Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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国产第三方战役地图合集。如果创意工坊还有其它国产地图还会添加进去 ,建议收藏!
  • 底部连接的地图存在多部分的地图附件(Part 1/Part X)必须全部分订阅
  • 包括国人大佬做的复刻地图如:异度神召(Divine Cybermancy)、 白森林(White Forest)、  噩梦之屋2(Nightmare House2)、 半条命2:17号高速公路(Half-Life 2: Highway 17)、   重返莱温霍姆(Back To Ravenholm)、半条命2(Half Life 2)66关、  恐怖奶奶(Granny)、 路至深渊(Road to Deep)、    深邃恐惧症(Deep Phobia)、   大坝危机(Reservoir)、  公主岛战役(princess island battle)、     【崩坏3rd】主线第六章:巴比伦的囚徒。    
  • 万里(Wan li)、死路(Blight Path)、方氏(True FangShi)、留在中国(Left in China)、    死亡终点(Dead Destination)、这些图为什么不在合集,因为只是中国风的地图不是国产地图...

提示: 复刻地图: 噩梦之屋2(Nightmare House2) 也需要下载材质包的但是创意工坊并没有上传,只能在网盘分享了https://pan.删baidu.除com/s/1d8ySCfadfHddDpl4YEs6bg 密码: 0118      材质包安装方法:
    将"[必装]materials+models.7z"解压至X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\hl2
提示: 深邃恐惧症、路至深渊、大坝危机,需要下载材质纹理包的请到底部合集里面订阅,        infra材质包 - infra models and textures 1~8,8个纹理材质包全部都要订阅。
                                             提示:【崩坏3rd】第六章:巴比伦的囚徒 重制版(包括困难模式) 两张地图都是需要订阅资源包的,  订阅2个[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon(Remake)Resource Pack Part.1 ~ Part.2

提示:有一些国产地图,作者并没有上传到创意工坊只能在 ‘橙子网’ 或者外网 ‘gamemaps’ 去下载。
                                                                                          更新:2022.09.10号 增加23张地图。正常图少,坑图较多。想玩坑图建议多人联机,因为是真的很坑(建议订阅管理员Mod或者插件,再去游玩坑图)
                                             更新:2023.05.10号 整理地图与新增一些地图(包括66关的复刻图"半条命2"),依旧是坑图的比较多.                                              更新:2023.11.15号 整理地图、添加一些国产地图(国产坑图),,,国产坑图建议多人联机游玩。                                              更新:05.20号 新增新国产地图重新上架的国产地图。[质量图 广西-南宁,广州增城旧版本上架,故乡地图回归,噩梦之屋2(Nightmare House2)已有作者上传整个材质包,无须去网盘下载材质包了]地图:广西-南宁 进地图页面一起订阅必需物品(3个PART)                                  
      (底部链接:国外第三方战役地图,图荒的小伙伴也可以收藏一下去游玩)                         -     https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2629589493                                                                                                                                                                                                    -                                        05.20...
Vật phẩm (173)
Farewell Chenming
Tạo bởi ŠĦĪFŦ
The 4 survivors known the Chen Ming city is the final evacuation sites, they had to go through untold hardships to the town square from a road, a small town, they can see the dawn of the second day? enjoy campaign v3.0 Fixed finale level lag v4.0 More know...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Tạo bởi 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
Tạo bởi 爱都有罪love
增城2制作交流群 222803934...
南宁市-蝴蝶桥NanningCity_Hudieqiao v1.1
Tạo bởi HerobrineAce
/////////////////// - 这是一张只有一关的地图,支持战役模式和生还者模式 - 它是我刚刚学做图的时候做的,还原南宁-科德桥,当然不是很像,叫蝴蝶桥好了 - 我已经花费一天修复了已知BUG,希望你能玩的开心 - 战役Map butterfly_bridge 生还者模式Map butterfly_bridge survival //////////////////// - This is a map with only one level, which supports coop mode ...
南宁市-西乡塘区-心圩街 v1.8
Tạo bởi HerobrineAce
这是一张还原我附近地方的地图。这是一年前做的,那时候因为技术不成熟放弃了,今天,我将这张地图重新打磨了一遍,虽然只有第一关,祝你玩得开心,推荐难度:写实专家.打普通没5分钟就过了。控制台建图可以输入:Map Naning_City_Xinxu_Street_m1 支持模式:战役,生还者模式 This is a map of my neighborhood. It was made a year ago. At that time, it was abandoned because of immature t...
Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (Reset Version)
Tạo bởi HerobrineAce
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - This map is difficult. Please protect your teammates! - Four survivors came to the power school and decided to find a way out. - There are four maps in total, one of which is the survival mode. Due t...
Tạo bởi JohNny.R
大更新,可以打专家了,大大的缩减了地图包的大小,修复了一些bug,美化了一点点环境,删除了自定义武器。物资在屋子里多找找(冰箱里)图内含有止痛药及M60和女巫MOD开房前请打好防冲突 开启机关前可以先看看地形做好防御尸潮的准备。第二关门钥匙在电动车屋子喷子的屌上。最后感谢各位的赞助,感谢长远の梦远程指导,谢谢。另外不要玩老版本了。 ...
Tạo bởi Aiden锋锋
V1.9 剧情: 生还者们乘坐的改装面包车被迫停在了山路上,为求生路他们必须设法寻求道路。在一路下山的探索后,他们在一个小楼中度过了晚上。隔日,当太阳升起时,他们再次出发,幸运的是他们取得了军队的联系,只要前往停机坪即可,4人历经凶猛的尸潮进攻后终于见到救援直升机,可却被意料之外的坦克摧毁。情急之下他们只得暂时另辟蹊径,从城市发达的下水系统中前往避难所。四通八达的下水系统也不安宁,一路沿着复杂的下水处理系统探索,他们找到一处水闸,然而就在水闸下降后,只听“砰”的一声,整个环境的电力系统瘫痪了!!水流不受控制...
生还之锋-重制版(fos_remake) V6
Tạo bởi Aiden锋锋
6.0调整了药的位置,使之不会刷在非主要道路中,修复了对抗下一部分不同模式的触发会冲突导致的bug。 全新的生还之锋地图,可以和旧版共存。更新点和特性详见介绍: 视频介绍: --------------------------------- B站介绍视频 --------------------------------- 总体调整: 1,所有关卡支持战役,药役,对抗模式 2,药役和对抗模式的坦克数量固定为1,救援为2 3,所有关卡的广告纹理进行了焕然一新的重置 4,增加了大量的彩蛋和隐藏内容 5,修改了关卡...
Tạo bởi TaigaAi
第二张对抗地图 ======Notice====== ①每张地图都会有1“tank”1“witch”; ②添加了自定义的模型与tank音乐; Thanks for your playing! 更新: 救援关添加了对话机的位置提示; 修改了第二关和第三关的路程分 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2446096712128702181/526FF3315655932B9CFA5D220C91DFF5B11874CB/?imw=5000&imh=5000&im...
Tạo bởi TaigaAi
修补对抗模式的bug另传的地图! 修改了每关的环境,提升了几关的水效果! 这张图是为对抗模式专门修改的版本,战役也可以使用,不过不能和旧版放在一起,必须保留其中一个! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2446096712128702181/526FF3315655932B9CFA5D220C91DFF5B11874CB/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&lett...
No Echo Remastered V1.01
Tạo bởi ty
This map is a remake version of "No Echo" which was removed. It's version 1.01. A lot of bugs were fixed. We have been on the highway for 30 miles and the signs indicate that we are about to arrive at Crescent City ahead. Unluckily, the road into the city ...
Tạo bởi LunarMeal
This map is my first map. It lasted six months from April to October. The map is still in beta. It will be updated later to solve some bugs and add some optimizations. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for your visit....
