Blood: Fresh Supply

Blood: Fresh Supply

29 hodnocení
BLOOD - The Complete Storyline
Vytvořil: SuperFly
From the various manuals...

"In an age and a region renowned for cruelty and violence, Caleb was legendary. Born in western Texas in 1847, he had sealed a reputation as a merciless gunfighter by the age of 17..."
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In an age and a region renowned for cruelty and violence, Caleb was legendary.

Born in western Texas in 1847, he had sealed a reputation as a merciless gunfighter by the age of 17. But it was seven years later when he met Ophelia Price that his hunger for bloodshed took on a menacing new timbre.

She was already well beyond the bounds of sanity when he found her cowering in the charred ruins of the burned out homestead where her husband and childhad perished only days before. It was neither her tattered beauty nor her plight that compelled Caleb to take her in, however -- it was the words he picked out of her virtually incoherent mumblings.

He learned that her husband had attempted to rescind his membership of the dreaded Cult of Tchernobog and in return cultists had set fire to the house in the night. Ophelia was filled with rage -- not at the cult but at her husband, whose cowardice she blamed for the death of her young son.

Ophelia was Caleb's doorway to the Cult and its dark purpose.

He could not have known that in time he would come to love her, nor that their service to the Cult would find the two of them beloved among the Chosen, elite servants of the dreaming god Tchernobog, the One That Binds, Devourer of Souls.

In the Hall of the Epiphany, a temple that spans the chasm between the worlds, the four remaining Chosen stand at the forefront of a procession of worshippers. Tchernobog's presence is felt more than seen-the great, frigid weight of a hunger that spans millennia. He speaks in a cacophony of voices stolen from the dead, summoning the Chosen to the center of the sacrificial ring.

They stand before the Dark God, united by a sudden, inexplicable sense of doom.

A wordless cry rises up from the seething shadows, one voice swallowed up by many until the hall resounds with them. The members of the procession behind the Chosen melt away in a gust of ethereal wind, extinguished like so many candle flames. There aren't even ashes to indicate they ever existed.

The Chosen look to one another in confusion and dread.

They can already feel the ties that bind them to Tchernobog fraying. Why? How have we failed you?

But there is no answer other than the shattering scream that threatens to
tear the universe to shreds. Darkness swells around them, swallows them.
Their cold, abandoned souls fall through the abyss.

And they burn.

Caleb awakens in cold and damp in a body he no longer knows. It has long lain as a corpse that refused to rot, protected from putrefaction by some unearthly link to its master.

The pain of protesting muscle and flesh invigorates and awakens him.

He welcomes it.

It distills his hate into the maelstrom raging in the center of his mind.

An agonizing cry breaks out of him, shattering the stone lid of the tomb in which he lies,
knocking loose sediment, cobwebs, and the small, unnoticed creatures that have shared his grave with him.

A single word rings out through the darkness, echoing Tchernobog's lingering howl:


The road back to the Hall of the Epiphany is fraught with peril.

You will face numerous foes, puzzles, and other obstacles in your journey, so you will have to be resourceful.

Survival is your first priority, but survival alone
isn't enough.

You must first seek the others of the Chosen, for only with their combined strength can you hope to reach Tchernobog.

Travelling by boat through the Carpathian Mountains to recover an ancient scroll that was taken from you, a storm rages -- depositing your boat along a strange shore.

You must act quickly, as this ancient scroll is capable of upsetting the balance of power in the otherworld. Malevolent forces have detoured your journey, the same forces which were responsible for taking what was rightfully yours.

You proceed to find the ones responsible for stealing your property, and disrupting your journey.

Level 1 - Boat Docks
...Your boat arrives at some eerie docks. Unable to continue your journey, you have no choice but to proceed on shore and investigate your new surroundings, including a grotesque fisherman's cabin, and a spooky lighthouse!

Level 2 - Old Opera House
Making your way into a nearby village, you enter an old opera house, but the shows being put on here are anything but good family entertainment. Use caution, as the dark shadows of this ancient theatre can hold many horrific secrets!

Level 3 - Gothic Library
As you leave the opera house through a dark alleyway, you explore an old gothic library. Inside you will find terror at every turn, as you explore the many dark rows of books in this shadowy and foreboding structure.

Level 4 - Lost Monastery
This place was formerly home to the old Holy Order of Carpathia, but in it's present state, it would be difficult to associate the word 'holy' with it in any way! Here you will explore an old church, and may find some secret underground caves and streams, as well as climb the steps of a forbidding bell tower.

