Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Föremål (868)
『 Hard Renaissance 』 絶 Replaces Horde OST
Skapad av Hori Kyouko
Replaces The Horde Sound With Zetsu From The Composer " Ice " ...
『Replace Rochelle voice』Vtuber Nekomiya Hinata(ねこみやひなた、猫宮ひなた) 替换 二代Rochelle人物语音
观众姥爷们,喜欢的请务必点个赞哦,厚颜无耻的求赞(`・ω・´) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/999179297230853541/92D2BC514FDC7522FCA6FDB1889632A3586BFE2F/ l4d2 survivors Rochelle voice 猫宮 ひなた 是从2018年2月开始活动的日本虚拟YouTuber。 人设是穿着宽松上衣塑料袋的粉发萝莉,本人曾表示衣服从侧面看是看不到的。 性别不详。特征是呆毛和猫耳乱发。在推上...
【八重 樱】Day of Infamy MG42 General Purpose Machine Gun 八重樱主题MG42通用机枪替换M60
说明 · 【八重 樱】Day of Infamy MG42 General Purpose Machine Gun 八重樱主题MG42通用机枪替换M60 · 截图仅展示了个大概,细节方面的东西,自己进游戏看吧 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · MG42(Drum Mag 用弹鼓) Model:麻辣香锅(原动作) / CinnabarFlail(自设计动作,类似cod16动作) · MG42(Ammo Belt 用弹链) Model...
【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) Ver1.0
说明 · 【原神】狼的末路 替换 吉他 ("Wolf’s Gravestone" Replace Guitar) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : 原神mihoyo ( Genshin mihoyo ) 其他 · Ver 2.0 新版 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
【原神】 SVCh SCAR—七七(替换30发连狙) \ [Genshin Impact] SVCH-SCAR—qiqi
Skapad av 洛兮
替换30发连狙,rreplace the military sniper。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2270011713 添加夜光,方便在黑暗中寻找,希望你们喜欢! 谢谢原作者HKG41的授权,奈何实力底下! L4D2MOD制作交流群:1016787637 L4D2开黑群:721355486 我的B站主页:https://space....
【原神】M1014—甘雨(替换一代连喷) / 【Genshin Impact】M1014—GANYU
Skapad av 洛兮
替换一代连喷XM1014,replace autoshotgun xm1014 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture),法线贴图(normalmap),测试发现夜光并不合适,所以没添加! 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2173833864 origin model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfile...
【少女前线】FAL 消音冲锋枪(Girls' Frontline FAL Mac-10)
Skapad av 黑蝶沼
简介 拥有部分夜光(Has some luminous ) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) 没有原版smg持枪mod(No original mod ) Pid=7346965 有些线条处理的不是很好,望谅解 你可能不相信,这枪皮的灵感来自一辆坦克 动态的鸽了...
【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ主题 替换 小刀 Replaces Knife
说明 · 【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ主题 替换 小刀 Replaces Knife · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 其他 · 仅替换了材质 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 狂热蓝调Δ相关 狂热蓝调Δ主题 二代连喷 狂热蓝调Δ主题 伤害指向器 狂热蓝调Δ主题 HUD 狂热蓝调Δ音频 爆炸音效 狂热蓝调Δ主题 武士刀 狂热蓝调Δ主题 止...
【明日方舟】QBZ-95—安洁莉娜 / 【Arknights】 QBZ-95—Angelina
Skapad av 洛兮
替换三连发SCAR。Replaces the SCAR rifle。 修改了:基础贴图,法线贴图,夜光效果! 十分抱歉,由于我的问题,导致之前那个mod似乎没有上传成功,订阅只有封面,所以重新传一个,同学们可以再次订阅使用,阿里嘎多! 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1790721396643902563/88B4A96EF75388D934D9B33D19A450...
【明日方舟】XM1014—陈 / 【Arknights】 XM1014—CHEN
Skapad av 洛兮
替换霰弹枪xm1014,replace auto shotgun! 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 ——你的父亲已经和你断绝关系。他同样也和我再无瓜葛,我不会在乎,他也不会。 ——你想离开这里? ——可以。不过在那之前,我要说些事情给你听。 ——其实我知道那个老人是谁。 ——但我很健忘,我会忘掉许多事——比如说那天晚上你和你朋友小小的冒险。忘掉这件事简直轻而易举。 ——这的确是我的错,没错。我犯下了不可饶恕的错误。 ——可我会忘记。 L4D2mod制作群:92...
[xdR] Super Mario Death Animation
Skapad av deckenid
die like mario Replaces the death animation with a Mario Like Animation The Animation is Based on a Smash bros Taunt You need this to work: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2121557118 Occupies Character Slots 22 of reanimations. https...
【 补档 】黑猫本子面包车 懂的都懂
Skapad av 裂波斩
http://i.imgur.com/OerL787.png 替换了游戏内随处可见的面包车(replace van) 懂的都懂,在这个物欲横流的社会,奶子生存不易,大家好自为之 Author:蒜蓉炒面 PLEASE http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
replace the bileBomb I love this model, so I made it a game Part of the map of the model is glowing Animation: original animation (Cannot be used with other bileBoom's animation mod) Forgive me for my poor English~ 替换游戏内道具 胆汁的模型 贴图部分带夜光 风格有点像全境封锁 动作是官方原版动作...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
【Princess Connect! Re:Dive キャル - SMG [Mac - 10]
Skapad av Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif Modify texture only have fun All Content by CYGAMES ...
【Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活】HK416—蕾姆 / 【RE:0】 HK416—Rem
Skapad av 洛兮
替换M16A2,replace M16A2 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2166582905 origin model :https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2166582905 由于原模型过于高深复杂,有很多问题无法解决,也没有添加夜光,还请见谅! L4D2开车群...
【RNG】CS:GO M4A1-S 雷姆&拉姆 / 【RNG】 M4A1-S Rem&Ram
Skapad av 洛兮
替换M16A2,replace rifle M16A2 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1799730357745060773/1EB1BCA398421FD9FD57A828DE7245747C86A557/ 游戏内: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1799730357745057191/6A3A427CE6...
【Soul Worker】武士刀 Katana
说明 · 【Soul Worker】武士刀 Katana · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : 13549838990 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1817743455766722863/FF03CFD831D356D9F942D38C568744B05FAF434F...
ありふれた職業で世界最強 R18 PILLOW
There's nothing to say. Change the graph every 5S. There are two graphs with R18. This pillow has a luminous effect. ...
キズナアイKizunaAI's Fuk You Shove Sound
Skapad av Hori Kyouko
Replaces The Survivor's Shove Sound With Kizuna's AI Angry Tone...
ゼロツーZero Two Dance Healing
Skapad av Hori Kyouko
Replaces First Aid Kit Healing With Zero Two's Dance OST...
东方千年组通关加载画面Touhou Yuri loading
Skapad av 猫与鸟
东方千年组加载图,做来给自己保存的 Touhou Yuri loading 有个文件来源于NPCsnake大佬的 出自pixiv ID:62991712【侵删】...
Skapad av 夜空☆Twinkle
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1747928954307596622/A6A3F8745997A4CB8CF071D7601604907FFD22F8/ 简介 嘤嘤嘤 这个mod替换的是游戏中的三种投掷物 土质炸药,胆汁,燃烧瓶 带夜光,不瞎眼 玩的开心! 一些废话 半年将近没做mod了 其实游戏也没玩了 因为要中考了明年 mod如果突然出了什么问题 真的很抱歉我很难及时来解决 而且刚刚电脑炸了重置了系统 3DMAX,C4D都得重装 以及一堆东西得去弄...
[xdR] Bill - Fortnite Dance Moves when Healing
Skapad av xdshot
Bill doing dead meme dance when Healing. Requires xdReanimsBase subscribed otherwise it has no effect. Occupies Character Slot 31 of reanimations. Original animations by Epic Games. ...
Skapad av 花の韵❄
没想到这都能动态 有机会就搞个双动态 有一点没对准不影响 https://i.ibb.co/1LQ3Kjm/image.gif 注意: 为让各位可搭配其他HUD本mod用了itempickup.res导向 所以您不可以和速度表或其他使用了该res的mod一起使用 如需与其他HUD一起用请尝试复制itempickup的参数至hudlayout.res后删除itempickup这里就不说怎么弄了自行各大搜索引擎 11/27 白边不那么明显 部分调整 再次校正 ...
动态 明日方舟泳装斯卡蒂猎杀者匕首 替换 砍刀 Arknights Skadi CS:GO - Huntsman Knife replace Machete
Skapad av Orange Cat
明日方舟皮肤第二弹,源模型为csgo猎杀者匕首。 替换砍刀。 此皮肤有:动态闪烁灯,夜光 ...
动态 魔女之旅伊蕾娜 CSGO 沙鹰替换马格南 CSGO Desert Eagle The Journey of Elaina replace magnum
Skapad av Orange Cat
This gun has a dynamic gradient effect “戴着这枚彰显魔女身份的胸针,披着一头灰色秀发,其美貌与才能散发的光芒,连太阳见了都会不由眯起眼睛的美女,究竟是谁呢?没错,就是我!”——取自魔女之旅主角:伊蕾娜的台词 太喜欢屑魔女了,做了把屑魔女皮肤的沙鹰。 原模型为csgo的沙鹰(CSGO Desert Eagle) 此MOD亮点:夜光,星空主题,动态渐变(第一次做动态,有点小紧张)...
原神可莉 MTS-255替换二代连喷 Genshin Klee MTS-255 replace spas
Skapad av Orange Cat
replace spas 替换了二代连喷,更新了夜光效果。 如果你对这个mod有独有见解,欢迎留言。 v1.1 更新了夜光效果 v1.2 给枪身增加了一张可莉贴图,增加整体观感,优化了部分地方...
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
安洁莉娜Angelina skin for kriss super vector(replaces UZI)
Angelina skin for kriss super vector(replaces UZI) 洁哥vector替换乌兹冲锋枪 Angelina skin for kriss super vector Arknights character:Angelina 替换了贴图,动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced Sound - Replaced https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/10216990366923...
少女前线 404小队棒球棒 / Girls' Frontline 404 Baseball Bat
Skapad av PIO
替换了游戏中的棒球棒 顶端是404小队队徽,增加了不刺眼的夜光 不要在意Nepgear穿模的手...
少女前线 G11(Girls Frontline G11)
Skapad av 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换zoey,变成了 G11)This character is a replacement zoey and becomes G11 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the character....
少女前线 HK416(Girls Frontline HK416)
Skapad av 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换bill,变成了 HK416)This character is a replacement bill and becomes HK416 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the charac...
少女前线 UMP45(Girls Frontline UMP45)
Skapad av 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换francis,变成了 UMP45)This character is a replacement francis and becomes UMP45 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the ...
少女前线 UMP9(Girls Frontline UMP9)
Skapad av 月悠红茶
(这个人物是替换louis,变成了 UMP9)This character is a replacement louis and becomes UMP9 【说明】你们点击订阅,就可以下载人物模型来使用,但是它不附带人物的语音,请你们在简介里面下载语音包. You can download the character model to use when you click on the subscription, but it does not include the voice of the charac...
Skapad av 综合病症患
夜光不刺眼 night light is not dazzling 感谢你的订阅与支持 Thank you for your subscription and support 学业繁忙告辞 4k已更新https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519995395...
崩坏3 磁暴·斩 replace cricket bat
做了一个近战武器mod,没有改动作。 但是对贴图进行了无损放大。更换了打击声音。 希望大家喜欢。...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Skapad av 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
明日方舟阿米娅Amiya skin for CSO2 ACR (scar)夜光
Amiya skin for CSO2 ACR (scar) 阿米娅Arknights character:Amiya 下次会做阿米娅主题的其他枪械 替换了贴图,动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced Sound - Replaced https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1021700064570496993/B26BF92AB2122ADBCEC44EFC3FA34F648724A8C2/ https://st...
明日方舟 煌的链锯 替换铁锹/Arknights Blaze's Chainsaw Replacing Shovel
Skapad av ShrinLEI
链锯延伸模块 煌喵喵的链锯,你值得拥有。替换铁锹,不要以为是电锯就能砍舌头了。 如有需要可以订阅右侧的自定义音效,是从L4D2的链锯音效里截出来的,未来可能会用方舟里煌喵本来的电锯音效重制一下。 感谢三进制Mio制作的链锯音效MOD,已添加至右侧,可以在两个自定义音效中选择自己喜欢的。 如果喜欢,请点赞+收藏 原本想替换电锯的,但是模型匹配不上,自己K的动画又太难看。原版铁锹动画的编译后也总是出问题。VMT代码效果依旧不佳,看起来好像没什么反射效果。后续大概想办法修复的,大概。 Credits Animat...
明日方舟 Azureus|Blue poison skin for CS:GO AK47
Arknights character?Azureus|Blue poison 蓝毒主题ak csgo版本 Arknights character:Azureus|Blue poison 替换了贴图,动作 Texture - Replaced Animation - Replaced(CS:GO) Sound - Replaced(CS:GO) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1016068753801998620/CA8AA66586B69CFCB6F...
明日方舟Weedy skin for AK47官方ak模型
Weedy skin for AK47官方ak模型 温蒂Arknights character:Weedy C4ord™ 由雷姆必拓与雷神工业联手制造的罗德岛纪念枪械破碎系列001款。采用全新的荧光材料,即便是夜晚,也能清晰地看到枪械的外壳纹路。 据说因为温蒂本人的强烈抗议,已被博士纳入收藏,只有少数幸运的人仍然持有。 仅替换了贴图 Only replaces Texture. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1630824055927865997/CE...
明日方舟Arknights霜叶武器 替换 消防斧 v2.0重置版
Skapad av 凯茜帕鲁格
这次为大家带来的正是之前所发布的霜叶武器的重置版,模型添加了战损痕迹以及更多的细节贴图。 首先非常感谢大家能够喜欢和支持我制作的这个Mod,因为当初旧版Mod做出来的时候真的非常简陋,而我当时的技术水平也确实无法更进一步了,本以为这个Mod会无人问津,最终被埋没下去,但是没想到居然会有这么多人喜欢,评价甚至还达到了五星,这是我完全没有想到的情况,也正是因为大家的支持才给了我足够的动力,在时隔大半年后的今天我也算是学有所成,自然也会回来兑现我的承诺。 此模型由我独自制作完成,非常感谢大家的支持,以后也请大家多...
Skapad av mmi开心
松果Pinecone COD:2019 M1911 替换 小手枪
松果 主题COD:2019 M1911 替换 小手枪 Pinecone skin for COD:2019 M1911(Pistol) Replace pistol Infinity Ward - Models,Texture PYgame.D.Cthulhu - Ripping,Fix models & materials,Animations,Compile PioneerZ1Z - New skin https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/17648180...
格林笔记爱丽丝 替换 Rochelle
Skapad av Hm
格林笔记爱丽丝 替换 Rochelle 修复了人物动作和手臂 替换coach:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2378163921...
Skapad av mmi开心
樱花弹道和弹痕(Sakura ballistics and bullet marks )
Skapad av 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了弹道,改成了樱花的效果 (The trajectory has been replaced and changed to the effect of cherry blossoms) 弹痕也是樱花的效果,且具备夜光 (Bullet marks are also the effect of cherry blossoms, and have luminous) 觉得这个太亮的点这里 喜欢的点个赞吧,你的赞是我最大的动力 更新说明 21/4/9 因为有部分枪械mod和柔和开枪火焰冲突,所以我删除了柔...
猫宫日向木喷 | NekomiyaHinata pump Shotgun(pump Shotgun)
Skapad av Nekomiya6
猫宫日向 猫老大 NekomiyaHinata 木喷 单喷 仅替换了贴图 Replaced the skin 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 拥有质感 Have texture 模型动作均来自官方 The model and action are from the official https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1716409000985268792/58B23AB02D84A5F1A73DA803106524B4...
Skapad av mmi开心
白上吹雪替换2代的连狙发光不刺眼版 Denny凯妈zmg原枪模https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1803742393...
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
白上吹雪替换防暴盾夜光 ...
Skapad av mmi开心
白上吹雪替换3连发SCAR发光不刺眼版 ...
白狐少女 AKM Silencer(AK-47)夜光
Skapad av Azhe
替换AK-47 Replace AK-47 有夜光效果 It has luminous effect 如果喜欢的话,请点一下赞,看到的话会很开心,这可以激励我做得更好 If you like, please give a positive rating. I'll be happy to see it, which can motivate me to do better 接武器皮肤MOD定制 联系方式见个人资料 Please refer to personal information for mod cu...
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
神楽七奈(Baseball Bat)
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
Skapad av mmi开心
移除枪口火焰(Remove Muzzle Effects)
Skapad av ℳ𝓲ℴ
通过修改 weapon_fx.pcf 文件,移除全部枪械的枪口火焰特效 Remove muzzle effects of all weapons by modify weapon_fx.pcf ...
花丸晴硫Hanamaru Hareru skin for milk (Pain pills)
Hanamaru Hareru skin for milk (Pain pills) 花寄女子寮 vtuber:花丸はれる 主题牛奶 仅替换了贴图 Texture - Replaced Animation - Default Sound - Default https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1021699036692375961/DC54953D780C5A8597647A6CA98D6A4F76FEC1B7/ https://steamuserimage...
藤原千花Chika Pickup Sound
Skapad av Hori Kyouko
Chika Sounds Replaces Pickup Item...
邻家索菲 演唱会 / 邻家索菲 Concert
Skapad av PIO
替换了黑色狂欢节演唱会主题 电视动画《邻家的吸血鬼小妹》、《邻家索菲》、《となりの吸血鬼さん》 演唱会使用曲 : 1. †吸tie Ladies†(《邻家索菲》OP片头曲) 2. HAPPY!! ストレンジフレンズ(《邻家索菲》ED片尾曲) 替换了海报图片...
Skapad av mmi开心
-Date A Live- Tobiichi Origami-replace-(pumpshotgun) 约会大作战-鸢一折纸4K替换(1代的单发散弹枪)发光不刺眼版本...
마비노기 ― 미명의 그림자
Skapad av Tempus
Mabinogi Tank Music 마비노기의 《미명의 그림자》로 만든 탱브금입니다....
소음기사운드팩 ak 개별사운드
Skapad av Ammonite
소음기사운드팩중에서 ak만 따로 때어낸 버� �입니다. 친구공개이며 미방은 박보영...
보컬라이즈 메뉴 (한글화)
1. 특수좀비 외침 : 콘솔창에 bind 원하는키 "+mouse_menu v1" 를 입력한 후 원하는키를 누르면 보컬메뉴가 뜹니다. 2. 그 외 다양한 보컬들 메뉴는 위 명령어의 v1을 v2, v3, 또는 v4 로 바꾸어서 콘솔창에 원하는키로 입력하면 됩니다. 예를들어, CapsLock(캡스락)키에 특수좀비 외침 메뉴를 정해놓고 싶다면, 콘솔창에, bind capslock "+mouse_menu v1" 을 입력한 후, 캡스락키를 누르면 특수좀비를 외치는 ...
Gambol Shroud replace crowbar(RWBY)
Skapad av kinsilm
We'll descend upon the world,and this weapon can help you. RWBY Weapon series:Gamboll Shroud(crowbar) of Blake Belladonna Wish you like it ...
(4 pack L4D1) CPU Candidate Maid Pack
Skapad av Shigure
only for CPU Candidate same as Cosplay pack :3 Uni - Bill Nepgear - Zoey Ram - Francis Rom - Louis No faceposing Final Project Mod, Bye bye!!! Tks for use my mod for long time <3...
(Kemono Friends)Kitakitsune(Rochelle)
Skapad av Eithwa
Rochelle Replacement model:td29248...
Skapad av Eithwa
Rochelle Replacement model:sm29433249 2022/10/30 remake...
(Left 4 Dead 1) pistols
Skapad av Vexilrix
Features: + replaces the pistols + it finally has Left 4 Dead 1 sounds + Arby26's CZ85 Pistols animations + has the view Model and World model + there may be other mods like this but this one is an improvement + update 1.51 Credits: +Model/Textures - Turtl...
(PAYDAY 2) Break the Rules as Escape Music
Skapad av Vengeance2
Changes the standard escape music in all campaigns and plays Break the Rules by Simon Viklund. This music is part of the Scarface Mansion DLC ...
190 Sexy & Cute Anime Paintings
Skapad av Ellie
Okkay, so I KNOW that this is Anime, I KNOW that most of you will immediately say things such as "GTFO weebo". But please, I like doing mods for L4D2 (at least until now) and yes, there are people who like to fill L4D2 with Anime. I am mostly not part of t...
28 Days Later - Escape Music (L4D1&2)
Skapad av efreivid
ESP:La version para el primer juego esta bugeada, esto porque la duracion era de 46 segundos, lo recorte a 37, esto porque pesaba demasiado y no se escuchaba. Es mi primer addon espero les guste, lo estare actualizando para ver si puedo mejorar esa parte y...
45 Chocolate Bars (Adrenaline)
Skapad av Ellie
Hello everyone, Merry Christmas and thanks for being here today :D. This mod is the last big release I'll probably do before an hypothetical L4D3. I am lacking good ideas and I want to invest time in other things than modding. It's been mostly a pleasure t...
50 Anime Vending Machines
Skapad av Ellie
https://i.imgur.com/yyu2Uwa.png For MODDERS : The "new" vending machines files are easier to MOD, use this mod (no credit needed) for your future vending machines mods (because +quality, +easier to modify, +space avaliable). I needed a small and quick proj...
6 Special Coop
Skapad av jellely
Face 6 Special at the same time...
8 Player Mutations(Please see description!/请看描述!)
Skapad av gepaoDIAO
2017/8/1 update:Sorry, my English is poor,so I cannot tell anymore.but you need l4dtoolz(like Suorcemod) 2017/7/31 update:This Mutations,can't be used any more. but maybe it's because I forgot something. 2015/10/5 update: has been tested, After adding the ...
AC-130 2K
Skapad av gray
- AC-130 replaces C-130 - 2K Textures Credits Model - gray Textures - gray ...
Admin Menu
Skapad av SidNamo
You need Admin System for this to work. This adds a simple menu to Rayman1103's Admin System addon. It will work online if you're hosting a local server. Press "i" to open the admin menu. bind i "show_menu Menu" Some Features: Manage Admins, Kick Players, ...
Admin System
Skapad av Rayman1103
With the Admin System, you are given Admin control. You can spawn Infected, give Survivors weapons/items, kill/revive Survivors, change Convars, change the timescale, and much, much more! All of this is done server-side via chat triggers. If you don't have...
Adrenalina | Golpe Arcor
Skapad av Javi
Reemplaza la Adrenalina por la barra de chocolate Golpe de Arcor Créditos a Ellie por el modelo usado. Créditos a ღA†ℋℯȵαღ por el ícono. Tengo un servidor de Discord en el que recibo peticiones de mods y quedamos pa jugar, date una vuelta! https://pastebin...
Adult Neptune Swimsult VII (Coach)
Skapad av 我是幻塔低手
Adult Neptune Swimsult from Megadimension Neptunia VII(DLC) Replaces Coach Ellis version: HERE Including: First person arms HUD Icons Jiggle Bone Eye Blinking Credits: Model by ComplieHeart. Ripped by jh10001 and me. Thanks: ♀✿❤Big Nepsy❤✿♀ Neptunia Pack f...
Aerial Fireworks
Skapad av Henrietta
I thought that the fireworks box was a little too underwhelming, so I tried to put the Dark Carnival finale fireworks_fx particle into the firework_crate particles. It kinda sucks, but at least it's something. This addon modifies firework_crate_fx.pcf; thu...
ahegao guns prices
Skapad av Saeru
withaker knows that his weapons were going to be...well...i just going to say "fine" to the survivors...
Aim Training Facility
Skapad av fox.57005
Aim Training Facility a map for aim training v2 +30 Hit! -10 Miss -50 Left Type "map aim_trFacility" in console or create a lobby to load the map and start training. An update to version 2 has been released. The major changes include: -Reaction-test room i...
AK Reanimated-HyperMetal's animations
Skapad av
http://i.imgur.com/UqMRK8k.gif The video is recorded in FOV 80. Replaces the AKM assault rifle on HyperMetal's animations. It has a custom flashlight model to fit HyperMetal's animations. Compatible with a re-skin. Credits: HyperMetal : animations arby26 -...
AK-47 Reanimated with Modern Furniture
Skapad av HK G41
default left 4 dead 2 AK-47 reanimated/reanimation with World War Z (2019VG) furniture/attachments. it uses modified animation from ARK-103/104 assault rifle mod. it works with retexture and sound modifications. it is reskin compatible. only lower receiver...
AK47 | Asiizone
Skapad av kylocat
Yay! izone mod again! Replace ak47 thats all oh yeah and it glows in dark enjoy :> dont 4get to leave a like and check out my other izone mods :>...
Akatsuki For Coach(KanColle)
Skapad av Peakness Yang
Replaces Coach for Akatuki from Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 第六驱逐队(No.6 Kuchikutai) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync - Hibiki-Rochelle Ikazuchi-Nick Inazuma-Ellis ...
Alex D.'s CS:GO Fists (Tonfa) Hud Icon
Skapad av Shootist
Alex D.'s original CS:GO Fists hud icon for the Tonfa. Nothing has been altered. Credit to Alex D. Vasilkov and for making this addon. I am only reuploading it. Before someone says: "Why did you upload this? it's already on the shop." I did it, due to how ...
Alternative Chrome Shotgun Sounds
Skapad av мяFunreal
This are alternative sounds for the Chrome Shotgun. I have no idea where the sounds came from. I found them on the internet without credits. Contains normal fire and incendiary fire sounds. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except un...
Alternative M16 Sounds
Skapad av мяFunreal
This are alternative sounds for the M16. I have no idea where the sounds came from. I found them on the internet without credits. Contains normal fire and incendiary fire sounds. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Ste...
