DOOM Eternal

DOOM Eternal

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Improving your game, mechanics, competent kills, and invaluable experience.
Por K Y R Ø ♀
Get strong and unleash the full potential of Doom Eternal. Learn how to quickly and effectively kill demons, discover important mechanics, improve your game, find your playstyle, and get a hugely unforgettable experience.ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ GUIDE UPDATED [24.02.2022]
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This is an English version, specially translated from the my original Russian manual into English for other audiences.

The guide is aimed at players who want to progress and improve their game. Knowing different mechanics and successfully practicing them (quickswitching, mobility, control, effective stunning of enemies)

All aspects of the game will be shown here. Effective ways to kill demons This is not a panacea, because in this great game, there is such scope for creativity. But you can start with these kills in terms of "well, for starters" or apply them on the basis that there will also be important mechanics that improve your game, effective for killing demons, tips, tactics, and generally describing what this wonderful game is like.

In this dump (manuals), it's hard to find a pearl among a pile of crap, and this is already normal. I would be glad if at least one person who reads this guide would help improve their game. And therefore, I will be no less happy if you rate, like, add to favorites, and other nonsense that makes guides popular. Your own opinions and suggestions in the comments are also welcome. Thank you.

The guide will be gradually updated with new information. I will notify you about this in the comments, with a detailed release date. So subscribe under the comments and stay tuned for new information to enrich your knowledge base.

Also, thanks to everyone for the awards, constructive criticism in the comments, adding to favorites and much more.

P.S It is recommended to study this guide on a PC. From the phone, there is Internet Explorer and pain for the eyes.
Doom Eternal is a fuскing masterpiece

A game with unlimited possibilities. I don't want to take you by the hand. I'm just setting the start for the initial development. Because unfortunately, the game doesn't do it properly. Of course, she somehow suggests all these mechanics, but the emphasis is not on this, and it is clear why. Eternal allows for creativity, and only you can design a comfortable gameplay experience for yourself.

An overfilled player in thought is unlikely to stop there. He will look for a new experience for himself, and the game allows for this. Just look at mods, custom levels, and etc. Where people exclude half of the arsenal, change the gameplay, and so on. In this way, you can improve your game and gain new experiences. We all love progress and the thought of it is endless.
Master Levels - The meaning of the game

If you think Master Levels are about fat trolling and bullying, ranging from two marauders in a tight space with a toxic floor to a fuскing arena with two Archviles standing behind an impenetrable wall, spawning a thousand RNG demons in a small arena. Then I don’t understand why you are studying this manual in principle. It’s pointless. So what’s the point of playing this game? The master level is all about progress and adventure. This is Doom Eternal. For this, you will pay $42.99.

You can always win, no matter how difficult these levels are, how tired you are from a thousand defeats, or how much you despise this game after dying on Master Levels.

It is only necessary to use the arsenal correctly, correctly assess the situation, and promptly resolve it. Everything depends on you. When you are given a similar challenge with a horde of demons, in an unpleasant arena and in the most disadvantageous conditions, and you overcome it, you get the very experience and pleasure that you need. Because you really did the impossible and it was you who did it. This is your well-deserved victory.

Develop your personal playstyle and find your own key to solving the problem.

This is what makes Doom Eternal different from other games.
There are many different slangs in the text. If you come across an incomprehensible one, see this section.

RNG - Random name generator, in other words, random, in our case we mean the spawn of demons from Archvile.

Meathook - Super Shotgun Hook Mod

Microwave Beam or simply Beam - "weak" modification of the Plasma Gun.

Punch-swap - Fastest weapon swap with a fist.

Destroyer Blade - Ballista Modification.

Lock-On Burst - Rocket Launcher Modification.

M-L - Master Level

P.S There were some errors with the translation. Please forgive, and thank this user EYA for the help, thank you.
To begin with, it is worth explaining the basics, without which it is impossible to play.

1: Quickswitch

Quickswitching is the most important part of the game. This is the foundation on which the entire gameplay of Doom Eternal is built, and whether you like it or not, no one cares. That was the idea of game director Hugo Martin, and he did it right.

