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Tainted Blood - Genesis Patch
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12 Jun, 2021 @ 10:43am
1 Change Note ( view )

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Tainted Blood - Genesis Patch

The Patch...

Aside from the obvious, this patch attributes a kill-item to the new NPC's introduced by Genesis (with some exceptions, as in the main mod, when I feel it isn't a good idea to add it). I tried keeping the inconsistencies to a minimum ea. a skeleton with "blood" in his inventory.

This also patches the umbras with the new hairstyles added by Genesis, and whilst Genesis allready incorporates Faces+, which is a hard requirement for "Tainted Blood", you will get an error message on starting the game IF you did not install the Prerequisites for Tainted Blood, But you should be able to play Tainted Blood with only Genesis installed.
If however you install "Faces+" and "Faces+ Add-on2" on top of Genesis, you will have no issues and no error message.

Lastly it patches Umbras to use MCA animations.

I strongly urge you to use "Layken's Slave-murder fix" with ANY mod that adds "execute/kill items" to NPC inventories. That includes "Tainted blood". This will avoid enslaved characters from dying each time slavers loot their inventories.

Do NOT use this with "Tainted Blood - The Forsaken" or "Tainted Blood - Military Craft Patch"
Three-legged Wolf  [author] 15 Jun, 2021 @ 6:39am 
@Briarios Hecatonchires I'll try to get it done as soon as I can :) I've got a pretty good idea of how I'm gonna pull it off. Stay tuned ;) Should be uploaded by friday 18/06 if all goes well.
Briareos 15 Jun, 2021 @ 3:47am 
Are you working on a patch for genesis and the forsaken as well? I'd love to have them in my game too!
Briareos 15 Jun, 2021 @ 3:44am 
Thank YOU! I'm so happy :D I'll be getting em all now!