Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

194 ratings
Halo MCC Legendary Campaigns And What To Expect.
By Cerrin
In this guide I rate the campaigns and go into some depth on how to get through the games ez pz. Holy cow almost got 4k views on this. I love you people!!
My personal rankings for each of the games.
I'll go ahead and list the games in order for which I will say yields the most fun or highest bragging rights. This is the loose order but I'll go into more detail later on with each game...

Number 1...

Halo CE the first game in the series with the BEST legendary. Through raw skill and knowledge of the game you can beat it. It's not overly hard and you do get some bragging rights for beating it... Watch out for some of the rocket flood though.

Number 2.

No. I am not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ crazy person. I put Halo 2 in well... Second place not to ♥♥♥♥ with you. The reason its here is that solid feeling of knowing you grew chest hairs, probably have a higher chance of getting laid, have literally the most justified bragging rights imaginable, and can let your nuts hang around your friends once you beat the nine circles of this hell. Seriously, it's a actual accomplishment to beat this one on legendary and godspeed if you try to get the achievements for doing it in under 3 hours... Also beware of the rocket flood because they can now lock on to vehicles...

Number 3.

Halo Reach gets third place. It's not a pushover and in my opinion probably the second hardest in the series for how aggressive those alien bastards are. Just like halo 3 it's very fun with friends however it is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tough. You do get the same benefits as Halo 2 for beating this game on legendary however because it's not Halo 2 you won't have as many chest hairs.

Number 4.

Halo 3 gets fourth place for being fairly similar to Halo CE in terms of difficulty. I still love it to death and it's the most fun with friends if in my opinion. Its got some tough sections but overall the game is still very fair in design and balancing much like combat evolved is... Also no rocket flood! WOOOOO!

Number 5.

Okay this game is... I won't lie this is probably the easiest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ one in the original series. Yes you're weaker as a ODST but it's very forgiving compared to the other games. It's also short as hell if you know what you're doing. It retains the halo 3 balance but the brutes get buffs to their power armor and you have a smaller weapon sandbox.

Number 6.

This game puts me to sleep. I literally can't explain how or why perfectly but later in the guide I'll have a explanation for it. Although not a bad game, it's def not my favorite in the series. Better than Halo 5 that's for sure but I feel like I've set the bar too low with that statement. It's mostly a game I'd say people like the story in because the gameplay is kinda... idk icky to me sometimes.
Halo Checkpoint System.
This is one thing that applies to ALL the games and I felt like it needs to be brought up. Halo checkpoints are the biggest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing to exist. Sometimes they work and other times they do not. When you play on legendary you won't even notice that you missed the checkpoint and die then have to clear like 2-3 rooms all over again which can be frustrating as hell. Bungie and 343 are very generous with checkpoint placement but it isn't a perfect system.

Checkpoints trigger in key areas or after fights.
Usually don't activate mid battle but sometimes will depending on the situation.
Firing your weapons or being in combat delays checkpoints sometimes.

if you get a ♥♥♥♥ checkpoint where you're caught in a loop of dying like that loser Diavolo, the game will revert to the checkpoint just before if you die too many times too quickly. That's both a blessing and a curse sometimes.
Halo Combat Evolved In Slight Depth.
The First Half.
Okay so Halo CE legendary? How do you beat it? Simple really. You rely on the right tools in the right situations. Engage enemies in a smart way.
The first half of the game you can get away with using the magnum (or sniper rifle) and plasma pistol. Blast the jackals and grunts with the magnum easily and use the plasma pistol to take down elite shields for your noob combo... However the second half of the game is really... Interesting to say the least...

Also don't use this gun unless you feel like bullying a squad of just grunts.

Oh ♥♥♥♥ a shotgun?! (The Second Half)
The second half of the game is the real test of your strength. You are one super soldier fighting a whole armada and a freaky alien space parasite in a desperate attempt to save the universe. Now that sounds badass but remember you're on legendary. You also luckily get one of the greatest shotguns ever made...

This right here. This is your bread and butter for dealing with the flood. Use it well young one.