Alley War (1.2)
Tạo bởi 桃李果树
The alley is the only way to escape the city. ========================================================================================== This is my fist original campaign, simple routes and random routes, have fun! If you find any bugs, please remind me in...
旅行日Trip Day
Tạo bởi TaigaAi
这是我第一次制作的地图,一开始想要自己制作一张适合对抗的地图于是就学习hammer然后做出来了。。。 这张地图可能有一些细节或者光照上的瑕疵,但本人能力有限无法尽力解决,请见谅。 由于做图初衷是为了对抗,因此战役模式会有安全室bug,也不想改了,但不会影响到游戏体验的放心吧。 本图由生还者四人从郊野到达城市,搭乘航班逃离的故事。途径火车站、农场、下水道,回到野外,进入商城到达加油站。 百度网盘下载地址:{ĐƯỜNG DẪN BỊ XÓA} 最后希望大...
Land of oblivion V2.71
Tạo bởi 月兔鸽
Number of chapters: 5 Recommended difficulty: normal It took one year to create this graph 👍 Thank you for your support~ map threedays01 map threedays02 map threedays03 map threedays04 map threedays05 ———————————————————————————— 22023.5.7 v2.71 Thank you ...
致小玉Love letter to Yu
Tạo bởi 佐伊未婚夫
这是单关版本 不过我把它和合肥整合在了一起,叫 Connection ,开黑建议玩这个 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2954957527 map llty only one chapter I have combined this with "hefei" , which I created last year. You can download the combined version. https://steamcommu...
连接 Connection (part 1/2)
Tạo bởi 佐伊未婚夫
订阅并下载完 “两个” 文件后如果模型纹理缺失请重启游戏!!!! 这不是一张新地图,我把之前做过的两张地图(合肥、致小玉)合在了一起。也可以去gamemaps上下载未分P版本。搜索 "Connection" Restart the game after subscribing the “two" parts if the models don't load in game !!!! Actually, this is not a new campaign, I combined "hefei" with "...
连接 Connection(part 2/2)
Tạo bởi 佐伊未婚夫
订阅并下载完 “两个” 文件后如果模型纹理缺失请重启游戏!!!! 这不是一张新地图,我把之前做过的两张地图(合肥、致小玉)合在了一起。也可以去gamemaps上下载未分P版本。搜索 "Connection" Restart the game after subscribing the “two" parts if the models don't load in game !!!! Actually, this is not a new campaign, I combined "hefei" with "...
Confused I Nightma RE
Tạo bởi 秋风扶麦*
The survivors are involved in a strange experiment that is just the beginning of the nightmare... 幸存者们被卷入一次奇怪的实验,而这仅仅只是噩梦的开始。。。 The original work《confusion》;The original author <ZC榨菜>.Remade by authorization, the difficulty is high.It is not recommended to...
Confused Ⅱ Illusions RE
Tạo bởi 秋风扶麦*
无论虚拟还是现实,你都要勇敢向前,奔向黎明。 Whether virtual or real, you have to brave forward, towards the dawn. 在获得原作者<ZC榨菜>的允许,我将《Campaign confusion2》重新制作,目前仍存在许多问题,请将你遇到的问题留言,我会在下次更新中尽量解决。 With the permission of the original author ZC榨菜,i remade confused2, there are still ...
Confused Ⅴ Breakage
Tạo bởi 秋风扶麦*
也许是一个我,也许不止一个我。 Maybe it`s one me,maybe it`s more than one me. 困惑系列第五部,本作是一部练手作品,请酌情体验。 The fifth part of the confused series, this work is a practice work, please experience it as appropriate. 建图代码/Map code map Confused5_m1 map Confused5_m2 map Confused5_...
Confused Ⅳ Regret
Tạo bởi 秋风扶麦*
这次,我们将彻底离开这个疯狂的世界,不留遗憾。 This time, we will leave this crazy world completely without any regrets. 这张地图是我用来测试脚本和一些其他机关的地图,难度极高,有闪退bug,游玩需谨慎。 This map is what I use to test the script and some other organs. It's very hard and has crash bugs. Play with cautio...
Tạo bởi Tinai39
这是我的第一张地图,做的不好,bug较多,但是我目前技术有限,封面也不想做了,希望大家多多包涵,还要感谢我的师傅彼岸花,带我走进作图世界,祝大家玩得愉快 This is my first map. It is not done well and has many bugs. However, my current technology is limited,and I don't want to do the cover anymore, so I hope you can forgive me.Have ...
Fade Orange
Tạo bởi Tinai39
这是我的第二张图,中间三关本是想单独做张橙色的图,但是中间有事耽搁了,现在想开新坑就直接拿来用了。已知bug:部分关卡玩家会活在安全屋外或者摔死,全部死亡之后重新本关可恢复正常。 This is my second map. The three levels in the middle originally wanted to make a complete orange map. But there was a delay in the middle. Now I want to open a new p...
Fade Orange 2 (虚假橙光2完整版)
Tạo bởi Tinai39
There may be some bugs, but I hope you have a good time. This time, the drawing is biased towards the maze,enjoy. This has 5 chapter,and I can't modify content in workshops,shit bug ! 地图定位为坑向+半迷宫,游玩的时候请谨慎。 map fdorange2_m1 map fdorange2_m2 map fdorange2_m3...
Black Mist
Tạo bởi Tinai39
The town has been shrouded in black mist. Escape! 小镇被迷雾笼罩,赶紧逃脱! 这是我第一次尝试做冲锋的救援,可能会有bug,希望你们玩的开心。 特别鸣谢,烈峰老师,ty老师,晨浅虪醒 已经更新1.2版本,如果有bug和建议可以继续提,后续会统一继续修改。 Version 1.1 has been updated. If there are bugs and suggestions, you can continue to put forward them, ...
Tạo bởi Tinai39
原来在工坊发了个m1叫秘密点,觉得太土了,正好之前做过个黑迷雾,懒得起名字,所以成品直接叫白迷雾了,图中没有雾,图与图名不符,图名只是图个乐。 第二关第三关门外门内可能都有4个包,因为测试的时候有人反馈安全屋不刷包。 有bug随缘修吧,收款码也是图一乐。 地图无敌点bug很多,可能影响游玩体验 The following is the machine translation above .Casually titled,Easy map Originally, I sent an M1 called sec...
雪迷雾(Snow mist)
Tạo bởi Tinai39
简单的两关图,还没做完,不用在意地图名称,只是不想起,契合之前做过上传的地图而已。 比较垃圾,随便玩玩就好, 不喜欢也不要喷我,喷我就哭。 Simple map. Don't care about the name of the map. 2 maps,not finished,to continue. 无限期停更,在做别的新图,或者去我主页体验别的垃圾图 Stop updating indefinitely, working on a new map,Or go to my page to experie...
Along the south
Tạo bởi 翼大王
This is a simple map. Don't be serious. Play with a free heart. Special thanks to Xing Hun(the poster maker) There may be something wrong but it's okey for you to play. You'd better not use instructions to start the map because the poster may be not loaded...
on the other side of the riverside
Tạo bởi 翼大王
name:zaishuiyifang author:A_Asheep type:coop/versus brief info:The survivors sailed to the other side of the river, however, what is waiting for them? ...
yigao school v1.0
Tạo bởi やまだ
a school map this map is made for commemorate my high school where I graduated ^_^ I upload some image of this school as you can see. map ygschool_01 map ygschool_02 hint: teaching building: 高一 七班 (Senior Grade One class seven) On the first floor, safe hou...
新青中学 v2.0(xinqing school map v2.0)
Tạo bởi cnm胆先生
关于地图: 第一次做图,虽然沉淀了9个月但还是很烂,我自己都这么觉得,本图一共两个章节,物资放的并不是很多难度不是很高,但不建议开很高的难度,救援关有bug有可能会导致卡关,作者还没搞懂怎么修复<_<另外不建议单人游玩,因为我是新手nav做的很差,单人玩bug多一点地图虽然不大,还原度还算可以 (至少我自己这么觉得)总的来说基本还原目的还是达到了,地图中我藏了非常多的彩蛋,大家请以娱乐的心态去体验,我的地图没法和人家的比,最后祝大家游玩愉快!! 如遇上bug请qq联系我:“1594514211" b站全流程...
(coop) LostSchool 战役地图:逃离学院
Tạo bởi Sapphire
The author is me This is my school~ map lost map lostschool_2 map lostschool_3 welcome to play~ ...
停留在彼岸的夏天1 V3.1
Tạo bởi 彼岸花
地图信息: 把以前的作品【彼岸】小修复一下,排序缝合起来的作品(没错,我副业是炒米粉的),未完成作品不定期更新... 提示:本地图可游玩时间短&非正常地图&非风景向地图,介意慎入。有地图问题可以评论区留言,有能力修复会去修 提示:本地图提示基本全在聊天框内提示,需要注意部分服务器端可能会屏蔽该消息! 地图代码: map summer01_0 map summer01_1 map summer01_2 map summer01_3 更新信息: 2023/10/21 V2.2 更新:缝合M1&M2完成; 202...
停留在彼岸的夏天2 v0.1
Tạo bởi
2023/02/20: 未完成作品。只有一关过场动画。 2023/10/02: 神隐一段时间......
YangAn(a map)
Tạo bởi 小猫怪⚡
This is my second map. It's not hard to play and there is supply now.(except ammo.) m1:map m1_island m2:map m2_vally m3:map m3_desert m4:map m4_city 10/12/2023 some problems have been solved...
This is just a test.(a map)
Tạo bởi 小猫怪⚡
Very good job,love from NanNing. M1:map p2 M2:map dream_m1 M3:map center...
DeathPark[v1.1 Chapter 1]
So...I enjoy mapping in hammer..Oh..no..what I'm talking about... This is my first l4d2 map,Only one chapter in this map,may be the Fps is low because the map has too much vertex but it still not completed.However,The flow of this map is very long...when p...
The Death of the Journey[Finale]死亡之旅[终关]
Plot:In the face of all kinds of misfortunes, the survivors have been rushing to the rescue road of the military, and they will face a nightmare.This will also be their journey to death? This is a finale chapter, it still need to be improved, so don't blam...
Blood Moon
Tạo bởi axingheqquuy
Hello everyone, this is my first time to make this kind of map. If it's not good, please forgive me. If you find any bugs, please comment on me immediately. All known bugs have been fixed. Takes place on a space resort where an outbreak has occurred. A wee...
Death Town
Tạo bởi axingheqquuy
This is the first time for me to make such a map. Please forgive me. If you have bug, please give me feedback immediately, thank you! In the plot, the survivors basically used up all the supplies in the small town. They heard that there would be a rescue t...
Tạo bởi
very good.you can play with your friend,It's funny!I think you will like this!!!...
Campaign confusion2
Tạo bởi
confusion The confusion series will be continuously upd ated. If you find any bugs, you can talk about it below (I will make a modification) because Xiaocai is about to start school, so the update may take a long time~~...
Tạo bởi
This is my third map, please pay attention to play: ,the fourth pass remember to look for three cards in the house and then open the door, otherwise the door is locked, rescue remember to open the mechanism to start your rescue, also wish you play as fast ...
Tạo bởi
没有大改 随便做来给朋友玩 我修改了一点点东西 https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611112720 ...
Tạo bởi 阿澤
Hukuma midushi
Tạo bởi 阿澤
心血來潮的小圖 A map of Spontaneous Improvisation 只有一張圖 and it only contains one chapter Materials / Sources: 動畫"咒術迴戰"截圖 Screenshot from Jujutsu Kaisen...
Champion Dream 1.10
Tạo bởi 阿澤
請在設置中啟用遊戲指導系統:選項 > 多人遊戲 > 遊戲指導系統,為全部 5 張地圖獲得最佳的遊戲體驗。 Please enable Game Instructor in setting: Options > Multiplayer > Game Instructor for all 5 maps to get the best gaming experience. -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
Return to Castle ZOMBISTEIN 1.14
Tạo bởi 阿澤
請在設置中啟用遊戲指導系統:選項 > 多人遊戲 > 遊戲指導系統,為全部 5 張地圖獲得最佳的遊戲體驗。 Please enable Game Instructor in setting: Options > Multiplayer > Game Instructor for all 5 maps to get the best gaming experience. Materials / Sources: Video Game Music 圖精靈...
Gray RE (WIP)
Tạo bởi 灵空寂灭
Four survivors enter underground ruins accidentally,and they find a white cube wants to trap them forever. Finally they beat the cube and escape . This is a remake of my first l4d2 map and only have m1,so it wont change level normally in the end. Do not pl...
Rescue Dawn
Tạo bởi FangFee
这是我做出的第一张完整的地图!它也是我前一个地图:Sun City的完全重做版 剧情:代四人组从商场开车逃离后遇到了大量废弃车辆,不得不弃车步行,在路上不断寻求救援无果,最后得知在海边的virgil能够带他们离开 四人组需要向海边的旅馆前进,最后登上船只逃离 ...
Tạo bởi MARCO玩家
preface This is my first map. I originally finished it half a year ago, but due to my laziness, I dragged it for nearly two years and didn't finish it. In the end, I didn't really want to do it anymore, so I sent it out hastily This is the map I created af...
Way To Die(Beta V1.5)
Tạo bởi Rage Devil
======================================================== Wait to die,or way to die? HELLO,EVERYONE!I am RD. Welcome to play my first L4D2 map. My original intention for making this map can be said to have originated from the summer of 2021.I made this map ...
Broken Hand / 断手
Tạo bởi 三管会给出答案
Broken Hand / 断手 version:1.1 (2022/6/3 12:26) coop map: bh_z_m1 bh_z_m2 bh_z_m3 bh_z_m5 ...
太阳花田/Garden of the Sun(touhou map)
Tạo bởi 臼春
萌新的第一张地图,制作时间大概300h 警告:本地图为半成品,拥有诸多设计缺陷,不建议游玩。 致其他想要学习的开发者:由于疏忽,源vmf已丢失,但其中的机关技术等我仍然掌握,有需要的可在我的资料下面留言,我会提供实例 如果打不过,请及时调整难度,或者活用管理员工具提升体验。 请不要尝试单人通关此地图,你真的过不去,此图难度是为团队配合而制定的。 提示:如果出现材质丢失(紫黑格子)的情况,请将vpk中的bsp文件移动至游戏目录下的left4dead2/maps文件中下即可解决 This is my first...
Spurned (Part 1)
Tạo bởi Thomas King XXX
Taken from Gamemaps - https://www.gamemaps.com/details/27572 - All rights reserved to QiuFengFuMai. The survivors are evacuated by the military and are forced to stop the train in an unknown place along the way, which hides a terrifying secret. . . ////幸存者...
Flippin Dead:prequel
Tạo bởi 发了
????? ?? ?????LilSaint ???? ????map l4d2_ls_1_building_part_1 ????map l4d2_ls_1_building_part_2 ????map l4d2_ls_1_building_part_3...
Dead End
Tạo bởi Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: cool77 at Crazydog This is my first map.It took a long time,so,enjoy it.My English is not good.thanks. ...
Crashing Day Part A
Tạo bởi Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Upload By ty and MinecraftBadPig03 i Delete Cut scenes Map other...
Be just round the corner
Tạo bởi Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: shimizuyui and -刻骨铭心- 清水 ...
