Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol

Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol

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Saving all Neighbours: Tips (Zombie Starvation)
От Lord Of War
Instructions how to rescue all the neighbours in ZAMN.
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Zombie Starvation
Zombie starvation
(Save all the neighbors in Zombies.)

Overall, the trophy isn't hard. But you must not rush.
General Tips
1) Never save your game at the beginning of a new level.
Only save at the end, once you've rescued all victims.

Why: you'll need to prepare certain gear for some maps. It's mostly blue trainers or a ghost potion.
Scrolling through list of inventory at the beginning of the next map takes precious seconds, which must not be wasted in areas with werewolves.

2) If you have to quit to restart - do so VERY slowly.
There's no confirmation for save/no save options and they are close to each other.
You can accidentally overwrite your progress. :(

3) Keep your neighbours off the screen.
If you can see them, so can monsters, meaning, they can (and will) kill them before you reach those.
Finally, watch out for the levels listed below!
Therein, tourists turn into werewolves - you must save them first!
I've recorded the routes of these victims:

Level 7: 9seconds to save 3 tourist couples. Prepare the blue trainers.

Level 14: 37seconds to save 3 tourist couples.

Level 15: 38seconds to save 1 tourise couple.

Level 17: 9seconds to save 2 tourist couples. Prepare the blue trainers. ><
This map is a big pain. Several victims in very close vicinity and annoying spiders kill them way too quick.

Level 19: 38seconds to save 4 tourist couples!

In bonus level 22-b) werewolves will spawn from the inaccessible tourist.
I had to kill the giant toddler and save him, so the total amount remained as 10 rescued.

Level 28: 8seconds to save 2 tourist couples, and then use the glitch
to save 3rd couple.

Gather and lead 5 zombies after you, so the 3rd couple won't be able to turn.

Level 36: 9seconds to save 1 tourist couple

Level 39: 37seconds to save 1 tourist couple.
Not actually my video. My game crashed and erased the progress, so had to look up for someone's recording. However, the tourists' locations are the same in Steam version.

Level 42: 8seconds to save 1 tourist couple. Prepare the blue potion!

Level 48: 36seconds to save 2 tourist couples.
Again, not my video, as had another crash and yet another loss of progress >< However, the tourists' locations are still the same in Steam version.
1 коментара
shade00 11 февр. 2023 в 11:39 
thank you for this information
long ago level 42 got me sadly, had a ton of items saved up and lost it all so long ago playing snes original :BL3Facepalm:
some older games just have some crazy tough levels
these days games arent as unforgiving funny enough