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[TRIAD] Punisher
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[TRIAD] Punisher

Punisher is manufactured and used by the mysterious Jovian Triad Organisation. This class is fitted with many experimental devices obtainable on Europa's black market. The xenotech ballast pumping system is capable of massive water flow rates. Remote controlled Attack Drone serves as a scout and hunter. See Power Grid User's Manual in the reactor room for details. IMPORTANT: Bots must NOT operate the smaller reactor, forbid access to it (hover over it then Shift+MMB). The AI is currently obsessive about turning every reactor on board online. The smaller reactor is meant to supercharge the Power Banks (see instruction below), and has 10x fuel consumption rate. Thus it is extremely easy for bots to use up all your fuel supply. Forbidding the reactor fixes this issue.

Power Grid User Manual
> > BASICS < <
Every receiver of power on the submarine is plugged into the Power Network (PN).
Power Network Junction Boxes are located in the Junction Compartment. These are connected to relays on every deck or directly to the major power consumers.
Power Network is supplied from one of three sources: Power Bank A, Power Bank B, Reserve Battery Bank.
Only one of the sources may be active. To change the source press the corresponding button in the Reactor Roomo. It will switch the chosen Bank on, while switching the rest off.

Power Banks A & B are recharged with the Main Reactor at all times.
The blue bars on the Banks display show the current recharge rate settings for each Bank.
Battery recharge rate is set automatically.
Recharge rate depends on the charge amount stored in each Power Bank.
Maximum recharge rate is for 50% charge.
When charge reaches less than 10%, the Power Bank cannot be recharged normally and has to be kickstarted with the supercharger.
Each second a rate of change in charge is calculated and displayed for each Power Bank. Adding those two numbers will get you information if the submarine is gaining charge or loosing it.

To the right of Main Reactor is a Supercharging Reactor.
It is not intended for normal operation.
Supercharging means recharging Power Bank A or B at maximum 100% recharge rate, regardless of its current charge level.
It is used to either kickstart dead batteries (less than 10% charge), or boost recharge levels in case of low settings.
A lever above the display selects which Power Bank will be charged at max rate. It can be changed during Supercharger operation.
Supercharging Reactor has very low fuel efficiency - 10x fuel consumption rate.
Storing extra fuel rods for boosting recharge is advised.
Supercharging near-full Power Banks is not advised, damage to the Power Grid may occur.

Reserve Power Bank is charged through the Power Network, thus from either of Main Power Banks.
It can output up to 5000 kW for a limited amount of time.
Use in emergency situations or when Main Power Banks need a relief.

Flooding Control
Every pump beside the ballast is operated manually. Handy displays show the value of water level. To move water from other compartments to the pumps use ducts located next to the doors or hatches.

Oxygen Generation
Main generator is located in compartment next to the crew quarters. Every vent is linked with this one. Beside that there is also an auxiliary generator, linked to its own vent, use ducts, doors to distribute emergency oxygen throughout the submarine.

Main airlock exiting to the upper side of the submarine is also a docking hatch. There is also an exit from the ballast, which is useful in case of servicing the drone. To use it, unlock the door by pressing the switch and then opening the button. Water with high pressure will flood the ballast but the pump should handle it. Upper airlock may be locked with a button next to the ladder, useful against semi sentient husks.

Individual equipment storage
Each class has their own equipment secure storage in the crew quarters, that is inaccessible to anyone except them.

Forward railgun system
In the bow of the submarine there is a fixed railgun shell launcher. Three tubes may be loaded with a railgun shell and upon pressing the nearby periscope trigger one of the shells will be launched forward. The periscope is also equipped with a device to ascend or descend the submarine to correct the aim, look upwards to ascend and downwards to descend. A corresponding lamp will signal the mode.
My2Scents 12 Oct, 2021 @ 2:22pm 
JackF/SharkAttack  [author] 7 Oct, 2021 @ 4:28am 
When the stars are right I shall update this submarine.
crow36 6 Oct, 2021 @ 9:58pm 
railgun link no longer works, maybe because of the update. i dont think periscopes can trigger launch tubes anymre. i mat be mistaken tho. awesome ship by the way, beutiful work!!!
Zizzah 5 Oct, 2021 @ 9:07pm 
Railgun doesnt work
Boe Szyslak 8 Sep, 2021 @ 7:28am 
Very good ship only one problem i can't acess the guns locker if i'm captain i need to be security
GM9 18 Aug, 2021 @ 3:08am 
Eve online?
Benjamitis 10 Aug, 2021 @ 10:33am 
Waitaminute! This isn't EVE?!?!
My2Scents 23 Jun, 2021 @ 10:16am 
Other than that, this ship is really great, I like the pirate costumes, the shape, and the lasers. Really nice work!
My2Scents 23 Jun, 2021 @ 10:16am 
Oh and, one last thing, if you try to buy something, the crates end up below the platform, so you got to move your cursor over the oxygen tanks to try and find them. (They are covered by the oxygen tanks, right below the suits) I also have no where to put my pets, so I put them in the lobby where the suits are. Also I put my plants also in the lobby, near the table.
My2Scents 23 Jun, 2021 @ 10:05am 
If go on the ladder using the left side, instead of the right side, they just stand there, making me have to control them to get them out.