Brief statement about The Library.
This level despite being all flood is like... easy as ♥♥♥♥. If you can circle strafe and keep shotgun shells on you it's easy to just have your brain autopilot the level. Just put on some music as you play this level and you're good to go. It's just a long level but easy.

Why The Second Half Is Hard.
Alright what makes the second half of Halo CE so bad? Well it's not just reusing levels/assets you've already been through but the covenant have bolstered their numbers immensely. On top of the covenant forces being more numerous with larger squads you also have the problem of dealing with the flood which have access to most weapons in the game and will rush you down and show no mercy... Sometimes you have to fight both at once. I should say that you NEED to use the shotgun and magnum combo. Plasma pistol only becomes a viable utility for specific sections of the game or rather... What if I told you I said it was viable so you can practice the noob combo for the first half of the game? Okay so in the final 2 missions you meet probably the strongest (and most annoying) foe in the whole game that isn't the rocket flood.

Two Betrayals
This level is just Assault on the Control room backwards. It does contain the hardest fight in the game near the end when you have to get a banshee for the third generator. Those banshees are guarded by a lot of elites (some active camo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and a zealot with plasma rifle), cannon fodder enemies, some flood who die first, 2 wraiths, some turrets, and a hunter pair.

Endgame... The Spec-Ops Officer...
You see this? This ugly ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ right here? He has the strongest shields in the game, can actually throw plasma grenades, will ♥♥♥♥ your mom after he ♥♥♥♥♥ you.

Nobody talks about these guys as far as I can tell. You first meet them at the end of Keyes and in some sections of The Maw. Noob combo these guys. You will save both health and ammo for doing so. Why am I making a big deal out of them? Because the shotgun is actually trash against them unless you get point blank in their face. Their shields being so strong make the magnum feel weak because they can easily dodge/tank your shots and get into cover. It doesn't help that every time you see one they usually have fuel rod grunts nearby and sometimes even another spec-ops elite or two assisting him. The shotgun needs to be close to do proper damage to handle the shield but since this is the covenant's best you will be doing a very risky move and might lose health or die. So as I said use the plasma pistol and magnum combo for them. Okay rant done but you should really have it from there on.

Friendly AI
They are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless it's not even funny. They just scream at the covies and get stunlocked until they drop dead. Plus you never find any more marine buddies after the mission 343 Guilty Spark and no funky robot homies after the library.

Once you beat the game you can finally relax. You did it. You escaped the ring and even turned it to just funky space debris. The Covenant and Flood are both defeated... For now. It feels good to beat this game. It's also fun to use some speedrun tactics to beat the game faster even though it's not required for a breeze through. Also you can play with a friend and if you have no health just let your friend kill you so you respawn with full health. It's a little cheese strategy if you do struggle with keeping your health out of the red.
Halo 2 In Slight Depth
The Journey Begins With Shortcuts.
Okay... There's a lot going on here... This game you NEED to use some speedrun strategies for this. I am not bullshitting with you. Not only will it save you from pain but it actually helps your sanity.
This game will break you in so many ways. Okay I'll post two links that will heavily help you with beating this.

First link will be to Nak3d Eli a man who is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ godsend to speedrunning all of MCC.

The second link here goes to MisterMonopoli's amazing GDQ 2014 Halo 2 speedrun which I watched and evaluated some of the tricks he used to beat the game so I didn't completely lose my ♥♥♥♥ when I did my first ever legendary run.

Why does Halo 2 Legendary SUCK?!
It's not a secret that this game was rushed. That rush is why Halo 2 Legendary is so difficult and awful to play through. A lot of weapons are pretty much useless in this game except for a specific few. Enemies are overly aggressive and you have next to no health.

The weapons you will use for the rest of the game...
The Battle Rifle is the main gun you WILL be using as Master Chief with the exception of Gravemind. Get used to hitting every shot. It works and headshots. Be ready to spam fire with it.
Okay this here I will swear up and down is 100x better than the Battle Rifle in the campaign. It's decent at wiping shields, easier to manage the ammo, plus headshots. You use this weapon often as the Arbiter.

The sniper rifle is still a useful option and excels at helping you deal with sniper jackals. The beam rifle functions almost the exact same way and serves the same purpose.

