Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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MZ Maps
Items (20)
Created by Taxin2012
Created by MZ STALKER RP
Описание Кордон — своего рода предбанник Зоны. Здесь сталкеры-новички обживаются, проходят первые боевые крещения. Некоторые из новичков здесь и погибают: от аномалий, засад бандитов или скоплений военных. На локации присутствуют мутанты, но это не самые с...
Created by MZ STALKER RP
Описание Огромное техническое кладбище. После аварии именно сюда свезли горы радиоактивного хлама. Есть остатки построек, встречаются мутанты. Здесь, как и у самого периметра, много новичков, а рядом крутятся бандиты, всегда ищущие кусок пожирнее, и чтобы ...
Dead City
Created by NuclearGhost
RP_DEADCITY The Dead City is a Soviet-era town located between Yantar and Limansk that was abandoned by its inhabitants in the wake of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Over the years it fell prey to scavengers and elements, slow...
Created by Taxin2012
Great Swamp
Created by Shen
“We've been hiding here so long that sometimes I feel like the whole world is one big swamp. I heard a story once that this used to be normal land, with villages and fields and everything. Then they started building a dam for the hydro power station, and e...
Created by Taxin2012
Created by Taxin2012
Created by Taxin2012
Limansk (Clear Sky)
Created by NuclearGhost
RP_LIMANSK_CS For a long time no one heard anything about that town. Many folks don't believe Limansk ever existed. Only they're lying: the town exists - I saw it with my own eyes before the first disaster. You see, there wa...
Jupiter Underground
Created by Shen
The Jupiter Underground, designated as Pripyat-1, is a small part of a Zone-wide tunnel system originally used by the Group to secretly transport equipment and materials. Strelok and his group have since used it several times to bypass the Brain Scorcher a...
Agroprom (Shadow of Chernobyl) (Summer)
Created by NuclearGhost
A strange, heavily contaminated area, Agroprom is home to the Agroprom Research Institute and a factory, connected to the outside world via railway tracks. It's notable for it's extensive network of underground facilities, corridors and other areas. To the...
Created by Taxin2012
Created by Taxin2012
MZ Swamp
Created by MZ STALKER RP
Небольшое болотце, имеющее пару деревень, хуторок и мост. Интересно, что в модах были переименованы по разному, чаще всего мелькали такие название как Топи, Темные болота и Восточные болота....
MZ Darkscape V.2
Created by MZ STALKER RP
Вторая версия Темной Лощины с переделками и багфиксами...
Created by Shen
Located about a kilometer north of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, in a remote area, lies the true center of the Zone. Six bulbous Generators stand in a hexagonal formation, psionic energy arcing between them and the rift in the Noosphere far above. The...
Pripyat (Shadow of Chernobyl)
Created by Shen
This used to be a town built for engineers working at the Chernobyl NPP. Quite a big place once, it is a ghost town now, with only the Monolith as its residents. From here, they coordinate and reinforce their defenses around the center of the Zone. There s...
Millitary & Radar (For Mysterious Zone)
Created by Malevich
Карта сделана на основе двух готовых карт, а именно Радара и Армейских Складов. Нововведения: - обустройство базы Свободы и Монолита; - включение/выключение света; - двери; - рабочий тир; - интеррактивные предметы; - расширенная лаборатория; - комната О-Со...