Alternative M60 Sounds
Skapad av мяFunreal
This are alternative sounds for the M60 Machinegun. I have no idea where the sounds came from. I found them on the internet without credits. Contains normal fire and incendiary fire sounds. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except un...
Alternative Military Sniper Sounds
Skapad av мяFunreal
This are alternative sounds for the Military Sniper. I have no idea where the sounds came from. I found them on the internet without credits. Contains normal fire and incendiary fire sounds. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except u...
Amelia Watson Rolling for Loading Icon
Skapad av XiaoPang
replaces the Loading icon to Amelia Watson Rolling from HololiveEN made by Walfie. art by: https://twitter.com/walfieee?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor #Hololive #Amelia Watson #Vtuber...
Amelia Watson Tears Spray
Skapad av XiaoPang
replaces moustachio spray simply set to moustachio spray on multiplayer settings Artist: https://twitter.com/walfieee #Hololive #Vtuber #Amelia...
Anderson's SVI Infinity v1 (Pistols)
In the first of my things that I'm trying to release on a fairly tight schedule, I bring you the SVI Infinity! Now this thing comes from a skin for Counter-Strike:Source, & is one of my favorite models to date! I absolutely love these things, I can't even ...
Anime "WOW!" Sound Effect [Weapon Upgrade Pickup]
Skapad av 0 n i
Plays whenever the player picks up a weapon upgrade (Laser sights, incendiary / explosive ammo, ect.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯...
aoi yui's incantation replace heal sound
Skapad av 小芝麻凛
aoi yui's incantation replace heal sound...
Aria pipebomb
Skapad av 逍遥梦尘
The sound of pipebomb: Hentai hentai hentai ulusai !! An ACG lover will like this....
Aria the Scarlet Ammo Opening Intro & background Creditless
Skapad av Almighty
*In order to use this mod you will need to download GCFScape to open the readme with the actual mod as well as instructions in it. Here is the download link for GCFScape Start up L4D2 and let the addon download. Once downloaded exit the game. Now all you n...
Arisu Mana Loading Icon
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Icon GIF For Arisu Mana Size:128x128...
Skapad av Zaeryn
Replaces the AK47 with an AS VAL on Cele's animations. It's just a recompile from his M16 release - adjusted framerates, brightened textures, new firing sounds and that's it. "PITOO!" Credits: SAM61 - model, textures Cele - animations Doktor haus - compili...
Skapad av Cele
To continue my new project Silencer,i will show u two russian guns this time,the AS VAL together with the VSS Vintorez ,both of them have a integrated silencer,so there may wont be any issues that people ask me to remove the silencer.compared to my previou...
Auto Bhop
Skapad av 星魂桑丶
The script comes from the network and is made by okcf Any mode is supported. Please be sure to subscribe to the essential items Add function You can turn off autobhop manually Press y to enter! Bhop in the chat box There will be a prompt or It is on by def...
Auto Bunnyhop
Skapad av Sw1ft
Auto Bunnyhop Script Auto Bunnyhop for YOUR Listen / Dedicated server. Features Ability to disable/enable Auto Bunnyhop Keeps saved for each player when a level changes Chat Commands !bhop - turn on/off auto bhop !bhop2 - turn on/off 2nd method of auto bho...
Auto Shotgun Reborn
Skapad av Zaeryn
The default "auto shotgun"/Benelli M4 Super 90 gets a new model, textures, sounds and arby's edited autoshotgun reanimations. Compiled on Kruku's Benelli M4 model equipped with Rafael De Jongh's awesome shells. No particles. Credits: arby26 - animations Do...
Auto Shotgun Violet Evergarden
Skapad av CloudNerv
Skin Auto Shotgun Violet Evergarden Version....
AutoShotgun Rainbow Transparent
Skapad av 徒手开根号
The gun body is transparent Like the white crystal beauty,and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effect. PS: different from the other rainbow transparent series, gun's third person perspective is opaque, there is no need to worry about the brigh...
AWP ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Skapad av ✿ N A B I ✿
The hidden AWP will be replaced with a new model and textures. Description One of the most rare and powerful weapon on custom hardcore servers: The AWP. The intention behind this mod was to make this weapon easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find....
Azur Lane 新泽西AWP (动态)
Skapad av 玩apex像吸毒
碧蓝航线新泽西AWP(动态) 替换了游戏里面的AWP 并且是动态和夜光 重铸二刺螈荣光 吾辈义不容辞! 绝对不是我懒狗 是因为我在找灵感! 但可畏止疼药竟然五星了 我没想到... https://i.loli.net/2021/06/11/17EMC4XlQgsnkPB.jpg https://i.loli.net/2021/06/11/M8b9NACvUB1ruop.jpg 夜光效果 https://i.loli.net/2021/06/11/T71ZNmFKUErnhDs.jpg https://i.l...
Azur Lane Bus Stop
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Animated Bus Stop 15 advertisements replaces every 16 seconds -碧蓝航线- 动态公交站/巴士站/汽车站 15款广告每16秒改变一次...
Azur Lane Cheshire Saferoom Loading Background
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Cheshire Saferoom Saferoom Loading Background -碧蓝航线- 柴郡 安全室读图背景 Original Image / 原图 : yande 681344...
Azur Lane Hms Unicorn Door V2
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Azur Lane Hms Unicorn Default Door V2 (difference)...
Azur Lane Hms Unicorn Sprays Pack
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Hms Unicorn Sprays 15 piece 2018/08/09 Final update...
Azur Lane Menu Backgrounds
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
The Azur Lane Menu Backgrounds Wallpaper Live video 20HUD - Menu https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2982769845&searchtext=20HUD The mod DOES NOT work when you subscribe. It only works if you manually copy and paste the files, which can ...
Azur Lane Miko Saferoom Loading Background
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Miko Saferoom Loading Background -碧蓝航线- 巫女 安全室读图背景 4K Ver. / 4K版 : steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1924903666 Original Image / 原图 : yande 655825 / 685750...
Azur Lane Official Pixel Animated Sprays
Azur Lane Pixel Animated from original game This Sprays Have... - 13 Sprays In total Include Akagi,Akashi,Ark Royal,Enterprise,Hammann,Kaga,Laffey,Long Island,Portland,Queen Elizabeth & Warspite,San Diego,Shiratsuyu and Unicorn - Transparate Background - R...
Azur Lane Perseus Saferoom Loading Background
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Perseus Saferoom Saferoom Loading Background -碧蓝航线- 英仙座 安全室读图背景 Original Image / 原图 : yande 679990...
Azur Lane Posters - Sakura Empire (Imperial Japanese Navy)
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Sakura Empire Posters Replaces Death Center Billboards,Grocery,Mall and Jimmy Gibbs Poster 20 Images of Large Poster - Replaces every 20s -碧蓝航线- 重樱 死亡中心 海报 替换了地图中路边广告板,杂货店和购物中心海报 20张大海报,每20秒换一次...
Skapad av Sn0i
Back 4 Blood trailer music for the main menu of the game Instrumental Version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2653016742...
Baka! Hentai! Witch Music
Replace Witch Music When you awaken the Witch Please Rate For My Workshop and Thanks For Subscribed! https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif ...
Baron Bunny Pipe Bomb [Genshin Impact]
Skapad av The Memewagon
If it can distract Hilichurls, it can distract the undead too! Replaces the pipe bomb. Credits to: miHoYo - Creators of Genshin Impact: genshin.mihoyo.com u/Ailephi on Reddit for the model/texture rip Thumbnails and conversion to L4D2 done by me. However, ...
Barrett | Lovely Heart
Skapad av Never
yo 0/ Replaces Hunting Rifle I do NOT take credit for the original mod! original mod was made by: ???~R4V3N~??? original mod: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=640046476&searchtext=barrett If the original moders want this taken down it...
Baseball/Cricket Bat Metal Sounds
Skapad av Yog
Metal sounds for the Baseball and Cricket bats and the Nightstick! This mod Replaces the Baseball Bat and Cricket Bat sounds from L4D2. This two weapons share the same sounds files so they both will sound the same. This mod ONLY edits sounds, so it's meant...
Battlefield 4 Deagle
Skapad av Padrelo (SENSEI)
I´ve re-complied the Bf4 deagle on ShotgunnerFox´s animations, no sounds included. Link to ShotgunnerFox default deagle re-animation: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2166102307 Credits: DICE: Model, textures Rinduty: Port, original c...
BattleField4 SPAS-12(SPAS)
Skapad av Cele
As u have been waiting for long,one of the two autoshotguns is time to get out,its not difficult to make a autoshot model but its hard to find a proper and worthy one to make,so i decided to make this first,the model is the same as the BF3 SPAS made by Twi...
Benelli M4 Super 90[autoshotgun]
Skapad av ThunderKiss65
Grab a benelli, shits about to get loud and up close. I did this in an hour, enjoy. Includes: -L4D1 anims -w_models -firing sounds Credits: -Valve: models/textures/sounds/animations -Nexon: models/textures/sounds -Lt.Rocky: animations porting -Rex: putting...
Bhop Journey
Skapad av Parzival
Description Bhop Journey by Arzeval Most Valve games have their own unique jumping mechanics along with their jumping community and a dozen maps. but when it comes to Left 4 Dead 2, there are barely any maps made for bunnyhoping, so I decided to give it a ...
Skapad av 8d82ns
Эта карта для тренировки вашего бхопа. Я её ПРОСТО загрузил в мастерскую для упрощения жизни обычных юзеров как вы. Не считайте это плагиатом. Оригинал карты я оставил ниже ссылкой. This map is for training your bhop. I just uploaded it to the workshop to ...
BIG Terror
Skapad av shotgunefx
Giant infected + Boomers. Infected are slower, but have a lot of health and hit hard. Aim for center mass down, head shots won't count on standing infected atm due to model bbox issues. I'd simply recompile them but don't want to mess up other campaigns. H...
Black Ops 2 Raging Judge/Executioner[Magnum]
Skapad av ThunderKiss65
Just been working on a bunch of blops stuff while the manager was down so i decided to upload them now....all at once. This is the raging judge or the executioner as its called in bo2. It uses cele's revolver anims but doesnt need the revolver support for ...
Black Sister Military Sniper Rifle Reskin
Skapad av Vintage Sniper
"YOU BIG HEAD WANKERS!!" *in Uni's Sniper imitation* Now works for L4D1, Look out for Uni-Ponies... Uni, well then......after many years of loyal use of her usual Sniper Rifle, she decided to put it in the loft when she recieved the epic Black Sister Milit...
Blanc Voice Pack for Nick [Hyperdimension Neptunia]
Skapad av Give him a Horny
How to install voice pack 1. Subscribe and wait for add-on to be downloaded on steam then launch the game and wait for it to download add-on again. After that close the game. 2. Empty these folder and don't forget backup (This is optional in case you don't...
Blue Fire
Skapad av L0qi
Full fire recolor. I thought about updating my old add-on, but that would probably upset people who didn't sign up for full recolor....
Blue muzzle flash effect
Skapad av Ryu
This mod make the spark and flame from the gun in blue, replace original effect/muzzleflash hope you like this...
BO1 Mosin-Nagant (for Scout)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine from CoD: Black Ops (Operation Olympus flashback). A classic Soviet rifle, notorious for its questionable safety switch design, heavy trigger pull and action. The stripper clips were also not designed to be ejected by the bolt slid...
Borderlands Loot Beams [Server Mod]
Skapad av ᴿᴱᴻᴱ™
Host your game locally to use it. This script creates beams for all usable items. Weapons, melees, throwables, healthitems, carryables like gnomes, gascans etc etc...Known issues are the poor origin of the propane tank which is pretty off. Be carefull to u...
Bow in Crysis3(Grenade launcher)
Skapad av ClearSkyC
This is a bow in Crysis3,I like it very much,So I made it. replace for the Grenade launcher Credits: Crytek - Models/Texture ClearSkyC - Animations, rig, sound editing, texture modifications, compile. 孤岛危机3的复合弓,替换榴弹~...
Broadband ADS music in Idn Replaces tank theme music
Skapad av Ribonsan
update: Volume up Broadband advertising music in Indonesia replaces tank theme music music:Goyang Ubur Ubur singer:Hendro Engkeng I was brainwashed by this advertisement today XDD Youtube *If there is any violation of your rights and interests, please cont...
Bronya Safe Home Loading Screen R18
Skapad av ♦Black cat◇
Replace Safe house Loading Screen with Bronya Zaychik. 替换安全屋载入画面为色色煲汤鸭,上等老鸭汤【bushi 另外把安全屋载入longing旁图标替换成Watame,屑羊,我才没有错呢! 注:因为是R18,所以希望大家不要社会性死亡。 画师是淺春大大,希望大家多去支持她【的色图?】 p站ID:https://www.pixiv.net/users/5662397 为防无,留个画师id,打开p站随便点一个画师,在网页链接那把后面那串数字改成:566239...
Butterfly Knife
Skapad av yung christ
Butterfly knife that replaces crowbar I did not make this...
C.E.D.A - Bile prototype
Skapad av Ramm.asmiette
Hello everyone ! I present you a new model i made for the bile bomb ! Features : - Viewmodel - Worldmodel - Original textures - Rendering images by me Have fun ...
Lot of Soft Drinks (RNG)
Skapad av GS Mod In Play
🥇Do you want me to make more mods for you? then donate steam points to me so I can continue to post more mods by clicking on the Reward option above. 🥇Você quer que eu faça mais mods para você? então me faça doação de pontos steam para que eu possa continu...
Caramell Dansen(Witch Music)
Skapad av The Toaster
This Add-on replaces the music that plays when you alert the witch to Caramell Dansen...
Skapad av Cele
not to conflict revolver sounds from the dual pistols,using some scripts to enable unique sound for the magnum addons.dont worry,though this addon is made up of scripts,it wont cause consistency issues,but this addon needs to be updated constantly,so i spl...
Cells at Work ! Platelet Loading Icon
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Icon GIF For Platelet Size:128x128...
CenterPanel for NeunGUI
Skapad av Azuki
Survivor panel for NeunGUI....
Chaika Sniper Rifle Soundpack
Skapad av Snek
Replaces Military Sniper Rifle and Hunting Rifle's firing sound effects from Hitsugi no Chaika Episode 1. Sampled from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iHFGxZblOo...
Charger's rainbow
Skapad av fox.57005
Charger rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For hunter...
Chocolate Ammo Pile
Skapad av Funneh
A variety of chocolate bars and chocolate boxes ranging from sweet to totally awesome. This Ammo Pile features Twix, Smarties, Mars, Caramilk, KitKat, and a M&M's Tube....
Chomusuke (Medkit)
Skapad av Kumayuru
Mrs. Michael Bay's cat Replaces First Aid Kit...
Cinematic Camera
Skapad av Sw1ft
Cinematic Camera Smooth camera that can even replace demo smoother. Compatible with Smoothing Tools. Made at the request of one of the best content makers in our favorite game. Many tanks for him! Chat Commands !cam - turn on/off camera !inc - increase the...
Cinematic Lighting Effects
Skapad av Red Schism
Changes most light sprites and some particle effects into a more "Hollywood stylized" effect. Adds horizontal flare to pathway lights, changes 3rd person flashlight glow to a smaller more realistic glow, new sun glare, and changes various other glowing lig...
Cleaner Water
Skapad av Ananasa Anaso 94
EN Improves the clarity of water. Makes it slightly easier to find lost items and revive team mates in the water. Also improves vision slightly while underwater. EO Pliklarigas la akvon. Ete plifaciligas la trovadon de perditaj objektoj kaj revivigadon de ...
Closers Online: Yuri Seo - Ranger
Skapad av Kagarino Kirie
The best waifu of many players in Closers Online. ( Well not mine) She is cute, she is funny and she has big breasts! And no , we wont use breasts to fight zombies, but your shooting skills <(") Enjoy my mods and want to donate?I always mod for free, but I...
Coach singing safe room music
Skapad av dog
Gotta reach for the top, stay on the mountian, da-na-na-na na- na na- na na...
Coca Coolos [bile]
Skapad av Ramm.asmiette
For more quality mods you can now support me here Made for fun ! Bile model replacement on MaxG3D's animation Jiggle liquid + rope + mentos Boomer explosion for bile sound PS : Do not shake too much Hud : The division hud Song : Open Happiness by Coca cola...
COD:GHOSTS MAUL "Bulldog" (Auto Shotgun)
Skapad av floppa
Note: This addon is not mine, i am just reuploading it to workshop. If the creator of this weapon ask me to remove it, ofcourse i will delete this. I know... i know.. the reload animation are not like in the actual game, but its still cool tho. Im reupload...
COD:MW Pink Killer [Magnum]
Skapad av kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's Pink Killer from COD:MW replace Magnum in game. I made the animation by myself. 前排兜售r18mod 加群 945760874 这次是cod16的沙鹰粉红杀手替换了游戏中的沙鹰。俗话说得好,枪越粉人 越狠。动作为我模仿cod16自制,技术力有限模仿得不是很像。 希...
Skapad av kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's CODOL AK117 D.VA MEKA replace AK47 in game. 想要获取更多r18mod资讯?加群 945760874 这次是米修大佬提供的模型动作和声音 我修改的贴图 素材均来源于 网络。第一次做老婆枪玩,希望在疫情期间,大家尽少出门多手冲。 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces ak4...
Complex Course
Skapad av Raze
UPDATE: This campaign now has 6 maps with a new additional Map 5: AI. Remember during Map 4 where the AI asks you to meet it? The time has finally arrived to fight against the Boss of Complex Course. This update also fixes most of the bugs reported and add...
Concept Bat
Skapad av Cuba
"This is nice, I'm going to crack some heads with it" More goodies from papa Cubes, This is the original baseball bat circa ????. I really have no idea when this was in the game, probably VERY early. The texture is still in the game to this day but I never...
Contagion's Mossberg 590 Shooting Sound for the Pump Shotgun
Skapad av Ratchet Lombax
This Add-on replaces your Pump Shotgun's sound for Contagion's Mossberg 590. Sounds made by Monochrome LLC, for Contagion....
Crazy Dubstep Witch
Skapad av Belphi
This is my replacement for the witch music when she pursues somebody... The song is: Lil Flip - The Way We Ball (Crizzly Remix) YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OF MY DUBSTEP SPECIAL INFECTED: Dubstep Charger Dubstep Hunter Dubstep Jockey Dubstep Smoker Dubstep Ta...
Creeper (Boomer)
Skapad av Salvador_DS
Only appearing where the sun don't shine comes the Creeper. Although with no arms in sight, these 4 legged creatures leave a trail of destruction where ever they go. Make sure to kill them quick before they either leave a crater or leave you in pieces insi...
Crescent Rose REBORN (Fireaxe)
Skapad av Mundfish
Hello lads, I'm BACK. Also, my 16th Workshop add-on. Appologies for lack of content from me, been busy with college stuff AKA exams. Now that I (mostly) cooled off with it, I can return to the modding scene once again. And what better way to return, than w...
Critical Hit! - TF2 Headshot Particle Effect
Skapad av Uzi Doorman
Adds the TF2 Crit text to your game. Headshot a common to set it off! May not occur all the time. Does not include random crits. Edited from an existing mod "Headshot FX" to replace the "Headshot" text with the TF2 Critical Hit text. This will not work wit...
Crosshair Settings [ENG]
Skapad av ⋁ɪʀᴜѕ™
To call menu you must bind this - bind z "show_menu Cross" where Z better key for you....
Crowbar reanimated
Skapad av Zaeryn
Thanez' crowbar replaces the default crowbar with some new exponent maps and shader tweaks from Yogensia, and includes sounds. So, yeah... this is my first set of animations. As far as I know, they're the first new set for any melee weapon in L4D2. Credits...
CS:GO Fist
Skapad av Twilight Sparkle
Uhh finishing with the last melee weapon from the new Blackout mode on COD Black Ops 4 (CS:GO) i bring you.. fists?, now you can use your own fists as weapons and finally get that victory royale. So they will replace the Tonfa or Police Baton whatever its ...
CS:GO Medi-Shot
Skapad av Twilight Sparkle
So after updating most of my older mods so they now use their original animations i can now continue on putting the rest of the content from CS:GO, anyways so this one is the Medi-Shot and its only used on the Coop mode of CS:GO along with some other exclu...
CS:GO Spanner
Skapad av Twilight Sparkle
And continuing with the melee weapons from the new Fornite mode on CS:GO i bring you, the Spanner.. or Wrench... whatever you call it, it will replace the frying Pan, it uses its original animations and for sounds i just reused the vanilla one so they don'...
CS:GO Tactical Awareness Grenade
Skapad av Twilight Sparkle
Hello everyone, so today i bring you like a small thing but its something which is a throwable replacement. so this is the TAG (Tactical Awareness Grenade for full name) also knows as the Sonar Bomb which is what it's called on the file name but for short ...
CS:GO Tec-9
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
The strike may or may not be getting countered. The hole may or may not be getting fired into. Your knife may or may not have a stupid color scheme on it. Freshly extracted from the ordinance paint job extravaganza that is Counterstrike's latest incarnatio...
CS:S TMP sound for MAC
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Why nobody made that before is a mystery. Replaces the Silenced SMG firing sound with the funny "bree ree ree ree" of the "Schmidt Machine Pistol" from Counter-Strike: Source....
CSGO Deagle [Real Anim] 2
Skapad av 󠀡󠀡
https://i.imgur.com/jExUKcs.png This is a remade version of my original CSGO Deagle. Replaces: ○ The Desert Eagle. Includes: • Original Model • Original Animations • Original Textures • Original Sound • Hud icon Credits: • Me (Porting Model, Animations, Te...
CSGO PP-Bizon Reanimation
Skapad av 苦黄瓜
---------------2021/2/13------------------------- 动作bug已修复,十分感谢 |Nstrey s| 的帮助 The bug of animation has been fixed,thanks to |Nstrey s| for help me fix it ----------------------------------- 替换SMG(UZI) Replace for SMG(UZI) 动作是我自制的,在一定程度上模仿了cod16 原模型取自Twili...
Custom Crosshair - TF2
Skapad av Tя!cky ツ
Try a classic TF2 style Crosshair for your Aim Dot. 😈In order to remove standard crosshair open console enter "crosshair 0" to toggle off "crosshair 1" to toggle back on https://imgur.com/lQibGTv.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
Cute anime sprays(Touhou)
Skapad av Stupid Guan
With following,you can use them directly! Options - multiplayer -sprays no sexy!only cute!...
Daewoo K2 (Desert Rifle)
Skapad av 8sianDude
A Daewoo K2 assault rifle ported from Kali's Daewoo K1, K2, K7 port for Gmod. Standard issue service rifle of the South Korean armed forces since 1984, which replaced the M16A1s provided by the Americans after their tour in Vietnam. The K2 assault rifle wa...
Daewoo Precision Industries K1[M16]
Skapad av ThunderKiss65
The Daewoo Precision Industries K1/K1A is a South Korean service rifle, the first modern firearm developed by Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and manufactured by Daewoo Precision Industries, and entered service in the Republic of Korea Armed Forces in...
Date A Live Concert Posters - 约会大作战 狂欢节 海报
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Date A Live- Dark Carnival Posters This time I made a lovely style Enjoy it 《约会大作战》 狂欢节演唱会海报 这款海报主要以非战斗元素为主题,风格比较软 图片尽量都使用原作画风,当然不能确保全部都是,希望各位喜欢 This is the two Date A Live posters of Death Center: 这是两款《约会大作战》的死亡中心的海报: steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filed...
Date A Live illustration Loading Screens 约会大作战 插画风格 读图背景
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Date A Live- "illustration" Loading Screens Replaces all Loading Screens ,Included Joining Game Updated: December 9th: file volume 24% oiff December 21st: Changed 2 pictures December 27th: Improve 16:9 pictures clarity This is Kurumi Chapter(Saferoom) Loa...
Date A Live Rio Sonogami (Bile effect)
Skapad av mmi开心
-Date A Live- Rio Sonogami-replace(Bile effect) 《约会大作战》 园神凛绪- 壁纸- 替换(胆汁特效)召唤园神凛绪和你约会...
Date A Live Yoshino (Bile effect)
Skapad av mmi开心
-Date A Live- Yoshino-replace- (Bile effect) 《约会大作战》 四糸乃壁纸- 替换(胆汁特效)召唤四糸乃和你约会...
Dead by Daylight Medkit
Skapad av Ellie
This mod is a very simple mod that replaces the Medkit by the medkit from Dead by Daylight. Animations are MaxG3D ones. Enjoy :D https://i.imgur.com/t07MO1K.png Model : Behaviour Interactive(Dead by Daylight) Source engine Port : Mark2580 Animations : MaxG...
Dead by Daylight Medkit HUD Icon
Skapad av Sir Shirley
All I did was take the actual png file of the med kit they use in-game for the games HUD icon and just transfered it over to L4D2. I made this mainly cause I'm a die-hard fan of DBD and thanks to Ellie they have made me a favorite medkit mod so kudos to yo...
Dead by Daylight: Medkit Heal Sounds
Put some more DBD Sounds together! Also added some cloth sounds, so it doesnt sound so akwardly silent. Enjoy!...
Dead Hotel - Parkour map / Old version map
Skapad av 8d82ns
Dead Hotel - Parkour Map Old version special for Willymannsal Parkour/kz map with elements of surfing for the first chapter of Dead Center Installation 1. Subscribe to the add-on 2. Go to the game 3. Disable add-ons related with scripts (e.g Admin System) ...
Skapad av Soup Toaster
DeadWorld is a massive cooperative expansion that includes multiple campaigns, social spaces, and new game types to update Valve Software's smash hit franchise. The goal is to wrap a "living world" around L4D2. Set nine years after the events of Left 4 Dea...
Death & The Serpent (Glowing)
Replaces Hunting Rifle 𝘩𝘪𝘪𝘪𝘪 𝘨𝘶𝘺𝘴!, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘳𝘦-𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘔1 𝘎𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘰𝘥! ( 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘢𝘶𝘭𝘵 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘭𝘦) 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳 & 𝘗𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱 , 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴...
Deathcraft Zombies
Skapad av Splinks
Thank you for everyone that gave their love to the new Deathcraft II Campaign. Myself and Special KBS greatly appreciate the support. So to thank you all for the many complements, we give you the common infected we used for deathcraft II. ~~~~~~~~~ATTENTIO...
Default AK-47 Reanimated
Skapad av calculator app
Updated to add The Last Stand skin support. The default Left 4 Dead 2 AK-47 on Arima's COD:MWR AK47 animations. Fully compatible with retextures. Credits: Arima: animations, remodel ctrov1: rig, compile ...
Default Desert Eagle, Aiming Animations
Exact Safety aim , Eagle crosshair in the middle Point is merely a test trial. Features: New aim with Desert Eagle with any mod. http://deadland.su/uploads/posts/2012-10/1349848309_2113deb48a690cd73e6d0ae87349d177.png Best place to go for modding advice - ...
Default MAC-10 Reanimated on Killing Floor 2's Mac-10 Animations
Skapad av ShrinLEI
替换消音冲锋枪的动作&Default MAC-10 Reanimated 使用了Lt. Rocky的Killing Floor 2 Mac-10 Animation。 ----原MOD就端着消音器,所以套官方模型上去的时候也将就着端消音器了 ----兼容皮肤MOD&Compatible with retextures 如果喜欢,请订阅、点赞和收藏。发现有什么问题请反馈,能修的我尽量修 If you like this mod, please hit a like. Tell me in the commen...
Defibrillator - animated glowing black
Skapad av TOG | K1CHWA 2nd
black, animated, glowing defibrillator. wave patterns are like those of a lifepak defib. button anims have more frames for smoother effect. glow is a bit more subtle. GOLD DEFIBRILLATOR GREY DEFIBRILLATOR ORANGE DEFIBRILLATOR RED DEFIBRILLATOR please dont ...
Defibrillator - Survivors Die Twice
Skapad av Henrietta
Well, first off, it's gonna look like a piece of shit because it's an imitation made by myself without the actual assets from the game. Second, you need Urik's Particles Manifest. Third, my computer's shit, so the preview video stutters. Fourth, I shameful...
Defibrillator Animation Redux
Skapad av ShotgunnerFox
Tired of seeing the the vanilla Defib animations? I got just the right thing for you. This re-animation took me about 3-5 days maybe longer than that I thought I'd give the defibrillator some love and "revive" them with new, handmade animations If you like...
Deployable Ammo Pack
Skapad av Rectus
A carryable pack that deploys into an ammo pile. Uses the secondary weapon slot. The ammo pack uses assets included with the game for an unreleased item. Does not work without the Custom Weapon Base. Console command: give custom_ammo_pack...
Desert Eagle (惠惠—为美好世界献上祝福)\ Desert Eagle (Megumin)
Skapad av 洛兮
替换马格南手枪,附带新的动作!(replace the Magnum!) 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 模型:官方模型 动作:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1844071959 我が名はめぐみん、红魔族随一の魔法の使い手にして、爆裂魔法を操りし者、我が力、见るが良い!Explosion! ...
Desert Eagle | PRINTSTREAM
Skapad av Kumayuru
Replace magnum. Original CS:GO skin : *click* Map used in showcase : *click* p.s. i have no clue how to add anodized effect or even if it's possible in l4d :( ...
Desert Rifle Reanimated
Skapad av Arima
The Desert Rifle , Default SCAR or the Combat Rifle ? reanimated with the usual sluggish animation blending. Features : - Valve's custom SCAR model - Butter-smooth animations with seemless transition - Boltpull animation (offline only) - Bolt catch now mov...
Doge flashlight
Skapad av 1ydal5matt1
Changes your flashlight to Doge...
Doom Super Shotgun
Skapad av Splinks2
Bringing 2D to 3D A Proof of concept, I wanted to test out to see the result. I must say Im rather pleased how it came out If you use a custom (cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor) distance please note this mod will not look right if the number is under 55 or over 68...
Double Defense 10ga. (chrome shotgun replacer)
Skapad av HK G41
Stoeger Double Defense 10ga. double barrel side by side shotgun, 10 gauge hunting shotshell not designed for combat, or defense from too much power. it replaces chrome shotgun. do not ask for wooden shotgun, chrome shotgun has less pellets like 10ga to 12 ...
Drivable Cars in L4D2 Updated with Compatibility fix and a Few Tweaks
Skapad av Plumbattys
Here is the update alot of you were probably hoping for. The next time you launch l4d2 you should see carmap2 in your plugin files and carmap 1.5 listed in add-on missions. I'm sorry about the past issues, as I've not had as much time to work on any add-on...
Dubstep Hunter
Skapad av Belphi
This is my Dubstep Hunter music replacement, i hope you like it and have fun! YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OF MY DUBSTEP SPECIAL INFECTED: Dubstep Witch Dubstep Charger Dubstep Jockey Dubstep Smoker Dubstep Tank DON'T FORGET TO RATE, SUBSCRIBE AND FAVORITE IF ...
Dubstep Jockey
Skapad av Belphi
This is my music replacement for Jockey's attack music, the song is: Le Castle Vania - Raise The Dead (Botnek Remix) watch the video! Hope you like it! :) YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OF MY DUBSTEP SPECIAL INFECTED: Dubstep Witch Dubstep Charger Dubstep Hunter...
Dubstep Pistol (Pistol Sound Replacement)
Skapad av Kuraibu
Have you ever wanted to make beats using a pistol? Well this mod will replace your regular old pistol gunfire sounds into a Kick and Snare sounds. Now you can play with your pistols and make some beats with it and the pistol will be less boring to use now!...
Dubstep Tank
Skapad av Belphi
This is my Dubstep music replacement for tank's theme song, the song is: Far Too Loud - Drop The Bomb (Original Mix) YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE TO ALL OF MY DUBSTEP SPECIAL INFECTED: Dubstep Witch Dubstep Charger Dubstep Hunter Dubstep Jockey Dubstep Smoker NOTE: i...
Dynamic Light
Skapad av Sw1ft
READ THE DESCRIPTION Dynamic Light This is a server-side add-on (for YOUR Listen / Dedicated server) Creates dynamic light on molotovs, pipe bombs, spit, burning infected (SI and Tank) and muzzle flash Chat Commands !dl_reset - reset settings to default !d...
Dynamic Time-lapse [Server Mod]
Skapad av devlos
Dynamic Time-lapse By Solved! Aka "Timonenluca" Works on all Campaigns & Custom Campaigns A Local Server Mod Mod Info Dynamicly moves over time off day in - game and saves the current time into a table , this makes it possible to see time shift in real tim...
EFT AK-103 (AK47) - Naked
Skapad av The Law
Escape From Tarkov's AK-103 assault rifle replacing the AK47 on Cele's AS-VAL animations. *I'm having trouble updating this mod because of crowbar, so if you'd like to use an updated version with better textures, download This Version. The file should go t...
EFT M4A1 (M16) - Naked V2
Skapad av The Law
Escape From Tarkov's ''naked'' (this one has a flashlight+laser just for good measure) M4A1 Assault Rifle replacing the M16A2 on Cele's Edge Rifle animations. Ported from GMod by yours trully. Increase your fov will ya (This mod will make it easier): https...
EFT MP-153 (Autoshotgun)
Skapad av The Law
Escape From Tarkov's MP-153 Semi-auto shotgun replacing the M1014 (Autoshotgun) on Kyouko's animations. I had to go with the tube stock on this one because I couldn't find animations for the normal stock that I liked. It's been a while because I've been le...
EFT Mp5A3 (Mp5) - Naked
Skapad av The Law
Escape From Tarkov's Mp5A3 Submachine gun ported from GMod to L4D2 by yours truly with proper authorization by its original authors. This will replace the CSS Mp5 on PYgame.D.Cthulhu's COD animations. Increase your FOV will ya. *Because this weapon has no ...
EFT Mp7 Suppressed (Mac-10) - Upgraded
Skapad av The Law
Escape From Tarkov's Mp7 submachine gun suppressed and with a few attachments (ported from GMod to L4D2 by yours truly with proper authorization by its original authors). It will replace the Mac-10 "Silenced SMG" on Cele's Mp7 animations. *I highly recomme...
Skapad av The Law
SIG's MCX from Escape From Tarkov replacing the Scar-L (Desert Rifle). This one features a SIG foregrip and a 60 round drum mag loaded with 5.56 bullets on ClearSkyC's amazing animations. And I dont give a damn if this weapon doesn't have a burst-fire opti...
EFT SR-25 (Military Sniper)
Skapad av The Law
Escape From Tarkov's SR-25 DMR replacing the G3SG1 (Military Sniper) on Cele's M110 animations. Increase your FOV my dudes and dudettes. Disclaimer: You are not allowed to port or modify these materials without explicit permission. Credits: All Assets - Ba...
Electric Sledgehammer (Guitar) HUD Icon
Skapad av CCPD
Custom HUD icon for Electric Sledgehammer Revamped (Guitar) weapon mod. Click HERE for the Axe version. Rate. Favourite. Subscribe. Reward. *Restart L4D2 for the HUD icon to work properly. **HUD icon is edited with a script file that won't work on servers ...
Electric Sledgehammer Revamped - Electric Guitar
Skapad av Rafael De Jongh
A revamped edition of Corvalho's Electric Sledgehammer for Left 4 Dead 2 this time for the Electric Guitar The whole idea to edit the textures originates from having the model being put into Fallout: New Vegas by Naky, there the textures and shaders weren'...
Elevator Delay Remover
Skapad av Master_64
Ever wanted the elevator to start going up or down a bit quicker? For some reason, Valve added a 0.75 second delay in elevators. I felt that was unneeded, so here we are, the 'Elevator Delay Remover' mod removes the delay. Simple description: Removes the e...
Ellis PAYDAY 2 fan
Skapad av =THT= Death Angel
Oh man this is going to be AWESOME. Did I ever tell you about the time me and my buddie Keith made masks like in PAYDAY and grabbed a bunch of guns to go on a beer run?. : ))...
Enderman (Smoker)
Skapad av Salvador_DS
Hailing from the dark End Dimension lives the Enderman. Tall, dark, and slender these creatures will not attack players on sight unless you attack them first and are actually pretty chill otherwise. I mean yeah, they'll occasionally steal your blocks but i...
Enhanced Blood Textures - Tweaked (L4D2 Version)
Skapad av FallFox
No ugly green squares, high quality blood textures. Enhanced Blood Textures by Psi7, original by TFA...
Errecting a Dispenser Ammo Pack Sound
Skapad av What's An Airport?
TF2 Dispensers and ammo packs have one thing in common. Bullets. Combine the two and you get this. The Team Fortress 2 Engineer saying "errecting a dispenser" to you deploying an ammo pack....
Explosive Ammo ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Skapad av ✿ N A B I ✿
Explosive Ammo from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this mod was to make these ammo boxes easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https://...
Eye Effect
Skapad av Sawapine
Mod adds blinking of eyes and the vignette around the screen. Does not fully work with some other gui mods (cause it uses the same resource file). For a more or less normal work with the other gui mods: Copy *.vpk file from "/workshop" to "/addons" folder....
Fake (two maps + a finale of choice)
Skapad av Grobi
WARNING: This campaign is a "concept study" and very unstable. It is big and it is unfinished too. The Source engine is not made for multiple escape vehicles and dimensional switches. I tried it anyways. The first two maps are very big - my idea was to con...
Skapad av R󠀡F
Original campaign made by H(eiti). My personal L4D2 port of this great campaign, which i think is more "faithful" to L4D1 version than other ports. L4D1 Version: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2511 Original Description: "The stages take place in Japan. m...
Felix ak-47
Skapad av June the Wanderer
Skin for the Ak of everyone's favorite trap from the anime re:zero, Felix! The more trap mods, the merrier! Also check out this lit mod by Catboy https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2446607161 I'ts a sound replacement mod that should won...
FGO Anastasia Medical Package
Skapad av Monkey Dark
replace the Medical Package FGO Anastasia...
Fireaxe - black synthetic
Skapad av TOG | K1CHWA
black axe with a synthetic handle texture/normal please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own. SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME MODS ANIMATED GLOWING MODS. Note - i didnt include custom motion blur particle as...
Fireaxe - red synthetic
Skapad av TOG | K1CHWA
wanted a different look for axe and handle. texture/normal please dont redistribute my custom textures/normals....be original and make something on your own. SKIN MODS GOLD MODS CHROME MODS ANIMATED GLOWING MODS....
FLCL: Naota's Bat (Baseball Bat)
Skapad av Yog
"Nothing amazing ever happens here..." A red metal baseball bat based on the anime FLCL (Fooly Cooly). Enjoy! If you like it, don't forget to rate. Thanks! :) IMPORTANT: Sounds are not included in this mod because they are shared with the cricket bat. If y...
FN-Scar-H Karen Kujou "AYAYA!!!"
Skapad av CloudNerv
Skin and Model Karen Kujou Version. "AYAYA!!!"...
Fortnite Tactical SMG sound for Uzi (unsuppressed smg)
Skapad av fij
Replaces the shooting sounds. Please leave feedback below :)...
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
Skapad av Deep Thunder
During the day, it's a place of joy. But you aren't here during the day. Now including checkpoints and jumpscares. Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! From your small office you must prevent the restaurant from any intruders and put F...
Frenda item pick up Sound
Skapad av :)
item pick up Sound follow Left 4 Dead 2 korea No.1 Twitch Streamer http://twitch.tv/gnsl6500 http://Youtube.com/user/gnsl6500...
Frenda Main Menu UI skin
Skapad av :)
Frenda main menu UI skin follow Left 4 Dead 2 korea No.1 Twitch Streamer http://twitch.tv/gnsl6500 http://Youtube.com/user/gnsl6500 ...
frenda seivelun Hunting rifle
Skapad av :)
frenda seivelun Hunting rifle skin...
Frenda Uzi_slienced (프렌다 우지/소음기/스킨)
Skapad av :)
안녕하세요 장트러블입니다. 제가 현재 쓰고있는 우지스킨 이며 많이 사용 부탁드리며 댓글 많이 달아주시고 유튜브 트위치 구독 많이 부탁드리겠습니다. 트위치 : http://Twitch.tv/gnsl6500 유튜브 : http://youtube.com/user/gnsl6500 My channel subscribe :) TwitchTV : http://twitch.tv/gnsl6500 Youtube : http://Youtube.com/user/gnsl6500...
fugly green world.... yes everything
this was not made to be practical imagine the world of L4D2, but as an ugly green touched 7,326 textures using a 4x4 image only changes vtf's all vmt's are the game default if i missed anything be sure to let me know! {i will need a filename and path in or...
Fujiwara Chika Sprays
Skapad av Arisu
10 sprays of Fujiwara Chika for Kaguya sa-ma. Love is war some screenshots were to large so i have to compress them sorry i couldnt remember the credit of those images :(...
Funny chopper
Skapad av 맛감자
죽센 헬콥 사운드 ㅋㅋ...
G11 (Girl's Frontline) (Zoey) Enhanced
Skapad av dewobedil
G11 from Girl's Frontline Enhanced Version http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Jacket, Strap, Rope, Cloth) ● More than 120 Bones ● MMD shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zoey animati...
G41 For Ellis(Girl's Frontline)
Skapad av Peakness Yang
Replaces Ellis for G41 from Girl's Frontline Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync This is my 23th mod on workshop,make for my firend and he let me release this,so if yo...
Gabe The Gun 2 - Automatic Sniper Rifle
Skapad av PostalDudeXi
Second part of Gabe The Gun addon - now it's replace original Left 4 Dead 2 automatic sniper rifle gunfire sound into Gabe the Dog's barking. Don't take it too seriously, it's just goofy addon :) Check out video for better info. Gabe the Gun - Magnum Gabe ...
Ganyu ( Genshin Impact ) - [ Replace Safe Door ]
Skapad av Susie
Replace safe door with some images of Ganyu from Genshin Impact Original mod (I made my mod base on this mod): https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1667233849 What have I done with the door -_- Now it looks so weird. Source of images: htt...
Gawr Gura A Gunfire (Military Sniper)
Skapad av Henru
Adds a gunfire sounds for the military sniper....
Genshin Impact Amber Replaces Nick 原神 安伯 替换 尼克
Skapad av ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s amber.it replaces Nick in game. 原神安伯替换游戏内尼克 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Nick 替换 Nick ----------------------------Then/补充---------------------------- This is the ...
Genshin Impact Ganyu Replaces Louis 原神 甘雨 替换 路易斯
Skapad av ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s ganyu.it replaces Louis in game. 原神甘雨替换游戏内路易斯 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Louis 替换 Louis ----------------------------Then/补充---------------------------- This is ...
Genshin Impact Keqing Replaces Ellis 原神 刻晴 替换 艾利斯
Skapad av ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Keqing.it replaces Ellis in game. 原神Keqing刻晴替换游戏内艾利斯 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Ellis 替换 Ellis ----------------------------Then/补充---------------------------- T...
Girls Frontline Paintings
Skapad av Hawkiepaisen
2 dozen if ure the artist n u want ur art removed pls tell me i found all by google images so if u want ur name mentioned do tell Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Girls' Frontline - Taskforce 404 [Name Change]
"We're the squad that does not exist." - UMP-45 _____________________________________________________________________________ U P D A T E : As it turns out, although I'm not particularily sure if it's working through Workshop subbing, my alternative sugges...
Girls' Frontline G11 (Zoey)
Skapad av Kagarino Kirie
The final member of squad 404 is here. Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. You can contribute at my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kagarinokirie - Feature: + Replaces Zoey + Anime Shader + Jigglebon...
Girls' Frontline G11 Loading Icon
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Icon GIF For G11 (Girls' Frontline) Size:128x128 https://i.imgur.com/sfbIh55.jpg...
Girls' Frontline HK416 (Bill)
Skapad av Kagarino Kirie
Nothing too hard to understand about this mod, it's just a version with clothes. Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. You can contribute at my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kagarinokirie - Feature: ...
Girls' Frontline HK416 (Louis)
Skapad av ChaichanaThai66
Warning:I do not own this model but i change this model for Louis HK416 Replace Louis Original Mod https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528844804&searchtext=Hk416] I'm foget to turn off the Hud If you see a language that you can't read T...
Girls' Frontline HK416 GIF Sprays (Miyano ver.)
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Girls' Frontline HK416 Animetion GIF Sprays 128x128 bit ================================================== 2020/10/17 Last update:Resolution doubled 256x256 bit Use image page:7 https://i.imgur.com/F5O4l2e.jpg Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_ill...
Girls' Frontline HK416 TV
Skapad av Hawkiepaisen
replaces tv with loli hk416 if u want it to stretch properly u need ellie's flat screen tv: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543785952 Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Girls' Frontline IWS 2000 Military Sniper
Military sniper IWS 2000 reskin. IWS 2000 in lens, and logo in side. Hope you like this skin. SHOJOZENSEN !...
Girls' Frontline UMP45 (Francis)
Skapad av Kagarino Kirie
So, we have M4 SOPMOD replaces Zoey, why not more cute Gun Girls for L4D2? I bet that getting all of them in the same squad will make this old L4D2 game more... Interesting... Please I'm not Korean, don't comment in Korea. Enjoy my mods and want to donate?...
Girls' Frontline WA2000 (Hunting Rifle)
Skapad av Kagarino Kirie
Basically an idea from an user on the workshop. Make her useable as a gun. Enjoy my mods and want to donate? I always mod for free, but I appreciate any support. You can contribute at my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/kagarinokirie - Credits: + Mode...
Glock-18 | Sakura
Skapad av Ricoshet
Hello This skin is designed in a Sakura/Japanese style. I hope you like it and enjoy playing with it, I'll tell you righ away, I'm not a proffesional, I'm an ordinary person like you :) The model was taken from CS:GO The skin was completely painted/done by...
Glubtastic 3
Skapad av Fug
A mysterious forse threatens to tilt the balance of glub and course of the left 4 dead two history forever. You must defeat the big sis and restore order to the dark glubverse. Previous campaign: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=20661...
God Eater VII
Skapad av Adult Neptune
Hi again folks, today we are going to bring you God eater a DLC char from Megadimension Neptunia VII, replace Nick enjoy it Credits: - Making model for l4d2 (Princess Frey´a) - making textures (Big Nepsy) - Model by Compile Heart - Ripped by PriChama http://...
Graviton Hand Cannon [Destiny 2] Replaces Magnum
Skapad av Mortis™
"Think of space-time as a tapestry on a loom. This weapon is the needle." Replaces the Magnum/Desert Eagle with the Graviton Hand Cannon, a fanmade weapon model based off the Destiny 2 rifle weapon Graviton Lance, remade in the form of a pistol based on of...
Green Cross-shaped Healing Particles
Skapad av Henrietta
This replaces survivors_fx.pcf, which contains the healing gauze wrapping, smoking, and third person flashlight (I think). I don't think there's any other mods that edit this file, so I don't think there would be any conflicts, but I don't know. I swapped ...
Green Crosshair
Skapad av Cherry0wl
Grenade Boom(RNG)
The trace after the explosion.... 爆炸后的痕迹。大概。。。...
Grenade Shove (Script)
Skapad av Sw1ft
Grenade Shove Script Functional Attaches an activated pipebomb to infected when shoved by survivor Ignites infected when shoved by survivor Biles SI and Tank when shoved by survivor Configuration file After your first playing with this add-on in the folder...
Grizzly MKV .50 (Deagle)
Skapad av HK G41
rare grizzly mkv pistol for dessert eagle this mod includes cele script for separate sound. i do not intend to steal his work, i only include to reduce required mods animation by me model: warface, edit by me sound: payday 2, far cry 4, other source i have...
Guidance Mutation
Skapad av ᴿᴱᴻᴱ™
This mutation places some arrows to guide the survivors to the saferoom. (It contains arrow data for c1-c14) Note: The arrows source is the L4D2 Arcade Game. The arrows were compiled with the maps of it. I used php to read the vmfs, generated vscript with ...
Gun Nuts
Skapad av Rectus
"You can have it when you pry it off my cold dead hands." The infected have been hoarding guns and ammo, and are not willing to give them up without a fight. A Co-op mutation that removes normal item spawns in favor of having items drop from killed infecte...
Gun Range Map
Skapad av Blue
A very quick (very.) map i made at the request of one of my friends, this is pretty self explanatory There is a room at the start full of guns and all the stuff youd wanna mess around with, and past that is the shooting range/ horde box/etc Press the white...
gyate gyate sprays
Skapad av VRtual
touhou sprays (one of the sprays looks like a missing texture when you select it but it shows in game)...
Skapad av Cele
Not a fresh stuff,just i got interested by chance,that's it Replacing the silenced smg Credits: MP7 & Silencer:Crytek GmbH Magazine & Ironsight:New World Interactive Flashlight:Danger Close Sound:Bengty Animation:Cele ...
Skapad av H.U.N.K
THIS MOD WORKS IN ANY SERVER! (NOT VERSUS THO!!!) ***TUTORIAL*** https://youtu.be/koLer8XBQ1A TURN OFF STEAMCLOUD BEFORE INSTALLING!!! (it redownloads config.cfg pretty much breaking my mod.) *THE CONFIG FILE RE-APPEARING IS NORMAL! Tags: H.U.N.K'S THIRDPE...
Hakurei Reimu Poster - 博丽灵梦 海报
Skapad av NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Hakurei Reimu Poster Replaces Death Center billboards,Mall and Jimmy Gibbs Poster This is Hakurei Reimu Concert Posters : steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1427963789 -东方- 博丽灵梦 死亡中心 海报 替换了地图中路边广告板和购物中心海报 博丽灵梦的演唱会海报 : steamcommunity.co...
Half Life : Alyx's pistol [magnum]
Skapad av Ramm.asmiette
https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/546560/header.jpg?t=1574710186 Replace the magnum by Half Life Alyx's pistol - Viewmodel - Worldmodel - Original firing + reloading sounds from the game Credit : Half Life ALyx - Valve Original gmod pistol mesh po...
Half-Life: Alyx Footstep Sounds
Skapad av Brain Dead
Replaces almost all survivor footstep sounds with sounds from HLA....
Han Solo's Blaster
Skapad av Ramm.asmiette
Han Solo blaster pistol for magnum : - Viewmodel - Worlmodel - Firing blaster sound Anim and ammo by Tööttieläin Blaster model by pepedrago...
Haunting Grounds - Sawrunner
Skapad av OvercookedSushi
---------------------------- Important Note ---------------------------- I have no intentions of returning to Source mapping unless Source 2 comes to a L4d franchise game AND is huge imporvement to ze awfulness zat vas and is Source... If my shit is broken...
HD 30 Sexy Manga Vending Machines
Skapad av Ellie
Complete Overhaul Due to Valve's new file size restriction thing, I had to redo the entire mod. So to change a bit, I included new pictures :D, if you are interesting in where you can find it and "more", visit (NSFW) Danbooru (do a Google search) This mod ...
HD Machine Guns (+ HUD Display)
Skapad av Ellie
http://i.imgur.com/aYht8f3.png VMT-Link between the HUD and an item to display formerly hidden helpful information (cf. Global Radar). ⚠️ If you DO NOT want the HUD, you can get this mod without it here. ⚠️ This mod replaces both Machine Guns with new ones...
HD Vomit
Skapad av Ellie
https://i.imgur.com/vBBlYbk.png This mod is NOT compatible with the Absolute Zero Boomer nor with the old "assets" of Absolute Zero map When you drink too much, you puke. But what happens if you drink too much in HD ? Easy : you puke in HD. Since there are...