(在黃昏時) At the gloaming (v2 fixed)
Tạo bởi Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Add Fix Stringtable Author: 浮夸少年(Exaggerated boy) 這張地圖不是我創建的。 這張地圖是一個名叫「浮誇少年」的人創作的...
Dark Tide 3.0
The Tsunami City (v2 Fixed)
Tạo bởi Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: QiuFengFuMai Add Fix Stringtable 基于原版的修改版本,它更简单(大概),并且不会再有更新。 Based on a modified version of the original, it's simpler (presumably) and won't be updated again. 【海啸城市系列第二部】...
The Tsunami City : Dark Tide V1.6
Tạo bởi Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Author: QiuFengFuMai After the tsunami hit, survivors fled to the roof of the building, seeking rescue in the sea and the tide of zombies... Map Code ttc_m1_college ttc_m2_roof ttc_m3_mall This is a consolidated version of “The Tsunami City” and “Dark Tide...
Hong Kong - Campaign Beta
Tạo bởi hihi1210
This is still unfinished... BUT WE WILL REMAKE HONG KONG CAMPAIGN. More News Later if you subscribed to the old version , please unsubscribe the old version 如果你訂閱了舊版本,請取消訂閱舊版本 Old version ( Left 4 Dead 2 Custom Campaign * Unfinished ) Folding Chair (replac...
Hong Kong Campaign 2019
Tạo bởi WKG
Description: A l4d2 Custom Map based on HK situation in 2019. Map modified based on Hong Kong - Campaign Beta Credit : Poster made by sapphire4890 P.S. i did not make this, hihi1210 asked me to upload this Feel free to be mad...
Tạo bởi HerobrineAce
The map of Arizona, which was created on a whim, cannot to play and can only be used to view the scenery. It is divided into day and night versions. ...
BossAquarius - bossfight
Tạo bởi rushian
-you need a minimally powerful pc to be able to play the map -necesitas un pc minimamente potente para poder jugar el mapa Para que sepas exactamente lo que se supone que debes hacer. Si está confundido, debe disparar a la parte giratoria dentro de su "boc...
Tạo bởi 果子哥
This is my first map. It has been conceived for a long time. It is a relatively pitted picture. It may not be a good picture, but the novice said that he did his best. This map was made because I was playing with my friends. Under the flag to do the map, i...
Secret Operation v1.6
Tạo bởi Masamaru
The military found four survivors with antibodies and hoping that they can go to a technology company which has been fallen to obtain research results on zombies. They began their journeys without hesitation under the official instructions, but they were c...
Tạo bởi 小心咕噜灵波
box??no 简单说明:1.在12秒内按机关开门逃跑,武器能拿但要争分夺秒。 2.按机关把tank关在外面,第一堆妹子附近有钱能买火瓶解决第二堆妹子,注意脚下和其他东西 3.三条小路有机关联动,中间要跳舞过去 4.按了打针就溜吧 5.小心脚下,小心脚下,小心脚下 6.救援关貌似有不能顺利通关的bug,介意请跳过。 7.以上,谢谢你...
Tạo bởi 小心咕噜灵波
Tạo bởi 小心咕噜灵波
至第二关 猛男请走最左边第一个门,欧皇请走第二个门,武器大师请走第三个门,摸鱼请走最后一个门,每条路线都有机关联动,请助力每一个你看到的机关。(ps:如果人多,推荐4人分线路玩。) 一号门,如果技术过硬,推荐近战四刀流(真猛男) 二号门,有一条无触发机关的线路,欧皇,开始你的选择! 三号门,请找到联动机关并启动(如果迷路,高处的队友可以指挥帮助),然后走出迷宫汇合 四号门,下面隐藏了什么?蓝白色...胖次!不是,是开启的方法。 萌新制作的第二张地图,have a good time~ 不足的地方请包涵,3Q...
Tạo bởi 嘻哈冲锋
《Taiji》2014 The survivors' plane crashed in a mountain forest and found that it was a lost Taiji martial arts platform. I wonder if the grandmaster can hear the survivors' voice for help?...
Tạo bởi 嘻哈冲锋
《somefun》2013 The survivors embarked on the journey to the forgotten temple. After the training of jumping and corpse tide, they cleaned up the statues of six special infected who defiled the temple, and finally awakened the temple guard to escape. An old ...
Silk Road
Tạo bởi Alice sentence
In XXX (unknown dimension), the zombie virus broke out all over the world, and the Chinese Empire fell. Survivors heard that there were survivors in the distant "thirty-six countries of the Western Regions", so they assembled an organ car and took her to t...
qiuming city
Tạo bởi A/Z
chinese city This map has some difficulties:D advise normal difficulty,unless more than two players are playing. map code: beta_thecity1 azcity_senter azcity_new_street azcity_end...
My first map Its kind of difficult sorry guys I will make more maps Of course will be more easy and beautiful xd...
看标题 懂的都懂 因为大家都把这个节目叫做跳水 所以难度比较高 迫真...
potu (Remake)
Tạo bởi pear
Since the potu was originally made with many shortcomings, it was remade. There will be puppets on the map that will shoot, which is not suitable for playing with AI, This is not a trap map...
Tạo bởi pear
This is a trap map, which is unacceptable. Please do not download it. It is recommended that you do not bring a bot. Please bring your own friends...
Tạo bởi pear
这是一张以一个个小游戏为主的地图,主要成分为坑,趣味,不喜欢坑图的不建议尝试 此外如果进不去的话,大概率是和插件冲突!! 推荐人数4-8人,难度高级 This is a map mainly composed of small games, with the main components being pits. It is fun and not recommended to try if you don't like pit maps In addition, if you cannot enter, ...
Tạo bởi Sirius
"huichuang" is a four chapters of the campaign map by a chinese author "SuperHui". Each chapter does not have any relation, but it shows the author's attempts in different directions when making the map. The first chapter is in a city's streets, survivors ...
Tạo bởi superhui
A year later, the author "SuperHui" brought a new work?huichuang2?. The author has copied the appearance of his school buildings to the game well, and added a lot of novel secret rooms, which I believe will not disappoint the players. If "huichuang1" is an...
异世界之旅 mysterious world tour
Tạo bởi 科比(耐摔王)
幸存者受到神秘游戏机的召唤,无意间进入了游戏机的世界,这里危机四伏,他们能够逃离吗? 地图属于冒险类地图,难度较高,试做地图,不喜勿喷. ---感谢@烈锋的技术帮助--- Survivors by mysterious game box call, inadvertently into the game world, here the crisis everywhere, can they escape ? This is an adventure map, with higher difficulty, ...
洞穴前传 cave tour 0
Tạo bởi 科比(耐摔王)
讲述了幸存者们进入洞穴之前的事情。 推荐难度:困难-专家。 关卡代码:cave0_mX (X是1,2,3)...
洞穴之旅 cave tour 1
Tạo bởi 科比(耐摔王)
幸存者们意外的落入到一个洞穴之中,他们能否逃离呢? 地图属于半解密地图,环境漆黑,难度较高,试做地图,不喜勿喷。 6关卡,难度建议:困难以下。 ---感谢@烈锋的技术帮助---- The survivors accidentally fall into a cave. Can they escape? This map is a semi-decryption map, dark environment, higher difficulty, trying map, if you do not like ,...
洞穴之旅2-轮回 cave tour 2
Tạo bởi 科比(耐摔王)
洞穴之旅的续作,幸存者们在城市中的地下室中发现了前往地下的暗门,经过一段恐怖旅程的幸存者们又会是什么结局. 地图较为恐怖,不建议单人游戏,感谢烈锋的帮助. 建图代码:cave2_mX (X是关卡数字) 12月份:cave tour前传和 cava tour3-重生两幅地图 制作中...
