Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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(在黃昏時) At the gloaming (v2 fixed)
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Add Fix Stringtable Author: 浮夸少年(Exaggerated boy) 這張地圖不是我創建的。 這張地圖是一個名叫「浮誇少年」的人創作的...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake)
Yaratıcı: 遗世紫丁香
This version improves from last version. Major changes: Added plot voices and cut-off animation Added boss Sirin Split into 3 levels Added extra map Map name: h3c6m1, h3c6m2, h3c6m3 Animations, voices, models and textures are mainly extracted from Honkai I...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake) Resource Pack Part.1
Yaratıcı: 遗世紫丁香
This is the resource pack of <Honkai 3rd Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon>, containing materials, sounds, models and particles...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake) Resource Pack Part.2
Yaratıcı: 遗世紫丁香
This is the resource pack of <Honkai 3rd Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon>, containing materials, sounds, models and particles....
《Home Town》v1.62Custom weapon
Yaratıcı: 王八蛋老板黄鹤
《故乡》正在准备重新上传,其中会包括一些地图小更新和更好属性的自定义武器包~ Hometown is preparing to be re uploaded, which will include some map updates and custom weapon packs with better attributes~ ******************************************************************************** This subscr...
18th Street (Campaign)
Yaratıcı: gambit
This is my first map and I adapted my neighborhood. There are a total of 3 maps and there might be a lot of tanks. If you find a bug, please tell me ...
1987 Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
Yaratıcı: Deep Thunder
EDIT 6/14/2022: I don't recommend playing this map. However, If you're a fan of FNaF, you may find certain enjoyment out of this. To emphasize: there are no checkpoints, a reasonable balance, and the map likes to crash a lot. As much as I'd love to go back...
Yaratıcı: 爱都有罪love
增城2制作交流群 222803934...
2019 (Anniversary Edition)
Yaratıcı: DasMaddi
The future is here. And it's not looking good. Remastered for Left 4 Dead 2's 10-year anniversary, with overhauled visuals and gameplay improvements! Travel through an overrun apartment complex, through San Marino's riverfront, and wind up in Xen-Corp's of...
2019 (Classic Edition)
Yaratıcı: PopTheseFools
Previous version 3.2 with original rescue event, for those who miss it. This works as separate addon, you don't need to choose between editions, you can keep both. Here's Anniversary Edition. Permission granted. Creators: DasMaddi & Mckelio23 ...
25 To Life: A Co-Op and VS campaign.
Yaratıcı: Gaming2
After breaking into Western State Pen, the survivors are knee deep in zombies spawned from societies outcasts. Does a victim's personality affect their behavior post infection? Dig into this Co-Op and Versus campaign....
4 Sided Coin
Yaratıcı: ChimiChamo
You found your escape, an airliner right back to civilisation. But did you really think getting on a plane in a zombie apocalypse would end well? INSTALL THE ASSETS IN THE REQUIRED ITEMS SECTION BEFORE PLAYING Would not recommend playing the first map with...
7 Hours Later II
Make your way through the forest to airport! Special thanks to: - Aynekko (AGRESSOR) for built this great campaign to L4D1 and give to me permission to convert it to L4D2. - Marcos Outsider from "Project Detonado" YT channel for thumbnail. - Xanaguy and Ra...
Yaratıcı: Tinai
原来在工坊发了个m1叫秘密点,觉得太土了,正好之前做过个黑迷雾,懒得起名字,所以成品直接叫白迷雾了,图中没有雾,图与图名不符,图名只是图个乐。 第二关第三关门外门内可能都有4个包,因为测试的时候有人反馈安全屋不刷包。 有bug随缘修吧,收款码也是图一乐。 地图无敌点bug很多,可能影响游玩体验 The following is the machine translation above .Casually titled,Easy map Originally, I sent an M1 called sec...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Yaratıcı: 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
黄昏时刻2re At the gloaming Ⅱ RE
Yaratıcı: 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第三部】 直升机驾驶员被感染,飞机坠毁在北方边境的城市,幸存者们跟随军方撤离的路线,一路穿过穿过城市、森林、城镇到达通往北方的大桥,赶上最后一架直升机。 建图命令 第一关:map m1_city_outpost 第二关:map m2_through_forest 第三关:map m3_fled_town 第四关:map m4_north_bridge 【已停止更新】...
黄昏时刻re At the gloaming RE
Yaratıcı: 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第一部】 军队和CEDA开始撤出城市,幸存者向城市郊区出发,穿过城市街道,乘坐火车到达沙漠竞技场寻找救援。 地图代码 map watercity_re map watercityii_re map town_re map arena_re 【已停止更新】...
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life.. Experts suggest not to be alone, but to go together.The process is not long, but there are many things to do...
迷途-Lost Way
Yaratıcı: k1.听诗静夜分
首先,感谢大康老师、烈锋老师以及搭图大佬们的帮助ov o 背景:病毒传播的速度远比人们预想的要快,一夜之间,死亡的气息便已笼罩全城。摆在幸存者眼前似乎只有两条出路:投靠军方或是自力更生。而经历过军方背叛的四人组,显然选择了后者。一番探讨后,他们决定向郊区进军,寻求在郊区一处仓库的朋友的帮助。沿途,他们将穿越军方层层封锁、漫步在毫无生机的河畔、在破旧的地下设施中蹒跚前进......不过眼下,逃离这栋危险的旅馆才是当务之急..... 作者的话: 本图是作者的第一张图,从零开始断断续续搭了一年左右,技术可能相对还...
南宁市-蝴蝶桥NanningCity_Hudieqiao v1.1
Yaratıcı: HerobrineAce
/////////////////// - 这是一张只有一关的地图,支持战役模式和生还者模式 - 它是我刚刚学做图的时候做的,还原南宁-科德桥,当然不是很像,叫蝴蝶桥好了 - 我已经花费一天修复了已知BUG,希望你能玩的开心 - 战役Map butterfly_bridge 生还者模式Map butterfly_bridge survival //////////////////// - This is a map with only one level, which supports coop mode ...
生还之锋-重制版(fos_remake) V6
Yaratıcı: Aiden锋锋
6.0调整了药的位置,使之不会刷在非主要道路中,修复了对抗下一部分不同模式的触发会冲突导致的bug。 全新的生还之锋地图,可以和旧版共存。更新点和特性详见介绍: 视频介绍: --------------------------------- B站介绍视频 --------------------------------- 总体调整: 1,所有关卡支持战役,药役,对抗模式 2,药役和对抗模式的坦克数量固定为1,救援为2 3,所有关卡的广告纹理进行了焕然一新的重置 4,增加了大量的彩蛋和隐藏内容 5,修改了关卡...
特殊任务2(special task 2)4.0
Yaratıcı: 晨晨
Survivors'plane crashed in the middle of the way. They crashed into a desert. But it wasn't a desert. It was just a desert after the city was deserted. They accidentally entered a mysterious building. They went into a research center in ceda. They caught s...
停留在彼岸的夏天1 V3.1
Yaratıcı: 彼岸花
地图信息: 把以前的作品【彼岸】小修复一下,排序缝合起来的作品(没错,我副业是炒米粉的),未完成作品不定期更新... 提示:本地图可游玩时间短&非正常地图&非风景向地图,介意慎入。有地图问题可以评论区留言,有能力修复会去修 提示:本地图提示基本全在聊天框内提示,需要注意部分服务器端可能会屏蔽该消息! 地图代码: map summer01_0 map summer01_1 map summer01_2 map summer01_3 更新信息: 2023/10/21 V2.2 更新:缝合M1&M2完成; 202...
雪迷雾(Snow mist)
Yaratıcı: Tinai
简单的两关图,还没做完,不用在意地图名称,只是不想起,契合之前做过上传的地图而已。 比较垃圾,随便玩玩就好, 不喜欢也不要喷我,喷我就哭。 Simple map. Don't care about the name of the map. 2 maps,not finished,to continue. 无限期停更,在做别的新图,或者去我主页体验别的垃圾图 Stop updating indefinitely, working on a new map,Or go to my page to experie...
血港:重生 Desperate Escape
Yaratıcı: 秋风扶麦*
【黄昏时刻系列第二部】 他们的游艇已经燃料耗尽,被迫停靠在了北方的一个港口,发现这里不仅有军方的踪迹,还有无数的感染者...离开码头吊装区,穿过住宅区,进入砂石场军方撤离点。 建图命令 第一关:map hoisting_area 第二关:map port_town 第三关:map gravel_field 【已停止更新】...
Yaratıcı: JohNny.R
大更新,可以打专家了,大大的缩减了地图包的大小,修复了一些bug,美化了一点点环境,删除了自定义武器。物资在屋子里多找找(冰箱里)图内含有止痛药及M60和女巫MOD开房前请打好防冲突 开启机关前可以先看看地形做好防御尸潮的准备。第二关门钥匙在电动车屋子喷子的屌上。最后感谢各位的赞助,感谢长远の梦远程指导,谢谢。另外不要玩老版本了。 ...
A Baltic Tale
Yaratıcı: Grobi
The villagers on the Baltic Sea were wating for Christmas as every year. But this time it wasn't Santa who came down the chimney... ...And what exactly came out of it was quite shadowy. Soon the creatures whispered through the entire settlement, and there ...
A Dam Mission
Yaratıcı: Motanum
This is the normal version that is available on l4dmaps.com! Be sure to know, I am working on an update based on everyone's feedback! (Update, not true, I ampursuing other proyects. Sorry) --------------------------------- About the Forest of Errors - Than...
A Qualia Macabre (v2.1)
Yaratıcı: Evil
The overlords of these grim places do not want you to leave, but you have no plans of staying. Fight your way through hellish pits and nightmares to find a way out. // This campaign is based around exploring different levels of a nightmare. The coloring an...
Aftershock by Imitate
Yaratıcı: {aic}
The four survivors have been hiding in a bunker, until mother nature decided to interfere. Earthquakes make hiding in the bunker dangerous, so they move out to the nearest safe spot....
Yaratıcı: 阿澤
Alien Plague
Yaratıcı: Skorly
#MapLabsL4D2A This campaign was made for the Map Labs LEFT 4 DEAD 2: ABRIDGED mapping competition. Mappers were tasked with making a shorter version of an already existing campaign, and cramming the memorable bits into a mini campaign. I choose to abridge ...
Alley War (1.2)
Yaratıcı: 桃李果树
The alley is the only way to escape the city. ========================================================================================== This is my fist original campaign, simple routes and random routes, have fun! If you find any bugs, please remind me in...
Area of the Dead 2
Yaratıcı: Alice sentence
It's a four-chapter map of the battle, telling the story of survivors leaving town, heading for the football field and fleeing by helicopter. Although there are four chapters, but in fact the journey is not long, almost all of the journey in the dark, ente...
Arena of the Dead
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Escort your companions across town and over the roof tops to the Arena Hold off the legions of zombies until the Rescue Chopper arrives Credit to J Sera https://worlds.fortinbras.net/left4dead2_arena2.html (There might be Time Lord related plans for this o...
Arena of the Dead 2 v5 by J.Sera
Escort your companions across town and over the rooftops to the Arena. Hold off the legions of zombies until the Rescue Chopper arrives. ...
Asphalt Jungle
Asphalt Jungle is small open world-like map, with 3 variations, a survival and scavenge mode. Its centered around a building and other 4 with open rooftops and alleyways to explore, to fight the infected however you might choose. To find a path you must na...
Avenidas Alpha(Peru)
Yaratıcı: StivenMaster
Campaña de dos capitulos basado en locaciones de Peru o Latinoamerica,algunas construcciones(casas) fueron hechos por Amauta collective, el mod esta en una fase temprana, por lo que podria haber errores, pero es jugable, pronto se podra jugar en mas modos ...
Back To Ravenholm V5.1
Yaratıcı: IllusivePie
Mayday, Mayday! Our plane crashed! Damn it! I can't believe the pliot was infected. Oh,God bless him! We need to go to Ravenholm - the only little town! Cvar: map backtoravenholm_v5_01 ............................................... map backtoravenholm_v5_...
Badwater Basin Part 3
Yaratıcı: Ł④Ð
Importan: You need to have the 3 parts of this map to work it very well here Part1: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890949247 here Part2: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890953437 This is an unadvertised Silent U...
Badwater Basin Part1
Yaratıcı: Ł④Ð
Importan: You need to have the 3 parts of this map to work it very well Here part2: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890953437 here Part3: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890962302 This is an unadvertised Silent U...
Badwater Basin Part2
Yaratıcı: Ł④Ð
Importan: You need to have the 3 parts of this map to work it very well Here Part1: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890949247 Here Part3: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=890962302 This is an unadvertised Silent U...
Be just round the corner
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: shimizuyui and -刻骨铭心- 清水 ...
beaver's place
Yaratıcı: Grobi
Take it as an epilogue. You are already sitting inside the escape vehicle but your travel is interrupted by a broken dam. Get out and hike through a flooded recreation site once known as beaver's place... I have to thank the following persons. You all help...
Yaratıcı: Mashed torpedoes
Beldurra takes the survivors through three new maps, traversing the already-ruined city of Beldurra. They must fight their way to a river-side salvage yard to escape. Features multiple/alternate routes, new game mechanics (like building pipe bombs and molo...
Beyond Dead (V6)
Yaratıcı: Evil
-Welcome to Deadsville- They thought they had escaped once they boarded the helicopter and took to the air. Until a large object struck the side of the helicopter. Was it a tank rock? No, it couldn't have been. The answer was quickly revealed as the moment...
Big Wat
Yaratıcı: Awarets
Combining levels from Wat Mania and Big Room, Big Wat is a five-chapter campaign which is playable in both co-op and versus. One chapter is also playable in Survival, and two chapters are playable in Scavenge. You play as the L4D2 Survivors in this campaig...
Black City (Fixed)
Yaratıcı: TimelordMagnums357v1
Your stuck in the middle of Podunkville North Cackolacki transitioning from one town to another, and once again, you must make your way out of there! The campaign consists of 5 maps, Forest, First Town, Department, Dark Park, and Garage. Each having it?s o...
Black Mesa Campaign [Update 1.3]
Yaratıcı: Knee
Play the original maps ported from Half-Life: Source in Left 4 Dead 2. Going from Anomalous Materials to We Got Hostiles. File Size: 387.56 MB due to lots of Half-Life: Source assets ** Please comment if there are any missing textures ** Some known issues:...
Black Mesa: Fallouts v2.0c
Yaratıcı: 7ᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛᴲ
Welcome back to Black Mesa, this time you'll be joining the L4D1 survivor on their way to find evacuation. From the last Half-Life campaign port, Undertow, I've made more use of the func_instance entity, which allow me to place group of prop like explosive...
Black Mesa: Undertow [v2.0]
Yaratıcı: Order_Squamata14
A little campaign made by General Ecchi on Gamebanana, ported to Steam Workshop with his permission. "This is a Half-Life Source map port, made as I started learning Hammer. Tried to create my original map, but took the entire week to make a small one that...
Black Mist
Yaratıcı: Tinai
The town has been shrouded in black mist. Escape! 小镇被迷雾笼罩,赶紧逃脱! 这是我第一次尝试做冲锋的救援,可能会有bug,希望你们玩的开心。 特别鸣谢,烈峰老师,ty老师,晨浅虪醒 已经更新1.2版本,如果有bug和建议可以继续提,后续会统一继续修改。 Version 1.1 has been updated. If there are bugs and suggestions, you can continue to put forward them, ...
