Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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10 Apr, 2021 @ 2:03pm
11 Feb, 2022 @ 9:26pm
18 Change Notes ( view )

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Play as Monarch, the masked duelist! Aid him on his quest to seek out the strongest fighters of the realm!

[Tournament Players] Use Monarch Lite from here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2555683408

Using Portals
Place a portal with neutral special, and then you or your opponents can traverse it! Careful though, it will get destroyed after 6 uses! Each of your other specials has an interaction with portals as well, try it out!

Back Air
Landing back air and holding attack will make you disappear, and pop back up just before the opponent's hitpause ends for a spike! Use careful timing and positioning to move your opponent both sideways and down in one move!

Forward Air
Forward air is a 3-4 hit aerial combo. Tapping attack 3 times after the first hit will do 3 hits, but holding down attack after the second hit will shoot the gun for a smaller hit before the finisher. Switch up how many hits you use depending on the position of your opponent!

Up Air
Up air is an upwards thrown projectile, and when it lands, Monarch will automatically teleport below the opponent for a follow up strike! You can also throw it through portals!

Neutral Air
Neutral air has a small window of invincibility before it hits. Use this to dodge and attack at the same time!

Forward Tilt
Forward tilt teleports you forward and strikes in the opposite direction! Use this to get behind opponents or counter their moves!

Forward Strong
Forward strong teleports you back before a huge forward slash. Use this do dodge attacks backwards, or pivot to get behind opponents! The backwards teleport also carries you through portals, allowing you to strike unexpectedly!

Down Strong
Down strong teleports you upwards, before doing a downward slash. Use this to spike opponents at a ledge, or dodge over attacks!

Quickly input up strong after a dash attack for a long ranged sliding up strong!

Aerial Cancelling Upspecial
During the endlag of up special, before pratfall, you can input an aerial instead!

Attacking Out of Dspecial
Using the 3 second time on down special, you can strike as soon as you teleport!

Dspecial Stun
If your opponent is in hitstun when the timer ends, they will get stunned as you teleport! Use this to follow up with an aerial!

Charged Specials
Using any special through a portal will put it in a "charged" state, stunning your opponent when the special is activated!

Dspecial Charging
Dspecial can be charged in a few extra ways when stuck to players. Hitting a charged uspecial, a regular fspecial, or having the opponent walk through a portal will charge the knife.

Note: Effects too much for your computer to handle? Press taunt before a match starts to enable lite mode, and most of the flashy effects will be disabled, letting your toaster run smoothly! (Lite mode will also automatically enable itself if your game drops below 45 FPS and stays that way for 15 frames)

A basic combo that starts on the ground and leads into the air, with high damage potential

Landing Nair->UStrong
This works well to catch opponent's off guard, especially if you dodge an attack during the approach.

A good simple follow up for some extra damage.

A simple way to send the opponent to the other side of the stage

Monarch is currently compatible with:
- Munophone
- Steve
- Hikaru
- Rat
- Mt. DeDeDe
- Soundbound Conflict

Programming, Animation, Sound Effects, Trailer:
- Selrate
YouTube (Random Stuff)
YouTube (Music)
Discord: Selrate#4428

- Selrate and Delta Parallax
Delta Parallax Youtube

Selrate and Blaner
Blaner Twitter

Splash Art:

Beta Testers:
Airazel, ArtistOfSeer, Dregun, Gengis G., Gnome, Kayeetle, Masquera1d, RoyOurBoi, Sakk, Shag, What The Cheick, Blaze Factor, Causeimapilot, Snow Knight, J4C, Daar, Absolute Units, Prober, Vermariotoryx, Inv3rted, Sevdast, DiChiDu, SkyCrafter1234, Perio102, FlopFish, Delta Parallax, Mr. G, Algorithm, AnkokuXOleander,

Also check out my other mod, Tenru!

Thanks for trying out this mod! It took about 8 months to complete, and I hope you like it! This was a sort of test to see how far I can push my animation skills after Tenru. The next character I make will probably have a simpler design, and might come out faster (if I start work soon). Making mods is pretty fun and gives me something to do, and it's a cool community to be a part of.

