

62 ratings
Tips, tricks and advice
By Ewell
Some things I've learned in my time playing
Tips and Tricks and Advice
In my 356 hours of playing this game I've learned a few tricks and tips that I hope will be of some help to someone. I also feel I must clarify I play on normal, this may or may not work on other difficulties.

- Be careful with your starting money. You can burn through that one and a half million surprisingly quickly.

- As soon as the game starts. I begin construction of a second base.

- Two Foxtrots can shoot down anything short of a Battleship if you're keeping up with your explosives research and should be the backbone of your fleet until you get Marauders. You'll have to secure a fusion reactor from a carrier before you can research top tier explosives and won't be able to bring one down with only two until you do.

- When Cruisers start showing up, this is the point at which you should be researching Marauders and getting ready to start building them.

-Try to capture an alien facility intact as soon as you can. It's certainly a risk, but the base upgrade is valuable and the sooner you get it the better.

- Keep an eye out for news of aircraft being shot down. This means there's an interceptor in the area and your transports must stay grounded. Even if you can't see anything.

-Leaving a soldier on a transport pad allows you to block it. This allows you to move troops into position and prepare without anyone teleporting in and ambushing you.

- Mind control only seems to become a problem while inside a UFO and close to the alien psionics. As bizarre and counterintuitive as it may seem, having your soldiers put away their weapons is an effective way to dealing with it. Rely on grenades and/or equip and unequip weapons each turn. Teleporting in and out of a lower level seems to work.

-Any UFO with a fighter escort is likely either on a terror mission or a base attack should be your priority

- As callous as it is to say, don't try to save anyone or aggressively push forwards during a terror mission, you'll just get killed. Stay together, hole up and try to withstand the alien assault. With for the map to be revealed before you go hunting survivors and bring extra ammo, you'll likely need it.

-Give assault troops both a rifle and a shotgun/carbine and have them swap as needed. This can be a problem with the weight of wolf armour. Stronger, more experienced troops handle it better.

-Reapers will generally aggressively rush your starting position as the mission begins. Stay away from corners, door and any other blind spots and take position in an area with a clear unobstructed line of sight and watch them get gunned down as they try to rush you.

-Trading fire with aliens camped inside the command centre of larger UFOs can be a pain. Consider having heavy weapon troops simply shoot obstructions to nothing.

- Tail a UFO before engaging. This lets you start combat behind them and out of weapons range.
qestwriter 1 May @ 3:36pm 
Thank you!
Beastwolf1 19 Jul, 2023 @ 7:34am 
That last one's really nice advice
Somalian Pirate 29 May, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
thanks man really helped me out
892999 16 Mar, 2023 @ 1:14pm 