就发点以前的水一下 模型来自: AK47_赤龙 感谢大佬~ 预览视频 渲染图如下: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1850430344336534183/AF8980897AA81F91415E2EB677BE9ED0656F209D/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=...
Scout Gura 发光 Replace scout sniper (glow)
Creada por 薄雪中意晚莲
这次是gura的scout,替换贴图,采用修改动作的v模,喜欢请点赞 手电筒是一个意外,它并不在贴图里面,我也不知道如何删除掉它 模型动作来自:Classic Scout: Tweaked Valve Animations 渲染图如下: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1850429788459377253/EEBAE22784D7BA080536F81DD47A22F7EE10FFEF/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impoli...
Vanilla AWP - Worldmodel Improvement
Creada por ♥ Rayne ♥
Same deal as the other ones. Uses the Vmodel to create a better wmodel. All vanilla textures. Doesn't touch the vmodel(first person) so reanim and skin compatible. Alternate version with a rescaled scope: (less accurate to the first person model as a resul...
Awp kanna龙女仆康娜 发光 Replace awp sniper (glow)
Creada por 薄雪中意晚莲
这次是康娜 龙女仆的awp,仅替换原版awp的贴图,喜欢请别忘记点赞 需要订阅额外的修改动作的v模和w模 第三人称的枪托有部分没有贴图,那需要另外为w模制作贴图,目前不准备修复这个瑕疵 注:当然如果你仅仅想使用原版awp,订阅这个mod在第一人称视角时是生效的,如果想要第三人称生效请订阅w模。v模是个人推荐的手感较好的动作,你也可以选择其他的动作模组。 v模来自:AWP Reanimation w模来自:Vanilla AWP - Worldmodel Improvement 渲染图如下: https://...
Meow meow | Gasoline - 喵喵の汽油 o(*°▽°*)o | Luminous
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
Meow meow(Cat claw) replace the Gasoline | Luminous 喵喵の爪 替换 手提汽油桶 | 含: 普通汽油、任务汽油、背后汽油 (暴风骤雨) 、路障汽油组 | 夜光 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1852682864760626400/6B94935725327C83296457B6918966F3C02A7258/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&i...
RNG Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (AWP)
Creada por TrueKringe
Well, it's been a long time since my last actual mods. I have a lot of IRL stuff to keep me busy. So, this is the updated version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! AWP mods I've released a few years ago. This mod comes with 18 different Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. I still didn't repl...
MW19 CX-9 八重神子(动态+夜光)
Creada por 老瑞瑞
MW19 CX-9 八重神子(动态+夜光) 替换 >>Uzi<< 看到有人需求,就整了个uzi版本 展示:>B站视频展示(点击跳转)<< https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/22/3OWmu4bMsayRkEK.gif 替换消音微冲版本(点击图片跳转):https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1877453210646244824/3509A405D3DB25716C9D0D84D3EDA7C0C15C5A5D/?imw=637&imh=35...
laserfist (m60)
Creada por 多乐美
replace the m60 Those who make bad comments, I wish you a failed life. ...
Belial Atrocious Giga Battle Nizer replace baseball bat
Belial Atrocious Giga Battle Nizer replace baseball bat My friend unzipped it from the mobile game, so it's a little fuzzy https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=737195331 animation:我将带头冲锋DANIAO materials: LittleAnie Model modification :Lit...
Vtuber がうる・ぐら Gawr Gura(Bill)
Creada por 呃呃
Vtuber 噶呜·古拉 替换比尔 Vtuber Gawr Gura replaces the bill 猫鲨可爱~ 模型/Model: げのげ 编译/Compile: Twentydoge 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) Hope you enjoy. If you like it,don't forget rate up :)...
Kokuri Ruru (No sleeve) - Bill
Creada por NanaNana
Nick Version Credit: Character design: 凪白みと(@lemon_mito) 3D modeling: キツネツキ(@_kitsune_tsuki_) Copyright: ツクルノモリ株式会社 Purchaser: Provence Porting: NanaNana http://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/3290957...
Maya's houki - Shovel
Creada por NanaNana
This is my first time to publish weapon addons. Hope you like it >A< Credit: Character design & 3D modeling: キュビ(@Kyubi_002) Porting: NanaNana Animations: Lt.Rocky, NanaNana (shove) https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/3390957...
喵喵冲击! - Cat Punch | Pan 替换 平底锅
Creada por Egret♥白鹭鹭
此Mod仅在工坊发布,禁止在别的地方上传 This mod is only released in my Steam workshop,Prohibit uploading to other places 【 粉色系列 】 - 番外篇08 | 喵喵冲击! - Cat Punch 喵喵拳套 替换 平底锅 / replace the Frying pan | Luminous 手臂长度建议70以上 | cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor 70 UP ↑ 这是咱好几天摸爬滚打学会的第一个自制动作模组嗷...