Skapad av 晨晨
hehe24终于发布了,这次会有什么不一样呢?本次hehe共4关 谢谢大家支持hehe系列! 地图版本:3 建图命令: map hehe24_1 map hehe24_2 map hehe24_3 map hehe24_4 ______________________________________________________ Hehe24 has finally been released. What will be different this time? There are four levels...
Hentai book cover
Skapad av 幻想住人
This mod replace the book cover by R18 Ero honn's cover...... Because there are 16 books in the game,so i used 16 picture to finish this mod. No time to explain,get on quickly! {LÄNK BORTTAGEN} 这个mod用R18工口本的封面替换了游戏中书本的封面........
Hentai ouji to warawanai neko LoadScreen & Change LoadIcon & Change LoadBar【变猫加载界面和其他修改】
Skapad av NekoChocolate
☆═━┈═━┈ The "HENTAI" prince and the stony cat ┈━═┈━═☆ The MOD will change the load screen, load the animation and progress bar. Enjoy~ ☆═━┈═━┈ 变态王子与不笑猫 ┈━═┈━═☆ 这个MOD将会替换安全屋加载界面、加载图标和加载进度条。 希望你能喜欢~ If there are comments please come forward~! 如果有什么意见或者建议欢迎提出...
Hentai S3RL tank music
Skapad av BlueSour
This mod changes the tank music to Hentai-S3RL. This song starts in the game at 21s....
Hibiki For Rochelle(KanColle)
Skapad av Peakness Yang
Replaces Rochelle for Hibiki from Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 第六驱逐队(No.6 Kuchikutai) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync - Akatsuki-Coach Ikazuchi-Nick Inazuma-Ellis...
Hibiki muzzle flash
m60 muzzle flash+m16 muzzle flash (m60枪口火焰)+(m16枪口火焰) 有情趣的可以加q群: 415261323...
Hibiki pillow medkit响抱枕替换包
Skapad av Верный
Hibiki pillow instead of medkit picture from pixiv 老婆的抱枕,替换包...
Hibiki replace Rochelle (Kancolle)
Skapad av Akatori
Hibiki(響) replace Rochelle. 响替换Rochelle 第4、5张图盗自百度贴吧 @ 百夫长自爆机甲 感谢星缘天空论坛@ kstg110所提取的响爷mod,才让我有素材拿出来造福社会 Original Mod here: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=486696953...
Hibiki safe door (Kantai Collection)
Skapad av Violet Nya
Hope you like it :)...
Hiiro&Waka S890(M1014 replacer)
Hirro &waka skin for S890 hirro和waka 主题的S890 Anmation:HKG41 Model: Interactive Sound: Interactive, far cry New skin:me https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1764817747377976715/2759392D40A45A33D4B48AADA9FC51194B04B0CF/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamai...
HK G36 (SG552)
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
So great, it's too hot for Steam. Oi. Here's that G36 I did, on a different weapon. This replaces the hidden Counterstrike: Source SG552 on Mzk's G36c animations, re-targetted to work in L4D2 by me. If you currently have no way of obtaining the hidden CSS ...
HK416 (Girl's Frontline) (Louis) Enhanced
Skapad av dewobedil
HK416 from Girl's Frontline Enhanced Version http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Skirt, Magazine, Knife) ● More than 120 Bones ● MMD shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Coach animatio...
HK416 (Girl's Frontline) (Zoey) Enhanced
Skapad av dewobedil
HK416 from Girl's Frontline Enhanced Version http://i.imgur.com/Mtpn5Dz.png ● Firstperson view arms ● Good hitboxes ● Jigglebones (Hair, Skirt, Magazine, Knife) ● More than 120 Bones ● MMD shader ● Full Facial animation / Eye tracking ● Used Zoey animation...
HL2 AR2 V2
Skapad av Du008
Welcome!I'm Du008 This is my HalfLife 2 Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle (OSIPR) or simply AR2 weapon addon for l4d2. Now with new animations. I didn't wanted to update the old one because, maybe you won't like the new one, so here it is, hope you'll l...
Homemade Sentry Turret
Skapad av Rectus
A makeshift automated sentry turret made using scrounged up supplies, and one of the numerous MAC-10 submachine guns lying around. Hold the attack button to deploy the turret. The turret will automatically fire at targets in range. Press the use key to rep...
Honkai Impact 3 Dynamic sniper sight
The original picture is from the Honkai Impact 3CG. I extracted part of the CG and revised it. Modified the interface when sniping the mirror. When you use sniper weapons, you feel like you have a BUFF bonus. All in all, it is very cool. so cool ...
Honkai Impact Higyokumaru [machete]
Skapad av kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's Higyokumaru replace machete in game. 喜欢我的mod就加群鸭 945760874 这次是绯玉丸替换了砍刀 做了全新的动作 作为迟来的新年礼物送给大家 给老板们订阅了给个赞和评论鸭! 喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces machete. 替换 machete -----...
Honkai Impact Rosalia Fanaticism Blues Replaces Bill 崩坏3 萝萨莉娅 狂热蓝调 替换 比尔
Skapad av ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Rosalia Fanaticism Blues.it replaces Bill in game. 崩坏3萝萨莉娅狂热蓝调替换游戏内比尔 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Bill 替换 Bill ----------------------------Then/补充---------------...
Honkai Impact The Realm Of Heaven And Earth:Verdict Replaces Katana 崩坏3 天殛之境:裁决 替换 太刀
Skapad av ☆麻辣香锅☆
----------------------------Introduction/简介---------------------------- That’s Raiden Mei The Herrscher Of Thunder's sword.it replaces katana in game. 崩坏3天殛之境:裁决替换游戏内太刀 喜欢我的mod就订阅收藏点赞三连支持我 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces Katana 替换 Katana --------------------------...
HQ M60 Improved
Skapad av 洛洛无霍
Replaces the M60.本MOD替换M60 模型和材质 models and materials by QUERENTIN 动作与编译 animations and compile by me 没有声音添加,你可以自己添加你喜欢的声音。 no sound,You can add your sounds. 没有任何脚本,no scripts. 说明 | state 由于在创意工坊中找不到合适的动作进行套用,只好自己进行动作原创啦! 预览的GIF图都是经过加速时间和减少帧率的,实际效果还以游戏中为准。...
HUD 701
Changes the ingame HUD to a black and white minimalistic design I put together in Photoshop. This HUD also applies to progress bars, scoreboards, and notifications. Built-in team heath counters included because the person reading this is cool H a v e f u n...
Hunter Skill Training
Skapad av off-log-Byte
Type ''map hs_training'' into the console to start the map. Restart Steam and remove other addons from the folder left4dead2/addons if u have any problems. This map created for singleplayer only. If you enjoyed it please like, comment and subscribe! Thank...
Hunter Training
Skapad av eyeonus
A portal-like hunter training map for teaching advanced hunter pounce techniques and the practice thereof. To play, open console and type "map hunter_training" without the quotes. If you like this, please consider donating. Even $1 helps. paypal.me/eyeonus...
Hunter's rainbow
Skapad av fox.57005
Hanter rainbow trail effect with sparkles! For charger...
Hunting Rifle Reanimated
Skapad av Arima
I found Cele's m14 animation to be a match for the hunting rifle. Since the animation was made with the idea of a heavy weapon, i had to make it feel more light for the mini-14. Also took the model from Trigger_hurt as he have remodeled the entire gun and ...
Hyperdimension Neptunia Nepgear - Ammo Modle
Skapad av Violet Nya
Purple Sister Modle replace Ammo Pile (L4D2,L4D1) ...
Hyperdimension Noire Safe Door (neptunia)
Skapad av Violet Nya
Hope you like it :)...
I Need Healing Spray
Skapad av 祈願巫女
OMG my hp is 99, I'm about to die....
Ice Floor
Skapad av Master_64
Have you ever felt like L4D2 was too easy and wanted to make it unnecessarily difficult for no apparent reason? The 'Ice Floor' mod makes the floor super slippery! Simple description: Makes any floor act like an ice floor. This script can only be used on a...
iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: U149 Survivor 8-Pack
This add-on reskins all 8 L4D2 survivors to characters from the franchise THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls, specifically from the manga spin-off THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: U149, as follows: Nick - Tachibana Arisu Rochelle - Ichihara Nina Coach - Ryuza...
IMI Mini Uzi Revisited - Unsilenced
Skapad av Nebbers
Admit it: you were expecting another Insurgency weapon, weren't you? :P Here's something a bit different for a change. How many of you remember this Mini-Uzi mod for the SMGs way back when? I certainly don't; it was released before I even started playing L...
Imouto Apocalypse! "CI MOD"
Skapad av Kagarino Kirie
So, this is a big mod i was working in for a while, because there are alot of models need to replace. But anyway, now it's done and Iam glad to show you the BEST COMMON INFECTED mod ever made. Shooting cute anime girls will surely bring new gaming experien...
Improved Blood Textures
Skapad av BakaKemono
Adds higher resolution textures for splatters and wounds. Splatter textures cover a wider area while splats/blobs of blood are cover less which helps to diversify the way blood appears. Reduced blood size version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/fil...
Incendiary Ammo ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Skapad av ✿ N A B I ✿
Incendiary Ammo from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this mod was to make these ammo boxes easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https...
Incendiary Ammo Crit Sound [TF2]
Skapad av Mayday_우타네
Replaces incendiary ammo shot sounds whit tf2 weapon crits. For some reason dont work whit shotguns. ...
infected damage display
Skapad av 星魂桑丶
Translate By Google! Support language: Chinese & English Language Code:0 = Chinese,1 = English。 Defalut Lang:Chinese(0) You Can Change Defalut Lang In Here:Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/idd/lang_setting.txt Defalut lang in lang_setting.txt is 0 ONLY ACCEPT ...
Infection Overdrive
Skapad av JohnnyRamoneBR
The survivors escape from the highway in Road to Ruin was short lived. They crashed their truck a few days later, and now must proceed on foot towards an once vibrant city where they hope to find the military. The lights still shine bright all around, but ...
Inspector Tequila's Norinco Type-54's
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
These survivors think they know akimbo? Nah man, it's time they took it up the real way, the way the hardcore do it - do it like the Woo, and there's no Woo that woos quite like Hard Boiled. Hard Boiled was a film by John Woo starring Chow Yun-Fat and the ...
Inugami Korone (Vtuber-Hololive) replaces Smoker sounds
Skapad av Pelambre
Add-on that replace Smokers's voice lines If you have any suggestion about this mod please write it in the comments...
[Uzi] Micro Uzi HUD script
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
A script with a HUD icon for the Micro Uzi. Type: Flash outline (artwork unfinished) This addon replaces SCRIPTS (changes the in-game weapon stats)! That means you can only play on a server (your own or your friend's host) which has this script enabled. Di...
[Touhou] Six kinds of MAC-10
Skapad av K"ashimura♦
Replace the in-game weapons skins Each time you load a new map will change weapons skins. Guns can glow in the dark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 该枪械集合了之前所有做的...
[Support] Give N Take (Throwable Sharing)
Skapad av MANACAT
If your teammate misses the items because they haven't seen that, but you can pick that up and pass it over. 1. If you shove the other player while holding a throws, you can leave the throws to the other player. If your teammate is incapacitated, you can t...
[Support] Checkpoint Heal
Skapad av MANACAT
This script was created for survivors who entered the checkpoint with low HP. I don't want to struggle from beginning with low HP in current round because I arrived at the checkpoint with low HP in previous round, but I don't want to die and respawn with 5...
[Scout] 2x damage 10-round script (TLS)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
The Last Stand Update ready script for the Scout slot. Does not include a HUD icon. The stats fit almost every bolt-action rifle with a 10-round magazine, including the default Scout model with the extended mag adapter. This addon replaces SCRIPTS (changes...
[R18]A Molotov
Skapad av 超级热土人
[R18]A Chrome Shotgun
Skapad av 超级热土人
R18R18 XD pixiv id 71486628...
[R18] Abmayo Miku hentai sprays
Skapad av ミオちゃん
Abmayo ( Artist ) https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17332140 https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif English/Thai how to install 1.Subscribe 2.Enter the game 3.go to the options, multiplayer 4.Have fun วิธีติดตั้ง 1.สมัครสมาชิก 2.เข้าเกม 3.กดตัวเลือก กดผู้เล่นหลายคน ...
[RNG]PioneerZ1Z's work for Chrome Shotgun替换铁喷
PioneerZ1Z's work for Chrome Shotgun 我个人单喷作品的集合,替换铁喷 My personal collection of shotgun works, replacing Chrome Shotgun 一关更换一次皮肤,重启章节不更换。 总共有7个皮肤,一款隐藏的mana皮肤 There are 7 skins in total, a hidden mana skin 夜光效果 It will glowing in dark place https://steamuser...
ion's Vocalizer
Skapad av ion
The most complete L4D2 vocalizer with nearly 800 vocalization lines. The real deal. FEATURES 13 radial menus with shared voice lines 9 radial menus with character-specific voice lines (for each character) Radial menu for character selection/switching and g...
iPhone 6 [Skin] : Shigure (時雨)
Skapad av Ellie
http://i.imgur.com/34Ud4S6.png 僕は白露型駆逐艦、「時雨」。これからよろしくね。 This mod is a skin for the iPhone 6 with WhatsApp. This mod alone does nothing, you need the base mod for it to work. This mod replaces the screen of the iPhone 6 with 14 RNG Shigure (Kancolle) (??) w...
Is order the rabbit ? Tippy Ladder
Skapad av krkr
こころぴょんぴょん♪ 第3弾 ご注文はうさぎですか? ティッピー仕様のラダーです。 ※特殊感染者が登れる部分に表示されるマークをティッピーに変更します。...
Item Reanimation: Molotov
Skapad av Rymd
This only contains the Molotov for other mods compatibility. Original mod by MaxG3D....
IWI Zion-15 (m16 replace)
Skapad av HK G41
modern AR-15/M4 based rifle by Israeli Weapon Industries, IWI ZION US-15. 16 inch barrel and 15 inch free float handguard, B5 system stock and grip. iron sights are not included. it replaces m16 rifle it is extremely rare in video games, and is the first A...
Jacket's Piece and Carpenter's Delight (Silenced SMG and Frying pan)
Skapad av Simonsyndaren
SOME PEOPLE REPORT CRASHING WHEN USING THE PIPE BOMB Jacket's Piece and Carpenter's Delight replacement for the Frying pan and Silenced Submachine Gun Credits: Simonsyndaren - Rigging Sergal 636 - Helping man Salad - Model Extraction and Conversion Splinks...
Skapad av AvengedDeathAlert
It's the jar-based karate, with piss! Replaces the boomer bile/vomit/puke jar. Uses its own animation. Comes with yellow slime effects. Credits: Valve - models, animations, sound Moe Stooge - effects ...
Jockey Training
Skapad av kimoto
This map is Jockey special infected training map. You can practice jockey's bhop and strafe jumping. It looks like kreedz and climbing map. I made this map three years ago. Today fixed some bugs and improved some logics. Usage -----------------------------...
John Wick's Coharie Arms CA-415
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
The John Wick brand of sofas are the many piles of henchmen he's murdered wrapped in a plastic bag and sculpted into the shape of something one can sit on. Its like recycling, but with more Europeans. And now you too can join in on the Supply & Demand with...
K-ON! Moe Moe Kyun Healing Sound
Skapad av Kommandos0
Plays the Moe Moe Kyun scene from K-ON! when you heal with a first aid kit. To be more specific just the "Moe Moe Kyun" bit....
KAC SR-25 Silenced
Skapad av 洛洛无霍
KAC SR-25 Silenced替换军用狙击步枪 添加消音器和两脚架,瞄准镜镜片进行了修改,且瞄准镜前后都有镜片,原版有人偷懒没添加上去。 其余不做任何修改,与原版一致。 原MOD地址 难道我会告诉你,这个消音器和两脚架是从CODOL的MK14里扒过来的吗? HUD可加也可不加。...
Kagura Nana's Healing sound effects
Skapad av 十年公交男
Kagura Nana's Healing sound effects Included: Sound effects. Description: Mom! Mom is here. Statement: Sound from :Kagura Nana Make:十年公交男 At last: AWSL https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627042377028/D75ECC1501834F02BEF94E023B6AFEB88C757D02/...
Kancolle Main Menu Music(Custom)
Skapad av 神様ですか?
Kantai Collection Main Menu Theme Music Includes BGM and Anime OP 母港(Game Main Menu BGM) 出擊(Game Attack UI BGM) 海色(Anime OP TV Size) Requirments of Kancolle Menu Mode(No Need Custom Video)...
KANCOLLE Medical cabinet
KANCOLLE Medical cabinet Inner and outer surfaces : Amatsukaze Shimakaze and Hoppou...
Markerad som inkompatibel ]  Kanna Animated CS:GO Deagle
Skapad av HSK
character : kanna kamui model : deagle modified from id=1317146846 more detail in chinese 一把8發子彈的康娜沙漠之鷹 皮膚加了字體變色動畫的夜光型手槍 此模組只修改了皮膚與動畫 模型源自於id=1317146846,有興趣自己去查XD 已有聲音特效,還可加入彈道軌跡特效一併使用 如果有錯誤顯示,歡迎下方留言給我 #個人實測可用,訂閱直接套用,若有錯誤顯示先看看你的模組有沒有相衝。...
kanna loading icon
Skapad av pyrax100
el loading icon es cambiado por kanna bailando...
Kanna strawberry milk for pain pills
Skapad av HSK
character : kanna kamui model : pain pills modified from id=1088379364 more detail in chinese 來做個康娜老婆包裝的草莓牛奶止痛藥 龍的牛乳中龍指的是公司,不要誤會(´・ω・`) 此模組只修改了皮膚 模型源自於id=1088379364,有興趣自己去查XD 如果有錯誤顯示,歡迎下方留言給我 #個人實測可用,訂閱直接套用,若有錯誤顯示先看看你的模組有沒有相衝。...
Kantai Collection GUI V2
Skapad av Rodent
This Add-on is a replacement for : - 5 Different Background Videos - 5 Different Background Music - Game Mode Button - Game Intro - 15 Loading Screens ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Kantai Collection Jukebox Mod
Skapad av Miyo-chan
Salutations, this Kantai Collection -KanColle- jukebox mod replaces the music of the jukebox with several of the character songs, from the show, along with the opening and ending. I hope you like it, as much as I do. Thank you. Track Listings: 1. Miiro – 0...
Kantai Collection Kancolle Yuudachi Menu Backgrounds
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
The Yuudachi MENU Backgrounds Wallpaper Live video 20HUD - Menu https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2982769845&searchtext=20HUD The mod DOES NOT work when you subscribe. It only works if you manually copy and paste the files, which can b...
Kantai Collection safe door
Skapad av 小芝麻凛
Kantai Collection safe door ...
KantaiCollection Akatsuki-Class Combat Versoin
Skapad av 东云悠悠
Replace L4D2 Survivors This characters are Game-character of 「艦隊これくしょん」''Kantai Collection''. Akatsuki · Hibiki/Верный · Ikazuchi & Inazuma No Combat Versoin : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=486696953 Features: -jigglebones for their...
KantaiCollection AkatsukiClass Voice
Skapad av 东云悠悠
KantaiCollection AkatsukiClass Models: Combat Versoin : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=532226551 No Combat Versoin : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=486696953 Voice Pack is not complete, because the voice files ...
Karabin [Military Sniper]
English: Hi everyone. This weapon is an extremely rare vintage rifle known as the Kbsp 1938 (called the Karabin in CoD: WWII for some reason). It is a Polish semi-automatic rifle made during WWII. It was the weapon of choice by Polish snipers, but fell out...
Kawaii billboards
Kawaii billboards for Dead center and Dark carnival,...
Kawakaze-kai for Francis(KanColle)
Skapad av Peakness Yang
Replaces Francis for Kawakaze-kai from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 江风(Kawakaze) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync original model:cham@niconico This is my 9th m...
KeLi Help sound effects
Skapad av 尤莉
added a little sound ...
Keqing Saferoom Loading Background
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Genshin Impact- KeQing Saferoom Loading Background -原神- 刻晴 安全室读图背景 Original Image / 原图 : yande 706171 (so tsubasa)...
KF2 Scalpel
Skapad av Zaeryn
The "medic knife" from Killing Floor 2 replaces the CSS knife. Uploaded with permission cause Rocky didn't want to for some reason. And no, I won't put it on the machete. ^^ Let's put these zombies under the knife; Doktor's orders. Tripwire - model, textur...
Kill Me Baby End Credits Music
Skapad av Erk
Replaces the game's end credits music with the ending theme from the anime Kill Me Baby. * Now fixed so it actually works in the L4D1 campaigns.*...
Kimochi ii yo~! Healing Sound Medkit
Feel good healing sound replacement when medkit use. will replace bandanging_1.wav...
Kirby Poyo Frying Pan Sound Mod
Skapad av Octobyt3
Kirby will now be the voice of your frying pan! Poyo...
Skapad av dog
Knife ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Skapad av ✿ N A B I ✿
The hidden knife will be replaced with a new model and textures. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI. The intention behind this knife was to make it easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/...
KOR axe
Skapad av crush02
this axe is korea axe...
Korea auto shotgun
Skapad av crush02
korone sniper 【military】
戌神ころね sneeze inugami korone giving zombies her "korone virus" to cure them of infection was inspired by a comment on her sneeze not my video demo LINK...
Kugimiya Rie auto-shotgun sound
Skapad av 蒂国交警
replace auto-shotgun sound with baka hentai u ru sa i...
Skapad av Somnician
Just a dark retexture I did on the MMD Konata model, because I was bored. Replaces Zoey....
Kurumi's Anemones [Replaces Fireaxe]
Skapad av -JoyRider-
Kurumi's Weapon - Anemones the hammer replaces melee Fireaxe Apply fireaxe data. My production experience is limited, I hope the user can provide some valuable advices to me. Have fun:) 常磐胡桃专属武器 - 银莲花 替换近战消防斧 仅替换模型,套用消防斧原始数据。 新增加了部分光效。 本人制作经验有限,希望使用者可以提供一些...
KZ_Luonto V2 - CS1.6
Skapad av ched salvia
Reviving the CS 1.6 classic created by sBlisss KZ = A type of map in CS which involved jumping and climbing in maps filled with difficult steps. KZ stands for kreedz, the creator of such climbing maps. Luonto = nature in Finnish Featuring: -No fall damage ...
L4D Style Ragdolls Repulsion [Special Infected]
Skapad av Sw1ft
Repels Special Infected ragdolls after their death (except Spitter) Configuration file After your first playing with this add-on, in the folder Left 4 Dead 2/left4dead2/ems/ragdolls_repulsion will appear settings.cfg file, it inculdes 2 parameters: Force -...
L4D1/2 Population Mix (+Custom Models!)
Skapad av LittleBigSmoak
Tired of the old bland population and how it seems to repeat itself constantly? Want slightly more variety than what we were given before? Look no further! This mod adds fallen survivors to Swamp Fever, makes riot cops and hazmat guys collaborate with the ...
L4d2 frenda seivelun Magnum skin
Skapad av :)
안녕하세요 장트러블입니다. 프렌다 세이베른 매그넘 스킨 (L4d2 frenda seivelun Magnum skin) 입니다. 구독버튼 누르면 스킨 적용 되니 많이 사용해주세요 ^_^ 안되시는분들은 스킨적용 다시 한번 제대로 설정 해주시길 바랍니다. 그리고 장트러블 네이버 유튜브 채널 구독 꼭 눌러주세요 네이버 치지직 : https://chzzk.naver.com/72daeda32bb15f58ae6c6f1866c35492 유튜브 : https://yout...
L4D2 Modified Talker
https://www.reddit.com/r/l4d2/comments/jh0mk4/do_you_know_the_fact_about_plagiarized_by_the/ ※ We have confirmed the Epsilon Modified Talker v4.195 was plagiarized by core members of Last Stand. The current official talker scripts included plenty of stolen...
Skapad av GenericTech
Teamwork is required in capturing this capture point... For once, a actual port of Team Fortress 2's CP_Orange_X3, no retextures, or based off the original, just the plain original with L4D2 Items added in, and more TF2 Props into the map, a full true port...
L4D:S Compact SMG for Uzi
Skapad av Cuba
Taito Lets Go. The compact smg from the arcade version ported and fixed up with a new origin and full layers. Originally finished 2/25/21 I finally uploaded it. Enjoy, or don't the model kinda sucks. Credits Taito/Square Enix - Animations and Model Cuba - ...
Lakeside (Event) - Team Fortress 2
Skapad av GenericTech
"Enjoy Halloween mortals, for it will be your last!" ! THIS IS ONLY A SURVIVAL MAP, NOT A FULL CAMPAIGN ! Happy Halloween everyone! I am back again with a map just in time for halloween if you're spirit is strong enough to handle the map! I figured I'd do ...
Laser Gun
Skapad av Sw1ft
Allows to use Grenade Launcher as Laser Gun. Features Highlights when you shoot or when the laser beam's reflecting Deals high damage on hitting any target (50 dmg for survivors and 500 dmg for other entities) If the distance to the next point of impact is...
Laser Sights ○✿○ Chia ○✿○
Skapad av ✿ N A B I ✿
Laser Sights from the Chia Collection. Description Often players find themself on a custom server with certain abilities and loot from SI, or in general often the laser sights spawn in random locations on the map. The intention behind this mod was to make ...
LayerPanel for NeunGUI
Skapad av Azuki
Survivor Panel for NeunGUI....
LED Flashlight
Skapad av ℭуисайд
Improved version of the flashlight...
Lee Hanseok Reporter - Defibrillator use sound
Skapad av buckle light
Replaces the normal defibrillator use sound. --------------------------------------------- 제가 직접 한번 살려보겠습니다! 전설의 합필갤 필수요소 11미터 모형탑 이한석 기자 - 기자양반의 등장. 기존 제세동기 사용 및 소생 사운드에 덮어집니다. ※ 대한민국 전국 제세동기 위치 조회 ↓ http://www.e-gen.or.kr/egen/search_aed.do...
