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Colt's .45's: A Weapon Guide to Deathloop
By Hobo Bill
A comprehensive guide of all the different weapons you can acquire in Deathloop.
Intro: Weapon Basics
This is intended to be a helpful guide for both new and experienced players, whether you're just starting off and learning about all the different weapons of Blackreef or you're just looking for a little extra detail on each weapon. In it, every single weapon available in the game will be discussed, along with where to find them and some of their potential extra quirks.

This guide does NOT discuss Slabs or Trinkets. For information on those, please see my other guide, linked at the bottom.

Before we begin, let's discuss how much you can carry for an arsenal. At any point in the game, you will have up to three available slots for guns. You are free to bring as many (or as few) as you desire into an area when adjusting your loadout (provided you've reached the point in the game where you are able to infuse items), but once in an area, you will not be able to access your infused items again until you leave, so choose carefully.

All weapons in the game will use one of three types of ammuntion: Small Caliber Rounds, Large Caliber Rounds, and Shotgun Shells. Although you can carry multiple weapons that use the same type, your ammo supply will be shared between them, and it is a fairly limited amount for all three types. Fortunately, ammunition is plentiful on Blackreef, whether from the corpses of Eternalists or free vendor machines, so as long as you manage your supply carefully, you shouldn't be too concerned about running out.

You can carry as many rounds as follows as extra ammunition; this is NOT affected by how many rounds your weapon's magazine can fit (though it can be boosted by a select trinket, if equipped). In a couple of cases, your weapon's magazine size may even exceed the amount of bullets you can carry for it, in which case you will need to be extra careful about how much ammo you burn.
  • Small Caliber Rounds: 50 Bullets
  • Large Caliber Rounds: 25 Bullets
  • Shotgun Shells: 20 Shells
  • Nails: 15 Nails
Certain weapons in the game may also be one-handed, meaning that you can dual-wield them. This allows you to equip another one-handed weapon in your off-hand, if desired, and use both of them at once, at the cost of losing your ability to aim down the sights (as the button will instead fire your off-hand weapon). Do keep in mind that this can burn ammo incredibly fast when using weapons that use the same type of ammunition.
Intro: Weapon Quality
Another key principle of weapons in Deathloop is the "quality" (i.e. rarity) of them. The rarity can be seen in the color of their description, and comes in three levels, in ascending order: "Crude" (marked by plain, colorless text), "Sleek" (marked by light blue text), and "Exemplar" (marked by bright magenta text). This affects both overall weapon quality, and the number of available trinket slots. Though a fourth level is technically present as an orange "Legendary," this is only used for a select few unique weapons and will never be found in the wild. If you are interested in these Legendary weapons, scroll down to the "Concerning Legendary Weapons" section.

At "Crude" quality, a weapon is at its most basic form. These are the most common types (obviously), and you will see many Eternalists wielding them. There is absolutely no advantage to them in comparison to their rarer counterparts: they have less ammo, presumably less damage and accuracy (untested), and worst of all, they have an annoying tendency to jam, forcing you to manually reload and sit through a long animation to get your weapon into working order again. Don't use these unless you have no other options.

At "Sleek" quality, a weapon has a more polished, well-maintained texture. With a slightly higher performance than their predecessors, you'll find these to be a much better addition to your arsenal. As an added benefit, they will no longer jam, saving you from potentially fatal poor timing in the middle of a firefight. Though you'll likely be pleased to see them beginning to pop up more often as you progress through the game, be warned: their higher performance also works against you when in the hands of Eternalists.

At "Exemplar" quality, a gun undergoes a number of changes. Not only is it at its highest performance, but is granted one of two randomized skins (per weapon) and one of several unique "perks" that add further utility to your weapon. These are essentially your endgame guns, and several can be found in scripted locations early in the game, giving you an extra edge if you know where to look. It should be noted that different guns have a different "pool" of unique traits, so some perks may not be available for certain weapons.
Though not a gun, the machete is still an important tool in Colt's arsenal from the very start of the game, and still potentially useful all the way to the end if used properly. Essentially your only melee option in the game, the machete is useful in both stealth and combat, able to kill an unaware Eternalist instantly and silently or slay an alerted one in just a couple of swings in open combat. Additionally, the machete can be dual-wielded with other suitable weapons, allowing you to potentially wield a gun-and-slash combo in combat.

Though you can perform stealth executions barehanded, the machete is slightly faster in doing so. It should be noted that for both stealth and (most) combat kills, an animation will play while killing your target, potentially leaving you vulnerable to be spotted and/or shot while immobile. Also note that the machete will always be equipped in your inventory, and cannot be removed; rest assured that this does not count against any achievements related to empty loadouts.

TL;DR: Sole melee weapon in the game, permanent part of your arsenal. More effective than kicking, and able to be dual-wielded with a gun if desired.

Strelak Sapper Charge
Once again, not a gun, but still a part of Colt's arsenal, so it qualifies. The Sapper Charge is a grenade that is automatically acquired early in the game, and able to be adapted for a number of situations. It has three different modes, able to be toggled by repeatedly pressing the unique "equip" button for it (default: G): Grenade, Proximity Charge, and Trip Mine, with the latter two being useful for setting potential traps.

In grenade mode, you'll find the Sapper Charge to function...well, like a grenade. Pull pin, throw, step back. When you pull the pin, if you hold the button down, a meter will appear next to the grenade to show its timer (incredibly similar to the Dishonored franchise): when the meter fills, the grenade explodes. You can use this knowledge to effectively cook your grenade; it seems that the fuse burns for roughly 5 seconds. A red zone will warn you when you've cooked it too long to throw it far enough away to avoid damage, so don't let it reach that zone. Note that you can quickly cancel the "cooking" process by pressing the "interact" key (default: F) without releasing the grenade button.

