Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Sentinels of the Multiverse: 100% Orange Juice!
Type: Game
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 3
Play Time: 60 minutes
Assets: Cards
Language: English
File Size
503.555 KB
8 Oct, 2021 @ 7:21am
21 Jun, 2024 @ 4:32pm
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Sentinels of the Multiverse: 100% Orange Juice!

Natsumi and Tomomo (Casual) from 100% Orange Juice.

100% Orange Juice is a party game similar to Mario Party, but less minigames, and more map events. From that game, there are three decks on this table. The first two, are heroes: Natsumi, armed with her Cooking Knife, and Tomomo, with her two forms: the Layabout in casual pajama wear, and the Sweet Eater, armed with a rather large ice-cream mallet. The third, is a villain: Big the Haruo, a minion master, armed with the power of Attack Dice, and a mean set of beak pecks.

The hero characters use a system similar to that of their origin game, Norma, and Cost: To 'play' most of their cards, they require a certain norma value, which acts like a level system, and they need to pay a cost, which lists the amount of cards they need to discard and when (by default, on card play).

The villain has her own mechanics: Attack Dice, and Level Cards. For many of her attacks, she rolls a 6-sided die to determine her damage output. This can be modified by damage dealt increases and decreases, but is also modified by her minions, in a very painful way. As for her cards, they each have levels to them, and the weaker of the bunch start in her, very small deck of 5 cards. As the game progresses, her deck will improve, until it reaches its maximum potential, at a full deck of Level 3 Cards, one of which is her Hyper: Roost, which summons more chickens to aid her.

All artwork not credited to specific authors comes from unknown sources or Fruitbat Factory, none of them are my own.
anlitt7 26 Apr, 2023 @ 7:24am 