Blackout Basement
Yaratıcı: Jackie
A trip through the underground of a city to reach a train station for evacuation. This campaign is base on the industrial side of Philadelphia, with the original survivors. There are few optional crescendos in the campaign including light generators. Eithe...
Blackout L4D2 V4 Updated
Yaratıcı: Someone
This map was originally created by Wixard back in 2009. I have always wanted to play this on L4D2 so I ported it over and fixed all the bugs that I could find. NOTE: Map 1 has a new and different Convenience Store event, I have removed the original Van eve...
Blight Path
Yaratıcı: Lou Saffire
Lou Saffire presents... After leaving America in Dead Air, Bill and the gang find themselves locked in on a 'Blight Path' over Beijing. First play turn game instructor on. if you get missing assets add this mod please http://www.gamemaps.com/details/8719 C...
Yaratıcı: Kryogen
This Is All Going To Hell GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/26649 Map Info: -L4D1 Characters -Enable Hints -2nd & 3rd map inspired by Scarlet Nexus -Red Sky -2 Easter Eggs Map Console Code: Map1: btm1_apartment Map2: btm2_construction Map3: btm3_h...
Blood Orange (by Irish)
Yaratıcı: Jaku Cfg
Originally this is a simple campaign for L4d1 containing 5 chapters with support only for versus so in mutations it may have errors. Edit the addoninfo file to send new people to this download link in the middle of the game Important: This campaign is not ...
Blood Proof
Yaratıcı: Yanzl
Survivors find themselves near a lake and they must fight their way through town... ...
Blood Tracks Official
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Final version 4 4 Map campaign, new weapons, new music Supports all modes including scavenge and survival Single VPK version from "Game Maps" community dated July 3, 2012 I was an official tester for Warlock Psychologist (my name is in the campaign) https://...
Blood Woods APOCALYPSE by Rombu with Nav Fix by 3ipKa*
Our 4 survivors try to exterminate all zombies and survive this poopoo apocalypse! This was my port first. The other versions were crashing. 6 map campaign. ...
Yaratıcı: Kryogen
Inspired by Bloodborne Info: -l4d1 characters -Enable Hints -Custom Sounds -Custom Songs GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/30667 Credits: I do not own anything I used, all rights belong to the creators. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...
Bloody Sunday by NXN and NZN
5 maps thru the countryside, city, and up to the airfield escape. Zombie club going up, on the bloody day of rest! ...
Blue Heaven
Yaratıcı: Grumpy
It's very blue. This is the antidote to the map called ORANGE HELL. This map is blue and grey all over, very dull to look at, is long, boring, nothing exciting to do or see. I'd play ORANGE HELL if I were you, that is short, exciting and has lovely bright ...
Blue Heaven Long Version
Yaratıcı: Grumpy
Please don't complain that its too long, its meant to be. After you've finished this map you won't want to play another game for the rest of the week. I have re-instated Map 2 and split Map 5 into two parts, so now there are a total of 6 maps. All the maps...
BOT - Battle with Ogress Toys
Yaratıcı: Grobi
"We are at the big house!" Coach says it right. The 3 map campaign tries to enchant you with the charm of its hand-painted textures and mouth-blown models. It impresses with blabla and and a lot of farblbarbl. Nah! Why should I describe something in adult ...
Broken Hand / 断手
Yaratıcı: 三管会给出答案
Broken Hand / 断手 version:1.1 (2022/6/3 12:26) coop map: bh_z_m1 bh_z_m2 bh_z_m3 bh_z_m5 ...
Bummer Camp
Yaratıcı: austimerr
The survivors have a rescue boat waiting but circumstances demand they head there on foot. Sure, the path takes them through an abandonded summer camp but that shouldn't be too bad..right? Fight the hordes as you experience this highly detailed and organic...
Yaratıcı: Winiloo
This is my second campaing map, the bunker and rooftop scape maps have no relation between them, it was my attempt to make a helicopter scape, so sorry about that. My Ko-fi Link if you want to support me: ko-fi.com/winiloo...
Burning Bridges
Yaratıcı: Tacarish
A dreamy showcase of the bridges of the apocalypse, made for the Map Labs Abridged competition. #MapLabsL4D2A...
Burning Down Under by AXE
No end video yet. Play time 1hour, For some videos on BDU... look for "Axe Axee youtube" , They may help you. The ending is not finished, what's there is only to end the game for now. Hint... when you start go straight ahead for more guns. ...
Burning Night
Yaratıcı: JohnnyRamoneBR
Stranded in a recently infected city, the survivors must cross streets and buildings to find a way out of this burning hell of a city....
Burning Night Fixed
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: JohnnyRamoneBR Stranded in a recently infected city, the survivors must cross streets and buildings to find a way out of this burning hell of a city. ...
Yaratıcı: AXE
If you are new to L4D2 this game is not for you maybe. 5 Maps after L4D2 game which I still think is the best team game ever.. The Maps were ment to be the first of each new level with 3 or 4 levels for each. Note # This game is not easy to get through fir...
Cambalache - Buenos Aires
Yaratıcı: Roku
*ROKU: Level design - Custom props and textures *KEVKAS: Main tester - Gameplay tips *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies and props *SERGI: Tester - Custom L4D1 deadbodies A lot of people helped me, from scripters to 3D artists. Even working with The Last St...
Cambalache 2
Yaratıcı: Roku
*ROKU: Level design - Custom music, props and textures *KEVKAS: Main tester - Gameplay tips *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies and props *SERGI: Tester - Custom L4D1 deadbodies *MAXI MORALES: Musician - Custom intro music (tango themed) A lot of people hel...
Cape Murder port l4d1 by SpideyAJ
Yaratıcı: {aic}
You MUST remove any version of 'They Did What?' before installing 'Cape Murder.' Your hapless band of misfits picked the mouth of this creek to land their sinking dingy. You hoped for safety. Welcome to disappointment village, population YOU! Attention! na...
Carnage L4D2 by MLB Marko
Fight your way out of this hell... Anything is better than living in dark sewers... The hardest campaign of all... You will never survive! ...
Carried Off
Yaratıcı: Fabien
Carried Off created by Yanzl. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2230 Carried Off Version: 2.5 (Complete) Last Updated: 09/03/10 Released: 09/03/10 Author: Yanzl Publisher: yanzl Maps: 4/4...
Carried Off by Yanzl
The survivors find themselves stranded near a riverbed and follow a road in to the town. Then they must fight non-stop to the top of an office building where the rescue helicopter awaits them! Map is NOT compatible with any other version of Carried Off. St...
Ceda Fever
Yaratıcı: tv/DamonTvv
Ceda Fever CEDA is nowhere to be found. The survivors are forced to traverse back through the city to the next nearby evac center. The Union Tech building. They'll have to traverse over rooftops, abandoned streets and trashed apartments to get there. Will ...
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Unmodified from Game Maps On the list of potential Time Lord fixes and improvements Even if this was already uploaded, this is a legit original version No unecessary edits or changes, completely intact original We may improve upon this with fixes if necess...
Yaratıcı: Vegito666Potara
This file was downloaded from GameBanana.com Uploader: Boing Author: Boing...
Centro Mall by Bada-Boing
The survivors crashed their helicopter and they must fight through a mall to a watery escape. There was no sound.cache file. The one custom model had the wrong extension - FIXED. All the images for the maps and the campaign outro poster fixed. Added laser ...
Chernobyl: Chapter One
Yaratıcı: Av3ris
Hotfix v.1.0.6: - Fixed stringtable for first map Hotfix v.1.0.5: - Adjusted difficulty level for all maps (now less spawns) - Higher item spawn rate - Random lockers now almost always spawn something - Fixed some minor nav-mesh errors - Improved performan...
City 17
Yaratıcı: Mrs. Puss
Please, check out my HL2 movie! "Seven hour war" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVuqIuCCpT8 == Take a deadly walk through the City 17, straight from Half-Life 2 ep 1. Fight your way from the very bottom of the town to the trainstation and... well, escape. ...
City of the Dead Classic
Yaratıcı: KingDavid
This campaign has been remade, it is highly recommended you download the remake here instead. This version is the original, classic version of the campaign and is not as polished as the remake. The Survivors leave their hiding spot in a set of apartments a...
City of the Dead Redux (Part 1 of 2)
Yaratıcı: KingDavid
Due to Workshop limitations the campaign had to be split up into 2 parts in the latest update, if you experience any issues (missing textures/models) ensure you are subscribed to both parts. https://i.imgur.com/A7Hqrbi.png City of the Dead Redux is a remak...
City of viruses
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life. There is nothing complicated, only killing, and finally calling the ground to open the button and waiting for help....
Clamtoll: A Death Toll Remix by Valve and MyClam--
Longer, darker, wetter, and harder than ever before! Relive Death Toll from a new perspective as the L4D2 survivors hunt for their lives!!! It's a remake of the classic Death Toll Campaign for L4D1. However, this isn't one of those cheap conversions that s...
Yaratıcı: Blood_Wraith
Current version: V 1.2 Make sure to enable game instructor in options > multiplayer menu for important objective and key item text. Claustrophobia (Once named "The Sewer") is a converted Half-Life 2 mod made by me. This campaign features seven maps startin...
Coald Blood 2 Ext. Mashup v2.6
Yaratıcı: TimelordMagnums357v1
Another fun Timelords mashup consisting of 8 maps - Abandon Hope - Dookie Bot, 10000 ft Under - Nigel Moran, Breakline - Drunkugly, and Coald Blood - Hunter McJesus). Our crew land at an over run military base and have to work their way through the country...
Continue to escape
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life.. Although the process is not long, it is thrilling....
Country Roads NC Mashup (Fixed) v3.7
Yaratıcı: TimelordMagnums357v1
Our survivors find themselves in NC. Some of the hickest, backwards, walmart attending zombies they have ever encountered. This map is a mashup of a campaign called Country Roads by President George Bush, a tie in map from Field of the Dead by Skodhippie, ...
Crossing Over by Splenomegally
Here is a great 5 mapper from the land of L4D1. Created and designed TOTALLY by Splenomegally. This is actual version 2.0. The survivors are traveling in a CEDA convoy heading west and were diverted to a evacuation center in rural Idaho. Before they reach ...
Yaratıcı: Lurkers
Campaign with train escape vehicle. 20 minute playtime across two maps. --------- Mission --------- It's showtime! Survivors begin barricaded inside the offices of 'Dedgud Games', situated in a small town in England, UK. After receiving a radio message det...
Culling of Azeroth
Yaratıcı: Fug
UNFINISHED warcraft themed campaign from 2017. I'd planned to create a full campaign which would have you journey through Azeroth in different zones but sadly due to number of problems I had to abandon the project. This first map was pretty much 100% compl...
Cure 2 by Hitten Z Dirten
Yaratıcı: {aic}
Our survivors crash land delivering "The Cure" to the lab... but the infected find it first... and we must get it back! Follow-on to the original campaign....
Cursed and Babbling Mashup
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Our survivors start out rummaging a hospital for supplies before venturing forward through several city adventures only to end up in a nightmare called Babel. Their otherworldly escape is something else. This campaign is a combination of 7 maps from 4 diff...
Cursed City Fixed
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Marcusyaho Transported to the hospital to get cure, our survivors are left behind at the hospital and need to find a way to contact the military for help. I have not made any mods for l4d2 for over 4 years. This campaign, I think, started off good,...
Cursed World [BETA] 2.3
Yaratıcı: ClipoDEL
ENG The survivors find themselves in a mysterious world affected by an unknown curse. Will they be able to make it to the end and unravel the mystery of this place? -------------------------------------------------- What's new in this version? The first ca...
Dam It (Buried by the Flood) [Official]
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Turtle Rock Studio's last Left 4 Dead campaign that was never finished. Dam It stitches Dead Air and Blood Harvest together....
Dam It [Remastered]
Yaratıcı: AtomicCat404
Dam It is an unfinished campaign for Left 4 Dead that was made by the original creators of Left 4 Dead, Turtle Rock Studios. Dam It stitches Dead Air and Blood Harvest together. First map begins at night, and third ends in the morning. This is my version o...
Dam it 2! The Director's Cut
Yaratıcı: Anna Howell
Much longer first map with a longer walk in through the forest. Cross the bridge and enter the opposite side of the Dam complex then head back across the water and in to the main complex up the elevator and to the top of the Dam for a bespoke finale. This ...
Dam It Complete
Yaratıcı: AkiraTea
TRS's last Left4Dead campaign that was never finished, now completed to a more finished state by DGB. Dam It stitches Dead Air and Blood Harvest together. The C130 makes an emergency landing at a small rural airport and the survivors need to find a new way...
Dam It: Buried by the Flood by Turtle Rock Studios
The surivors head to the hydro electric dam to find escape form the apocalypse. This is the original version from Turtle Rock Studios modded by Sherriff Huckleberry from November 6, 2016 thru the November 16, 2016, versions 1.0 through this final version o...
Damn train
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends will have a good time and focus on leisure and entertainment. The overall difficulty is not great, and the process is not long. You can relax your nervousness....
Damned city by berger 'keldorn" and Mike_HDF port l4d1
Yaratıcı: {aic}
The survivors armored truck has ran out of fuel near I-76 in Pennsylvania. The survivors must detour to a nearby town to find help to get to Riverside. You start in a small village and you fight your way through hundreds of zombies to a military base which...
Damned city v5.0 Fixed
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: berger 'keldorn" The survivors armored truck has ran out of fuel near I-76 in Pennsylvania. The survivors must detour to a nearby town to find help to get to Riverside. You start in a small village and you fight your way through hundreds of zombies...
Dark Blood 2 (Coop & Versus)
Yaratıcı: CastorJudo
The survivors drifted at sea and a tankership seems deserted. But it's filled with infected. The survivors must try to restart the tankership motor, if they want to join the oil plateform where a helicopter was heading. have fun. 4 maps campaign map 1 : Ta...
Dark Carnival: Remix
Yaratıcı: NF
Dark Carnival: Remix is a redesign of Dark Carnival that remakes the layout and adds new areas and events in Whispering Oaks to explore. Beta content has also been brought to life and restored throughout the maps. See the Tunnel of Love with flowing water,...
Dark Tide 3.0
Dark Water Fixed
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: JohnnyRamoneBR Fix Stringtable Smalltown After crashing their bus, the survivors must cross swamps and towns to find a way out of this hell....
Dark Waters
Yaratıcı: JohnnyRamoneBR
After crashing their bus, the survivors must cross swamps and towns to find a way out of this hell....
Dawn of the Living Dead (1978 George A. Romero )
Yaratıcı: ★ FiDEL GATRO ★
https://i.imgur.com/jjB4vEE.png IMPORTANT!!! This is campaign map was made to play in George A. Romero DEAD MODE, so you can crash/bug or others errors without it. Click on the image to download page GARDM. http://i.imgur.com/EVuv2b1.png Based on George A....
Day Break (Campaign)
Yaratıcı: DannBo
It's been a long road since I started this project shortly before Left 4 Dead 2 came out, but I'm happy to share with you my custom campaign: Day Break! Campaign Description: The survivors must escape San Francisco before the military bombs it! After their...
Day Break (v3 Classic)
Yaratıcı: DannBo
This is the Version 3 of the campaign Day Break which was listed on the workshop for a while before the May 2021 update, for those that still wish to play the older version. The maps and scripts have been renamed so that this version can be installed concu...