In Proximity mode, the Charge will function extremely similar to landmines found in the environment, complete with an identical beeping sound to confirm they are active. Unlike landmines, however, they can be attached to any surface: walls, ceilings, and even people (where they will promptly explode on impact, so be cautious if doing so). The large explosion can damage multiple people; this can be especially useful if placing one in a narrow space mid-firefight and luring the masses through. However, they tend to go off before the target is directly on top of them, watering their potential damage down somewhat.

In Trip mode, the Charge becomes incredibly similar to the "laser mines" also found in the environment, which fire a damaging directional charge when the emitted beam is crossed. Like Proximity Charges, they can be attached to floors, walls, and ceilings alike, though they cannot be placed on people as they must be "set" rather than thrown as a grenade (which you can do with the Proximity Charge, if not against a surface). Though there isn't really a blast radius to them, the laser's range is considerable, and the damage is guaranteed to be dealt in full force. Very useful for setting a more precise sort of trap.

When used for the latter two stealth modes, enemies will apparently remain blissfully unaware of the loud beeping or bright lasers your traps give off. When throwing a grenade, however, enemies will react immediately, even if caught off guard. You are given an allowance of 4 Charges per area; they cannot be found anywhere on Blackreef, and thus cannot be replenished without traveling to the next area. You can, however, recover any mines that you have placed (provided they haven't been triggered, obviously). Like the Machete, they cannot be unequipped and will always remain in your inventory.

For Julianna: Note that, while playing as Julianna, you have a unique ability to pick up environmental mines (similar to how Colt disarms them) to replenish your charges.

TL;DR: Throwable grenade, also able to be turned into a proximity or laser-based landmine similar to the many traps found on the map. Permanent part of your arsenal, with four charges per level.

Okay, not a weapon at all, but still an important part of Colt's arsenal. Like the Machete and Sapper Charges, it is acquired at the very start of the game and is a permanent part of your loadout. Equip it in your off-hand with its unique key (default: H) to use it, locking onto hackable objects and simply keeping the button held down until it finishes. Hackable technology can be found all over Blackreef, whether it's security equipment, automatic doors, or anything else with a visible antenna.

Note that while you need line of sight to BEGIN a hack, you can break line of sight as soon as you lock on; also, while not infinite, your range while hacking is slightly longer than your range to start a hack, allowing you to move away. This is useful if hacking a dangerous object (i.e. a turret) and trying to get out of harm's way until finished. If you can't see the progress bar on the hackable object's nametag due to breaking line-of-sight, the green lights on the device also act as a progress bar.

You can hack the following objects: some to simply disable them, while others can be controlled:
  • Sensors (i.e. cameras): When hacked, the blue lasers from the sensor will turn green to indicate they are harmless, allowing you to quietly disable them without shooting them (thus alerting nearby enemies). They will not, however, target Eternalists (as this would likely activate undesirable security measures that would only work against you.)
  • Turrets: Turrets can be hacked while active or folded, turning them to your side and giving you remote access to power them off and on. Like sensors, their detection lasers will turn green when friendly, though they WILL target Eternalists, noisily gunning them down. They can also be remotely activated or shut down once hacked. Be warned that turrets don't care much for accidental friendly fire.
  • Field Nullifiers: Though these are generally rare, they can be a pain if deployed somewhere you don't really want them. Though they can't control which slabs they nullify, meaning they will still leave you vulnerable within their range even after being hacked, they can be remotely activated and deactivated at will once hacked, just like turrets.
  • Disturbance Objects (certain radios and other things): Simply causes a noise disturbance when hacked, creating a distraction for nearby Eternalists.
  • Doors: Many automatic doors have antenna that allow you to hack them open; while simple, this is actually useful in a great number of areas, and can open a wide range of doors for you, literally and metaphorically. One such instance is infiltrating Ramblin' Frank's high-security mansion without subjecting yourself to the debilitating ClassPass.

TL;DR: Hacking device that converts various pieces of technology to your side. Permanent part of your arsenal, and essential for exploration and puzzle-solving.

To start off with the actual weapons, the LIMP-10 seems a fitting choice, as it is the first weapon you will acquire in the game, as part of the tutorial. This is your straightforward SMG of Deathloop (in fact, the ONLY proper SMG, barring legendaries): high fire rate, decent magazine size, but lacking power and accuracy at range. Regardless, though one might be inclined to think the starting weapon could be outclassed later in the game, it is a highly dependable weapon from start to finish and can be especially useful with a couple of select qualities.

The LIMP-10 fires Small Caliber Rounds. At Crude quality, it has a magazine size of 20, adding 5 per quality level (up to 30). While this is one of the highest in the game (being an automatic weapon, of course), it burns through its magazines fast (being an automatic weapon, of course). Make sure you keep an eye on your ammo count when using it. It is also one-handed, allowing you to dual-wield it. With another LIMP-10, you can deal incredible amounts of DPS, though be warned: so can Eternalists with the same loadout.

At Exemplar Quality, the LIMP-10 can have one of five unique traits:
  • Ace in the Hole: Last few rounds in a magazine deal extra damage.
  • Open Wounds: Enemies shot bleed over time.
  • Snare: Enemies are slowed down on hit, making for an easier target.
  • Suppressor: Weapon is silenced, making no noise.
  • Vampire: Recover health for damaging weapons.
  • (New with Update 4!) Time Sensitive: Deals additional damage as the day goes on.
Of these qualities, two of note are the Suppressor and Vampire perks. Both of them are only found in scripted locations, and both are incredibly useful. The one with the Suppressor perk can be found in Egor's lab in the Complex, simply sitting inside for the taking. As one of only two weapons in the game that can be suppressed, it is incredibly useful for stealth gameplay, being far more reliable in a pinch than the stealth-oriented Spiker and far easier to find for ammo for.

Meanwhile, the Vampire gun (or rather, both of them) can be a little more troublesome to acquire early on, as it can only be found on Alexis, who is surrounded by dozens of guards in his mansion during his nightly party in Updaam. As he wields them in combat against you, he can be considerably dangerous to face head-on; however, it's easily worth the effort, as it's almost undeniably one of the best weapons in the game. No other weapon has this perk, which restores incredible amounts of health in or out of a firefight; reliably headshotting enemies only boosts this even further. If you're looking to go loud, you needn't look much further than this gun, especially as it can be dual-wielding for twice the killing/healing power.

TL;DR: Typical SMG, one of two fully automatic weapons in the game. Decent all-around weapon, but burns through ammo fast.

At first glance, the Tribunal doesn't seem exceptionally useful as your average, run-of-the-mill semi-automatic pistol of the game. However, it's surprisingly powerful for its dimunitive nature and, far more importantly, its accuracy and ammo efficiency outclasses others of its caliber. Its unique perks also have some utility to them, having a number of unique traits other guns can't get.

The Tribunal fires Small Caliber Rounds. At Crude quality, it has a magazine size of 8, with an additional 2 per level (up to 12). Despite its small magazine size, its accuracy and low recoil make it a very good gun for scoring headshots. It is also one-handed, allowing it to be dual-wielded, which is surprisingly effective due to its low hip-fire spread.

At Exemplar Quality, the Tribunal can have one of six unique traits:
  • Golden Shot: Damage dealt will stack bonus damage to the last round in the magazine, reset upon reload.
  • Hunter's Mark: Shooting enemies will automatically tag them.
  • Marked For Death: Deal extra damage to tagged enemies.
  • Run and Gun: Hip-fire while sprinting.
  • Streaker: Hitting consecutive enemies will give you a stacking damage buff.
  • Suppressor: Weapon is silenced, making no noise.
Many of these qualities are notably unique to the Tribunal, though most of them can be found in the wild. The only exception to this is the Golden Shot gun, which can be found in a crank-wheel safe in Updaam, hidden in an alcove right against the cliffside on the way up from the Moxie when you leave the tunnels. The easiest way to get a crank wheel to open the safe is from a delivery booth, provided you've unlocked them (the code can be found near the rear entrance to Fia's bunker in Fristad Rock at noon).

The Run-and-Gun quality can be fun for going loud, especially given that the Tribunal has a relatively low hip-fire spread and can be dual-wielded. It is also the only other gun that can get the Suppressor perk, and is far more efficient than the LIMP-10 for pure stealth gameplay with its accuracy at scoring headshots, without sacrificing versatility in combat if you're caught.

TL;DR: Typical semi-automatic pistol. Accurate but weak, highly ammo-efficient.

The Fourpounder
On the other end of the handgun spectrum is The Fourpounder, a hand cannon you're sure to recognize from at least one piece of marketing if you've seen any. Despite being a semi-automatic handgun like the Tribunal, the similarities stop there, as it excels (and struggles) in almost everything the Tribunal doesn't: high damage, high recoil, and low-hip fire accuracy (though still fairly accurate to ADS, it can suffer at range regardless).

To emphasize its additional power, the Fourpounder fires Large Caliber Rounds; this gives it half the ammo supply of Small Caliber Rounds, so make sure to place your shots carefully. At Crude, it has a magazine size of 6, with one more per level up to 8 shots. It is one-handed, allowing it to be dual-wielded, though caution is advised due to its wide hip-fire spread.

At Exemplar Quality, it can have one of five following traits:
  • Explosive Decapitation: Headshots cause a small explosion, damaging and staggering nearby enemies.
  • Focus Fire: Shots deal extra damage, at the cost of slightly delaying your gun firing from your trigger pull (by roughly half a second or so).
  • Hunter's Mark: Shooting enemies automatically tags them.
  • Marked For Death: Deal additional damage to tagged enemies.
  • Toxic Haze: Bullets automatically create a small cloud of toxic gas on impact, regardless of what they hit.
  • (New with Update 4!) BOOMREEF!: Enemies explode when killed.
Of these, Explosive Decapitation and Toxic Haze are unique and cannot be found in the wild. The Explosive Decapitation gun can be found in a crank-wheel safe in the Complex, inside the entrance to the power station (near the sealed door; the safe is close to the staircase leading down to the generators). It is worth noting that the damage dealt by the headshot's explosion is relatively minor, and is more useful for staggering enemies than outright hurting them.

Meanwhile, the Toxic Haze one is found on Harriet Morse, giving her morning sermon in Karl's Bay; another randomized (but always Exemplar) Fourpounder can also be found in her bedroom, potentially allowing you to grab two in one go. Be warned that the toxic gas created from it can hurt you as well, and may or may not explode like the gas usually does (theoretically, it should always explode when shot, though it doesn't always seem to trigger, and will NOT trigger from Toxic Haze's own bullets). The damage the poison does is relatively minor to Eternalists, as they will often move out of it before it has any significant effect, and the real damage comes from the following explosion.

TL;DR: Heavy semi-automatic pistol using large caliber rounds. High damage, but struggles with distance and recoil.

PT-6 Spiker
Finishing off the list of handguns is a rather unique one, the Spiker, a repurposed nailgun now used for stealth kills. You'll likely stumble across this one for the first time fairly early on, as a Sleek one will spawn in Colt's apartment earlier in the day, though it can still be found uncommonly on random Eternalists, namely Scouts (the golden enemies with radios). It is solely useful for stealth kills, as it has the unique trait of being completely silent at the cost of dismal bodyshot damage.

The Spiker has a magazine size of 10 at Crude, 12 at Sleek, and 15 at max quality. The Spiker is unique in that it uses a special ammunition, Nails, which are relatively rare in the environment (especially as Eternalists rarely carry this gun) and cannot be found from ammo vendors. You can carry up to 15 of them, which should be enough to get by if you're going for headshots. Like the other handguns, the Spiker can be dual-wielded, although there isn't much practicality to it.