Use YouTube. It is full of similar topics. This is the basis of the game, without which it is pointless to play. Most importantly, assign the custom buttons of important guns to yourself and practice. If you had additional buttons on your mouse, then life will be much easier for you.

For the Heavy Cannon, get a separate and convenient button. This is not even discussed.
Because we will combo through the Heavy Cannon. But how exactly are we going to do it? We will consider this topic later.

2: Proper use of the Heavy Cannon with the Accurate Arrow mod

I didn’t really notice that such mechanics were talked about in the tutorial, so I need to tell you.

I think everyone already knows that to shoot from the Heavy Cannon, you need to aim at the same time (you need to aim first). This way, we do more damage due to Precision Arrow mode while not entering the scope itself.

And in this picture, there is a Heavy Cannon scope, and when we shoot correctly, everything that hits this scope (blue circle) gets a headshot. This way we land headshots without wasting time aiming, but this technique is used for quickswitching.
We need to learn smart stunning to unlock effective combos and demon kills.
To make a safe combo, we first of all need to stun the demon; this is done depending on the situation and what enemy is against you.

1: Bloodpunch has collected all the best and necessary in itself; it is so useful that without it you are largely limited. Bloodpunch deals huge damage, stuns the enemy, and is very accessible. This hit is critical in killing certain demons.

2: Grenades are a good option; they stun for a very long time and deal a lot of damage. Extremely important in combos on fat demons to increase damage.

3: The Plasma Gun Beam is very effective, with it; we micro-stun the demons, preventing them from attacking you or for a safe bloody strike.

A great example against the Baron of Hell, effective combos and Beam's occasional micro-stuns don't give the Baron any chance to attack you.

4: Cryo-Grenade is reliable and the best way to not only stun, but also deal huge damage due to frostbite, almost always during a freeze stun, we use blood strike, since this technique does enormous damage, and on a frozen target, is deadly.
UPD: Mechanics / Runes
(The following information may turn your balance upside down and possibly cause a heart attack.)
ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ SHIELD

Machine gun shield - unpopular, but paradoxically broken. This is the best modification in the game, incredibly useful and effective, opening up new opportunities for killing demons, saving at the most necessary moment, and absorbing almost all damage. The shield has absorbed everything possible and impossible. Absorption of almost all damage, toxic floor and fall damage. Ability to use grenades, bloody strike, dashes and more.

1: The shield allows you to hit with a blood strike while the shield is active; this is very useful, because it allows you to quickly kill the Cyber-Mancubus. After absorbing massive damage from his toxic splash, you break his armor while dealing additional damage with the machine gun.

2: Shield can damage and kill Demons while dashing.

3: With the Shield you will NEVER die, it just won't let you do it if done right. Never and in any situation, even in the most disadvantageous, he will save you. When you glorykill or saw someone with the Chainsaw, after the animation ends, you can instantly turn on the Shield; this happens in less than a second. After turning on the Shield, you are invulnerable and can do anything, throw a Cryo-Grenade or hit the crowd that surrounded you with Bloodpunch.

3+: Use a Shield when you are near or surrounded by demons that deal massive damage - Pinky / Cyber-Mancubus / Archvile

4: If you are low on health, including a shield, it will give you temporary invulnerability that will allow you to survive.

5: When you deal enough damage with your machine gun, you can release the Shield as a projectile, staging the enemy for safe bloodpunch and deadly combos

ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ BEAM
A strong modification that makes killing demons much easier, allows you to micro-stun them while continuing your combo. Very effective against Cyber-Mancubus, it will allow you to have time to bloodpunch and destroy armor without letting the Mancubus make a toxic splash. And also this is the most effective stun against the Baron of Hell, since he leaves for a very long time. I personally think that this is a jamb of developers. Because of this, the Baron is a helpless.

1: Use Beam for a second and continue the combo; evenless than a second is enough against the Baron of Hell. If you're using it to knock down the Mancubus armor, pinch the Beam and move in at the same time to hit the Bloodpunch. You risk getting splashed, so hit it hard before you beam the fat guy.