Let's Build:2012
Skapad av RichyVO
NOTE: IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING CRASHES TRY DISABLING ALL CAMPAIGN AND MAP ADDONS BEFORE PLAYING THIS MAP. CONSOLE MAP: lbar_future Version: 3.4 From the fantastic system Rimrook has made and given to all of those whom wish to make their own, I Richy have do...
Lets Fighting Tank!
Skapad av Magpie
Hey hey let's go kenka suru Taisetsu na mono protect my balls! Boku ga warui so let's fighting... Let's fighting love! The 4th in the series of my obsession with Tank music. "Lets Fighting Love" taken from the South Park episode "Good Times With Weapons" (...
Light Blue Laser Sight
Skapad av CaPPy
Changes the red Laser Sight to Light Blue...
Limes "Pew" rifle sounds
Skapad av HylianGuard
Replaces the military and hunting rifle sounds with http://www.twitch.tv/limealicious saying: "PEW!"...
Linne flashlight
Linne from Undernight Inbirth Much like my previous flashlights with the added effect to make it look like a flashlight Hyde and Nanase are edited out of the flashlight Sadly I don't know who the original artisit is....
Little Busters! Safe Room Music
Skapad av Botan
Woah! It's a nice melody from anime Little Busters! Song: Two Sugars...
Loading background
Loading background...
Lolicon MOD Special Kantai Collection
Skapad av 空银子
Lolicon MOD Special Kantai Collection UI and survivors and weapons and sound and loding weapons is http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=486696953 sound is http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=532240759 UI and loding is my ...
Lollipop Rainbow Transparent
Skapad av 徒手开根号
Replace pan , body is transparent and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effect.Like friends remember to evaluate my work,The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. original edition :Lollic...
lord dragon [spitter]
Skapad av kaizen
------------------------Introduction/一本正经的简介------------------------ This time it's lord dragon replace spitter in game. 前排兜售r18mod 加群 945760874 这次是mua猫装替换了jockey 希望大家喜欢就 订阅收藏点赞三连呀 你的支持是我创作的最大动力! Replaces spitter. 替换 spitter ------------------------Then/胡说...
Love Live Tunnel of Love
Skapad av Hawkiepaisen
based on miku tunnel of love by ellie Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Loyens Crowbar
Skapad av Loyen
Replaces the original crowbar with my own....
Skapad av Somnician
I have confirmed all animations work online. It took me about an hour to rig them on the L4D1 survivors, it wasn't very hard. Let me know if you find any bugs....
M14 Tactical Glow White
Replaces the hunting rifle with M-14 tactical Glow White reemplaza rifle de caza por Ruger Mini-14 tactical Glow White -Fix Icon HUD -Sound Default -Fix bug Credits: Spezz, Pete, Kimono, Thanez - model, textures arby26 - animations Doktor haus - compile, a...
M16A4 Tactical
Skapad av Dark Star
M16 Model from Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered replaces SG552 on Cele's MK18 anims. Tactical version including Laser Sight Attatchment Cadex Foregrip Barska Holo Sight Credits: Barska Holo Sight: Odec3D https://gamebanana.com/models/3660 https://p3...
M16A4 [M203]
Skapad av Dark Star
Well, here you all go. It's an unsilenced Modern Warfare Remastered M16 model that uses M203 handguard for visual. It's without the grenade launcher for hand clipping purposes. Replaces M16 on Insurgency Anim port by Twilight Sparkle. Credits: Models/Textu...
M1941 Johnson [M16]
English: Hello everyone. This is a weapon which saw very limited service in World War II: the M1941 Johnson. It is a light machine gun, though was incorrectly labeled as an automatic rifle in Call of Duty: WWII as the FG42 needed a competitor to balance th...
M1C Garand
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
Don't call it a comeback. Call it a rewrite of history. A second attempt at a Garand on my part; People weren't satisfied with the first one, so another attempt was made at something old-school. This replaces the Hunting Rifle on Day of Infamy's Garand ani...
M4 SOPMOD II Jr. (gnome replacer)
Skapad av HK G41
M4 SOPMOD II Junior replace gnome with new holding style, and script is included to use new animation Jr. does not move, im sorry textures may be updated in future animation by me model by me, design by SOPMOD II, girls frontline healing chapter juniyah!...
M4A1 Silenced ○✿○ Chia ○✿○ [Replaces M16]
Skapad av ✿ N A B I ✿
This silenced M4A1 will replace the M16. The M4A1 without the silencer is available here. https://i.imgur.com/G3jKXqs.png https://i.imgur.com/dTI4Xb1.png https://i.imgur.com/2SGJUYU.png ○✿○ Features ○✿○ ● Highresolution 4K Textures (All) ● Custom Animation...
M680/M870 From COD:MW 2019 使命召唤:现代战争2019 M680/M870 霰弹枪
Skapad av PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=M680/M870 From COD:MW 2019= =使命召唤:现代战争2019 M680/M870 霰弹枪= For chrome shotgun 替换铬合金霰弹枪 内含: V模,W模,音效 V2.0 Update:envmap texture bug fix V2.0更新:环境反射修复 Remove camera shake version 移除摄像机晃动的版本 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2236691279 Fe...
Magnum - s&w 29 revolver (gold)
Skapad av TOG | K1CHWA
S&W 29 revolver in gold.(replaces magnum/deagle) works best on higher shader settings the real deal from the real authors. a list of ALL that made this possible - arby26 - Model/UV/Rigging/Animation/Compiling/Fire Sound1/Texture Edit K1CHWA - Texture tu st...
Magnum Reanimation
Skapad av 苦黄瓜
这是我之前做的两个马格南动作mod的最终版本 This is the final version of my two magnum animation mod 也许这之后我就不会再修改这个mod了,我已经在上面花了一个月时间了 Maybe I won`t modify this mod anymore,I have spent about one month on it 也许不久之后我会再做别的武器动作mod,但我会在完全完工之后再发布,而不会像现在这样发布几个不完整的版本,所以时间可能会更久一些 Mayb...
Magnum scope
Features: - Arima's edited version of Cele's 1911 animations - Navaro's Deagle firing sounds - big and long barrel Credits: - Original Desert Eagle model and materials: Capcom - Model ripped by: Sticklove - Animations: Arima/Cele - Flashlight: QUERENTIN - ...
Mashiro-tan Glowing Fire Axe Retexture
Skapad av Inga
Title says it all.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             S...
First Aid Kit Script - Medkit Hat
Skapad av Henrietta
1. This is a modified medkit script, weapon_first_aid_kit.txt, meaning it is not compatible with other addons that change the same file. 2. I cannot make a universal script that turns whatever medkit model you're using to a well-fitting hat because:   a) T...
Megumin Grenade Launcher Sound
Skapad av Snejk
Replaces the grenade launcher explosions with Megumin shouting EXPLOOOSIOOON!...
Melee Fury
Skapad av Master_64
Have you ever wanted melee weapons to catch infected on fire and deal more damage? Well, the 'Melee Fury' mod may be what you have been looking for. Simple description: Makes melee weapons stronger and fiery. Melee weapons now: - Catch any infected on fire...
MP5-SD (希儿)-夜光重制
Skapad av 洛兮
替换mp5,(replace the mp5) 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 全身添加夜光,不刺眼,易寻找! 算是重制做个之前的希儿的mp5没夜光的遗憾! L4D2MOD制作交流群:1016787637 L4D2开黑群:721355486 我的B站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/247187251 做的不好,还请见谅!...
MP5A5 KAC Hanami (smg replacer)
Skapad av HK G41
MP5A5 KAC with PDW style stock, M900A MVFS, eotech sight and cherry blossom powder coat paint animation by me model by AVA sound by AVA, warface 'Let's walk together towards the place where the flowers bloom.' Oguri Cap skin by 黑蝶沼...
MP5SD ○✿○ Chia ○✿○ [Replaces MP5]
Skapad av ✿ N A B I ✿
This MP5SD will replace the hidden MP5. A version which replaces the silenced SMG is available here. Description The intention behind this weapon was to make it easier to spot and therefore faster to loot/find. https://i.imgur.com/G3jKXqs.png https://i.img...
Murasaki Shion Main Menu Icon
Skapad av LLKotori
Replace menu icon #Hololive #Vtuber...
MW1 - Real Golden AK [AK]
Skapad av Scout_115
Please note, players must complete challenges to unlock the golden camo for the AK-47. The AK or also known as Avtomat Kalashnikova is a Russian assault rifle originated in the Soviet Union and was developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It was designed in 1946 ...
MW1 Minigun (for M60)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
SOAP! FOR THE LAST TIME!! DROP THE BLOODY MINIGUN!!! (c) Gaz, 2011 General Dynamics GAU-17/A from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare US Air Force version of the M134 Minigun. The Gatling rotary gun design goes all the way back to 1860s, and today's electricall...
MW3 M1887
Skapad av Wendu-Chan
BEFORE START TO WRITE TARD COMMENTS PLS READ THE WHOLE DESCRIPTION. Write only feedback here. Every non-feedback comments will be deleted. If you got requests or questions join/write to my Steam group. --Replacing the Pumpshotgun-- --contains custom hud ic...
MWR Saiga-12
Skapad av Denny凯妈
Please forgive me for the rough editing of the animation!😂 Replaces SPAS/Tactical autoshotgun 替换SPAS连发霰弹枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - Saiga-12 models/textures/animations Denny凯妈/Active Vision - Audio Arima - Original Compile/Animations Ode...
Skapad av Denny凯妈
MWR USP.45:D Replaces pistols 替换9MM手枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Active Vision - USP.45 models/textures Denny凯妈/Active Vision - Audio arby26 - Original Compile/Animations arby26 - Animations griggs - Ripping zmg - Special help(thanks!) Denny凯妈 - Compile ...
Nacho Neko Loading Icon
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Icon GIF For Nacho Neko Size:128x128...
Menhera-Chan Not Hot! skraaaaa - Kawai Desu (Safe Room music) (version 2)
Skapad av nameless
Menhera-Chan Not Hot! skraaaaa - Kawai Desu Safe Room music...
Menu UI Fixes and Improvements
Skapad av Olde
A vanilla-style menu improvement mod. This addon is essentially a "best-of" the most useful menu fixes and features that I've either made myself or adopted from other mods that retain the original look of the game's UI. It dates back to before the TLS upda...
Menu UI Update - No Steam Group Servers, Alternate Addon Browser
Skapad av Olde
A vanilla-style menu improvement mod. This addon combines several useful modifications and fixes to L4D2's menu without changing the basic structure or integrity of the UI. It dates back to before the TLS update so several of the changes became obsolete or...
Meow pick up
Skapad av UnluckyFortune
Only true professionals of the game Nekopara will understand this wonderful pick up sound for the survivors...
METAL SLUG OK! Item Pickup Sound
Skapad av 煙海 | Enkai
Sound Tracks of Picking Items Replaced By Metal Slug X,3,4,5...
Metal Slug Sound Pack [Complete]
Skapad av evo
UNSUPPORTED! It probably still works but I can't fix things, sorry! This mod changes many L4D2 sounds to those of Metal Slug. Metal Slug 3, to be precise. Changes: -All safehouses now feature the 'Character selection' song from MS3 in the background. -Tank...
miku poker(awp)
Skapad av 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD modifies the awp,Its CARDS are lovely MIKU,I hope you can like it,Welcome to my workshop,thank you. Of course,If you don't like the pattern, you can modify it yourself.but,If you want to post, please get my consent,And attach the source action add...
Military - Anko Replace Rochelle V1.01
Skapad av -JoyRider-
Tsubuzaki Anko Special Edition - Military ver replaces Rochelle https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif MMD model website : https://bowlroll.net/file/110884 MMD model original author : Onigiri Dojo MMD model original author Twitter : https://twitter.com/onigiridoj...
Military Sniper Reanimated
Skapad av Arima
Yes its the HK G3 or Military sniper, whatever.. I have reanimated MaxG3D's awesome COD animation with a personal touch. Added micro movements to the reload animation, Remade the running animation in COD style, Replaced the lazy melee with a more believabl...
Minato Aqua Debu Loading Icon
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Icon GIF For Debu Aqua Size:128x128...
Minecraft Dungeon Frost Scythe For FireAxe on KF2 Animation
Skapad av 苦黄瓜
“一把牢不可破的镰刀,刀刃寒气逼人,似乎永远不会融化。” "The Frost Scythe is an indersructible blade that is freezing to touch and never seems to melt." 这把武器是来自Minecraft:Dungeons的近战武器冰霜长镰,这是这个游戏里面我最喜欢的武器。 This Weapon is Frost Scythe From Minecraft:dungeons,it`s my favorite weapon in...
Miyano (Tanakeda) GIF Sprays
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge Animetion GIF Sprays 128x128 bit...
Metal Slug Pickup Sound
Skapad av Fury
Replace Pickup Sound Hope you guy like it & enjoy....
Modeus (Gif Spray)
Skapad av Papas
Helltaker - Modeus gif Artist: unknown...
Skapad av 星碎の痕迹
Molotov - Insurgency Animations
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
This is the regular ol' Molotov on my normalized Insurgency molotov animations. This is compatible with retextures. Do enjoy folks. Note that if used with my regular Insurgency Molotov or the Pipebomb version the client will claim there is a conflict. This...
Molotov for Custom Project Glow
Skapad av samvaio
Molotov for Custom Project Glow From actual addon Project Glow by MANACAT Seperated all: - Defibrillator: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1403322180 - Pain Pills: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1403328989 - Mo...
Nano Shot Black [Adrenaline]
Skapad av scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png https://i.imgur.com/Uj6M0YM.png Replaces Adrenaline with Nano Shot from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. Nano Shot is a Fujiwara tactical equipment that increases health regeneration. This is a black version with alternative t...
Nano Shot [Adrenaline]
Skapad av scream
https://i.imgur.com/t3JfQPV.png https://i.imgur.com/r88RQLX.png Replaces Adrenaline with Nano Shot from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. Nano Shot is a Fujiwara tactical equipment that increases health regeneration. https://i.imgur.com/gK5rJyj.png ◼ Exclusiv...
nekoha shizuku UZI
Skapad av Axlsandwich
Add a lovely color to Uzi ~ not dazzling during the day and still glowing at night~ 给UZI加上了猫羽雫主题的涂装~ 白天不晃眼~ 夜里还发光~ ...
Nekopara "NekopaLive" Concert
Skapad av Moosh
Changes the default concert to Nekopara concert with it's own music First Wave: Vol 1 Trailer Music First Tank: Vol 2 Trailer Music Second Wave: Vol 3 Trailer Music Second Tank: OVA Trailer Music...
Nekopara - Chocola & Vanilla Flashlight (Sleeping)
Skapad av Ruby
Someone asked me to make a Chocola & Vanilla flashlight, but after making 2 versions I couldn't choose wich one to upload. So here's another one.~ Credit goes to NEKO WORKs for creating the original image that was used for this mod. The other one can be fo...
Nekopara flashlight
Chocola and Vanilla from Nekopara This must be a picture ingame/artwork from the original artist I dunno which one since I only played 1 I don't remember much about the game and the friend who bought it for me gave me the soyboi not R-18 version Please sup...
Nekopara Medical Cabinet(R-18)
Nekopara Medical Cabinet(R-18) Replaces the Medical Cabinet You`ll get a surprise when you open it! Welcome to my group https://steamproxy.net/groups/2233xxoo 替换医疗箱贴纸为Nekopara! 打开它,你会发现惊喜~...
Nekopara Vanilla Dakimakura For Medkit(R-18)_v1.1
Nekopara Vanilla Dakimakura For Medkit(R-18)_v1.1 Replaces the medkit. hentai! hentai! hentai! 替换医疗包为香子兰抱枕de-su~...
Neptune and Nepgear's Psyllium β golf club
Skapad av Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the golf club with Neptune and Nepgear's shared β DLC weapon, Neptune's Psyllium Blade β/Nepgear's Psyllium Sword β, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -256px Texture -Blood Splatter -Adjusted first and third person clipping with play...
Nekopara | Magnum(Vanilla)
Skapad av 时柒雾
Thank you for your support! Translucent version:Click on me https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/766100111179076114/D95B6822AC18FB37ADA85E4126364744D79EF54B/ -Replace Magnum -Will shine(Gif) -CS:GO Desert Eagle Game screenshothttps://steamuserimages-...
Neptune doll Frying Pan (Texture Remake)
Replaces the frying pan I did not own the mod, I just remake the texture let it better look. Original 512x512 zoom into 2048x2048 and remake with photoshop. author site http://www.gamemaps.com/details/8214 If inadvertently violate your copyright, please le...
Neptune doll Frying Pan ver.2(Texture Remake)
Replaces the frying pan I did not own the mod, I just remake the texture let it better look. Original 512x512 zoom into 2048x2048 and remake with photoshop. author site http://www.gamemaps.com/details/8214 If inadvertently violate your copyright, please le...
Neptune plushie for Gnome
Skapad av Best3000
I never asked for this. He asked for this. There's already a mod that relaces Gnome as Neptune plushie, but as you can see it's not posed at all given (T-posed/Reference posed plushie). As a result, and some few hours and minutes and seconds and mili-secon...
Neptunia 8 pack
Skapad av [HTT✰] Ayase Eli
My 8 pack ported from L4Dmaps. Ellis- Neptune Nick- Blanc Rochelle- Noire Coach- Vert Zoey- Nepgear Bill- Uni Francis- Ram Louis- Rom ------For custom names please download from here: http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=21357 Instructions for l4dmaps- ...
Neptunia Fire Gas Can - RNG Colors
Skapad av Hano
Hyperdimension Neptunia Gascan with glowing skins. ( This is my first addons, i have more to upload ) Credit from : https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198026564362 Also Checkout the Original version : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetail...
Neptunia IF molotov
Skapad av 粽粽[Hua]
replace molotov...
New Tips & Tricks
Skapad av Ellie
Hotfix The resolution problems might have been fixed with an update. Tell me if it works better now for people who are not on 16:9 resolutions (Size of the text will still be the same. I cannot change that) This mod is a complete overhaul of the "Tips & Tr...
NMRiH - Fire Axe
Skapad av Qude
Replaces the Fire Axe with NMRiH's. Including the original fire axe model, textures. Credits Animations by Tripwire Interactive (ported to Source by Lt. Rocky). Model and textures by No More Room in Hell (by Maxx). Edited and ported by Qude. HUD Icon...
No game No life tank theme
Skapad av Sleepy Boy Jones
Tank and taank is replaced by The bluff from the no game no life ost ye...
No Zombie Slowdown!
Skapad av Master_64
Have you ever been trying to play a chill game of L4D2 when all of a sudden, while you are running away from a tank, a zombie hits you and causes you to get hit by a tank? Fortunately, I may just have the solution for your problem! Behold, the 'No Zombie S...
No.6 Kuchikutai For L4D2 Survivors(KanColle)
Skapad av Peakness Yang
Replaces L4D2 survivors for No.6 Kuchikutai from Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 第六驱逐队(No.6 Kuchikutai) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync - Akatsuki-Coach Hibiki-Roche...
Noircat bile-胆汁
Skapad av 花璃
白玉的新作角色:ノワール(诺瓦尔) 我挺喜欢白玉画的角色,所以做成了胆汁 I like the role of white jade painting, so I made bile 胆汁含有倒计时+夜光+特效 Bile contains countdown + night glow + special effects 画师的图 推特即可找到 画师推特:@shiratamacaron 只改胆汁特效版:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id...
North Korea Flag
Skapad av TrueKringe
So, yeah. We all waited for the historic summit between USA's Trump and North Korea's Kim at Singapore, and it's finally happening. So, I made this mod to celebrate this. This is YET another flag reskin mod, this replaces golf club....
Nyan Cat (Healing Sound)
Skapad av Qwazzy
Plays a snippet of the well-known Nyan Cat song when healing or being healed by a health kit. See the video for the sound preview. Want a Nyan Cat medikit skin to go along with this? I recommend this one....
OKcf's Script Pre File Libs
Skapad av 洛圣都改猫王
Manager... Never conflict with other mods now!...
OldLace color Flashlight
Skapad av Felicia
This MOD replaces the default flashlight color with a brighter and softer texture...
origami tobiichi → wan~ ← jumplanding
after falling from slightly above normal jump height, tobiichi will ruff/woof/bark/wan for you :) preview LINK...
Original Scream Guy Meme Sound For Special Infected Terror Music
Skapad av Ricochet
If There Is a Problem With The Sound, Comment (PD: The Sound Is Already Checked) include boomer vomit and acid spitter sound music...
OSU! Menu click sound
Skapad av 【TW】IQYP
I take ui sound from osu!(Aesthetic skin) ...
Otome Domain Sprays
Cool Sprays from this H-Anime and GC game no background How to use spray 1.Subscribe 2.Open game go option > multiplayers > spray 3.select spray and play game press T to use enjoy! Please Rate For My Workshop and Thanks For Subscribed! https://i.imgur.com/...
Overly Cool Animation - Kelt-Tech KSG (Chrome Shotgun)
Skapad av iiopn
Another release for my Overly Cool series. The Kelt-Tech KSG, replaces the Chrome Shotgun. Oh, and I needed custom sounds for the draw and spins for this one, so this might conflict with the chrome shotgun sound files Credits: IIopn - Animation & Compile T...
Overpowered auto shotgun
Skapad av Bozo Nightmare
This mod gives the auto shotgun 1000 damage and has 11 more bullets per shot( it had 11 to begin with), but it now holds only 5 shells in the magazine with 360 reserve ammo. Hate everything that breathes and walks? Well look no further than to this shotgun...
Overwatch Doomfist {Charger}
Skapad av kaizen
It is welcomed to find me to make mods!//欢迎找我订制mods Price negotiable//价格好商量~ 欢迎加qq好友搞基 QQ号:249422525 Doomfist is coming! 末日铁拳来了! Replaces charger. 替换 charger Models and textures:Activision Blizzard, Inc. Animations,Clothes Physics,UI,Publish:Me models | 模型...
Overwatch Reinhardt's hammer {electric guitar}
It replaced the electric guitar to Reinhardt's hammer from Overwatch,hope you enjoy it,and it also changed the sound of the melee attacts....
P90 Vanilla(バニラ ❤ NEKOPARA/R18)
Skapad av ✿ N A B I ✿
The P90 will replace the SMG (Uzi) with a new model and theme for Vanilla. Description The colors for this P90 were selected from a vivid color palette in order to match the theme for Vanilla. She is described as cheerful and cute. With a lot of cute detai...
Padoru Padoru!! (Gnome)
Skapad av 8sianDude
A meme initially introduced in December of 2017, has once again arised from it's grave to annoy the crap out of everyone in December of 2018. Padoru is a meme that features a character from the Fate/Extra game, Nero Claudius (totally not Saber), singing a ...
Pain Pills - coca cola can
Skapad av TOG | K1CHWA
click subscribe to download retextureed can to look like coke Mr Lankey model rigging/compile, original release Splinks re-compile, fix Urik_Kane can lid textures K1CHWA pnt,overlay,vmt reedits CAN OPEN CAN OPEN & SWALLOW please dont redistribute my custom...
Pan-pa-ka-paaan! - Grenade Launcher
Skapad av El Áspero
Adds Atago's (Kantai Collection) catchphrase and attack lines to the Grenade Launcher sounds. Preview video by ;-;...
Markerad som inkompatibel ]  Parade Float Music Replacement
Skapad av 정우
Catgroove by Parov Stelar will replace that bland parade float music in The Parish. Hopefully now, things will start to spice up around that area....
Payday 2 - Break the Rules (Lyrics) | Concert Music
Skapad av Sundervil
Replaces the concert music on Dark Carnival's finale with "Break the Rules" from Payday 2. Hope you enjoy, don't forget to leave a rating. And feedback is always appreciated!...
Payday 2 HK PSG-1
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
Edit: I've since made a newer incarnation of a PSG-1, which you can try here. I personally like it alot more, but obviously I can't fault anyone for preferring this old goldie. 'Cause sometimes John Wick's Ark of the Convenant Glare(tm) needs to be deliver...
Payday 2 Thompson M1928A1
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
Nick's criminal nature has always been something of a family trait; His family tree was particuarly famous for the notorious gangster in the 30's 'Jared the Ass Clown' who was famous for the variety of clown masks he'd wear during the many bank heists he c...
Payday 2 Winchester Model 1873
Skapad av Denny凯妈
Classic taste~ :D Replaces Hunting rifle 替换木质猎枪 Yea yea my compile. Credits: Overkill Software - 1873 models/textures/Audio Denny凯妈/Overkill Software - Audio Tööttieläin - Original Compile/Animations/Bullet models/textures Denny凯妈 - compile Use an independ...
Payload Upward (L4D2)
Skapad av Orinuse
Turn on Game Instructor! As a note, if you have any custom bot addons that allow bots to scavenge for gascans, it might not work properly with how the Scavenge submode is set up for this map. Created, enhanced and ported from TF2 by Boomer. All I did was h...
PD2 Deagle Long Barrel (for Deagle)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
IMI/IWI/MRI Desert Eagle Mark XIX from Payday 2 This memetic Israeli pistol was designed primarily for hunting purposes but found its way into a handcannon of choice of bad and good guys alike in countless videogames and movies. It comes in a variety of Ma...
PD2 Flashlight (for Tonfa)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Maglite ML300LX from Payday 2 The Maglites are widely used by law enforcers and (presumably) military personnel. This model is heavy and sturdy enough to be used as an impromptu club, although it clearly wasn't designed for such applications in the first p...