Creada por 老瑞瑞
vtuber rurudo 替换 Nick 介绍:mod来源工坊,在原mod基础上进行修改 更改了v模并且测试大部分武器没有出现手部扭曲 降低部分地方分辨率,降低mod大小 填补缺少的倒地贴图,并且删除内裤 添加了动态头像,处理了裙子穿模(new!) 展示: https://s2.loli.net/2022/06/30/AjKhrwetD5b9xXT.gif 点击图片跳转原mod//Click on the image to jump to the original mod 原mod:>>秋善冬華/Koha...
米斯蒂娅替换nick 飘动骨骼 绑骨 鸟语翻译 Mistia replaced nick. Mistia replaced nick. float 骨骼 Tie bone ...
(R18)【vtuber】rurudo 替换 埃利斯 replace ellis
Creada por 流歌Ruka
モデル製作:TararaTarako © TararaTarako 2022 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘骨制作:流歌Ruka 该模型包含:第三人称 第一人称 倒地图标 乳摇 臀摇 耳朵晃动 更多福利内容请订阅后再细细品味 是的没错 这次rurudo是直接替换的八个人 而且都是单独上传 方便一些只想替换一个或者两个单独角色的朋友使用 订阅两个或者以上的话在附加内容会提示冲突 这是因为贴图路径一样导致的 不影响使用 在此感谢在这个mod制作过程中提供帮助的MLUI老师以及群里的各位大佬 我只是个垃圾mod作...
(R18)【vtuber】rurudo 替换 比尔 replace bill
Creada por 流歌Ruka
モデル製作:TararaTarako © TararaTarako 2022 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘骨制作:流歌Ruka 该模型包含:第三人称 第一人称 倒地图标 乳摇 臀摇 耳朵晃动 更多福利内容请订阅后再细细品味 是的没错 这次rurudo是直接替换的八个人 而且都是单独上传 方便一些只想替换一个或者两个单独角色的朋友使用 订阅两个或者以上的话在附加内容会提示冲突 这是因为贴图路径一样导致的 不影响使用 在此感谢在这个mod制作过程中提供帮助的MLUI老师以及群里的各位大佬 我只是个垃圾mod作...
(R18)【vtuber】rurudo 替换 路易斯 replace louis
Creada por 流歌Ruka
モデル製作:TararaTarako © TararaTarako 2022 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘骨制作:流歌Ruka 该模型包含:第三人称 第一人称 倒地图标 乳摇 臀摇 耳朵晃动 更多福利内容请订阅后再细细品味 是的没错 这次rurudo是直接替换的八个人 而且都是单独上传 方便一些只想替换一个或者两个单独角色的朋友使用 订阅两个或者以上的话在附加内容会提示冲突 这是因为贴图路径一样导致的 不影响使用 在此感谢在这个mod制作过程中提供帮助的MLUI老师以及群里的各位大佬 我只是个垃圾mod作...
(R18)【vtuber】rurudo 替换 弗朗西斯 replace francis
Creada por 流歌Ruka
モデル製作:TararaTarako © TararaTarako 2022 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘骨制作:流歌Ruka 该模型包含:第三人称 第一人称 倒地图标 乳摇 臀摇 耳朵晃动 更多福利内容请订阅后再细细品味 是的没错 这次rurudo是直接替换的八个人 而且都是单独上传 方便一些只想替换一个或者两个单独角色的朋友使用 订阅两个或者以上的话在附加内容会提示冲突 这是因为贴图路径一样导致的 不影响使用 在此感谢在这个mod制作过程中提供帮助的MLUI老师以及群里的各位大佬 我只是个垃圾mod作...
【美少女花骑士/FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL】百可花/雪花蔓 替换 比尔 ステラ Replace Bill
Creada por 流歌Ruka
こんにゃく式ステラ ver.1.0 製作者 こんにゃく Twitter:kohoshien 22.6.28 更新 下调了袖子的飘动幅度 减少了挡视野的情况发生 22.7.6 更新 修改了模型高度 变成了萝莉身高(bushi) 24.5.14 更新 想不到吧 时隔两年我居然还会更新这个mod 重置了第一人称 第三人称 尸体模型 手模部分情况下还是会有些许挡视野的情况 但是为了飘动袖子 这点挡视野又算什么呢) 介于b站有粉丝喜欢没有袖子的所以做了一份无袖版的(也是萝莉体型) 以百度云盘的形式公开(这个是旧版 懒...
Creada por TPP
模型来源 出自游戏雪精灵之剑 MOD包含 第一人称,第三人称,乳摇,飘动,vrd 其他 增加夜光了,以此解决解决明暗场景过度时出现棱角的问题 修复倒地UI白边问题 ...
