Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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B24D StrawBerry Bltch (AI Gunners mod compatible)
Vehicles: Vehicle, Air, Wip, Advanced, Weapons
Tags: v1.3.13
File Size
3.388 MB
17 Nov, 2021 @ 12:40am
18 Nov, 2021 @ 9:30pm
7 Change Notes ( view )

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B24D StrawBerry Bltch (AI Gunners mod compatible)

This build of my B24D Strawberry Bltch has the gunner spots.
Designed specifically for the "AI Gunner Hire" mod by Dargino.

The AI gunners mod is NOT REQUIRED to simply fly the plane however this version of my plane is for use with the gunners and NOT Players in the gunner positions.

I redid all my gun pivots and turrets as well tested ,tested, tested to see if they worked.
They all work but two of them. There were two positions I was not able to get to work with the gunner mod. The Tunnel gun which is at the center of the fuselage just after the waist guns that aims down DOES NOT WORK WITH GUNNERS CURENTLY and the cheek guns or gunner position that is in the nose where the Bombadier would be sitting DOES NOT WORK. I did try many things none worked.

Recap : The Tunnel gun and Cheek gunners DO NOT work with the AI Gunners mod YET...
However your Engineer position(Top Turret) works, both your Waist guns work and your tail gunner works.

Again gunner positions are NOT SET UP FOR EASE OF USE BY PLAYERS.... While you can use them as a player with A/D W/Smy version "Strawberry Bltch (Weaponized) Is for players to use in Multiplayer and man the guns NOT AIS...

DO NOT CONFUSE THE VERSIONS. There are now three Versions one is my Original Upload There is now one updated with working guns and bombs for use with Multiplayer games and Weapons DLC and there is this version now designed more for a single player game or a Multiplayer game where you and you wingman have your own AI gunners.

I recommend you check out the Weaponized version and familiarize yourself with it.
On this version however I have added a working Navigators position so if you do play with a multiplayer session you can have someone run the navigator and or bombardiers position.

This version included the Navigators position which has a simple map by Gakuto1112

that allows you to zoom in and out via touching the screen with plus and minus. Just zoom out touch the area you want to go to when it centers on it simply touch the letter D on the top left of your screen to set the destination and zoom out and youre done. IVE DONE A LOT...

This Version NOW HAS AN Engine Fire sprinker system! It wont do much for a Wing fire but any actual engine fire it will put out at least once provided the main breaker is on and the sprinkler systems have power to them ON BY DEFAULT. I used Killer2862003s Compact Sprinkler for each engine.

The Navigators position has a Compass, A heading bug in actual Degrees, it has your wind speed in knots, wind direction in degrees and your Airspeed as well as a Artificial horizon to see the wing angle you also now have a light you can operate there though you probably wont need it. You also have an equipment item compass to verify your current heading with or just if you bail out youll have it.

The plane has a parachute for every crew member not that youll need all those with AI crew... BUT they are there from the weaponized version. You have torches and fire extinguishers as well. When using AI Crew youll need to place them each into their gunner position by spawning them picking them up with E and looking at the seat and pressing E. To remove them and make them disappear simply pick them up off their gun. Its simple. Youll get it. I recommend you set Ammo to infinite... Or youll likely have no tail gun firing in just seconds unless you reload it for him yourself.

START UP: Enter the plane through the nose wheel bay or the crew hatch at the back with the handle.
Set your lights to on before you leave the hangar if its dark... Prop pitch to 1.0 turn on all 4 engine pumps then set master throttle to about 12 or 15ish start your engines 1-4 toggle 3 for Turbo speeds but I dont recommend using it unless you need to run fast or climb fast. It uses a ton of fuel. Steering for for Taxi is achieved using Differential Brakes 1 and 2 keys. NOTE(THE NOSE GEAR DOES NOT PIVOT LEFT OR RIGHT) Use the engine power and brakes to turn. Check out my weaponized Version for a long read on all that has been done. Enjoy!!

Thanks to Bettys Honor Guard for writing a microcontroller and Lua Script to pull it off you now have the option to drop bombs one at a time in mode one, In mode two you can drop them in pairs , Mode 3 Allows for all 4 to drop one after the other. You can verify the mode youre in from the bombardiers position. If you can reset the mode you are in too.
Salvo bombs switch next to the bomb bay open swith has been removed and is now put of the mode system. Use the Arrows on the panels block to toggle the modes push bottons to drop and or reset the mode youre in.

I dont think Ill be adding a copilot to this version but if you so wish it to have one request it and Ill see about it.
I am adding one soon probably to the weaponized version as its all players and it will need it.

Eagle  [author] 26 Nov, 2022 @ 11:57pm 
Ohh Ok yeah awesome thanks for sharing.
unforgiven3091 26 Nov, 2022 @ 11:09am 
links safe, it the share link guilded gives for uploaded videos, i use that for sending videos in discord since it has a alot higher uploud size limit, also the engines weren't the problem my elevators broke so i couldn't pull up from the AI ram, it was just a cool video i wanted to share
Eagle  [author] 24 Nov, 2022 @ 9:36pm 
I wasnt going to view that video since the link was alittle off looking but I understand why you linked me that. So the messages you are receiving is from a debug console it looks like you were running improved Conquest which I believe is a mod and AI gunners mod has nothing to do with this build at all the guns are just set up for use with it. If you were referring to the Gear down and engine out did you raise your gear after take off and verify that your engines pumps and starters were all on? Turbo Superchargers will carry you away from a jet if all 4 engines are good. Beyond all that RIP.
unforgiven3091 23 Nov, 2022 @ 6:12pm 
you spelled brake wrong
Eagle  [author] 8 Dec, 2021 @ 2:49pm 
I figured out how to get the Cheek gunner to work. Ill update it today.
Eagle  [author] 18 Nov, 2021 @ 9:05pm 
It shows to be updated in my game now It should be working for you all as well.
Eagle  [author] 18 Nov, 2021 @ 5:10am 
@Inverspe Thank you I just checked it out. So theres been a problem somewhere between the finishing of my work and the upload as its not reflecting all the changes I made to it.
The version on the shop here is messed up its still showing the old version theres a new version.
Im going to take this down and reupload a new upload with the same text because its failing to update my work.
Inverspe 18 Nov, 2021 @ 1:51am 
altitude hold doesnt even work at all
Eagle  [author] 17 Nov, 2021 @ 11:57pm 
Ok Yall shes updated I added in the Sprinkler system tonight. I also added in the Bomb modes.
Courtesy of Bettys Honor Guard I was able to have not only one mode to drop one at a time but also 2 bombs at a time AND a Salvo mode that drops all for within a 60 second delay so they dont bump each other coming out of the bay. I connected up the batterys to the main breaker for the Sprinkler systems for the engines. Its not going to save your wing if it the wing is on fire but any sort of actual engine fire is going to go out. Now I have to get to work on putting in the bombing modes on my Weaponized Version for Multiplayer Play. Enjoy!