PD2 GL40 (for GL)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Springfield M79 from Payday 2 An American grenade launcher that is similar in design to a break-open shotgun and just as simple and reliable. The idea was to give the infantry an artillery piece more mobile than a mortar. Its bulk limited the soldier to ca...
PD2 GL40 sound pack for GL
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Replaces the sounds of the Grenade Launcher to those of the GL40 from Payday 2. Model replacement by yours truly: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2202824616 ...
PD2 M60 firing sound for M60
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Replaces the firing sound of the M60 to that of the M60 from Payday 2. Model replacement by yours truly: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2151488233 ...
PD2 Repeater 1873 (for Wooden)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Winchester Model 1873 Short Rifle from Payday 2 The classic American lever action rifle, mostly known as "The Gun That Won The West". The tubular magazine fits at least twice as much rounds as the six-shooters of the time, but isn't much more powerful due ...
PD2 Repeater 1873 firing sound for Wooden
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Replaces the firing sound of the Pump Shotgun to that of the Repeater 1874 (Winchester 1873) from Payday 2. Model replacement by yours truly: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2255252953 ...
Pepsi Launcher 百事可乐发射器
Skapad av PYgame.D.Cthulhu
=Pepsi Launcher= =百事可乐发射器= For Grenade Launcher 替换榴弹发射器 内含: V模,W模,音效 Feature: V model W model Sounds Common Version 原版 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2017385967&searchtext= 可接单进行榴弹定制,请加好友私聊 DICE - Models,Texture PYgame.D.Cthulhu - A...
Pepsi Soda Can
Skapad av Tя!cky ツ
Replacement HD Texture can skin for Pills 💊👀💊 http://imgur.com/Wmv7I3y.jpg Soda Cans are based on Mr Lankey model rigging/compile, his original release. Splinks re-compile, fix - Urik_Kane can lid textures - K1CHWA ref, pnt, overlay, vmt re-edits http://im...
Pickup Sound Nyanpasu
Skapad av Tsukirei
This file replaces l4d2's item pickup sounds with a Nyanpasu sound....
Pipebomb Animation
Skapad av Arima
Here is a guide to how to use the pipebomb : 1) Hold your pipebomb firmly, drop it and you lose the chance to save your skin. 2) A zombie comes close, give it a good smash, its made out of metal after all. 3) Before throwing, the initial grip determines th...
Original Glock 19 Gen 4 & Insight M6X model: Crash - KF2 Animations: Lt. Rocky/Tripwire Interactive - Gun sounds: Partisan Executioner, shmily - Glock 19 black slides re-texture: phale - Glock 19 stainless steel slides re-texture: phale - Porting, modifica...
Pixel Style Camael (Fireaxe)
Skapad av 夜空☆Twinkle
Pixel Style Camael replace the Fireaxe Replace model only, no action School starts on May 11,I must go to school! Two weeks to come back two days During the message what reply will be very slow! Excuse me! Original model: 夜空Twinkle Model: 夜空Twinkle Texture...
Plane Crash (Any Map)
Skapad av Sw1ft
Plane Crash on Any Map This is a VScripts conversion of Plane Crash for Left 4 Dead 2. A script allows to create a plane crash on any map, also the crash automatically spawns on some official maps (total 13). Many thanks to Silvers for his wonderful work. ...
Player Connection Notifier
Skapad av Sw1ft
A simple server-side script that shows a notification in the chat when a player connects to your game...
Poi Pick Up Sounds
Skapad av Luna
Thank you all for the 20k subs Replaces the pick up sound with Poi from Kancolle. Its the first Poi in the video fyi....
Poi pistols
Skapad av Straunie
Add's in the poi sound to pistols 1000+ subs, thx guys. POI!!...
Poi [Grenade Launcher sound replacement]
Skapad av HDeDeDe
Very simple mod that replaces the grenade launcher firing sound with Hololive's Shishiro Botan saying poi....
Points FX (blood fx)
Skapad av Urik
if you like this, check out another two of my recently updated particle mods Deployable Tree and Funky FX This is another particle experiment of mine, this time modifying blood_fx.pcf It's a bit half arsed and not as refined as my other recent particle mod...
Pokemon Home Intro - Chapter End Sound
Skapad av alpo.com
Replaces the chapter end sound with Pokemon Home intro music...
Markerad som inkompatibel ]  Pomf Magnum
Skapad av Proboscis
Changes the magnum's gunfire soundeffect to something far more deadly. Got the idea from another mod on here, but it was in a huge mishmash of other horrible sound mods. So I thought I'd just split it off for myself and my friends, and whoever else wants i...
(Outdated) Post Process Remover Fix
Skapad av 〤Dep ネ
The original Addon is broken: updated (Has a lot more fixes than this). Original Addon by Kin: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2196813893 Color Correction Compatible: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2420658321 ...
Prinz Eugen (NSFW Spray Pack)
Skapad av Papas
Material: Azur Lane Enjoy it....
Professional Scope
Skapad av Red Schism
Replaces the Sniper Scope sights with a highly detailed alternative featuring an Optical "V Dot" sight for easier targeting in the dark. ______________________________________________________________________________ :::Tutorials for removing crosshair whil...
Professional Scope: Traditional
Skapad av Red Schism
This version was made by request and is intended for the more traditional "old school" marksmen, That don't need no fancy laser pointers to show them where to aim. Simply put this is an edit of the original Professional Scope sans the laser optical....
Proper Riotshield Texture
Skapad av мяFunreal
Most Riotshield skins i've found were messed up. Because they just edited the colors or just slapped a picture on it. So here you have it, a riotshield texture that is not messed up. This works with the original riotshield but was actually intended for my ...
Prototype Mk. 3
Skapad av wyte_eagle
Participate in the Synergenic Technologies Inc. Hazardous Environment Teambuilding Study. Fight through teaming hordes of the infected to escape the testing area. Inspired by eighties and nineties era sci-fi aesthetics, the campaign is designed to start si...
PUBG | Weapon Sound Pack
Skapad av SonRogumer
For all weapons (firearms), except those from Counter Strike Source. From PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, all credits to Bluehole....
Pump Shotgun Reanimated
Skapad av Arima
Chrome Shotgun Version Same animation as in the chrome shotgun version to avoid confusion (im not implying that im making another animation :)) I think this gun is bigger than the chrome, it shouldnt . Based on : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/file...
Punch Sounds (Tonfa)
Skapad av Mycelium
Replaces with dynamic sounds for the nightstick. Enjoy! Mod compatible with: Chancla: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1252177390 Flashlight: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1257109250 ...
Purplesister GunbladeVii replace Sniper Military
Skapad av Yuni
Purplesister GunbladeVii replace Sniper Military (I make this mod not make for Bad Nepgear) Credits: - Model by Compile Heart - Megadimension Neptunia VII...
Pururut Doll (Frying Pan)
Skapad av Pokeblast1128
Be entirely sadistic in beating zombies to death with nothing but a nep-nep doll! Hi,first,this mod IS NOT mine is just uploaded it because I thought that someone could like this mod,and there are people who don't like to download mods from www.gamemaps.co...
Questionable Ethics
Skapad av apuppydeer
Trans rights! Unlisted, see the original map creator's upload here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2783476025 This upload will be retained so people don't lose access to the map while they swap over, but will not be accessible witho...
Questionable Ethics 2
Skapad av apuppydeer
Trans rights! Unlisted, see the original map creator's upload here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2758492786 This upload will be retained so people don't lose access to the map while they swap over, but will not be accessible witho...
Quick Healing in safe room
Skapad av mt2
Fast first aid kit only in the safe room (once only) If the person being treated leaves the safe room at least once, the quick healing will not work....
R18的声音替换拍棒声(R18 sound replace piepe bomb sound)
Skapad av 叫我MAX
用sinisitar里女主的声音替换了土质炸弹的滴答声和爆炸声,可能听起来比较鬼畜但是我个人觉得效果不错,如果有什么意见的话可以在留言板里提出来,谢谢老板。 附:如果想把这个mod和自己用的改了模型的拍棒mod缝合在一起的话可以加我企鹅细🔒 Using the voice of the character in Sinisitar replace clicks and explosions,If you have any comments, please let me know in the message...
R18 sight spray-paint
Skapad av 泠风Rinfc
R18 sight spray-paint...
R18 R18 R18 saferoom background If you like it, please comment more.thank you....
R18R18R18 If you like it, please comment more.thank you....
r18 luoli If you like it, please comment more.thank you....
Skapad av Shadowysn
How to use - Type in chat !faint or /faint (/faint will not hide from chat!) - You can freely move as a ragdoll with your movement keys, as well as jump. - !moveforce and !jumpforce alter your movement multiplier and jumping height, respectively. Example: ...
Rainbow circles - loading bar
simply replaces the loading bar image. // version 2. Xmas *Remmember to remove any other loading bar addon. *Remmember to restart the game, after subscribe a new addon. Edited and designed by ZB, 2016 Ads: ✅ Get paid to search. ...
Rainbow Six Siege 416-C Carbine (SG552)
Skapad av Twilight Sparkle
RIP ACOG 2015-2017 Hello everyone, so like i said on the previous weapon addon that i would release an acog version, so here it is, this one is the same 416-C Carbine from previous one but this one will replace the SG552 also know as one of the CSS weapons...
Rainbow Velometer
Skapad av シェイディ♑
Adds speedometer to your HUD. Rainbow skin with improved quality. Original version of this speedometer: http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=483874814...
RE2 Remake Combat Knife (CS:S Knife)
Skapad av 8sianDude
A military bayonet that seemingly appears almost everywhere in Resident Evil 2 (RE2)/Biohazard 2 Remake, is a knife based off the US military M9 Bayonet with a serrated blade. The bayonet also made it's appearance as a standard issue backup knife for the U...
Real, actual HUD icon set (TLS updated)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Note to self: there is a Russian description I will now have to be updating too. FML. What started as a mod that fixed the odd M1911 icon for pistols, is now something else entirely. It used to replace the icon sheets before The Last Stand update (and stil...
Realistic Flashlight
Skapad av Leyla
http://puu.sh/kxgcQ/4fd1c34bb9.png This addon replaces the flashlight sound and lighting with more realistic ones. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ http://puu.sh/kxgqO/c29af2e385.png Check my other mods: http://puu.sh/nUB5R/2d8cf5ebe3.jpghttp:/...
Realistic Recoil
Skapad av Master_64
Have you ever wanted the recoil in the game to be a little more realistic? Well, the 'Realistic Recoil' mod has got you covered! Simple description: Moves your crosshair position very slightly per shot (more noticeable on autos) The first image shows the s...
Refined Steyr Scout
Skapad av ihcorochris
Caught in 4k! A quality upgrade for the Scout this time! Because CS:GO uses a different model, It was hard to find an actual replacement for the Scout that wasn't already used in the workshop, but luckily a little bit of google searching helped in my quest...
REMINGTON 870 (w Silencer) [CHROME]
Skapad av Querentin
"No Country For Old Men" kind of shotgun with authentic sound. Credits: Millenia ( 870 model and textures), whiteatom (Silencer HP model), me (ports, edits, additional modelling, texturing, sounds)...
Remington 870 AE
Skapad av Zaeryn
Replaces the pump/wood shotgun with a Remington 870 AE (Action Express), using arby26's shotgun reanimation. Credits: arby26 - animations K1CHWA - material edits Doktor haus - compile, world model Millenia - model, textures Twinke Masta - shell model Geno ...
Remington 870 Express [RNG Shells] (Chrome Shotgun)
Skapad av 8sianDude
Remington 870 Express 12 Gauge shotgun with a synthetic stock, ported from Sketchfab. The Model 870 from Remington Arms is a very popular American designed 12 gauge pump action shotgun. Due to it's ease of operation and reliability, the Model 870 has been ...
Remove Explosion Flash
Skapad av Rainy
Remove the flash of explosives. This mod removes the screen flash of all explosives. All explosives in l4d2 have a red flash on the screen when they explode. It obscure the screen momentarily, so it interferes. Therefore, this mod removes it to provide a c...
Remove Weapons Muzzle / 移除枪口焰烟
Skapad av dat
Remove weapons muzzle/spark/smoke effects 去除枪口火焰/火星/烟雾 It will conflict with EVERY mods that modify weapon_fx.pcf, including but not limited to other laser/tracer/muzzle/explore effect mod 会于任何修改了weapon_fx.pcf的mod冲突,包括但不限于其他的激光/弹道/枪口焰/爆炸特效mod...
Rent a Girfriend Opening Background
Skapad av Yuki ツ
This mod replaces the intro video to L4D2 or the background video within the main menu with the Opening for Rent a Girfriend. -----INSTRUCTIONS----- If you haven't already own the program GCFScape, here's the download link for it: GCFScape -------> https://...
Rescue Ranger
Skapad av ☂ℝΔ¿ℕ₂
Team Fortress 2 weapon Part #9 The Rescue Ranger Level 1-100 Shotgun. Replaces chrome shotgun http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/thumb/2/28/RED_Rescue_Ranger.png/250px-RED_Rescue_Ranger.png?t=20121221193039 The Rescue Ranger is a community-created prima...
Rescue Ranger Script
Skapad av barbinsnarshin
Changes the stats of the chrome shotgun to be like the Rescue Ranger from TF2: Damage: 60 Clip size: 4 Fire rate: 0.625 s/ 96 RPM Single bullet...
Resident Evil 4 knife
This model has been created with my friend Vagunrath. It replaces the machete. (In my Resident Evil campaigns you can find this knife as a new melee, is not the machete in my maps) A representation of the knife used by Leon in Resident Evil 4. Vagunrath mo...
Retrofit Kisaragi (azur_lane)replace Ellis
Skapad av 苍狐
model:td56637 by 不沈空母...
Retrowave Menu Background
Skapad av Laith
Hi! This mod must be installed manually. I uploaded it to mediafire to make everything a lot easier for the community. But if you want to download it from Steam I will also leave instructions for that. (I highly recommend downloading it from Mediafire.) Me...
Rex SupplyBox(Ammo)
Skapad av Hekmatyar
Replace the Ammo.The box body set up the fluorescent effect. Don't forget to Rate,Subscribe and Favorite if you like it. The first time I want to know the latest works, remember to pay attention to my creative Workshop. 替换一代二代弹药堆,将箱子本身设置了荧光效果 如果你喜欢它不要忘记点赞、...
Riotshield Unlocker w/ HUD Icon
Skapad av D3v14ntGh0st
Adds riotshield in main maps. HUD icon replacer for riotshield. Recommended mods: Proper Riotshield Texture by Mr. Funreal https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1283771267 New Riotshield Animations by Mr. Funreal https://steamproxy.net...
RNG 3 waifu Medical Package
Skapad av 十年公交男
RNG 3 waifu Medical Package https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1000305627046647669/1ADFDDE86C150FAE3DA54707F3F4B032AFFD02DA/ Included:       V mode, W mode, Glow,RNG. Description:        FBI!OPEN THE DOOR! Statement:       Model from : scream      ...
Christmastime - RNG Gifts Tank Rock
The tank wishes you "Merry Christmas!" with a bounty of presents. Each tank rock will be a differently wrapped gift that explodes into candy canes and a different set of toys each map. Woo. Known issues: -Flickering of black/invisible toys may occasionally...
ROBLOX Rocket Arena (Survival)
Skapad av Qdude
The ROBLOX classic, Rocket Arena, comes to Left 4 Dead 2 survival! You play on the upper portions of the map, and the zombies spawn on the bottom. Beware of falling to your death from tanks and smokers. Best played with friends. Rocket Arena is a very old ...
Ronwi Admin (Korean)
(This Is Korean Version) View Workshop page for on detail: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494733910...
S.A.T.8 Pumpkin string
Skapad av 十年公交男
S.A.T.8 Pumpkin string https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1660106675883128726/0B6FC4DC65572882D98EA2A2293BDDC453B70E4D/ Included: V mode, W mode, Sound effects. Description: There's no need to subscribe. It's rough. Statement: Model from :empty Tex...
Sakura Miku Farquhar-Hill (Military Sniper)
Skapad av Monkey Dark
replace the Military Sniper with Sakura Miku original address: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1128773849 ...
Skapad av SuperJuul
Hello guys, With this map you can get achievements easily! Hit buttons to summon infected and pick some weapons that are on the wall. Enjoy! MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: Now u NEED to play this map with a mutation that can be found here: http://steamproxy.net/...
Santa Tank
Well, pranking you all for april fools was fun, but I'm going to bed so I'll give you back good ol' santank :P Replaces Tank with Santa! It's christmas time, so here's an X-mas skin to go with your xmas mods. Grab bombe's Christmas present tank rocks for a...
Say Hello To My Little Friend - Chainsaw
Adds the "Say Hello To My Little Friend" voiceclip from Scarface (1983) when started up. Thanks for supporting my addons!...
Sazaki Ichiri Sprays
Anime sprays for replace default sprays with Sazaki Ichiri Artist イチリ☆3日目A22a How to use spray 1.Subscribe 2.Open game go option > multiplayers > spray 3.select spray and play game press T to use enjoy! Updates 12 February 2018 - Remove white background an...
SB喇叭 Replace TankBGM
Skapad av 星のハチミツ
Scar 20 | Kaga
Skapad av Never
Replaces the hunting rifle with twilight sparkle's csgo scar 20 and uses partisian's sounds i take no credit for the original mods nor the artwork used to make this skin! credits: gun and animations : Twilight Sparkle Sounds : partisian skin : HKS artwork:...
Scarface's Little Friend (for M16)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Okay... YOU WANNA PLAY ROUGH? OKAY! (c) Antonio "Tony" Montana, 1983 M16 with M203 from Call of Duty: Black Ops. The first versions of the classic American assault rifle lacked the forward assist, barrel chroming, and proper maintenance manuals. The M203 u...
SCHISM H.U.D. Hide main weapons icon package
Skapad av Felicia
Hide your subscribed (or DIY) SCHISM HUD main weapons icon without any other operations Just subscribe to SCHISM H.U.D. and this MOD(and check the pic 4) ...
Scott Pilgrim Safe Room Music Pack
Skapad av XD001
Replaces the L4D1 safe room theme with the Stage 1 Clear Cutscene music and the L4D2 safe room theme with the normal Stage Clear music from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game. https://i.imgur.com/cAkTT1G.png...
Senpai Tonfa
Skapad av Never
Change the Tonfa hitting sound to "Senpai"...
Senran Kagura Estival Versus - Ryoubi
Skapad av CinnabarFlail
Not usually my thing.... Typing her name results in Ry?bi.... Replaces Nick Includes: Face Flex, Minor Jigglebones, Boomer Texture, HUD, FPS Arms (Arms/Thumbs may look ugly on some gun animation because many animators(except me) are having some problem usi...
Sentry Level 1.5 for Minigun
Skapad av Bunslinger
Yes, you read that correctly. Sentry Level 1.5. So the story behind this is I wanted a level 2 sentry gun for the minigun to go with the level 1 sentry gun for the 50cal, but no such thing exists, and I discovered it's most likely solely because the minigu...
Serious Sam 3 XM214-A Minigun
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
Shadow Tank
Skapad av ₩ɨƶ
Now the Tank is a shadowy figure Includes the train car tank and his rock This is only a script mod, not a model Cant be used with custom tank models Works in all game modes, Have Fun :-|...
Shigure Kira SCAR(Replace SCAR)
Skapad av 夜空☆Twinkle
updata 2022.2.9 Fixed the criticized word "death" Modified the highlight map so that the whole is not too bright Darkened the overall tone of the gun Replace the SCAR With a partial glow, it won't be very bright Icon already included Original model: Zkeier...
Shimakaze-kai for Rochelle(KanColle)
Skapad av Peakness Yang
Replaces Rochelle for Shimakaze from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 岛风(Shimakaze) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,headdress and skrit -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures about:"kai" -change a new skeleton -new weight paint -face p...
Skapad av 谷恒条野
SidePanel for NeunGUI
Skapad av Azuki
Survivor panel for NeunGUI. Inspired by Clear Hud....
Silenced SMG
Skapad av 맛감자
Simple Bullet Tracers
Skapad av Zaeryn
A simple edit of Urik's energy blue tracers, changing the color to gold. It's like Desert Storm all over again! This... actually helps me to aim, lol....
Simple Bunnyhop Detect
Skapad av mt2
Bunny-hop detect script The bunnyhop message output condition is over 3 bunnyhop and velocity over 350 You can change the conditions with ver1.4 update Open "ems\simple_bunnyhop_detect\bhop_detect_condition.txt" adjust the < count,speed > and save For exam...
Simple Hud - layer
Skapad av ligmaballs
https://i.ibb.co/g4Hp9P6/test.png • The weapon panel has been pulled to the bottom. • The visibility of unused items in the weapon panel has been reduced. • IDLE text added. • Bugs fixed. https://i.ibb.co/QKmwx06/fuck-0.png Other version. Simple Hud - side...
Simple Hud - side
Skapad av ligmaballs
https://i.ibb.co/g4Hp9P6/test.png • The weapon panel has been pulled to the bottom. • The visibility of unused items in the weapon panel has been reduced. • IDLE text added. • Bugs fixed. https://i.ibb.co/QKmwx06/fuck-0.png Other version. Simple Hud - laye...
Simple Map Transition
Skapad av Inga
Simplified, cleaner version of the between-maps loading screen with random anime grill on the background,because l4d2 workshop always needs more anime mods, amirite?                                                                        IMPORTANT NOTE     ...
SimpleHUD Teampanels Horizontal
Skapad av Urik
This contains survivor and infected hud...
Simplicity LoadingBar
Skapad av 可児澪です
Replace loadingbar...
Sirius : Zoey
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Azur Lane Crosswave- Sirius Replaces Zoey -碧蓝航线 交汇的航迹- 天狼星 替换 佐伊...
Sledgehammer (Guitar)
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
By popular request, I've remade the Sledgehammer onto another melee weapon. The guitar was the most suitable, and among the most requested. Its all about the game, and how you play it; its all about control, and if you can take it. Its time to play the gam...
Sledgehammer (Guitar) HUD Icon
Skapad av CCPD
Custom HUD icon for Sledgehammer (Guitar) weapon mod. Click HERE for the Axe version. Rate. Favourite. Subscribe. Reward. *Restart L4D2 for the HUD icon to work properly. **HUD icon is edited with a script file that won't work on servers that force file co...
SMG4 (Coach)
Skapad av CardboardLuigi
The YouTuber SMG4 is here to fight zombies, or whatever it is that you use. This was requested by Shade Guy. The easiest thing I've done in a while. As if it wasn't obvious enough, much like within the bloopers themseleves, this is a recolor of Mario's mod...
Smoothing Tools
Skapad av Sw1ft
READ THE DESCRIPTION Tools for creating smoothes in real-time Based on Valve's Demo Smoother but better Client Menu Use these binds and commands, they're important! bind i "show_menu menu" // I use key 'i' for client menu bind 0 "slot10" cl_menuduration -1...
Snake Plissken's Mac-10
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
In 1988 The Crime Rate in the United States Rises Four Hundred Percent. The once great city of New York becomes the one maximum security prison for the entire country. A 50ft containment wall is errected along the Jersey Shoreline across the Harlem River a...
Soda Pills
Skapad av Ellie
http://i.imgur.com/JHaCHtR.png This mod synergises with the Soda Vending Machines. If you use it, the brand on the vending machine will be the same as the Soda Pills one. This mod turns the Pain Pills into Soda Drinks with HD Textures and Light Reflections...
Sog Fasthawk (Machete)
Skapad av Yog
A SOG Fasthawk hatchet/tomahawk. This mod Replaces the Machete from L4D2. It adds models and textures. No new sounds or scripts. No hud because it would conflict with other mods. 3D realtime preview available here If you like it don't forget to rate/favori...
Sound - s&w 29 revolver
Skapad av TOG | K1CHWA
this is the firing sound that was originally included with the arby26 sw 29 revolver. Miztaegg - classic fire sound life-changing remix Dok̨tor haus̨ - reload sounds tu stultus es - hex edit for reload sound Cele's revolver sound enable mod Magnum - s&w 29...
South Korean Flag
Skapad av Richard
The Flag of South Korea is the significant symbol of the republic. The stuff is based on the original American Flag made by Splinks and the modified Taiwanese Flag made by me, and you can customize it as your own color flag. I would offer you some other HD...
Spas-12 For FreshyLuLu
Skapad av 星のハチミツ
↑↓ 有几块贴图没弄好,不过不仔细看的话看不出来,持枪视角也没有问题的。...
Spray paint BJ pack①(Personal)
Skapad av 欲望Lv10
R18 warning First blowj*b pack...
SPRAYS - Menhera Chan
Skapad av 〤Dep ネ
Just a request from a friend (: It contains 14 pictures of Menhera Chan, the quality is not the best, i couldn't find enough HD pictures from her, so i'm sorry for that...
Crosshair - Square Dot (White)
Skapad av Qude
Adds a white square dot in the middle of your screen. Inspired by CS:GO. How can I use it? It is recommended to check the collection. Credits: Claiser - Idea CS:GO - Crosshair Qude - Edit ...
Markerad som inkompatibel ]  Steam Sale Savings
Skapad av Splinks2
Savings, Savings everywhere!!! Videos by: Skaigrady https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz0TMAuxY-k แมนนี่ ปีนเกลียว http://youtu.be/CRr8Thlkx0k?t=2m11s...
Skapad av Neil - 119
Watch the video above for a tutorial. Playing with friends is recommended, but you can play alone too. Move objects and build barricades, scavenge for food and water, and sneak around zombies. How long can you survive? CURRENT FEATURES / INFO: * Stranded i...
Stronger Flashlight (LOCAL SERVERS ONLY)
Skapad av H.U.N.K
////////// READ BEFORE USING IT!!! ////////// This ONLY works on "Local Servers" YOU MUST BE THE HOST!!! A combination of 2 "CVARS" "CVAR1" "cl_max_shadow_renderable_dist" 0 "CVAR2" "r_flashlightfov" 120 Credits: Help with the script: Nines And You! Thank ...
