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The Chain is to Gain - How to Earn Money Fast
Tekijältä Nobody
How to earn Money Fast?

Easy, just sell Prisoners! How? Go to any prison tower in whatever region and talk to the jailhouse master which will be behind a desk of some sort. Then buy as many as you want to and then find bandits to fight. Once you are in battle, make sure to get a enemy combatant lower than 50% Health. Once you have done so, you will have a option to knock out that unit and then they will become your prisoner.

After the bandit or outlaw is your prisoner, take them to the same person you bought the chains/shackles from and sell the prisoners. You will receive 100+ gold for each one you sell. This is the best way to earn coin as thus far, anything else might be a bit harder. Granted you can sell loot for gold, but that can be a bit tedious at times. Also i recommend you manage your hits as in try not to get hit so much. The more damage you receive, the more you need to spend on repairs. I recommend a good usage of spear men backed up by archers. Because if you have upgraded spears/pole-arms you will have the ability to hit/stop enemies from approaching.

This is all i have for now, i hope this bit of info has helped.
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14 kommenttia
abcd 26.10.2023 klo 7.13 
Лучший способ заработка на среднем этапе игры когда самоцветы стоят по 36 монет (бонус в цене от ветки развития). Собираем по 100-300 штук (0,1*300=30 килограмм) 10800 монет. Продаём самоцветы только на рынках в городах, крадём, красим в сундуке вора и снова продаём.
cookie! 13.4.2023 klo 19.14 
This is not the extravagant money making scheme as the title suggests. Each jail can only take so many prisoners at a time. It doesn't pay very well, at least certainly not at first.. Payment is pendant upon prisoner level.

They have to be way lower than 50% health to capture too I believe, like 10%.

There is also the cost of food to consider.. If I capture a couple people and immediately head to the closest jail, I won't usually get there before I have to rest at least once, and often it isn't convenient to immediately turn around and head to the nearest jail, so multiple rests and the price of food adds up.
Cerbius 26.2.2023 klo 1.24 
I'm sure this is no secret, but if you're willing to spend a bit of time (or money) to unlock the adjacent maps to Tiltren, Buying / selling the trade items such as gems/silver/furs/amber etc nets a reasonable amount of income if you have the initial coin to invest. Generally the gems bought in Arthes then sold in Vertruse (Don't sell them in Tiltren as they are not worth as much there) will give you a 74% profit.

Here's a useful table by a reddit poster.

- perks that allow you to sprint and travel faster on roads etc will make the process more efficient.

- buying one or two pack horses will help increase your carry capacity.

- Wait a day to buy a 2nd batch, upto 10 units instead of 5.

Probably all obvious to folks; but I thought I'd mention it just incase.
Argonautis 18.1.2023 klo 10.47 
Quite outdated and a bit barebones to be honest. You can only sell "outlaws" to prisons and you will get Krowns depending on their level starting from 55@level 3 or something like that if I remember correctly. Also each prison has a capacity that will reset after a day or something. Tiltren has 3 free spaces and the rest have 4+, don't remember how many.
Hannibal.Barca 3.6.2022 klo 16.09 
the border fort between arthes and tiltren are a good way to sell those goods as the merchant there gives a decent return on your goods. but as god's gift put it, dont get hit too often and you will profit. if your unit comp does not have many spears, a good way to start is to have a brute/and/or swordsman with a shield for extra armor, and the deflection skill. The first attack done to them will be nulled(mostly) and if you have a ranger or two, they sweep along the back and do devestating dmg. You also get a free valor point by using that skill.
Hannibal.Barca 3.6.2022 klo 16.01 
a really good way is to sell a few prisoners first then sell goods like pottery and wollen cloth to merchants along the way you get a small profit but you usually can earn quite a bit for early game if you combine this with that strat. and the goods that you sell usually pay for "collateral damage" and allows you to stock up on healing/repairing supplies thus increasing your profit chances. also hunting animals isnt a bad idea either. selling those teeth, although useful for hunter camps also is a good way to make money since they generally are easier to kill than bandits.
Ayumi 24.5.2022 klo 12.37 
You get the chains back, but yes money per prisoner was nerfed.

But you can recruit imprisoned farmers now.
Yeyo 24.5.2022 klo 0.55 
actually after the last patch of May 20th you just get 55 per prisoner
Yeyo 23.5.2022 klo 2.11 
you dont receive 100+ gold, you receive 90 minus the chains (20) so 70 gold per prisoner is the net profit
Ayumi 13.3.2022 klo 13.17 
You can only "sell" outlaws to the prisons. You can dismiss those farmers. While in the camp open their sheet, there is a gear underneath their picture. There you can release/dismiss them.