(魔王装)博丽灵梦:NEW VERSON 替换 Rochelle
Creada por 半喇柯基
模型作者: 魔王 没错,经过几天的挤时间,我终于把她的正式版做出来了 整体回炉重做 添加了vrd,添加了表情,修复手腕权重,修复了裙子穿模(但依然需要xdr的加持) 第一人称的手模袖子有些难做,尤其是飘动。 虽然可以依靠ai的脚本来同时兼顾手和飘动,但是手的表现,不是很让我满意。 在深思熟虑过后,我选择了保留手模去掉飘动 至于她的袖子挡视野的问题,我也考虑到了 我直接给手摸的袖子长度进行了一个缩小,既保留了袖子也不影响视野。 我要对得起一直期待着她更新的玩家们,还有她破万的订阅量 如此粗糙的制作竟然还能上了...
Blue Archive - Mika - Coach
Creada por NanaNana
3D modeling : せとくまみりん (@mirin_setokuma) 接起源引擎(csgo, css, gmod, ins等均可)模组定做,持续营业中...
[Providence]Mojuko/茉吱/モジュ子 replace Rochelle
Creada por ERROR
茉吱Mojuko: https://space.bilibili.com/1968783589/ 自制模组,替换二代生存者罗雪儿 猫和老鼠的故事终将落幕 模型和贴图:模之屋@SNowly 哔哩哔哩@SNowly酱 编译:ERROR(我) 哔哩哔哩预览视频: https://b23.tv/si8LKKr 本模组包含以下内容: 第三人称模型 第一人称手臂 VGUI 飘动骨骼 VRD骨骼 面部表情 乳摇 A Mod made by me,replace L4D2 survivor Rochelle. The st...
Hokejyo Loading Background
Creada por 花の韵❄
保健室のセンセーとシャボン玉中毒の助手 过关加载背景: 12张不同CG(2560) 加载音乐(8~9s) 调整字体图标参数 透明化统计表背景 隐藏Loading字样 信息图标位置 游戏官网:Hokejyo 禁止私自传播上传 与部分HUD冲突(修改相同文件)无紫黑格可无视 统计表参考20hud的cfg写入转本地(求求收藏) もしあなたの権益を侵害したら 私のホームページにメールアドレスを残してください 忍不住又搞起老本行 枪皮难度太高了 ...
Sailor Haku【水手服 弱音】3RNG R-18
Creada por 仓鼠箘
As I said before, I launched the R-18 version this time! Replace Rochelle And this time I designed three skins, which are: 1. Black lace; 2. White original; 3. Red and blue nake legs. Tags: Haku, white hair, red pupil, long hair, lace, sexy JK, pantyhose, ...
Flowering Loading Background
Creada por 花の韵❄
枯れない世界と終わる花 过关加载背景: 20张CG(2560) 调整字体图标参数 透明化统计表背景 隐藏Loading字样 信息图标位置 官网/所权:SWEET&TEA 禁止私自传播/Prohibit uploading 部分HUD冲突(修改相同文件)无紫黑格可无视 统计表参考20hud的cfg写入转addons(求求收藏) ...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
草薙宁宁,人物和服装来自手游世界计划多彩舞台,替换zoey 因为对之前的公式服nene不太满意,就又做了一个nene的。反正好看就完事了 ★Credits★ Files from: pjsek.ai Base: Ling / SouleaterLC / SEGA / Craft Egg Renamers: Ling Model: Aster/ SEGA / Craft Egg Shader used: Shadekai/KH40 Pose by fujiwara no moko (顺便宣传一下自己管理的qq...
Morax Claymore [Electric Guitar]
Weapon from Gensh1t Impact, replaces Electric Guitar, rigged to Katana anim Features: - HUD icon - Realistic shader - 2k upscaled textures - Custom melee hit sounds Subscribe to linked Weapon FX pack for green melee trail effect genshin sword ...
DOOG [Charger]
Hololive Vtuber Inugami Korone - Kedama edition Original model by KirbyDX Rigging to the charger was a lil tricky, originally she was suppose to be smaller but then she'd float on the ground due to how short her legs are Beware of DOOG. Korone is strong. F...
【CSGO】印花集沙漠之鹰【机瞄版】(夜光) 【CSGO】Printstream Desert Eagle [Mechanical Sight Version] (Glow)
Creada por Chocoo
【CSGO】印花集沙漠之鹰【机瞄版】(夜光) 将马格南替换为印花集沙漠之鹰(夜光) 更换了武器模型,枪械音效,开火动作 【CSGO】Printstream Desert Eagle (Glow) Replace magnum with printstream Desert Eagle(Glow) Replaced weapon model, sound effect,Shoot action. ---------------------------------------------------------...
Audio Modulator
Only work on Valve's official campaigns A script that increase the range of which the weapon firing sound's pitch and volume shift (increase the sound randomness, basically) So instead of rifle go brrrrrrrr it will go ↗↘↗↘↗↘↗↘↗↘ instead Adding new sound va...
