Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

47 ratings
In Flame - PJ pack SCS SCANIA R & S + BOX & DMP Trailer
Brand: Scania
Truck parts: Paintjobs
File Size
72.595 MB
12 Nov, 2021 @ 5:23pm
21 Nov, 2021 @ 2:43pm
9 Change Notes ( view )

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In Flame - PJ pack SCS SCANIA R & S + BOX & DMP Trailer

UPDATE!!! PJ for SCS DUMPER Trailer + Scania R 2016
Kontynuacja pakietu tematycznych malowań.
Po paczce Color Explosion dla Volvo, prezentuje pakiet dla Scanii.
Tym razem bardziej rozbudowany, pozwalający zdecydować, czy dany element będzie z grafiką skórki czy w kolorze lakieru.

Z uwagi na trudności z jakimi się spotkałem po drodze (oraz fakt, iż jestem początkujący w tych tematach) informuję,
że mogą pojawić się błędy, niedopracowane detale, któych nie wyłapałem na etapie testów.

Jeśli takie znajdziesz - proszę, daj mi znać.

Paczka malowania dla:

]SCS SCANIA R & S 2016 (NextGen)
SCS Box Tailer (only long 136) + SCS DMP Trailer (tylko w wersji gry 1.43 - Open Beta)

Testowane w wersjach ETS 2: 1.40x; 1.41x, 1.42x + PM + PR (+wymagane DLC ), oraz 1.43.x (OPEN BETA)
Zalecam dodatek DLC Mighty Griffin - z nim wszystko działa, bez niego - powinno

- malowanie dla versji Normal i High (4x2, 6xn) oraz 8x4
- odblokowana możliwość wybrania koloru ciężarówki i naczepy
- wiele akcesorii dostępne w werjach malowanych kolorem oraz w temacie In Flame - wybór na liście

- dodatkowe akcesoria wewnętrzne związane z tematem malowania (niebawem pojawi się kilka nowych)
- naczepa BOX z możliwością włączenia podświetlania skórki (bazujący na Glowing Skin od SlawQ)

To nie wszystko, a co do reszty - przekonaj się osobiście

Pozdrawiam - JaymzArf

SCS Software
SlawQ - Glowing Skin for Scania
Autorzy poradników, tutoriali, wskazówek z forum SCS i innych (Cadde, Papa Smurf, mwl4, m1keY, pete_agreatguy oraz inni, którzy swoimi postami naprowadzili mnie na jakieś rozwiązania)

!!!Mod dostępny tylko w SteamWorkshop - nie zezwalam na udostępnianie na innych stronach!!!

English - thanks to Google Translator
Continuation of the thematic painting package.
After the Color Explosion package for Volvo, it presents the package for Scania.
This time more extensive, allowing you to decide whether a given element will be with skin graphics or in the color of the varnish.

Due to the difficulties I encountered along the way (and the fact that I am a beginner in these topics), I would like to inform you that
that there may be errors, underdeveloped details that I did not notice at the testing stage.

If you find one - please let me know.
----------------------------------------------- ---

Painting package for:

SCS SCANIA R & S 2016 (NextGen)
SCS Box Tailer (only long 136) + SCS DMP Trailer (only in . 1.43 - Open Beta)

Tested with ETS 2 versions: 1.40x; 1.41x, 1.42x + PM + PR (+ DLC required), and 1.43.x (OPEN BETA)
I recommend the Mighty Griffin DLC - it works with it, without it - it should

- painting for Normal and High versions (4x2, 6xn) and 8x4
- Unlocked the ability to choose the color of the truck and trailer
- many accessories available in versions painted in color and in the topic In Flame - selection on the list

- additional interior accessories related to the painting theme (soon there will be some new ones)
- a BOX trailer with the option to turn on the skin highlighting (based on Glowing Skin by SlawQ)

That's not all, and for the rest - see for yourself

Regards - JaymzArf

SCS Software
SlawQ - Glowing Skin for Scania
Authors of guides, tutorials, tips from the SCS forum and others (Cadde, Papa Smurf, mwl4, m1keY, pete_agreatguy and others who led me to some solutions with their posts)

!!! Mod available only on SteamWorkshop - sharing on other sites is not allowed !!!

PS: do paczki wkradła się mała zapowiedź tego, co będzie następnym tematem malowania ;)
PS: a small preview of what will be the next painting theme has crept into the package ;)

rogerwhitney 28 Aug, 2023 @ 3:58pm 
Wow, great looking skin!!!
Jammy James 17 Sep, 2022 @ 11:03pm 
wow cool keep up the good work ty
Jaymzarf  [author] 17 Sep, 2022 @ 7:05pm 
Thank you for the information. I'm glad everything works as it should.
I wish you successful transports and fun.
PS: a small but nice-to-the-eye package upgrade will be available soon.
Jammy James 16 Sep, 2022 @ 11:43pm 
hi buddy must of been a glitch on my end, i uninstalled the mod reinstall works great cheers
Jaymzarf  [author] 16 Sep, 2022 @ 5:22am 
I checked the package quickly and I see no problems. I could have skipped something, but it is only standard PJ and I have no information that there were any changes to Scania R / S models and trailers that would affect older livery.
Can you help me and tell me what's going on? it will save me time for searching and fulfill your request faster.
Jaymzarf  [author] 16 Sep, 2022 @ 4:57am 
Jammy James
Hi. As soon as I have the opportunity - I will update. Unfortunately, I fight my dog for his health and it takes a lot of time.
I explain everything here: STEAM WORKSHOP
I am counting on your understanding.
Jammy James 14 Sep, 2022 @ 8:26am 
can you please up date to 1.45 cheers
Jaymzarf  [author] 9 Aug, 2022 @ 6:41pm 
@Mad_Trucker_UK When I finish the projects I started, I will try
Mad_Trucker_UK 6 Aug, 2022 @ 6:16am 
Can you do it for Scania T as well?
Hotte 26 Nov, 2021 @ 3:57am 
That´s very Good:steamthumbsup: Thank you:steamhappy: