Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

132 ratings
How to behave in Casual Matchmaking.
By Doktor Obvious #FixTF2
I hate that I have to make this but whatever. Here are some steps you can do to be a better/nicer player online.

  • Step 0: Select the right game:
    It may just be my imagination but people tend to leave Halo CE matches very early due to it being such a old and maybe undesireable game to play. If that's the case please select the games you actually want to play instead of leaving the ones you accidantly get matched into.

  • Step 1: Don't crash:
    If you have frequent crash issues, please try to fix them instead of ignoring them. Sometimes it's dependend on Windowed vs. Fullscreen or even the damn resolution. This game isn't greatly optimized. Please ask around in the Forums or send a support ticket. These people are always really nice and helpfull.

  • Step 2: Don't quit:
    Matches aren't always balanced. As a matter of fact, in casual, they usually just aren't. But you don't help anyone but yourself by leaving your team behind. You just make the match even more of a pain for the rest of them. And please especially don't leave in the first 2 minutes just because the enemy team stole your vehicles. Matches can turn around. And a loss may be a loss but you can still kick some serious Spartanbutt until the end. Btw I'll but AFK-ing into here too. It's usually ok but if you know you gotta take long, maybe consider telling your team and leave. This would be the one time quitting would be acceptable.

  • Step 3: Attitude:
    This should be clear to everyone but for the love of Marty O'Donnel please don't scream, harrass or excessively swear at your or the other team. You aren't helping the situation. Be grateful halo has such a silent community that noone Taunts you with slurs after killing you unlike other online communities (*cough* TF2).

  • Step 4: Make new friends:
    Sounds harder than it is. Especially people who make callouts in vc tend to be the nicest. If you add these people to your friendslist, which you sadly can only do over the janky Xbox app, you won't be so alone on your trashy team anymore. The more friends you have to play with, the more fun it'll be. That's the oldest Trick in the book.

  • Step 5: Manners:
    Pops Ghostly once said: "Regardless of Win, Loss or Tie always say gg"

    Ok so maybe this helped anyone. Maybe not. These are just my opinions of behaviour online. Thanks and have fun.
Ostro 30 May @ 9:02pm 
If only finding Halo 2, 3 Infection Matches at Night Time were so easy... :MCCSWORD::MCCHELMET:
Slacxa 28 May @ 10:18pm 
just dont shoot me with an ar all game for no reason
Rhodesia 27 May @ 4:12pm 
shut up pussy
NinjaHamsters101 26 May @ 5:09am 
Majority of the time I will type a "gg" in Text-to-Speech via through the text chat. But even then, I will still receive hate for doing so. Even then, I type "gg" anyways regardless of the situation.
Prophet 15 May @ 11:54pm 
It's casual, anything goes.
cmdr Salamandr 2 12 May @ 11:44am 
I wish gaming in general was more casual nowadays, one of my favorite moments I've had in this game was in Halo 3 when I turned a corner to a guy, missed 2 consecutive plasma grenades, we both looked at each other, then we tbagged and went on our ways.
The Chocobo Racer 6 Oct, 2021 @ 8:37pm 
It takes you 30 seconds to hit two buttons? Yikes
The Chocobo Racer 6 Oct, 2021 @ 4:40am 
Nah, I'm just practicing. Took me like 30 seconds to type that out lol
The Chocobo Racer 5 Oct, 2021 @ 9:19pm 
Story and Music of reach is something I can agree with. Well, story not so much because of the massive retcons caused by Reach and the poor characterization of certain characters, but the music kinda slapped
The Chocobo Racer 5 Oct, 2021 @ 9:18pm 
generic modern gambling lootbox game? Despite the lack of lootboxes and the game not imitating the gameplay of anything else on the market? Braniac over here. Also, what was wrong with Reach is the same thing that was wrong with H3, but multiplied. Imbalance.

Now, instead of having 1 shitty equipment and the rest just wildly changing the combat scenario with 0 indication to the opposing player, you get 3 shitty armor abilities and 3 god tier armor abilities that either break the map design or completely invalidate gunfights. Then you have sprint, which mixes it up and does both those things. How Grand!

Not to mention the terrible weapon balancing compounded with literally the worse random weapon spread in the series due to Bloom. H3 only gets a pass because it actually manages to pull off its sandbox (after one accepts that the BR is superior to every other non-power weapon)