Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

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The Imperial Guard
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24 MAY 2021 a las 1:59 a. m.
11 OCT 2021 a las 12:30 a. m.
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The Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard boosts the Astra Militarum unit numbers up of the infantry closer to codex and also their vehicles stats to the 9th Ed equiv – these units are monsters and should be pitted against modded enemies – Like my Tyranid Dominion Mod!

This mod also changes weapons, giving them a boost in damage for 'Damage per wound'** (8th-9th ed style) - E.g. Heavy Bolter: Heavy 3 Str 4 Dam 2** - Gladius default - 2 Damage. Modded - 3 Damage.

1 = default
2= x 1.5
3/D3= x 2
D6= x 2.5
3+D3= x 3
2D6= x 4
3D6= x5

Twin-linked Astra Militarum/Space Marine weapons now give double the base attacks.

These weapon changes affect all units in Gladius Plus that use them, beware fighting Chaos or Space Marines (You heretic!)

Guardsmen and Space Marines share the same nerfed Grenades, they should be about the same effect with the new squad sizes.

GRINDING ADVANCE trait has been added to the game, Battle Cannons will fire twice if the unit hasn't moved. (Thanks again to Jey from the Proxy Community Discord for getting these to work!)

Guardsmen 20 per unit
Scions 10 per unit
Heavy Weapon Squad down to 3 from 4 (To match the codex)

All Tanks, Walkers and Fliers have huge buffs to their hitpoints based on their 9th ed stats using Proxy's conversion system. (Infantry were already correct).
12 comentarios
Eravel 3 ABR 2023 a las 6:28 p. m. 
How balanced is this mod against the other factions? My friends and I have generally agreed that vanilla IG are in a bad spot when it comes to damage output and durability for their cost (especially the infantry), so I'm hoping this mod might bring them up to par. Thanks for your work :D
Max Dickings 21 ENE 2023 a las 8:36 p. m. 
Does this mod prevent from making a Devil Dog? I got the research but I don't see it in the manufactorum
Baka Racker 13 OCT 2021 a las 10:57 a. m. 
Hey, I'll look forward to any more of your work!
AddamsFactory  [autor] 12 OCT 2021 a las 9:42 p. m. 
Atm I was looking at getting Necrons looking a bit more 9th ed, though I was pondering pushing Chaos up to their new 2 wound status (As GW still haven't done it yet!)

Baka Racker 12 OCT 2021 a las 1:12 p. m. 
Gotcha. Um, all of them? :D Probably the Tau, I tend to play them the most with my friends. That or Chaos, so we have another "antagonist" faction. Any of them would be kewl, though!
AddamsFactory  [autor] 11 OCT 2021 a las 7:56 p. m. 
Devastator Centurions are untouched atm they should be working as normal D: I don't have the new Expac yet. But their weapons should have been buffed by my mod.

Is there a particular faction that you're interested in playing in line with my mods?
Baka Racker 11 OCT 2021 a las 10:56 a. m. 
Oh, kewl! You might also want to look at doing the same for the Devastator Centurions in your Rubicon Astartes mod, as they also have the same functionality. Great mods, by the way! Would love to see the same treatment to all the factions, but I understand that would be quite time consuming.
AddamsFactory  [autor] 11 OCT 2021 a las 12:31 a. m. 
Updated the Heavy Weapons Squad to use the new code, allowing two missile types Krak/Frag - Enjoy, sorry for huge delay on that one
Baka Racker 21 JUL 2021 a las 12:00 p. m. 
Unless I am imagining things, I am pretty sure one of the more recent updates added dual fire modes for the HWS, switchable like the Tau ion weapons, only in this case switching between an armor-piercing projectile and an anti-personnel one, thus giving the HWS a bit more flexibility. If it was from an update after you last touched the mod then your HWS xml might just need to updated with the relevant code.

It isn't breaking anything, no, mod seems to work just fine for me. It might be something that I can try to re-implement myself, though my knowledge is fairly limited, the only real mod I've made is a color palette one. :D Well, and some basic texture editing but that's easy.
AddamsFactory  [autor] 21 JUL 2021 a las 7:54 a. m. 
@Baka Racker - hey there, I haven't touched the game in a few months, has my mod broken something? Or are you talking about adding a feature?