洞穴之旅3-重生 cave tour 3
Tạo bởi 科比(耐摔王)
幸存者在一次意外中误入了阴森洞穴中,卷入了阴阳之间的斗争,历经阴间、阳间最终回到人间得以重生。 感谢烈锋大佬的技术支持 难度较高,建议多人游戏及服务器游戏 不建议单人带电脑NPC以及200h以下萌新游戏。 推荐难度:简单及普通以下 cave4制作中...
洞穴之旅4墓 -cave tour 4 beta
Tạo bởi 科比(耐摔王)
幸存者从古墓出来之后感染了尸毒,需要在古墓中将尸毒去除,偶然得知山区废弃殡仪馆内有一座古墓踪迹,前去寻找解毒方法,结果发现了更加恐怖的场景….. (A路线5章节地图) 本地图极其诡异,难度极高 ////推荐难度:简单//// 建议开黑进行游戏,不建议带人机进行游戏, ////建议游戏时长:500小时//// 感谢@烈锋的技术支持 还有3-4关在开发中 Survivor is infected corpse poison after coming out from tomb, need is in tomb ...
洞穴之旅5-鬼(cave tour5)
Tạo bởi 科比(耐摔王)
幸存者一行人醒来后发现他们来到了在阴间的某个地方,寒冷的天气让他们不得不往雪山深处探索,一步步的前进,等待他们的是什么呢? - - - - - - - 提示:本地图为双路线地图,路线短的难度较低,路线长的难度较高,不建议单人游戏,建议在多人服务器游戏 推荐难度:简单难度普通模式 除了l4d2中文网.co以外可以转载 -------------------- 建图代码 map code: cave5mX (X=level num) -------------------- The survivors woke...
洞穴之旅6-幻境-上(cave tour 6 - A)
Tạo bởi 科比(耐摔王)
地图介绍:幸存者寻找“它”的根源,来到了鬼森林中寻找线索,意外进入了地下洞穴,开始怀疑自己现在所处的是虚幻还是现实....... 难度推荐:8-16人,普通以下,不要带bot,自动复活,近战不要锁伤害。 关卡难度: 常规地图★★★★,m1-m5★★★★★★★, m6-m9★★★★★★★★★,m10★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 建图指令:cave6mX 洞穴之旅6-幻境-下(作者去现充了,完结了) m8.9.10为下篇章热身章节 国内第三方战役群:592588233 83272131...
The DISTINCTIVE Map Version 2.5.6
Tạo bởi 大康
This update mainly to optimize the map performance and fix some bugs. And, after this update, the map support all of base modes(Co-op, Versus, Survival, Scavenge) of Left 4 Dead 2. So, you can play most of mutation modes, like "Ironman", "Nightmare", "Taaa...
The DISTINCTIVE Map 2 Beta Channel (V0.6.1)
Tạo bởi 大康
This channel used to release the beta version. The version number on the title represents the current version. Current Version: 0.6.1 Welcome to leave a message in the comment area. Please check the change description for update details. NON-FINAL VERSION ...
Tạo bởi 晨晨
this is easy map map kk1 map kk2 map kk3...
Tạo bởi 晨晨
Tạo bởi 晨晨
coop one map 此地图为我早前作品,应该是最简单的了...
Tạo bởi 晨晨
砚州 建图命令: map tiwei map yanzhoudao map yanzhoushatan map shatan map dongxue map shanding...
Tạo bởi 晨晨
本次砚州地图路线向左,讲述了幸存者们所在的地方感染了丧尸病毒,必须要逃离这里 ______________________________________________________________________ 建图代码: map yanzhounight_tiwei map yanzhounight_duhe map yanzhounight_baogonci map yanzhounight_underground ________________________________________...
Tạo bởi 晨晨
this is my first maps...
Tạo bởi 晨晨
Map name: special task Background story: the survivors boarded the plane, ready to go to a safe place, but in the middle of the people on the plane were infected, the plane landed in a desert, the survivors must go through the thick and the horror of the O...
特殊任务2(special task 2)4.0
Tạo bởi 晨晨
Survivors'plane crashed in the middle of the way. They crashed into a desert. But it wasn't a desert. It was just a desert after the city was deserted. They accidentally entered a mysterious building. They went into a research center in ceda. They caught s...
special task3【特殊任务3】
Tạo bởi 晨晨
The story continues with special mission 2, where survivors escape in tanks and come to the institution and discover the plot map verson:1 Drawing command: map st3_1 map st3_2 map st3_3 map st3_4 map st3_5 map st3_6 —————————————————————————————————— 故事延续特...
Tạo bởi 晨晨
Map copy single game Granny,map version:3.0 Fixed missing wall map Fixed missing watermelon models and maps This map is declassified to the map, I hope you like it 地图复刻自单机恐怖游戏:恐怖奶奶,地图版本:3.0 修复了墙贴图缺失的问题 修复了西瓜模型和贴图的缺失 —————————————————————————— 本地图为解密向地图,希望大...
净水处理厂Water Treatment Plant
Tạo bởi TaigaAi
原图infra,移植加修改进求生之路2里。 半成品地图!!游玩性很低!!不再完善!!移植此图仅仅是作者自己的意愿,适合拿来看看风景,逛街图。 没有空气墙,你想去哪里如你所愿!没有救援,只有1个无限尸潮的机关在办公室2楼的控制室。 游玩此图前不要忘记下载模型纹理包。 s/1lcb1lcDPHU5qtt9J0jAEJQ cp6v ...
MDZ(part 1)
Tạo bởi TaigaAi
这张地图还未完工,目前只有前2关,并不代表最终效果! This map is not complete,only 2 missons! 每关章节都会有1个克和至少1个妹! 感谢各位玩家的游玩,如果喜欢或者有建议可以评论一下! THX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 百度网盘 1erHtoEWQmrZVQX20Aa8TEQ b92r...
深邃恐惧症Deep Phobia v2
Tạo bởi TaigaAi
制作的第三张地图,原名mdz,现在终于把后半部分完成了,容量也扩大了无数倍! 这是一张半自制半搬运性质的地图,后半部分借用了同引擎游戏infra(迷路模拟器)的场景。 订阅后还需要下载纹理模型,否则会出现紫格子和error! 材质与模型最新2022.6月网盘链接: s/1-bXOEuhXy06e2kzPJ8LENw tata 最后一关藏有一处小彩蛋,细心的玩家能否找到? The finale chapter have one easter egg,can you find it out? =========...
路至深渊Road to Deep
Tạo bởi TaigaAi
同deepp风格的新复刻图,完整版! 订阅后还需要下载纹理模型,否则会出现紫格子和error! 材质与模型最新2022.6月网盘链接: s/1-bXOEuhXy06e2kzPJ8LENw tata Q:为什么这些图的门都看起来这么窄? A:原游戏模型就是这种尺寸 :( 感谢订阅!!! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2446096712128702181/526FF3315655932B9CFA5D220C91DFF5B11874CB/?imw=5000...
大坝危机Reservoir v1.1
Tạo bởi TaigaAi
原自infra游戏的第三张地图完工!包含了水坝、伐木场、隧道、控制中心四个关卡! 请保证下载地图前还将材质纹理包正确安装后再游玩,否则会出现大量error! 材质与模型最新2022.6月网盘链接: s/1-bXOEuhXy06e2kzPJ8LENw tata 或者订阅下面链接: https://steamproxy.net/workshop/filedetails/?id=2120307247 可能不是最新版本,也许会有部分材质丢失! 更新v1.1: 特感刷新时间30s→60s,刷新数量6→4 ht...
White Forest
Tạo bởi oi
White Forest By ported by Missed Updated: 05/20/16 "Four survivors were riding the train accident occurred near the white forest, they had to trek across multiple regions of the white forest, and finally reach a radio stations and seek help. v2.0 Modify th...
