

Yeterli oy yok
All 2B performable actions(attacks) in game
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light combo: Lt...
heavy combo: Hv...
hybrid combo: Lt... + Hv
charge attack: Lt/Hv(hold)
launch: Jump + Hv
midair attack: aerial + Lt...
slam attack: aerial + Hv
pod kick: Jump + Shoot
rush attack: 🡡 + dodge + Lt/Hv
backstep attack: dodge + Lt/Hv
dodge attack: dodge(timing) + Lt/Hv/Shoot
counter: 🡡(timing)
taunt: flashlight...
spin attack: Jump(hold) + Lt/Hv
execute: promot + Action
self destruct: L3 + R3
pet: swipe on the touchpad (doesn't work on PC)
double jump: aerial + Jump

PS: Try different weapon combinations and together with in-game tutorial that should be all.