The Spiker can be "charged" by holding down the fire button, increasing its range, accuracy (especially from the hip), and damage (which only matters if you bodyshot, which you really shouldn't be doing with this gun, anyway). Even uncharged, it has a reasonable effective range for a handgun-type weapon, though charging it barely takes a second, so it is advisable to charge for each shot.

At Exemplar quality, it can have one of five unique perks:
  • Echolocation: On impact, shots will tag nearby enemies.
  • Lights Out: Temporarily shuts down nearby security devices on impact.
  • Marked For Death: Deals extra damage to tagged enemies.
  • Open Wounds: Shots cause enemies to bleed over time.
  • Wait For It: Magazine size is reduced to 4, but shots explode after a short delay on impact.
Several of these can only be found in unique locations, including the Echolocation, Lights Out, and Wait For It perks. The first one can be found in a story-related bunker in Karl's Bay; if you've played far enough in the game, you'll likely know it when you see it. It adds an extra layer of utility to its effectiveness in stealth, as you can use it to essentially "peek" around corners by firing at an enemy or wall to reveal anyone near the point of impact.

Meanwhile, the Wait For It weapon can be found incredibly rarely among Eternalists, though a somewhat better place to search for it is among the ordnance in Updaam's Library in the morning. It seems to be entirely random as to whether you may find it or not. Though the added explosion diminishes the Spiker's stealth capabilities, it also adds extra damage to the gun. It also reduces the total amount of ammo you can carry, as your limited magazine size brings your supply down by 11 shots.

The Lights Out Spiker can be found in the "Spy Hideout" in Karl's Bay (thanks to Phantomeis for additional info). On impact, it creates a small visible "pulse" (similar to the Echolocation perk) that will shut down anything caught in its vicinity for about eight seconds. Like Echolocation, this pulse is only visible to you and will not alert enemies, making it perfect for stealth in high-security locations, such as Frank's mansion.

TL;DR: Stealth-based "handgun" with silent, chargeable shots. Good for scoring headshots in stealth, but poor in combat due to slow fire rate, limited ammo, and poor bodyshot damage. Unique ammo is somewhat harder to find.

Vopat Trencher
On to the shotguns of the game! The Trencher is the pump-action version of the two mainline shotguns, useful as your typical shotgun is: low range, high spread, high damage, the works. Being pump action, it is slow to fire, though efficient in ammo usage.

The Trencher has a magazine size of 5 at Crude, adding one per level up to 7 shots (limited to 6 for the Double-Tap perk). Naturally, it uses Shotgun Shells for ammo; as you're able to carry more than 3 magazines worth in your pockets, it's unlikely you'll run out quickly in most firefights, especially if you're picking up more ammo from fallen Eternalists. Note that, unlike most other weapons, each round of the Trencher must be individually reloaded, making its reload time longer with a higher magazine size.

At Exemplar quality, it can have one of five unique perks:
  • Bird Shot: Inflict more damage while airborne.
  • Choke Point: Shots have reduced spread.
  • Scattergun: Shots have increased spread.
  • Double-Tap: Fire two shots before pumping (only 3 pumps per full load ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
  • Open Wounds: Enemies will bleed over time.
  • (New with Update 4!) BOOMREEF!: Enemies will explode after a brief delay when killed.
As far as I know, pretty much all variants of these can be found in the wild. None of the prefixes are unique to it save for Double Tap (as no other shotgun is pump action). However, if you'd like an easy spot to grab one, a randomized Exemplar Trencher is guaranteed to spawn in the pump control room in Charlie and Fia's afternoon hideout (which you'll have to play more of the story to discover and enter).

TL;DR: Typical pump shotgun. High damage, medium rate of fire due to pumping animation, and slow reload due to needing to load each individual shell. Beware of low magazine size.

Strelak 50-50
The other mainline shotgun of the game, the 50-50 is a semi-automatic shotgun with a large magazine size and high fire rate. Easily identifiable by its twin drum magazines, the 50-50 can dish out damage faster than its pump-action counterpart due to its automatic firing mechanism, though it burns ammo at an incredible speed due to the fact that it takes TWO shots per trigger pull.

The 50-50 has a magazine size of 20 at Crude, going all the way up to a whopping 30 at max quality. As this is more ammo than you can carry, it's actually impossible to perform a full reload from empty (barring extra ammo capacity from a select trinket), and your actual number of shots is essentially halved due to the fact it consumes two shells per shot.

At Exemplar quality, it can have one of five unique perks (most of which are identical to the Trencher's):
  • Bird Shot: Deal more damage while airborne.
  • Choke Point: Shots have reduced spread.
  • Scattergun: Shots have increased spread.
  • Open Wounds: Damaged enemies bleed over time.
  • Snare: Damaging enemies slows them on hit.
As far as I know, pretty much all of these can potentially be found on Eternalists, though a guaranteed way to snag one is killing Charlie Montague and stealing his Snare 50-50. The Choke Point and Scattergun perks are probably the most useful ones, depending on which style you prefer, and the same can be said for the Trencher. Given that both guns perform relatively similar, it's up to you which shotgun and perk you prefer the most.

TL;DR: Semi-automatic shotgun. Faster rate of fire and larger magazine size allows more potential DPS than the Trencher, but burns ammo at an incredible pace. Still suffers from slow reload speed, but at least loads the entire magazine at once.

MG-1 'Pepper Mill'
The closest thing to an "assault rifle" the game has, the Pepper Mill is really more of a LMG, though classified in game as a rifle due to the fact it'd be completely alone otherwise. It's about everything you'd expect from one of its kind: decent fire rate, high DPS, high magazine size, at the cost of poor reload speed and mobility when in use.