Back To Ravenholm V5.1
Tạo bởi IllusivePie
Mayday, Mayday! Our plane crashed! Damn it! I can't believe the pliot was infected. Oh,God bless him! We need to go to Ravenholm - the only little town! Cvar: map backtoravenholm_v5_01 ............................................... map backtoravenholm_v5_...
Half-Life 2: Highway 17(L4D2) v2.1
Tạo bởi 桃李果树
The survivors were trapped in a dock, they must go through Highway 17 to find the evacuation point and call for help to leave out here. Author: taoliguoshu(editor) Version: 2.1 Warning: The version 2.1 use new materials and models of half-life 2, and may b...
Nightmare House 2 나이트메어 하우스 2 v2
Tạo bởi Sly테린58.PsPH.Epic
Added DLC model at textures Author: LilSaintCN this chinatown 저는 이 지도의 작성자가 아니며 단지 지도를 옮겼을 뿐입니다. 지도 소개: 생존자들은 탈출 중 실수로 차를 뒤집어 혼수상태에 빠졌다. 눈을 떠보니 환상향이 눈앞에 있었다. 그들은 호기심에 모험을 떠났고, 일련의 무서운 사건들을 경험했다. 그들은 겁에 질려 차를 운전했지만 여자귀신에게 끌려가 다시 혼수상태에 빠졌다. 깨어났을 때, 정신병원에서 발견...
【地图】公主岛战役princess island battle V1.2
Tạo bởi fever钟
【更新时间:22.9.8。地图实际完成时间:21.12.29】。这里是根据【双生视界】手游的基础上制作的三方图,也是目前迄今至2.0版本之前的最后一次更新。 很抱歉这个瓶颈期能卡住自己这么长时间,改了又改,优化了又再次优化,机制没问题就是地图布局依旧有欠缺的情况,同时,这在21年的年底最后一次优化三方图的时候就想说的事。从2022年开始全力做好新春会的工作准备,也在同年2月15号发布新春会特供mod到创意工坊后便鸽到现在。 其实就是不敢面对而已……何况这还是用15分钟左右的时间就能打通关的三方图。 可谁能想...
The prisoners of Babylon(Honkai 3rd Chapter VI)
Tạo bởi 遗世紫丁香
You need to type "sv_consistency 0" to the console to let it work(I'll solve it in the next version). Most of the terrain is from a CSGO map, which is made by 一夜回到解放前. I made the particles, navigation mesh, logic entities and background music. The tank is ...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake)
Tạo bởi 遗世紫丁香
This version improves from last version. Major changes: Added plot voices and cut-off animation Added boss Sirin Split into 3 levels Added extra map Map name: h3c6m1, h3c6m2, h3c6m3 Animations, voices, models and textures are mainly extracted from Honkai I...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake) Hard ver.
Tạo bởi 遗世紫丁香
Origin ver. Map name: h3c6xm1, h3c6xm2, h3c6xm3 The major changes: Removed all the cut scene animations and voices Simplified the route of map 1 Cut the damage of the turrets to 25% in the end of map 1 Added much health of the shield of sirin in map 2 Remo...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake) Resource Pack Part.1
Tạo bởi 遗世紫丁香
This is the resource pack of <Honkai 3rd Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon>, containing materials, sounds, models and particles...
[Honkai 3rd] Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon (Remake) Resource Pack Part.2
Tạo bởi 遗世紫丁香
This is the resource pack of <Honkai 3rd Chapter VI: The prisoners of Babylon>, containing materials, sounds, models and particles....
寂静时分:2-码头 Dead Air:2-Wharf
Tạo bởi HerobrineAce
已将死亡丧钟4人上船之后的后续做了出来,解释了为何下一个战役是在花房中。 The follow-up after the DeadToll 4 people boarded the ship has been made, which explains why the next battle is carried out in the flower house. 进入安全屋后你将进入下一关,由官方制作,因为此地图只在第一关增加了码头。 After entering the safe house, you wi...
静寂时分-前传/DeadAir-Prequel V1.0 (重置版)
Tạo bởi HerobrineAce
(重置版/Reset Version) //////////////////////////////////////// - 此地图根据L4D漫画而改编,讲述了生还者们坐船离开小镇后的故事,到下一关地图的静寂时分,你可能会疑惑:船呢?船长呢?为什么我会出生在花房???官方漫画设定生还者们被船长赶下船了,所以我就按官方的漫画进行了地图还原,这是重置版,我以前做过此地图,但不太完善,现在我花了将近一天时间来重置此地图,希望你玩的开心,不喜欢此地图的不必刻意在评论区里骂我,不然你就是个傻卵玩意。 ////////...
Tạo bởi 夜半尖叫
Author yebanjianjiao.Map's name may mean"what's this s**t!?"in English.This map suits players who like playing with trap not only zombies.If you just like fighting against zombie and escape.Maybe this map is a junk to you.This map is full of trap which can...
Tạo bởi 夜半尖叫
Troll map.Easier than shenmejb.Again,I suggest the players who don't like tarps never play this map.Shenmejb2 is shorter than shenmejb so that you can finish it quicklier.Teamwork is neccesary.Beacause some traps hurt you from your back.The most important ...
Tạo bởi 夜半尖叫
A campaing of traps. Two maps.Can't play with bots. Admin menu may destroy some key input. Keeping update. If you find BUG, please tell me in comments. If you don't like traps, NEVER DOWNLOAD THIS. The map can crash easily and I can't fix it. Really sorry....
level !v0.5
Tạo bởi 爪巴鱼
注意: 此版本为未完成版!!! 此版本为未完成版!!! 此版本为未完成版!!! 没有架设障碍,后续我会出v1.0版本,他会更好...
Tạo bởi 爪巴鱼
这是这个系列的第二部,have a good time 相比于第一部,他多了救援,制作时间同样是3小时,同样有特殊意义,所以不要狗叫,行吗 pw是自创的一个组织...
逃离pw组织#3 v1.3
Tạo bởi 爪巴鱼
建议多人游玩,单人游玩有些地方无法通关,除非自带管理员插件 以下是通关攻略: m1需要躲避士兵前往小屋通过地道到达m2 m2需要借车冲进组织内部,在此之前你需要去车库的隔壁房间挑战关卡获取金币开启车库门前往m3 m3需要闯关过滑梯到达安全屋(本关难度较大,圆锯那里需要借助圆锯当盾牌逃离对面的枪口) m4需要开启两个机关才能打开那个白色的门,上去后有尸潮和tank,请蹲角落清尸潮,办公室书桌上有个本子,旁边有个密码锁,要干嘛不用多说了 m5需要射击飞机,身后的建筑顶端有大枪,打到二阶段会召唤三只tank,打爆...
Tạo bởi 爪巴鱼
此图为逃离pw组织1,2,3代整合版,修改了大部分关卡,难度偏高,巨婴玩家请勿游玩,请使用相对客观的评论来反馈地图问题(ps:你知道吗,那些明知山有虎偏向虎山行的人都是脑瘫!) 本图作者为:电冰箱,爪巴鱼,tianpool,卑屈人 (本图的pw组织纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合)...
Tank Maze
Tạo bởi axingheqquuy
This is the first map I made. I don't think it's simple. If you don't like it, please don't Tucao. This map is a combination of tank and maze. Wish you have a good time....
Tank Maze 2
Tạo bởi axingheqquuy
This time, the survivors once again encounter a maze. Is it survival or death that awaits them? The first and second levels have short-cut. If there is any problem with the rescue of the third level, please enter ent_fire train_start_relay trigger. I wish ...
Tank Maze 3
Tạo bởi axingheqquuy
Survivors found that the car ran out of gas and had to abandon it. However, the front is a dangerous place. Can they escape from this uninhabited place? In fact, the Tank Maze 3 was released long ago, but I was not satisfied with the last pass, and now it ...