If you want to bully me about how busted this character is, join my discord here[discord.gg]
Popular Discussions View All (1)
19 Jul @ 12:38pm
Syrup 25 Aug @ 4:47pm 
i see it
Onyxmugen 7 Aug @ 8:07pm 
is this man from hollow knight or am i the only one who see's the resemblence
ColzaBzezSensei 19 Jul @ 12:00pm 
One of the best workshop character's i've played yet. Gameplay is incredibly fun, and landing a sick combo is extremely satisfactory. It is also great visually. Great job
S.I.L. 12 Jul @ 5:13pm 
Definitely makes sense that he was experimental. Still very cool.

I like the idea that he uses words and phrases from all over. Makes it seem like he's been everywhere; yet people hardly ever catch a glimpse of him. He probably has a lot of epic stories to tell; but refuses to tell them, refuses to elaborate, and refuses to care. That might be a bold assumption; but that's where my mind would go. I like him a lot!


Probably gonna do some artwork of this guy...
Selrate  [author] 12 Jul @ 4:03pm 
@S.I.L. Thanks again for the review! Glad you have a lot of fun with this one as well haha. Monarch was my most experimental character, and was kind of a vessel of how far I could push the game's engine. I focused mostly on the theme, style and visuals over gameplay here which is why I think it's one of the weaker aspects looking back, but I learned a lot from it.

I think Monarch would talk, but not too often. My gut feeling is a mature, "mysterious masked figure" voice what only says a few words at a time. He would probably use a mix of strange wording and phrases from a lot of different places which would make him sound like a foreigner wherever he was, which is not really untrue.
S.I.L. 12 Jul @ 2:39pm 

I'm aware of Lite; and that it tones down the VFX; but the confusion comes more-so from his movements in the animations; and not the VFX therein
S.I.L. 12 Jul @ 2:37pm 
Overall, he's a fun character to play, watch, and even fight if you aren't a salt mine. He's no doubt one of the most visually stunning characters I've laid eyes on; and he will definitely be a regular pick of mine. Whether for the fun; or if I'm just in the mood for some fireworks.

This might be the longest review of a character I've done; but that just means this character inspired a lot of fancy words 'n' such.

Before I go, I'm gonna ask the same question I did for my fuzzy pool noodle buddy:
If you have a headcanon voice for Monarch, what is it?
S.I.L. 12 Jul @ 2:33pm 
Now, I'm going to touch on something I don't normally mention in these monologues: Fighting AGAINST the character.

As much as I adore his animations, they are nearly unintelligible to me as an opponent. I ran into a Monarch online the other day; and trying to make sense of some of his movements is a battle in-and-of-itself. Granted, that plays into his strength of confusing the enemy; but it feels a bit extreme in this instance. It's definitely not a huge factor in my opinion of the animations, nor will it negatively affect my thoughts in him in the long run. It's simply that versing him is rather disorienting; but y'know what?

It's still fun watching my character get annihilated by him.
S.I.L. 12 Jul @ 2:26pm 
As for design:

There's something about a cyberpunk butterfly man gracefully dashing about while firing high power photon blasts from a colt revolver that tickles a particularly unhinged part of my brain. This character's design and animations are something to be proud of; and as I stated: watching him beat people brains out is almost as fun as doing it yourself. He currently holds the (somewhat) prestigious position of one of my favorite taunts in all of RoA.
S.I.L. 12 Jul @ 2:21pm 
I suppose my main gripes would be: I wish NSpec automatically aimed down, as that's far more frequent, and having me input downwards while placing one cases me to accidentally enter the newly made portal.
I also would have preferred if entering the portals was done with a different input. Even though it isn't a huge issue; but I keep accidently entering portals while mid-combo, which is particularly inconvenient, considering the portals have a certain number of uses before they disappear. Perhaps a combination of down and another button would be more convenient for me personally; but I stress the word personally.