Portal 2

Portal 2

347 ratings
Enjoy it. As fast as you can.

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Enjoy it. As fast as you can.

I call this piece... You know what? It doesn't matter what it's called. As long as you enjoy it. As fast as you can.
Daner 20 Apr, 2014 @ 1:55pm 
I would like to play in portal 3
GuruMeditation 20 Apr, 2014 @ 1:18pm 
The best chamber without gun I ever played! Thanks :D
Flutters  [author] 20 Apr, 2014 @ 10:14am 
Also fixed the second door not closing, made the entrance less claustrophobic, fixed a trigger with the orange tractor beam to avoid confusion and lightened up some forgotten dark places.
Flutters  [author] 20 Apr, 2014 @ 9:52am 
@DeathWish808 Yeah, that's a thing I forgot... A single trigger will do the job.
DeathWish808 20 Apr, 2014 @ 8:06am 
Not too bad, but you can get stuck. You need to have the door to the first room close on the player once they enter so that once you funnel across you can't go back in.

Video: http://www.twitch.tv/deathwish808/b/521541778
Flutters  [author] 19 Apr, 2014 @ 1:15pm 
Also, I used BEE2. I love that little mod. It allows you to have triggers, invisible buttons that activate when you walk through it, logic gates and even a quick style changer!
Flutters  [author] 19 Apr, 2014 @ 1:14pm 
Hold on... How did this get so popular? I literally mashed something together in 2 hours for some dude named "RageGamingVideos"... I do that occasionally... How?

Oh well, still thanks for playing my map, you guys are really awesome!
:p2orange:ters ♀~ ~♀Flut:p2blue:
XLIV 19 Apr, 2014 @ 4:29am 
Awesome! Some of the puzzles were very simple, but some of them were hard, like the 2nd chamber, I had to think a little bit to solve it, otherwise, it was really fun to play!

Check out the 1st part of my new series?
Bayram 18 Apr, 2014 @ 7:21am 
That was pretty interesting; thumbs up. It felt weird at first playing without a portal gun, but the puzzles are well-designed and rewarding to solve.

After months of work, I have published my first all-Hammer map: " Interface (Hammer Version) ". It is based on a very neat puzzle by Brave and can be played at multiple difficulty levels (the original was quite tricky). You can tour the observation rooms and there are training chambers if you still have trouble figuring out the puzzle.