Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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California Freeway (Highway) HR Sign - 2 Lane - Blank Left Arrows Left Exit Only - Small
Assets: Prop
File Size
435.172 KB
26 Apr, 2021 @ 3:31pm
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California Freeway (Highway) HR Sign - 2 Lane - Blank Left Arrows Left Exit Only - Small

In 2 collections by GhostRaiderMX
California Freeway (Highway) Blank HR Signs
192 items
Freeway (Highway) HR Signs - 2 Lane - Small
13 items
California freeway (highway) high resolution sign. Small blank sign with left lane arrow and left exit only arrow for 2 lanes. Complies with California's MUTCD.

Requires Procedural Objects to add custom sign emblems and text. You can use Move It or Procedural Objects to properly position the sign. You can use More Beautification to access all available in-game props or if you use Find It, use the search term "2L CA BLALEO Small HR".

If using More Beautification, click on the Landscaping toolbar button and go to the "?" (Unsorted) and find the sign. Otherwise, use Find It to find the sign using the search term. Click on the sign and then click on the Convert into PO button. Use Procedural Objects to add custom sign emblems and text to the sign. Then use Procedural Objects or Move It to properly position the sign.

Complementary Workshop Items
Route Shields for PO by Elektrix - Highway Sign Emblems for Procedural Objects
2L California Freeway (Highway) Gantry Sign Mount - Small (HR Version) Compatible gantry sign mount
1L California Freeway (Highway) Gantry Right (Narrow) - Small (HR Version) Compatible gantry
1L California Freeway (Highway) Gantry Left (Narrow) - Small (HR Version) Compatible gantry
1L California Freeway (Highway) Gantry Right (Wide) - Small (HR Version) Compatible gantry
1L California Freeway (Highway) Gantry Left (Wide) - Small (HR Version) Compatible gantry
California Freeway (Highway) Blank Exit Tab - Small (HR Version) Compatible exit number tab sign
California Freeway (Highway) Overhead Gantry Kit - Small (HR Version) Compatible gantry sign mount kit
GhostRaiderMX  [author] 28 Apr, 2021 @ 10:22am 
Hmm well its definitely not a sign problem since its just a prop. Could be a random Procedural Objects glitch. But sometimes I may update old signs with better textures and maybe that is the effect you're seeing? I have recently updated the old blank signs to fit in line with the new ones.
oscarmark79 27 Apr, 2021 @ 8:43pm 
More great signs! :) Question - any idea what I'm doing wrong? Sometimes, after the road signs have all the text, etc. on them and work fine for many days, the font gets really small and I have to redo them.