2: Beam quickly disables Doomhunter energy protection, which allows you to inflict damage combinations on a vulnerable enemy.

ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ MEATHOOK
Allows you to play from air combat. Without thinking about movement and being in the air, you inflict a huge amount of damage, while Demons only take this very damage and no more. Try to always cling to the Demon and bounce during the flight. You will be in the air and gain control over the Demons. Or for those who fly. If you jump from any height while clinging to a Demon with Meathook, while pulling, you can also jump, thereby disable the gravity of the earth.

We will talk about air combat tactics later.

ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠUPD: BALLISTA-BOOST + BUNNY-HOP

Mobility is one of the main things in your gameplay; being mobile means having good map control, always being a few steps ahead of enemies and much more, ballista boost (recoil) is the only and effective technique that makes it possible to reduce huge distances. There is a detailed video demonstrating this mechanic. I recommend it for review:
To perform a bunny-hop, you need to jump into timing while touching the ground, which allows you to bounce off the ground, gaining more speed.

We can strengthen the already effective bunny-hop and ballista boost. When you fire a ballista, we immediately change our weapon to another one and return to the ballista again, so we cancel the reload and can shoot again.

These techniques allow you to quickly move around the map and be incredibly mobile.

ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠᅠ ᅠ RUNES

A rune that improves your mobility, allows you to retreat to a safe zone, and saves you in critical moments. Bloodlust is a must-have.

Total Confusion
Rune, will increase the amount of health received from glory kills. Total Confusion tries to eliminate the nasty bugs of a game that doesn't register glorykills, chainsaw saws, or bloodpunch. Allows you to have time to finish off the demon, as well as when stunning the crowd, you can easily finish off everyone, getting a huge amount of health. Total Confusion is a must-have.

Air handling
Air combat games are the most effective tactic for fighting demons. Almost all demons (with the exception of flying ones) are helpless because of this. Proper use of the boost from Bloodlust and the recoil of Ballista on the springboard gives you the ability to safely deal lethal damage to enemies on the ground. Air Control is an essential rune that will improve your mobility, control, and open air combat.
Weapon Combos
To deal huge damage in a short period of time, we use a bunch of heavy guns. It allows you to change weapons very quickly. Alternate different guns with a rifle to inflict a huge amount of damage in a matter of time.

Heavy Cannon + Rocket Launcher
One of the strongest combinations

Heavy Cannon + Ballista
Versatile option for long and short distances.

Heavy Cannon + Combat Shotgun
Deals massive damage at close range.


Heavy Gun + Rocket Shot + Insta-Softlock

The strongest combo in terms of damage.
Use the Heavy Cannon first, then fire the rocket. After firing a rocket, we immediately hold down the right mouse button. Softlock and release a huge number of rockets. Thanks to this technique, we speeded up the launch of the Softlock by first firing a simple rocket. But how many volleys to fire is up to you.

To use the full potential of this combination, first of all, freeze the enemy with a cryo-grenade, then at the same time, firing a volley of rockets, throw 2 grenades.

Heavy Cannon + Sticky Bombs
This combo is very effective. To perform it, always hold down the right mouse button and change weapons, so after firing from the Precise Arrow, changing to the Shotgun, you will immediately fire a sticky bomb and so on in a circle.

Punchswap Sticky Bombs
The fastest punch combo is effective with the Shotgun, but can also be used with the Rocket Launcher, Ballista, and Heavy Cannon. This Combo seemed to have been created for air combat.

To perform this combo, after shooting from the Precision Arrow and Sticky Bomb, immediately punch, and then immediately shoot in a circle. You need to hit it after firing the Sticky Bomb.
Health system / Tactics / Important aspects of the player

How is Eternal's health system different from other games? First, let's take a look at this...

COMPOSURE - One of the important aspects of the player. Eternal requires high concentration, quick reaction, and competent decisions in a matter of seconds. Most often, excitement, panic, fear and despair manifest itself when you have been damaged in a matter of time, leaving you in a critical condition and not only. Moreover, if this happens in some kind of M.L, on a SuperGoreNest, in the final battle against 3 Archviles, 4 Tyrants, and all under the totem, then you won’t be able to think and give out a clear game.