Okay this is more for utility use and is viable sometimes. You really only use this for sword flying but it's still fun to be ballsy and try to kill an elite with it.

This concludes the weapons segment of Halo 2... (yes you can still noob combo with a plasma pistol...)

Sword Flying Tips.
It's easy to do with a controller and you might have to set up a macro for doing it with a mouse and keyboard. You trick the game with the reload cancel when the reticle is red mid weapon swap and you use the sword to lunge at targets from a distance. You essentially get 2 frames to pull this trick off. The button combo goes Y>X>RT. It's super easy to do this combo in co-op as player 2 due to the input delay. Once you learn the trick it's awesome to pull off however it is a tricky thing to properly pull off consistently. You can also sword cancel or hit A at the right time to get even further distance.

Quick things to remember with Keith David!!!

Active camo is probably the biggest saving grace that exists in this game. Although on Legendary it has reduced duration and longer recharge, it is probably the strongest utility in the whole game. Enemies lose track of you or don't even notice you once you fully enter camo. There is a bug where you can activate camo just a second before hopping into the vehicle and still remain invisible to enemies for the camo duration. Okay since it's a brief thing to mention, unlike the other games Halo 2 legendary co-op has a permanent iron skull with the shared life system. So if your friend is bad and dies a lot expect to revert to last checkpoint often. Sometimes this game is just way easier solo. Funny fact. Arbiter also "dies" in 2 cutscenes.

Problematic enemies you will have to fight... Ughhhh....
Okay lets get this one out of the way first because it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ meme and on top of that the most infuriating part of the whole game...

Do I nee- I do? Ughh... Okay so the sniper jackal... Yeah... You know him and he knows you before you even knew he was sitting all the way in the back blending in with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ destroyed building. These guys inst-kill you and rarely miss their shots. You can cry all you want but it won't stop the bird brain from popping your head open over and over again. I'm sure EVERYONE knows about all the problems with this... ACTUAL SPAWN OF SATAN!

Next up for being ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ annoying and only annoying are the buggers.
These things show up in specific parts of the campaign and are always annoying. They come in large numbers and have absurd firepower with plasma pistols and needlers. ♥♥♥♥ them. I hate them. I hate them almost- NO EQUALLY AS MUCH as I hate the Sniper jacka-sses. They only good thing is they are fairly weak if you can hit them with a BR or Carbine. Don't be like me and stuck fighting these things with only a sniper rifle and energy sword. Worst mistake of my life. They will usually stick to walls and stuff so they can be easily handled if you're careful when you encounter these roaches. Master Chief is a super soldier not a exterminator so he should leave that work to the professionals.

Alright now this one is a kinda common sight. The Elite Ultra.

Honestly he can be annoying if he's in a wraith (where he soaks so much damage forcing you to board him and use your grenades to kill him) however he's actually really easy to handle. There's a thing where if you get close to him, he will do a rage animation and pull out a energy sword but whats that? Oh wow oh gee. You just walk up behind him and punch em in the back and not only is he dead but he also just dropped you a energy sword. Awesome.

Okay final one is the brutes.
They have absurd health and can ♥♥♥♥ you up when they go berserk. Keep a carbine close and spam shots right into their stupid face. That's literally it.

Cairo Station.
This level has a very tough hangar fight due to the amount of ultras and the final wave includes a zealot elite (who has a energy sword) and theres elites for the final fight so your best bet is using the noob combo with a plasma and BR for this mission.

Just do the rooftop skip. If you aren't worried about doing the level fast, get the secret sniper rifle, and easter egg energy sword. The beach and tunnel segments are mostly just rushing through on either a hog or ghost. Just be careful not to flip your vehicle over.

You essentially have the choice of a tank and warthog. Take the hog. You rush the bridge and get to the tunnel. The fight is tough however you can make it through. Be careful of the 2 sniper jackals. There is also a zealot in the tunnels who has a energy sword for you. Now do not waste any of the beam rifles you find in the tunnel, you will want to come back for those because of the amount of sniper jackals in the next area. There's like 20 of them.


