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BaroTraumatic Explorer
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BaroTraumatic Explorer

Mod Summary

Hey so if you are reading this, let us have a little chat. As you may or may not know this mod is extremely deprecated at this point and is not being worked on to focus more effort into both Barotraumatic and Barotraumatic Nightmare. This used to be the softer but still brutal version of Barotraumatic, that mod and the Creature Pack have both been heavily worked on, tweaked and balanced to be both more forgiving for new players while still extremely dangerous and challenging for veterans.

I wanted to go with the old Vultures Eye or Stonesoup rogue likes (actual rogue likes mind you) where player agency has a hand in your demise more than luck of the draw via RNG. A lot of the times when you get killed in BT its going to be due to being unprepared rather than zerg rushed or stun locked. You could have thrown a simple flare and survived while enemies took the bait and you scooter away to get medical treatment, had better weapons,. just a bit more ammo or just simply not been over aggressive in your methods. You are going to come across situations that are extremely fatal like a hammerhead in a cave or gets inside the sub, however unlike even vanilla you will be able to fight back barely and possibly escape rather than constantly stunned. With this in mind is why I am not updating Explorer at the moment as I feel base Barotraumatic with or without No Battery for Headsets submod being refined to be the prime deep sea horror experience without trying to simultaneously develop a curated easy mode where you see a few extra fishii.

However I do feel Nightmare has a lot of potential and plan on revisiting that more in the future and as a place we can dump really out there horror related content as its not supposed to be harder or impossible but true to its name an actual nightmare to play, though yeah more monsters is part of it. - Draconis13

Now back to the old mod summery.

Do you want your under the ice experience to have more colorful creatures?

Finding the same bland monsters in the game too repetitive and uneventful?

Wanna see all kinds of cool legacy, original, and exciting creatures balanced under one concise mod?

Then this mod is for you!

If this is your first time playing BaroTraumatic, you're in the right place!

* Features
* Biomes
* Installing
* Other Creations


This is my WIP mod to increase the frequency and variety of monster spawns, ruins, wrecks, and missions.

No more uneventful missions, no more devoid caves, no more empty wrecks and ruins! Wrecks and large ruins will have enemies! Bring plenty of meds and ammo. Ruins are now the most reliable place to find alien materials and maybe a way to ascend past humanity...


Each biome has a unique with sets of creatures and varying difficulties that will encourage the player to counter or learn the underlying mechanics of each of them, your submarine, and maybe even use a little stealth to survive.


BaroTraumatic completely overhauls the radio system in the game. Distortions, interference, and even death can come from your usually safe headset, batteries not included!

There are 5 craftable radios to try out, each with their own unique features like noise cancelling and chemical battery!


TO USE THIS MOD, you need to download ONLY ONE VERSION OF BAROTRAUMATIC and then you can download the different creature packs that you want. They are not all required but are the available packs that work with Barotraumatic. Creatures from these mods are used in the events to add in more variety. Do not download the original versions of Xansmonsters1&2, Extended monsters, Monster test pack, Europa fishies and survivator plays as that will cause issues.

AbyssVeteran and other mods that edit the spawn-list, Event Manager, or Vanilla Afflictions must come below BaroTraumatic! It is generally safe now to put BaroTraumatic at the Top of your Load Order

BaroTraumatic and its dependencies/derivatives are safe to add and remove from any campaign at any time.

Other Creations

Need a Challenge? BaroTraumatic

Want a Bloodbath? BaroTraumatic Nightmare

Want to glow? Hazardous Reactor

Missing a shelf or junction box? BaroCraftables

My Dynamic Europa Map and Locationtype Overhaul

If you suffer from lag issues, I recommend Performance Fix by Evil Factory. There is a creature config that will allow you to increase FPS.

Big thanks to LordFrith and Udrakan for the random help, check out their stuff too if you like good mods. (ITA compatible but pure cancer and the images are using LordFriths biome overhaul, very pretty.)

Thanks to Sakura (Alien Queen) for the artwork!
现在由 DarthCY 翻译成中文
483 comentarios
Draconis🐊  [autor] 27 AGO a las 12:45 
no, its not updated and plans to do so are not in place.
Devil Zil Maker 26 AGO a las 21:19 
Mod friendly with exists saves?
Skar449 15 AGO a las 12:47 
I want to find cool diffrent creature with some fun quirks rather then a bullet spunge. that is what I hope this mod can be since I don't really like most weapon mods that add super powerful weapons with makes the vanilla weapons feel useless since i really like the default ones.
Mara 9 AGO a las 10:35 
It would be awesome to have mods for additional creatures that offer variety instead of straight up more difficulty (often accompanied by recommendations for stronger weapons mods).
Cakes 8 AGO a las 9:44 
Is this easier than Barotraumatic? I read the description but it doesn't explicitly say what the difference is...
Cynte 7 AGO a las 3:04 
Honestly just want all the fancy creatures without massive spawnrates. Vanilla mobs get stale after so many hours
Wodka 4 AGO a las 3:24 
Heaveness 2 AGO a las 9:24 
I usually prefer more Vanilla+ experience. The enemies are not tanky and have lower spawnrate. I just want to add to the overall game play experience by adding variety and challenge without annihilating the player.
Draconis🐊  [autor] 31 JUL a las 16:06 
Looking through the code, this hasn't been updated for awhile and not since I did the heavy reworks and clean up to BT in general. What do people expect from this mod over normal BT I wonder?
Opossum 21 JUL a las 15:19 
i miss this mod.