The Pepper Mill has a magazine size of 40, which strangely doesn't seem to change between levels of item quality. It uses Small Caliber Rounds, which are thankfully the most plentiful, although it still burns them at a considerable pace. It should also be noted that this is probably one of the most dangerous weapons Eternalists can use against you: it's surprisingly accurate at range, and a barrage of shots will quickly deplete your health if you aren't careful.

At Exemplar quality, it has one of five unique perks:
  • Explosive Decapitation: Headshots cause a small explosion, damaging and staggering nearby enemies.
  • Marked For Death: Deals extra damage to tagged enemies.
  • Open Wounds: Damaged enemies bleed over time.
  • Snare: Slows enemies down on hit.
  • Zero In: Tightens spread the longer you fire.
  • (New with Update 4!) On A Roll: Reload faster after scoring a headshot.
Of these, it seems that Zero In is the only one that can't be found randomly, being found in a story-related bunker in the Complex. It is also probably one of the most useful, as the tightened spread makes it considerably accurate even when hip-firing. Aside from that, Fia Zbrorowska carries an Open Wounds gun with her, which can be looted off of her corpse.

TL;DR: Automatic "rifle"/LMG using small-caliber rounds. Large magazine size, consistent DPS, decent at range if used carefully. Slow reload speed and high rate of ammo consumption.

This is your only real "rifle" in the game (barring legendaries): a single-shot, break-action, high-caliber ranged death dealer. It easily has the most dismal fire rate of any gun in the game, as it must reload after every single shot, but it has incredible accuracy and damage with little to no dropoff at long range.

The Rapier uses Large Caliber Rounds, only sharing it with the Fourpounder (as far as mainline guns are concerned). As a single-shot rifle, its magazine size does not increase with quality. Fortunately, with an ammo pool of 25 for Large Caliber Rounds, you'll find it difficult to run out of ammo when wielding this, unless you incessantly spam it because it's just so darn good.

At Exemplar quality, it has one of five unique perks:
  • Bird Shot: Deal more damage while airborne. (Good luck hitting anything.)
  • Eagle Eye: Increased zoom when aiming down sights.
  • More Bang: Bullets. Explode.
  • Myopic Muscle Memory: Faster reload, shorter range.
  • Silver Bullet: Ammo isn't spent if you hit someone, but missing makes the gun unusable for the rest of the level.
Of these, the Eagle Eye and Silver Bullet perks are the only ones that can't be found in the wild, instead being found from scripted points. The Silver Bullet gun can only be acquired from The Moxie, a Charlie Montague game found near the Updaam tunnels that's only in the afternoon. It's also pretty stupid, because you shouldn't be running out of ammo with your single-shot rifle if you're remembering to pick more up, and it's not worth the risk of missing and losing your gun for the rest of the section. All it really does is circumvent the slow reload, which can simply be done with Speedloader.

The Eagle Eye gun is found on Egor Serling, normally able to be found in The Complex at night near his lab. Be warned that he's a jumpy SOB and likes to cloak when you get close by, so there's a good chance he'll see you before you see him. The increased zoom is certainly helpful for picking off targets at range, but...

You don't care about that. You don't want Charlie's lame prize, or Egor's pseudo-sniper, or a faster reload that could just easily be achieved with an Exemplar Speedloader trinket. What you want–what you need–is the explosive Rapier. This gun is BROKEN. You don't even have to shoot the Eternalists, just aim at their feet like a Soldier main and blow them back to the morning. It can even kill multiple at once if they're in a tight enough cluster, especially if shot from above. On top of all that, it ragdolls Visionaries, making for a laughably easy kill. Be warned, however: later on, Eternalists can and WILL spawn with explosive Rapiers of their own, and can be just as deadly to you.

TL;DR: Iron-sights sniper rifle. Single-shot, high damage, amazing at range if you're a decent shot.

Concerning Legendary Weapons
As previously stated, all four of the "legendary" weapons cannot be found under any circumstances at random in the environment, save for potentially acquiring one off of an invading Julianna. All four have their own unique Arsenal Leads to guide you to them, and can even all be acquired in the course of a single day if one knows where to look. There is one legendary weapon for each "category" of weapons (Pistol, SMG, Rifle, Shotgun, as shown in the loadout screen), though some may have characteristics of multiple categories.

Like Exemplar weapons, a Legendary spawns with one of two randomized skins, and one of five randomized perks. It also has space for three Weapon Trinkets, just like a regular Exemplar gun. Note that all the legendaries are unique, and don't really have a direct counterpart for a regular weapon, although they will obviously share similarities with others of their class. Take note that there is no way to acquire the perk you desire except random chance; it may take you several loops to acquire the version of a legendary you want.

Also take note that, like with anything else, Julianna is an unknown variable and can potentially appear with any of these weapons if controlled by a player, being your only other opportunity to acquire these. Even bot-controlled Juliannas may spawn with one of them occasionally, making it entirely possible to acquire it without ever completing the Arsenal Lead.
  • Pistol: Strelak Verso (also something of an SMG), found in The Complex at noon
  • SMG: Constancy Automatic (visually resembles a pistol, but for is all points and purposes an SMG), found in Fristad Rock in the morning
  • Sepulchra Breteria: Rifle, found in Updaam in the afternoon (and often, on Julianna)
  • Heritage Gun: Shotgun (officially; really a Shotgun/Rifle hybrid), found in Karl's Bay in the evening
Strelak Verso
The Strelak Verso (or simply, the Verso) is a very unique gun in one key regard: it is not a single gun, but rather two, which work in conjunction together. Despite being a pair of pistols, they uniquely only take one weapon slot, which is only the first of many odd characteristics about this weapon. It can be found by following the "In This Together" Arsenal Lead in The Complex at noon, leading you to a bunker in the tunnel across from the power station's front entrance.

