Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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UFP Collection

This is the collection of all of my vehicles designed for my UFP Fleet these include space craft and ground vehicles
More vehicles coming soon!!! And updates to the older ships are coming sooner
    To Do List Vehicles:
  • Finish up C-P-009 Jurset APV
  • Finish up C-P-012-C Cerios GPV
  • Finish up C-P-021-B Stryker GPV
  • Design C-026 [Armoured vehicle]
  • Update/Refit C-027-B Stryker MRS
  • Design C-028 [Armored vehicle]
  • Update/Refit C-056 Light Cargo transport
  • Finish up C-059-F Derolix Mobile CMD
  • Finish up C-063 Light-Tug
  • Finish up C-083-D Ylios_Class Cargo_Shuttle
  • Update/Refit C-071 Marlion Miner
  • Finish up C-P-109 Drelling_Class SPV
  • Update/Refit C-147-C Cepios_class Corvette
  • Update/Refit C-198-G Angelios_Class Light_Frigate
  • Finish up C-209-B Wayfarer_Class Light_Cruiser
  • Continue Work C-217 Ragner_Class Heavy_Cruiser
  • Continue Work C-226 Ferger_Class [Cruiser]
  • Design C-239 Dunant_Class Battle_Cruiser
    To Do List Stations:
  • Continue Work C-S-003-C Mars Hub
  • Continue Work C-S-004 Orbital Trade Station
  • Design C-S-005 Lunar Capitol Station
  • Design C-S-007 Terra Capitol Station
  • Finish up C-S-049 Military base
  • Continue Work C-S-050 [Light FOB]
    Designation Explanation:
    Example C-000-B C [Craft/Creations] 000 [Numeric designation] B [version]
    C-S-000 means it's a Station/Static
    C-P-000 means it's a Police vehicle
    GPV means Ground Police vehicle
    APV means Aerial/Atmospheric Police vehicle
    SPV Means Space Police Vehicle
Items (18)
UFP C-056 Heavy-Transport
Created by Official Zealiux
This rover is a cargo transport meant to tranport cargo from one base to another or to a new location. This is a very capable rover to travel alone due to it's ruged bumpers and armour yet it is unarmed so having a escort with it when going through hostile...
UFP C-147-B Cepios_Class Corvette [Decommissioned]
Created by Official Zealiux
This Ship even while only being light armour for thr most part is till quite a formidable foe if you have to face one. This is due to the shield and the heavy waponry. Yet this ship was not intended as a frontline ship. But more as a large shuttle or a com...
UFP C-012-A Cerios MPV [Decommissioned]
Created by Official Zealiux
This is the Cerios line of Light and very nimble Rovers used by the UFOP MP's hence the designation to get around and apprehand possible suspects the rover has a custom flash pattern with 3 stage lighting and a siren set up to show that you mean business t...
UFP C-024-B Stryker IFV
Created by Official Zealiux The Stryker IFV has been in service with the Federation Since the expansion of the Stryker Line of armored vehicles. the IVF was the Second of the variants and ...
UFP C-025-B Stryker IAV
Created by Official Zealiux The Stryker IAV has been in service with the Federation Since the expansion of the Stryker Line of armored vehicles. the IAF was the Second of the variants and ...
UFP C-027-A Stryker MRS
Created by Official Zealiux
This rover is a rugged and heavily armored vehicle which can take a serious beating. The frontal face of the vehicle has been reinforced with blast door blocks to insure that extra bit of protection from enemy fire This variant is the Mobile Rocket System ...
UFP C-029-A Stryker MGS
Created by Official Zealiux The Stryker IFV has been in service with the Federation Since the expansion of the Stryker Line of armored vehicles. the IVF was the Second of the variants and ...
Federation Faction Icons
Created by Official Zealiux This mod adds 2 new faction Icons to the list of Logo's usable in game. These are Custom logo's designed by me inspired by the Star trek UFP. ...
UFP C-108-H Drelling_class Light_Destroyer
Created by Official Zealiux The Drellings are the oldests ships still in service and they have seen quite the glory. These ships we're here from the beginning and we're the first ships eve...
UFP C-124-A Thunderer_Class Heavy_Frigate
Created by Official Zealiux The Thunderer Was the Federations answer to the upcoming of more heavily armed raids by pirates in Border regions. The Federation needed a ship with the firepow...
UFP C-187-D Ivion_Class Gunship
Created by Official Zealiux The Ivion is one of the Federations old yet reliable workhorses that is why the Federation Design bureau decided that it was due for a refit and modernization. ...
UFP C-149-C Onimus_Class Patrol_Boat
Created by Official Zealiux The Onimus has been patrolling the Federation for Decades long before the FPD had their own ships. but even today it still remains in service as it can run auto...
Next Gen Impulse Drives
Created by Official Zealiux This is a reworked version of ZÆRO's Impulse Drives Mod Permission was granted Known Bugs/Issues Blocks not showing up in G menu tab Mirroring not working properly ...
UFP C-023-G Stryker APC
Created by Official Zealiux The Stryker APC has been in service with the Federation for a long time. the APC was the First of the variants and has gone through multiple revisions to keep i...
UFP C-S-051 Hexacrate_Class FOB
Created by Official Zealiux The Hexacrate has been in service for a long time serving the Federation well from a battle station during a war to a security station during peace times. The H...
UFP C-079-C Recovery-Grinder
Created by Official Zealiux The Ivex class have seen a lot action and a lot of unpleasant sights. the Ivex is the ship you send in to try to recover the materials and the wreckage of a shi...
UFP C-008-C Jurset ARV
Created by Official Zealiux The Jurset is a relatively new ship in the Federations arsenal. It was designed to fill a dangerous role that required a quick yet small ship with a long range....
UFP C-P-009-A Jurset APV
Created by Official Zealiux The Jurset was recently refit by the FPD. it was refit to be able to scout out an area for a police operation Without having to Risk the lives of the officers. ...