And what do I want to say? To let you know that health in Eternal is a consumable. Health decreases every time, and it cannot be prevented. It is impossible to walk unharmed all the time, the system is so arranged. Add here hitboxes, bad register, and of course random. We just need to add these same consumables. Do you understand my point?

Yes, being calm during tense moments will not come immediately, even after a thousand M.L. But understand one simple thing. The HP system in Eternal means that you will gradually use it. And your task is to add it as much as possible, than you accordingly lose. Therefore, the fact that you were left with the minimum amount of HP does not mean defeat. During such moments, cut your head at full power and use all the arsenal and mechanics that will allow you to return this very HP. Such moments are arranged that way. The main thing is how exactly you get out and what you do. Did everything right - the game will provide you with health, armor, ammo and the coveted victory. If you make a mistake, panic, get confused and give up - you die.

CONTROL - On which almost all other aspects of the game depend. Understanding a turbulent environment well and acting accordingly is the main thing for a player.
You need to understand perfectly what is happening around you. What bunch of Demons oppose you and what should be done in this case? Who should be stopped and who should you pay all your attention to? What actions need to be foreseen in advance, during Glory Kills or mistakes?

Control collapses when you still think that having received a critically low amount of HP, you need to run in circles, evade enemies, and do nothing more. Run away from everyone and try to restore this very HP by any means. After all, what a fuскing horror, we are about to die!

After all, while you introduce yourself like that, run around the map in circles - nothing will happen. You are only pulling the inevitable death. During this time, demons will have time to take a convenient position, support will be able to take a safe zone and help the rest, enemies who shoot from afar will do it regularly, pressing enemies will have time to run up to you and start chasing you, while Carcasses will block your movement. Archviles will have time to spawn a bunch of demons. Flying ones will block your escape route up and... This can be listed endlessly, as a result, you will simply be squeezed and fuскed by them. Everyone will humiliate you and we will start all over again.

AIR COMBAT GAME - The best, safest and most effective tactic.
99% of Demons simply can't do anything while you deal massive damage to them. Try to always be above your opponent, do it whenever possible. Your potential in control and mobility will reach the highest possible level. Ballista, Meathook and springboards are the best ways to dominate your enemies.

Again, the recoil of the Ballista and springboards gets you very high and you have plenty of time to do something. A banal example with the Destroyer Blade. His minus is the lack of movement during use. Air tactic eliminates this very minus. After landing, you already release the maximum charged Blade into the crowd of Demons, having previously frozen them with a Cryo-Grenade. This tactic gives you complete freedom of action.

BALLISTA JUMP - The best and only option for fast movement around the map, by combining the recoil of a shot from the Ballista and Springboard, you will climb very high, this will give you time to understand the situation on the map, deal a huge amount of HP to the Demons from below and be safe.

An equally important aspect during the game, moreover, failure to adapt to your mistakes will lead to a 100% loss, and now I will explain why.

And there is nothing special to explain, this is a fuскing banality that many allow, and then, because of their stupidity, they go to put a low rating on this game, for the most difficult game, on the most difficult mode aka IGN / Diск taKAKASHI

Let's imagine a situation; you do not jump to the beam or grab the ledge, or you do not hit the weak points of the Mancubus. Instead of adapting to our mistake and not repeating it without making another decision, we do it again. We make the same mistake twice in a row. The game has a huge number of Demons and each of them is divided into classes, and each has its own gadgets during battle.

Instead of trying to climb the wall after an unsuccessful attempt to analyze the situation around us and eliminate the dangerous Demons that are about to surround you, we continue to try to climb the wall. We do this on a subconscious level and without thinking about your future plan of action. Instead of stopping shooting the Mancubus cannons for the hundredth time and starting to change the unsuccessful plan for another, because by this time, all the Demons will already be on their way. We keep trying to shoot Mancubus weak points and we don't even know why. Always think with your head during the game, and keep yourself in control. Do not give in to frustration.

