Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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*Reworked Qing (Great War Redux Submod) v2.0
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*Reworked Qing (Great War Redux Submod) v2.0


Updated for The Great War Redux v0.8.03 and Arms Against Tyranny

This mod is meant to edit the Qing Dynasty focus tree in The Great War Redux Mod to be more entertaining and expansive. While it may not be 100% historically accurate (although it sticks pretty close to history), I hope it is a fun experience.

Discord: https://discord.gg/cCdH3WHfHy

As Qing, you will work to try to balance the bickering of various factions, avoid and sometimes fight rebellions, and attempt to survive and keep China together. IT WILL BE HARD! :)

- Arms against Tyranny Compatible
- Compatible for multiplayer!
- 中文: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2915286017

- Complete Focus tree for the Qing Dynasty
- Lots of events to get the true history and disasterous circumstances of the late Qing Dynasty
- Lots of decisions to make through events, timing, and decisions. No complex GUI's.
- Decide who you want to lead China (Kang Youwei (Qing Loyalist), Qing, democratic Qing, a republic, Yuan Shikai, or more?)
- Deal with revolutions and fight to keep the country together until the Great War gives you some breathing room
- Delay or prevent the Xinhai Revolution either with reforms, propaganda, or sabotaging the tongmenghui. Or all!
- Decisions to balance Yuan Shikai's influence, while also not sacrificing too much reserved for reform.
- Take advantage of the great war to take land from the European Powers
- Educate the emperor to be a fit leader for your Empire
- Weigh the choices of allying or contesting with Japan, and the pros and cons of each
- Decide what to do with Korea when you get hold of it
- Flexible deals with foreign powers, trading land or power for them lifting restrictions. Furthur possibilities to demand end to restrictions when powerful enough
- Endgame focus tree with industrial, research, and military bonuses named after Chinese Zodiac, and postwar content!

Any mod that is compatible with The Great War Redux and is not too big of a submod should be compatible!

-The Great War Redux Mod (Base Mod)
- Pwn3r1
- BlazzingBlizzard
- Spinoplayz
I used focuses and materials from:
-Korea Dev
-China Dev Team
-Many other Great War Redux devs

NOTES: Because of common GWR updates, sometimes when I update the submod to be compatible with those save games after updates will be no longer accessible. Additionally, it is highly recommended to play Qing with this mod and not democratic China with this on, this mod is meant for Qing and democratic China may have some bugs with this mod on.

Gameplay Advice: Refer here if you aren't sure what to do.

-Political power must be used very strategically, and make sure not to waste it on anything.
You must also read the decisions early:
- You have to use the Beiyang army to get PP through those decisions, and then use the political power to get rid of court opposition
- As long as you have political power, there is a decision to quickly remove court opposition
- Boxer protocol is removed through decisions if you go down independent recovery. It says this in the focus's description.
Lastly, it is very important to plan ahead early:
- Focus on getting rid of the Political Power negatives,
- Taking focuses that give lots of court opposition and then taking focuses that aren't blocked by court opposition only in the meantime
- Make sure not waste any bonuses. Remember to read decisions and their effects.
POLITICAL PATHS: Kang Youwei(Monarchist Socialist), Reformed Qing(Qing with reforms), Peaceful Republican Transition.


v2.0 (Beta) Release! May be some bugs.

v2.0.1 Fixed Kerkuk bug. When I have time, a balancing update will come that may make focuses shorter but also reap less benefits.

v2.0.2 Fixed minor focus prerequisite bugs

v2.0.3 Fixed glitches and bugs with focuses and prerequisites, and updated to newest GWR version

v2.0.4 Updated to newest version of GWR, removed some questionable focus names, and fixed bug with state ids

v2.0.5 Updated to newest version of GWR, fixed map bugs

v2.1 Updated to BBA, Balanced and moved around some focuses, map fixes (which means easy updates in the future), and some new GFX, focuses, and events!

v2.2 Rearranged focuses, added several events and historical events, did some balancing, fixed beiyang army issues, added Manchu Court system that balances how fast you can pass reforms

v2.2.1 Bug Fixes

v2.2.2 Bug Fixes

-Kang Youwei path
-Constitutional Path
-Appease Colonist subbranches
-Lots more events
-More historical flavour
-Bug Fixes

- 'Concurrently Exclusive' concept
- Political Corruption branch
- Defeat Tongmenghui strategy rework
- Assert Qing Mandate branch rework
- More Advisors
- Judicial Reforms
- Balancing
- More industrial options

- Balancing, bug fixes

- Compatible with newest gwr update

- New Events, Balancing

- Education of the Emperor
- So many new focuses
- Over 100 new events...
- 2 new paths to take
- Rework of several revolutions
- Bug fixes
- New GFX
- Far more, too much to put....
- Integration into main mod underway

- Qing Warlord Management Decisions and Events
- Realistic Revolution, more Shikai interaction
- Shikai Path
- Lots of Balancing...
- 100 more events
- Music!!
- Title Screen

- Balancing
- Shikai Fixes & general fixes
- AI Strategies

- Balancing
- Revolution Fixes & general fixes
- More AI Strategies
- New GFX by ottoman dev

- Small bug fix (Cores, focus prereqs)

- Small bug fix thanks to BlazingBlizzard(bugged events, bugged ideas, bugged localisation)

- Small bug fix and balance

- Small Balance, Bug Fixes
- INTEGRATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED (for now?), expect more updates to submod and more freedom in ahistorical paths soon!

- Small Balance, Bug Fixes

- Absolutist Path
- Balance, and fixes
- Revolution changes
- New Characters

- Small Fixes
- Democratic Qing Flag
- Large update coming soon!

- Update to newest TGWR version

-Indemnities revamp and rework -> now you are pressured by foreign powers to pay them actively
-Revolution rework -> smaller revolutions after first, fixes, etc.
-Industrial Tree rework
-Third Strategy rework
-40+ new events, including more regarding indemnities and railways
-Bug fixes and balancing
-Difficulty settings reintroduced
-Naval Tree fix

- New Decisions, events, icons
- Bug Fixes
- Balancing (Qing)
- Republic of China content coming sometime (in research stages)

- Updated to newest TGWR update
- Fixed some state issues
nuzy 21 Jun @ 6:33pm 
carnos 20 Jun @ 6:06pm 
will you make a Russian Empire Redux Submod ever?
pipe0621 19 Jun @ 8:34am 
The content of the mod doesent work for me.
maybe ut has to do whit the great war redux being deleted?
So where is 'Zhang-Dui Line' from? Hard to find its mean
zwh134521 15 Jun @ 12:28am 
듀공 11 Jun @ 12:36am 
재밌는 건 지금 중국은 청나라 후계자도 아니잖아?
채권도 않갚으면서 ㅋ
hlzhang  [author] 8 Jun @ 7:53pm 
Dat Boi Thanks! Will get it fixed probably in the next week or so. For now, heres a fix submod of a submod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3239326465
Dat Boi 8 Jun @ 7:31am 
Yeah, crashes on loadup and says things about the map missing? Not too sure what it means but I'm sure you'll be able to fix something :)) Great mod btw (when it works haha)
imathreat 4 Jun @ 6:06am 
hlzhang  [author] 29 May @ 10:47pm 
Smoke thanks for the report. will fix when have the chance