Level 5 - Steamboat
All aboard the Carpathian Queen for a not so pleasant trip down river to your next destination. This old riverboat has seen better days, and you will need to keep your wits about you to make the entire journey! The many tight quarters of this boat can be deadly for the careless!

Level 6 - Graveyard
If you’re lucky enough to survive your river journey, you may find yourself on the rivers edge, next to this frightful place! The graveyard is not only dark, but full of lost souls and hungry dead looking for a fresh meal. Rumor has it that the only way out of the old graveyard is underground through one of the old crypts. Some even say that somewhere in the depths of the old place is a secret path to Boggy Creek, but no one has ever returned to tell.

(Secret Level - Boggy Creek)
If you are lucky, or unlucky, enough you may find your way into this ancient swamp, lost in time. It is said Death itself steers a boat through this swamp in search of lost souls and unwary travelers.
If you end up in this dark, dead place, make your stay here as brief as possible, or the bog's many inhabitants may make you a permanent resident.

Level 7 - Mountain Pass
Your journey inevitably takes you up and into the legendary Carpathian Mountains. The mountains have been home to many legends and tall tales for centuries. A group of explorers headed there a year ago and have not been heard from since. An ancient riddle may have to be solved, it is said, before a soul may pass these ancient giants. Follow the path carefully, but use caution, one small misstep can be your death in this rugged and treacherous place.

Level 8 - Abysmal Mine
As you come down out of the mountains, you have no other way to go but into a mineshaft. The place is said to be filled with many dead ends, but is also filled with some unhappy denizens, hoping to destroy you every chance they get. Though the many mine tunnels can be confusing, there is a way through for the clever soul to discover.

Level 9 - Castle
Finally you arrive at what must be your final destination, an unholy looking castle hidden deep in the Carpathian Mountains. The entities that have detoured your journey dwell here, entities who are already aware of your presence, and have set many traps to stop your journey permanently. Here you must enter this ancient place, and seek out the ones within who would oppose you. The castle is extremely large and ancient, but it is said within Its walls lies the gateway to the otherworld. A journey you may have to make to see that your business here is finished, once and for all.


After you learn the Cabal is training
replacements for the fallen Chosen,
you set out to stop the cult's plans.

You move into Cabal territory, wreaking havoc in a temple complex, then storming the inner temple.

Satisfied the cultists have been dealt with, you will enter the training ground for "The Chosen".
In order to rest, you must destroy each of the four "Chosen" in training and the Beasts within them.

...100 years after the original events...

Caleb, the undead anti-hero, has walked the Earth this entire time, mostly minding his own business, trying to get through day to day life, and going on the occasional mindless rampage when the mood strikes him.

The Cabal, the cult dedicated to the worship of the Dark God Tchernobog, has changed drastically over the years. No longer content to remain a disjointed army of fanatics, they have organized a corporation to front their activities. Cabalco, as it is called, has grown to hold global interests in every major economic market.

The Cabal’s operations extend throughout this entire corporation, even to the point of recruiting its members from Cabalco employees. Some join willingly, some not so willingly.

They are everywhere, and they consider Caleb
to be The Great Betrayer, the individual that destroyed the 16th incarnation of Tchernobog.

The Cabal has dedicated itself to stopping Caleb.

Gideon, the current leader of the Cabal, referred to by his followers as “The Word,” has been raised from childhood to lead, and views the conflict between himself and Caleb as being very personal.

Unfortunately for Caleb, there is more to him than just being a pissed-off dealer of death and destruction. He is a living conduit of the power of every individual he’s killed, including the Cabal’s Dark God.
Gideon and his Cabal will not rest until they restore Tchernobog. To achieve their goals
they will hound Caleb to the ends of the Earth, they’ll destroy entire dimensions and
bring the world to its knees.

Filled with hate, Caleb is tired after a century of existence. The only thing that
drives him is his new-found desire to rid the world of the Cabal. To do so he
would bring the world to the brink of destruction.

Welcome to the world of Blood™ . You’re Caleb.

Počet komentářů: 2
Narcisist 23. zář. 2022 v 23.42 
In the words of the great Borat, "Very nice!". :duke::DukeSteroids:
SoulDestroy 12. dub. 2021 v 13.58 
Great stuff!