Day Break Easter Egg Visuals Remover
Yaratıcı: DannBo
This optional addon replaces the trippy visual color corrections in the Day Break "easter eggs" with a simple minimal tint for players who find the changing colors uncomfortable, annoying, or otherwise unpleasant, but still want to play with the easter egg...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 1 of 5
Yaratıcı: Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "CJ" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mod for Left ...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 2 of 5
Yaratıcı: Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "CJ" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mod for Left ...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 3 of 5
Yaratıcı: Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "CJ" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mod for Left ...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 4 of 5
Yaratıcı: Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "CJ" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mod for Left ...
Dead before Dawn DC / Part 5 of 5
Yaratıcı: Darth Brush
You will arrive at a carefully created Crossroads Mall where an ever charming security guard called "Hank Kowalski" will send you on a wild zombie hunt. With over 300 mb of custom music, 200 mb of new mission vocals, Dead before Dawn is the most complex mo...
Dead Center Abridged
Yaratıcı: Moderator Of Tacos
Ever wanted to play your favorite campaign but Mom just told you she's gonna unplug the Xbox in 5 minutes because it's a school night? Well, with this brand new version of Dead Center you can skip that helicopter intro, and get from the burning building to...
Dead Center: Christmas Edition (Part 1)
Yaratıcı: AtPuzzlePieDM
(CLICK ANY PART TO VISIT THAT CAMPAIGN!) https://i.imgur.com/9VNWObw.png https://i.imgur.com/AvYpWEK.png https://i.imgur.com/romKZkz.png https://i.imgur.com/I6X802Y.png This winter holiday brings a freezing and festive Dead Center campaign with a Christmas...
Dead Center: Rebirth
A remake campaign of Dead Center (My first work) 죽음의 센터 리메이크 맵입니다. 첫작이라 부족한 부분이 많을 수도 있습니다. 버그 제보나 건의사항은 댓글이나 제 프로필 댓글에 써주시면 검토하도록 하겠습니다....
Dead City 2 (official)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Kill plenty of zombies starting in RiverSide Battle through the Back Alleys, over a Draw Bridge, at a Military Outpost Find yourself at a Water Plant and during the escape at the Subway Station https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2464 https://copyrightdepot.c...
Dead County V2
Yaratıcı: Frost
The final version of Dead County is finally here! A campaign divided into four distinct chapters featuring the cozy countryside, ravenous hordes of the dead and all the pills you can swallow! Please let me know if you have any feedback! Have fun and thanks...
Dead Echo (official/fixed) v3.0
Yaratıcı: TimelordMagnums357v1
Escape through urban / rural areas while fighting swarms of undead on your way to a deserted old military outpost called 'Echo' . Survival and versus has been updated on all maps. Would like specific feedback on versus modes if you have any problems. "Sgt....
Dead Echo (original)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
"Expert This!" Escape through urban and rural areas whilst fighting swarms of undead on your way to a deserted old military outpost called "Echo" in the hope to find an evac point. Restoration of the original version per request and concerns regarding chan...
Dead Getaway (Beta)
Yaratıcı: AkiraTea
By overwhelming demand here is my campaign Dead Getaway on Steam. The survivors have made it to the escape vehicle. On the way to the evacuation site the road is blocked with lines of empty vehicles. The APC plows through the lines, smashing cars in its wa...
Dead High School Fixed
Yaratıcı: Calango Aceso
Sem mesas invisiveis Adicionado a oficina Steam por mim para facilitar o acesso de todos aqui você baixa o mapa a vontade estará sempre visível a todos diferente do que fizeram com Warcelona parte 1, 2 e 3 que não tem mais acesso fonte do mapa https://www....
Dead Industry Original Port l4d1 By 2009, Nicolassagy71 FR et Farfadet FR
Yaratıcı: {aic}
---27.10.17--- The campaign will be on the prison site with which you have to Wade through the prison. Then you get into the prison yard, from where you need to go into town to the Parking lot. Passing through the Park, you will find yourself at the docks,...
Dead Military 2 (Original)
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Robin Sherriff Hood at Sherriff huck Soldier your way thru multiple maps slaying a myriad of British zombies LOL! The British are coming, they are snobs, and they're lets im fucking! zombies too! Much You start on the city skyline and you fight you...
Dead On Time by Snendle
Apparently, the military has setup an evacuation outpost at the train station... So our survivors may as well head there and try to escape with Sheldon Cooper as their train engineer. If not, Huck has driven a train back in the 70s when he was 11... no pro...
Dead Run L4D2 Pt 1 by Patrik Takבט | XSOUND
The bridge is down, what now? Well there's always a LONG way around. Enjoy exclusive new models, an automatic sentry gun mounted on the train, and unique game situations including a HL2 nugget :) Can you survive this on expert? Versus added back in. Works ...
Dead Run Port L4D1 By Patrik Takac | XSOUND
Yaratıcı: {aic}
FINAL VERSION!!! Add: medkits, HL2 character model, T2, medical center, more pills, custom textures. The bridge is down, what now? Well there's always a LONG way around. Enjoy exclusive new models, automatic sentry gun and game situations :) Can you surviv...
Dead Series V5 (latest)
Yaratıcı: Fabien
PLEASE STOP COMMENTING ABOUT THE CRANE NOT LOWERING CORRECTLY, IS IT A KNOW BUG AND WILL BE FIXED IN DeadSeries V6 COMING OUT SOON (soon) ... sooon??? Oh well...soon enough ;p 4 Survivors escaped and stole a hummer in the military base in wich they were su...
Dead St 2
Yaratıcı: Smile
Working Version (Downloaded from the website). This campaign does not crash, no bugs in the ending. While waiting for the train, both regular and special infected run at you. Tanks also appear. In the end a train comes to pick you up. 1) There is no tank a...
Dead Street 13
Yaratıcı: Cass
Author: 2049* and ALX Fixed Stringtable...
Dead Vacation (Ported from L4D)
Yaratıcı: KingDavid
Creator of the map is Markus Niklasson (Manneklint). There are two versions included in the VPK, and . The one is the finale as it was on the original campaign, the one is a modified version to be more of a standard L4D2 finale for those that may prefer it...
Deadbeat Escape (Complete)
Deadbeat Escape is a four-map campaign that supports coop and versus. Survivors must make their way through the rural outskirts and into the city with hopes of finding the evacuation center in time. Please don't award this. Mendaxyz is the original author,...
Deadbeat Escape (Complete)
Yaratıcı: Terminus
Just an upload of the final release on gamemaps. All credit goes to Mendaxyz. Original description as follows: 'Survivors must make their way through the rural outskirts and into the city with hopes of finding the evacuation center in time. Deadbeat Escape...
Yaratıcı: Soup Toaster
A doomsday cult is using radio messages to lure survivors into deadly traps. Someone has to take out their radio tower and stop the slaughter. That someone is you. And you and you and you. Deadenator is a 4 map co-op campaign designed to maximize replayabi...
Deadly Dispatch
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: CaptainWinky The survivors find themselves holding out above a small garage. They must fight there way through the dark urban area's and reach the local evacuation station located in warehouse seized by CEDA. ...
Yaratıcı: Soup Toaster
DeadWorld is a massive cooperative expansion that includes multiple campaigns, social spaces, and new game types to update Valve Software's smash hit franchise. The goal is to wrap a "living world" around L4D2. Set nine years after the events of Left 4 Dea...
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life.. The whole process is relatively bright, and there is no complicated process. Finally, you can get a rescue by defending at the station for eight minutes....
Death Aboard - L4D1 Port
Yaratıcı: Cuba
In Death Aboard you start out in a prison and work your way out to the nearest docks area. From here, you board a stranded ship and finally to an island where there will be a lighthouse as a finale. The classic L4D1 map faithfully ported. G'day lads, Death...
Death Aboard II v2
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Diputs Death Aboard 2 is the convertion to L4D2 of the popular Death Aboard campaign for L4D. It is now set during daytime If you have problems figuring out what to do on the second level: Try looking in the sewers https://steamproxy.net/shared...
Death destination v3.1
Chinese zombie apocalypse, death is the only safe place, escape to a safe place!...
Death Row
Yaratıcı: Saleck
Originally made in 2009 and ported from L4D1 to L4D2, As the only known group of survivors left, you and your group must make your way through the town and out to an abandoned prison for shelter or for some kind of rescue. This campaign was my first attemp...
Death Stop
Yaratıcı: treeshade
Author: Draxonfly ( https://www.gamemaps.com/search?q=Draxonfly ) Get to the Truck Stop - It is a shortish 4 map Co-Op campaign....
Death Strip
Yaratıcı: Draxonfly
Hi. This is a co-op/solo campaign for Left 4 Dead 2 (No V's yet sorry). Nothing fancy Tried throwing in some 'Comic Book' feels to it here and there, just for fun. It is only my second attempt at a L4D map (first one was Death Stop for L4D1), Still getting...
Death Summer
Yaratıcı: Nevriix
To survive the epidemic, survivors take refuge in a military base. But during a reconnaissance mission, things go wrong. You'll have to find your way back to the base and shelter yourself, hoping it's still up. Campaign with 6 chapters. Full vanilla, only ...
Death Summit
Yaratıcı: NeoDrood
ENABLE "GAME INSTRUCTOR" IN "MULTIPLAYER SETTINGS"! Map description & Objective This map is a short 2 chapter campaign for Left 4 Dead 2. It was created in 4 weeks for the level design jam hosted by Steve Lee, the theme was "contrast". The main objective o...
Death Toll APOCALYPSE original port l4d1 by ROMBU
Yaratıcı: {aic}
Setting the counter back to zero!...
Death Woods v2
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: SAS_Chester From a chopper crash stranding the Survivors in the city, you must try to catch up with the military as they pull out of the area. Through a dangerous tunnel system, underneath a harrowing bridge, past a power station and Forward Operat...
Derailed 2
Yaratıcı: treeshade
Author: Markus Niklasson ( https://www.gamemaps.com/search?q=Markus%20Niklasson ) The survivors fight their way through the woods and up alongside the river and discover a trainwreck. This leads them to a remote trainstation where their only hope for survi...
Derailed v5
Yaratıcı: Rick_0_Shay
A brand new 4 level campaign for Autumn 2020. A long running project finally completed due to Covid-19 lockdown. A train wreck an underground lab and a zombie prison riot, can this day get any worse? Featuring original maps created by Rick_0_Shay and oodid...
Detour Ahead
Yaratıcı: boogada
Detour Ahead campaign....
Devil Mountain
Yaratıcı: Pips
The survivors find themselves trapped in the suburbs with Devil Mountain looming large in the distance, its emergency beacon activated. Is it a call for rescue, or a warning of danger? Climb the back of the beast and find out! Devil Mountain is a sprawling...
Die Screaming 2 (Variant)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
It's the L4D2 port of the "Die Screaming" campaign and "Forage" survival map Special thanks to Soup Toaster and Spence for giving us permission to port Trunten (Ryan) for keeping this project alive (including the revival in 2019) Ernst aka 'Doctor' Vienna ...
Die Screaming II
It's the L4D2 port of Die Screaming campaign and Forage survival map. Special thanks to: - Soup Toaster for give me permission to port L4D1 campaign to L4D2. - RabidMonkey (Spence) for give me permission to port Forage survival map. - Trunten for giving me...
Diescraper Redux
Yaratıcı: Rectus
After being firebombed, the survivors must flee their safehouse, and find their way to safety. A 4 map campaign playable in all game modes. Extensively tested on Versus. Now playable on offical servers (possibly running outdated versions). Supported mutati...
Divide: Origin Of The Clown
Yaratıcı: AtPuzzlePieDM
INFORMATION 7 years have passed since the release of the original The Divide campaign.. and now.. the full story finally comes to a closure with this FINAL part of The Divide series and the origin of the story. The Divide series has been going on since 201...
Don't Fall - Christmas
Yaratıcı: Exempt ♥
Virgil's helicopter is running low on fuel, so he drops the survivors off on the ledge of a snowy skyscraper to search for some diesel. Will they make it to the top and escape? or will they plummet to their icy doom? All of the presents can be opened and c...
Yaratıcı: -Ch_e_r_e_p_t_o_r-
Map of the original game DOOM. Pros: all the chips are present (keys, doors under the keys, lifts etc.). Cons: in some places much bright and keys in one instance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- map has ...
Doom, Episode 1: Knee Deep in the Dead
Yaratıcı: Literally Stapler
The shareware episode of the original Doom adapted into a campaign....
Doom, Episode 2: The Shores of Hell
Yaratıcı: Literally Stapler
The second episode of the original Doom adapted into a campaign....
Doom, Episode 3: Inferno
Yaratıcı: Literally Stapler
The final episode of the original Doom adapted into a campaign....
DownTown Dine
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: ~GShock~ at XipoTec Welcome to Downtown Dine. The neighborhood just isn't what is used to be. The good citizens of the Downtown Chamber of Commerce attempted to stave off the infection. With the help of local military forces, they set up screening ...
Downtown Dine: Dead End
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Author: ~GShock~ at XipoTec you First Launch Settings -heapsize 60000 drop fps map 6 Finale The Lazarus Society Presents: DEAD END : Downtown Dine : The Lost Maps. These maps occur after map three of the original Down Town Dine Series. Our survivor...
Dr. Malroy's Laboratory (v4)
Yaratıcı: Evil
They found the survivors of Dr. Malroy's experiments in the labs beneath Lakeside shooting range, but they found much more than that inside those labs. A note pad on a blood stained table also revealed the hidden location of Dr. Malroy's main lab. After re...
Drowning Hope
Yaratıcı: JohnnyRamoneBR
After the survivors chopper fell, they must run by the seaside infected city to find a boat to rescue them...
Energy Crisis (Official Release)
Yaratıcı: Jackie
In order to evacuate, the survivors must traverse to an active nuclear power station in the hopes of shutting down the atomic reactor for a wounded helicopter pilot waiting on the opposite side. This is a 5 map campaign that includes custom textures, model...
Escansion by Brainstorm
Yaratıcı: {aic}
You are in the lucky situation not being infected due to the reason that you were isolated in prison. ... but not any more, gates are open and you try to leave the totally infected planet. took Brainstorm over 750 hours for creation, have fun...
Escape From Castle Yhy
Yaratıcı: MerCurio
inspired by return to castle wolfenstein Aww shaka here we go again... i took your feedback from my last campaign "Temple Ruins", how infinite hordes were annoying and put quite a challenge for some of you and taking out the fun. Now i don't like to make i...
Escape from hell 地狱
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life. Looking for a way out in a desperate city, the map is bright as a whole, and the ending is a classic refueling escape....
Escape from Toronto (Official/Fixed)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Escape the Great white north! Go through the city of Toronto and then cross the U.S. Border. Ported and fixed with permission from 1SG_Heartless himself. Here is a screenshot of permission from the original author and creator: https://i.imgur.com/eujP9qy.j...
Escape From Valencia v2
Yaratıcı: Xanarcy
Here is this awesome 4 map campaign with a working link. It will still work with the older version missing it as well. Cleaned up a few extra files that were not needed as well....
Escape the Devil's Chapel TLM
Yaratıcı: w223
Hours after the infection decimated civilization the survivors try to fight their way out of the city of the dead. Map from l4dmaps.com file has been removed and re release is not mine. this map point shows how scary the bridal witch is. ...
