The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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Da Rules - A Sandbox Menu Thingy [Rep/Rep+/AB+]
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Da Rules - A Sandbox Menu Thingy [Rep/Rep+/AB+]

In 2 collections by JSG
JSG's Mods
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Da Rules is a sandbox-style menu that allows you to mess around with almost anything in the game, from monsters to visual effects. Sure, you can do "Every item is"...BUT you can also replace, resize, push, rotate, attach, path, animate, change costumes and a LOT more than that. Theres extra effort put into making the menu as simple as it can be BUT if you still have trouble check the tutorial by clicking on the ? button.

*If you dont want to risk your achievements with the wackies, Use the console Command 'saferules' to enter challenge mode and, by extension, disable achievements*

These wont be fixed in rep until they get officially fixed. Specially the stat ones.
If you find broken stuff thats not listed up there, report it please!.

*J key(configurable): Open the menu. Note that the full menu can be opened only on the starting room of each floor.
*Click: Select and change stuff.
*Right Click: When done on a source/target/special/conditional/modifier it lets you edit it's attributes. On the Monster/Pickup selectors, it also allows you to see the variants.

Bonus Spawner
The full menu can only be opened in the starting room, in any other room you'll get the "Bonus Spawner". It's basically a micro rules menu that allows you to spawn stuff and access a few specials to mess around with....this one is kind of wonky, I may improve it over time to be closer to it's full menu counterpart.
The menu will auto-hide when you bring your mouse to the top side of the sceen, you can bring it back up by taking the mouse down again.

There's a special "Rules Play Ground" challenge for you to do whatever you want in it with achievements off.
Theres also a "Rules Disabled" challenge, go there if you get locked out of the game.

Backup your rules
Some events, like reinstalling the game, may wipe your modded saves, so if you truly care about them I'd strongly suggest backing them up regularly. You can find them on: "maingamefolder/data/darules/"

Sharing Rules
There are 3 ways of doing so:
1-Turn your rules into a challenge: Check the readme in the mod's folder.
2-From console: you can also just share the text between your "[data][/data]" and then just do "loadcmdrules data" and the ruleset will be loaded. Theres a character limit tho, so if get into the hundred rules or something it may crash.
3-From savefile: but instead of pasting the rules in the console, you paste them between the the "[toimport][/toimport]" section of the savefile and then use the "importpresetrules" cmd on the console. No character limit for this one.

save location: "maingamefolder/data/darules/"
save location on AB+: "Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods\da rules_2403871374"

Take in mind that some newer specials are only compatible with Rep, so either dont use those or dont share your rules with people from AB+ as they may not work.

Mod Support
It's advised to run the mod alone or with as little company as possible...BUT, if you simply dont care about reliability, then you do get something in return....on the entity selector, you can access a "Mods" section that will feature most entities for the following mods:
Remember that this only means that the entities from these mods will appear in the entity browser, but you can still use just about any entity, regardless of if it appears in the menu or not, by using "cmd mode".

-Want something to happen a bazillion times per second?, use a conditional timer with 0.01s.
-If some rule doesnt seem to apply when it should, try adding a delay, this can circumvent conflicts with other mods. It also skips anti-crash measures, BE CAREFUL THO!

Planned Stuff
List of stuff that I want to add eventually:
-Copy Button: to copy specific rules/targets/sources into new rules.
-More Specials: I have already some implemented in the code that are disabled.
-Failsafe modded rules: so they cont crash/♥♥♥♥♥♥ the menu
-Up to 3 Conditionals/Modifiers per rule.
-Random rule generator: generates random rules, it's in the code but hidden for now.
(Note that this is just a personal wishlist, doesnt mean that it will happen)