This is the longest, hardest, and most ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ level in the whole game. ♥♥♥♥ it. I hate it. You will hate it. All you can do is learn the tricks and pray to mambster cshef in soder that you have the strength to continue. This is also the level where you start fighting brutes and have the most ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ start.

ez level

If you beat this game you will truly be a man. You will earn a lot of respect for fully beating this game on legendary. Godspeed to those who can do it in under 3 hours or on LASO.
Halo 3 In Slight Depth.
The Return To Fairness...
There isn't too much to go on about with this game aside from it's balanced similar to Halo CE and fun... Plus it supports 4 player co-op! Yay!

Weapon Choices
Halo 3 has a similar problem to Halo 2 with the weapon choices however the game is easier and you can get away with messing around with most other weapons. Just don't be that guy who tries using the flamethrower on flood. It will not end well. Gadgets are a very important utility to use in the right situation in Halo 3. Bubble Shield, Regen, Camo, power drain, and Invincibility are the most useful. Tripmine is rarely every obtained and serves a very situational purpose. Flare and radar jammer are useless and serve no purpose in campaign.

Brutes, Flood, and Sniper Jackals Nerfed! Yay!

Yeah they nerfed them. Sniper Jackals have lights on their faces that give them away and basically show you where to shoot. Flood combat forms have been nerfed... You can literally just punch them and the die easily just don't get swarmed. Brutes have power armor which allows them to serve as the new elites however their armor will go away easily.

They frens :>

Halo 3 isn't without flaw...
Just this thing. This thing is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ annoying.

Flood pure forms are annoying. The flood tank form isn't so bad since it's slow as ♥♥♥♥ but the ranged form shreds you and is an annoyance.

Cortana is the only trash level.
Okay it's funny how flood only missions in Halo suck. This one is no exception. Just your run of the mill "whoops all Flood!"

Friendly AI
They are probably the best marines in the original trilogy because of how they can take damage and dish it. They work okay as support but you'll still be doing all the hard work. They can throw frags which helps I guess but then again it's an AI using grenades...

It's almost as good as Halo CE and it is still satisfying. You can still kinda brag but it doesn't compare to the other two games.
Halo 3 ODST In Slight Depth.
Welcome To The Streets!
Okay just like Halo 3 there really isn't as much to go on about... Actually less to be honest. The weapon sandbox is smaller but overall you still have the tools to beat the game. Halo 3 ODST is my personal favorite chill out kinda game where I can enjoy the soundtrack as I walk the streets with my Jordans.

Woah you got 2 cool guns? Wait where's the BR?!
Okay so first off the SMG is well... A SMG but silenced and you can zoom in with it. It's okay. Better than the AR. The Automag however is like the Halo CE Magnum in a sense that it has zoom and can headshot... Think of the Halo 2 Magnum but actually good.

Brutes getting a soft buff
Their power armor is a bit more resilient to ballistic weapons so it makes sense since they were complete pushovers from the previous game. They still do not regenerate if you destroy the power armor. Plasma weapons and the carbine still shreds their armor so they aren't too scary.

Stamina and Health system.
The stamina is basically a shield before you take health damage much like CE and Reach. The stamina teeters between feeling like "holy ♥♥♥♥ why am i not dead" to "wow this thing is worthless" but essentially you always want to avoid getting hit to begin with like the other games. When your health starts taking damage you'll probably have to get used to hearing BOOP BOOP until the next healthpack.

General strategy since you aren't mamsbetr sheif
Okay you aren't as strong, fast, or can jump as high as the man in green power armor so you wan't to avoid getting in cqc combat especially since your melee attack is weak and brutes can and will ♥♥♥♥♥ slap you into the shadow realm. General you want to preserve your good weapons as much as possible and play fairly carefully. Obviously you aren't going to be stuck behind cover for hours like in Halo 2 but you should find yourself decent firing positions. Luckily a lot of the missions will start you with a power weapon of some sort.

The new slightly annoying enemy.
The Engine- Oh whoops.

The Covenant Engineer.

He kinda just vibes... Floats around... Gives all enemies shields. Explodes when you get too close. Overall you do not have to fight these guys most of the time and can avoid dealing with them and their buddies.

yo Mom-basa Streets.
This level serves as a sort of hub world for you to explore between missions. My best advice is to avoid big fights and go for audio logs to unlock weapon caches. You can get sniper rifles, rocket launchers, and even a mongoose for faster travel if you go out of your way to get enough audio logs. They can also really help you on the level data hive which I'll explain later.