Sturmgewehr 44 (Sg552)
Skapad av Tööttieläin
Scoped Stg44 replaces Sg552. As promised earlier, here's it is. Took longer than expected. Forgot that cs weapons are mirrored in game and had to make completely new mirrored animations because of that (sorry to all the left handed out there). Fortunately,...
Survivor Ragdolls script
Skapad av Shadowysn
well its about fcuking time NOTICE: As per usual, this addon uses scripts. This will not work in Dedicated servers. Use local/listen servers, or singleplayer instead. An upside to this is that if you can see this addon's effects, everyone else can. Other n...
Survivor Shoving Script
Does what it says on the tin. Right click to shove your teammate to stagger them! Useful for getting those pesky bots out of your line of sight... Or into a boomer... Or spitter goo... Oh, if you're really skilled, try knocking them into a charge. Now comp...
Sword Art Online Pick Up Sound
Skapad av Section Ratio™
This add-on reaplaces the sound when you pick up an item with a sound from SAO...
T-Virus Vial (includes custom particles)
Skapad av 󠀡󠀡Lachie
Replaces bilebomb Tyrant Virus, commonly abbreviated as "t-Virus", "Blue for the virus, green for the anti-virus" Enjoy the mod while I continue to work on my improved hunter model replacement and all the mods with and without sounds, this may take some ti...
T-Virus Vial Reanimation (Bile)
Skapad av FallFox
YOU NEED Diamond's particle manifest FOR THIS TO WORK PROPERLY! Different animation, texture edits and particle edits, also adds blue bile effect when enemies are covered in bile. (the original mod didn't have this) T-Virus Vial (includes custom particles)...
Tablet Medkit
Skapad av Ellie
The Military is back with some new unbelievable technonolgy : a Tablet Medkit / Healthkit ! This mod replaces the Medkit with a HD Glowing & Animated Medkit Tablet on MaxG3D animations. I have had this mod since a long time but I wanted to wait a bit to re...
Take bot item
Skapad av mt2
Take bots item with shove Music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfQfNEOFWZc...
Tank Arena
Skapad av obez
Version 1.3 Another Tank Map, in a smaller arena. Enter the arena and fight tanks for 10 minutes. You will then have to find Moustachio and press the button under it to activate 1 out of 4 possible rescues (Don't take too long to reach Moustachio or he wil...
Tank Massacre (Tank training)
Skapad av Reveaper
Pure tank training. Survivors versus tanks, all weapons (except german ones) included. 1 room, no obstacles. Just you, weapons, friends against tanks. Pure firepower and tactics. You can do 2 things in this map: • Train your skills agains tanks • Complete ...
Tank Rock Hint
Skapad av Max
This mod is a little hint for the Tank rock. Now the rock glows in the dark, and has different colors : Red = You are not aiming at the rock and it will hit you Yellow = You are aiming at the rock but it's too far away yet to shoot it Green = If you shoot ...
Tank Rush! Mutation
Skapad av iChun
No commons, specials, witches. Just plenty of tanks. Two modes to choose from. Tank Rush! or Tank Rush! Extreme. Tank Rush! features an M60 with infinite ammo whilst Tank Rush! Extreme features the normal weapon spawns with a decreased tank spawn timer. Ki...
Tank's Circulation | Tank Music
Skapad av convicted fella
I made this in literally 5 minutes. It's just a tank music replacer. Enjoy...
This map runs away from the tank&Infected for ten minutes. <Recommended> Easy or Normal Multiplay Veteran player ------------------------ (sorry for my poor English.) //----How To Play----// press switch -> 10 minutes Fleeing -> escape by helicopter...
Tanks Playground
Skapad av obez
Version 3.0 Campaign My tribute to the Tank Fever series by Lain. Survive the tanks for 10 minutes until rescue arrives! 13 to 15 tanks at most in Normal, Advanced and Expert modes (all are beatable). Less tanks in Easy. 3 possible rescue points. A player ...
Taurus Judge Weapon Script
Skapad av HoodedKitty
Taurus Raging Judge Modified Magnum script to simulate the Taurus Judge shooting .410(Shotgun Shells) I recommend to use this weapon with ClearSkyC's Taurus Judge mod. Note: If you are hosting a lobby using this mod with other players present, please ask t...
TF 2 - upgrade station music in L4D 2 Saferoom
Skapad av Dr.Shroom
Replaces safe room music in L4D 2. This mod only replaces the L4D 2 original maps, not the L4D 1 maps. Theme was found in TF 2 files, and is (unfortunetely) unused in the game itself. It was intended to play in the upgrade station room in MvM. Enjoy. All c...
TF2 Butterfly Knife
Skapad av AvengedDeathAlert
Replaces the nightstick/tonfa. The model and the animations are ported from Team Fortress 2....
TF2 Dispenser (Ammopile)
Skapad av AngelLeyend
Reemplaza los botes de municion del juego por los dispensadores de Team Fortress 2. Contiene los colores azul y rojo para ambas campañas. Modelos y texturas extraidas de Team Fortress 2. Creditos a Valve...
TF2 Dispenser Medkit
Skapad av neodos
This medkit looks like a TF2 dispenser plushie, originally created as a TF2 item for the engineer, a backpack named 'Packable Provisions'. Since I love L4D and many people asked if I could port this model to to L4D2 as the medkit I decided to give it a try...
TF2 Golden Frying Pan
Skapad av justyn
After 2 months of disagreements and legal battles, Saxton Hale the CEO of Mann. Co finally agreed to mass-produce Golden Frying Pan to everyone The Golden Frying Pan is finally available to these areas (Village En Marais, Milltown, New Orleans, Riverside, ...
TF2 Southern Hospitality Replaces Crowbar
Skapad av Mortis™
Replaces the Crowbar with the Southern Hospitality wrench from Team Fortress 2. Includes: -World Model -View Model -Blood Detail in First Person Credits: Valve: Team Fortress Franchise, Model/Textures Myself: Porting to L4D2...
TF2 Stick Grenade
Skapad av Zkeierea's Storage
Replaces Pipe bomb With permission from crowbait. Model: Valve Texture: Arachenox Lynx Compiler: Crowbait...
TF2 Stylized SCAR
Skapad av Groxxy
As requested, I made this a thing, by the way NO, THIS IS NOT BASED ON THE FORTNITE SCAR... PS: yes, it does say POOTIS on the side......
This file was downloaded from GameMaps.com OVER deagle ===== the C.A.P.P.E.R https://www.gamemaps.com/details/20550 (el mod no es mio solo lo subi para que mas gente conosca de este gran mod)...
The Black Rose
Skapad av AvengedDeathAlert
Replaces the crowbar. The model and the animations are ported from Team Fortress 2. NOTE: The slashing animations are slightly slowed down to match the vanilla crowbar's speed....
The Christmas present [rng]
Skapad av Ramm.asmiette
Medkit Four differents presents to find on the game and share with others ! - Viewmodel & Worldmodel with jigglebones - Jingles bells healing sound Merry christmas all ! PS: encountered an issue between normal map and rng script so the paper looks less shi...
The dawn dream(SG552)
Skapad av 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD modifies the sg552. includ:materials models scripts sound this mod comes from the game AVA,It has a new game action,I hope you will like it,Welcome to my workshop and leave your praise,thank. PS:不要全低特效使用这个MOD 这个MOD替换了游戏中的SG552隐藏武器,这个武器来自于游戏战地之王AVA...
The gentleman spray paint 18
Skapad av ios💛
The exchange of gentleman enjoy only, please don't disturb others used at the same time to have fun. 订阅自动生效。Subscription does not automatically take effect, please close the same mod ...
the normal spray paint
Skapad av 尤菲莉亞
ummmm it is a normal-R18-G spray paint thank u the moom proviod Album thank u very much...
The Ultimate Mod Testing and Reviewing Area - Main Files
Skapad av мяFunreal
This map pack is made to test your work-in-progress mods without having to load a campaign and use console commands to stop the director from throwing infected your way. You can simply spawn and pick up any weapon, item, upgrade and carryable object. You m...
Thirdperson Medium Range Fix
Skapad av Tя!cky ツ
...Aim Fix for those that like Third Person Shoulder in L4D2 Best for Close to Medium range aiming. You'll have to adjust your aim for long shots. I would suggest when you want to snipe and or go into scope mode. Hit the Alt key (I've done a Key Bind to "A...
Skapad av mmi开心
-Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon- Thor -replace-(Pillow) -小林家的龙女仆-托尔(抱枕)替换医疗包...
Touhou Survivors [L4D1 and L4D2 Pack (Better quality)]
-=CAUTION: I AM NOT THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, I JUST PUT THESE EIGHT MOD TOGETHER=- -=注意:我並非此模組原創作者,我只合成了下文中會提到的八個模組=- -=THERE IS AN UPDATED VERSION FOR THIS MOD, DETAILS FOLLOW=- -=本模組有升級版本, 詳情如下=- Touhou Survivors Pack Fixed http://steamproxy.net/sharedfi...
Train Sim Zombies 2
Skapad av walllbreaker
Train simulator made using l4d2 source engine. Yes you can drive the train Press White brick to start the train Press Red brick to stop the train Press yellow brick to reverse the train ...
Skapad av Komptip
Just training...
Tricolor health bar for NeunGUI LayerPanel
Skapad av Mekbuda
This is Zeon's NeunGUI LayerPanel with my tricolor health bar. The health bar brings the following : → colors for each health state ; 0-24 : red ; 25-39 : orange ; 40-100 : green ; → neon marks for 25-24 and 40-39 hp caps ; → accurate 10*10 health points s...
Troll Jockey
Skapad av ChrisVal7
I upload not only well known mods From: L4Dmaps.com...
True FangShi
Skapad av Thunder _Germany~*
This file was downloaded from GameMaps.com Uploader: mixmedia Author: Mixmedia After the crash survivors must find their way through doomed locations of China. ...
True L4D2 Style Hunting Rifle Animations
Skapad av Cuba
At long last. After a nights labour I give you the HR with legit walk anims, idle and look poses ripped from the pump shotgun via some magic. L4D1 anims no more! Get that dumb doom looking ass walk out of my face! I'm super tired as of writing this (5/15/2...
Tsukimonogatari M16A2
this mod replace standart M16A2 on Tsukimonogatari M16A2...
TUMTaRA v6.9 Light 1/2 [Archived]
Skapad av мяFunreal
This is an outdated Legacy version ot TUMTaRA. I'll keep it here for a while until most people got the new version. The new version allows you to download only those maps you really want. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=469986973 ___...
TUMTaRA v6.9 Light 2/2 [Archived]
Skapad av мяFunreal
This is an outdated Legacy version ot TUMTaRA. I'll keep it here for a while until most people got the new version. The new version allows you to download only those maps you really want. https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=469986973 ___...
Turret Mod (Script)
Skapad av Sw1ft
Turret Script for Left 4 Dead 2 OUTDATED. DON'T KNOW IF I WILL EVER REWORK IT Allows to use the M60 machine gun as Turret How to use Find the M60 machine gun on a map (the script replaces explosive and incendiary upgrade pack to M60), pick it up and press ...
Uber Adrenaline!
Skapad av Master_64
Ever wanted to go super fast in L4D2? Well, here is an easy way to do that! The 'Uber Adrenaline!' mod allows you to go really fast and probably fall to your death by accident! Simple description: Makes the adrenaline shot allow you to go really fast. You ...
Uber Med-Kit
Skapad av Master_64
Have you ever felt like the med-kit wasn't good enough compared to the defibrillator? I wanted to solve this problem, so here we are, the 'Uber Med-Kit' mod should fix this! Simple description: Buffs the med-kit by making it heal you up to 100 HP each time...
UMP45 Girls Frontline UMP45 (Glow)
Skapad av 十年公交男
UMP45 Girls Frontline UMP45 (Glow) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1646595388280314263/8854A976FEB1A61974BC3E6A5F0A543DC1B456A6/ Included: V mode, W mode, Sound effects, Icons. Description: Washboard? Statement: Model from CSGO: Nyx Zero、Twiligh...
Uni's Virta Blaster m60
Skapad av Gwthycs Coelddwfn
Replaces the m60 with Uni's DLC weapon, the Virta Blaster, from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. Features: -HD Texture (512px) -Adjusted first and third person clipping with player model -Glowing texture Acknowledgements: Original models by Compile Heart. ...
Unreachable item spawns fixes (100+)
Skapad av Nescius
There are few types of unreachable items: 1. Items outside the map, 2. Item inside solid (bot can grab sometimes) 3. Items that can't spawn because of badly set item densities in info_map_parameters 4. Items deleted on map transition because they are too c...
Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemanns head taker[Guitar]
Skapad av ThunderKiss65
What's this? What's this? its a big ass axe made for chopping off heads. Wield this axe to be granted the powers of the curse of the Horseless Headless Horsemann, run around in glee and joy as you hack off heads with ease all while having a jolly giggle! F...
Updated melee unlock [Last Stand update!]
Skapad av FallFox
Allows all 14 melee weapons to spawn on every official campaign! (Example pitchfork will now spawn on Dead Center) Also unlocks female Boomers on Dead Center, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain, The Parish, The Passing, Sacrifice and Cold Stream. Missio...
Urik InGame Menu Supplement for Mutation Mod version
Skapad av Urik
This is a "supplement" "fix" addon for Urik Game Menu with Rayman's Mutation Mod YOU don't need it if you have regular non-mutation "Urik Game Menu". It can also be used standalone if you desire so. The reason it is a separate addon is because it didn't wo...
Usada Pekora Animation Loading Screen
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Campain or Safe Room Loading Image https://i.imgur.com/yjKtrio.jpg No BGM Version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12mvGimbS6IPpbUnl4fO7w9lUFYeW7GKS/view?usp=sharing BGM Name:Kon Peko! Kon Peko! Kon Peko! (Original) フリーBGM素材: https://dova-s.jp/bgm/...
[M2033] VSV (ak47)
Skapad av L0qi
Replaces AK-47 VSV, also known as VSK-94, is an automatic sniper rifle. Pretty much what AK in L4D2 is. Features: Model Textures Animations Sounds HUD icon Reskin compatibility Credits 4A Games - model, textures, audio L0qi - ripping, animations, textures,...
[Mechanical girl] UZI
Skapad av K"ashimura♦
Replaced in-game the UZI. Guns can glow in the dark. But the third person does not have glow effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 这次角色是 替换游戏里的乌兹冲锋枪贴图. 小枪系列总算是...
[M60] M60 script (TLS)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Don't forget to reload, Dr. Freeman! Note: perform tactical reloads! If you empty your current magazine, you will LOSE the gun, regardless of its reserve ammo pool. The Last Stand Update ready script for the M60 slot. Does not include a HUD icon. The stats...
[Love Live][Aqours] Kunikida Hanamaru Medkit
Skapad av LiuP
If you like my work, well... https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif "Mirai, zura." Feature: -3 outfits RNG: Uranohoshi High School, Aozora Jumping Heart, HAPPY PARTY TRAIN -9 face expression RNG -custom animation All Content by Pokelabo, Inc. ...
[Kimono Girl] Transparent Chrome Shotgun
Skapad av K"ashimura♦
Replace in-game Chrome Shotgun. Firearms in the game will be transparent and luminous effect. But light can affect the transparent pattern watch. But does not affect the appearance of firearms. --------------------------------------------------------------...
Uzi | 001m
Skapad av 星のハチミツ
Replace Smg_Uzi. 替换Uzi冲锋枪。 ----------------------------- Title: Uzi | 001m 标题: Uzi | 001m ----------------------------- Content: LuLu_001m turns in Uzi! 描述: LuLu_001m变成了Uzi! ----------------------------- Don't forget leave a rate or favorites it while you ...
Another Character Project - Season I - Uzume Tennouboshi
Uzume Tennouboshi for Megadimension Neptunia 8 Dead 2 VII Server and Sinister Kanoe If anyone have play with us, go to our discord. -> Sinister Kanoe TH and yes, we have Steam Group. Don't forget to join with us. -> Sinister Kanoe Group (This mod only for ...
Valorant Prism knife
Skapad av Oguzhan
-Game Valorant Prism knife- ⒹⒺⓈⒸⓇⒾⓅⓉⒾⓄⓃ ...
Valve Chickens logo
Skapad av Dunkly
This Add-on replaces the scary valve's logo for the very cute chickens at the start game.🐔 How to Install: -Make sure you are subscribed to the mod. Download it by starting up the game and then quit. -You will need GCFScape to be able to open the 249904848...
Valve's Missing Content Fix Vol. 3 [Updated for TLS]
Skapad av KingDavid
If you have any issues with this please report them so that I can fix them. Adds back all the missing L4D1 assets that Valve didn't port when porting the original campaigns. I used the L4D1 version of Suicide Blitz for the example screenshots of what this ...
Vladimir's Personal PM-9
Skapad av Mundfish
Hello lads, my 27th Workshop add-on. Continuing with the collection, I now bring you the PM-9. This one consists of silencer, HAMR scope, flashlight and 2 skins: "red digital" finish and "red urban" finish from MW2. It's powered by Denny's ported MWR anima...
Vltor SBR M4
Skapad av mar mar
Well ain't that just a pickled peach? A lovely dose tacticool for you to go boom-boom-bam-bang on all the zombies with. I made this a while ago, I don't even remember if it's any good or not. The L4DMaps folk seemed to like it though. It replaces the M16. ...
Vomitjar Countdown Particle
Skapad av 徒手开根号
It can be shared with other Vomitjar's MOD, because this is just a replacement particle animation The first number is at the foot of the zombies , In order to avoid throwing on the height of the house, the figures are displayed above the room and no number...
Vtuber 宝钟玛琳/宝鐘マリン/Houshou Marine Replace Francis
Skapad av Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif model:td75078 images:85505362 Thank you for your like. 其他幸存者版本均在群文件 需要定制MOD请联系QQ ...
VTuber 帕里/パリィ/Paryi replace Ellis
Skapad av Felicia
****** It is strictly forbidden for anyone to use this MOD to decompile and extract models Reproduction of this MOD to paid platforms is strictly prohibited Reproduction of this MOD without crediting the author (especially without crediting the original au...
Vtuber 戌神ころね / Inugami Korone replace Bill
Skapad av Natsume
Inugami Korone replace Bill 面包狗替换一代人物比尔 replace content Third-person model | 第三人称模型 Frist-person arms | 第一人称手臂 HUD Icon | 角色UI图标 Jiggle bones | 飘动骨骼 Zoey animation 丨zoey的动作 Model material from Hololive official thank you for your like...
Vtuber 花園セレナ/花园Serena replace Nick
Skapad av Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif 啾啾猫猫~ 替换二代Nick 手模弄了一下午最后还是不理想,干脆就换了这个,还是挺好看的 预览视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oK411H7Zw 素材来源: model:@Cloudceil 封面:@Apple_A_Caramel 欢迎进群闲聊:697196002 制作不易,喜欢的话就点个赞吧 其他幸存者版本均在群文件 需要定制MOD请联系QQ ...
VTuber Akai Haato Loading Icon
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Icon GIF For Akai Haato Size:128x128...
War Sport LVOA-Carbine/M
Skapad av Lt. Rocky
Believe in your own justice, Mr. President. Always trust in the Redneck line of self-defense, and self-offense-against-the-forest. How the American populous became overrun with zombies when things like this exist well within the world is a mystery, but you...
WeaponPanel for NeunGUI
Skapad av Azuki
Weapon panel for NeunGUI: Larger primary ammo number. Larger primary reserve ammo. Larger secondary ammo number. Missing items are invisible....
Weh! [Pistol Sound Replacement]
Skapad av Kanade♥転生
Weh! Replaces pistol sounds with Riamu's WEH Credits to finalcake for the Riamu illustration used...
White&Pink Smoker
Skapad av 可児澪です
replace tex...
Winchester Model 1873 (Hunting rifle)
Skapad av Tööttieläin
Classic lever-action rifle replaces hunting rifle. Uses modified version of my Winchester 1887 animations. HUD and script addon by Alex_D_Vasilkov: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1270462710&searchtext=winchester Includes: - Viewmode...
Witch Execution Classic - Training Map
Skapad av coaghoul
Most popular training map in L4D2 workshop. First and only witch crowning training map, that will not just put you in a room with a witch and a shotgun (meh), but show where and when exactly you have to shoot that scum for 100% crowning in every possible s...
Yamakaze Loading Icon
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
Replace Game Loading Icon GIF For Yamakaze Size:256x256...
Yamakaze-kai for Zoey(KanColle)
Skapad av Peakness Yang
Replaces Zoey for Yamakaze-kai from the Kantai Collection Voice Pack: 山风(Yamakaze) Includes: -View model arms -Minor Jiggle bones on hair,skirt and more -In-game, lobby, and incap pictures -Eyeblink -Lipsync Original model:cham@niconico This is my 10th mod...
Yes - Roundabout for Death music
Death music replaced with that part of Yes - Roundabout. Now you will want to die more times. Works with both L4D1 and L4D2 campaigns. Replaces: death.wav; death_l4d1.wav. L4D1 Version (2,43MB) is here Install instructions: 1) Paste death.wav on C:\Program...
YOU ARE GONE [Crab Rave Death Music]
Skapad av PVR!S
When can I hear Crab Rave in game with this mod? - when you die in coop (longer version); - when your whole team dies (shorter); - when you die in a single mode (shorter). If it not works, then: - you have other conflicting mods for death music, disable th...
Yui Flashlight
Skapad av Calhoun
A retexture of the flashlight; Yui Hirasawa from K-On!...
Zura Pistol Sound
tag : lovelive / zura / pistol / aqours Yousoro pick up sound : http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=767971941...
Skapad av SublterDeep
Skapad av Janty
Artist:浪人爱吃糖 PixivID:85213539 A saferoom loadingscreen...
[战双]长柄大刀替换铁铲 replace shovel
Skapad av Hesh233
replace shovel 替换铁铲 Add: voice,JiggleBone 添加了声音、飘动骨骼 封面+贴图:pioneerZ1Z 声效+模型/版权:库洛 Remember to leave the link of this webpage. 欢迎转载此MOD,唯一的要求请署这个页面的链接。...
[自选]煌的链锯 自定义音效/Blaze's Chainsaw Custom Sound
Skapad av ShrinLEI
[+18] TABLET Medkit YourNeko "Movie" 7 [Animated]
Skapad av N.KATA
Sooo... ooo you need a good reason to help your friends? No? Now you have one. UWU Feel free to test my other medkits...
[+18] TABLET Medkit YourWaifu "Movie" 9 [Animated]
Skapad av N.KATA
Sooo... ooo you need a good reason to help your friends? No? Now you have one....
原视频地址(Origin Video):https://www.bilibili.com/video/av43343310 如何使用: 不要订阅插件,度盘直接下载:链接: 链接: https://p删掉a删掉n.baidu.com/s/158eUVUTD-ag-nD2Ax-HLmA 提取码: 8dvf 替换left 4 dead 2\media 里的l4d2_background01~05 5个BIK文件 DONT Subscribe the addon,Download from here 链接: htt...
[Anti-Troll] Car Alarm Aggro Manager
Skapad av MANACAT
If someone triggers the car alarm, only that player will be the target of zombies. - This script only works on your local server. - No action other than the add-on subscription is required to apply the script. https://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg Paypal for don...
[Anti-Troll] Friendly Fire Reflector
Skapad av MANACAT
This script is created to counter troll players who intentionally kill teammates. - If someone shoots teammates, the victims will not take the damage but the attacker will take 2/3 of the damage. - The fire and explosion damage is not reflected. - If you u...
[AWP] 2x damage 10-round script (TLS)
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
The Last Stand Update ready script for the AWP slot. Does not include a HUD icon. The stats fit bolt-action rifles with 10-round magazines, such as my Arctic Warfare Police or Rex's JAE-700. This addon replaces SCRIPTS (changes the in-game weapon stats)! I...
[Azur Lane] Crosswave 可畏Formidable Replace Bill
Skapad av Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif model: crosswave images:86074403 可畏主题AWP:AWP 可畏语音包:voice pack Thank you for your like. --11.17-- remove selfillum 移除自发光 其他幸存者版本均在群文件 需要定制MOD请联系QQ ...
[Azur Lane]Yukikaze Luminous Door
Skapad av QiuDxf
Azur Lane Yukikaze Door(Luminous) Replaced most of the doors. pixiv id : 68129978...
[CINDERELLA GIRLS] Souyoku no Aria Figure replace Ammo Pile
Skapad av LiuP
A little work for little fun. Oh boi, I realy love this event 😄 Event song: Souyoku no Aria The event will end at 8:59:59 PM (+9 GMT) Aug. 27, 2017 Rewards: Ninomiya Asuka - 10k Event Points Kanzaki Ranko - 20k Event Points/ 120k Rank -> best rewards ever ...
[Deresute] Chrome shotgun - [Shiki+Frederica]
Skapad av Lilim
https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif Modified the skin, including growing. Reference mod: Chrome Shotgun Thank you for your like :3 All Content by CYGAMES/ BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. ...
[FGO]Mysterious Heroine X for Nick
Skapad av Raitoningu
仅限好友使用!请不要公开或转载 Please do not reupload. Feature: -FPS arms -HUD Icons -MMD Shader(VMT Parameter By dewobedil) -Jigglebones -Boomed texture -Zoey's Animations Original Model - あかね Arms Model - ゆずぽん...
[GirlsFrontLine]HUD v1
Skapad av 可児澪です
just look the screenshot~ my english isnt good.. sry ya! lul...
