Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

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Max Payne 3 - FOV Fix -- Change FOV without breaking cutscenes or bullet/kill cams
By Methanhydrat
The Max Payne 3 - FOV Fix allows changing the base FOV (field of view) of Max Payne 3 without breaking cutscenes or bullet/kill cams.
The Max Payne 3 - FOV Fix allows changing the base FOV (field of view) of Max Payne 3 without breaking cutscenes or bullet/kill cams.

Download Sources:
Quick Start Guide:
  1. Extract all files to the game’s installation folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Max Payne 3\Max Payne 3\").
  2. Start the MaxPayne3FovFixGUI.exe to configure the mod (might require .NET runtime 3.1.0[]).
  3. Start the game as usual (e.g. through Steam).
  • Set base FOV for aiming and looking around
  • Preserves native FOV scaling of the game
  • Does not break cutscenes or bullet/kill cams
  • Simple to install, use and configure
Supported Versions
This mod is designed for the latest version of the game and might not be compatible with older or modified executables!
  • Steam