Tayari Plaza
This mission plays like a more traditional halo level where you go from point A to point B. Theres a lot of brutes and jackals in this mission along with a hunter pair. There are a few side routes in this mission you can take through some of the buildings.

Updog Reserve
You play as Dutch for the first time and get a epic cool SPORTAN LAZ0R!!! Save it for clearing turrets and use the hog to rush through the mission as best you can and avoid getting hit at all if possible. There isn't too much to go on about with this mission aside from try to zoom through it. Be careful of any wraiths, choppers, ghosts, and shade turrets in your way.

ONI Alpha Site
You play as dutch again. you start with a spartan laser and you can find a sniper rifle in the tower. I'd say to save the spartan laser and rush through the bridge and trigger the charges. In the big open area where you're holding off from the aliens you can use the spartan laser (or sniper rifle) to kill the hunters. You'll find a few more spartan lasers in the area so use them on wraiths. You can use it to kill the brute chieftain who forces you into the building however the gravity hammer IS A CQC weapon and the holdout in the room doesn't have too much cover for you to properly close the gap on foes. This level is pretty run of the mill shoot ♥♥♥♥ until the game lets you advance... Also the machine gun is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ deathtrap if you're playing alone.

Kizingo Boulevard
You play this mission as mickey mouse and start off with an obvious bait of using your rocket launcher on the wraith at the start... DO NOT WASTE THOSE ROCKETS LIKE THAT. Rush the tank and carefully use it for the rest of the level. Save that rocket launcher for the final fight where you will have to fight a wraith. Why do I say to save it? Obviously you do not want to get killed as you board the wraith without having to save it for last (especially when it could blast you at any point during the fight).

You get to play as obama in this mission and get a sniper rifle. Try to use it to take out brutes and the shade turret operators along with the few sniper jackals and stuff you see. This level is fairly easy but poor ammo management can ♥♥♥♥ you over in the final part of the mission since you have to use rockets and missile pods to shoot down covenant aircraft.

Kikowani Station
Just be careful with your banshee and use the noob combo on the brutes you find especially the chieftain if you aren't confident in side stepping him. The scarab can be tricky if you cant get a banshee fast enough but you just board the scarab once you have obtained alien flight technology rather than waste time shooting its legs and take it out like the mibster shef out of soder.

Data Hive
Holy ♥♥♥♥ theres a lot of shotguns at the start of this mission. Okay just carefully advance through this level. After you find the officer he can be a decent distraction however if you did not get ALL the audio logs he dies to some bugs later on. Anyways he becomes a decent distraction to help against the brutes before you reach dare if you got all the audio logs. Going with dare through the bugger hive can be kinda annoying. your best bet is to just run through and kill as many as you can. finally you find this covenant engineer who looks pretty cute and stuff but anyways you do have to defend it until the end of the game. Yes a escort quest in halo essentially.

Coastal Highway
this level can be very annoying if buck decides to be stupid. General tip is to keep ahead of dare in her stupid garbage truck but also be careful. Get the gauss hog and then ditch it for the scorpion asap. Much like uplift reserve be careful of all enemy vehicles and guns... Also do not ram the grunts because they have a habit of throwing nades or trying to as you slam into them. The final holdout after ditching your vehicles isn't so bad if you stay close to buck and dare while protecting the funny blue alien dude. Do try to gather weapons around the area and use them at the right times for ez win.

Yeah i can actually fit in what to really do for most of the levels here since the game is fairly short.

Friendly AI
The exact same as Halo 3 however with painfully reduced health. They die easily and often.

This game just feels easy and relaxed most of the time. I rarely get stuck in this game on legendary. LASO can be a ♥♥♥♥♥ though. Plus it also supports 4 player co-op. It's also a very ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ short game so you can get that Legendary in under 3 hours achievement easily if you just breeze through. No need for speedrun tactics really.
Halo Reach In Slight Depth.
Remember Reach...
Halo Reach is the second hardest Halo for how brutal the Covenant is during their invasion of your mother's bedroom. The game supports 4 player co-op and is Bungie's final halo game with a tweaked artstyle and expanded sandbox.