Escape Timelord's Invoked Inferno Mashup
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Our survivors have several small-town adventures but finally ending up in a town disastrously near a fault line. Did I mention this fault line is ready to erupt at a moment's notice. Better move quickly and get to the helicopter rescue if you want to survi...
Facility Bravo X6
Whats inside the facility? The survivors wonder as they exit their helicopter and investigate the strange building ahead of them. This map is about 30 - 60 minutes long depending on your play style and difficulty, It features two sections where the survivo...
Fade Orange
Yaratıcı: Tinai
这是我的第二张图,中间三关本是想单独做张橙色的图,但是中间有事耽搁了,现在想开新坑就直接拿来用了。已知bug:部分关卡玩家会活在安全屋外或者摔死,全部死亡之后重新本关可恢复正常。 This is my second map. The three levels in the middle originally wanted to make a complete orange map. But there was a delay in the middle. Now I want to open a new p...
Fake (two maps + a finale of choice)
Yaratıcı: Grobi
WARNING: This campaign is a "concept study" and very unstable. It is big and it is unfinished too. The Source engine is not made for multiple escape vehicles and dimensional switches. I tried it anyways. The first two maps are very big - my idea was to con...
Yaratıcı: R󠀡F
Original campaign made by H(eiti). My personal L4D2 port of this great campaign, which i think is more "faithful" to L4D1 version than other ports. L4D1 Version: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2511 Original Description: "The stages take place in Japan. m...
Fallen Fortress
Yaratıcı: Frözen
DESCRIPTION: Campaign available in coop and versus mode This is the first L4D2 campaign I've ever worked on and I learned about everything along the way, I've worked on this map for over a year (October 9th, 2020 - November 19th, 2021) and I hope that all ...
Fallen L4D2 by H[eiti]
Fallen for L4D2 with Larinaotr's Shaft Finale! They were fallen into a HELL, that was lousy with tanks, witches, and zombies... CAN YOU HANDLE LARINATOR'S SHAFT? ...
Farewell Chenming
Yaratıcı: ŠĦĪFŦ
The 4 survivors known the Chen Ming city is the final evacuation sites, they had to go through untold hardships to the town square from a road, a small town, they can see the dawn of the second day? enjoy campaign v3.0 Fixed finale level lag v4.0 More know...
Fatal Freight
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Zorbos aka Tamari & Doktor Haus "They're on a one-way trip.... to HELL!!" CHAPTERS: 5 (Campaign & Versus) Fatal Freight is a 5-chapter campaign created with a strong focus on delivering balanced gameplay on all difficulties and gametypes. Each leve...
Faux Freight Yard
Yaratıcı: Exempt ♥
A quick map for a quick match. Signal for help and survive until rescue arrives! The perfect map if you want to run a finale, but don't have time to play a whole campaign. This map also supports survival mode! It only took me about 2 days to make this, hen...
Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction
Yaratıcı: Deep Thunder
EDIT 6/14/2022: I don't recommend playing this map. However, If you're a fan of FNaF, you may find certain enjoyment out of this. To emphasize: there are no checkpoints, easter eggs, or a reasonable balance. As much as I'd love to go back and optimize or r...
Field of the Dead Ext. Mashup v5.1
Yaratıcı: TimelordMagnums357v2
This mashup campaign is created from four/five older campaigns: Abandon Hope - Dookiebot - 2009, Wheel of Misfortune - Jozin - 2010, Country Roads - President Obama - 2010, Field of the Dead - Preamp/skodhippie - 2010, MIC Finale - Unknown. Any problems fe...
Firetower Trail (Real Official)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Can you make it to the fire tower? Bust your way through the Zentech cooperation facilities until you get to the campgrounds. From there, make it to the fire tower... it's one of the last safe places to spend the night. With the author's blessing and suppo...
Forgotten Mist
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, The overall difficulty is moderate, and you can make a happy breakthrough with your friends. Louder, you can set the volume lower to protect your ears. ...
Fort Noesis by RyOK and Noesis Interactive
'Fort Noesis' is a highly polished 3 map campaign for Valve's hit video game, Left 4 Dead 2. Featuring both Cooperative and Versus game modes. FIXED ALL INVISIBLE MODELS and CUSTOM SOUND NOW WORKING. Map no longer crashes anywhere. Fort Noesis L4D2 version...
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
Yaratıcı: Deep Thunder
During the day, it's a place of joy. But you aren't here during the day. Now including checkpoints and jumpscares. Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! From your small office you must prevent the restaurant from any intruders and put F...
Free Passage
Yaratıcı: Trunten
The survivors must once again fight their way to an evacuation outpost This time during the night This campaign's events and finale are inspired from L4D1 campaigns Unmodified from Game Maps On the list of potential Time Lord fixes and improvements Even if...
Free Passage 2.0
Yaratıcı: ☣ROBLOX, NwiKing☣
From : https://www.gamemaps.com/details/18152 Consol: cfreepassagem 1~3 This map supports coop, versus, scavenge, survival...
Freezing Point (Campaign + Survival)
Yaratıcı: Kyle H. McCloud
The Survivors Explore the Frozen Wilderness! (1.7) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heading northwest seemed like a good idea to the Survivors, but the harsh winter has strained their supplies, and they can't stay holed u...
Freezing Point: Director's Cut (Campaign + Survival)
Yaratıcı: Kyle H. McCloud
The Survivors Explore the Frozen Wilderness Again! (1.1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Heading north seemed like a good idea to the Survivors, but the Minnesota winter has strained their supplies, and they can't ...
Yaratıcı: Kryogen
After the pilot left because of the zombies, the survivors need to head to the mines and reach to the otherside for resuce. 1. Signal_Broken 2. Frozen_Mines 3. Rescue - YOU ARE REQUIRED TO KILL THE KRAKEN (DO NOT STAND AT THE BACK OF THE MAP WHEN SHOOTING ...
Funny Moments
Yaratıcı: {aic}
This campaign consists of six maps, on which we have to last for some time. The locations are not connected to each other by the plot, so don't look for any deep meaning here. On each map we will be confronted by specific infected, and the gameplay is dire...
Gas Fever
Yaratıcı: Fabien
Gas Fever created by Garfield!!. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2689 Gas Fever Version: 2.0 (Complete) Last Updated: 01/31/11 Released: 01/31/11 Author: Garfield!! Publisher: SiegfrieD Maps: 3/3 ...
Gloom Town (v1.4)
Yaratıcı: Evil
It's Halloween. You know what that means, it's time to find some candy. Make your way through Gloom Town and find some sweets. Modes: Coop Hills Have Eyes Info: * 3 maps * Unique witch and tank models * 4 unique melee weapons Music Credits Jack Turner - Ni...
Going Ballistic v6.0 by Univ of Baltimore Sim & Digital Ent Prog
Wow, sorry all, this one got evil with me. Good to go now. Gauntlet back working on final map and the two pink graffiti textures fixed. Turn on hints if you want them. They are in the map. The campaign is now as complete as it will ever be, but will not ev...
GoldenEye 4 Dead
Yaratıcı: Fabien
GoldenEye 4 Dead created by David "marshmallow" Gibbons. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/3198 GoldenEye 4 Dead Version: 1.3 (Complete) Last Updated: 08/15/13 Released: 08/15/13 Author: David "marshmallow" Gibbons Publisher: marshmallow Maps: 3/3...
Gone in 60 Smokers
Yaratıcı: {aic}
Gone in 60 Smokers created by J.Sera Fight your way across the rooftops and through the sewers to the used car lot. Gas up the race car and escape before the horde overwhelms you and your companions....
Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (Reset Version)
Yaratıcı: HerobrineAce
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - This map is difficult. Please protect your teammates! - Four survivors came to the power school and decided to find a way out. - There are four maps in total, one of which is the survival mode. Due t...
Grave Consequences
Yaratıcı: Jim_Partridge_Mapping
It's just a perfectly harmless abandoned grave yard......
Grey Scale
Yaratıcı: Thegreen16
Fight your way through 4 complete levels, beginning in an abandoned office to the rooftops of a factory. GreyScale is a campaign I've worked on for a while a couple years ago. It's not perfect and there might be bugs. I plan to remake the levels in the com...
Yaratıcı: Lou Saffire
Volcanic activity has suddenly started occuring on a massive scale resulting in deadly lava flows and destructive earthquakes. Breaking down on an unstable freeway during an earthquake just adds to the string of bad luck the downtrodden survivors have deal...
Grim Ville
Yaratıcı: Evil
Something isn't right here. Who are those kids talking in the sewer? Why are there red balloons everywhere? Why does everything look slightly unusual? Perhaps you will find the answers by traveling through Grim Ville, just don't get too close to that creep...
Half-Life 2: Highway 17(L4D2) v2.1
Yaratıcı: 桃李果树
The survivors were trapped in a dock, they must go through Highway 17 to find the evacuation point and call for help to leave out here. Author: taoliguoshu(editor) Version: 2.1 Warning: The version 2.1 use new materials and models of half-life 2, and may b...
Half-Life Unforeseen Consequences
Yaratıcı: ClipoDEL
A complete chapter of Unforeseen Consequences on one level. Глава "Непредвиденные последствия" одним большим уровнем....
Hard Rain: Downpour
Yaratıcı: Azuki
A re-make of Hard Rain. This is my first time using hammer editor, so a few of the areas of the map are unoriginal while I was just trying out random things, in the end I just went with what I had done during the map editing and improved it while I learned...
Haunted Forest (Author's upload) - Fixed finale
Yaratıcı: Snow
This is the Haunted Forest campaign, re-uploaded by the author himself (that's me). Back in the days when I published this campaign, the Steam Workshop didn't yet exist. After all these years, I decided to put it on the Workshop myself. The finale was fixe...
Haunted Forest (classic 2010 version)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Version 4 RELEASED! Survivors are stranded in Transylvania. Go through the forest and the mansion to reach the escape boat! This campaign is still a beta so updates will follow. It features: - Coop and Versus - 4 Maps - GHOSTS! Have fun! Happy Halloween! N...
Heaven Can Wait II
After surviving an air crash, the survivors turn out to be in most epicenter of the contamination. The Military has already left all attempts to rescue survivors in the region. Thanks to L4D1 authors to give me permission to convert it to L4D2, to my frien...
Hell 's Forest New version 2021 Portt l4d1
Yaratıcı: {aic}
the forest will kill us. map by ChrisChristensen, Kairik, Owen AKA aquasnake,Brian May...
Hiking Trails
Yaratıcı: aSoggyCrouton91
Survivors must escape a short mountain trail which passes through campgrounds and a logging plant and await the helicopter that periodically comes to pick up stranded individuals. This is a fast paced, short campaign designed to be played on higher difficu...
Yaratıcı: Hyperion
Hong Kong - Campaign Beta
Yaratıcı: hihi1210
This is still unfinished... BUT WE WILL REMAKE HONG KONG CAMPAIGN. More News Later if you subscribed to the old version , please unsubscribe the old version 如果你訂閱了舊版本,請取消訂閱舊版本 Old version ( Left 4 Dead 2 Custom Campaign * Unfinished ) Folding Chair (replac...
Yaratıcı: R0LIAS
Hopeless (Version 2.3) In an abandoned city, four survivors will make their way to find an escape route, but they still don't know what awaits them… WARNING! I recommend removing all addons to play without problems. * Campaign Features * I state: for this ...
I Hate Mountains 2 (Complete)
Yaratıcı: Terminus
Just an upload of the final release on gamemaps. All credit goes to IHM Team. Original description as follows: 'Survivors crashed their bus in an utility pole of a dark forest while fleeing. They must now find their way through the spooky North American mo...
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Zombies
Yaratıcı: ☣ROBLOX, NwiKing☣
https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2613 Chapter number : 3 (+1 bouns map you can load it with type "map indiana_adventure_whole" at console It just connects all 3 maps) ...
Infected City 2
This Campaign Has Re-upload That Is Available To Play In Co-op, Campaign, & Versus. Campaign By: Super Fly The epic story continues... Survivors must make their way through an infected city to escape the zombie apocalypse, again....
Infected City 2 - Fixed
Yaratıcı: Cass
Added stringtable to fix crash....
Infected City 2 by Super Fly
The epic story continues... Survivors must make their way through an infected city to escape the zombie apocalypse, again. Added stringtable files to all maps. ...
Infected City by Super Fly
Here is Infected City with the missing stringtable file and the mission file cleaned up. Versus has been added back in. Super 5 map campaign by none other than Super Fly. ...
Infection Overdrive
Yaratıcı: JohnnyRamoneBR
The survivors escape from the highway in Road to Ruin was short lived. They crashed their truck a few days later, and now must proceed on foot towards an once vibrant city where they hope to find the military. The lights still shine bright all around, but ...
Innards 2: Into the Chaos
Yaratıcı: goanna
More gnome shenanigans....
Innes Road Rash
Yaratıcı: Murmkuma
v3.14 - 2022-07-01 - 5 Chapters Featuring Original Music by my bro's band Black Market Candy ' My Baby'. My first campaign, reworked and updated. Survivors travel to East-end Ottawa to help Ellis' online friend 'Jaininja' escape, only to find him dead in h...
Innes Road Rash: Christmas Edition
Yaratıcı: Murmkuma
v1.5 - 2024-09-06- 5 Chapters This is a Christmas themed skin of Innes Road Rash. Escape East Ottawa from Blackburn Hamlet, down Innes Road through Pineview to the pedestrian Overpass. - Prepared in 2023 I don't remember everything that was updated - scale...
internal organs
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play Is a challenging map...
Invoked Inferno
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Living in the apocalypse, the survivors end up in a town located in a geologically active area. Not a big deal unless you go there and suddenly the earth goes raging. Note: This campaign originally released in 2015 by "forthward" also known as "xsound". La...
key moment
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life.. Maps are fast-paced and rich in supplies, which can give you a short killing pleasure....
Kimchi Zombie 2
Yaratıcı: dls3369
Kimchi zombie is back with better convenience, graphics and new maps!!! This is Extended Version of Kimchi Zombie1. This is 5-maps Co-op Campaign. ( Improvement of the original 3 maps + New 2 maps ) It's a little difficult and there are many events, so I r...
King PlatteLAN
Yaratıcı: CR0NO
King PlatteLAN A small 4 map, campaign i made long ago for a lan party for friends. Years later, i gave this mod some love, and heavy improvements for public launch, its still a short campaign, but fun for sure! Enjoy... ...
L4D2_Bloody Sunday 2 finale fix
Este mapa custom es antiguo y tiene corregido el capitulo final donde antes se bugeaba This addon lmp file simply fixes the game breaking camera bug on the finale of the campaign. This bug was caused by the director being set up to trigger a map intro that...
L4D2_Desperate Escape Edition 3.0
Yaratıcı: ༒Shin♑༒
L4D2_Desperate Escape Edition 3.0 Esta es una version retexturizada del mapa DESPERATE ESCAPE This is a retextured version of the DESPERATE ESCAPE map ------ DETALLES DEL MAPA ---------- - Se agrego texturas de Cielo para visualizarlo de Dia - Se agrego cv...
L4D2_Last Resort 3.0
L4D2_No Fate II 3.0
L4D2_No Fate II 3.0 Este mapa es una ligera edicion del mapa NOFATE 2, editado para tank run ---------- RECOMENDACIÓN ------------------- - DESACTIVAR OTROS MODS Y MAPAS CUSTOM PARA EVITAR ERROR DE TEXTURAS ---------- RECOMMENDATION ------------------- - D...
