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110 ratings
[CS:GO] bump_basics
Game Mode: Custom
Tags: Map
File Size
608.682 KB
11 Sep, 2021 @ 1:28pm
27 Sep, 2023 @ 11:21pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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[CS:GO] bump_basics


bump_basics is a map made to show off and teach some of the basic tricks bump miners use in Danger Zone.
Included are 10 main stages and a bonus stage.

Tricks in the main map include:
-basic walking bumping
-normal jumping bumping
-double bumping on slopes
-alley ooping (mid-air double bumping)
-double bumping without a slope
-double bumping with use of a pole (PizzaLoaf tree bumping™)

The map will automatically execute commands needed for setup. Once you have loaded in and chosen a team, you can either wait for the short warmup period to end or type "mp_warmup_end" in console to end the warmup instantly and start the game.

It is recommended that the air accel settings remain on default and that the server tickrate is set to 64 in order to mimic movement in an actual Danger Zone game.

For more experienced bumpers - I will be working on a harder map more akin to surf maps, so be on the lookout for that in the future : )

Some tips about air movement for new bump miners - while in air, holding down space will help you get higher, resulting in more air time. To move in air, use A and D with slow and smooth left and right mouse movements respectively to move left and right. Do not hold W in air - this will result in some weird strafes and slow you down in the air; let go of W as soon as you leave the ground! (It is possible to strafe using W and not lose speed, but it's more advanced and not needed for this map)

Thanks to Gor, Sandwich, MildlyDom, Scazoom, Void, b e r t t, and Chizzy for playtesting the map!
Also another thanks to Sandwich for helping out with a lot of SDK related questions I had.
Sova 17 Apr, 2022 @ 9:32am 
Thanks man!
❤ mantra  [author] 2 Feb, 2022 @ 3:51pm 
It looks like when I had deleted cs, I also lost the most recent build of the map. If I were to fix the spawns, I would have to redo the entire last 3-4 rooms because they're missing in the only version I have that I can edit. Unfortunately I don't think I'm up to doing that at the moment. Sorry but it will just have to stay single player.
For future maps I will be sure to back them up properly and include more spawns.
bluntzera 2 Feb, 2022 @ 3:29pm 
thanks tons mantra!
❤ mantra  [author] 1 Feb, 2022 @ 6:51pm 
I will try to add more spawns... I had to reinstall cs a while back and forgot to backup this map... so I don't have all the original files to just do a quick update. I'll have to convert a bunch of stuff, so it may take a while.
As for a hub room... I dont think I want to add that in, but you can use the commands "sv_cheats 1" and "noclip" to fly through until you get to the room you want.
bluntzera 1 Feb, 2022 @ 5:10pm 
when i try inviting friends to play along they are forced to join CT and are stuck in a black void room and cannot even spectate even. it would be good if we could play together since bumping is very hard for beginners. can we have 5 tr spaws?

also it would be amazing if there was a door for each level at the entrance hub, that way we could train and specific level without having to go through each every time?

thanks sooo much! happy bumping!
❤ mantra  [author] 1 Feb, 2022 @ 4:06pm 
I didn't think anyone would want to play with others, so I had only made 1 spawn per team. Maybe try choosing different teams and see if you can both spawn in?
bluntzera 1 Feb, 2022 @ 3:35pm 
how can i play this map with a friend offline? is there a specific command needed?
❤ mantra  [author] 26 Jan, 2022 @ 5:59pm 
Not sure what green button you are talking about. You should be able to launch it from the "Workshop Maps" section on the play tab and then just wait for the warmup to end or type "mp_warmup_end" in console to end the warmup.
BlackBird 26 Jan, 2022 @ 12:02pm 
how to play the map now? I clicked on the green button
BlackBird 26 Jan, 2022 @ 12:00pm 