Space Engineers

Space Engineers

1,083 ratings
[QoL] Radio Spectrometry
Type: Mod
Mod category: Script
File Size
539.208 KB
19 Dec, 2021 @ 10:09am
1 Sep, 2023 @ 9:52am
20 Change Notes ( view )

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[QoL] Radio Spectrometry

In 1 collection by DraygoKorvan
Quality of Life Mods
7 items
Investigate far away asteroids using radio spectrometry to get an idea about their composition before you actually travel to it. This is an LCD script, select it from the scripts list for any LCD Panel.

Point your ore detector directly at a distant asteroid to get a readout. Access the readouts by loading the Radio Spectrometry Reader script in any block with an LCD.

There needs to be a spike in the graph at each of the 3 points of an ore for that ore to be present in the asteroid.

Does not work on planets.

Ore Detector must be unobstructed and have a clear line of sight to the asteroid. It also must be on the same grid as the LCD.

Server friendly (code only runs on client). Mod must be included in the mod list on the server for clients to use it.

Modders can manually define the resolution of the block by inserting the following XML into their definition. If undefined the script will simply take the Max range as the resolution.
<ModExtensions> <Group Name="ResourceRadiospectrometry"> <Decimal Name="Resolution" Value="150" /> <!-- bigger is less noise --> </Group> </ModExtensions>

Popular Discussions View All (2)
8 Aug, 2023 @ 8:04am
GPS Addition
26 Nov, 2023 @ 11:47am
Kingfisher 20 May @ 3:24pm 
Maybe put the name of the dominant ore at the top? Possibly in larger text than the rest so it's clearly visible? I play on 95 fov and the screen is super hard to read as is.. :(
dragonraalhaan 11 May @ 9:40pm 
It would be awesome if you could just put an argument in the screen custom data to select a specific ore... even if it just moved that one to the top.
Hayden 1 May @ 10:42pm 
Love this mod so much! I am curious if there is a way to exclude specific ore detectors on specific screens? This would solve the cycling example if that is not desired behaviour, but potentially allow for simultaneous displays of ore detectors pointing in different direction?

I also have the unusual bug that the Transporters mod blocks seem to get picked up as ore detectors so it tries to use them, when they are of course buried deep inside my ship :cozyspaceengineersa:
Tyoi 26 Apr @ 4:25pm 
Is the screen suppose to scroll trough the ores? Because when displaying the Radio Spectrometry on a cockpit screen it simply hasn't have enough room if you are also using an Ore mod (Better Stones). Text is also cut off at the end of the screen, so you cannot read the ores.
Unorthodoxy 14 Apr @ 2:41pm 
OMG it took me, like, a half-hour to figure out that if you have multiple ore detectors on a grid the display will cycle through them in order. I thought I was having some kind of power brownout or something lol
flasham 10 Apr @ 10:11pm 
If you use a transparent LCD the text is cut off at both ends.
DraygoKorvan  [author] 9 Apr @ 8:59am 
YungPro 9 Apr @ 12:54am 
Can it see modded ores that have been added to the game?
[AXIAL] Stirling 20 Mar @ 7:15pm 
i cant for the life of me figure this out every time its showing an ore i go there and its usually just entirely stone
TFK_001 28 Dec, 2023 @ 10:42am 
I did some testing. If you use the procedurally generated ore mod, then this mod only works with stone, Iron, and silver. There are likely other mods that may conflict but I have isolated that these 2 mods definately conflict.