MOBILITY - Key to your victory. Always, ALWAYS move. Never stand still, always look ahead, move faster than anyone. Get a few steps ahead of each demon. Do not run away from the Demons like an imbecile. Do everything consciously and thoughtfully, without driving yourself into corners where you would meet your certain death. Quickly assess the situation, perform it in advance, and perfectly. Each Demon requires a personal approach to yourself, while you, in turn, choose the best option.

ICONS IN THE CENTER OF THE SCREEN - Your choice. I repeat, high concentration, fast decision making, are critical during the game. And when you are distracted by something from below, you lose concentration, control, mobility, and everything in the world, signing an inevitable, death sentence for yourself. You can customize the custom interface in the center for yourself. Add everything you need in there.
Demon Combos
My video contains all the combos listed below. Watch in video format or in the form of a short text - you decide.
Rate the video to save it to your playlist and watch it at the right time. Well, thanks for the rating.


1: Headshot from a heavy cannon will stun, which will allow you to quickly get useful resources.

2: Two shots to the hull from the heavy cannon will stun them, allowing you to quickly get useful resources.

1: Shot from a heavy cannon with the Accurate Arrow mod to body or legs.
This will introduce you to the glorykill or allow you to quickly get useful resources.

2: Shooting a sticky bomb from a shotgun will stun him, allowing you to quickly get useful resources.


1: Splash from the ballista (blast wave from the shot), you need to shoot close to the imp, but so as not to hit him, this will introduce him to stun.
2: Two shots to the hull from the heavy cannon will stun them, allowing you to quickly get useful resources.

Stone Imp
vulnerable to the Heavy Cannon + Ballista combo.


1: Two shots from the Heavy Cannon to the body, will bring it into stun.

Shield Bearer

1: One charge of Destroyer Blade will kill him.

2: Meathook ignores the shield, which will allow, depending on the distance, to kill and get armor, or to finish off, the chainsaw also ignores the shield.

3: You can detonate the Rocket launcher over his head and he will enter stun.


1: Sticky Bomb or Grenade in the mouth, will put Сaco to stun.

Hell Knight

1: Any powerful combo will do for a kill.

2: For a Glory Kill, use 1 Blade Charge, Heavy Cannon and finish off with a Ballista shot.

Dread Knight

1: Softlock and fire one salvo of rockets, this will get him into stun and allow him to finish him off.


1: Softlock and fire one salvo of rockets, this will get him into stun and allow him to finish him off.


1: Heavy Cannon + Ballista, third last shot, use Heavy Cannon to stun her.

2: Charged by two, Destroyer Blade will introduce Whiplash into stun.
A fully charged Destroyer Blade will kill the Demoness.

3: One volley of softlock rockets will kill Whiplash.


1: Normal Pinkies can be instantly killed by Bloodpunch.

2: Pinky can also be easily stunned by 4 dashes while the Shield is on

Invisible Pinky are vulnerable to the Heavy Cannon + Ballista combo.
Or the same Bloodpunch, but this is too costly an option.


1: Meathook with a Combat Shotgun followed by a point-blank shot, kills.

2: An accurate shot from the ballista leads to a stun, which will allow you to quickly get useful resources.

3: Prowler dies from one charge of Destroyer Blade.
Cursed Prowler
only dies from Bloodpunch


1: Softlock and fire one salvo of rockets, this will get him into stun and allow him to finish him off.


1: Best way, Bloodpunch. This will get him in stun and you can finish him off by getting your spent Bloodpunch back.

2: Carcass is instantly killed by one D.Blade charge.

Pain Elemental

1: Softlock and fire 1 volley of rockets, then combo
Ballista + Heavy Cannon. All this will introduce the demon into stun.

2: Two shots from the Arcballista mod will stun him.

