Space Engineers

Space Engineers

364 ratings
Advanced Power Systems 2
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Modpack, Other
Tags: NoScripts
File Size
90.676 MB
13 Sep, 2021 @ 9:01pm
7 Jun, 2022 @ 3:51pm
11 Change Notes ( view )

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Advanced Power Systems 2

Hello there and welcome to the 2nd Advanced Power Systems mod :)

Firstly, big thanks goes out to Stonelords for contributing the models of this mod. They've really gone above and beyond with the designs, ideas and bringing a few of my thoughts to the mod.

Firstly we have the Batteries. One major inclusion this time around is a massive 3x3x2 large grid battery with a whopping 70MW of storage. While this is great, it's the battery's discharge rate of 220MW which should interest you; this is a massive benefit for recharging multiple jumpdrives at once to get them to peak power as soon as possible. It's also expensive to make however I believe the benefits of this battery outweighs the cost.

The other batteries have all had their new models applied and a bit of a product cost and updated stats.

Max Power Input
Max Power Output
Max Stored Power
Advanced Battery
Advanced Battery Supersize
SmallGrid Large Advanced Battery
SmallGrid Small Advanced Battery

Next is the Windmill. Highest improvement here is the fact they are now stack-able and with the improved 1.1MW total max power output, these should be on your earth-type base. Improvements over the original design has seen more bearings placed into the central shaft which takes the load off the main core. The output is less wind vanes required for an increase of power.

Hydrogen Engines are next on the list. Both small and large grid. Increased storage tank size and power output.

Hydrogen Engine
Max Power Output
Tank Size
Large Grid Engine
Small Grid Engine

Finally the Solar Panels and let me tell you - BIG changes here. The large grid now gets a whopping 5x5 double sided octagon solar panel. Perfect for the local trading station or a solar station in orbit. These also have different mounting points and offsets for those who requested it! The small grid variant is a bit different with a 2 by 2 sized panel. While smaller than the original, it puts out a punch for the size.

Solar Type
Max Power Output
Large Grid 8 side Octagon
Small Grid 2-b-2

Original mod:

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9 Mar, 2023 @ 4:58am
PINNED: Feedback
25 Oct, 2024 @ 10:49pm
PINNED: Bug Reports
6 Jun, 2022 @ 4:22pm
Mod not showing
Trinity 5150
Stonelords  [author] 17 Nov, 2024 @ 4:57pm 
Id rather you use mod adjuster then reupload
Jammerbam 6 Nov, 2024 @ 3:43pm 
This mod is awesome, however I'm working to combine all of the reactor mods I'm currently subscribed to into a pack. I'm working to make these different mods work somewhat together and to be balanced with each other. I would like to upload this pack so my friends can join me on my world and for other people if they would like to try it. Of course, each of the original mod and maker will receive full credit for the content with links to the original. I'm asking for your permission to to upload this mod.
ufoundwaldo42 26 Oct, 2024 @ 1:34pm 
I humbly request the addition of an oxygen-hydrogen fuel cell. Real world numbers: consuming 1L of oxygen and 1L of hydrogen per second yields 8.52 MW/s output (assuming 100% efficiency, current best is around 90%).
ufoundwaldo42 26 Oct, 2024 @ 1:14pm 
Can you add a bit of additional info to the mod description? Specifically, mass of each asset, charge efficiency/rate for the batteries, and the fuel consumption rate for the hydrogen engines. Also, thank you for making this awesome mod.
Imperialer Offizer 88B 19 Oct, 2024 @ 4:50am 
playing since. works pretty fine to me just some weak small grid solars but thats more a me-problem. i just hate how weak solar got made in this game.
Sekston Turretmaster 19 Jun, 2024 @ 3:48am 
a Great looking pack but i would suggest that instead of tweaking the hydrogen engine you should create a fuel cell generator that uses both H2 and O2.
ApathyGates  [author] 4 Feb, 2024 @ 9:40pm 
@Genevive I haven't tested but I haven't seen any complaints. Might check shortly.
Genevieve 24 Jan, 2024 @ 5:26am 
Does this mod work on the new update?
ArthritisGuy 22 Jan, 2023 @ 5:41am 
It's up to you--I just want to know if its all unlocked from the beginning or requires progression. Just curious! thanks for the quick reply though!
ApathyGates  [author] 22 Jan, 2023 @ 1:05am 
No I've never set it up to be within progression - is this something you really want? I'll look into making it happen if so.