Separated, the Verso functions as dual-wielded two-shot burst pistols, which is arguably their more powerful form; with considerable damage-per-shot, combined by the ability to fire as fast as you can pull the trigger of both guns, they can dish out ridiculous amounts of damage in a very short time. Naturally, it is very poor at distance, as you cannot use the sights when dual-wielding.

By "switching forms," they can be joined together into a four-shot burst-fire gun more comparable to an SMG. Though not as powerful, it is far more accurate in this form, and allows you to wield something in the off-hand. To switch forms, you simply need to press the equip button for it a second time to switch between dual-wield and SMG form. If attempting to equip something else in the off-hand, like a Slab or gadget, it will automatically switch to SMG form.

The Verso uses Small Caliber Rounds, and has a magazine size of 30 per pistol, joined together for a whopping total of 60 rounds in SMG form, 10 more than you can normally carry. Keep in mind that it burns ammo fast due to its burst fire, especially when dual-wielding them. Though it is a dual-wield gun, it cannot be dual-wielded with other guns, as it becomes a two-handed weapon in its SMG form.

The Verso can have one of five unique perks:
  • Bird Shot: Inflict more damage while airborne.
  • Dualist: Dealing damage in one mode buffs the other; reloading resets the buff.
  • Explosive Decapitation: Headshots cause a miniature explosion.
  • Quick Change: Switch weapon modes faster.
  • Snare: Slows enemies on hit.
As there's only one instance of the Verso spawning per loop, like all other legendaries, it is up to random chance which one you get. If you don't find the perk you want, you will have to loop and find it again over and over until you find the one you want. The Dualist perk can be given a little extra utility by using the Big Box weapon trinket to increase your ammo capacity, allowing you to ride out the damage buff for longer if desired.

The easiest way to get to the Verso is as follows: Although the game attempts to guide you through a long and puzzling adjacent bunker on a hunt for batteries to unlock the door, any batteries will do. There are several turrets throughout the map that you can simply steal batteries out of; if you need power, there is a charging station in the projector room above the power station (in the room where a group of Eternalists are talking to Wenjie via radio). One battery powers the light outside the door, and one battery is already in; as a result, you only need to steal two batteries.

TL;DR: Unique dual-pistol/burst-fire SMG hybrid which can transform between states on demand. Decent stability and efficiency in SMG form, unmatched short-range DPS in dual-wield form.

Constancy Automatic
Although visually a pistol, the Constancy Automatic functions more like an SMG in practice (being a fully automatic pistol), having dual side-mounted magazines that can be reloaded individually while firing. It can be found on the corpse of Frank Spicer in his Fristad Rock mansion in the morning, making it fairly straightforward to acquire.

The Constancy Automatic technically has a magazine size of 30, although it is essentially infinite in practice as you can continuously reload while firing by regularly pressing the reload button. You will NOT reload automatically, so it is essential to press your reload key regularly (ideally, every fifteen rounds) to prevent running dry. It uses Small Caliber Rounds, giving you a decent supply, but as always, make sure to keep an eye on your count so you don't run dry.

The Constancy Automatic can have one of five unique perks:
  • Ace in the Hole: The last few rounds of the magazine deal extra damage. (Kind of irrelevant, since you shouldn't be running dry.)
  • Feedback Loop: Damaging enemies grants a stacking damage buff for a few moments.
  • Open Wounds: Damaged enemies bleed over time.
  • Snare: Slows enemies on hit.
  • Zero In: Tightens spread the longer you fire.
Of these, it's safe to say that Feedback Loop and Zero In are likely the most useful, as you'll constantly be firing with this gun (you can draw it out even longer if you have helpful Trinkets or a plentiful supply of ammo from dead Eternalists). As always, there is no way to acquire the perk you want but random chance.

TL;DR: SMG with an essentially infinite magazine size, as it can be reloaded without needing to stop firing. Must be manually reloaded to continuously fire, and can easily deplete ammo if not careful.

Sepulchra Breteria
The only scoped sniper rifle in the game, and a recognizable landmark from marketing. A favorite of Julianna's, players and bots alike, and for good reason: as the only scoped weapon in the game, its range is unmatched by anything else available. The scope has two levels of zoom, and while it's normally unstable to aim with due to a hold breath mechanic, you can hold your breath for a long time anyway, easily long enough to line up the shot you want.

The Sepulchra Breteria has a pitiful magazine size of 3, and uses Large Caliber Rounds, shared with the Rapier and Fourpounder. However, the rifle is semi-automatic, allowing you to fire all three rounds in quick succession if you're confident enough in your aim (beware of recoil). While the damage isn't quite enough to normally bodyshot an Eternalist, the scope makes it easy to line up a headshot even at several dozen meters away.

Though it's likely you'll find at least one instance of the gun from Julianna before its regular spawn, even if playing single-player, it can normally be found in the hands of a particularly angry Eternalist in Updaam in the afternoon as part of the "Keep On Giving" Arsenal Lead. Note that you may need to kill at least one Visionary prior in the day to trigger this event. You'll know if they're available as soon as you enter Updaam, as they'll make their presence loud and clear on the intercom for you.

As usual, the Sepulchra Breteria can have one of five unique perks:
  • Coiled Snake: Holding the trigger down charges the shot for additional damage.
  • Deep Lungs: Hold breath for longer.
  • Explosive Decapitation: Headshots cause miniature explosions.
  • Hunter's Mark: Damaged enemies are automatically tagged.
  • Open Wounds: Damaged enemies bleed over time.
Out of the perks, Coiled Snake is almost certainly the most useful for PvE and PvP alike. The increased damage can make short work of Visionaries and players, and will certainly bodyshot any regular Eternalist in its crosshairs. This also helps negate the fact that the base damage seems to be slightly lower than its single-shot cousin, the Rapier.