【Vtuber】天宮こころ Amamiya Kokoro R-18(Replaces Rochelle)
说明 · 【Vtuber】天宮こころ Amamiya Kokoro R-18(Replaces Rochelle) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:黎榭リア. 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢)就请点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家 · 呃……色批们能不能消停点?再这样我就要改隐藏了…… 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
2019 magic inaugural microphone replace Medic
HUMEN MOD:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2815795120 This mod is the w mode position specially adjusted for the first tone character in the figure So the mod of other characters may look a little low 动作:LittleAnie 模型提取制作:歌丸 骨架&材质修改:歌...
Friends [Medkit]
Hololive Vtuber Fubuki fan mascot Sukonbu as first aid kit Original model by @Ikxi__ Original HQ model's vert count was 30k, but I've lowered it to 5k for viewmodel and 1.8k for world model UV map's also been redone (to solve some lighting issue) so it may...
Fallen Angel COP-357【堕天神COP】
Creada por 仓鼠箘
Fallen Angel, from Cross-Fire, replace desert eagle Credits: Feifei's Daddy -- compile Hamster Jun -- texture 堕天神COP,替换马格南,来自穿越火线。 出品: 霏霏爸璧——编译 仓鼠箘——纹理...
HoloX - Hakui Koyori [Rochelle]
--Features-- - Survivor itself - Viewmodel arms - Custom VGUI - Blinking animation - Facial animations - Passing intro sequence - Jigglebones - Hitboxes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Vtuber 赤見かるび Akami Karubi(Rochelle)
Vtuber 阿卡米卡鲁比 Vtuber 赤見かるび Akami Karubi replaces the rochelle 模型/Model ですわ~:りぼん 编译/Compile ですわ~: MOwGli Studio 制作不易,如果你喜欢这个mod,希望能点个赞,这样我才能继续有动力继续做下去。( ̄∀ ̄) 希望你喜欢。 如果你喜欢它,别忘了加分 :) ...
【巡音ルカ】Sour 巡音ルカ R-18 (Replaces Francis)
说明 · 【巡音ルカ】Sour 巡音ルカ R-18 (Replaces Francis) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:鸠白千夏 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢)就请点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家 · 在这里说明一点,我做这些R-18的模型,实际上都是我打算自用的,麻烦部分人不要过度解读,在这里也要感谢制作了原MOD的作者们,非常感谢 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
Creada por 鹌鹑型ick
白葱,人物和服装来自手游世界计划多彩舞台,替换eills 和之前的审判官一样,这袖子是真的麻烦啊,pjsk的服装对衣服袖子有着各种各样的理解 不过有一说一,这卡面在所有卡里也是数一数二的好看。 借物表:SEGA/CraftEgg/茶叶味香皂 image:SEGA/CraftEgg (顺便宣传一下自己管理的qq群:605143525 主要用于各种游戏的交流以及开黑,希望大家来群里凑凑热闹) 今后有机会还会继续做pjsk的人物mod的,喜欢的话就为此mod点赞吧 ...
[LXHDJ] RenDao(crowbar)
Creada por LE37
replace crowbar and sounds ...
Mia Replace Jockey
Creada por Vaz0w
This addon replaces Jockey. --------------------------------------------------------------- Models and Textures: Hamuketsu --------------------------------------------------------------- Includes: Models; Jiggle bones; First person arms; ------------------...
更好的Mia猫jockey布娃娃(可能) Better ragdoll for mia jockey(maybe)
这mod仅包含了一个.phy文件,用来替换jockey的布娃娃碰撞箱,你仍然需要订阅Mia猫替换jockey mod,否则它会替换原版的jockey碰撞箱,然后会变的很奇怪= = As title,this mod just contain a .phy file which replace the jockey's ragdoll collision,you MUST subscribe the Mia jockey mod to make it work,or it will make the orig...
VTuber 冰糖IO(youth ver.) replace Rochelle
Creada por Felicia
・・・‥‥…………‥…………‥…………‥・・・ Model:冰糖IO ・・・‥‥…………‥…………‥…………‥・・・ Grafting:絶対中立の百鬼あやめ VGUI Textures:LindaFelicia ・・・‥‥…………‥…………‥…………‥・・・ Replace Rochelle Hope you enjoy it ...
2022 9 24更新 完全重做版本 vtb 神楽七奈 狗妈 猫耳新衣服 替换 尼克 nick DD斩首!!
完全重做版本的神乐七奈,希望大家喜欢 更新日志2022 7 12 去掉了袖子同时重做了手模 修改了人物贴图的渲染模式,让人物看起来更柔和好看 更新日志2022 7 14 给猫耳添加飘动,制作了表情,猫耳会随眨眼跳动(幅度不算很大 更新日志2022 7 27 修复眼睛周围是白色块的问题,同时减小了mod体积 更新日志 2022 9 24 完全重做一次mod,拥有更好的表情和飘动效果,等于大换血了,祝游玩愉快 视频链接被屏蔽了,cao bv号:BV1ue4y1d7s5 模型作者:蓬莱伝說 感谢作者大大的模型...
2022 9 24更新 完全重做版本 vtb 神楽七奈 狗妈 猫耳新衣服 替换 eills DD斩首!!