Yaratıcı: Nozal
Update: Redoing the whole campaign from scratch, everything will be alot different. If you want to see the progress, join left 4 dead 2 discord server. Update 2: We published another campaign called Fire Starter. It is more finished and less broken and La ...
Land of oblivion V2.71
Yaratıcı: 月兔鸽
Number of chapters: 5 Recommended difficulty: normal It took one year to create this graph 👍 Thank you for your support~ map threedays01 map threedays02 map threedays03 map threedays04 map threedays05 ———————————————————————————— 22023.5.7 v2.71 Thank you ...
Last Bastion
Yaratıcı: Trunten
All files required for the Last Bastion beta campaign Currently only one map is included Looking for feedback as we package up and optimize map 2 We've done what we can, but all the maps are large Smallest is bigger than any stock campaigns in flow and oth...
Last Call at The Reactor by Danger McD and Optio
Sometimes... living just isn't good enough. This one has slo-mo, opera music to kill zombies by, and silly DJ Danger MCD! Saddle up hunters! ...
Last Heartbeat Fixed by Last Gift Community
Yaratıcı: {aic}
Last Heartbeat - a campaign that takes place during the winter, after the survivors sat in an old factory in a month, they ran out of food, and this resulted in a new se.. Fixed Map 3...
Last Hours Fixed
Yaratıcı: {aic}
Last Hours created by SpeedBoost After the events of 'Kicked Out' the helicopter crashes and the survivors most go through a flooded City, Lab and Parking lot. This campaign started being made in March of this year. I have kept this and another campaign......
Last Ride
Yaratıcı: JohnnyRamoneBR
After escaping from the city in Burning Night, the helicopter of the survivors face problems during the flight and ends up crashing. Now they must cross another infested city to find an escape vehicle in the opposite side of the city. While resting in the ...
Last Ride Fixed (v2 Fixed)
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: JohnnyRamoneBR After escaping from the city in Burning Night, the helicopter of the survivors face problems during the flight and ends up crashing. Now they must cross another infested city to find an escape vehicle in the opposite side of the city...
Last Summer V5
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Non_Essential aka Marc Machi Gil This is my first campaign. 3 custom maps based on real places from Spain (coop only). First map is about my neighbourhood of Valencia. Second is the place where I used to play with my band. Third is the place where ...
Yaratıcı: {aic}
Author: Tags This campaign is a work in progress. 3 of 7 maps complete. no poster as of yet....
Left 4 Bowl
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Big Lebowski The Dude abides you kill all zombies and then go bowling! Here is a classic that was lost but now is found. All models fixed, looks pretty good. ...
Left 4 Cake
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Survivors find themselves imprisoned and must solve puzzles Advance through testing stages while defending yourselves from the zombie infestation Features cooperative puzzles, random spawning puzzle objects, and changing paths Fixed sound by adding sound c...
Left 4 Cake 2 v1
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: J.Sera This campaign WILL work with the other version here on gamemaps. Fixed sound by adding sound.cache file to sound folder. Updated link in mission file to take players here to gamemaps to get the map. Our survivors find themselves imprisoned a...
Left 4 Dead 2: The Lost Coast [Campaign]
Yaratıcı: s10055072
This is my first attempt to port map from Half-Life 2 to Left 4 Dead 2. For those who didn't know, Lost Coast is a technology demo for HDR rendering capabilities, featuring around 10 minutes of gameplay. Some notes for the port: The coast, cliff, and monas...
Left 4 GoldenEye
Yaratıcı: Cass
This map deleted in workshop. I uploaded again. Made by Calleberg...
Left 4 Invasion: Outer Space!
Yaratıcı: AtPuzzlePieDM
The world of Left 4 Dead 2 has been invaded by aliens! They have two goals in their minds! TO DESTROY ALL HUMANS! and annihilate Earth! The future of humanity rests on the shoulders of four unlikely heroes of Left 4 Dead! > Highly RECOMMENDED to use ANY al...
Left 4 Mario
PLS IF U WANT TO DO A DONATION JUST CLIKC TO REWARD ⊂_ヽ   \\ _    \( •_•) F     < ⌒ヽ A    /   へ\ B    /  / \\ U    レ ノ   ヽ_つ L   / / O   / /| U  ( (ヽ S  | |、\  | 丿 \ ⌒)  | |  ) / `ノ )  Lノ (_/...
Left 4 Misadventure
Yaratıcı: Exempt ♥
BRAND NEW UPDATE!!! 07/28/23 VERSION 4.0 Party lights, tanks in boxes, and savings beyond the eye can see! This is intended to be somewhat difficult, and it probably will be if you're just playing with the bots. Includes: - 5 Campaign maps - 4 Survival map...
Left Behind (official)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
The survivors are now stranded in the outskirts before they can reach their destination. They must cross the dam and reach the station to get to the army base for support. Their hope is none of them will be "left behind"! https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2...
Left in China
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: richy221 My entry for the china contest This campaign has either the l4d1 or l4d2 surviors play through the wonderful atmospheric setting that china has to offer after being experimented on for a month with CEDA. The survivors escaped and go throug...
Left in Prypiat
Yaratıcı: SacriPan!
============================== UPDATE 1.4 has been released! ============================== Hello Survivors! Are you ready to fight your way out of Hell once again? Yes? Well, it's time to prove it! Download this big one-map campaign inspired by the Jupite...
Left or Right by ShaunMAD (ORIGINAL RELEASE SEPT 2013)
Yaratıcı: ShaunMAD
Hi everybody. Since a time (2012) I´ve been interested on how valve´s engine works, I have made a campaign to improve my skills and also to show my abilities for fun purposes. The idea came´s to my head from “choose your Own Adventure” book´s and also insp...
Left or Right by ShaunMAD (PART 1) / 左或右—大型剧情分支地图
※Author SHAUNMAD has uploaded the original version,which is a little different from the one I uploaded,you can download the original one at:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636057643 ※作者SHAUNMAD已经上传本地图的最新原版本,与我上传的这个有些不同,大家可以在这里下载原版本:...
Left or Right by ShaunMAD (PART 2) / 左或右—大型剧情分支地图
※Author SHAUNMAD has uploaded the original version,which is a little different from the one I uploaded,you can download the original one at:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636057643 ※作者SHAUNMAD已经上传本地图的最新原版本,与我上传的这个有些不同,大家可以在这里下载原版本:...
Left Turn: Silent Hill 3 Tribute
Yaratıcı: Trunten
The survivors take the road north from Liberty Mall, only to run low on supplies several days into the journey. Scavenging one more abandoned mall should be easy enough, but something deep within plans to give them more than they bargained for. Explore the...
Lego Campaign
After a mysterious portal to the Lego Dimension opened, humanity has exploited the Lego World for its resources thus creating the collaboration between both Lego and Humanity. After years of tranquility and peace, it has been broken... What was once known ...
Let's Escape
Yaratıcı: ʟıттʟe ʟaмв
This map design is base on Dead Island Riptide...
Lockdown DLC
Yaratıcı: a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/I0Ar14U.png 5 maps Chapter 1 has a hidden room with loot Combination of daytime and nighttime maps Players can choose to play chapter 4 in either bright or dark mode Supports survival mode The virus outbreak holds a death grip on the Un...
Lockdown: Chapter Two
Yaratıcı: a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/8cXSiCC.png I recommend that you play LockdownDLC first to get the full Lockdown campaign experience. This is a sequel and the story continues from where chapter 1 left off. 5 maps Story continues where LockdownDLC left off Several maps...
Yaratıcı: ☣ROBLOX, NwiKing☣
https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2625 6 maps When you get crash error Try this Manually type "stringtabledictionary" in the server console (but you need to restart the map after this), Add "-stringtables" in the server's launch parameters, or; Set "stringt...
Lost (fixed strings/map 5 supplies) by TRANE
Here is the great 6 map campaign "Lost" by Trane. Fixed Jukebox music map 1. Added healthkits, weapons, and ammo pile to map 5. Added a sound.cache file to map for custom sounds to work. Created stringtable_dictionary.dct for 4 of the 6 maps in this campai...
Lost and Damned [v1.4c]
Yaratıcı: 7ᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛᴲ
Merry Christmas ! Here is my 3rd campaign. built from the vmfs of Black Widow Game's They Hunger: Lost Souls (06-08 build) It was a cancelled zombie game made for the Source Engine. This was made in about a month or so, not having to build everything from ...
Lost In Linz
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Dreizehn The main purpose of this campaign is to play some maps where you have to search for your way a bit more than on other maps. There are some arrows but not as much as you are used to. Try to find you way. The first (quite short) map is dedic...
Lost In Linz 2 L4D2 port
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Dreizehn The main purpose of this campaign is to play some maps where you have to search for your way a bit more than on other maps. There are some arrows but not as much as you are used to. Try to find you way. The first (quite short) map is dedic...
Lukewarm Stream
Yaratıcı: мяFunreal
This is a Facelift of Cold Stream, called "Lukewarm Stream". I'm bad at naming things. Anyhow. Mostly still the same as the original, except it looks nicer. Note: This seems to be prone to crashes for people who have a lot of mods installed. I'd have to re...
Mall of The Dead port L4d1 by Cale Curry, Christopher Kim, Richard Toussaint III, Austin Merri
Yaratıcı: {aic}
The survivors have found themselves broken down near a suburban mall. The only way out is by escaping from the roof..These sales are to die for. Contains 4 maps. Developed over 13 weeks by 4 masters students at SMU Guildhall....
Maritime rescue
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life.. The map is bright and fast-paced...
MDZ(part 1)
Yaratıcı: TaigaAi
这张地图还未完工,目前只有前2关,并不代表最终效果! This map is not complete,only 2 missons! 每关章节都会有1个克和至少1个妹! 感谢各位玩家的游玩,如果喜欢或者有建议可以评论一下! THX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 百度网盘 1erHtoEWQmrZVQX20Aa8TEQ b92r...
Meadowhell L4d
Yaratıcı: GruntosUK
Based around an area in Sheffield I used to work....
Yaratıcı: MARCO玩家
preface This is my first map. I originally finished it half a year ago, but due to my laziness, I dragged it for nearly two years and didn't finish it. In the end, I didn't really want to do it anymore, so I sent it out hastily This is the map I created af...
Midnight Oil 3.0
Midnight Oil 3.0 Este mapa es de gamemaps cuyo autor es Chris Skinner ------ DETALLES DEL MAPA ---------- - Se agrego cvars para modificar el director de spawn de infectados - Se agrego cvars para quitar la desaceleracion de los sobrevivientes cuando camin...
Midnight Rail Run
Yaratıcı: Cass
Author: Trish (UK)...
Military Industrial Complex II
Yaratıcı: The Thug Shaker
*I am just uploading this campaign to the Steam Workshop. All credit for the creation of this campaign goes to Garbage Boy. I have not edited any part of this campaign. This is my first upload, so if there happen to be any problems with the download/instal...
Yaratıcı: Lancer
Fixed version of MIC 2. Original: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2633 What was fixed: 1) Bulkhead Crescendo (Bunker Part1) If you press the button from a mid distance the mob won't spawn, because almost the whole area is marked with BATTLEFIELD navs (Scr...
Missile Attack
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life.. A leisure activity, without any complicated content, will go all the way to a safe area, and the final sprint rescue is like speed and passion....
Moundsville Slammer
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Uploader by pmnetstroh we Update 2023 From Map Remove Cyrstal Author: Matt Scott...
MTL Gone To Hell
Yaratıcı: Murmkuma
v1.28 - 2023-03-11 - 5/5 Chapters Who would have thought a pandemic could drag on so long?!?!? After escaping from Canada's capital city the survivors find themselves up the river in Montreal. Now they must make their way from the Lachine Canal in Point st...
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life. ...
Naniwa City (Fixed)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Escape Osaka Before You Get Left 4 Dead! Finale fix by "RF" the recycle bin. Alternative download at "Game Maps": https://www.gamemaps.com/details/29170 Wow. Hey, Mia, can you send me that? Sure!...
NanningCity V1.14
Yaratıcı: HerobrineAce
-Introduce A four-person team led by Nick boards a helicopter, and the story begins with Bill's team not far from the helicopter. They learn that the final evacuation point is set at the city center square. -Supported modes Campaign and Versus mode map ava...
Napalm Death by THORFINN
BOHICA! Added sound.cache file. Removed game mode not used from mission file. This workshop release is the same as the gamemaps version and works with it. ...
New World Order Ext. Mashup
Yaratıcı: Trunten
This is mashup of New World Order 1 (Anticon), New World Order 2 (Anticon and Buck65), 10000 Feet Under (Nigel Moran), and Zombie Movie Without a Name (LoPony). It is 12 maps of fun and one of the first campaigns we ever put together for fun. Some of the m...
Nightmare House 2 나이트메어 하우스 2 v2
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Added DLC model at textures Author: LilSaintCN this chinatown 저는 이 지도의 작성자가 아니며 단지 지도를 옮겼을 뿐입니다. 지도 소개: 생존자들은 탈출 중 실수로 차를 뒤집어 혼수상태에 빠졌다. 눈을 떠보니 환상향이 눈앞에 있었다. 그들은 호기심에 모험을 떠났고, 일련의 무서운 사건들을 경험했다. 그들은 겁에 질려 차를 운전했지만 여자귀신에게 끌려가 다시 혼수상태에 빠졌다. 깨어났을 때, 정신병원에서 발견...
No Continuity
Yaratıcı: Gutatto
10/14/2021 - Major Update Added new finale map "Datacenter" Removed Mall finale -note: You cannot escape until ALL terminals are green. Do not use the music as a cue. 8/14/2021 - Major update Added custom car visual adjustments fixed navigation issues fixe...
No Continuity Old Finale
Yaratıcı: R󠀡F
Patch addon that brings back the old Mall finale from previous versions. Map by Gutatto. ...
No Echo Remastered V1.01
Yaratıcı: ty
This map is a remake version of "No Echo" which was removed. It's version 1.01. A lot of bugs were fixed. We have been on the highway for 30 miles and the signs indicate that we are about to arrive at Crescent City ahead. Unluckily, the road into the city ...
No Exit - Assault original port l4d1 By SaIdTeShNoLoGi
Yaratıcı: {aic}
Play the well known Assault map in L4D, versus style! This map is almost a perfect replica of CS:S Assault. This is the final version. Now in VPK and with new poster!...
No Fate 2 by NXN and NZN
Survivors must help each other through this hardcore 3 map campaign. ...
No Mercy: Rehab
Yaratıcı: Derpduck
No Mercy: Rehab is a reworking of the classic No Mercy campaign from the original Left 4 Dead, featuring brand-new areas, unique new events, overhauls of old areas, restored L4D1 assets, and many quality of life improvements! All changes have been made wit...
No more industries
5-map campaign where survivors battle out of a warehouse into the surrounding woods, and back into No More Industries. Not my work. Just adding for workshop ease...
No More Industries (official/fixed)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
L4D1 Port and real official fixed version. Any other versions not by us are stolen theft redistribution. 6 map campaign where survivors battle out of a warehouse into the surrounding woods and back into more industries. Country maps based in an industrial/...
No Rain
Yaratıcı: мяFunreal
Imagine If "Hard Rain" Sucked less. Contains survival for the burger tank at evening and night, as well as in the gas station. I originally wanted a gimmick where you turn lights on, but because source engine is crap at calculating toggling lights, the map...
