Fallout 4
113 évaluations
How To Interact
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In the fifth instalment of my epic guide saga i shall teach you how to do another insanely difficult Fallout 4 game mechanic!
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How To Interact
Press E
That's it!
If you liked this guide please give it a like and award it took many many many more hours of training for me to bring you this new and epic game advice.
25 commentaires
klevith 11 mai à 19h41 
Instructions unclear, I clicked it and my pointer at the middle of my screen changed, pls update the guide and give proper directions. Thank you (:
Stompwater Jack 4 sept. 2021 à 5h40 
Instructions unclear. Didn't work. Downvoted guide.
76561198441574592 1 sept. 2021 à 12h01 
@ParkaBoy Woooosh
ParkaBoy 30 aout 2021 à 10h59 
Given how crappy some of this game is, you could do guides like this on how to take off power armor or how to throw a grenade... Things that should be simple but are actually horrible.
Blake 23 aout 2021 à 13h06 
Gets funnier each time you post the same joke for point whoring purposes
Celynnec 22 aout 2021 à 6h30 
instructions unclear, i was teleported into a deathclaw nest whilst trying to open the vault door help please otherwise i'll downvote! :(
Zestyman 20 aout 2021 à 19h34 
So this post only teaches you the basics of pressing e in a bethesda game you also have too harness the very fabric of the universe so your game won't crash:trolol:
Gali 20 aout 2021 à 7h23 
It won't work, instructions unclear downvoted guide
The Real Derric Young 19 aout 2021 à 22h01 
horse 19 aout 2021 à 7h54 
i reported the comment underneath me for terrorism