Blood Angel

1: The most effective way to kill is to microstun through Beam. Stun as the Angel is about to attack you, while walking towards the stunned enemy during the stun (don't depress the Beam's stun until you get close to the enemy) but then dash back so that the Angel misses with its splash, identical to the Mancubus's splash. Thus, we turn off his armor, and he cannot turn it on again. But this option is not the safest, so after you microstun the Angel, we immediately shoot him in the head, thereby instantly killing him. Do it quickly, otherwise the Angel will have time to turn on the protection.

btw with a shot in the body for glory kill, I missed it, but you got the point.

2: If you want to finish off the Angel, after microstunning with Beam, immediately shoot the Ballista directly into the body to stun the Maykr. If you oversleep, you will be punished with a splash and turn on the armor.

2+ If you use the first option with a disable shield, don't hit Angel with Bloodpunch, this will give him the command to re-armor after stunning Bloodpunch himself.


1: The best option is to use the Machine Gun while shielding against toxic splash. In addition to the high damage from the Machine Gun, the Shield will allow us to safely apply Bloodpunch, thereby inflicting critical damage. But the possibilities are unlimited. Catch Mancubus by any means, to inflict Bloodpunch, followed by damage combinations.

Important, try to almost always kill Mancubus (of any kind) from the front. By pulling the core out of his chest and then putting it in his mouth, Mancubus will explode and all the Demons that are near you will take damage from the explosion.


First of all, always destroy Mancubus weak points, so that after that, you can apply any damage combinations.

Baron of Hell

1: Use damage combos and microbeam him from time to time. To keep the Baron in a continuous stun, preventing him from attacking you.

Armored Baron Oddly enough, it is weaker than the usual type, because when you destroy his armor, you get a free stun that gives you time to apply deadly combos.
Demon Heroe Combos

1: Against the Tyrant, use the most damage combinations, after freezing with a Cryo-Grenade.


1: Cryo-Grenade, after softlock, releasing 2 volleys, the result is an easy prey.


1: A solid combo that will allow you to stun and glorykill: Cryo Grenade + Ballista Shot + Super Shotgun Shot + Bloodpunch on a frozen target (All this is obvious from Doomhunter's sled). After that, Softlock from the Rocket Launcher, but do not shoot. We are always waiting for the animation of the Doomhunter, which crawls out of the destroyed sled. After the end of the animation, we release 1 volley of missiles. All this will introduce Doomhunter into stun, which will allow him to glorykill. Use this combination outdoors.

2: In all other cases, use the Shield, simultaneously firing from the Machine Gun and inflicting Bloodpunch, naturally on the frozen target.

3: If you don't have a Cryo-Grenade, use a Shield and while shooting, release one grenade under the Doomhunter's sled and hit it with a bloodpunch. Great option for destroying sleds.

No matter what combo you use, a Cryo-Grenade followed by a Bloodpunch on a Sled is vital to killing a Doomhunter quickly.


One of the most effective combos to instantly kill a Marauder.

Catch him for a hit, after we start the combination: Heavy cannon and a shot from the Rocket Launcher, at the moment when you fired the first rocket, you instantly hold down the right mouse button and thus, you softlock much faster. At the same time, inflicting an additional rocket at the beginning of the combination. Then we release 2 volleys from the softlock and simultaneously release all 2 grenades. The moment you softlock and fire 2 missiles + 2 grenades at the Marauder, you run behind him at the same time for a guaranteed kill.

If you made a mistake and he survived without playing this roulette after completing his combination, you wait a bit for his turn. If he is standing and still blocking, or if he has made a dash, we fire the ballista at his feet. In this way we will bring him back into stun and finish what we started.

This mechanic happens after you have dealt enough HP to the Marauder.
This means that if you hit him hard during a stun, then shoot at his feet after recovering from the stun, he will reenter the stun. Most importantly, do not rush, wait for his actions after stun and catch by shooting from Ballista at his feet. It is advisable to use a combination of Ballista and Combat Shotgun or Heavy Cannon.
Shield for fuскing bаstаrds

The shield is a tumor in this wonderful game. Of course, his incredible and undeniable usefulness cannot be denied. However, if your playstyle ends up using one Shield, then you not only deprive yourself of 99% of the gameplay, but also become weak. Your aspects are suffering, control is lacking, mobility is lacking, skillful use of the arsenal to kill Demons is also in poor condition. You don't learn, you don't progress, instead of using absolutely any technique (because the game allows you to be creative) to win and in difficult situations, your actions end up using a shield, nothing more.