有人反馈说想要个eills版本的神乐七奈,尾巴飘动骨骼数值修改过,除此之外和nick版本没有区别 具体描述可以看nick版本的,不再叙述。祝食用愉快 演示bv号:BV1ue4y1d7s5 更新日志2022 7 27 修正眼睛周围发白效果,减小mod体积 更新日志 2022 9 24 完全重做mod,拥有正常的表情和更好的飘动 ...
【vtuber】愛乃てすら 替换 佐伊 replace zoey
Creada por 流歌Ruka
感谢柒夕提供模型文件 作成者 稔 twitter: pailmond_ 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘骨:流歌Ruka 算是个定制mod 定制内容为无袖巫女maya手臂 该mod包含:第三人称 第一人称 vgui r摇 夜光 眨眼 表情 视频预览 转载请注明借物表,这个mod的链接以及我的id ...
【逆流茶会】pl式朱鹭咲澪/茶会澪替换弗朗西斯重置版 tokisaki mio replace francis(Reset the version)
Creada por 流歌Ruka
模型来源:百度贴吧 逆流茶会吧 -时崎黑羽- 由筱米模型制作 由远方瓶绑骨制作 由远方瓶物理制作 由筱米表情制作 由筱米贴图制作 绑骨:流歌Ruka vrd,飘动骨骼编写:流歌Ruka 表情制作:流歌Ruka 本mod包含:第三人称,第一人称,图标,表情,没有乳摇(因为模型自身胸部没有骨骼所以没有办法制作) 转载请注明借物表,这个mod的链接以及我的id 心心念念的重置版来了,本次使用的是茶会官方的模型,跟之前社区摸的有一些区别(比如脸)比起原mod多了一些飘动骨骼以及表情 视频预览 原版链接 ...
RINDO竜胆:RNG(水手服.ver) 替换 ellis
Creada por 半喇柯基
这是我最新作,它替换的是帽子小哥 模型是自己花钱买的,虽然是vrc模型,但是它自带pmx格式,使得制作过程得心应手 相比较前两个,这个mod我重新编写了vrd以修复裙子穿模胳膊扭曲问题 其实本应该很早就发布的,奈何中间尝试vrd以及耳朵表情的时候出了点差错咕了好久 内容如下: 附带表情,vrd,飘动,间歇性动画,RNG变化(黑水手服,白水手服) ---------------------------------- 2022.9.9最终更新: 去了袖子,耳朵从表情联动改为间歇性动画 添加尾巴动画,重新制作了手...
【Vtuber/百鬼绫目/百鬼(なきり) あやめ/Nakiri Ayame】百鬼绫目替换Coach
Creada por TPP
人間様たちこんなきりー!百鬼あやめだぞ!! 简介 魔界学校所属の和装鬼娘。いたずら好きで、よく鬼火を飛ばして他人をからかって遊んでいる。こう見えて実は生徒会長。 魔界学校所属的和服鬼神女孩,喜欢恶作剧,常常放出鬼火戏弄他人。虽然如此实际上是学生会长。 人设 hololive所属的虚拟鬼神,头上双角彰显着鬼神的身份,身穿着带有彼岸花图案的古风服装,身后系着红白铃绪结和背负着两把武器,与式神共同从幽世来到现世。 清脆的声线被观众赞誉清楚,说话过程常常把自己逗笑,直播常伴有悦耳的低笑声。 直播多以游戏实况、杂谈、...
砂糖心6轮SSR替换Ellis ·第三人称模型 ·第一人称手摸 ·飘动骨骼和vrd ·表情 ·zoey动作 所有素材资源版权归 CYGAMES / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. 所有 ...
[KNY] Demon slayer Kyojuro´s katana.
Creada por In-GER
Replaces the katana. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▄▀░░▌ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▄▀▐░░░▌ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▄▀▀▒▐▒░░░▌ ░░░░░▄▀▀▄░░░▄▄▀▀▒▒▒▒▌▒▒░░▌ ░░░░▐▒░░░▀▄▀▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ░░░░▌▒░░░░▒▀▄▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▀▄ ░░░░▐▒░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▌▒▐▒▒▒▒▒▀▄ ░░░░▌▀▄░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▐▒▒▒▌▒▌▒▄▄▒▒▐ ░░░▌▌▒▒▀▒...
butterfly knife
Creada por abaaba
Murasama Particles (READ DESC.)
Creada por Kur0して
Jetstream Sam's Murasama particles. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ONLY FOR MODDERS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You do not need to subscribe to this anymore to have the particles on my murasama mod. It is already included in it. The particle effect name is murasama_redsaber2. Yo...
csol 【歼星】 十字弩 替换 军用狙击枪military sniper
Creada por SG-Cary
替换军用狙击枪,移植csol动作和声音 你问我自瞄哪去了? 开个陀螺不就好了嘛 转起来:o :o :o 优点:手感好 缺点:挡视野 推荐fov:75 有空把奇幻乐园那把阉割弩改成30连,那个不挡视野 感谢工坊大佬支持…… 模型:nexon 音效:nexon TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_consistency 0" in launches at steam Left 4 Dead 2 or you will b...