Main Weapon choices but theres no BR smh...
It's pretty much just use headshot weapons...
The DMR is a versatile weapon which is great against most unshielded enemies much like the BR is. The Needle Rifle is probably stronger than the DMR for a variety of reasons however it will perform mostly similar (with a larger mag and ammo count)
The elites are the most terrifying thing in this game because they can 1 hit melee you most of the time and are over all very aggressive and smart on the battlefield. I mean like... holy ♥♥♥♥ look at this guy! THATS A THICC BOI DAYUMMM HE THICC! Anyways this is a minor elite. I saw only one of these guys through the whole legendary campaign so you'll be pitted against rangers, spec ops, majors, ultras, generals, and of course those zealot elites during certain missions. It is also worth mentioning unique "Bob" elites (usually golden ranger elites) spawn in certain areas. Hunt them for fun but be aware that they do despawn after a certain time and have really tough shields.

Yeah these guys.

Okay I know I have not mentioned these guys at all in the guide because well... Halo CE Magnum 1 shots them. Halo 2 they get stunned by grenades and have easy to dodge melee attacks. Halo 3 has the easy to dodge melee attacks still... But damn does this version of the hunter just eat damage and clap your cheeks hard if you don't have their moves memorized. Their fuel rod cannons are very dangerous but most of the time before you fight these guys you will be given a shotgun so they aren't so bad.

Another Change Worth Noting...
Phantoms and Spirits have ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ concussion cannons. Who at Bungie thought that was a good ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idea? It's just annoying. That's all. Good day.

The expanded covenant sandbox and what to expect those alien bastards to use.
The covenant with their expanded weapon choices are way trickier to handle than the other games. One good example is a general rank elite with a concussion rifle.
Not only are his shields incredibly strong but he is equipped with the most annoying weapon on the planet. The concussion rifle can and will ♥♥♥♥ you up in 1-2 shots. Also it's splash is weird in a sense of it can hit you while you're behind cover unlike most other weapons that have splash damage. The concussion rifle is good in enemy hands but when you use it... It sucks. It's really good at displacing enemies or causing some stun effect on them but it's got very little utility. It does help with launching yourself to higher spots which rarely comes into play because the jetpack exists. Skirmishers and sniper jackals are very deadly with a needle rifle or focus rifle. Plasma repeater is a common enemy weapon that will ♥♥♥♥ you up quickly...

Basically a plasma grenade launcher with homing capabilities. It can and will ruin your day if you're not being careful like my stupid ass.

Armor Abilities.
The bubble shield in my opinion is the most useful beside sprint. The shield is rather weak and can go down within a couple shots. It's main utility use for helping make a quick getaway or blocking a grenade at best. However it shines with the fact that it can heal you which helps especially since overcharged plasma pistol shots eat a portion of your health alongside all of your shields so you don't have to resort to picking up medpacks for health. Sprint serves as the usually get from point a to point b. Jetpack is rarely ever really useful since you'll get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up for trying to fly in front of enemies and let them play duck hunt with your spartan, it's good for relocating to higher ground. Armor lock is... It's got very little real use except for saving yourself from a grenade. Hologram is kind of useless. Evade does not exist in the campaign and would still be useless if it was.

The levels are pretty lengthy...
Reach is probably the biggest game (bungie era) in terms of all the level sizes and how long they can take to complete coupled with some tough battles. So definitely look into speedrun guides for this game if you want the 3 hour achievements.

Friendly AI
A good portion of the game you'll be fighting with some UNSC Troopers or Noble Team at your side however they are hit or miss with being useful. Troopers get clapped and noble team kinda just serves as support fire no matter the weapon. You'll be mopping everything up yourself most of the time.

Brutes are even weaker and get absolutely ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the needle rifle
Look at the top of his head wheeeze

It's very satisfying to beat this game especially solo. It isn't as hard as Halo 2 but it is still hard. Definitely a game where the more friends you have the better. Oh yeah you'll grow chest hairs from this game.
Halo 4 In Sli- zzZzZzz
haro for
4 player co-op... Woo... It's a okay game. Gun selection is basically the same "get the ones that can headshot." The Promethean weapons are there and they work but at the same time they feel kinda weak most of the time.

