No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

47 ratings
How to get lots of nanites fast.
By Moazzam
How to get lots of nanites from runaway mould. Around 20-30k per hour.
How to get lots of nanites fast.
Step 1: Find a planet which has curious deposits that have runaway mould. (Runway mould looks like brown balls and they usually spawn with 5-15 balls. Alternatively you could use your scanner and look for a symbol which has three stars and then go and see if it is runway mould). To try and increase you chances of finding a runaway mould planet, you could find a gek system that has a few planets (the more planets there are, the higher chance you have of finding runaway mould), warp to that system, use your scanner to check for any fungal mould and fly to that planet and continue with the steps below.

Step 2 (optional): try and find 2 runaway mould deposits that are roughly 600-1000 units away from each other and place a base computer in the middle.

Step 3: Set up a base near each runaway mould deposit and place down lots of medium/large refiners. You might want to build a platform to catch the runway mould because when you start to destroy them, they start to roll away.

Step 4 (optional): You might also want to set up short range teleporters between the two bases or even if you only have one base. I would recommend placing the teleporters 100-125 units away from each other and powering them with solar panels connect to batteries. If you only have one runway mould spot you should try and set up teleporters up to 500 units away from the mould spawning spot, this will make sure that the runaway mould respawns when you teleport far away enough.

Step 5: Gather the runaway mould from one deposit, place it all equally in the refiners and run (or teleport) to the other deposit.

Step 6: Collect the nanites from the refiners and keep repeating this until you have the amount of nanites that you wanted. (if the runaway mould does not re-spawn try going a bit further away).
Kitet 18 Oct, 2021 @ 2:12pm 
Yeah, curious deposits respawn if one moves away circa 1000 units from them.

Things to point out:
1: their color is not always brown, it can be yellow, teal, depends on the planet,
2: I saw up to 18 curious deposit 'balls' in one place, I'm not sure but I saw someone writing about 22 somewhere in the discussion forum,
3: Fastest way of mining them is to build a base in a way where they all roll into one place upon touch, where one's exocraft with an advanced mining laser can shoot. I usually build some form of rail from the low walls and place an exocraft behind it so the balls don't roll into it's laser's dead zone (too close). This is important, especially for survival and permadeath, inventory-constrained players. Allows to save weapon fuel and gives potentially more inventory space to put runaway mould before having to offload it to refiners.
hi_rich 14 Oct, 2021 @ 8:31am 
@Padadin Zephyzor I always use that method, tho it`s harder for me bc I always use VR Mode
ThePureVessel 19 Sep, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
lucky me
ThePureVessel 19 Sep, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
so i put my base at my spawn and i get 5 curious deposits and they are runaway mould
Shadylucious Fuchswell 18 Sep, 2021 @ 8:14am 
Does no one here use the Mystery Meat Stew to feed to Cronus method? Was getting about 1k every couple minutes that way.
Knight The Knight 16 Sep, 2021 @ 10:19am 
Another way to get naonites fast, also give good cred and other stuff.

Step 1: Go to all your recorded station by warping threw there teleporter and hord on all of them all the mision you can do, the best ones are kill a number of enemies, plant,scan, pirates, etc, just hoard them all.

Steam 2 for curency: buy the 3 espensive trading products in the station that are produce localy each time you warp, each time you warp to a station sell it all and buy all the products produce localy, rinse and repeat each time you warp while also hoarding misions.

Thats how you get masive amounts of credits or curency forgo there name rip, and also by hording misions you get a lot of naonites, creds, some expensive products, and other resources and materials, and in adition you get faction reputations, witch visiting the faction desk you get some rewards, and can take more harder and rewarding misions.
Corvid 10 Sep, 2021 @ 7:49am 
Thanks for this guide. I hadn't realized that you could get enough runaway mold from those curiosities to be worth it. I'll definitely pay attention next time I find some.
Moazzam  [author] 9 Sep, 2021 @ 10:28am 
Fair enough but I just prefer to do this method compared to buying and scrapping ships.
Kaduzhera 9 Sep, 2021 @ 9:43am 
But in the early game you neither need nanites too, only in the late game to maximize your spaceship and the multitool.
Moazzam  [author] 9 Sep, 2021 @ 9:38am 
That is also a good method but in the early game you might not have enough units to buy and sell ships or you might just not like to sell and buy ships.