Creada por 多乐美
replace the katana ...
Call of Duty Modern Warfare [Tidal karambit]
Creada por oguz
Replaces Machete 👉Optional original bloody skins. Animations - Valve Csgo -𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐬&𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 Call of Duty Modern Warfare p3dm-PLOOF Activision ...
AK-47 Illusion on Default Animations
Creada por Sirrah
Fixed the horrendous animations the original addon had by restoring it to the default animations since the auther hasn't done it themselves. Animations - Default Sound - Default Original: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1476267699&se...
AK-47 Banshee on Default Animations
Creada por Sirrah
Fixed the horrendous animations the original addon had by restoring it to the default animations since the author hasn't done it themselves. Everything else is the same as the original addon. Animation - Default Sound - Default Original: https://steamcommu...
Fallen Angel Axe【堕天神 手斧】
Creada por 仓鼠箘
Fallen Angel, from Cross-Fire,replace fire axe. I'm planning to publish the Fallen Angel series, i've completely made M4A1 and COP at present, hope you like them. Credits: Feifei's Daddy -- compile Hamster Jun -- texture 堕天神军用手斧,替换消防斧,来自穿越火线。 我打算发布堕天神套装,目前...
Vtuber♪ 博衣こより--木喷/Hakui Koyori--pump shotgun
替换木喷贴图 ,replace pump 新手做的MOD。有什么做的不好的请见谅 喜欢的话可以去看看隔壁大佬做的人物MOD哦 虽然是新人作品,但转载之前要说一声哦(也没人会转你吧) 未经允许不可转载到其他地方 贴图指导菜花植物园,不好看去找他(心虚) 《秘密结社holoX》的研究家。一面照顾著结社成员、一面进行人类观察。热心研究、好奇心旺盛,有时会为了观察他人反应而恶作剧。自称是「holoX的大脑」,但实际上她的知识是有所偏差的。 视频演示:还没做,鸽了,回头再说 喜欢就点个赞吧 https://steam...
【BEATLESS】Hailstorm替换Deagle(replace magnum)[animated skin]
Creada por M82A1闇冥
Hailstorm替换马格南 Credits: models, animations sounds by Activision | Infinity Ward model, textures animations ripped - DTZPorter rigged&animations - scream sounds - scream materials - M82A1闇冥 ...
Apex英雄 平行步枪 VK47 散热器 【枪声修改版】APEX VK47 HEAT SINK 【Sound modification】
Creada por 电磁骑士
描述:Apex英雄 平行步枪 VK47 散热器 【枪声修改版】APEX VK47 HEAT SINK 【Sound modification】 该MOD由 HK560 大佬提供 原MOD链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2828179053 修改内容:开火音效 这个MOD的外观真的太漂亮了 个人非常喜欢 但觉得原版的音效并不怎么好听 所以修改了一下音效 音效来源:PlanetSide2中的Vx29北极星开火音效 最后再次感谢 ...
Cherry Blossom Rifle
Creada por Strikhedonia
Blossom Combat Rifle...
少女前线 维克托 万圣节<猫猫肉垫> 燃烧瓶/Girls Frontline Hallowmas KRISS Vector<kitten volar pad?> molotov
少女前线 维克托 万圣节<猫猫肉垫> (燃烧瓶)/Girls Frontline Hallowmas KRISS Vector<kitten volar pad?> molotov 技术有限,萌新尽量做好作品。lack of technology,rookie try to be an molotov. 推荐大家可以找些燃烧瓶动作、音效等的替换mod,搭配食用效果会很好的。 i recommend you folks can find some molotov sound and other replace...
早稻叽 UZI
Creada por 千早爱音
早稻叽UZI 自己一个的作品 你喜欢话 不要忘记点赞和收藏(虽然不重要)/ 定制QQ:2352777374 点赞吗 因为你是一个一个一个一个一个一个一个好人 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1834670230654963242/B59B2AA39754B38748E6AB6E2F1779FB9972C8DC/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox...
csol 赛博朋克 Tiamat-X4 替换 步枪ak47
Creada por SG-Cary
替换AK,移植csol动作和声音 别说,这枪声音开火音效挺好听 换弹也挺好的 就是可惜没法做出来右键蓄力的激光特效(骨骼老问题) 以后大概率不放b站视频了,只放工坊 熔火炎狼 AK链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2830711150 TIP:燃烧弹声音会很奇怪 感谢工坊大佬支持…… 模型:nexon 音效:nexon TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please...