To easily get the Sepulchra Beteria: After arriving in Updaam and confirming via intercom message that the Eternalist has set a fairly obvious trap for you, there is no need to actually trigger said trap. The Eternalist wielding the rifle will already have spawned in the adjacent apartment building where they are normally waiting for you. As a result, you can simply ambush them instead and take the rifle from their cold, dead hands before they even know you're present.

TL;DR: Straightforward semi-automatic sniper-rifle, and the only scoped weapon in the game. Complete with "hold breath" mechanics and a variable zoom.

Heritage Gun
Last but certainly not least on the list, the Heritage Gun is a unique "shotgun" acquired as part of Charlie Montague's nightly game in Karl's Bay, Reward Scheme. This one can be a little tedious to get even if you already know how, due to an element of randomization each Loop and the possibility of being locked out until the next Loop if you fail.

Should you succeed, however, and claim the prize, you won't be disappointed at the effort you put into getting it. The Heritage Gun actually acts more like a rifle in its base form, firing slugs with remarkable accuracy and range (even from the hip), while transforming in a similar manner to the Verso (i.e. pressing the equip button again). Once transformed, it becomes a proper shotgun instead, giving it an incredibly versatile effective range between its modes. An extra tip: you can transform in the middle of the cocking animation after firing a shot, allowing you to minimize the time spent switching modes.

The Heritage Gun has a low magazine size of a mere 5 Shotgun Shells, even less than the Trencher. Additionally, it must reload each round individually, further handicapping its overall rate of fire. It operates as a lever-action weapon, though it is still able to fire relatively quick. Aiming down the sights seems to slightly increase the fire rate, as you perform a quicker animation to chamber the next round than hip-firing your gun. Note that it uses Shotgun Shells regardless of which mode the gun is in.

Once again, the Heritage Gun can have one of five unique perks:
  • Bird Shot: Deal more damage while airborne.
  • Choke Point: Shots have reduced spread. (Only really applicable in Shotgun mode)
  • Scattergun: Shots have increased spread. (See above)
  • Dualist: Damage dealt in one mode increases the other, resets buff on reload.
  • Inferno: Shots fired in Rifle mode create poison gas on impact; shots fired in Shotgun mode detonate it.
The Inferno is a very unique perk, with no real counterpart with any other weapon (save perhaps for Harriet's Toxic Haze Fourpounder, though it cannot detonate its own rounds). You can fire slightly before the transformation animation finishes, so you can quickly swap between modes to dish out additional damage. The Dualist perk's usefulness is somewhat limited by the magazine size (even with trinkets, as its magazine size can only be boosted up to 8), but can still be deadly nonetheless.

There is, unfortunately, no "easy" way to get the Heritage Gun by bypassing the excessively long series of challenges for it. However, there are a few useful tips to make it easier.
  • Despite constantly ticking, none of the packages themselves are on timers and there is no limit to how long it takes you to collect them. They are destructible, however, and you will fail the challenge if any of them are destroyed by outside damage. Doing so will prompt a pre-recorded message from Charlie informing you of your failure, and you will have to try again next Loop.
  • This does not apply to self-destructing packages; any packages that explode on their own when opened will not end your game.
  • For convenience, there is a map of active packages in Karl's Bay in the same room as the Heritage Gun itself, saving you time from searching every possible spawn location.
  • One package DOES have a timer, manually triggered by a switch to force you into a time-pressured puzzle that, if failed, will block access to the package. This is the puzzle in the overgrown house with the number puzzle, where a package is guaranteed to spawn every loop. However, this puzzle can be made easier by breaking open a window above a blocked door and teleporting inside with Shift (bypassing the switch to activate the timer, allowing you to gather the necessary numbers at your own pace).
  • After collecting all the packages, you will be forced to undergo one last time-trial in an obstacle course full of trip lasers. However, if you fail the puzzle by running out of time or crossing a laser, you will be able to retry it as many times as you wish without consequence.
  • A Field Nullifer will remove the use of Slabs in the obstacle course at the end, preventing you from using Shift to make it easier. However, this can easily be bypassed by locating a set of wooden boards over a hole in the wall, close to the entrance to the obstacle course. The Field Nullifier is inside; simply hack or destroy it to re-enable the use of Shift, making the room much easier.

    TL;DR: Interesting shotgun/"slug-round" hybrid, able to transform between modes on demand. Slug rounds function highly similar to a rifle, but still use shotgun shells. Pain in the ass to obtain.

HALPS Prototype
Newly added in Update 4, the HALPS Prototype is a very unique legendary weapon. Although it categorized as a rifle, it is more of a weapon of its own entirely, as the HALPS is not a regular gun, but is instead a high-powered laser cannon capable of incinerating anything it is pointed at. As such, it functions quite different from most other weapons in the game, though the method of operation is the same: point, aim, pull trigger.

The HALPS can be found in a specific annex in Wenjie's lab at any time of day save for the evening, regardless of whether or not Wenjie is present. Entering in the morning or day will save you the trouble of fighting the Wenjies, but most of the entrances will be locked; fortunately, one exception is the entrance to the annex that the gun is actually located inside of. To physically obtain it, you need to reflect the laser into the control panel next to the weapon's case. To do so, simply find a turret (preferably hacked, for safety) and set it up facing the case; the turret will automatically redirect the laser into the control panel, opening the case. However, if you have already completed Wenjie's lead, you can also simply take it from her after murdering her at Alexis's party.

The HALPS is unique enough of a weapon that picking it up for the first time will play a unique animation, and bring up a tutorial prompt dedicated to the use of the weapon. Unlike other weapons, it must be "charged" by aiming in order to fire, meaning that the aim button must be held at all times during its firing. When fired, it will emit a large red laser that persists until the fire button is released (or the energy runs out).

