Mortal Kombat 11

Mortal Kombat 11

52 valoraciones
How to actually play Scorpion
Por 2015 Nissan Juke
The only guide that will actually teach you how to play Scorpion. No combo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, just pure gameplay.
Basic Overview of Scorpion
Scorpions (Order Scorpiones) are one of the most formidable-looking organisms on the planet. Their large front claws or pincers (called pedipalps) and their menacing tails can sometimes be perceived as deadly weapons that are ready to strike. Scorpions do possess this capability, and it is this same behavior that has placed them as one of the most feared organisms in the animal kingdom.
Scorpion Fighting Techniques
They use their claws and stinger to hunt and kill their prey. Before it stings, a scorpion uses its claws to grab and stabilize the prey. With smaller prey, the animal simply is crushed by the scorpion's grip.

Envenomation is the process by which a scorpion uses its tail to inject venom. This venom goes through the tail and out of the stinger, which has a syringe-like structure to allow the venom to be secreted. After the venom is secreted, it goes into the prey's body to paralyze it and eventually kill it.
Extra Advanced Techniques
These scorpions are also known to strike humans because they generally prefer to be left undisturbed. Scorpion strikes and stings usually happen when a human unwittingly disturbs a scorpion by lifting the rock that covers the scorpion or by crushing it to their skin.

Scorpions that have invaded the home also can sting people. The scorpion hides during the day and. in a home, clothing and shoes in closets are ideal hiding spots. When people put on the clothes, the scorpion stings in defense.
Small Downsides
Being struck by a scorpion is oftentimes less than deadly, with the exception of some species such as the Arizona Bark Scorpion, which has been documented to have medically threatening venom.
Example of High Level Scorpion Gameplay
Scorpion :)
12 comentarios
nephe9 16 MAR a las 6:15 p. m. 
Gun fu** 9 JUL 2022 a las 1:21 p. m. 
f hihj ping players and all russians
Gun fu** 9 JUL 2022 a las 1:20 p. m. 
make him actually playable and I will play, he's always low tier :/ buff him pls
yegussss 30 JUN 2022 a las 1:18 p. m. 
thx, didn't know how to play him properly. now i do <3
SILVER rakhsh 29 JUN 2022 a las 7:37 a. m. 
Does this include taxes?
StateofCanada 24 SEP 2021 a las 12:50 a. m. 
ahh this made my day
StateofCanada 24 SEP 2021 a las 12:50 a. m. 
wtf... lol
booty_bandit 3 AGO 2021 a las 5:26 p. m. 
i died when i read this 10/10
Six 26 JUL 2021 a las 4:38 p. m. 
Damn bro, I reviewed this guide carefully and now I can dominate anybody I play against with Scorpion. 10/10 best guide ever. Totally changed my life. I never would've met my wife if not for this guide.
Kadża 17 JUL 2021 a las 10:23 a. m. 