{原力} csol 【暮光】 F2000 替换 步枪m16
Creada por SG-Cary
替换M16,移植csol动作和声音 由于骨骼限制删掉了导弹和特效,无解,无解 手感还行,带上红点就有那味了 巨龙?什么巨龙?那不是暮光ex吗? 好的巨龙战争在这:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2830210837 TIP:燃烧弹声音会很奇怪 感谢工坊大佬支持…… 模型:nexon 音效:nexon TIP:请在启动项添加+sv_consistency 0否则可能出现强制检查一致性问题 TIP:please add "+sv_co...
[Asoul] 嘉然Diana Dual Uzi
关注嘉然顿顿解馋! 嘉然人物模型替换Uzi冲锋枪(是双持捏) 配合晚比的人物mod食用效果更佳嘉晚饭!赢! 模型版权:A-Soul_Official 版权所有 制作:Recording 喜欢的话还请关注一下嘉然小姐姐我的主人捏 嘉然:https://space.bilibili.com/672328094 演示视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cB4y1i75F 理论上是可以和各种单纯的uzi换皮mod一起使用的 如果发现加载不出来请把该mod放在各种mod的上面枝江...
csol 撼宇碎星Zero 替换 一代连喷auto shotgun
Creada por SG-Cary
替换一代连喷,与求生帧率保持一致 老早做完了,后面一直在看有没有能加的地方,然后发现没有,算了,不管了,就这样 至于导弹方面,因为骨骼限制所以删除了特效,无解,无解 撼宇碎星原版版本:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827657720 为什么用两个不一样的mod?因为这俩货模型根本不一样,不是贴图的问题,只好区分开 过几天就发曙光的……好,开摆 曙光辉翼二代连喷链接:https://steamproxy.net/shar...
csol 撼宇碎星 替换 一代连喷auto shotgun
Creada por SG-Cary
替换一代连喷,与求生帧率保持一致 老早做完了,后面一直在看有没有能加的地方,然后发现没有,算了,不管了,就这样 至于导弹方面,因为骨骼限制所以删除了特效,无解,无解 撼宇碎星Zero版本:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827657817 为什么用两个不一样的mod?因为这俩货模型根本不一样,不是贴图的问题,只好区分开 过几天就发曙光的……好,开摆 曙光辉翼二代连喷链接:https://steamproxy.net/sh...
战双帕弥什 粉樱 Version 2 Replace Katana
Creada por ꧁༒空༒꧂
替换太刀 relplace katana Add: voice , animation 把声音优化了 ,更换为源氏拔刀动作 副武器是曲的长柄大刀 长柄大刀+太刀想起了苇名一心 主武器贴图优化:pioneerZ1Zp 动作提供:梦宫.思宜 音效/模型版权:库洛 MOD来源:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2232856060 If You like it, Click on the collection. don't forget ...
Lt.Rocky's Killing Floor 2 Machete Improved
Creada por S0kk0
Replaces machete with Lt. Rocky's Killing Floor 2 machete. Added features: Removed camera shake from all animations Lowered viewmodel position on idle animation Increased speed of deploy animation Removed blended animations on running+attack For "blended a...
Pistols 猫羽雫 发光 replace Pistols (glow)
Creada por 薄雪中意晚莲
早期制作的小手枪贴皮,官模缺面共用严重,技术力不够只能做成这样,常用的枪械填坑完毕。 单持后面就有一个黑色的,双持就不出现,匪夷所思啊,别问我 我也不会修 建议动作:B2L4D2 Pistol Recompiled 预览视频 渲染图如下: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1844802599912161058/0CD3037E0DD0CA09BA2B1AA613FD7044E03344EF/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impol...
m4a4 of Nozomi
Creada por Osanami Yōka
This is a m4a4 skin of Nozomi, replacing the m16 rifle in the game. Nozomi is the top idol in the game Princess Connect Re:dive. The model is from CS:GO. Thanks to Luoxijun from Bilibili.He made this m4a4 skin. Enjoy the game!...
awp of Nozomi(summer)
Creada por Osanami Yōka
This is a awp skin of Nozomi. Nozomi is the top idol in the game Princess Connect Re:dive. The model is from CS:GO. Thanks to Luoxijun from Bilibili.He made this awp skin. Enjoy the game!...
IceCream Truck
Creada por Methadone Kitty
Reskin for the plain white van. Lots of ice creams and lollies everywhere - check the pics. http://i.imgur.com/T7YGOxf.jpg ...
Pump Shotgun Reanimation
Creada por ShotgunnerFox
Compatible with the Last Stand Update Time for some pump shotgun action Every animation was made from scratch and animated by me, Fox. Retextures are compatible. Chrome Version I hope you like my newest reanimation as much as I do, and consider favoriting ...
Pink Water Trails & Puddles FX
This changes the water color of splashes or droplets when a model (Character) is moving, idling, and more to Pink. This includes for example: - Splashes - Droplets - Directional of the water trail - Fallbacks I've tried getting some screenshots of what it ...
Desert Rifle Reanimation
Creada por Hex To Max
The Edited Version of Arima's Desert Rifle Reanimated. Features - Removed camera shake - Changed old model to TLS new one - Modified FOV a bit higher - No alternate reload animation (button animation only) - Adjusted reload animation speed to actual reload...
