Arma 3
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WW2 Stuff
Items (14)
Created by acemod
Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) ACE3 is the collaborative efforts of the former AGM and CSE teams, along with many of the developers from Arma 2's ACE2 project. This mod is entirely open-source (we are hosted on GitHub), and ev...
Created by angel618
This mod is based on Blastcore: Phoenix with edits taken from Blastcore: Phoenix 2 and Arma 3 vanilla effects. This version fixes of errors. Only beautiful BLAST !!! in developing : Effects: Arty82mm Arty155mm ArtyCanFired ArtySmokShell BombClust BombGBU12...
Created by CBATeam
CBA: Community Based Addons for Arma 3 What does the name Community Base Addons mean? It is a system that: Offers a range of features for addon-makers and mission designers. Aims to have community wide acceptance and to be used as much as possible by commu...
CUP Terrains - Core
Created by CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS - CORE pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains all the core data for maps from Arma1, Arma 2, expansions and DLC's. This pack contains: all terrains core data like models and configs...
Enhanced Movement
Created by AppleCalypsoNow
________________________________________ Enhanced Movement - BETA ________________________________________ DONATE: ________________________________________ TO LEARN HOW TO B...
Flying Legends
Created by Sabre
Flying Legends Arcade aviation addon for the enthusiast. All aircraft and vehicles were made from scratch. This mod also provides the necessary core functions for the Secret Weapons Reloaded addon. contents: A6M, A6M2-N, SBD, F4F, F4U, P-51 B/D, Hawker Hur...
Liberation USSR
Created by angel618
This is a Version of Liberation converted to the Mods: Drongo's Map Population Flying Legends Secret Weapons IFA3 LITE Changes Liberation: -Add Scout HALO jump(to open the sector before the attack) -Add constant German air attacks -Add more civilian cars -...
Gruppe Adler Trenches
Created by Salbei
Gruppe Adler Trenches (short: GRAD Trenches) retextures ACE trenches based on the ground texture. Consequently, the trenches seem more natural and blend in with the environment. Features: - Camouflage your trench with small bushes - Place trenches in 3DEN ...
Created by angel618
LOGIC FSM ALL LOGIC Menu Open <Hold down "Right Windows key">!!! A considerable expansion of vanilla LOGIC: Artillery is the most formidable weapon. Artillery fire is opened automatically, in the presence of reconnaissance data - from aircraft, helicopters...
Created by steffen.trombke
Created by angel618
Repair for twin-engine aircraft: AI no longer fall...
Drongos Map Population
Created by Drongo
Quickly and easily populate an entire map with any faction, no scripting required Check my profile for a link to my Discord. Discord for my mods My Artillery/Cruise Missile/Loitering Munition mod My Air Support mod My Active Protection System mod Quickly a...