The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

98 ratings
Astra Mod 2.0
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7.511 MB
19 Jun, 2021 @ 4:48am
17 Oct, 2022 @ 1:21pm
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Astra Mod 2.0

Introducing Astra, a child from a distant world.

Repentance support only.

Update 2.0 - 17/10/22

The 2.0 update features a complete rewrite and partial redesign of the mod in order to make it less buggy, better looking and more fun to play. See the updates tab for the full list of changes.

Adds two new characters:

* Astra - The Freak

Her psychic powers let her keep her enemies at bay and briefly stun them upon fully charging, with her Blink letting her access normally inaccessible locations. Stay far from the influence of evil however, as her gifts are only for the pure of heart...

Starting items:

* Confusion: Chargeable AoE attack that deals heavy damage, stuns and knocks back nearby enemies once released.

* Blink: Local (in-room) teleport, usable as a flight substitute, or to evade nearby enemies.

* Tainted Astra - The Fiend

Having her heart broken by the dark, she receives drastically reduced healing from heart drops, and her mere sight draws the wrath of heaven's messengers. Her corruption did not come without a boon though, as now her mind only dreams of destruction, bringing it to the decrepit world around her...

Starting items:

* Doom Desire: Geyser of tears whose position can be controlled similarly to Epic Fetus.

Source code can be found on GitHub:
Popular Discussions View All (1)
25 Sep, 2021 @ 12:45pm
magicant tax collection agency
Lalhs 25 Sep, 2024 @ 11:44am 
im sure this mod isn't updated but i agree losing your gimmick from buying stuff in the shop is kind of stupid
No Toast ( °□°) ︵ 22 Aug, 2024 @ 8:37pm 
okay, so losing your powers when you take a Devil Deal makes sense (even if the penalty does seem pretty severe.) But buying things from the SHOP? Greed mode becomes virtually unplayable. It even triggers when you buy something with Store Credit, which is completely absurd.
FalloutToonLink 26 Jan, 2023 @ 4:41pm 
This character is really fun. I enjoyed using the powers a lot
dascraazy 2 Jul, 2022 @ 10:19am 
tainted astra is rly fun but normal astra is kinda boring and just too OP with the blue thingies
Aidenb200 11 Mar, 2022 @ 11:20am 
pokemon :resmile:
rainy 7 Mar, 2022 @ 8:07pm 
Dude, are you still working on the mod? Hope you could update it soon.
FAMILY_MAN 27 Nov, 2021 @ 1:42am 
The sprite is well made and cute but a couple things about the character itself I dont like
standard Astra's automatic AOE of neon tears is both overpowered and honestly really annoying to look at. I kind of just wish it was gone.
Tainted Astra is just like... way way way too OP.
egg messiah 2 Nov, 2021 @ 10:59pm 
JamClone 24 Sep, 2021 @ 11:33am 
Just read the known issues thread, and now i understand the lack of synergies. Good work thus far! ^^
JamClone 24 Sep, 2021 @ 11:30am 
I like Astra but Tainted Astra is just too strong in my opinion. Sure, she has low hp and speed, but it wont matter when she wipes rooms and bosses with one attack. For Astra, I think it would be cool if the normal tear shot was abandoned altogether and cool synergies would come from the rings of tears, not your normal ones. Imagine if you got Technology, and each individual tear shot nearby enemies with a short range tech laser? And with Tainted Astra, make its regular attack slightly weaker and add a few extra synergies on it, just like what happened to Azazel. The only interesting synergy i got was inner eye, which summoned 12 ghosts! which is kinda broken in the attack's current state. This is just what I think though. I love the mod, and am looking forward to how it turns out in the future!

also kirlia funne