Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Type: Game
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4, 5
Play Time: 60 minutes, 90 minutes
Language: English
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335.371 KB
2021년 1월 23일 오후 10시 00분
2021년 6월 5일 오전 10시 21분
변경 사항 76개 ( 보기 )

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Currently a work in progress! Feel free to give feedback and suggestions on the rules!

The Game
Phasmagoria is an Adversarial Cooperative Board Game where up to four Investigators attempt to find evidence of Paranormal Activity. However, the Ghost haunting the home does not want them to survive.

Inspired by the Ghost Hunting game of a similar name, Phasmagoria features up to 4 players as Investigators and 1 as the Ghost. While the Investigators check all rooms in search of Evidence, the Ghost lies in wait, ready for its opportunity to break through the astral plane and hunt the Investigators invading its home.

Due to my very limited artistic abilities, I am currently looking for an artist to help with the Ghost Cards. If you are able and interested, please reach out to me, or if you'd like to donate to help me hire one, there's a link below.

Alternate play modes for added fun coming soon!

If you like the game and want to buy me a cup of coffee, feel free to donate![]

Thanks for playing!

Special Thanks
My Alpha Testers, the Dirty Water Gang:


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Scatachiel 2022년 1월 26일 오전 11시 38분 
I am well aware that I can adjust the rules: I am here to give feedback that the game doesn't work as it is so that it creates balanced experience, which is something that I assume creators want to do. Feedback is supposed to help.
JoCliMe  [작성자] 2022년 1월 25일 오후 12시 11분 
@Mynx-In-Match Those sound like some fun rules you added! I'm not sure why, but it made me very happy to read that you sometimes play this with your son. Glad you guys are enjoying it!
Mynx-In-Match 2022년 1월 20일 오후 1시 21분 
Depending on who is playing with you or the kind of game you want for yourself, change the rules a bit. For example, when my son joins on the game we adjust the rules so he can exit the house during a hunt but the adults can't. And, when he plays as the ghost, any players he catches and kills also becomes a ghost and hunts the remaining players with him. Game rules are there to show you one way of playing but they're certainly not set in stone. If you've never played the game Phasmophobia, I recommend doing so or watching others play. It might give you some cool ideas to add to your games with Phasmagoria.
Mynx-In-Match 2022년 1월 20일 오후 1시 20분 
I think you're taking it a little too literal with needing every single thing in the rules defined and interpreted. There's different types of ghosts with different abilities and just like any board game, you can adjust and supplement your own rules to make the game more entertaining for yourself. If you want your ghost to go through the walls, then do so. If you want to be able to exit the house during hunts at any time, then do so. If you want hunts to happen more often, then do so.
Scatachiel 2021년 12월 25일 오전 4시 52분 
Also, in somewhere rules there is Exit and exit, which made one of the players question if they are meaning same thing at all, causing again some confusion about safe places, etc. Unfortunately I can't check exactly which phrase it was.
There were more very specific questions as well, but sadly I can't really remember them.

Anyway, happy holidays and good luck for continuing this game!
Scatachiel 2021년 12월 25일 오전 4시 51분 
I think some questions were about movement, as in, do ghost's movement differ from investigators (we assumed no, but it kinda doesn't make sense for ghost to be avoiding physical objects), as there was nothing about that. It wasn't clear if objects in map (aside from walls) were for decoration or actually blocking the way. It wasn't also clear if the ghost was allowed to do things during turn, as we weren't sure what turn is - yes, you did explain normal turn, but again, it didn't really mention a ghost at all. Greatest critique is basically about ghost: they are being forgotten half the time, which makes the role really not fun to play, as the player has too much time to be bored. Especially when everyone tries to prevent hunt most of the time. Sure, luck has something to do with it, but it still allows for too imbalanced game.
JoCliMe  [작성자] 2021년 12월 11일 오후 12시 28분 

As for when the cards can be used, that is also stated in the Instructions, They can be used once per turn, unless "May be played at any time" is on the card. An exception to this is when a card is used as a direct counter to a previous Action Card (Such as "Flip the Breaker" used to counter a Ghost playing a "Blackout" card). See the "Abilities" and "Action Cards" section on page 4.

In any case, thanks for giving it a try!
JoCliMe  [작성자] 2021년 12월 11일 오후 12시 28분 

Thanks for your feedback, sorry you found the rules were confusing while playing the game. Do you have specific questions your players asked that you could share with me?

A Turn is defined on page 2 in the instructions, but depending if a Hunt is active or not, it may go down one of two ways. Those are explained in the "Playing the Game" and "Hunts" section.

As for balance, it does somewhat vary on both strategy and what cards are drawn. On the many times I played it with different groups of friends, sometimes the Ghost seemed to be advantaged, and other times the Investigators were. That's just the way of the game.
JoCliMe  [작성자] 2021년 12월 11일 오후 12시 09분 

Unfortunately, I probably don't have the means or time to make this a physical game. I would love to though!
Scatachiel 2021년 12월 11일 오전 10시 46분 
This needs some serious rework for the rules. They are not clear enough, and very roundabout. You need to specify some meanings more, for example, what is a turn. I got bombarded with so many questions so often, and I simply couldn't answer to them based of the rules. It is also very unbalanced, turned out to be boring for the ghost. Not sure why human player is needed for that position. Hunt was nearly never triggered, and when it did, it meant almost instant kill - too much of a random chance, even with the cards. Our ghost claimed most of their cards were useless, and it was very unclear when they could use them. The idea is very intriguing, but sadly this just needs more testing, and more rethinking.

I think you need to observe people playing this yourself, so you can see what kind of questions arise. I'm sure this will eventually become more entertaining.