No Way Out Original Port l4d1 by Pitbull Pawz
Yaratıcı: {aic}
---27.11.17--- Make your way through the town to a mountain top rescue!...
Nova Prospekt
Yaratıcı: The Mafia
The survivors have found themselves in Nova Prospekt, the Combine's base of operations! can they make it through the hordes of zombies and combine machinery preventing them from reaching escape? ...
Old School Lockdown [Stormy version]
Yaratıcı: a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/I0Ar14U.png The old school version of Lockdown Storm and smoke screen effects Version 2 The virus outbreak holds a death grip on the United States and the government has been forced to lock down the worst hit cities. Unfortunately for y...
One 4 Nine Visual Effect Removal
Yaratıcı: Olde
This mod removes the distracting visual effects in the finale of the custom campaign One 4 Nine. It will retain the original mood and feel of the finale location before the wacky color corrections take effect. I made this because personally I found the wei...
Open Road
Yaratıcı: ICS
The chopper where our 4 survivors escaped in The Parish campaign, has fallen into harms way. Co-pilot of the chopper was not immune and started to turn into infected. The other pilot got bitten by the infected one but managed to land the chopper. However. ...
Orange Onslaught
Yaratıcı: RainingMetal
The Survivors find themselves in a strange world, and must find a way to get out of the danger zone. A L4D2 entry to the Orange Map phenomenon. Featuring wide-open terrain, plenty of unique quirks, and a visit from some special guests. Ideal for casual pla...
Oranssi Paska (Orange Turdy)
Yaratıcı: MerCurio
This time i made something horrible for Halloween (little late). Note that i made this for fun and as a joke, and therefor it might not be for everyone's liking unless you have a sense of humor. This is my attempt to dev-texture themed map. 🔔MerCurio: Map ...
Ottawa Rock City
Yaratıcı: Murmkuma
v2.1 - 2023-03-11 - 3 Chapters TURN ON HINTS!!! Set in Ottawa, based on no particlar locations This Campaign Ottawa Rock City (Pt.2) bridges Innes Road Road Rash (PT.1, my first campaign) https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=654357584 and...
Yaratıcı: TaigaAi
修补对抗模式的bug另传的地图! 修改了每关的环境,提升了几关的水效果! 这张图是为对抗模式专门修改的版本,战役也可以使用,不过不能和旧版放在一起,必须保留其中一个!...
Yaratıcı: TaigaAi
第二张对抗地图 ======Notice====== ①每张地图都会有1“tank”1“witch”; ②添加了自定义的模型与tank音乐; Thanks for your playing! 更新: 救援关添加了对话机的位置提示; 修改了第二关和第三关的路程分...
https://i.imgur.com/gmaqOA3.png If you like my work and would like to see more, you can support me directly by donating. And if not, a nice comment or feedback on my maps would be much appreciated. :) Thank you! Welcome to Outrun City! Here is a Retrowave/...
Yaratıcı: <<J4CK>>
No credit to me! An upload of an underrated favourite from l4dmaps, which I couldn't find in the Workshop. A solid campaign with a 28 Weeks Later vibe. Stay ahead of the gas! Excellent story, great voice acting, imaginative interactive events, and the most...
Pandemia by Deputy Coldster
Set in a euro city where the survivors must make their way through city streets, sewers, and over canals to find a way to get to the last remaining outpost while fighting off wave after waves of bloody infected. ...
Payload Upward (L4D2)
Yaratıcı: Orinuse
Turn on Game Instructor! As a note, if you have any custom bot addons that allow bots to scavenge for gascans, it might not work properly with how the Scavenge submode is set up for this map. Created, enhanced and ported from TF2 by Boomer. All I did was h...
Yaratıcı: Systane
The survivors start at the elementary school Anna Frank in Pesaro and they have to reach the Fiorenzuola shore where a fishboat awaits them to escape. This is my first campaign. After having played many campaigns set in USA, UK, Spain, Argentina, Japan, Ch...
Pesaro 2a Ondata - 1_2
Yaratıcı: SimoSystane
The survivors were relieved to leave Pesaro, but their getaway didn't last long ----- the fishboat crashed into the docks and now another adventure awaits them to escape this cursed city. Remember to turn on the instructor hints at least in the first run. ...
Pesaro 2a Ondata - 2_2
Yaratıcı: SimoSystane
The survivors were relieved to leave Pesaro, but their getaway didn't last long ----- the fishboat crashed into the docks and now another adventure awaits them to escape this cursed city. Remember to turn on the instructor hints at least in the first run. ...
Pick A Gnome_NWB
Yaratıcı: goanna
Loot giving gnomes. Pick up gnomes to get loot....
Pit Stop (Winter Remix)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Out of gas and stranded in a farmhouse, the survivors fight their way to a nearby shipping warehouse in hopes of finding transportation. After making it out of Riverside, the survivors run out of gas next to a small farm outside of town. Rumor has it a gas...
Pitch Dark Mesa
Yaratıcı: Remort
Another day another chopper crash, this time the survivors find them selfs trapped at an abandoned research facility. And the only way out is down to the core. Survivors must escape from half life's black mesa complex. This campaign uses five maps on each ...
Plague Tale
Yaratıcı: Kryogen
Inspired by A Plague Tale Innocence GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/25163 MAP INFO: - 4 Maps - L4D1 Characters - 2 Hidden Stuff - Enable Hints CONSOLE CODE: - Map1: pt_home1 - Map2: pt_village2 - Map3: pt_retributution3 - Map4: pt_conclusion4 Cr...
Plan B
Yaratıcı: Rectus
After a car crash, you are stranded in the middle of nowhere with a storm approaching. You need shelter and possibly find a way to continue your journey. A 3 map campaign playable in Co-Op and Versus. Features exploring, dynamic weather, lots of easter egg...
Precinct 84 | 4-Map Campaign ( 2018 Edition )
Yaratıcı: Payne☣
This is a L4D1 campaign I created in 2011. This version is for Left 4 Dead 2 and has updated visuals, same map layout and fun gameplay but better looking. This campaign contains 4 maps starting at high noon and slowly changes to the last minute of dusk in ...
Precinct 84 Original by Sir Eric B.
After a helicopter crash into a city just freshly hit by the infection. The survivors see glimpses that the police are still active and them to Precinct 84. This is the original version with the gas station that blows up to holy hell if you are not careful...
Prison Break
The company is based on the American TV series (Prison Break) "Escape". The company has 4 chapters. 1. Fox River. (The beginning of the company, you will find yourself in the famous Fox River Prison). "75% of the series, all made from standard textures and...
Project Auburn 2
Yaratıcı: oi
Project Auburn 2 By Finalhour10000 Updated: 02/24/12 "3 desolate industrial environments. Explore a water treatment plant and get to the evacuation zone located on an abandoned construction site!" I DO NOT OWN ANY RIGHTS! All rights goes to their respectfu...
Quake, Episode 1: Dimension of the Doomed
Yaratıcı: Literally Stapler
The shareware episode of the original Quake adapted into a campaign. Secret level excluded because nav flow is incompatible with low gravity....
Questionable Ethics
Yaratıcı: Nihilanth
* special thanks to kenoTetra.tv (v1.2) Survivors got stuck in a mysterious research facility. This campaign is about randomness and some traps. I started making this campaign out of curiosity. But as it progresses, it's got bigger and bigger. Have fun. (!...
Questionable Ethics : Alpha test
Yaratıcı: Nihilanth
* special thanks to kenoTetra.tv (v2.4) This campaign is a 5-map campaign, a sequel to 'Questionable Ethics'. I strongly recommend playing 'Questionable Ethics' first. (!) This campaign is long and difficult. Teamwork is crucial. (!) This campaign could be...
Questionable Ethics : Combined
Yaratıcı: Nihilanth
(v2.3) (!) Item-altering add-ons may cause the maps unplayable (!) This campaign could be confusing for those who have not played 'Questionable ethics' & 'Questionable ethics :Alpha test'. map 1 : Great Reset map 2 : Illusion of Choice map 3 : Build Back B...
Questionable Ethics Remake
Yaratıcı: Nihilanth
(v1.1) Since Questionable Ethics is my first campaign, it is kind of sloppy. So I decided to remake it. This campaign is a 6-map campaign, a remake of 'Questionable Ethics'. I recommend playing the original 'Questionable Ethics' first. (!) This campaign is...
Ravenholm by Blade x64
Yaratıcı: Nexedail
This is a reupload of the campaign made by Blade x64, link to his original work: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=783421539 Release Notes: - Changed survivors team used from L4D1 to L4D2 to support csm - Merged parts to be only 1 instead...
Red City
Yaratıcı: TheFuzZY
Campaign : Red City Survivors must fight their way through an infested city before holding out for a rescue helicopter on the rooftops. Level 1 name : Red Streets Level 2 name : Red Roofs Picture is owned by - http://www.zombie-guide.com/wp-content/uploads...
Red Forest - Ukrainian campaign
Yaratıcı: Edzik
The Russian military dug in the Red Forest, Chornobyl - one of the most radioactive spots on the planet. As a result, they received an excessive dose of radiation and mutated. Ukrainians are once again saving the world from zombie Russians. This content ad...
Red Tide
Yaratıcı: Monsterman94
(Instructor hints are highly recommended) Dropped off in a seemingly abandoned town in Florida, the survivors must make their way to their own little slice of paradise... safety....
Redemption 2 (Complete)
Yaratıcı: Terminus
Just an upload of the final release on gamemaps. All credit goes to Morloc. Original description as follows: 'Redemption takes place midway through the L4D comic strip, it continues the story after the survivors flee the military base they were taken to af...
Rescue Dawn
Yaratıcı: FangFee
这是我做出的第一张完整的地图!它也是我前一个地图:Sun City的完全重做版 剧情:代四人组从商场开车逃离后遇到了大量废弃车辆,不得不弃车步行,在路上不断寻求救援无果,最后得知在海边的virgil能够带他们离开 四人组需要向海边的旅馆前进,最后登上船只逃离 ...
Resident Evil 1
Yaratıcı: Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group An incident with the chopper forces the survivors to get into a big house in the middle of Raccoon Forest... -THINGS YOU HAVE TO KNOW: Important: Enable the instructor hints in Options>multiplayer. This campaign use custom hints to hel...
Resident Evil 2 - Side A
Yaratıcı: Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group Things you have to know: It is a double campaign, Side B can be downloaded here http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762715214 1. This is not a recreation, it is a campaign based on Resident Evil 2 (Leon A) and is play...
Resident Evil 2 - Side B
Yaratıcı: Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group Things you have to know: It is a double campaign, Side A can be downloaded here http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762591677 0. I speak Spanish and some English. I'm from Argentina, if you use another language I wont...
Resident Evil 2 Source - L4D2 Edition
Yaratıcı: Blood_Wraith
L4D2 version of my HL2 mod Resident Evil 2: Source Based on OG RE2 Leon A Scenario This campaign features a lot of puzzles and key item hunting, especially in the 2nd chapter, and is not for the impatient. This is still in beta, expect a few bugs. V 0.7 4 ...
Resident Evil 3
Yaratıcı: Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group New update after The Last Stand! -Addon campaign based on Resident Evil 3 Nemesis from PSOne. Maps full of puzzles and challenges while you survive the hordes. Coop map re3m1 ... Uptown map re3m2 ... RPD map re3m3 ... Downtown map re3m...
Resident Evil 3 - Short & Versus
Yaratıcı: Roku
You want STARS? ... This is a short version of my campaign Resident Evil 3 , now close to a L4D style without puzzes (only one little item searching) and adapted to versus mode. Map list: Uptown .............................map re3short_m1 RPD / Downtown ....
Right 4 Dummies
Yaratıcı: Winiloo
My First Dirty Short Ass Map ;)...
Yaratıcı: Sethms
Shoot your way through the city, into an aquarium, and down the pier in what may be the wettest campaign since Hard Rain! Campaign Features: Four Maps Unique Overlays and Textures Balanced Panic Events/Finale No Sewers! Clever Use of Dialogue (L4D2 Survivo...
RMS Titanic (v2.0.1)
Yaratıcı: ThisKid55
Version 2.0.1 available now including fixes for prop ERROR signs and more! The survivors find themselves stuck on the ill-fated ocean liner with a ship full of disease-ridden zombies. They must make their way from their 2nd class cabin on F-Deck up to the ...
Road To F18
Yaratıcı: Arctic
"There are rumors that sweden is the only place with quarantined areas left in europe. After looking for days, the survivors thought they found a rescue next to a garage, but it is just another broken radio. Get down from the mountain area, maybe there is ...
Road To Nowhere
Yaratıcı: R󠀡F
Campaign made by MapEater. Original Description: "Fight your way trough the long road and find a rescue on the end of the bridge." Original L4D1 version: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/19543 I didn't see anyone port this one yet so here it is. With permi...
Road to Nowhere II 2022
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Mapeater Release Date: May 30 2012 Original Upload: ✬VirusS ✬ March 2022 The 4 Survivors have crash into a police Barricade they found out that there is a town called Greenville that is holding down the infection they must reach out this last stand...
Road To Nowhere II by Mapeater
Version 4.0: The 4 Survivors have crash into a police barricade they found out that there is a town called Greenville that is holding down the infection they must reach out this last standing place before everything goes to hell. This needed Valves missing...
Roadkill (Coop & Versus)
Yaratıcı: Lou Saffire
Following from crash course, Francis, Zoey, Bill and Louis find themselves trapped on a highway junction, fighting for freedom! A new 4 map campaign from Lou Saffire with awesome versus gameplay ! Game Modes: Coop, Singleplayer,Versus,Realism Versus Check ...
Rodovia Imigrantes 1/5
Yaratıcı: clau.
WIP my first map so dont expect high quality but i will try to finish this campaign, since i wanted a more brazilian map im making myself with some easter eggs and funny pickups +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Meu primeiro mapa não espere qua...
Rural Tour
Yaratıcı: perfect_buddy
Finally! After almost 3 weeks of effort put into this, it is finally done! This is a coop/versus map, which contains four maps and a finale. (For more details, just click on the video) Features: - 30+ minutes of gameplay (depends on difficulty) - Versus su...
Salvation Falls
Yaratıcı: Jim_Partridge_Mapping
A 4 map campaign set in the foggy mountain town of Salvation Falls. This campaign supports Co--op and Versus modes and includes several new survival maps... Credit to Dulvesi for the character poses used in the new poster!...
Searching for Serenity
Yaratıcı: Zipnet
Everyone deserves some peace and quiet...
Seek to live on
Yaratıcı: 遊戯
Welcome to play, I hope my friends have a good time and bring fun to your life.. The whole process is a refreshing dash, ending with a classic refueling escape....
Shadow Moses Island
Yaratıcı: Nekoborn
DISCLAIMER: THIS MAP WAS NOT CREATED BY ME! The original author is inhumandesign....
Shore Rescue (Coop)
Yaratıcı: perfect_buddy
This is just a small project... that sadly took me three weeks to make... and now I am releasing it... because I can't just dump it... It's a 4 map campaign map with urban envivornment. Features: - 30+ minutes of gameplay (Well actually after playing it on...
Silesia 2 by ZajacPL
Survivors found that there are some people still alive hiding in polish coal mines. So they went to Poland! ...
Skipping Class
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
We Reupload i can find out Map workshop by Paz Skipping Class was my first Left 4 Dead 2 project; it's a short 2-map backtracking campaign, including custom textures and custom voice over. Patch 1.4 has been released with minor gameplay improvements and a ...