As it does not fire bullets, the HALPS has a unique method of storing and replenishing its ammo. The HALPS has no magazine, and instead has a charge percentage (i.e. 0-100%) representing its remaining energy. This energy can only be replenished through three methods: draining energy from batteries, battery-operated equipment (i.e. turrets and nullifiers), or battery stations. This is done by equipping the HALPS and holding the interact button while within interaction range, similar to absorbing Residuum from bodies. The HALPS is quite efficient, and can restore most of its energy from a single full battery, although a battery station offers an unlimited supply of energy.

Another unique characteristic of the HALPS (if there weren't enough for you already) is its ability to reflect its laser off of other lenses: when fired directly into a sensor, including those mounted on turrets, it will not damage them, but will instead "bank" the shot off of them and into nearby Eternalists. This process is automatic; as soon as the sensor in question begins projecting the laser, it will automatically point the laser into anything registered as an enemy, even if the device has not been hacked.

As if that wasn't enough, the sensors will actually CONTINUE to project the laser for a short time after the HALPS has been fired at them; this is shown by a red bar that fills up over the device while the laser is being fired at it, that will slowly deplete once it stops receiving a "charge" until it runs out. This can be potentially dangerous if you are not careful, as friendly fire is just as much of a possibility as usual. On top of all of that, it is possible for sensors to actually chain lasers, firing from one sensor to another to potentially extend its reach.

The only major downside of the HALPS is its range; while the laser itself seems to have unlimited range, not to mention perfect accuracy, it also has rather severe damage dropoff at longer distances. The previously mentioned qualities do offset this, but it may be advisable to use a Rapier or Sepulchra if one is available. Chaining off of other devices may reset the effective range of the laser, though this has yet to be tested extensively.

There is one other minor (or potentially major, depending on your opinion) downside to the HALPS: it is a truly unique weapon, and does not have any perks, unlike all other legendaries in the game. It also has no room for weapon trinkets, meaning it cannot be upgraded in any way. Because of this, there is no point in attempting to obtain the HALPS multiple times (unless you forgot to infuse it).

Outro: Tips and Tricks
Before we close off, I'd like to go over a few quick tips, mostly for newbies, but possibly a helpful bit or two for experienced players as well.
  • If you're anything like me, you're likely tempted to go guns blazing as if you're playing DOOM. While is this undeniably fun, it has limited viability in Deathloop. Eternalists may be idiots, but they shoot remarkably straight even while you're on the move, and it only takes a few rounds to put you down. Unless you're fully kitted out and know what you're doing, don't be afraid to hug cover, as you won't last long in an open firefight.
  • On that note, aiming down the sights while crouching against a low wall or standing against a corner will automatically make you peek around the obstruction, allowing you to quickly pop in and out of cover.
  • Headshots with any weapon, at any range, are a guaranteed instant kill against regular Eternalists. Though the same cannot be said of Visionaries, who have much more health, a single headshot will still deal much more damage, especially with more powerful weapons.
  • Picking up ammo from fallen enemies is as simple as walking over their weapons while having space for the appropriate ammo type. Small Caliber Rounds and Shotgun Shells will generally be more common than Large Caliber Rounds, though you shouldn't have any real difficulty finding them, either.
  • Don't forget that higher quality weapons (and certain perks) work for the enemy just as well as they do for you. Enemies carrying powerful loot will emit an aura similar to Residuum objects around them: focus on going after them, but also use caution in open combat.
  • If you're unsure what trinkets to put in a weapon, Speedloader is always a good choice. There's no weapon that doesn't benefit from it, and weapons that are primarily offset by their long reload times can be made considerably more dangerous.
  • If you're hunting a particular weapon, make sure you have enough Residuum to infuse it when you bring it back. It'd be a shame to forget and have to go through all that hard work a second time.
  • Speaking of infusing weapons, keep in mind that if you enter an area with all three weapon slots occupied, you'll have to leave at least one behind if you plan on taking anything out with you. It'll reappear next Loop as long as it's been infused, but it will be unavailable for the remaining duration of the Loop.
That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed! If you'd like information about Slabs, the various powers you can acquire in the game, check out my other Deathloop guide!
PDV 11 Dec, 2022 @ 11:00pm 
@leuvahk: Now you're thinking with Reprise...
leuvahk 1 Nov, 2022 @ 7:11pm 
So I guess I'm the only one who was suicidal enough to just let the cameras target me and fry the HALPS container as I died, then?
Lhee 29 Oct, 2022 @ 2:26pm 
I got a Strelak 50-50 with BOOMREEF! Enemies explode when they die... I think I got it in the Library from the gun case in a little alcove room with a bunch of defenses.
Captain Crab 29 Sep, 2022 @ 7:40am 
Heritage gun can have the explosive kills perk I got it from a julianna
Oveng 11 Sep, 2022 @ 2:32pm 
thanks a lot
Kyovalye 4 Jun, 2022 @ 10:18pm 
Colt Vahn is believed to have been born in 1911, in universe, funnily enough.
hopeless aromantic 19 Apr, 2022 @ 2:23pm 
crude spiker mag size is 10
Kyovalye 8 Apr, 2022 @ 2:07am 
In my experience, Coiled Snake on the S.B. is actually a liability. While AI won't hear it, players can and will, from a mile away. Furthermore, all S.B's have a prominent scope glint, at least when scoped in, meaning playing low and slow can get you spotted before you spot your opponent when against a player, on either side. That, and Coiled Snake's fire-on-release trigger messes with me.
Be nice 28 Feb, 2022 @ 12:05pm 
Murphy's law says a grenade with a five second fuse will go off after 3.5 seconds!
Hobo Bill  [author] 10 Jan, 2022 @ 2:52pm 
Yep, I done messed up a couple of those descriptions. Thanks for the feedback!