Known Issues
List of the currently known issues that may or may not be resolved over time...
-Some rule effects may not be retainted on quitting and continuing.
-Some stuff doesnt work in co-op(co-op is not fully supported, still report any issues you find!).
-Enter spawns babies: the api has no way to fix this, if you use the keyboard as p2, you can use right shift or right ctrl instead of enter to confirm.
-Stage specific rules wont work in greed mode: whats greed mode?
-(on AB+) random events can trigger Active item use rules (Ex: using glup counts as using the smelter, lol, blame nicalis)
-Undo/redo are wonky af: they are there only to save your ass sometimes, dont rely on them too much.
-Messing up can get you get locked out of the game: Go to the modded challenges menu and enter the "disable rules" challenge. That will disable your rules, you should be able to delete them, or change them as normal.
-GridEntity rules can speed up the game if spammed: an issue with how the game works, this should be rare and, likely, an indicator that you are having a loop on your rules.
-Familiars rules can get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up: This can happen when switching rooms, if you have mods that do wrong stuff, or when picking up a familiar item. Unless you need a familiar to spawn at a specific position, you can remedy this by giving the player the item instead of spawning the familiar.
-CMDs have a slight delay: intentional.
-Entities from disabled mods can crash the game: make sure to unload modded rules before disabling the mods that add them. Having them on presets is fine.
-Most specials that change the movement/behaviour of stuff wont interact with each other, stuff like orbit or paths.
-Collision rules suck: blame Nicalis..
-J&E is still not fully supported, it's basically co-op, most stuff should work tho but doing stuff specifically to Jacob or specifically to Esau can be tricky.

-How to make every item is??
Short explanation: No QuestItems----> Any Item you want.
Long explanation:

-Does this disable achivements?
No, beat MOM once without any mods on and no mod will disable achievements, this is no exception.

-Can I release a mod/challenge made with this?!
NO!, please dont do that!. This mod's code is a mess, anything you code yourself will run better and be better for everyone. Want to share it, go on, but dont upload it to the workshop.

-It doesnt work?!
Make sure it appears in your ingame mods list(you need AB+ at least), go into the game and press J. If the menu doesnt open the go to the console/log and let me know what errors you see.

-How do I get the things from the trailer?
Type devrules on the debug console.

-Do I need a keyboard/Mouse?

-Is this finished?
No, but you can still have fun with it!

-I have 90 mods and this just crashed my game!
Try disabling the other 89 and see if it still crashes.


Check and read the following topic:

Then report the issue here or in that topic, as described, "it doesnt work" and "it crashes" wont get a problem solved, try to provide as much info as possible.
Feedback is appreciated

Enjoy The Mod!

Last Content Updates:
- New Add/Remove Curse Specials
- New Item Count Specials
- mild co-op support(still wonky but better)
Popular Discussions View All (28)
17 Nov, 2024 @ 2:32pm
PINNED: Bug Reports / Pending Fixes / Common Issues
27 Dec, 2024 @ 7:21am
PINNED: Questions and Feature suggestions
14 Nov, 2024 @ 9:14pm
Post Your Challenges
Cowboy Norman
JSG  [author] 2 Jan @ 3:45pm 
Yes, there is, just replace them with a poof effect.
Galaxy_dragon_lemon 2 Jan @ 3:20pm 
Is there a way to remove items with this mod?
InkGaming 27 Dec, 2024 @ 7:17pm 
Yea sorry I'm new to Isaac i forgot you needed to beat mother first without mods to get unlocks. sorry xD
JSG  [author] 27 Dec, 2024 @ 5:27pm 
This mod works with rep+ just fine...look elsewere for the reason of your game closing.

@InkGaming: Go back to the main menu and start a new run.
MIGUELS05 27 Dec, 2024 @ 4:47pm 
the mod close the isaac xD, fuck rp+
nwilliams0421 27 Dec, 2024 @ 3:14pm 
or make another versoin of those players
nwilliams0421 27 Dec, 2024 @ 3:14pm 
i cant use this without the dlcs pls fix
Fexzer 25 Dec, 2024 @ 6:43am 
I just fixed it. Im an idiot i had mod config menu disabled the bonus spawner automaticly. anyway thanks for the help man
Fexzer 25 Dec, 2024 @ 6:39am 
What i mean by "it dosent" neither the spawner or cursor apear at all as if i didint have the mod installed but the starting room spawner work fine thats why i think is a little wierd
JSG  [author] 24 Dec, 2024 @ 1:42pm 
Explain what you mean by "it dosent " and I may be able to help....otherwise, sorry for your loss, the spawner does work tho.
As a shot in the dark, make sure you bring your mouse to the bottom of the screen and make sure you click what you want and then where you want it.