Actual Disclaimer
Halo 4 is the one I have the least experience with however I'll still go over some things.

Crawlers are easy kills however...
What makes these two guys so bad? Well they work together and are unfair enemies who soak up a bit too much damage at times. Shoot that little watcher so you can grenade spam the knight. Sometimes the knights have incineration cannons and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ scattershots and a op melee attack. They teleport and summon the little watcher butt buddy of theirs so they are just annoying ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Why is this game's legendary boring to me?
It's just not very engaging to me personally since it is very samey to the previous games. I'd say this game can be difficult in certain sections but for the most part it's just a me problem.

Other Changes.
Hunters are similar to Halo Reach.
Elites and grunts are ugly like me irl.
Prometheans are cool if you like the design of them.

Eh. I dunno I really can't say. It's really up to you and depends on if you really care for Halo 4's gameplay. It just feels like a really weak Halo to me. Back in the 360 days if you beat the game on Legendary you unlocked Mark VI armor for multiplayer.
BONUS: Halo 5 Guardians
dont play it

I know this guide isn't the greatest and it became less and less informative and that is solely because of the fact everything feels like it was just building up off Halo 2's good aspects and improving it's mistakes to a point in which there became less and less to talk about with every other release.

A Reminder
Halo Legendary is not for everyone. If you find it too tough or it makes you wanna break your controller I would say to take a break and come back to it after a while. It took me weeks to beat Halo 2 solo legendary because of how hard the game is and the fact I took several day long breaks from it.

The Halo 4 Segment.
Yeah I know. It sucked. It's not one I enjoy so I have the least play time in it.

I hope this trash guide gave you some tips or advice on beating the games. Good luck spartans.

  • Nak3d Eli, MisterMonopoli, and Games Done Quick. (Who all I have linked to in this guide).
  • Bungie and 343 Industries for their amazing work.
  • The halo wiki(s) for having most of the images used in this guide.
  • Spartan 1337
  • John Halo as mabster shef in the soder.
  • Arbiter my beloved...
  • Halo 2 energy sword.
  • Sniper Jacka-sses.
  • Sergeant Johnson's Action Sack. - My brother's joke. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW, GAGE?!
  • [Free Space]
  • Another dumb joke I'd fit here.
  • The Prophet of Rhythm.
  • Anime girls with the annoying high pitch voices.
  • My dog JD.
  • Dr. Bobby Boobsucker Heart Surgeon.
  • I miss my ex girlfriend...
  • The fine 18 gentlemen from Ram Ranch.
Xilius 25 May @ 10:39pm 
If I'm just achievement hunting, does having buff skulls affect the unlocking?
Carbonated Poop Water 9 May @ 10:07pm 
me doing halo 2 legendary before i knew the speedrun strats and taking 3 hours per level
Kusmov 5 May @ 6:45am 
as a player that enjoys halo 2 legendary for me the hardest halo on legendary is ce i fell so inaccurate with the pistol and all wepons
Awmeil 15 Oct, 2023 @ 8:22am 
Respect the effort though I will disagree add me we will play campaign and I will show you WHY you are having a harder than expected time with some games, and others you lack the enjoyment because of the simplistic design lol I can show you da way <3

~I prefer no glitch/Cheese Runs~
Kure 'Tesum 2 Sep, 2023 @ 5:39am 
This is ANOTHER REASON WHY, my 6 Overhaul Mods will have stuff rebalanced in them
jomonatan 13 Jun, 2023 @ 9:27am 
I consider that the major elites are slightly bull crap in my eyes.
huitz 3 Jan, 2023 @ 12:59am 
The needle rifle spam in Reach is ANNOYING!!! 5,000 shots a second flipping warthogs like they weigh like nothing
bumbling fool 7 Nov, 2022 @ 5:17pm 
nice guide, very useful
Sir Puffball 6 Nov, 2022 @ 8:51pm 
CE Legendary was so good it's sad every other game was just a miserable slog
HarleyIsntReal 10 May, 2022 @ 6:36pm 
im happy