Arma 3
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Driveable Deck Tractor
Data Type: Composition
Composition Type: Logistics
File Size
856.000 B
22 Dec, 2021 @ 2:39pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Driveable Deck Tractor

In 1 collection by M9
M9-SD's Workshop (ARMA 3)
85 items
Driveable Deck Tractor (Composition)

This is just a quad bike with the static deck tractor attached to it.
You might have some trouble getting in, but once you find the right spot it's ok.
I might script in a basic towing ability in the future (key word: might).

Source Code:
comment "Deck Tractor Composition Init"; private _myQuad = this; for '_n' from 0 to 8 do {[_myQuad,[_n, '']] remoteExec ['setObjectTextureGlobal',0,_myQuad]}; private _myTractor = "Land_DeckTractor_01_F" createVehicle (position _myQuad); _myTractor attachTo [_myQuad,[0.47,-0.5,-0.8]]; {[_x,[[_myQuad, _myTractor],true]] remoteExec ['addCuratorEditableObjects']} forEach allCurators;

Additional Tags:
airport airfield aircraft carrier destroyer USS freedom liberty tow towing hook hooking flight deck tractor drive driveable drivable useable


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This is a scripted composition, designed to be placed from the Zeus[] interface. After subscribing to and subsequently downloading this composition, it will automatically be accessible in-game from Zeus > Groups > Empty > Compositions (since it's not a mod, it won't show up as one in the Arma 3 launcher). The scripts attached to this composition will only work if the server allows it with the zeus composition script level security parameter in its description.ext file.[] Here is a guide for server owners.

Set the value to 2 to allow custom attributes and all scripts.
zeusCompositionScriptLevel = 2;

The following official public zeus servers allow scripted compositions, however they do have various undisclosed remoteExec restrictions defined in a custom CfgRemoteExec.[]

Try out this composition on one of these servers:

[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (USA) #04[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (USA) #02[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (US) #02e[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (US) #02w[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #12[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #04[]
[OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #02[]
• [OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #0D
• [OFFICIAL] Arma 3 Zeus by Bohemia Interactive (EU) #0B

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M9  [author] 16 Feb, 2023 @ 8:19pm 
me [attach] too
ChuckNorris_One 9 Feb, 2023 @ 2:04pm 
Love Attachto !!!