[GirlsFrontLine]Hud V2.1
Skapad av 可児澪です
爆肝20多个小时终于算是把坑填了.. -把血条改为战斗内选中人形的UI样式 -武器栏简化并更改了颜色 -打包和拉人的进度条改为简约风格 -白色圆点准星 -击杀提示框与字体颜色改为白色 注意_(:з」∠)_ -如果战役内有超过4名玩家在场的话可能会出现未知的显示错误 -虚血实血全靠猜(你以为我是大绿 其实我是全是虚血哒! -团灭界面里会乱入一个其他玩家的界面 -暂停界面时准星依旧还会显示 -倒地背景图可能会与其他人物Mod冲突 调整加载优先级或直接放入本地Mod文件夹内为最优法 看心情也许会有后续更新(吧 就...
[Honkai 3rd]Varanasi of Ice replace Spitter
Skapad av 遗世紫丁香
【崩坏3rd】冰形态贝纳勒斯替换Spitter Replace Spitter with Varanasi of Ice in Honkai Impact 3. The model is from Witch: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1989882181 I changed its texture and added ice particle effects to it. 模型是witch大佬做的: https://st...
[Honkai 3rd]Wotan's Fists replaces tonfa
Skapad av 遗世紫丁香
7.27 Update Notes: -- Better animation, the same frames and fps as the original one; -- View shake added; -- The sound beecomes more quiet. 7月27日更新内容: -- 更流畅的动作,并对齐了帧数与fps; -- 增加了镜头摇晃; -- 减轻音效。...
[HUD/GUI] Animated Arrow Bar Life
Skapad av Mika
La barra de vida con forma de flecha cambia de color y velocidad dependiendo de la cantidad de vida del jugador. La barra esta sincronizada en caso de uso de pildoras o adrenalina. A mi la barra me funciona 100% (visible en el video survival que hay mas ab...
[HUD] Slim HUD
Skapad av PillGrabbard
A slim and simplistic-looking HUD, that replaces the traditional one. This HUD was designed to be used with the RE2 animated healthbars . You DON'T need to install the healthbars as they are already included in this mod. Changes that will occur if you inst...
[HUD] Slim HUD - Alternative
Skapad av PillGrabbard
This was a request made by Shadow , to revert the inventory position back to it's original state. So here is an alternative version, for those who liked the original position of inventory. A slim and simplistic-looking HUD, that replaces the traditional on...
[Hunter] Kanna Kamui
Skapad av K"ashimura♦
Model from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter characters. Front cover 「Author」TOMATO 「PixivID」61771640 Model 「Author」icemega5 Resource modification list L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter Model L4D1 / L4D2 Hunter FPS Arms Hunter Special Ability I...
[Kanna] Hunter Sound
Skapad av K"ashimura♦
Sound from a call 《小林さんちのメイドラゴン》 animation. Replaced in-game the Hunter Sound. Sound source Kanna Kamui 長縄まりあ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Appear animated episodes 1-12 ...
[Kemono Friends] Bear's-paw -> Frying pan
Skapad av 夕月
(ˉ▽ˉ;)...我也不知道简介应该些什么好了 拿着看上去不违和就行 td29501...
Kano skin for Pump Shotgun鹿乃主题木喷
Kano skin for Pump Shotgun 花寄女子寮vtuber:鹿乃 主题木喷。 只替换了贴图 Only texture have been replaced 部分夜光效果 It will glow in dark places 图片来源于花寄鹿乃自我介绍歌:https://b23.tv/BV1Gt411F7LW The picture comes from vtuber Kano's self introduction song: https://b23.tv/BV1Gt411F7LW 感谢...
Gone in 60 Smokers
Skapad av {aic}
Gone in 60 Smokers created by J.Sera Fight your way across the rooftops and through the sewers to the used car lot. Gas up the race car and escape before the horde overwhelms you and your companions....
Akatsuki (Kantai Collection)
Skapad av Pricia
Replace Coach (Survivors)...
Dead Air Surf
Skapad av シェイディ♑
For fun races. This map is made out of props and included into c11m5_runway. You'll need to turn ON auto-bunnyhop to complete the map. Add the binds below to your console for convenience. !tp – Teleport to start. !mode – Start race. !bhop – Enable bunnyhop...
Yellow Heart M60 reskin
Skapad av Vintage Sniper
"One Minute I have boobies, but the next I don't, but don't mess around with my Daddy!!" Sweet Little Peashy, will probably find this M60 too heavy, but it's no problem for her goddess form, Yellow Heart, who will kill you if you get your filthy hands on h...
Vert V (Neptunia V)
Skapad av Shigure
Vert models from Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory Replace Coach...
Purple Sister Auto Shotgun Reskin
Skapad av Vintage Sniper
"You'll be lucky if you survive this" Works for L4D1 Survivors now Nepgear was jeleous of her sister Neptunia for a few days for having her own Hyperdimension Neptunia Goddess Weapon Reskin, but fear not, Purple Sister, here comes your Purple Sister Auto S...
(4 pack L4D2) CPU swimsuit (Neptunia V)
Skapad av Shigure
that's unfair if only CPU Candidates have pack. So today, ill release 4 pack of CPU. Swimsuit Pack. Neptune - Ellis Blanc - Nick Noire - Rochelle Coach - Vert Credit: Tks to RandomTBush for the models <3~ 06/10/2015: Enable Jigglebone on hair of Vert...
IF Grenade Launcher Reskin
Skapad av Vintage Sniper
"Sorry Nep, I can't give credit, come back when you're a little, mmmm, Richer!!" Now works for L4D1 Survivors, and 100% more Allahu Akbar Now IFFY has her own grenade Launcher, pretty much another tsundere grouchy git, but more or less the Morshu of the Hy...
Black Heart Hunting Rifle Reskin
Skapad av Vintage Sniper
"Step aside suckers, I'll see to this!" NOW WORKS FOR L4D1 SURVIVORS!! Finally, old Tsundere Norry, er, Noire, I mean Black Heart, as her goddess form, was the final Hyperdimension Neptunia goddess to get her own personlised Weapon. Black Heart opted for t...
Pink Health Bar
Skapad av ᴶᵉˡˡᵒ❤
This pink bar will replace the ugly color of the original process bar. Includes: Healing Starting a generator Picking up an incapped member Fire/explosion packs You name it!!! Blue Health Bar Green Health Bar Purple Health Bar Yellow Health Bar Orange Heal...
Our Ride's Here (Finale/Escape Music)
Completely custom finale and escape music based on generation five Pokemon. Replaces music tracks Skin On Our Teeth, Final Nail, Your Own Funeral, and Snow Ball In Hell. L4D1 variants included....
Minecraft Pipebomb
Skapad av FearingGiraffe4
Changes default Pipebomb to Minecraft TNT block....
[Hard-Mode] Random Car Alarm Controller
Skapad av MANACAT
This add-on increases the difficulty of the game. Are you bored of doing the same thing every day in L4D? Then let's try a new challenge. This addon turns on/off alarms for cars on the map. You'd better forget about the familiar location of the alarm car. ...
[Improved] Random Object Spawner (RNG)(BETA)
Skapad av MANACAT
This addon randomly places additional objects in the official campaign. You play the same official map all the time, don't you want something new every now and then? Wouldn't it be possible to change gaming experience, just by slightly changing the placeme...
Rom Swimsuit (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
Skapad av Shigure
The 4th of swimsuit pack... Rom!!! Replaces Louis No face posing or jigglebones ;w;...
Akita Neru's Electric Guitar
Skapad av Boudica
Animated Skin! Akita Neru the vocaloid. The default model of L4D2's guitar. Special thanks to: Rafael de Jongh 3D and 2D design artist for helping me out with the scripts that made the animation and skin work in game. AMERICAN for helping me out with the q...
Neptunia Idol concert
Skapad av GOYDA
This mod will replace both the concert music, tank themes at the Dark Carnival concert and the Credits music. It also replaces the posters and some of the props at the concert stage Neptunia songs used: SONG 1: Sham Cold Girls - Noire (CV. Asami Imai) & Un...
End of The World World End's. Rescue music.
Skapad av Miky
Replace rescue music when rescue vehicle arrive with remastered version of stage 6 theme End of the World World End's from Touhou 5 Mystic Square Note if the music doesn't work try rebuildaudiochace in console using command snd_rebuildaudiochace. Make sure...
RE8 Village Sa vz. 61 Skorpion with Drum Mag (Suppressed SMG)
Skapad av 8sianDude
An automatic sub-machine gun sold by the Duke in Resident Evil 8 Village is a Sa vz. 61 Skorpion, known as "V61 Custom" in-game. This version comes with a drum magazine, it's stock unfolded and fitted with RE2 Remake's MQ11 sound suppressor. Introduced in ...
[Honkai Impact 3rd]Common Infected V2
Honkai Impact 3rd Common Infected V2 ·Simpler models,Simpler materials,File size is smaller. ·Added more models. ·Added emoticons. Model copyright belongs to:mihoyo ...
【原神】P.S.S.10—烟绯(替换SPAS)/ 【Genshin Impact】P.S.S.10-Yan Fei(replace spas shotgun)
Skapad av 洛兮
替换spas,replace the spas shotgun 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap) 原版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2009655522 origin model:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=20096555...
Skapad av FeiFeiyu
替换ellis 最后一版了: 添加嘴,眉毛,眨眼表情 颈部锁添加飘荡骨骼 第一人称手臂没有问题 第三人称手指有点别扭 内有会晃动的pp 感觉不适请不要订阅,点赞才有动力。 ---------------------------------------------- rework sirius(ellis):https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2893961529 ...
Skapad av FeiFeiyu
替换coach 肥肥的 感觉不适请不要订阅,点赞才有动力。...
【原神】消音版M1911—刻晴(替换马格南手枪)/ 【genshin impact】silence m1911—KeQing(replace magnum)
Skapad av 洛兮
替换马格南手枪,replace the Magnum 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础贴图(basetexture);法线贴图(normalmap); 渲染图: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1729927281445422466/813D8AEB10FC5D0A9274FAFF88419FC4CD7BD162/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letter...
【雪霁梅香】Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 F1 Firearms AR15 Tactical 使命召唤:现代战争 AR15 竞赛型
说明 · 【雪霁梅香】Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 F1 Firearms AR15 Tactical 使命召唤:现代战争 AR15 竞赛型 · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:麻辣香锅 · New skin:【绀海】云鹤.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/17310530396973634...
Touhou Moriya Suwako/东方project 洩矢诹访子 Smoker
Skapad av 忽悠忽悠
洩矢诹访子 替换舌头 MOD制作人:似似花...
【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ主题 止疼药 “Fervent Tempo Δ”Theme Pain Pills
说明 · 【崩坏3rd】狂热蓝调Δ主题 止疼药 “Fervent Tempo Δ”Theme Pain Pills · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 截图 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1769328082475947451/8B456863CB879928D21DCC054CAD2E41E9AD2115/ h...
【Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG】[Sky Striker Ace - Raye](Akari version) replace Bill
Skapad av Felicia
Source:Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Model:蝶小哆_Akari Grafting:似似花❀ VGUI Textures:菲利希亚的守望,湫白子冰 replace Bill enjoy it...
【原神】单手剑—斫峰之刃(砍刀) \ 【Genshin Impact】 单手剑—斫峰之刃(machete)
Skapad av 洛兮
替换近战武器砍刀,replace machete —传说中象征着某一则特定契约的利刃,曾经斩落过山岳的尖端。 声明: 本MOD已独家授权给CSGO的EXG社区移植,其他CSGO社区禁止移植 包含:基础颜色贴图,法线贴图,夜光效果,沿用官方动作。 contain:basetexture,normal map,Luminous effect,Follow the official action。 L4D2皮肤mod制作群:923879694(游戏不止,MOD不停) 1016787637(漂移巴士群) 我的B站主...
【初音ミク&巡音ルカ】箱箱人偶 替换 弹药堆 Replaces Ammopile
说明 · 【初音ミク&巡音ルカ】箱箱人偶 替换 弹药堆 Replaces Ammopile · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : H2Cu阿相 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
Minecraft Painpills
Skapad av FearingGiraffe4
Changes default Painpills to Minecraft Golden Apple....
Skapad av FeiFeiyu
替换佐伊 感觉不适请不要订阅,点赞才有动力。...
Airplane Grenade Launcher (reworked)
Skapad av wx
Pistol Gun = Grenade Launcher -used Grenade Pistol -replaced Air ammo with Air plane -removed Explosion Flash >>> Something that doesn't block most of our screen when holding it, even though its a grenade launcher? Something that more visible to see where ...
FKG Setaria [Green Bristlegrass] (Zoey)
Skapad av 8sianDude
Setaria, also known as Green Bristlegrass, is a character from a JRPG game called Flower Knight Girl (FKG). Evident by her given name she is based off a plant called Setaria viridis, a type of foxtail plant used by some pet owners to play with their cats. ...
【碧蓝航线】可畏P90(Azur lane Formidable p90)
Skapad av 黑蝶沼
简介 替换了uzi(replace uzi) 拥有部分夜光(Has some luminous ) 弱化了夜光(Weakened the luminous ) Pid=87592782、87613677 原mod:CSGOP90 更新说明 21/5/17 增加了部分细节(Added some details) 增加了新的部分夜光(Added a new part of the night light) 替换了部分颜色(Some colors have been replaced) mod算是更新完了...
Kè'qíng【刻晴八属性】8 Attribution RNG
Skapad av 仓鼠箘
One day, Kè'qíng finally found that why her damage so weak, it's because the electric attribution is weak... And then she visited the Crumb traveler to study how to change attribution, the Crumb traveler seized her underpants compulsorily as rewards. Even ...
Yumeno Sakura (Bill)
Skapad av AvengedDeathAlert
I have no idea who she is or even what "Eyes of Akashia Dream Sakura" is. Features -VGUI HUD textures. -FPS arms. -Boomer vomit texture. -Custom proportion. -Bill animation. -TLS Third person bones. -No facial animation. -Some jiggle bones are unlisted due...
【R18】Spray (Azur Lane theme)
Skapad av Tyrant
Stadia spray III Hope you enjoy it! =w=...
Killing Floor 2 Neon Eviscerator
Skapad av Tokisaki Ivan
Neon Eviscerator from Killing Floor 2, replaces Chainsaw. Tripwire Interactive - Original weapon. Lt. Rocky - Ported weapon for Left 4 Dead 2. IJC Development - Original neon skin....
Yella [Zoey]
Skapad av Dark Star
Yella is a character from a Visual Novel called Vampire's Melody, developed by, AsicXArt. I wanted to try modeling and replicating a 3D version of her using some game assets, here is my outcome. Includes: Face Anim 47 Jigglebones Credits ------------------...
Tank kawaii
i just like kawaii music : Natsu Fuji - Kawaii party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=785ZUXIRIFQ...
Skapad av Dovy
-2020/9/26. Replaces the l4d1 tank aswell. ...
Charlotte Loading Background & UI
Charlotte Loading Background & UI Replace the Loading Background & UI... (替换通过安全门计分板加载界面,替换创建地图加载界面....) Something for you.... Put this file --- Charlotte-OP { link : 1Sa75x-4llHfvNGucjx9pLg(Remember to add ) pwd : hcjc } copy five times... Rename--just li...
KanColle Background video
Skapad av L 4 Y
That's addon replace your default menu background for Kantai Collection's opening How to install: 1. Download the addon 2. Launch the game and wait for installing of addon, then exit the game 3. Extract the addon with GCF Scape (you can download it here ht...
Anime Loading Background(R-18)
Anime Loading Background(R-18) Replace the Loading Background Picture...(替换通过安全门计分板加载界面,替换创建地图加载界面....) You know what`s this...(你懂的~) Welcome to my group https://steamproxy.net/groups/2233xxoo 高能预警~ 小心别在有人的地方打开哦~ 好东西就该偷偷食用~ 多准备点纸巾... 喜欢的话,请点个赞...谢谢 图包链...
Touhou - The SDM (Rampaging Sakuya) Background
Skapad av Amy Tsurimi
This MOD change your background to the Music Video of "Touhou - The SDM (Rampaging Sakuya)l"^-^ Thanks for Subscribing on my MOD ^-^ Tho you need to follow some instructions to install it properly! - First you Need is "GCFScape" to be able to open the .vpk...
Senran Kagura Opening 1 Background
Skapad av [TSE]SHADOW
Instrucciones solo en español/Instructions only in Spanish If you want to understand use google translator >.O Remplaza el video de fondo del left4dead2 del incio y el menu del juego por el opening de la serie Senran Kagura. Instrucciones de instalacion: 1...
Azur Lane Yuudachi Saferoom Loading Background
Skapad av NPCsnake
-Azur Lane- Yuudachi Saferoom Saferoom Loading Background -碧蓝航线- 夕立 安全室读图背景 Original Image / 原图 : yande 601118...
Remilia Scarlet Kimono Saferoom Loading Background
Skapad av NPCsnake
-TOUHOU- Remilia Scarlet Kimono Saferoom Loading Background -东方- 蕾米莉亚·斯卡雷特 和服 关卡(安全室)读图背景...
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou Ending Intro/Background
This mod replaces the intro video to L4D2 or the background video within the main menu with the Ending for Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou (少女終末旅行, Girls' Last Tour). Currently, it's the credited version. I'll update it when the creditless version comes out. 【TV A...
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou Opening Intro/Background
This mod replaces the intro video to L4D2 or the background video within the main menu with the Opening for Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou (少女終末旅行, Girls' Last Tour). Currently, it's the credited version. I'll update it when the creditless version comes out. 【TV ...
Washboard loading background (18X
Skapad av M.Mage
18+ 已經寫了不要檢舉我啊...
Eromanga-sensei Ending Intro/Background
This mod replaces the intro video to L4D2 or the background video within the main menu with the Ending for Eromanga-sensei (エロマンガ先生). Currently, it's the credited version. I'll update it when the creditless version comes out. 【TV Air 720p】 -----INSTRUCTION...
Fate/Grand Order Loading Background(R-18)
Replaces Loading Background.... For various reasons, I can't upload the pictures! 替换通过安全门计分板加载界面,替换创建地图加载界面.... 喜欢请点个赞,谢谢~ Welcome to my group https://steamproxy.net/groups/2233xxoo 图包链接↓ ↓ ↓ (Pictures Link) Baidu Drive : 1G_bHsl-Pnry3B6XqRBWKuw(Rememb...
Girls' Frontline 404 Team In Winter Menu Backgrounds
Skapad av Vagrancy(本物)
The Girls' Frontline 404 Team In Winter Menu Backgrounds Wallpaper Live Video 20HUD - Menu: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2982769845&searchtext=20HUD The mod DOES NOT work when you subscribe. It only works if you manually copy and ...
MAC-10 First Person Animations Remade
Skapad av Paysus
The video is in 60 FPS! Unfortunately, this is not compatible with ANY MAC-10 SMG model replacements. It's only compatible with retextures, sound mods, particle effect mods, and everything else that doesn't effect the MAC-10's model. These are my take on t...
【少女前线】95MAC-10(Girls' Frontline Type-95 mac-10)
Skapad av 黑蝶沼
没有夜光效果( No luminous effect) 如果你喜欢,不妨点个赞 20/10/30增加了光反射效果(The light reflection effect is increased) 21/2/9更改了字体镜像问题...
JS-9mm El Fail (Mac 10 slot)
Skapad av HK G41
jianshe js9 smg with suppressor and red dot, painted with El Fail design animation by me model by warface sound from many sources Hatsune Miku skin by lm Arknights Liskarm skin by 十年公交男...
Noire Glowing MAC-10 Silenced SMG
Skapad av PYgame.D.Cthulhu
Noire Glowing MAC-10 Silenced SMG It also has dynamic effect 诺瓦露星光动态文字MAC-10消音冲锋枪...
Skapad av dbqwcl
时隔一年,突然就想给成成做个MOD 喜欢就不妨订阅+收藏?顺便点个赞 总之,希望你们能够喜欢啦QWQ ...
BO1 AUG Suppressor sound for MAC
Skapad av Alex_D #NoWar
Replaces the firing sounds of the Silenced SMG to that of the suppressed AUG from CoD: Black Ops. I say "AUG" when I actually mean lots of guns, but the singleplayer AUG with a silencer uses it and the sound resides in the "aug" folder....
MAC10s sound from Killing Floor
Skapad av mukolah
This Mod replaces the normal sound of the SMG Silenced shot with the sound from Killing Floor MAC10 Silenced....
MinimalPanel for NeunGUI
Skapad av Azuki
Survivor panel for NeunGUI....
Anime - Sound Tank
Metrei - Syaro ga nakisakebinagara Brain Power Brain Power :3...
凑阿库娅 Minato Aqua skin for MAC-10
大亏哥Minato Aqua skin for MAC-10 Holive vtuber:Minato Aqua 仅替换了贴图 Texture - Replaced Animation - Default Sound - Default https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1016068921486612555/298F4B604B3E020FE9F99C3F6934DB3ABFF4EC1D/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamai...
Honkai Impact Shigure Kira Kriss Vector(Replace Mac-10)
Skapad av 夜空☆Twinkle
Replace the Mac-10 Original model: rex.canadian Original mod link:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=341893210 Part of the original mod has been modified, and the part replacing MAC-10 has been extracted separately PS.machine translatio...
Akatsuki yamede animated spray
Skapad av HSK
Akatsuki yamede animated spray...
猫宫日向NekoMiyaHinata skin for MAC-10
Skapad av Nekomiya6
NekoMiyaHinata skin for MAC-10 图片来源于P站:VTuber人狼お疲れ様でした! | 橋弧のをと@お仕事募集中 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=68618114&mode=medium https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1663484030790803672/A60A70ED18FF1654D3A0BCE83AC9C48C62B388CA/ 枪身...
[R18]Hentai Animated Door
Skapad av 超级热土人
This mod replaces the three doors in the game, and all the pictures are dynamic Picture size 512*512 The number of frames is 58 pixiv id:75657544...
[Pack] ❤`*•Kawaii_Killer Sprays&Animation•*´❤
Skapad av KhaomanMu
This is addon adds animation&image Spray Kawaii_killer in game L4D2 and i want to say again is image it's n't my art It is one of who love kawaii killer and fan art , I'm just used as a spray and I like their work and thank so much @Chen_Sco : http://steam...
Illya & Miyu Dance animated spray
Skapad av HSK
Illya & Miyu Dance animated spray...
Kyaa anime Pick up Sound
Skapad av Nokotan
This sound replaces default's sound for a "Kya" noises...
Random Anime Loading Screens Pack
Anime Screens for Loading Screens Some picture from an anime Some picture from a gc game and some picture I don't know Image Source Here 1.Loading Background 2.Default 3.Blood Harvest 4.Dead Center 5.Hard Rain 6.Cold Stream 7.Crash Course 8.Dark Carnival 9...
Akatsuki & Platelet Poke animated spray
Skapad av HSK
Akatsuki & Platelet Poke animated spray...
Anime Girls in swim suit sprays
Skapad av Arisu
Lmao i have nothing to say just subscribe and enjoy artist: https://twitter.com/yyqw7151?s=20...
[Love Live] Ayumu Uehara [Exciting Animal]
Skapad av BatagorMan
From All Stars: A second-year student at Nijigasaki High School, she's a hard worker who takes anything and everything on diligently. She started being a school idol at the suggestion of her childhood friend. She's a highly caring friend who always support...
Rikka (Pick Up Item Arrow) Animated
Skapad av Sawapine
This mod changes default item indicators (arrows) for Rikka....
Vtuber Game Start Animation/Background of main menu
Skapad av Dan
Please use Chinese page...
Lucky Star Survivor Models With Anime/Toon Shading
Skapad av SoraNezumi
Lucky Star Survivors with Anime/Toon Shading Based on jer's & Shadowking58's Lucky Star survivor mods. Special thanks to jer for the toon shaders. All survivors (L4D2 / L4D1) replaced as follows: Kagami as Nick / Bill Konata as Rochelle / Zoey Miyuki as Co...
[Azur Lane]Yukikaze Pain Pills(Animated, Luminous)
Skapad av QiuDxf
Yukikaze Pain Pills(Animated, Luminous) The author of the picture is Seseren. You can support him if you like....
Furrie Anime Flashlight #3 Version 0.11
Skapad av Führer Chaya
A flashlight mod that replaces the original flashlight with a picture with a cute anime furrie. Version 0.11 This is a requested mod if you want to request a flashlight mod go here: http://steamproxy.net/groups/L4D2PEsFMs I DID NOT MAKE THIS PICTURE PL...
Shirakami Fubuki Tank bgm
Skapad av NothingbutRuby
第一次做mod2333 素材取自https://www.bilibili.com/video/av31935347 原音频作者https://soundcloud.com/8izwhpwkfuor/vox 替换Tank出场的音乐2333 replace Tank bgm...
Background music of the tank:DuDuLu,TANK BGM:嘟嘟噜
Skapad av 时柒雾
https://i.imgur.com/Gkw7mwm.gif Background music of the tank:DuDuLu,TANK BGM:嘟嘟噜 Replace the background music of the TANK 替换了TANK出现时的BGM...
泠鸢yousa印尼宽带 替换 tank BGM
替换 tank BGM 过于魔性,做成tank出场音乐特别出戏 感谢圣剑少女の爱 BGM原作者:圣剑少女の爱 b站链接:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Hh411C7A5 诚招合作做泠鸢语音包的人,只需要帮我收集音频就行,有意向的加我qq号3487624742,并标明来意...
Rabi-ribi Tank sound
Skapad av 星宫萤雪
this addon takeplace the TANK bgm to the "Rabi-Ribi" boss battle BGM....
泳装江风 Kawakaze swimsuit replaces the Ellis
舰队Collection:泳装江风 替换 艾丽丝 Kantai Collection: Kawakaze swimsuit replaces the Ellis 第一次做人物MOD(某种意义上的练手作),还请各位大佬多多指教! This is my first character MOD, so please give me any advice if you have solutions or instructions can provide. Thank you! 相关语音包与安装方法请参考 (Refe...
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