Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

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Yugioh Master Duel Solo Mode Guide
By eltorga
Players can earn 10,000 gems, staple UR cards, and valuable UR and SR CP.
Solo Mode
The Yugioh Master Duel Solo mode is the true player vs computer experience in the new official simulator. Although it’s a way for players to re-learn the game, experienced players should not sleep on it either since it can jumpstart new accounts with some seriously good rewards. Here is a quick guide that shows players what the solo mode entails and what players are playing for.

What is Yugioh Master Duel Solo mode
The Yugioh Master Duel solo mode is a series of lore-based challenges that pit the player against the AI in many different duels that depict battles straight from the stories themselves. Players are given “loaner” decks which they will need to use to defeat the various AI throughout the campaign. These decks are not the best but are good enough to defeat the AI. Once a player defeats each story with the loaner deck, they are allowed to use their actual deck for greater rewards.
Originally posted by Konami:
As you play through each Solo mode chapter players can use the orbs in the top right to unlock gates to earn better rewards. | Screenshot provided by Konami.
There are 14 different story mode chapters in the campaign so far. In each chapter, players will learn about the lore of some of the most popular archetypes in the game. By completing each chapter, players will have a chance to earn cards from each chapter’s archetype.  Here is a list of each of the story mode chapters and what archetype they represent.

  • The Absolute Monarch (Monarch)
  • The Warriors of the Six Elemental Lords (Elementsaber)
  • Ruin and Demise (Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon/Ruin, Queen of Oblivion)
  • The Mystery of the Megalith (Megalith)
  • The Pyroxene Warriors (Gem-Knight)
  • The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts (Gladiator Beasts)
  • Studying the Origins of the Karakuri (Karakuri)
  • Specter Slaying Flames (Shiranui)
  • Gears of Justice dispatch! (Geargia)
  • Digital Bugs in Cyberspace (Digital Bug)
  • The Steam Dinosaurs of Uncharted Lands (Dinomist)
  • The Colossal Majestic Conch (Qliphort)
  • The Legend of the Star Heroes Chosen by the World Legacy (World Chalice)
  • Gift of the Martyr (World Legacy)

What are the rewards
Originally posted by Konami:
Make sure to check the missions tab as you progress through the Solo mode for awesome rewards. | Screenshot provided by Konami.

The Yugioh Master Duel Solo mode is very generous in the rewards department. In fact, it is recommended that every single player complete the story mode because it will do wonders for their account progression. Here is a breakdown of what players can get from the Yugioh Master Duel Story mode.
  • Duel Strategy: 2400 gems, 1x Raigeki, 1x Monster Reborn and 1x Reinforcement of the Army
  • Each story chapter (14 of them): 200 gems each (2800 gems total)
  • Solo Mode duel missions: 3600 gems, 100 SR CP and 100 UR CP
  • Solo Gate missions: 1200 gems
For completing the entire Solo mode campaign, players will receive 10,000 gems, three staple UR cards, 100 SR CP and 100 UR CP. That is a grand total of 100 packs and three of any Ultra Rare and Super Rare card in the game. This alone can get any player any deck they want in the game for free.
Slaw Bunnies 25 May, 2022 @ 8:19pm 
lmao jesus its not that serious (other guy in the comments) :steamsalty:
DEMONIC ARCH ANGEL 8 24 May, 2022 @ 2:35pm 
I summoned one of the gai the fierce knights in solo mode 5600 attack. To bad the a.i summoned 12 monsters. board wiped me and attacked with 4 monsters with over 2400 attack points. Nice tutorial and introduction to new players. No wonder 70 percent of players quit this game.
DEMONIC ARCH ANGEL 8 24 May, 2022 @ 1:08pm 
And unless I play ranked I can't get a meaning full amount of gems. So its better to quit this and play something that is actually fun.
DEMONIC ARCH ANGEL 8 24 May, 2022 @ 1:06pm 
so if u don't play ranked. Either learn the new structure decks with their unique bs or hope to god that you get something usable in the packs. Or bankrupt your self spending money. Old school fans should play yugioh Legacy duels. Because this game needs serious updates if they want the entire yugioh fan base to play this game. Right now its built for the hardcore of the hardcore players with bots and instant win decks. Eight hours in and I feel like I am at the dead already.