Tạo bởi axingheqquuy
This is a map in favor of entertainment. It's a little bit difficult in some places. It's a three chapter map. The first step is to jump from the birth point to the safety room. Second, don't step on the orange box. Third, use your brain to figure out whic...
Block [方块]
Tạo bởi 晨晨
It took me a couple of days to finish this picture. I've been busy lately map: map fk map fk2 map fk3 map fk4 map fk5 map fk6...
Block2 【方块2】
Tạo bởi 晨晨
Seekord on mu vanaema väga vapper Map version:1.0 Drawing command: map fk2_1 map fk2_2 map fk2_3 map fk2_4 map fk2_5 方块终于迎来了它的续作了,喜欢tank的小伙伴不要错过了 地图版本:1.0 建图命令: map fk2_1 map fk2_2 map fk2_3 map fk2_4 map fk2_5 ...
拜山(Bai mountain)
Tạo bởi 晨晨
Map name: Bai mountain Version: 4 Repair the rescue of a helicopter near the death of a helicopter Repair the bug in the first safety room Background story: the survivors drove through a barren hill. There were many graves. They had to flee, but they got i...
拜山2【bai mountain 2】
Tạo bởi 晨晨
地图名字:拜山2 地图关卡数:12 地图难度:地狱十星★★★★★★★★★★ 地图风格:战役、挑战、boss、多人娱乐 背景故事:幸存者们开车出外游玩,不料发生了交通意外,他们昏迷了,灵魂离开了他们的身体,前方有一道白光,当他们走进去后却发现自己进到了地狱世界,这里有很多亡魂和地狱使者,他们能离开这里回到自己的肉身吗? 作者建议: 1.不建议单人带电脑 2.不建议萌新游玩 3.不建议心脏不好者游玩(本地图有可能造成砸电脑鼠标等不安成分,请三思后游玩) 4.本地图可当娱乐地图或喜欢挑战(抖M玩家)的玩家游玩 5...
Dead Space
Tạo bởi 观星云计算
老铁们,经过努力,我的地图终于制作完成啦!地图有点坑,难度有点大,请各位老铁们玩玩技术哦! This is my first campaign map. It's 5 chapters. It's very difficult, but very interesting! It took more than half a month to finish the map. I hope everyone will support it! This is a real map! If you have any ...
逃逸森林 Fugitive forest
Tạo bởi 观星云计算
幸存者们因为新冠肺炎隔离导致自己家的宝贝狗狗饿了,幸存者们需要前往办公楼里边的地下基地中找到狗粮,然后带走狗粮到达港口乘坐轮船逃逸森林... 整张地图难度较大,对玩家技术和经验方面都是非常大的考验,非常适合喜欢挑战的玩家,如果你喜欢挑战地图,这张地图非常适合你哦~ The survivors' baby dogs are hungry because of isolation from COVID-19. The survivors need to go to the underground base in...
Glacier Challenge-如履薄冰
Tạo bởi 观星云计算
这是一张具有挑战性的地图,此地图不建议单人游玩,请多人游玩(4个人以上),这张地图是一张以跑酷为定义制作的一张地图,难度还是挺高的,建议游戏技术比较高的人进行游玩,当然如果你要单通当我没说(这是你不可能正常单通通过的地图),如果有问题请留言反馈,我看到会修复的,最后祝你玩的愉快! This is a challenging map. It is not recommended to play alone. Please play with more than four people. This map is...
Tạo bởi 观星云计算
This is an orthodox sequel to <GLACIER CHALLENGE>, with a total of 5 chapters. It is biased towards Parkour map, which is very difficult and requires players with very high game skills. It is recommended not to play alone. It is recommended that more than ...
如履薄冰:死亡之路 Glacier challenge: Death Road
Tạo bởi 观星云计算
This is the orthodox sequel of glacier challenge and glacier challenge: extreme pursuit. It is the third work and has four chapters. This is partial to Parkour map, which is very difficult and requires players with very high game skills. It is recommended ...
Tạo bởi 白爥丶
my first map shi keng tu...
Tạo bởi ^w^
My first stupid map ever in l4d2 It's a bad and trolling map dont play it with Touhou stuffs and fumos credits at stage ex And replaced M16, also fixed w model (published in workshop) https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3049136959 any pr...
Tạo bởi Godz
跑图收集金币的游戏,有人给我推过黑暗欺骗,那个游戏我没玩过,也就看了视频,随便模仿一下吧,至于金币为社么是E而不是触碰,单纯是觉得触碰更有游戏性,金币少的原因是实体多了会炸。 修复了开8人房重开后人物复活位置改变的问题,还加了一点复活屋,克的难度没有变最高24个,难1收集16个金币,难2收集26个金币,难3收集36个金币,难4收集52个金币.一共有60个金币。难2开始就要深入地下了。手电光暗的建议使用强光手电。 更新:捡金币依旧没有变,但是克的血量在开纯净服务器的情况下只有1000-1500,因此即便是难4...
tankrun 真·最终修订版
Tạo bởi Godz
管道恐惧 (bushi) Pipe Fear
Tạo bởi Thomas King XXX
Taken from Gamemaps - https://www.gamemaps.com/details/28229 - All rights reserved to QHYL. This is basically a puzzle map, not so much of a troll. Maybe :D Chinese Translation: "It's my first time to make a drawing. I've been learning for a long time and ...
九死一生之小女孩的梦境 V2.6
Tạo bởi jiu mei
left 2 is an open world that allows for any form of existence. If you want to play normally, you can go play landscape maps. I designed this map for multiplayer games, playing happily together, rather than single player games map +++ jiugongchang1 jiugongc...
答辩/dabian 《Holy shit》 V2.6
Tạo bởi 杰罗尼莫
!!!此图极难!!! 大伙们好久不见,这是一张阴间地图,一共七个章节,难度极高,建议简单难度和朋友游玩,非常不推荐单人带电脑游玩,此地图处于2.6阶段,有问题可以留言。 第一关大多数灵感来自呵呵,本人也是老坑图玩家了,酷爱呵呵、哈哈、拜山等阴间图,所以这图也偏向阴间,难度极高。非抖M,没有受虐倾向者请勿游玩,建议看看视频就行。 感谢来自大康老师、MLUI老师、TY老师、晨晨老师的大力帮助,没有他们就没有这张图。 创图代码: map dabian1 map dabian1_5 map dabian2 map ...
Road To Tower + Versus Mode (Map Troll)
Tạo bởi Jaku Cfg
Update: Decreased infected mode and added versus mode. "A five map campaign. Finish the tower if you can" This map is not my Belonging, but since I couldn't find it in the Workshop, I decided to upload it. If in case the map was already published let me kn...
Tạo bởi 春风妩媚*
meet again some day m3作者:曼哈顿咖啡馆 m4作者:晨晨...
Tạo bởi pear
最好是在工坊下最新的老的有卡关BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!) 各位元旦快乐!原本没打算做这张图,只因potu3-5没达到预期,做成了potu4的最终关。此图是potu2的风格。 本张地图带有脚本 幸存者相关:1.M60 榴弹带备弹(子弹打完不换弹会掉地上) 2.倒地爬行 3. 15血才会减速 4.每张图只有单一特感 丧尸相关:1.小丧尸攻击减速更明显 2.虽然单一特感但是强化过 每关会有一两个非必经之路的坑点,和特殊BUFF,部分特殊BUFF会有队友伤害, 特殊BUFF的触发是 鼠标右击(推) 祝大家在新...
