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Homebrew: An Anbennar Submod
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Homebrew: An Anbennar Submod

В 1 колекция от Dracma127
Homebrew and Homebrew Accessories
2 артикула
Welcome to Homebrew, a pet project that I created with the intention of making a fun and interesting singleplayer experience that plays off of and adds onto Anbennar's mechanics. All changes have been playtested and adjusted to my satisfaction.

--- Changes ---

The main change in Homebrew is the addition of new ideas. Thanks to the permission of the authors of The Idea Variation and Anbennar Unleashed, I have ported their mods and made them 100% compatible with Anbennar. I have also made many, many changes to ideas in Homebrew, with the intent on making each one memorable, worthwhile and relatively equal in strength. There's now 16 idea slots that you unlock at uneven intervals, each idea is 25% cheaper and ~25% weaker (some modifiers are weighted differently), you must take ideas in a 1:1:1 ratio, and misc details have been adjusted to account for your extra ideas. Along with these ideas are events and policies, and Homebrew adds 70+ all-new events and 100+ policies.

To offset Homebrew's extra modifiers, coupled with the modifiers found in vanilla Anbennar, I have also made some changes to the economy. Buildings have been rebalanced and are generally more expensive, you have slightly less base manpower, your expenses scale faster as the game progresses, and loans have slightly more interest. These changes should make sure that, despite your extra ideas, you won't snowball faster than you normally do.

The AI can be an idiot, and as such they've gotten some minor buffs to help them handle these changes.

Lastly, I have also added in misc changes that I personally want included, such as a general buff to factions and making mercs cost less professionalism.

--- Compatibility ---

Homebrew was made with the intention of being exclusively compatible with the steam release of Anbennar. This mod messes with a lot of files, and will likely cause problems when used with other mods. I also cannot guarantee Homebrew's compatibility with the bitbucket version of Anbennar, as the two will have a file conflict that will mess with whatever new stuff the bitbucket version is testing.

--- Future Content ---

While Homebrew is fit for public use, I'm not finished making changes. There are plenty of localisations that I plan to revise, and I will no doubt need to readjust some of my custom effects once I've gotten more familiar with them. I may also look into modding buildings in and making Homebrew contain ARLtR, but that's not my top priority.

I have no intention of directly changing countries, MTs, religions etc. There are cases where Homebrew's effects come into conflict with MTs, and in those cases I would rather add exceptions for those MTs in Homebrew than add another file that needs to be updated regularly. I cannot guarantee that I have every MT accounted for in Homebrew, but I can say that whatever issues there may be will be corrected as fast as I can discover them.
507 коментара
Voryn Dagoth Ur 2 март 2024 в 19:08 
Praying to the mod gods
Imperator Tyrus 9 февр. 2024 в 20:14 
Is a mod update planned?
Skrangelben 15 дек. 2023 в 14:44 
Is this mod dead? Anyone heard from Dracma127 since 5 february?
Anscylla 6 дек. 2023 в 22:39 
For anyone who want's that mod fixed:

Most of the stuff is done, there shouldn't be any crashes etc
zurai001 3 дек. 2023 в 21:22 
For the record, the lizardman stuff only happens when a nation is formed. If you start the game and select your nation without Homebrew enabled, then save, exit, enable Homebrew, and start again, it works fine. You'll have to do the whole shindig every time you start a new game or change nation tags, though.
Partyboy 2 дек. 2023 в 21:11 
Yep needs to be updated
Alpenmann 30 ноем. 2023 в 21:53 
At the moment you will get with this mod lizardman military and goverment as any nation of Cannor and you can´t get rid of the modifieres. That hinders you to make royal marriages.
ScH 27 ноем. 2023 в 17:28 
Moist souls 23 ноем. 2023 в 9:44 
looking forward to seeing this mod get updated. at the latest patch everything works fine, except royal marriages all get the "incompatible biology" error message.
rvanhass 22 ноем. 2023 в 19:20 
Love this mod and how it expands Anbennar. Look forward to playing the new patch when this mod is compatible! Keep up the good work with it!