Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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2022 年 1 月 22 日 下午 12:59
2022 年 6 月 28 日 上午 11:40
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在 Supreme._.Ramen 的 1 個收藏中
The Official Jordan Gang
8 個項目
What??? You mean to tell me I didn't come to Rivals of Aether alone???
Introducing my good friend, The Belligerent Bible Belter, Elijah!!!

One of my closest friends through high school hops into Rivals of Aether with me, almost completely by force! He joins in as Dan Fornace just keeps gathering more and more people in my life into his very indie and underground fighting game, Rivals of Aether. What exactly is Elijah capable of in this universe as a religious man?

Moveset/Points of Interest:

On the ground, Elijah isn't really that crazy fast. He ain't really that fit, and doesn't like, work out a lot. He devotes his time to his studies, video games, religion, or funny bits for him and his friends, but that's not gonna get him anywhere! Luckily, he has 3 jumps due to his faith in the Lord, and has crazy air mobility and a very far and fast wavedash, leading to great movement options with his moveset.

Dash Attack/Nair/Uair/Dair: All of these moves can be jump cancelled, with Dash Attack being able to be attack cancelled, and Nair and Uair being able to be Special Cancelled.

Dair: For Elijah's Dair, he throws down a bible that spikes opponents on hit.

Ftilt: Electric Wind God Bible - Taking inspiration from his current main in Ultimate, Elijah unleashes the power of the Mishima bloodline for this attack. Much like Kazuya's Electric Wind God Fist, Elijah uppercuts in front of him, using the Bible, and stuns the opponents on hit, allowing for follow up attacks to be made.

Neutral Special: The Word of God - Elijah, using his trusty bible, thrusts out key verses as projectiles to inflict different status effects on his opponents! In the air, he can use the momentum from the recoil of the attack to quickly move backwards in the air, or move forwards a tiny bit to mix up opponents. It cycles between 3 different verses in a set order, so lets run through them all real quick.

1 Corinthians 3:13 - "Their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work."
The projectile bounces outwards and inflicts opponents with a burn for lasting damage overtime!

Psalm 125:1 - "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore."
This projectile bounces along the ground a lot more, and on hit, envelopes his opponents with the very Earthly matter that surrounds all of us. This leaves them a bit open, but not for all too long. Use this to punish your opponent when you can.

Job 37:3 - "He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth."
This projectile sends upward in the air, and upon hit, stuns the opponent for a short period of time. If they aren't hit beforehand, they'll be knocked outwards, but why would you stop there? Use that brief moment to land another hit on them!

Side Special: Bathtub lunge - They say, in this very bathtub, he slept a restless night after a shameful predicament led him there while on a trip with some friends. Surprisingly, he was fairly comfortable in there. So comfortable in fact, he can use it as an attack against his enemies! He lunges forward, riding this bathtub, and it can be attack or jump cancelled at any moment in time or on hit. On hit, he bounces a bit back, but he can still cancel into a jump or attack during this, so watch out!

Down Special: The Bible - My boy a very religious guy. He got bibles for days, I mean, check out his dair for crying out loud, dudes got a lot of bibles. So many in fact, he can use them for his Down Special too! He lays down one of his bibles as a trap on the ground. When someone stumbles over it, they'll be stunned, as the weight of the Lord's spirit is too much for them. Use these as set ups, or to control spaces of the stage for an advantageous position.

Up Special: Faith In Jesus - Elijah puts all his trust in Jesus, who comes to aid him for his recovery. He'll teleport Elijah in any direction he chooses to help get back into battle. Just tapping the special button allows for a quick teleport, that doesn't cover much distance, but you can act out of it. Holding the special button allows him to travel even further, but he'll be put into free fall afterwards. If you're fancy enough, you can use this to ledge cancel and shmix your opponents, much like his Palutena did in the past when he used to main her. Now he mains PT, Terry, and Kazuya, like damn dawg. Who DOES play Palutena nowadays fr? I don't see anybody play her. Oh well.

Final Smash: Rifle of Elijah's Brother - Elijah whips out- wait what? What the ♥♥♥♥?!?! That's straight up just a gun dude what the heaven? Oh, what? It shoots out the head of his brother and break neck speed? KO's in one hit??? Zamn, that's crazy dawg.

Much like many of my past characters, and me, Elijah comes with many moves and lil quirks that can come off as inside jokes really, but trust me, he's a character you should definitely pick up??? I mean sure, I put myself in the game as the best well-made, self referential in-joke ever, but who puts that quality in putting in their other friend??!?!?! Well, me, as evident by Jacob DAB. Go download this man right now if you've even made it this far into reading his description, that's like major commitment.
Trust me, the only thing stronger than his faith might be his back air.
19 則留言
John Gamer Man 2023 年 12 月 10 日 下午 10:45 
Hope he made some awesome mac and cheese :)
Cyndi 2023 年 8 月 23 日 下午 6:43 
im going insane
smucker's untrustables 2022 年 11 月 8 日 上午 9:33 
this is just really sweet
I can't think of a name 2022 年 5 月 3 日 下午 3:47 
10/10 The things he says after winning a match make a 100/10 though
Bear enthusiast 2022 年 5 月 1 日 下午 1:42 
Kana The Bagel 2022 年 4 月 10 日 上午 1:13 
Finally a worthy rival to Jordan
Farganta 2022 年 3 月 1 日 下午 8:09 
sexiest man alive
Supreme._.Ramen  [作者] 2022 年 2 月 14 日 下午 4:44 
@Alugari when i made jordan, me, it really just started with the thought of the most well made, well thought out self insert joke character, and I just really wanted to continue that by adding my friends too. Honestly, that comment genuonely does mean a lot to me man, thanks!
2010 Honda Odyssey 2022 年 2 月 13 日 下午 6:07 
I think the funny thing about this mod, as well as the Jordan mod, is both of them genuinely have good movesets and ideas lol.

If you take a look at the characters slightly seriously, Both are stupidly fun and have loads of potential, casually and competitively, ESPECIALLY ELIJAH.

hidden fucking gems on the workshop, and that's a fact.
Tall_and_Autistic 2022 年 2 月 1 日 下午 1:21 
I can't wait for Elijah to beat me while he's playing himself