SCAR-L silenced (sound)
Creada por Mr. Yeast
mainly for doktor haus' scar-L SD which you can get right here: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1228761595&searchtext=SCAR-L+SD the sound includes custom firing sound both for incendiary and normal sound...
[Dynamic] Desert_Eagle Replace The Magnum Pistol
Creada por 夜空☆Twinkle
2022/12/22更新!!!!!!!! 换了个动作( 想用老版的 进群拿669851292 new新版预览:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1c8411H7ob/ 简介 【动态】沙漠之�?霓虹心跳 替换 马格南手�? Desert_Eagle Replace The Magnum Pistol 有夜光和动态效�? With dynamic and glow materials 另外我修改了枪声 In addtion,I change the sound. 一些废话 做这玩...
Haachama beam!
Creada por Seiyacchi
whitaker animation sound...
Head Shot Feedback【爆头特效】
Creada por 仓鼠箘
The Head Shot Feedback effect can be used online for good, without plug-ins, scripts and conflicts. Added the feedback icon when you got Head-shot to zombies, but you must set the to high and use large caliber weapons to trigger. The weapons that can trigg...
通用材质 General Materials
说明 · 此物品仅用于个人MOD所使用的部分通用材质 禁止任何未经允许的转载 ...
Vtuber 天宮こころ Amamiya Kokoro R-18 {Replaces Bill}
Creada por 765611984044657632
· Vtuber 天宮こころ Amamiya Kokoro R-18 (Replaces Bill) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) ...
玛雅 lanse女仆 替换 佐伊 玛雅 replace 佐伊
我看错了权接 cao dan了 已修脖子扭挪到衣服问题 改了表情 由于玛雅眼睛大 动态的时候不是很明显 还是改了好康的手指甲 = 佐伊light 已做light ·vrd以及飘骨1表情 该mod包含:第三人称 第一人称 倒地图标 鸟语翻译 佐伊 replaces Zoey 佐伊light +replaces Zoey light ...
【原神/Genshin】妮露 Nilou Replaces Ellis
Creada por ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): Lennaiii(移植到MMD) miHoyo Genshin Impact blk asserts (原神游戏文件)(暂未上线,从别处获取到的模型) · AssetStudio-CAB(解包工具) - Razmoth · run animation(跑步动作) - 冰璃旖 · ragdoll animation(原神站立闲置动作...
【原神/Genshin】草神 Nahida Replaces Francis
Creada por ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): 立刃于心(移植到MMD) miHoyo Genshin Impact blk asserts (原神游戏文件)(暂未上线,从别处获取到的模型) · AssetStudio-CAB(解包工具) - Razmoth · run animation(跑步动作) - ZGabriel · ragdoll animation(原神站立闲置动...
【原神/Genshin】「闪耀协奏」 芭芭拉 Barbara Summertime Sparkle Replaces Coach
Creada por ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo Genshin Impact blk asserts (原神游戏文件) · AssetStudio-CAB(解包工具) - Razmoth · run animation(跑步动作) - ZGabriel · ragdoll animation(原神站立闲置动作) - 不是大佬i · Compile(移植): 麻辣香...
【原神/Genshin】芭芭拉 Barbara Replaces Coach
Creada por ☆麻辣香锅☆
说明 / Explain · 欢迎反馈 (Welcome feedback) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 创作者 / Creator · Models(模型出处): miHoyo Genshin Impact blk asserts (原神游戏文件) · AssetStudio-CAB(解包工具) - Razmoth · run animation(跑步动作) - ZGabriel · ragdoll animation(原神站立闲置动作) - 不是大佬i · Compile(移植): 麻辣香...
Kiwawa [Boomer]
Hololive EN Takanashi Kiara - Replaces Boomer Another smol Myth model for SI. This time the rigging part went rather well, most of the dev time is spent finding Kiara clips for the sound instead. Features: Authentic chicken noises Female Boomer variant Jig...
Doom Eternal: Slayer's Crucible [Golf Club]
Another DOOM Eternal weapon, a laser sword replacing the golf club Original Gmod prop port by Stefano96, rigged to default Katana anim by me. I've redone the blade's shader so it have this glowing aura and a flowing energy field + refraction effect. Come w...
[Hololive]Nakiri Ayame/百鬼绫目 Ver.偶像服 replace Zoey
Creada por ERROR
自制模组,替换一代生还者佐伊 快摸余 摸余 摸余 摸摸余 模型和贴图:Twitter@TararaTarako 编译:ERROR(我) 本模组包含以下内容: 第三人称模型 第一人称手臂 VGUI 飘动骨骼 VRD骨骼 面部表情 乳摇 短暂时刻light模型 A Mod made by me,replace L4D1 survivor Zoey. Play homophone jokes will deducte your money. Model and texture: Twitter@TararaTar...