Snow Den 2.0
Yaratıcı: Snow
From the maker of Haunted Forest, a new campaign set in a snowy landscape. The L4D2 survivors somehow managed to end up somewhere in a Northern European area. The only way to get out alive, is to reach the harbor but there are some obstacles in the way... ...
Stargate SG-4 v2
Yaratıcı: green
This is old campaign that I made long time ago. I didnt upload it to Workshop since campaign is not that good, IMO, but Im uploading this now becose Im preparing upgrade for this campaign and I need some feedback, so please post it in comments below. There...
Stone Cold
Yaratıcı: Jim_Partridge_Mapping
This sh*t just got cold!! - 2 new coop campaign maps - 1 new survival map - custom models - new frozen coast location This map uses TopHatWaffles Real World texture set...
Sub Zero
Yaratıcı: Skibid
Raise the submarine to the surface while fighting off zombies in this short but action compact map! This was made for the Level Design Jam 3 on itch.io Thanks to milenko for creating some models...
Suicide Blitz (L4D1 port)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Left 4 Dead 1 is like 28 Days Later with a taste of humor and Left 4 Dead 2 is like Zombieland. They have a different feel. As a player, I prefer Left 4 Dead 2. It has everything the first game had. As a mapper, Left 4 Dead 2 is the winner hands down. Valv...
Suicide Blitz 2
Yaratıcı: Calango Aceso
Parte Unica Adicionado a oficina Steam por mim para facilitar o acesso de todos aqui você baixa o mapa a vontade estará sempre visível a todos diferente do que fizeram com Warcelona parte 1, 2 e 3 que não tem mais acesso fonte do mapa https://www.gamemaps....
Suicide Blitz 2: Part 1 of 3
Yaratıcı: DangerousPerson
Part 1 of 3 Visit Suicide Blitz 2 Collection Page and + Subscribe to all 3 parts! *This version will work with any other Version 4 of Suicide Blitz 2 available on the web. This version does however contain a couple of small GUI texture fixes. If you alread...
Sunrise Carnival
Yaratıcı: Roku
A little remake/re-imagined version of Dark Carnival. This addon campaign features some new melee weapons and the changes are not only the sun and lightning. I hope you get a fresh feeling about the carnival. -Full campaign (Coop & Versus) -Two survival ma...
Surrounded by the Dead II
Make your way through the dead city to the docks! Thanks to Aynekko (AGRESSOR) to give me permission to convert his awesome work and Marcos Outsider from "Project Detonado" YT channel for thumbnail. ...
Taco Bucket
Yaratıcı: AlwaysToast
Survivors must leave the safety of their apartments to travel across the city to reach the evac point at the Taco Bucket. Light up the sign and wait for rescue. What could go wrong? 3 map Coop campaign. The campaign has many dynamic elements, including pat...
Taco Bucket Supreme
Yaratıcı: AlwaysToast
Survivors must leave the safety of their apartments to travel across the city to reach the evac point at the Taco Bucket Supreme, signal the military, and wait for rescue. What could go wrong? This is the evolved version of my original Taco Bucket campaign...
Tank Arena
Yaratıcı: obez
Version 1.3 Another Tank Map, in a smaller arena. Enter the arena and fight tanks for 10 minutes. You will then have to find Moustachio and press the button under it to activate 1 out of 4 possible rescues (Don't take too long to reach Moustachio or he wil...
Tank Challenge
Yaratıcı: obez
v1.5 An offshoot of Tanks Playground, a little idea we had while playing Tanks Playground with friends. Survive waves of tanks with increasing difficulty until rescue. At each wave, one additional tank will spawn (ie. 6 tanks at round 6). Easy mode only sp...
Tank Hunters (v1.6)
Yaratıcı: Stilgar
The survivors fight against waves of tanks in the arena until the rescue vehicle arrives, like "Tank Challenge" style...
Tanks Playground
Yaratıcı: obez
Version 3.0 Campaign My tribute to the Tank Fever series by Lain. Survive the tanks for 10 minutes until rescue arrives! 13 to 15 tanks at most in Normal, Advanced and Expert modes (all are beatable). Less tanks in Easy. 3 possible rescue points. A player ...
Terminator Future War Campaign
Yaratıcı: Fares
Terminator Future War Campaign: (based on Terminator movies franchise) you must fight several terminator machines, infiltrate a skynet base and place a bomb there and escape https://imgur.com/xgk2kxY.gif music addon: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/...
Yaratıcı: LunarMeal
This map is my first map. It lasted six months from April to October. The map is still in beta. It will be updated later to solve some bugs and add some optimizations. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for your visit....
The Arrival
Yaratıcı: ilcannibal
The Arrival is Final Chapter of DeadCity Series, the surivors have arrived at River City in hope to find others where the virus had started. The survivors were LEFT BEHIND to fine themselves to see the DAY AFTER and hopefully to reach the final chapter and...
The Cure Fixed By Hitten-Z-Dirten
Yaratıcı: {aic}
Fixed version of the map for a server with a large tickrate...
The Curse of Lazar Castle
Yaratıcı: K.
~{ History }~ On the mist moutains of Transylvania, the strange and ancient castle of Lazar remains in silence. Some say that its abandoned. Some say that strange lights shine on night. No one ever dare to come too close. A journalism student decides to do...
The Dark Tower 1 The Gunslinger
Yaratıcı: Murmkuma
v2.1 - 2022-01-02 - 7 Chapters A tribute to Stephen King's Epic Series The Dark Tower: Book 1 The Gunslinger, 7 maps. Thanks for Playing...and thanks to Stephen King for creating inspiring material...and not suing :D Don't forget to try VS...I put in some ...
The Day After (Part 1)
Yaratıcı: ilcannibal
Four map campaign: ------------------------- 1. Roads (Upper) 2. Roads (Lower) 3. Bridge 4. Canals 5, Cliffs 6. Zephyrhills The survivors are now aware of Reuseable Water in 'Zephyrhills' before they can reach their destination. They must reach 'Zephyrhill...
The Day After (Part 2)
Yaratıcı: ilcannibal
Part 1: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2966819690 Part 2: a. materials b. models c. sound...
The Evil Within
Yaratıcı: Kryogen
Inspired By The Evil Within GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/27683 Info: Enable Hints L4D2 Characters 5 Maps Custom Music Boss Fight 4 Easter Eggs Console Code: Map1 w4e1_basement Map2 w4e2_asylum Map3 w4e3_keeper Map4 w4e4_mansion Map5 w4e5_evil...
The Exempt
Yaratıcı: Exempt ♥
Forced into the sewers, find a way out! MAJOR UPDATE! 8/26/23 see change log for full description :) This was my first campaign ever, now remastered and better than ever! Supports Co-op, Versus, Survival, and Scavenge. Special thanks to LobeznoL4D2 for str...
The Exempt - Christmas
Yaratıcı: Exempt ♥
Forced into the sewers, find a way out! All of the presents can be opened and contain supplies! The Original Map: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2224567900 Special thanks to LobeznoL4D2 for suggesting a Christmas version! Check him ...
The Final Exam
Yaratıcı: Ross
NO STUDY GUIDE CAN PREPARE YOU FOR THIS UNDEAD HORROR --- Based on a high school project where I mapped out a pretty accurate replica of a section of my high school, this is a one map with a finale attatched to it. The map is close enough to being in scale...
The Grave Outdoors
Yaratıcı: PopTheseFools
Originally made by Megadude for L4D1 only, later ported by Herbius in L4D2 with different name Dead Military "2", despite there's no "1" exist. Megadude made it pain in the a** to port (becasue he hates L4D2 for some reason), He placed bunch of L4D2 props ...
The Great Misadventures 3: The Finale
Yaratıcı: Angry Zombie
Maps: m1_underground, m2_dream1, m3_neighbourhood, m4_storagehouse, m5_bridge, m6_resort, m7_finale After A Devastating Earthquake, The Survivors Are Forced To Find A New Home. Along The Way They Find Themselves In Interesting Situations... This Is A 7-Map...
The Last Daylight
Yaratıcı: Roku - cuenta vieja
After the last stand at the Lighthouse, another group of survivors ended up in Riverside by mistake, and now their last hope lies in the sunlight... -This is a quick (re)work of the original campaign, turned into a sunny version with the L4D2 team. Some id...
The Last Volt
Yaratıcı: breakfastbat
The survivors find themselves amidst an expanding zombie apocalypse. Caught offguard, a fire starts to consume the apartment they were holing up in, and they must find a way to escape the building and the city. The power plant serves as the final obstacle ...
The Lego Map 2
Yaratıcı: Nich
Some years after the survivors escaped the Lego Dimension, any remaining traces of humanity still inside the Lego Dimension disappeared, consumed by the living dead who now inhabit it. The Lego Dimension began a slow but progressive restoration in the abse...
The Mission
Yaratıcı: Kryogen
This campaign is a combination of two games, Minecraft and Mario, put into one map. Models: I do not own any of the models. They are from "gaming-models" and "garrysmod". All rights belong to the owners that created the models. Poster: I do not own any mod...
The Mortuary New Version 2017 By Poor, Vaz2107 Port l4d1
Yaratıcı: {aic}
15.10.17//// 10/17/17 update 2 map: The survivors must go to the mortuary to examine the infection. The campaign includes many places to visit Metro> Car Park> Industry> City> Mortuary - New textures - New Tag with humor - Each meter was tested many of tim...
The Orange
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: FrozenDozer Fight through 4 long levels: 3 normal levels full of zombies to kill, and finally, the last level: the finale! Campaign is fully playable now, but open to updates/improvements and requests. Report all Bugs/Glitches/... you may encounter...
The Police Department
I did not make this or steal it! It belongs to Princesa Luna on GameMaps! Link: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/6918...
The Return: Escape from Louisianna (RE-UPLOAD)
Yaratıcı: Mil-Sim
Survivors band together after a helicopter crash that leaves them in a deserted town. The survivors must fight together through infected hordes to reach the evac zone on which they can be saved by ... well find out. (this is the final version of The Return...
The Seal of Asrahmat
Yaratıcı: Imaculata
A one-map Halloween campaign with a unique finale and a lot of custom content. New textures, models, items, sounds, music and an all new terrifying enemy! This campaign will require some puzzling and searching for key items, so enable Instructor Hints in t...
The Tsunami City (No Official)
Yaratıcı: Hennessy
??????????????????????????????????????????? Tsunami swept through the city, the survivors found a train to the shopping center on the city roof, but waiting for them is... ??????????bug????????????? If there are bugs that affect the game flow, please leave...
The Tsunami City (v2 Fixed)
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: QiuFengFuMai Add Fix Stringtable 基于原版的修改版本,它更简单(大概),并且不会再有更新。 Based on a modified version of the original, it's simpler (presumably) and won't be updated again. 【海啸城市系列第二部】...
The Ultimate Woods by Dank Frank, Mothra, and Psychedelic Troubadour
The survivors must fight through a plethora of woods and zombos in hope of rescue. This is a combination of The Woods campaign and The Woods 2 campaign. But BETTER! ...
Time to Die (Campaign)
Yaratıcı: Kyle H. McCloud
The Survivors Travel Through Time and Space! (1.6) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After narrowly escaping from yet another Infected horde, four desperate Southern Survivors decide to search for a secret government lab...
Titty Twister by Master Boing
Here is a classic back from the dead. Stringtables updated, sound.cache added, and posters and images all fixed up. Paying homage to the movie From Dusk Til Dawn, see if you can get through the Titty Twister Bar and Lounge and then escape with the Midnight...
Tour of Terror
Yaratıcı: novalin
Tour of Terror is a 5 level custom campaign for L4D2 Four American tourists in Eastern Europe are holding up in a large hostel after the zombie apocalypse has plagued the Earth. Their food and water supplies are running thin, and the hostel, which was once...
Train Sim Zombies 2
Yaratıcı: walllbreaker
Train simulator made using l4d2 source engine. Yes you can drive the train Press White brick to start the train Press Red brick to stop the train Press yellow brick to reverse the train ...
Train Station
Yaratıcı: Falconeyi
a WIP campaign. Going to be a 4 map campaign; having the survivors get to a train station to escape the zombie threat. Feel free to give your opinion/feedback on this campaign. I appreciate any feedback that you guys give me! * map 1: Currently being playt...
Train to Busan
Yaratıcı: walllbreaker
Trains,Zombies & Explosions Map inspired by "Train to Busan " movie ...... Short map ...... If you want a bigger campaign with trains . Check out "Train sim Zombies 2" . ...
Train Yard
Yaratıcı: AlwaysToast
Train Yard, single map Coop campaign. L4D1 survivors must make it from one side of a train yard to the other. After making Tank Yard I decided to reuse the structure of the map for a coop map....
Transmute Campaign
Yaratıcı: Charger342
Transmute is a 3 mission campaign. Set in, and around a water filtration facility....
Trip Day [Match] v21
Yaratıcı: Aiden锋锋
NOTES: 1. This is a dedicated map in VERSUS MODE, but it can coexist with the old ver. 2. Now it has been added to the ZONEMOD map pool. 3. 0%-100% of the journey can be TANK AREA. 4. The position of the medicine is fixed and obvious. level code and scores...
True FangShi
Yaratıcı: Thunder _Germany~*
This file was downloaded from GameMaps.com Uploader: mixmedia Author: Mixmedia After the crash survivors must find their way through doomed locations of China. ...
Undead Mine
Yaratıcı: R󠀡F
Campaign made by "Chaaaaaaaalie". (I cant find any information about this author anywhere and in the original files "Valve" is written as author. Only place where this name is mentioned is the "addonauthorSteamID" section of addoninfo. Author whoever he wa...
Undead Smackdown
Yaratıcı: KILLER 9639
My first attempt at a campaign! be nice. Undead Smackdown is a campaign based on the journey to an arena where a wrestling match between the wrestling legends Ric Flair and Randy Savage was going to take place. However the infection spread forcing the matc...
Yaratıcı: spires
A short exploration focused campaign. This was made as a personal project over a couple years for myself and a friend, so it's not the most user friendly. Please read below as it's not a standard campaign. -It's intended to be played without any enemies as...
Underground Pathway
Yaratıcı: Nekowhixp
Descent in to the darkness and explore the underground on a short 3-chapters campaign. Underground Pathway (or UnderPath for short) is set on the underground the entire campaign where you will be navigating through many subterranean areas where darkness an...
Unforgivable Night Redux
Yaratıcı: mt
Another Terrible Night... Thanks to DespaKid for the original map Shout out to Skyline and Zapzerohero for their help on this version...
Unreal Tournament Re-Visited by cappas
7 maps of coop and 4 of survival. Liamdri Corporation welcomes you! ...
Yaratıcı: DespaKD
FIXED FINALE NOW WORKS MORE CORRECTLY Greetings. This is my third campaign, I did a lot on this campaign and spent a lot of time on it. Features: This campaign has 5 chapters and is well detailed, has different zombie populations and has versus, quite well...
Urban Disaster 2017
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Koukin_Shuuyu you First Launch Settings -heapsize 60000 drop fps map 2 The survivors killed the helicopter pilot that was turned into a zombie. They landed in an infected area and will have to search for a rescue vehicle. Director will show you som...
Urban Flight
Yaratıcı: The Rabbit
The city is burning. As ash falls, the survivors attempt to flee to a small military airfield on the other side of the river. It's a straight path down the main boulevard, but nothing is ever simple. Crashed cars, blazing fires, police barricades, and the ...