The game is so interesting to study that when you use the entire arsenal at full capacity, reveal the potential of various modifications, perfectly control the situation, and move competently, then you are basically invincible. I'm not saying that the Shield cannot be used in principle. On the contrary, in an M.L like Taras Nabad it is necessary. But you can’t get hung up on only one Shield, since it doesn’t shine for anything good, and even more so for your skill.
Technical errors in the game and affecting Doom Eternal FPS
Not everything is so rosy, obviously.

The bugs in this game are incredibly nasty, costing you an entire Ultra Nightmare playthrough if you catch them. Periodic misses with the Chainsaw cut due to the fact that the game does not see the target, although the target is definitely there. Bloodpunch which can just not register on the target and instead, you do a normal punch. Unthinkable FPS drawdowns for any reason, and so on. There are actually a huge number of them, but I have only listed the most frequent occurrences during the game. But how can you partially get rid of these errors? It is partially, it is unlikely that the developers will fix it.

To begin with, it is worth explaining that the behavior of enemies, the physics of the game and much more, depends on FPS, no matter how absurd it may sound, but it really is. FPS expressively affects Quick-Switching, if it doesn’t seem so to you, then with an independent technique for quickly changing guns, the difference is very noticeable.

With a low frame rate, it is impossible to play from the word at all. Believe me, if you have weak hardware, then turn off everything and reduce the graphics to incredible potato in the configs.
Because changing guns below 60 frames, catching the wildest timings for a shot
guns in a combo - real idiocy and terrible torture.

As a result, you have two choices: 1) Play at a stable 60 frames with optimal quick switching and less bugs and errors. 2) Play at high framerate, swap faster guns, but see these mistakes much more often.
We've been familiar with this mechanic for a long time, but it's time for us to fully explore it in order to create our own combos. Punch-swap is a tool that gives us room for creativity, creating incredibly effective combos, as well as revealing the full potential of each weapon.

We already know the basic sticky bomb punch-swap. This is a very useful and easy trick that allows you to clear a crowd of demons, as well as quickly feed cacodemons. However, you need to do this trick with the rest of the guns differently.

Let's take the Rocket Launcher, for example:

After firing the Heavy Cannon, we spam the rockets first, and without stopping, we need to repeatedly spam the weapon select button (in our case, we spam the Rocket Launcher select button). Simultaneously, in an identical manner, spam the punch button. You must spam all 3 buttons at the same time, it is unlikely to succeed the first time, so practice.

Here is the result of this technique:

Punch-swap Requiem...

ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ‎‎‎‎ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ‎‎‎‎ DEMON WEAKNESS AND RESISTANCES
It is important to know the weaknesses / resistances to the weapons of each Demon in order to use your resources wisely and efficiently. This knowledge gives us an advantage that opens up new possibilities.

1: Super-Heavy demons will take twice as much damage from the Arbalest and Sticky bomb mods when hit directly on the head.

2: Super-Heavy demons are resistant against Lock-On burst rockets mod, еxcept Archvile and Doomhunter in sled.

3: Super-Heavy demons have huge resistance against Arbalest modification.

1: The Lock-on burst Rocket Launcher mod will do less damage to the Tyrant than missiles fired without mods. Simple rockets do more damage to the Tyrant, with the combination of heavy cannon and simple rockets, or the punch-swap rocket launcher we learned earlier, allowing us to kill this demon quickly and effectively.
For example, rockets fired without modifications will kill a Tyrant in 12 hits, while a Lock-on burst would take as many as 18.

2: The Tyrant is very vulnerable to the Super Shotgun, so a Punch Swap + Super Shotgun combo at point-blank range will quickly kill the demon.