Tạo bởi pear
这个版本是potu4:试炼的变态版本(potu4:试炼是平衡过后的版本4-8人)这个版本的内容如下 特感得到超强化 因为有点变态所以做了potu4:试炼平衡版本 特殊BUFF变成当前关卡永久存在,部分BUFF变为间接性失效(因为太无敌比如M4)且会增强, 这个版本非常的难,且刷的特感比试炼更多,部分机关有改动,难度非常大。 请谨慎订阅!!!!!!!!!!!!!你可以当作这个版本是整活向的 关闭多特以享受全部,(也可开启降低难度) 幸存者拉人3秒,拉起来100虚血,更快的爬行速度,M60榴弹无限备弹,如果你想...
trip to hell
Tạo bởi 我在你隔壁姓王
Mengxin pictures, will play 1. The big dinosaurs, triangular dragons, and Gada robot models are derived from the author Zteer, and the second level dinosaur comes from the Legend of Zelda-ZTEER 2. Single -machine play should be fine. Don't play in the case...
trip to hell2
Tạo bởi 我在你隔壁姓王
The second mission: 1. when the bird show up,Shoot it 2.there is no bird,you get hurt,go to the green area 3.when the door open,get in ;shoot tank and go to the green area 4.The laser bird can not be broken,when it show up,you have 300 second,and you will ...
trip to hell3
Tạo bởi 我在你隔壁姓王
Fixed all sections of the dictionary...
Tạo bởi Tinai39
本图是由本人游玩收集的生存图改编绘制路线而来,其中大部分是由作者Lightboy制作的damnation改编而来,未取得原作者授权,该生还者地图制作优秀,有想法的可以去体验一下,因为是由生还图改编,所以图与图之间并没有连贯性。 估计有很多bug,但是我不想修了,已经修了好多天了,比如物资错位,开图发现没包等等。 开图指令: st1_city st2_base st3_lab st4_oilrig st5_final This map is adapted from a survival map collec...
迷途-Lost Way
Tạo bởi k1.听诗静夜分
首先,感谢大康老师、烈锋老师以及搭图大佬们的帮助ov o 背景:病毒传播的速度远比人们预想的要快,一夜之间,死亡的气息便已笼罩全城。摆在幸存者眼前似乎只有两条出路:投靠军方或是自力更生。而经历过军方背叛的四人组,显然选择了后者。一番探讨后,他们决定向郊区进军,寻求在郊区一处仓库的朋友的帮助。沿途,他们将穿越军方层层封锁、漫步在毫无生机的河畔、在破旧的地下设施中蹒跚前进......不过眼下,逃离这栋危险的旅馆才是当务之急..... 作者的话: 本图是作者的第一张图,从零开始断断续续搭了一年左右,技术可能相对还...
NanningCity V1.14
Tạo bởi HerobrineAce
-Introduce A four-person team led by Nick boards a helicopter, and the story begins with Bill's team not far from the helicopter. They learn that the final evacuation point is set at the city center square. -Supported modes Campaign and Versus mode map ava...
Zengcheng Old School
The most precious thing a human being can have is life. Life comes to a person only once. Therefore, a person's life should be spent in such a way that when he looks back, he does not regret his wasted years or feel ashamed of his inactivity; so that when ...
Jiangmen Polytechnic V1.3_Part 1
Tạo bởi 最后的利维坦
Jiangmen Polytechnic V1.3_Part 1 A part2 subscription is required to function properly:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3160503914 Added Chinese prompt script, PS:non Chinese players need to unpack and delete script files PS:Normal re...
Jiangmen Polytechnic V1.3_Part 2
Tạo bởi 最后的利维坦
Jiangmen Polytechnic V1.3_Part 2 A part1 subscription is required to function properly:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3160503068 V1.3 update content: Added Chinese prompt script, PS:non Chinese players need to unpack and delete scri...
Mission Improbable ver1.3
Tạo bởi 洛琪べ
The main components are the HL2 module Mission Improbable and Down Fall --Notice: (1) If the M1 Sky Box is not visible (gray), please add+mat_force-vertexfog 0 in the startup option (2) The server that has installed the "Prevent Three party Map Script Poll...
North bridge V2.1
Tạo bởi Payne酱
New map,new places. Ready for my map? Thanks to https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198031616497 (TommyCD1) I fix the mission.txt,now it can run!...
Dead Fall V3.1
Tạo bởi Payne酱
My new map,sorry for my bad hammer design.NAV isn't well.and there are some scenarios where the BOT won't go. Rough plot: Nick and others crash on the roof of a building (the model is copied and pasted from the Mercy Hospital haha), and they are going to t...
The Hazing V2.42
Tạo bởi Lão Hạc
DESCRIPTION: Unfortunately, the plane crashed out of control due to the infection of the pilot. And the survivors had to drive to the evacuation station. What's worse, the road was blocked by CEDA and they had to get off the car and go on to explore the ha...
Tạo bởi kack124
现在只能靠自己了!!目前只更到第一章学校! 想联系我反馈问题可以去blibli 搜索 泽仙大当�?正在修复模型缺失问题 加了一部分喷漆指引,减少一部分僵尸产卵器 ...
cave tour 6 PART-B (testing)
Tạo bởi 科比(耐摔王)
在一片迷雾中生还者们醒来,可眼见的却并非是现实,他们最终会走向哪里? 这是试玩版,不代表成品难度,评论区注意素质我没有求着你玩。 (最近在和对象谈恋爱,作图有点累了,后续关卡长期搁置了),暂时更新到9章节 地图制作针对黑喵服务器定制(包括部分武器、路线和机关设置情况),在黑喵服玩会有新体验. 尽量年底前做完完整15-18章节、Cave4partB、Cave5重置版和Cave7 洞穴之旅6-下-试玩测试版 包含1-9关,关卡代码: cave6downX (X是关卡数) cave tour 6 PART-B (...
Baka 2 - 「Purely Torture Hell」
Tạo bởi ^w^
The follow up of my very first map on l4d2 It's a really terrible sh!t trolling map dont play it ~ Please read description before subscribing this campaign ~ This map literally took me almost 300 hours (half of it used for afk wtf) to finish this so please...
Tạo bởi pear
这是一张推荐人数4-16人的多人娱乐游戏地图,和potu3不一样的是以玩家之间的PVP为主。 以下是注意事项 1.地图没有特感和僵尸,请关闭多特以确保流畅游戏 2.部分机关需要队友伤害,近战伤害,和火瓶伤害,请确保开启以体验地图。 3.插件里 可选-修复类(部分情况下角色对话跟模型不一致)开启的话会导致终局警察无法胜利和车炸了人没事的问题。 4.请不要带BOT游玩 这张地图原六章节,由于个人原因要和生活去奋斗了,所以只做了四个章节。 地图中推人的插件出自:https://steamproxy.net...
Baka 3 - Fairy War
Tạo bởi ^w^
The third map of the my very first map made in L4D2 If you are mad when you didnt know this is a sh!t trolling map I dont give a f**k and you are one of the clownpieces ~ Photosensitive seizure warning ~ ~ Please read description before subscribing this ca...
这是一张质量极度低劣的地图 存在非常多的问题 我的第一张求生之路的地图,地图质量非常低劣 存在非常多的不足 各位大佬轻骂 \ a very bad map 可能会有:当面刷怪 卡特感 克刷脸上 光照稀烂 以及地图制作的极大的问题 游玩体验很糟糕 做图时参考了MMD和原作的地灵殿场景 但是完全没能做到还原 可能会毁设定 部分贴图来源于 鯖缶359 (如果不同意我会删除的) 我会尽力更改地图的问题 希望各位大佬轻点骂 ...
一张用各种方式找按钮来前进的地图 地图很短 而且质量并不好 可能会存在很多的问题 有部分坑图的元素 但机关做的并不算好 路线指引也不好 大佬们轻骂 由于我技术不够 AI在这张图可能会很傻 推荐配合管理员插件游玩 ...
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