Vague Reminders
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
We Reupload Map workshop by Finalhour10000 The survivors must rip through 4 errie environments, including a junkyard, underground railways, a 4 story office building,and a hedge maze full of witches! ...
Vienna Calling
Yaratıcı: Flute
Vienna Calling 1 created by 44Vmapping. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2119...
Vienna Calling 2 (real version 3)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
The sequel campaign 'Vienna Calling 2' further hunts its tourists through the streets of Vienna. Unfortunately, you don't have the time for sightseeing, as hordes of Viennese zombies want you like a drunkard wants his schnitzel at 4 am after a night of hea...
Walk in a Straight Line
Yaratıcı: Ajax Drinker
Walk in a straight line. How hard could it be? A mediocre at best map made for friend use that I'm making public, because why not? Maps are "walkinginastraightline" and "jumpandfall" if you want to instantly go into either. The first map's the actual map, ...
Wan li
Yaratıcı: CastorJudo
Coach, Nick, Rochelle and Ellis are in an airliner in distress. They ditch the airliner in mid-flight over China... Many areas of this campaign are based on the real Great Wall of China. 3 maps campaign map 1 : Great Plane map 2 : Great Wall map 3 : Great ...
Yaratıcı: Calango Aceso
Parte Unica...
Watered Down
Yaratıcı: ChimiChamo
Ellis crashed your free ticket to safety and now you're stuck in the middle of nowhere. Your last hope is the Aqua Season Waterworld. This is my first campaign ever made for this game, and after playing it I'm sure you'll hope it would be the last. I've sp...
Way To Die(Beta V1.5)
Yaratıcı: Rage Devil
======================================================== Wait to die,or way to die? HELLO,EVERYONE!I am RD. Welcome to play my first L4D2 map. My original intention for making this map can be said to have originated from the summer of 2021.I made this map ...
We Don't Go To Ravenholm
Yaratıcı: Chuffy [s^3]
This is a port of the Ravenholm maps from Half Life 2. This is NOT original work, all I did was modify some areas to be suitable for Left 4 Dead 2, all credit goes to Valve for the maps. If you encounter a problem with the campaign, please check the FAQ be...
We Were Trapphed v1 [READ DESC]
Yaratıcı: ♕ Moxie ♕
This is my first campaing so.... yeah enjoy. List of problems: -Some textures are broken -Nav problems -When using the elevator on chapter 3 be careful, press the button when everyone is in the elevator -In the rescue bots refuse to get aboard.... yeah. Ma...
Welcome to Hell
Yaratıcı: Flute
Welcome to Hell created by Garfield!!. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2248...
Where the Fairies go (V3)
Yaratıcı: Evil
Elders once dreamed of living out their days in Ethermar, along the banks and shores of the tranquil waters surrounding it. Those days seem to be long gone though. And while some of the charm of Ethermar remains, so too does the remnants of what happened h...
Whispers In The Dark 2
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: Dark_alexRU Last_GIFT Community this Russian Fer Finale now working. CLeaned up errors in all other maps as well. Following the events surrounding our survivors adventures in Left 4 Dead, the journey of survival horror continues with Whispers In Th...
Whispers of Winter
Yaratıcı: Honest
The cold keeps getting colder... About Whispers of Winter is a 5 map campaign,that supports Coop, Versus and Survival Mode. The chapters consists of a Shopping Mall, Military Outposts, Train Yard, Harbor and a Lighthouse finale. The survivors receive a cal...
White Forest
Yaratıcı: oi
White Forest By ported by Missed Updated: 05/20/16 "Four survivors were riding the train accident occurred near the white forest, they had to trek across multiple regions of the white forest, and finally reach a radio stations and seek help. v2.0 Modify th...
Winter Carnival
Yaratıcı: k9r0ll
Are you trembling? Is it just the cold, or is it just tank? The staff at Wreaking Oaks tried their best to beautify their area, but disease and zombies clearly got in the way. Perhaps visiting the park in the winter is an okay idea, but who knows? In this ...
Wolfenstein 4D
Yaratıcı: 41P Apocalypse
You've been captured and left for dead in a stronghold. Find a way out....
Wolfenstein 4D by ShaunMAD & WaRaN
Yaratıcı: ShaunMAD
Hi everybody. here is one of my first maps, i tried to design levels of wolfenstein classic game into left 4 dead with my frind WaRaN, try it if you want and enjoy!! ^^...
Yama (Finale Fixed)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Yama is a campaign set in Japan, starting out in Tokyo with the survivors escaping west to Kyoto's Kiyomizu temple, before moving further into the mountains the next morning. This includes the finale fix by "RF" (the recycle bin) which Orthopedic Surgeon o...
YangAn(a map)
Yaratıcı: 小猫怪⚡
This is my second map. It's not hard to play and there is supply now.(except ammo.) m1:map m1_island m2:map m2_vally m3:map m3_desert m4:map m4_city 10/12/2023 some problems have been solved...
Zengcheng Old School
The most precious thing a human being can have is life. Life comes to a person only once. Therefore, a person's life should be spent in such a way that when he looks back, he does not regret his wasted years or feel ashamed of his inactivity; so that when ...
Yaratıcı: t-bone
You have been kept as human test subjects in an underground biological weapon research facility. A brief power failure has allowed a dangerous mutagen, code-named ZMB-13, to escape into the environment, turning everyone in the facility into the walking dea...
zombie army campaign
Yaratıcı: Fares
based on zombie army video game there are more than zombies in this campaign, you have to fight elite zombies that shoot at you with heavy gun, there are also flamethrower zombies and suicidal zombies that charge you with their bombs https://imgur.com/xgk2...
Zombie Blackout Ext. Mashup
Yaratıcı: Trunten
Fixed this broken oldie up. Replaced map 1 and fixed all remaining issues nav and otherwise. Another Timelord Mashup - 10000 ft Under (Nigel Moran) + Black Out (Wixard) + Fright Train (FiNB0B) + Zombie Movie Without A Name (LoPony)!! All credit to the orig...
Zombie Movie Without Name? by LoPony
The description is useless. The description is useless. The description is useless. The description is useless. The description is useless. The description is useless. The description is useless. The description is useless. The description is useless. The ...
Zombie Playground
Yaratıcı: s10055072
Two simple finale-only maps. The first map is the standard finale, nothing to say about. Second map quite different from first maps, it features Tank-Only finale, similar to Tank Challenge, with five waves Some tips and hints for this map Not recommend pla...
Zombies of the Caribbean
Map Created By Dives: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2520 In this recreation of the classic Disneyland ride, players can ride the boat, ride the boat while zombies try to tear your limbs off, or go through the ride and employee areas on foot like a stand...
Dangerous Suburb
Yaratıcı: VeselayaPesnya
Plot: After the military rescues survivors in New Orleans, ** time later the plane crashes in a small town. The survivors hide in a container in the parking lot and here their new adventure begins. Nick, Ellis, Rochelle and Coach must navigate forests and ...
Dry County
Yaratıcı: Jim_Partridge_Mapping
From Dust To Dust... This is a beta version of the campaign Dry County. So far this campaign features 4 new maps in a new environment. A dusty mining town where deadly sandstorms can whip up in a second and make the infected far more of a challenge. The ca...
Pouring (Sanity) Down the Drain
Yaratıcı: Nekowhixp
After crashing their helicopter in an abandoned warehouse, barely injuring themselves, the survivors will make their way through the underground reaching a building that houses an infamous medical facility. Pouring (Sanity) Down the Drain is a medium-size ...
Yaratıcı: Nozal
https://i.imgur.com/yQEgAF2.gif Please read before playing Please enable the instructor before playing. Options -> Multiplayer -> Enable Instructor. If you experience any crashes, it's probably because you might have a mod that's conflicting with the map. ...
Yaratıcı: StivenMaster
Español: Mapa de codename cure porte aporteado para left 4 dead 2,es el mismo mapa de codename cure,copiado y pegado al hammer del left 4 dead 2 ,pero con grandes cambios,como añadir armas ,triggers para el rescate final y los eventos de hordas,puse a los ...
Last Chance (part 1) Beta
Yaratıcı: Tea
https://i.postimg.cc/VNXxJd3x/test.png Hi! I am very glad to be back again! thanks to all those who liked my projects even before the release of the final version! The storyline On the assignment of ECHO-01, you are sent to explore the forest to rescue oth...
Fire Enhanced Remastered Fixed Patch
Yaratıcı: Trunten
multiple colored fire in all campaign map chapters replaces most, if not all, fire effects should also change the hunter and charger Blue, Cyan, Pink, Purple...
Green Walls
Yaratıcı: Mr.MaxaM
This is a small campaign in which the survivors will have to make their way through the dark corridors and alleys of the Green Walls complex and escape by refueling a truck. The campaign consists of 4 small chapters with various interactive elements and pa...
HellRide V1.3
Yaratıcı: Toaster4Lifez
This is ToasterForLifez first attempt at L4D2 Map Making, Expect this map to have bugs and other things (This map is complete but open for updates). While Nick's crew were being transported to a military base, their helicopter's engine failed resulting in ...
Revenge: The Final Chapter Fixed v2 (복수: 마지막 장)
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author 작가: SpeedBoost 생존자들의 밴은 버려진 도시에서 사고를 당합니다. 그들은 곧 자신들이 혼자가 아니라는 사실을 알게 되고 오랜 친구를 만나게 될 수도 있습니다. 'SpeedBoost 캠페인 시리즈'의 마지막 캠페인입니다. 나는 Last Hours가 최고의 마무리를 얻지 못했지만 이것이 끝날 것이기 때문에 이것을 만들고 싶었습니다. 본 캠페인은 캠페인의 다음 단계를 결정하는 '선택' 시스템을 갖추고 있습니다. (예를 들어 맵 1에서 패...
Yaratıcı: goanna
Fight your way through piles of tank poop....
Death Sentence Redux
Yaratıcı: 海市蜃楼
Death Sentence:Redux Based on the original map "Death Sentence" Code of buliding maps: dsr_m<charpter number> The link of Zonemod support appendix, include stripper and mapinfo: https://github.com/cy115/Death-Sentence-Redux-Appendix update log: 07.04: ·Fix...
Nova Prospekt (Fixed)
Yaratıcı: Trunten
The survivors have found themselves in Nova Prospekt, the Combine's base of operations. It used to be a high security prison - it's something much worse now... We are mirroring this as a duplicate reupload for testing purposes. "Game Maps" website appears ...
4 Sided Coin
Yaratıcı: Olik
Descrition: You found your escape, an airliner right back to civilisation. But did you really think getting on a plane in a zombie apocalypse would end well? Content: 5 maps playable in Campaign and Versus game modes 3 Survival maps Also compatible with th...
Death Corridors (죽음의 복도)
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
작성자: Hippety-hop 워크샵이 왔습니다! 출시일 게임맵: 7월 22일~24일 도망친 생존자들은 주요 부분이 복도로 구성된 거대한 단지에 있음을 발견했습니다. 그들은 살아서 나갈 수 있을 것인가, 아니면 끝없는 복도에서 길을 잃을 것인가." 불필요한 상호작용이나 검색 등을 하지 않고 단순한 지도 형태를 만들기 위한 시도입니다. 그냥 장을 뚫고 쏘면 됩니다. 대략적인 통과 시간은 ~ 30분입니다 콘솔을 통해 연결할 맵의 이름: l4d2_deathco...
No mercy Daytime Fixed v2 (자비는 없다 낮)
Yaratıcı: Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: HaiTian 이건 제가 만든 NO MERCY DAYTIME이고, 이게 최종 버전이에요. 필요하면 계속 업데이트할 거예요. 즐기셨으면 좋겠어요! No too many Witch map 4 map 5 This is NO MERCY DAYTIME made by me, and this is finale version, I will keep update if necessary, hope you enjoy it !...
Mission Improbable ver1.3
Yaratıcı: 洛琪希べ
The main components are the HL2 module Mission Improbable and Down Fall --Notice: (1) If the M1 Sky Box is not visible (gray), please add+mat_force-vertexfog 0 in the startup option (2) The server that has installed the "Prevent Three party Map Script Poll...
求生传送门L4PT2 v1.1
Yaratıcı: TaigaAi
想在传送门里玩求生之路吗?取自同起源引擎经典ip游戏《传送门》 搬用了部分传送门、传送门梅尔、传送门革命的场景 本图支持战役和对抗,药抗经过了足够的平衡性调整!无解谜要素,重点是求生,而不是传送门! 建图代码: map pt2_m1 map pt2_m2 map pt2_m3 map pt2_m4 map pt2_m5 已知问题: ①部分模型无法正确的渲染材质 ②救援关终局可能会导致部分生还上电梯后判定死亡 作者的话: 此图恰好是本人第十张的求生地图,从2018年的旅行日上传后到今日已有6年的时间,看到如此...
Fatal Freight [ZoneMod]
Yaratıcı: beckjdk
Mapa custom Fatal Freight para ZoneMod subido a Workshop, el mapa no me pertenece. Fatal Freight custom map for ZoneMod uploaded to Workshop, the map does not belong to me....
Bağlı koleksiyonlar (76)
I Hate Mountains
4 öğe bulunuyor
Deadbeat Escape
2 öğe bulunuyor
Jurttu's CS:S Ports
3 öğe bulunuyor
Buried Deep
2 öğe bulunuyor
'The Hive' Campaign
9 öğe bulunuyor
Fatal Freight: Remastered
7 öğe bulunuyor
Dark Wood (Extended)
5 öğe bulunuyor
Back To School Campaign
8 öğe bulunuyor
Loony Park
2 öğe bulunuyor
Chernobyl: Chapter One
8 öğe bulunuyor
One 4 Nine
4 öğe bulunuyor
Glubtastic Collection
5 öğe bulunuyor
Death Aboard 2 [All Parts]
2 öğe bulunuyor
Beldurra 2
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The Bloody Moors
5 öğe bulunuyor
5 öğe bulunuyor
SaltHell Park
4 öğe bulunuyor
Last Breath Collection
2 öğe bulunuyor
不可企及 / Unattainable
3 öğe bulunuyor
Death Woods
6 öğe bulunuyor
2 öğe bulunuyor
Death Mountain
6 öğe bulunuyor
Dead Before Dawn (Extended)
5 öğe bulunuyor
Dead Before Dawn (Uncut)
7 öğe bulunuyor
Highway To Hell
4 öğe bulunuyor
The Space Jockeys Saga
5 öğe bulunuyor
Death From Above
2 öğe bulunuyor
Downtown Dine - Dead End
5 öğe bulunuyor
HalfDead Escape City17
5 öğe bulunuyor
Inferno City Campaign
4 öğe bulunuyor
Portal 2: The Underground
5 öğe bulunuyor
WitchHunter 2014
4 öğe bulunuyor
2019 II: Director's Cut
7 öğe bulunuyor
Lambda L4D2 by [X6] Herbius
7 öğe bulunuyor
Divine Cybermancy
8 öğe bulunuyor
Deathcraft II
7 öğe bulunuyor
3 öğe bulunuyor
4 öğe bulunuyor
Prague Campaign
5 öğe bulunuyor
Cold Front
3 öğe bulunuyor
3 öğe bulunuyor
Downtown Dine Campaign
3 öğe bulunuyor
Cape Murder 2 Pts. 1-2
2 öğe bulunuyor