Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

214 ratings
Set Lighting Origin + Turn into dynamic prop tools
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Tool
File Size
5.181 KB
2 Sep, 2021 @ 1:27pm
25 Aug, 2023 @ 7:28am
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Set Lighting Origin + Turn into dynamic prop tools

In 1 collection by PenolAkushari
Simple GMod tools for animation/posing
4 items
2 tools

Set lighting origin:
Does what "ent_fire [first prop, one which will have its lighting origin changed] setlightingorigin [second prop, one which will be the lighting origin of the first one]" did.

First left click on an entity on which you want to switch light origin, then click on another prop that will be the lighting origin of the first prop. Video should help to understand what that actually does, as it is far better than trying to put it in words, lol.

Only seems to work for ragdolls and prop_effects (and prop_dynamic, which are basically the prop effects) It also will apply lighting origin to all parented/bonemerged entities of the entity it is being applied to.

Turn into dynamic prop:
Turns an entity into prop effect/dynamic prop, with the model of a previous entity. Previously it was used as a crutch for applying lighting origin to entities that would be bonemerged, but after some update it was turned obsolete, although I am keeping the tool around and made it turn stuff into prop effects with left click, and dynamic props with right click.

Prop_dynamic appears to be ignored by majority of gmod's tools, like weld, axis, and such constraints. some tools might not actually have filters, and so they'll work with it, like super parent multi or the bone merger.

Please do take note that you can't revert turning an entity into a dynamic prop.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
26 Aug, 2023 @ 3:57am
[BUG] When saving with a physics prop turned into a dynamic prop they disappear upon load
Wolƒe Strider Shoσter
1 May, 2023 @ 12:57pm
[BUG] Lighting origin doesn't work with saves
Wolƒe Strider Shoσter
Herron⁧⁧⁧Lord 1 Mar @ 7:04pm 
best strider fix 100%
PenolAkushari  [author] 1 Mar @ 1:44am 
does that happen with other addons disabled? you can quickly disable workshop addons from within the game, through "addons" on main menu, and also save currently enabled ones as a preset to enable them back up, just in case. though it is only "quickly" if your storage ain't dying
ßácõñ 1 Mar @ 1:40am 
"menu" as in, Showing you what buttons to push and what they do.
Example: Set Origin, top left corner just tells you name of tool. The info below is missing and when you click models, doesn't even register.
PenolAkushari  [author] 1 Mar @ 1:30am 
it had a menu?
ßácõñ 1 Mar @ 1:17am 
Seems this addon is broken
The menu doesn't even appear anymore.
Maj. Mestaic 15 Jul, 2024 @ 1:03pm 
It does work, turns out I was just very unlucky on where I placed stuff. it works fine. sry
PenolAkushari  [author] 15 Jul, 2024 @ 6:29am 
check it with just the tool enabled in construct just to make sure, tool should work, then try to hunt down what may be the conflicting stuff if tool works and you want to do that
Maj. Mestaic 15 Jul, 2024 @ 6:01am 
it could be the the maps shader, but I had the ragdoll in a lit area, clicked it then a prop, yeeted the prop in darkness and nothing happned. I did the same with the ragdoll in a dark area and prop in a light area and nothing changed, im gonna test another map tho
PenolAkushari  [author] 15 Jul, 2024 @ 12:00am 
moving the prop in differently lit areas of the map, or it's all within same-lit areas? iirc only map lights count, so no entity lights like lamps would transfer. though dunno about some of the lights from advanced light entities
Maj. Mestaic 14 Jul, 2024 @ 6:48pm 
so I used the light origin tool and it doesnt work. I spawn a ragdoll and a prop, click the ragdoll then the prop, then nothing happens. I move the prop around and nothing happens. what am i doing wrong?