Portal 2

Portal 2

29 ratings
Lumpy Chamber

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Lumpy Chamber

A strangly shaped chamber that CAN be solved, you just must be creative. The next paragraph in the description WILL spoil the solution, so please try solving it on your own first.

You can obtain the sphere by crossing the acid lake, shooting a portal through the narrow gap in the glass panels and entering the room. Next, use the funnel to rise up high. You should then fling yourself to the exit, pick up the cube and do it again. Keep one portal on the panel you flung out and one where you used to rise from. Pick up the sphere and keep entering the portals until you gain the speed to fling to the end!
Fuku Yamama 31 Jan, 2022 @ 4:51pm 
Thanks for sharing!
joe98 28 Jan, 2022 @ 9:31pm 
Took a sec to get the edgeless safety cube to the exit but I got there thank you.