1: Doomhunter's energy protection allows him to absorb damage from almost all cannons, so we are looking for an alternative in the form of Heavy Cannon Energy Shield Micro Missiles, a volley of micro missiles will quickly destroy the Doomhunter's sled.

2: Stickybombs in the amount of 5 bombs, capable of destroying the Doomhunter's sled if they were applied to the Energy Shield.

1: The Baron of Hell has resistance to the Lock-on Burst modification, so we need to use the punch-swap flare gun.

1: Hell Knight is vulnerable to Micro-missiles, in just 13 hits, you can enter the Demon into stun for the subsequent Glorykill

2: Hell Knight can be easily stunned using a fully charged
Destroyer Blade.

1: Whiplash is a very agile and fast Demoness, but the Heavy Cannon staggers her on impact, allowing her to deal damage combos.

Great video in which Elysium shows the Marauder AI and how to play from it. I recommend this video for you and support the author:

1: You can micro-beam the Wolf Marauder who will be close to the impact of the Wolf's explosion. this will stun him for a short period of time, but you will have time to combo him.

2: The Marauder ignores stickybombs and behind-the-scenes rocket explosions with the Remote Detonation mod. This allows the Marauder's health to be gradually reduced, effective against several groups of the species.
Gradually, this section will be updated with future FAQs.

Q: What is the color correction on your screenshots and videos?
A: Reshade.
Don't look at me like that, I'm using a lut palette. The final 6.66 update of Doom broke optimization and it will not be fixed by the developers.

Q: Useful channels on Doom Eternal?
A: Under The Mayo - Very skillful and wise player, lots of useful information to improve the game, interesting and the right thoughts on various topics, I recommend.

DOOMGUY BOT - A modder who impresses with his findings in the game code and tells new mechanics, tricks and more, I definitely recommend it.

UPD: Elysium Gaming - A channel with detailed analysis of each Demon, their weaknesses, etc. Great passages Master Levels and not only, I recommend.

UPD: Sylar - Best best best best best BEESTT! <3

In order not to once again look for a video with optimal demon killings, in the bowels of the guide, the link is

Doom Eternal is a game that gives you that flow and gives you a time where you get lost in space and get deeply involved. This comes out once, for life, and not every game is able to give you such emotions. To be completely different, skill-dependent, and with endless progress. A game that allows you to create your own playstyle and find your own keys to solving any problems.

So watch the guides, assign handy shortcuts for quick weapon switching, train, practice master levels, learn the AI of all Demons, make mistakes, make a lot of mistakes and fix it right away, discover completely new mechanics, and share it with the community, educating the rest.
Doom Eternal will make you happy and satisfied with yourself.

ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠSee you space cowboy...

13 comentário(s)
Mikedapro 29 de jan. às 12:49 
The best way to kill a cyber mancubus is going in with meathook, blood punching and SSG. This consistently lets you glory kill him with gives you a slight breather and some armor.
K Y R Ø ♀  [autor(a)] 17/ago./2023 às 13:00 
The xenomorph 17/ago./2023 às 12:53 
thank you for this!! this is sure to dominate all the master levels:)::P7:
Jimicino 7/jul./2023 às 12:47 
Thank you! :)
K Y R Ø ♀  [autor(a)] 7/jul./2023 às 6:45 
It's great that you just started playing this wonderful game and are already trying to figure it out. Complete the game on your own, don't rush.

Don't worry, you'll be fine, good luck.
Jimicino 7/jul./2023 às 2:26 
I can't even remember which demon is which, let alone their weaknesses, what they're immune to, which combo to use etc. Drives me nuts. Thanks for the great guide! :P8:
McCree From GameCube 6/mai./2023 às 21:09 
I always take out Cyber-Mancubi with Freeze Grenade + point blank Super Shotgun + Bloodpunch. Always kills.
K Y R Ø ♀  [autor(a)] 3/mai./2023 às 23:54 
@Luka2000, <3
Luka2000 3/mai./2023 às 13:54 
Really well made guide that gets to the point and does the job well!
エメ 18/mai./2022 às 3:08 
On the Demon Hunter kill, you said ballista + combat shotgun. I think you meant super shotgun