Imperator: Rome

Imperator: Rome

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True Mauryan Decline
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21 Aug, 2021 @ 12:39pm
24 Feb, 2022 @ 11:38am
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True Mauryan Decline

Not ironman achievement compatible.

This mod aims to put harsher penalties on the Mauryan Empire in the mid-game so it does not diminish the impact of the Seleucid Empire around the Mediterranean Sea.

  • Changes the Mauryan Abandoned Heritage; its trigger remains unchanged
  • Introduces a new Mauryan Decline Heritage; can and will be be triggered by the AI via decision after a certain date if Maurya exceeds a certain size


Maurya Heritage ("Heritage of Chandragupta")
  • no changes

Mauryan Abandoned Heritage (renamed from "Mauryan Decline" to “Wavering Maurya”)
  • Removed the lowered civil war threshold: This is actually not a negative modifier, as it will lead to laughably weak revolts that result in high character loyalty after it has been put down.
  • Added a passive character corruption increase: The base game introduces a decrease in monthly wages for characters, which is similar to lowering character wages in the economy tab that would normally lead to passive corruption.

Mauryan Decline Heritage (“Curse of Corruption”)
  • Maximum number of mercenaries +1
  • More noble happiness
  • Even lower character wages
  • Severe passive character corruption
  • Massive monthly province loyalty penalty

Historically, Maurya controlled most of India around the year 524 AUC = 230 BC. After that point in time, Maurya started losing territories until the ruling class was overthrown in the year 569 AUC = 185 BC. The Indo-Greek Kingdom was founded in 574 AUC = 180 BC.

The new heritage is triggered via a new decision that is available to Maurya after a certain date if it has passed a population threshold. My goal was to ensure that Maurya still had time to exert its influence over the entirety of India.
The AI will always enact the decision, a player can choose not to.

I tried to turn the Mauryan Decline heritage into a more extreme version: As government wages harshly drop, the ruling class is forced to turn to open corruption to make ends meet. The nobles enjoy buying more privileges via bribes. As the military becomes more and more loyal to their commanders, a higher presence of mercenary bands is required to maintain the status quo. Provinces grow increasingly unhappy with the ever present corruption and start to revolt.

A monthly province loyalty penalty of -5 will cause Maurya to fall and disappear within 30 years. It takes the AI that long to collapse because of a hidden buff introduced in Imperator 2.0: Every time an AI controlled province rises up in rebellion, every other province they control will receive a flat loyalty boost of +30. This was introduced by Paradox to balance out the vastly more aggressive AI in 2.0.

Mod Compatibility
  • If another mod changes the Mauryan Abandoned Heritage, the mod load order in the launcher will determine which mod takes precedence.

  • Version 1.*: Mauryan Abandoned Heritage was changed to give moderate penalties in the form of passive province disloyalty and character corruption. This would essentially "freeze" Maurya in time.
  • Version 2.*: Turned the Mauryan Abandoned Heritage into a "normal" heritage and introduced a new Mauryan Decline Heritage that will splinter Maurya by force.
Ramuné  [author] 5 Sep, 2021 @ 10:12am 
@Psierra7 Yes I have, but that mostly stems from my dislike towards half of the map turning Macedonian over time. However, Parthia would more or less just replace the Seleucid Empire, which wouldn't really affect gameplay in that region by much.
Psierra7 5 Sep, 2021 @ 7:50am 
Hi, have you thought on doing something similar with the seleucids? they are also very stable and have some interesting history behind their decline and can give room for Parthia to form, so if you are considering that for future refferences, you have my whole support.

By the way, it is great to see I'm not the only player complaining big AI ruled empires are annoyingly stable in the late game, especially when you are playing with rather minor countries, so thanks for making this mod!
Khaos 4 Sep, 2021 @ 4:03am 
thank you, you save my life
Ramuné  [author] 4 Sep, 2021 @ 4:01am 
@Khaos The event is called "dhe_buddhism.6" and is located in \events\dhe\dhe_buddhism.txt
Khaos 4 Sep, 2021 @ 3:29am 
hello. i like your mod and i search the mauryan decline event. you know in what txt file in event folder i can find it? thanks by advance
Ramuné  [author] 24 Aug, 2021 @ 9:08am 
@Pieman That is quite a coincidence, but it is interesting to hear how you handled their decline.

Speaking of decline, I more or less overhauled this mod to make it work a little different - I did not like how the previous version just froze Maurya in time. You should now be able to see Maurya expand deep into India before entering a state of decline.
Pieman 23 Aug, 2021 @ 4:04pm 
It's strange that you have made this mod, because I uploaded this very mod to Paradox's website about 19 hours before you. I even named it "True Mauryan Decline".

To be honest, you've probably did a better job of it than I did. I'm just glad that there are other people that think this mod is necessary. I'm sick of seeing Maurya going off conquering Crimea!

The values that I used are a little different to yours though. I decreased monthly stability, provincial loyalty, increase wages, reduced levy size, and decreased the rate that manpower replenishes. I honestly can't believe we made the same mod on the same day!
Ramuné  [author] 23 Aug, 2021 @ 6:56am 
@AggaWackTan Depends on the load order. Since Invictus changes the heritage in question as well, you'd have to make sure that my mod is loaded in last for it to have any effect.
AggaWackTan 23 Aug, 2021 @ 4:54am 
I literally just checked the workshop praying a mod like this would be here and it is thanks so much.

Is this compatible with Invictus? And would it be possible to reduce the provincial loyalty to say maybe +20 instead of 30? I don't mind the loyalty bonus but in the hands of th Mauryans it's just a headwreck as they always beat up on Selucids, Parthia and Bactria.
Balajohn 23 Aug, 2021 @ 4:05am 
This was so much needed ty!